Scott County Economic Development Authority and Scott County Chamber of Commerce Meeting Dates and Special Events The regular October meeting of the Scott County EDA will be held on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Scott County Administrative Offices located at 336 Water Street in Gate City. All meetings are open to the public. The October meeting of the Scott County Chamber of Commerce is Wednesday, October 8th, 2014, at 12:00 Noon at the Scott County Park and Golf Course in Gate City. A dutch treat lunch is available for $8 per person. Connie Rhoton is our guest speaker and the topic is Leadership Skills for the Generations. If you plan to attend and have lunch, please RSVP by Monday, October 6th. SCOTT COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Meeting Minutes August 19, 2014 VIRGINIA A meeting of the Scott County Economic Development Authority was held on Tuesday, August 19, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Scott County Administrative Offices located at 336 Water Street in Gate City, Virginia. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS There was not a formal roll call; however, the following members were present/absent as indicated: Eric Lane Greg Baker Charles Fugate Roger Fraysier Sherry Hilton Ross Jenkins Marshall Tipton Present Present Present Present Present Present Present OTHERS PRESENT: John H. Kilgore, Jr. – Director Sally Kegley – EDA Attorney Chairman Roger Fraysier called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. Roger said that Senator Tim Kaine visited Scott County Telephone Cooperative today. This was the first time a U.S. Senator has visited their facility. Sen. Kaine was very complimentary of economic development in Scott County. MINUTES Marshall Tipton made a motion, duly seconded by Eric Lane, to approve the June 17, 2014 meeting minutes as submitted. VOTING: AYE: NAY: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Eric Lane; Greg Baker; Roger Fraysier; Ross Jenkins Marshall Tipton None Charles Fugate; Sherry Hilton None PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. RIVERSIDE DEVELOPMENT Glass Machinery continues to work on the development of a pad at the rear of the property Substantial completion is mid-September with final completion mid-October Silt fence installed Site has been bush hogged Sediment basin installation to begin this week – weather permitting ECORRIDOR TRAIL Work continues on the trail on schedule DANIEL BOONE WILDERNESS TRAIL INTERPRETIVE CENTER T&L has submitted the 90% plans to VDOT They anticipate comments back by the middle of August Design Minds continues to work on exhibits and have submitted the final design to committee for review and feedback DISCUSSION POINTS FROM LAST MEETING WITH DESIGN MINDS Exhibits must be interpretive – give people something to see, hear, touch, etc., but more importantly, they must get to the significance of the story Every component should contribute to communicating this significance Education should impart knowledge of what happened, but more importantly, understanding of the “why it happened”, “how it did”, and “what it meant for later generations” Visitors – especially kids- should leave with a desire to learn more Charles commended Bob McConnell for his work on the project. A copy of the final design will be emailed to the board. DIRECTOR’S REPORT We had one new prospect Hired two new people for part-time cleaning for the Community Services Building Attended meeting on exhibits for DBWT Interpretive Center with Design Minds and T&L on July 1st Attended Board of Supervisors meeting on July 2nd Met with EDA Finance Committee on July 8th Attended the TVA retail event on July 9th – 10th (listened to speakers and TVA staff on retail strategies and retail companies on the criteria they consider) Participated in a regional meeting on VDOT Enhancement projects at LENOWISCO offices on July 22nd Participated in a meeting to discuss the Mountains of Music Homecoming on July 28th in Abingdon Attended the Southern Economic Developers annual conference on August 3rd – 6th. John was selected as the Virginia state representative Attended Scott County JAMS meeting on August 8th. This is a one day a week after school music program for grades 4 – 8 initially at Shoemaker Elementary and Gate City Middle School. Partners include the Crooked Road, Scott Co. Schools, Board of Supervisors, Rotary, and MECC. Participated with NETRIDA and TVA on outreach marketing initiative on August 11th – 13th to site consultants Vehicle Update: Delivery expected 1st week of September. The title and insurance will be in the county’s name. It will be a Ford Explorer from Fairway Ford. Once the van is sold, the money will go into the general fund; and