Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 631.757.8184 www.olqmparish.org October 12, 2014 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Father John D. Gilmartin [email protected] Parish office closed on Monday, October 13th in observance of Columbus Day. Mass will be celebrated at 9am. Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. T. Peter Ryan Deacon John Rieger [email protected] Pastoral Associate Sister Eileen Corcoran [email protected] 631.757.6250 Children’s Faith Formation Ninette Euler, Director [email protected] 631.757.0720 Parish Social Ministry Kevin Blum, Director [email protected] 631.754.9045 Administrator: Mary Martin [email protected] Assistant: Judy Smith [email protected] Youth Minister: Bill Leone [email protected] Parish Facilities Director Alexei Korenevski Music Coordinator Deirdre Kupka Weekend Assistant Fr. Dowling, Fordham University PRAY WITH US Daily Masses Monday-Thursday at 12pm Saturday at 9am Weekend Masses Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 8am, 10am and 12pm Special Needs Masses Saturday, October 18th at 5:00pm Holy Days 7:30pm Vigil evening of the Feast and 9am on Holy Day CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENTS Baptism Second Saturday of each month at 1pm Preparation class required. Reconciliation Saturdays 9:30 -10am and 4 - 4:45pm Anytime upon request. Marriage Contact rectory to make necessary preparations. Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of every month at 9am. Please call the rectory if you are hospitalized or homebound. Additional information on our website. Faith Formation Our program serves children pre-school through high school (youth group). Adult Faith Formation Our adult faith formation has a primary focus of promoting spiritual growth and maturity of faith in our parish community. Parish Social Ministry The Church community calls us to respond to the needs of one another, locally as well as in Nicaragua, with compassion and care, respecting the dignity of each individual. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. Special seating and wheelchair area reserved at all masses. Hearing devices available. ~ Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~ Parishioners gather on a brisk Sunday morning for Mass, coffee, donuts and fellowship. Coffee Fellowship is scheduled for the first Sunday of every month following the 8am and 10am masses. Mark your calendars and join us next month. Congratulations to Michele & Thomas Persico who celebrated the sacrament of marriage. We welcome Maria Ryan and Nancy Dougherty to the staff of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. Maria serves as Nancy serves as Assistant an interim to the Director Part -time of secretary in the Parish Children’s Faith Social Ministry. Formation Office. BASKETBALL COURT NEWS For all of our basketball pros who are out there perfecting their skills and shots, you may have detected that our hoop was actually 4 inches higher than it should have been! We’ve fixed it! COME AND TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT NOW THAT IT’S REGULATION HEIGHT! GOOD LUCK! Welcome back Father Dowling! We are pleased to welcome Father Dowling back to Our Lady Queen of Martyrs this weekend. ~ All Are Welcome ~ INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN ALTAR SERVER THIS YEAR? All students in grades 5 through 12 are welcome to join the OLQM ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY. Please call the rectory at 757-8184 to add your name to our list. Training will begin in November. We are in need of parents interested in assisting with the preparation of altar servers. These parent volunteers would have various responsibilites including the training of new servers, scheduling, planning events and maintaining cassocks. Please contact Father John if you are available to assist him with this very important ministry. CALLING ALL TEEN PARISHIONERS Do you sometimes wish that church could be more meaningful for you? Do you think that you might “connect” better to the Gospel message if it made more sense in your life? Do you enjoy telling stories, or “acting things out”? Then join David and Rebecca Overton to help the Gospel message come alive through theater! Stay tuned... more details coming soon! Second collection World Mission Sunday Sunday, October 19 Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org. ~ All are Welcome ~ This is the final request for anyone interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister or a Lector this year. The Diocese requires us to provide names of those interested. If you are prayerfully considering serving as a lector or Eucharistic Minister at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, please contact Father John. Considering either one of these two ministries comes with expectations of commitment and availability. Our faith community is dependent on those who serve to be present at the liturgies for which they are scheduled. We do understand