Friday Flash! News of the Week for the Lincoln School Community Andrés Ferreyra 4073, (B1637AOS) La Lucila, Buenos Aires. Tel: (54-11) 4851-1700 Fax: (54-11) 4851-1790 October 10, 2014 Issue # 10 School Year 2014-2015 BULLETIN BOARD! A brief overview of events the next week… October 10: 8:00 am – Auditorium Elementary School Fabulous Friday October 10: 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm Middle School Unity Day October 10: 1:10 pm – High School Lobby Visit of Representatives of Kalamazoo College & Ohio Northern University October 11: 7:45 am SAT Exam October 13: Cultural Diversity Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL October 15: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm High School Parent Conferences October 16: 8:00 am – Multipurpose Room Elementary School Active Parenting October 16: 12:30 pm Middle School Parent Conferences October 17: 7:40 am – 4:20 pm Elementary School Parent Conferences October 17: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm – Walter Liebling Theater High School Choir Festival October 20: 1:00 pm – High School Foyer Visit of representatives of Pace Univ. (N.Y) October 21: 9:30 am – 10:15 am FCD with Grade 9 students October 21: 1:00 pm – High School Foyer Visit of representatives of California College of Arts (S.Francisco) October 22: 8:00 am – 9:15 am Friday Flash Page 1 October 10, 2014 FCD with parents October 22: 9:30 am – 10:15 am – Aula Magna FCD with Grade 12 students October 22: 12:40 pm - 1:25 pm - Aula Magna FCD with Grade 10 students October 23: 11:05 am - 11:45 am– Aula Magna FCD with Grade 11 students October 23: 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm – Aula Magna FCD meeting with parents October 24: 8:00 am – Auditorium Elementary School Fabulous Friday October 24: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Middle School Grade 7 Greek Mystique October 24: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Walter Liebling Theater High School MTV Night October 25: 7:45 am ACT Exam October 25: 1:30 pm – PTO INTERNATIONAL DAY Details of all of these events are listed in this Friday Flash Superintendent’s Message Dear Parents, Things have been a little quiet around here with our grade 11-12 students off campus on service learning trips this past week. These trips are designed to provide our students with a chance to serve the community, practice leadership skills, bond with their classmates and teachers, and develop their independence. Our service learning program involves countless hours of preparation and planning to help ensure a quality experience for our students in a safe and secure environment. I hope you have been following the group’s activities via their twitter posts @AELincolnCS. When the service groups return, after the smelly laundry has been washed and dried, we will begin preparing for next year’s adventures. One topic for discussion will be the possible addition of trips for grades 9 and 10. Please be sure to stay tuned as we will definitely want parent input in the process. Can we expand our trip offerings while maintaining safe, high quality, sustainable experiences for our students and staff? Your thoughts and ideas will be welcome! In closing, I want to thank our students and teachers who’ve reached out to the community this past week. I hope that through your gift of service, you’ve received a sense of fulfillment and pride in your accomplishments. I know that those of us back on campus are proud you and what you stand for. Well done Condors! Mike Martell, Superintendent Friday Flash Page 2 October 10, 2014 All School News CONNECTING EXPERIENCES AND SHARING CULTURES Learning a foreign language unlocks horizons for life. From time immemorial, this issue has been addressed by anthropologists, linguists, sociolinguists and teachers alike, (Gardner and Lambert - 1972) who have concluded that the study of foreign languages generates not only the acquisition of parameters and language skills of communication, but an approach and insight into the nature of language speakers of the target language. The real communion with the target language plunges us into their culture, their roots, and their idiosyncrasies. The work in multicultural contexts such as in Asociación Escuelas Lincoln of Argentina challenges us, on a daily basis, with minds of varied age groups exposed, in most cases, to an extraordinary assortment of languages and cultures. While openness and ability to internalize learning are directly proportional to previous exposure, capacity and absorption time must be taken into account. Similarly, the teacher's role is not only to bring the learner to contextualize this explicit language but to immerse him /her into the implicit subtleties that surround it. Encouraging the learner to learn and grasp within a real, illustrated and reassuring environment, generates the right frame to promote learning and develop skills in a welcoming setting. Inherently challenging, but significantly rewarding task. Gabriela Rosso, Curriculum Coordinator K4 – 6 AASSA Global Issues Network (GIN) Conference hosted by Lincoln School October 31 – November 2 Mission: Empower young people to collaborate locally, regionally and globally in order to create sustainable solutions for global issues. Charitable Connections Wanted! Charitable organizations that would like to advertise and share their experiences working with their organization including successes and challenges are welcome to contact Rosemary Fatta Mari ([email protected]) for information and details regarding participation. Deadline for participation is October 10, 2014 See this website for more information regarding the Global Issues Network Movement: Friday Flash Page 3 October 10, 2014 Many students have been coming to visit us in the Wellness Centre due to many health issues related to lack of sleep. It’s important to understand that an adequate sleep is a KEY PART of a healthy lifestyle, and benefits your heart, brain, cognitive function, mood and more.. 10 good Reasons to sleep well : 1. No Stress When your body is sleep deficient, it goes into a state of stress. The body's functions are put on high alert which causes an increase in blood pressure and a production of stress hormones. Higher blood pressure increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes. The stress hormones also, unfortunately, make it harder for you to sleep. 