hopefully, we can ask for that money to pay on the new vehicle. Roger asked if a member of the Board travels to a meeting, etc., can they drive the vehicle. Sally said that would be an insurance question. CALENDAR The calendar was reviewed. John said there is a possible conflict with the date of the September EDA meeting. FINANCIALS The VCEDA Fund Balance report was $63,783.00. The EDA expenditure report was not available. There is 99% remaining in the Community Services Building budget, and 88% remaining in the Tech Center budget. In 2004, the EDA received a loan from VCEDA to assist with the development of the Scott County Regional Business and Technology Park which had stipulations. In the past, VCEDA has granted requests to convert the loans to grants. In 2009, we asked for that consideration; however, VCEDA said we had to wait 10 years to make that request. At the June VCEDA meeting, we requested the loan be forgiven. The loan was discussed and extended, and the issue will be revisited at the August 28th VCEDA meeting. We have sent a letter requesting the stipulations be taken off the building and put on the land. The goal in building the new tech park and building is to create jobs and investment. There is approximately $10 million in assets there now. CLOSED SESSION The Chairman stated there was a need to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 for the purpose of discussing A.3 Real Estate (Gate City, Weber City, and Duffield) and A.5 Prospects (Gate City, Weber City, and Duffield). Sherry Hilton made a motion, duly seconded by Ross Jenkins, to enter into Closed Session pursuant to Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711 for the purpose of discussing A.3 Real Estate (Gate City, Weber City, and Duffield) and A.5 Prospects (Gate City, Weber City, and Duffield). VOTING: AYE: NAY: ABSENT: Eric Lane; Greg Baker; Charles Fugate; Roger Fraysier; Sherry Hilton; Ross Jenkins; Marshall Tipton None None OPEN SESSION Charles Fugate made a motion, duly seconded by Marshall Tipton, to exit Closed Session and reenter Open Session. VOTING: AYE: NAY: ABSENT: Eric Lane; Greg Baker; Charles Fugate; Roger Fraysier; Sherry Hilton; Ross Jenkins; Marshall Tipton None None CERTIFICATION OF CLOSED SESSION WHEREAS, the Scott County Economic Development Authority has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Scott County Economic Development Authority that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia Law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Scott County Economic Development Authority hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge, (I) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which this certification Resolution applies, and (II) only such public business matters as were identified in the Motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Scott County Economic Development Authority. Sherry Hilton made a motion, duly seconded by Greg Baker to certify the Closed Session. APPROVAL: Eric Lane Greg Baker Charles Fugate Roger Fraysier Sherry Hilton Ross Jenkins Marshall Tipton Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SEPTEMBER MEETING DATE CHANGE Marshall Tipton made a motion, duly seconded by Greg Baker, to change the September EDA Board meeting to Monday, September 29th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Scott County Administrative offices due to a scheduling conflict on the regularly scheduled date. VOTING: AYE: NAY: ABSENT: Eric Lane; Greg Baker; Charles Fugate; Roger Fraysier; Sherry Hilton; Ross Jenkins; Marshall Tipton None None MEMBER COMMENTS Roger said that Sen. Kaine definitely knows about Scott County’s involvement in economic development and was very complimentary about our efforts and successes. Sen. Kaine asked Roger to express his appreciation for the job that we do. Marshall said he has invited the new PSA Director, Mike Dishman, to attend our September meeting. John said that Mr. Dishman is very responsive. We had a fire hydrant that was low and an eyesore on the eCorridor trail with standing water. He was very receptive and moved quickly to resolve the problem. Sherry said the Horse Association will have a ribbon cutting on the new raceway this fall. It is 800 ft. long x 25 ft. wide. They do not have a date set yet for the ribbon cutting. ADJOURNMENT Sherry Hilton made a motion, duly seconded by Ross Jenkins, to adjourn the meeting to Monday, September 29th, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Scott County Administrative offices located at 336 Water Street in Gate City. VOTING: AYE: NAY: ABSENT: Eric Lane; Greg Baker; Charles Fugate; Roger Fraysier; Sherry Hilton; Ross Jenkins; Marshall Tipton None None
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