certain considerations and take this into account in preparing the schedules. Thank you for your willingness to serve. Eucharistic Minister Eucharistic Minister As you see at each Mass, we have a number of Eucharistic Ministers who help distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus. We also have Eucharistic Ministers who visit parishioners who are ill or homebound, bringing them Holy Communion. • Eucharistic Ministers help distribute the Body and Blood of Jesus to our faith community. We are called in this ministry to offer the Body and Blood of Jesus to one another. As the minister holds the Body of Christ or the cup with His precious Blood, we are called to see Christ, His real presence, before us. We are also to see Christ in the person who comes to us for communion, and most especially we are to reflect Christ for others to find Him in us as we share communion. We become united by the Body and Blood of Christ. For this reason, we receive both the bread and wine. • We prepare for this ministry by prayer and reflection. Serving as a Eucharistic Minister is not giving something to others, but rather, sharing someone, Jesus, with one another. Reverence and deep love and respect for the Eucharist, a firm belief in the Real Presence, is critical to this ministry. The Ministry of Lector As you listen each Sunday, you hear that we have very fine Lectors here at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. Any who are interested in becoming a Lector here at the parish are asked to note the following: • First of all this is a ministry – it is not simply a role which a person accepts because he or she might be a good reader. Being a Lector is much more than simply reading words from a book. It is proclaiming God’s word from the sacred scriptures!! These words are holy and the Lector is called to proclaim them to our faith community. We are all called to hear the real presence of God in these words. • A Lector is called to believe the words he or she reads. The Lector should strive to understand the message and to reflect on the words that are proclaimed to the parish. • This is a ministry of service, as is that of a Eucharistic Minister. God’s word and His presence in His Body and Blood we administer bring with them significant responsibility. Service calls us to ministry, not always at our convenience, but to be of service to the community as needed. Evening training sessions begin at St. Elizabeth’s in Melville on October 15th and 29th at 7:00pm. Registration is required. Please phone the rectory to speak with Father John. ~ Youth Ministry ~ WE ARE GROWING IN NUMBERS AND FAITH! COME & JOIN US! OCTOBER HAPPENINGS Tuesday October 14 - Youth Group Meeting 7-8:30 Saturday October 25 - Assisting with the Hi Hi Program at Huntington Station Monday October 27 - Youth Group Meeting 7-8:30 Questions? Suggestions? Please contact Bill Leone at [email protected] BOXTOWN 2014 On October 3rd and 4th, our parish ran its annual Boxtown event. The night, run by Paula Dodge and Gerry Parrinello, was really a tremendous success. During one point in the night, the students were broken up into their Boxtown community groups and discussed Scripture stories centered on themes of Catholic Social Teaching and the importance of reaching out to those who are vulnerable in our community. It was great to see how the teens were able to connect the themes of the stories to their own experiences. Father John celebrated a special Mass inviting the teens to actively participate in the liturgy. The Mass helped the community to grow closer together and reflect on how God is present in all our lives. The whole experience enabled the teens to understand the hardships and struggles that many people in the community face. The BOXTOWN experience challenges our teens to live out their faith by reaching out to help those in need. ~Parish Social Ministry ~ THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL WOULD LIKE TO GRATEFULLY THANK THOSE PARISHIONERS AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THE “2014 FRIENDS OF THE POOR WALK”. THIS YEAR $3,314 WAS COLLECTED FOR THE ANNUAL EVENT. YOUR SUPPORT OF THE OLQM SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ALLOWS THE SOCIETY MEMBERS TO CONTRIBUTE TO HELP THOSE LESS FORTUNATE FAMILIES IN OUR COMMUNITY -‐¿Tiene preguntas sobre el proceso de la corte de inmigración? El Programa de Orientación Legal de Patrocinadores de menores extranjeros no acompañados es un programa que ofrece información legal sobre el proceso de la corte de inmigración para los familiares de los niños extranjeros que están en, o fueron liberados de un refugio. Usted puede llamar al número siguiente para asistir a una orientación más cercana a su domicilio. Long Island, NY Caridades Católicas 631-‐789-‐5210 Por favor, recuerde, cuando usted va a la orientación jurídica, llevar todos los documentos que el menor trajo del refugio, especialmente los documentos que se refieren a la corte de inmigración. Do you have questions