2. Reduces Inflammation Inflammation is linked to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, and premature aging. Research indicates that people who get less sleep—six or fewer hours a night—have higher blood levels of inflammatory proteins. The increase in stress hormones raises the level of inflammation in your body, also creating more risk for heart-related conditions, as well as cancer and diabetes. 3. Makes You More Alert Of course, a good night's sleep makes you feel energized and alert the next day. Being engaged and active not only feels great, it increases your chances for another good night's sleep. When you wake up feeling refreshed, use that energy to get out into the daylight, do active things, and be engaged in your world. You'll sleep better the next night and increase your daily energy level. 4. Improve Memory and Creativity A process called memory consolidation occurs during sleep. While your body may be resting, your brain is busy processing your day, making connections between events, sensory input, feelings and memories. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better. In addition to consolidating memories, your brain appears to reorganize and restructure them, which may result in more creativity as well. 5. Naps Make You Smarter Napping during the day is not only an effective and refreshing alternative to caffeine, it can also protect your health and make you more productive. Napping also improves memory, cognitive function and mood. 6. Steer Clear for Depression Sleep impacts many of the chemicals in your body, including serotonin. People with a deficiency in serotonin are more likely to suffer from depression. You can help to prevent depression by making sure you are getting the right amount of sleep, between 7 and 9 hours each night. 7. Sleep Helps the Body Make Repairs Sleep is a time for your body to repair damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and other harmful exposures. Your cells produce more protein while you are sleeping. These protein molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage. Friday Flash Page 4 October 10, 2014 8. Live longer? Too much or too little sleep is associated with a shorter lifespan—although it’s not clear if it’s a cause or effect. (Illnesses may affect sleep patterns too.) Sleep also affects quality of life. 9. Improve your grades Children between the ages of 10 and 16 who have sleep disordered breathing, (snoring, sleep apnea, etc.), are more likely to have problems with attention and learning. This could lead to "significant functional impairment at school". If you’re trying to meet a deadline, you’re willing to sacrifice sleep, but it’s severe and reoccurring sleep deprivation that clearly impairs learning. 10. Have a healthy weight It is thought that the lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in the body that affect appetite. Studies show that sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same sectors of the brain. When you are sleepy, certain hormones go up in your blood, and those same hormones drive appetite. Elementary School News! Brad McClain Principal [email protected] Greetings from the Elementary School Principal’s Office! I hope that you had the opportunity to attend the Physical Education Olympics which were hosted by our PE teachers Silvia Mondria and Nicolas Puricelli. Congratulations to these instructional leaders on a job well done. We finished this week with a Fabulous Friday presented by the students of 2A. The focus was diversity and how this brings us strength. Please remember that next Monday is the Day of Diversity. In recognition of this national holiday, there will be no school on Monday 13 October. Next week we will be analyzing student learning through our Parent-Teacher Conferences. Hopefully, all parents will be able to attend meetings with their child(ren)’s teachers in order to discuss and celebrate the school year thus far. The goal of these meetings is to strengthen the home-to-school connection, clarifying the areas of strength as well as areas for growth. This follows the issuance of our first quarter reports cards this past Wednesday. Your invitation and scheduled time for this conference was sent home with that report card. In addition to meeting with your child’s homeroom teacher, you are invited to meet with specialist (Spanish, Art, Music, Tech, and PE) teachers. Here is an informational sheet explaining how to schedule specialist conferences. Finally, I am providing links to handouts which will help you to Maximize Parent Teacher Conferences: one in English and one in Spanish. Each also provides web resources for support. All of these documents are available on the Elementary School pages of the Lincoln School website. The next school-scheduled conferences will be our Student-Led Conferences in May of 2015. Please know that we encourage both teachers and parents to schedule additional conferences at other times based on individual needs. If you would like to schedule a conference at any time, please contact the respective teacher in order to meet. By working together, we can accomplish great things. Have a wonderful (long) weekend! Friday Flash Page 5 October 10, 2014 Elementary & Middle School Library Susan Voracek ES/MS Librarian [email protected] Next week all elementary students will be visiting the library with their Spanish teachers. We are asking all students to return their library books at the beginning of the week. This will allow them to clear their library accounts and take full advantage of our Spanish collection. Greetings From the Elementary School Counselor Kathryn Manu [email protected] I would like to take a moment to thank all of the parents who attended our Counseling