Russia: Land of opportunities Henrik Milling Russia in Copenhagen Hvidovre, January 2012 Form 4020DK-07/10 Rusland i København Schenker A/S’ nye Ruslandsafdeling i København: Henrik Milling Jensen (53) Bachelor i Afsætning, Udenrigshandel og Regnskab. Har gennem 17 år arbejdet med trafikker på Rusland og har boet i 9 år i Moskva. Udover hos Andreas Andresen har han i en årrække arbejdet for DFDS transport, også som direktør for DFDS Moskva. Henrik taler dansk, engelsk, tysk og forstår russisk. Henrik er AC/Head of CIS Countries. Tatiana Milling Jensen (48) er født i Moskva og har i boet i Brest (Hviderusland) og det tidligere DDR i en årrække. De sidste 12 år har hun boet i Danmark. Tanja taler russisk, engelsk, tysk og dansk. Hun har en Bachelor i økonomi fra Universitetet i Moskva og har arbejdet 17 år med international transport til og fra Rusland. Igor Lezgovko (32) er født i Klaipeda og har en cand. merc. fra CBS. Igor har arbejdet med international spedition i en årrække og taler russisk, engelsk, tysk og dansk. Igor Lezgovko Tatiana Milling Jensen Russia: Land of opportunities Henrik Milling (AC) 2 Som team har de ca. 10 års erfaring fra Andreas Andresen, har lavet mange forskellige trafikker fra hele EU og oversøisk ind til Rusland – både bil, sø/luft, bane og intermodale transporter samt tørlast og køl/frys. Head Lines: Russia’s development and Russia today • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • World War I (1914-1918) and October Revolution 1917 Stalin’s iron fist and terror reign (50 million people killed (≈ population of France)) World War II (1940-1945, “Great Patriotic War”) Soviet Union 1960’s and beg. 1970’s actually work quite well, industries etc. 1991-1993 Soviet Union fall down 1991 CIS founded, 12 of former 15 Soviet Republics joined (1991-1993) Sodruzhestvo Nezavisimych Gosudarstv Privatization chaos, citizen bonds (no one believed) = Oligarchs (10) Jeltzin’s strategy, quickly reach point of no return to Soviet era, creating chaos State bankruptcy 1998 Russia in 1993 economic size like Belgium Russia in 2010 economic size like Germany DK-RUS unit traffic: 5-700 trailers/containers per week. (400.000 ts/year) Today Russia is the world largest oil producer Have attracted many semi-production industries, especially car industry WTO membership obtained Customs Union Russia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan Well equipped and running IT – made a enormous jump forward If you rule out Russia over the world map from Copenhagen, it covers Atlantic Ocean, USA and half the Pacific Ocean Lake Baikal holds 20% of the world fresh water reserve and has the size of England 6.000.000 people alone in Moscow with Scandinavian buying power Russia: Land of opportunities 3 Must Know about Transport to Russia Documents – For cargo – For equipment State Customs Committee Border Crossings – Fresh cargoes, flowers, cross without waiting, green corridor – Specific border crossing for special cargoes of different kind Russian Customs Rules – Different customs regimes, carnet tir, customs decl., convoy – Different min. times for transit to customs point – Vehicles shall enter customs zone for customs clearance – Specialized customs point for specialized cargoes, fresh fish, excise cargoes, cosmetics etc. Routes – Weight limitations – Border crossing speed very different Russia: Land of opportunities 4 Sea Air Rail Road Moscow Road (former ”MAGT”) DB Schenker Hamina-Helsinki-Hanko Gateway to Russia Schweden Finnland Farör Inseln Hamina Helsinki / Helsingfors Hanko Tallinn Norwegen Oslo Russland Stockholm Estland Moskv a Riga Lettland Ro/Ro Litauen Københav n Dänemark Dublin Irland Vilnius Kiel/Lübeck Großbritannien Weißrussland Kiyev Amsterdam Niederlande Polen Ukraine Deutschland Brussel Belgien Luxembourg Paris Praha Tschechien Luxemburg Slowakei Budapest Bratislav a Österreich Ungarn Moldawien Wien K ehl Bern Frankreich Vaduz Schweiz Kroatien Andorra la Vella Andorra Monaco Italien Roma Madrid Spanien Rumänien Lj ublj ana Zagreb Slowenien Ro/Ro + overseas destinations Belgorod Warszawa Berlin London Minsk Spain/France Bucuresti Serbien Saraj ev o Sofij a Bosnien und Herzegowina Bulgarien Podgorica Montenegro Skopj e Tirane Mazedonien Ankara Türkei Albanien Griechenland Athina