about the immigration court process? The Legal Orientation Program for Custodians of Unaccompanied Alien Children is a program that offers free legal information about the immigration court process for family members of alien children who are in, or were released from, a shelter. You can call the number below to attend an orientation closest to where you live. Long Island, NY Catholic Charities 631-‐789-‐5210 Please Remember! When you go to a legal orientation, take all the documents that the child brought from the shelter, especially the documents that pertain to immigration court. ~For Information About Parish Social Ministry ~ ~Parish Social Ministry ~ SPECIAL NEEDS MASS Our next Special Needs Mass is Saturday, October 18th 5:00 pm in the Community Room. Please come and celebrate with us at our monthly Mass for our friends with special needs.This mass was designed to meet the needs of those who have sensory issues or difficulty with attentiveness or sitting for long periods. Families and children are encouraged to participate in the spirited readings, altar serving and singing. It’s simpleness and openness is a welcome to all. Please invite your neighbors and friends to come celebrate with us. RESPITE PROGRAM Our Next Respite is Saturday, October 25th 9:30am - 12:00pm in the Community Room. Children enjoy art, crafts, games, sports, reading, singing, and snacks in this program designed especially with these children’s special needs in mind. We are in need of volunteers to drive our elderly and homebound parishioners to mass, appointments and recreational activities. We appreciate your support! We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers to help at Huntington Hospital on Wednesdays. If you are a Eucharistic Minister and can help out please call! “LET ALL YOU DO BE DONE IN LOVE” Our Food Pantry Needs This Week: ~~~~~~~~~ Paper Towels, Napkins, Toilet Paper, Bar Soap, Shampoo, Coffee, Clothes Detergent and Dish Deteregent. ~~~~~~~~~~ Any and all donations are appreciated. Thank You! TWITTER @PONTIFEX ~Contact Kevin Blum or Maria Ryan at 754-9045~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] Attention Parents: Sunday Pre-School is back! Last week we began our Sunday Pre-School year. Parents can bring their pre-school and Kindergarten children downstairs to the Community Room before the 10 AM Mass. Pick-up will be right after Mass ends. + + + + + Grade 7 Service Information Night Tuesday, October 14th at 7 PM This meeting is for 7th grade STUDENTS and their catechists. We will present various service opportunities for the 7th grade classes. + + + + + Grade 9 Confirmation Parent Retreat Wednesday, October 15th at 7:30 PM This retreat is for all PARENTS of this year’s Confirmation class. + + + + + Grade 2 Parent Meeting Thursday, October 16th at 10 AM or 7 PM This is the first of our monthly meetings for 1st Communion PARENTS. At this meeting you will receive your child’s special 1st Communion book and will have an opportunity to schedule a fall Reconciliation date. ADULT FAITH FORMATION A CHURCH OF MERCY AND A GOSPEL OF JOY--THE EMERGING PAPACY OF POPE FRANCIS The papacy of Pope Francis and the vision he has shared since his election have been remarkable and indeed electrifying to many. His still short papacy has been marked by many "firsts." Not least among these, he is the first Jesuit pope and the first pope to choose the name Francis. These three evenings will examine the implications of these two firsts, highlighting some of the words and actions of Pope Francis since being elected and the vision of the church that they are creating. His words and, more importantly, his example, are a challenge to all of us to live a life characterized by mercy, simplicity, joy, and a commitment to the poor. All are welcome! Presenter: Thomas Petriano, Ph. D., Professor, St. Joseph’s College Date: Oct. 20: Pope Francis and the Modern Search for God Oct. 27: Pope Francis and a Church of Mercy Nov. 3: Pope Francis and the Gospel of Joy Place: Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Community Room 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 Time: 7:30 – 9:00PM Fee: $20.00 (Detach below and mail to register.) ********************************************************************************************* Pope Francis - AFF Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________ E-mail______________________________________________ Pre-registration is required one week prior to the program. Checks payable to OLQM. Mail to: S. Eileen Corcoran, OLQM, 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 For information, call S. Eileen at 631-757-6250 or [email protected]. ADULT FAITH FORMATION BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Pope Francis Room Date: Book: By: Thinking about BecomingCatholic? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process for individuals who desire to enter into the Catholic Church through the sacrament of Baptism, or for those seeking full communion through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. 