Document 336689

. SECTION: 10162
INSTRUCTOR: Dave Nancekivell, Morris Hall325 [email protected]
Office hours: Wednesday 12:30-3:30
COURSE OBJECTIVES: To enable the student to read a variety of texts in Classical Arabic
1. An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic by Wheeler Thackston (available at Paragraphe
Bookstore on McGill-College St.)
Supplementary handouts
(Recommended) Arabic Verbs (by John Mace
Sept. 2: Introduction to class and to first two chapters
Sept. 4: Homework: Lesson One, ex. a), b) and c); Lesson Two, ex. a), b) and c)
In class: Grammar for Lessons One and Two
Sept. 9: Homework: Lesson Three, ex. b) c) and d)
In class: Grammar for Lessons Three and Four
Sept. 11: Homework: Lesson Four, ex. a) c) and d)
In class: Grammar of Lesson Five explained
Sept. 16: Homework: Lesson Five, ex. a) and c)
In class: Grammar of Lesson Six explained
Sept. 18: Homework: Lesson Six ex. b) and c)
In class: Grammar of Lesson Seven explained
Sept. 23: Homework: Lesson Seven, ex. b) and c)
· In class: Grammar of Lesson Eight explained
Sept. 25: Homework: Lesson Eight ex. a) and b)
In class: Grammar of Lessons Nine and Ten explained
Sept. 30: Homework: Lesson Nine a), Ten a) and b)
In class: Grammar of Lesson Eleven explained
Oct. 2: Homework: Lesson Eleven, ex. a) b) and d)
In class: Grammar of Lessons Twelve and Thirteen explained
Oct. 7: Homework: Lesson Twelve, ex. d) and Reading; Lesson Thirteen, ex. a)
In class: Grammar of Lesson Fourteen explained
Oct. 9: Homework: Lesson Fourteen, ex. a)
-In class: Grammar of lessons Fifteen and Sixteen explained
Oct. 14: Homework: Lesson Fifteen, ex. a) and b); lesson Sixteen; a) and b)
In class: Grammar of lesson Seventeen explained
Oct. 16: Homework: lesson.Seventeen, ex. b)
In class: Grammar of Lessons Eighteen and Nineteen explained
Oct. 21: Homework: lesson Eighteen, ex. a), lesson Nineteen, ex. a) b) d)
Oct. 23: . Test
Oct. 25: Homework: Lesson 20, a)· and b)
In class: Explanation of 21
Oct. 30: Lesson 21, c)
In class: Explanation of 22
November 1: Homework: 22, ex) a) and b)
In class: Explanations, 23 and 24
November 6: Homework: 23, a); 24, a) and b)
In class: Explanation lesson 25
November 8: Homework: 25, a) and c)
In class: Explanations 26
November 13: Homework: a), b) and d)
In class: Explanations 27 and 28
November 15: Homework: 27 a) and 28 b)
In class: Explanation 29
November 20: Homework: 29 a)
In class: Explanations 30 and 31
November 22: Homework: 31 a) and b)
In class: Explanations 32 and 33
November 27: Homework: 33 a)
In class: Explanations 34 and 35
November 29: Homework: 34 a) and 35 a)
In class: 36 and 37 and odds and ends
'I' •
L'universite McGill attache une haute importance al'honnete academique. II incombe
par consequent atousles etudiants de comprendre ce que l'on entend par tricherie,
plagiat et autres infractions acad6miques, ainsi que les consequences que peuvent avoir
de telles actions, seton le Code de conduite de l'etudiant et des procedures disciplinaires
(pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter le site
LANGUAGE POLICY: Conform6ment a Ia Charte des droits de l'etudiant de
l'Universite _McGill, chaque etudiant ale droit de soumettre en fran~ais ou en anglais tout
travail 6crit devant atre note (sauf dans le cas des ·cours dont l'un des objets est Ia maitrise
d'une langue).
If you have a medical, psychiatric or learniDg disability and require accommodations in
this class, please let us know early in the semester or as soon as you are eligible. (QUice
for Students with Disabilities) 514-398-6009)
In the event ofextraordinary Circumstances beyond the University 's control, the content
and/or evaluation scheme in this course is Sllb)ect to change. ·
Class participation:
Lab( fall term only):
·Homework and preparation:
1 Oral Presentation:
Midterm Exam:
Final Written Project: .
Final Exam:
In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content
and/or evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Please read the below statement on academic integrity and
be sure to go to the McGill webpage on academic integrity (uri listed below)
McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all students must understand the
meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic otfences under
the code of student conduct and disciplinary procedures (see
for more information).
Attendance is mandatory. Late arrivals to class are equivalent to a quarter of an absenc
Students who miss more than J classes per session without presen~g appropriate
documentation will see their grade adversely affected, and this may lead to not being
schedlJied for the final exam and thereby failing the <:aurse.
Tardiness will not be tolerated as we only have a short time to get a lot oflanguage
learning done and important to start on time. It is up to the discretion of the instruc
.whether a student who arrives late is allowed to attend the class.
Please do not miss in-class tests. As a general rule make-up exams/tests/quizzes will n•
be given without adequate justificatory documentation (e.g.: a doctor's note, a letter fi
your advisor, etc.); If you miss a test without justification, you will receive an Pin it. I·
you miss the final exam, university policy will apply.
Homework: Studeats should.come to clu1 fully pnparecl aad with aU homework
u1lpmeat1 canfuiiY completed. Student's an required to have TWO
NOTEBOOKS for tlaelr'homework. Please tunlla your homework aulpmeat at
the beafaaJial of clu1. Homework submitted oa loo•• leaf paper or after the ead •
clu1 period will aot be accepted.
In class: Students are required to participate fully in all class activities. We will be doi
a lot of gro~ work and w~ expect each and of you. to <:antribute fully to the
Language lab: In addition to the daily homework assignments, students will have lab
assigamenta where they will drill new vocabulary, practice pronunciation, listening 111
writing. Please refer to the syllabus for lab due dates.