Russia: Land of opportunities 5 Zyp Braid-DB Schenker supply chain from UK to Russia Schweden Finnland Farör Inseln Norwegen Helsinki / Helsingfors Russland Tallinn Oslo Stockholm Estland Moskv a Riga Lettland Sbornaya-Ugolnaya Glasgow Litauen Københav n Dänemark Vilnius Dublin Irland Novomoskovsk Minsk Weißrussland Großbritannien London Belgorod Warsz awa Berlin Kiyev Amsterdam Niederlande Polen Felixstowe Paris Ukraine Deutschland Brussel Belgien Luxembourg Praha Tschechien Luxemburg Slowakei Budapest Bratislav a Österreich Ungarn Moldawien Wien K ehl Bern Frankreich Braid Logistics, Glasgow: Braid Fitting station, London P&G, London Madrid Braid Logistics: Trucking to Felixstowe Vaduz Schweiz Rumänien Lj ublj ana Zagreb Slowenien Bucuresti Serbien Saraj ev o Sofij a Bosnien und Herz egowina Bulgarien Podgorica Montenegro Skopj e Kroatien Andorra la Vella Andorra Monaco Italien Roma Tirane Maz edonien Türkei Albanien Spanien DB Schenker Contractors: Shipping lines from UK port to Riga (APL, MSC etc.) Block train from Riga to Moscow (SSR/Logistic Operator) Buffer stock Moscow (Logistic Operator) Trucking Moscow to Novoplant Flexitank recycling (Escogrand, Shahovskaya) Ankara Griechenland Athina Zyp Malta 6 Finland or Novorossiysk as Gateway to Russia Schweden Finnland Farör Inseln Hamina Helsinki / Helsingfors Hanko Tallinn Norwegen Oslo Russland Stockholm Estland Moskv a Riga Lettland Ro/Ro Litauen Københav n Dänemark Dublin Irland Vilnius Minsk Weißrussland Kiel/Lübeck Großbritannien Berlin London Kiyev Amsterdam Niederlande Polen Ukraine Deutschland Brussel Belgien Luxembourg Paris Praha Tschechien Luxemburg Slowakei Budapest Bratislav a Österreich Ungarn Moldawien Wien K ehl Bern Frankreich Vaduz Schweiz Kroatien Andorra la Vella Andorra Monaco Italien Roma Madrid Spanien Spain/France Novorossiysk Rumänien Lj ublj ana Zagreb Slowenien Ro/Ro + overseas destinations Belgorod Warszawa Bucuresti Serbien Saraj ev o Sofij a Bosnien und Herzegowina Bulgarien Podgorica Montenegro Skopj e Tirane Mazedonien Ankara Türkei Albanien Griechenland Athina Russia: Land of opportunities 7 Zyp DB Schenker St. Petersburg Gateway to Russia Schweden Finnland Farör Inseln St. Petersburg Norwegen Helsinki / Helsingfors Russland Tallinn Oslo Stockholm Estland Moskv a Riga Lettland Ro/Ro Litauen Københav n Dänemark Vilnius Dublin Irland Minsk Weißrussland Großbritannien Berlin London Kiyev Amsterdam Niederlande Polen Ukraine Deutschland Brussel Belgien Luxembourg Paris Praha Tschechien Luxemburg Slowakei Budapest Bratislav a Österreich Ungarn Moldawien Wien K ehl Bern Frankreich + overseas destinations Vaduz Schweiz Rumänien Lj ublj ana Zagreb Slowenien Kroatien Andorra la Vella Andorra Belgorod Warszawa Monaco Italien Roma Madrid Bucuresti Serbien Saraj ev o Sofij a Bosnien und Herzegowina Bulgarien Podgorica Montenegro Skopj e Tirane Mazedonien Ankara Türkei Albanien Spanien Griechenland Athina Russia: Land of opportunities 8 Zyp DB Schenker Riga Gateway to Russia Schweden Finnland Farör Inseln Norwegen Helsinki / Helsingfors Russland Tallinn Oslo Stockholm Estland Moskv a Riga Lettland Ro/Ro Litauen Københav n Dänemark Vilnius Dublin Irland Weißrussland Großbritannien Kiyev Amsterdam Niederlande Polen Ukraine Deutschland Brussel Belgien Luxembourg Paris Praha Tschechien Luxemburg Slowakei Budapest Bratislav a Österreich Ungarn Moldawien Wien K ehl Bern Frankreich + overseas destinations Vaduz Schweiz Monaco Italien Roma Madrid Spanien Rumänien Lj ublj ana Zagreb Slowenien Kroatien Andorra la Vella Andorra Belgorod Warszawa Berlin London + strip stamping in Riga Minsk Spain/France Bucuresti Serbien Saraj ev o Sofij a Bosnien und Herzegowina Bulgarien Podgorica Montenegro Skopj e Tirane Mazedonien Ankara Türkei Albanien Griechenland Athina Russia: Land of opportunities 9 Zyp DB Schenker Klaipeda Gateway to Russia Schweden Finnland Farör Inseln Norwegen Helsinki / Helsingfors Russland Tallinn Oslo Stockholm Estland Moskv a Klaipeda Karlshamn Københav n Dänemark Riga Lettland Litauen Vilnius Ro/Ro Dublin Irland Weißrussland Großbritannien Kiyev Amsterdam Niederlande Polen Ukraine Deutschland Brussel Belgien Luxembourg Paris Praha Tschechien Luxemburg Slowakei Budapest Bratislav a Österreich Ungarn Moldawien Wien K ehl Bern Frankreich + overseas destinations Vaduz Schweiz Rumänien Lj ublj ana Zagreb Slowenien Kroatien Andorra la Vella Andorra Belgorod Warszawa Berlin London + strip stamping in Klaipeda Minsk Monaco Italien Roma Madrid Bucuresti Serbien Saraj ev o Sofij a Bosnien und Herzegowina Bulgarien Podgorica Montenegro Skopj e Tirane Mazedonien Ankara Türkei Albanien Spanien Griechenland Athina Russia: Land of opportunities 10 Zyp Overview: DB Schenker’s Gateways to Russia Schweden Finnland Farör Inseln Hamina St. Petersburg Hanko Russland Tallinn Norwegen Helsinki / Helsingfors Oslo Stockholm Estland Moskv a Klaipeda Karlshamn Københav n Dänemark Dublin Irland Litauen Vilnius Ro/Ro Kiel/Lübeck Großbritannien Kiyev Polen Ukraine Deutschland Brussel Belgien Luxembourg Praha Tschechien Luxemburg Slowakei Budapest Bratislav a Österreich Ungarn Moldawien Wien K ehl Bern Frankreich Vaduz Schweiz Kroatien Andorra la Vella Andorra Monaco Italien Roma Madrid Spanien Spain/France Novorossiysk Rumänien Lj ublj ana Zagreb Slowenien Ro/Ro + overseas destinations Belgorod Warszawa Amsterdam Niederlande Paris Minsk Weißrussland Berlin London Riga Lettland Bucuresti Serbien Saraj ev o Sofij a Bosnien und Herzegowina Bulgarien Podgorica Montenegro Skopj e Tirane Mazedonien Ankara Türkei Albanien Griechenland Athina Russia: Land of opportunities 11 Zyp Denmark – Russia: conditions Russia: Land of opportunities 12 Spain – Russia: conditions Russia: Land of opportunities 13 Europe – Russia: conditions Russia: Land of opportunities 14 General Transport Conditions The offer is based on the actual situation in Russia/the Baltic States and can be changed by us from day to day. Bookings, which we have received before the alteration of the price, will be carried out at the price agreed. Commercial invoice and eventual original veterinary certification for each consignment must be to our hand before shipment together with the whole address and license number of the consignees' place of customs clearance. We recommend that each consignment is covered by an insurance of goods. The freight rates are based on the exchange rates from the day in question, oil prices, ferry prices and known government taxes, which fall on the ferryand road transport. Any change as to these factors will lead to a renegotiation. Any claim as to duty and tax which might be set up on DB Schenker A/S, as a result of a non-payment of these factors from the consignee, and costs for waiting time and fines, rests with the orderer. The freight forwarder shall not be liable for any inadequate or incorrect customs clearance, for instance incidents of special conditions relating to invoicing - misdeclaration of the goods and their market value and non-fulfillment of the duty to present a letter of guarantee irrespective of the freight forwarder's knowledge of this. The orderer undertakes to indemnify the freight forwarder against any and all expenses/costs incurred by the forwarder in connection therewith, including claims for payment of customs duties and other duties, taxes, charges, fees and fines, and against any other expenses the forwarder may incur for the purpose of releasing assets which are owned or controlled by the forwarder and in respect whereof the public authorities have exercised a lien, levied execution or in any other manner taken measures to restrict the owner's right of control or possession, regardless of whether such measures have been taken against the background of the transport assignment concerned, and regardless of whether such measures have been taken by the freight forwarder or by any other carrier who is independent of the said forwarder. Reference is also made to clauses 10 and 28 of NSAB 2000 (General Conditions of the Nordic Association of Freight Forwarders). Exclusive of any costs beyond our control. Russia: Land of opportunities 15 Denmark – Russia: Routes & Rates Helsinki g Tallinn Oslo Rates Tilt trailer Reefer trailer € € North of A15 3.500 4.000 South 3.000 3.500 Stockholm 2.500 3.750 Sealand 3.250 4.000 Part loads ask! Karlshamn x2 Litauen Klaipeda Vilnius x7 Ro/Ro x2 Kiel x7 Berlin ask! Warszawa Polen de Deutschland Russia: Land of opportunities Estland Riga Lettland DänemarkKøbenhav n Funen x7 16
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