10:00-11:30 October 21st The Lowland Jhumpa Lahiri Date: November 18th Book: Me Before You By: Jojo Moyes Call: Mary Ellen Mack 757-3492 Those who have had the privilege of working in the RCIA ministry over the years are blessed because of the witness of the Holy Spirit at work. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church has welcomed Baptists, Lutherans, Jews, Methodists, Presbyterians, and more into the Church through this process, the RCIA. Is there a family member—husband, wife, son, daughter, mother, father—or perhaps a friend or even yourself who wishes to become a member of the Catholic Church? Our parish has a team of people—who share faith and work with these individuals toward sacramental celebration every year at the Easter Vigil. Interested persons should contact: Sr. Eileen Corcoran at 757-6250 or [email protected] Taize Prayer is an ecumenical prayer with song and scripture; its style is informal and meditative and gentle for the spirit. It features meditative singing through repetitive short, simple chanted songs, prayer and silence. All are welcome! Please join us on November 7th at 7:30PM in the Chapel! Come and bring a friend! ~ PRAYER AND WORSHIP ~ Bill Ayres shares his reflections on the scripture readings. October 12, 2014 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time A reading from the BOOK OF the Prophet Isaiah Have you ever noticed how often we read from Isaiah? There are several reasons for that but the major one is that so many of the promises he makes are fulfilled in Jesus. Mountains are important places for Isaiah and for Jesus as well. Isaiah talks here about “a feast of rich food and choice wines. Jesus changed water into wine for a wedding feast and referred to heaven as a feast. Most important, Isaiah says that God will “destroy death forever” which is precisely what Jesus did through his death and resurrection. Jesus must have known the book of Isaiah thoroughly and built his ministry in part on its teachings. A reading from the letter of saint paul to the philippians As you may know, Paul wrote this letter from jail probably facing death. A death sentence can do strange things to a person’s mind, emotions and faith but it does not seem to have caused any extreme damage to him yet. He is thankful to the Philippians who have been kind to him in his distress. At the beginning of this passage, he lets them know that he has learned to deal with abundance and being in need. Then he gives us one of his most memorable and powerful lines. “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me.” I know that is hard for us to believe but think back to a difficult time in your life when you did not believe you would make it but you asked for God’s help and you made it through. How did you do it? You have no idea but somehow you did. Has this happened to you more than once? How about several times? So, maybe Paul was not exaggerating all that much. REFLECTIONS ON the holy gospel according to matthew Jesus came to proclaim the reign of God or the Kingdom of God to the Jewish people. Many had tried before and were rejected or killed. Once again, Jesus compares the Kingdom to a feast as Isaiah did. Feasts were a great deal to people at that time because they were perpetually hungry due to the harsh land grabs foisted upon them by the Romans. If a man worked on a given day, his family ate. If he did not work, they didn’t. Those who were invited, God’s chosen people, did not come; so others, Gentiles, were invited instead. It is easy to point the finger at people two thousand years ago but now the call to the banquet goes out to us. We call ourselves God’s people yet we do not always respond. In fact, many of the people today who are in power do not pay fair wages to their workers and often steal part of their pay. People today who have been called to participate in the banquet of the reign of God may reject the call for reasons of greed, power or prejudice but God’s call to participate in the Reign of God begun here and now will be given over and over in merciful loving forgiveness. ~ Stewardship ~ A way of life ~ Why not make a change this Fall in the way you support Our Lady Queen of Martyrs? Sign up with eGiving through Faith Direct, which is the most convenient and secure way for you to make your weekly offering to Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. Making either one-time or automatic contributions through Faith Direct will also save valuable time for both you and our parish staff. To enroll, please visit Faith Direct’s website www.faithdirect.net and use our parish code NY229. You can also fill out and mail a Faith Direct enrollment form from the parish office. STEWARDSHIP SHARING Current Previous Fiscal Year Fiscal Year October 5, 2014 October 6, 2013 Collection Collection Budget Envelopes Faith Direct Cumulative To Date Sunday Collections Budget $17,197 $17,450 284 109 $16,193 $ 94,117 $ 104,700 $17,020 286 116 $98,835 $102,120 Special Collection $2673 for Respect Life Thank you for your continued support. Poor Box last week $199 October 12—Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time: In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2014 PARISH GOAL: $106,200 PLEDGES TO DATE: $137,603 PAID TO DATE: $123,585 NUMBER OF PLEDGES: 290 Thank you for your support of the 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal MASS & PRIEST SCHEDULE Saturday, October 18th Sunday, October 19th 5:00 pm Msgr. Ryan 8:00 am Father John 5:00 pm Special Needs Mass 10:00 am Father John Father John 12:00 pm Msgr. Ryan ~Praying for and Supporting One Another~ Mass intentions MASS INTENTIONS DATE TIME 10/11 5:00 PM 10/12 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 10/13 9:00 AM 10/14 12:00 PM 10/15 12:00 PM 10/16 12:00 PM 10/17 L OFFERED FOR et us especially remember those who have asked for our prayers. Lucille Cappiello Rose Gargiulo Margaret Miranda Claire Saporito Patricia Zvokel Patricia Siniscalchi Helen Burke Richard Burke Peter Brennan Andrew Pavlica Minnie Dume Zuvich Joseph Carillo PRAYER REQUESTS Lina Gallo Fr. Edward Dowling Jim Hartnett Mark Borstelman Joan Winthrop Tom Corbett Concetta Daurio Rita Deluise Karen Larson Thomas Mulhern William Clarke Dolores Reichle Armand Qualliotine Brenda McCusker Rita Liotta Deacon Rodger Miller Allison Kerr Franklin LaBarbara Betty Brennen Nancy Naughton Maria King Joseph Finneran Jamie Wrede Brian Dowling Jane Schiano-Wigutow Alice Gabrielle Patricia Zvokel Matthew Ingrassia Neil King John Corgan Jamie Wrede Patrick Enright Alicia Bunyan Pray for the peaceful rest of all our beloved parishioners and friends especially Rosemarie Taylor. No Mass on Fridays 10/18 9:00 AM Timothy Hall Gavin Donnelly May all those who have gone before us share the joys of eternal life . 5:00 PM Richard Hegler Thomas Rhatigan 10/19 8:00 AM Eugene Reilly BANNS OF MARRIAGE 10:00 AM Deacon Jim Butler Helen Burke Maria Ciardullo Thomas Launi 12:00 PM Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Living God’s Word Over the past few weeks the scriptures have provided us with a feast of images of God’s abundant mercy. Today’s image of the heavenly banquet both complete the picture of God’s generosity and shifts our attention to our response to God’s generous invitation. Second Announcement Jenna Guerriero Joseph Carofano First Announcement Barbara Butler Joseph Siniscalchi Riverhead,NY St. Hugh OLQM OLQM ~ IN THE COMMUNITY ~ Hospice volunteers are a special gift to those overwhelmed with the responsibility of caring for someone who is at the end of life. Volunteers provide companionship to patients and respite to families. Visiting Nurse Service and Hospice of Suffolk, Inc., is offering our community a Volunteer Training Program. The program, which is held in East Northport at the Hospice House, is scheduled for: Tuesday, October 21, Wednesday, October 22, Tuesday October 28 and Thursday, October 30. The classes are held in the evenings from 6 - 9pm. Pre-registration is required. For more information, please contact Amanda Dubinsky, Volunteer Coordinator at 930-9340 or [email protected] CALLING ALL JASPERS! Manhattan College invites you to attend a reception for alumni and friends on Wednesday, Nov. 19 at the Rockville Links Club from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at $30 pp. Visit manhattan.edu/alumni for more information and to register. The Perry Como Lodge #2846 presents HERITAGE NIGHT on Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 7-11 p.m. at St. Philip Neri Parish Center, 15 Prospect Ave., Northport, New York. There will be a buffet dinner, beverages, coffee and dessert and raffles for everyone. Entertainment will be provided and DJ Bob Serrao of Classic Sounds, will play all your favorites. Tickets are $35 a person. For info, call Maryann @ 631-757-5946. IN MEMORIAM September 20 – October 4 2014 AFGHANISTAN Andrew T. Weathers 33 DeRidder LA Jonathan D. Walker 44 Merriam KS 2249 Total US Fatalities “We are living in a time of many wars; the call for peace must be shouted.” Pope Francis, July 2014 OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH PRAYER FOR LIFE LET US PRAY O God, our Creator, all life is in your hands from conception until death. Help us to cherish our children and to reverence the awesome privilege of our share in creation. May all people live and die in dignity and love. Bless all those who defend the rights of the unborn, the handicapped and the aged. Enlighten and be merciful toward those who fail to love, and give them peace. Let freedom be tempered by responsibility, integrity and morality. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Trinity Regional School in East Northport is now accepting vendor applications for its 22nd Annual Holiday Craft Fair. The fair is scheduled for Saturday, November 1st from 10am to 4pm. For further information please call 327-4703 or e-mail [email protected]
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