Department presentation about “International Mobile Families” last Wednesday evening. It was a lively discussion about a very important topic. I would also like to thank the parents who attended our ES Parent Coffee last Wednesday. We had the opportunity to discuss bullying and how this sensitive topic is handled at Lincoln. We specifically talked about how the counseling program endeavors to: Have all students understand the definitions of bullying, bully, victim and bystander. Have all students understand the different types of bullying - physical, emotional, social, and cyber. Have all students know what they can do if they are ever in a bullying situation, be it as the bully, victim, or bystander. One part of our discussion involved the differentiation between behavior that is rude, mean, and actually bullying. Often times even parents confuse these terms! Here is an article from the Huffington Post that was used as a springboard for our discussion. Certainly thought-provoking! If you were not able to attend either of these events and would like further information, let me know. Have a wonderful weekend! Friday Flash Page 6 October 10, 2014 Middle School News! Jeff Voracek [email protected] PARENT CONFERENCES Parent conferences are an important event in building the school - home partnership. When teachers and parents have open, regular and respectful communication a win-win situation is created for all (teacher, parent and child). Middle school parent conferences are scheduled for Thursday, October 16 from 12:30 to 4:30pm. Middle school conferences will be by appointment only. Middle School Teachers have requested conferences with selected parents. The MS Office will schedule these conferences and notify parents (Time and Teacher) via email today (Friday, Oct. 10). Parents also have the opportunity to request a conference by contacting Ms. Alejandra Paez, ([email protected]) vis email. A parent conference request letter was included with your child’s report. Please note there is a limited number of time slots for conferences, however, every effort will be made to honor your request. Parent - teacher conferences should be productive and focus on the student. With this goal in mind I have shared with you an article with a few helpful hints. Enjoy the article and I look forward to see you next Thursday for parent conferences. Tips for Productive Parent-Teacher Conferences FROM THE MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH DEPARTMENT Research has shown that often people can be sorted into two ‘mindsets’ – a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Those with a growth mindset believe that their intelligence increases with hard work and effort while those with fixed mindsets believe that some people are smart, and some are not. These mindsets bring with them common behaviors that have a large impact on learning and achievement. Students with growth mindsets generally persist longer through problems, enjoy challenges and learn from mistakes. Students with a fixed mindset generally give up easily, avoid challenging problems and are afraid of making mistakes. To encourage students to develop growth mindsets it’s important to communicate to students that mistakes and struggle are important for learning. Research has shown that when students make mistakes in math, brain activity happens that does not happen when students easily answer questions correctly. A focus of the middle school math program this year is to open up our math tasks from questions that students get either right or wrong to tasks that are more open. Tasks are made more open when they have multiple entry points, multiple ways of seeing and multiple strategies for finding solutions. The research on growth mindsets and the research showing the importance of mistakes strongly suggest that students need math environments in which students are given open tasks and challenging work that causes them to struggle and make mistakes, without fear of getting something wrong. Friday Flash Page 7 October 10, 2014 High School News! Joe Hollenbeck Principal [email protected] PARENT CONFERENCES High School Parent Conferences will take place this coming Wednesday, October 15 from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in the high school gym. We encourage parents to bring their high school students along! The purpose of these conferences is to give parents and students the opportunity to briefly discuss the 1 st quarter grades (sent to parents and students electronically on Wednesday, Oct. 8) with teachers. All high school teachers will be stationed at individual tables in the gymnasium. Advance appointments are not made. Conferences take place on a first come, first served basis. We hope to see all high school parents and students on the 15 th! CONGRATULATIONS NICO PASTORE A big congratulations to Nico Pastore, Lincoln gr. 12 student, who was recognized recently as a “Commended Student” by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation due to his excellent performance on the PSAT Test completed approximately one year ago. Nico’s achievement on the PSAT placed him in the top 5 percent of the 1.5 million students around the world that completed the PSAT test. He is the only Lincoln student from this year’s senior class to accomplish this. The PSAT test is given to all Lincoln 11 th graders in October each year. This year the PSAT will be administered on Wednesday, October 15. CHOIR FESTIVAL Lincoln will host the annual High School Choir Festival next, Friday, October 17. In addition to Lincoln, participating schools from around Buenos Aires will include Southern Cross School, St. Philip the Apostle College, St. Mark’s School, Holy Cross School and St. Trinnean’s School. All high school parents are invited to attend the festival’s culminating concert at 8:00 p.m.! GLOBAL ISSUES NETWORK Lincoln has the honor of hosting this year’s annual AASSA GIN (Global Issues Network) conference for South American schools and surrounding regions. The conference will be held from October 31st through November 2nd. The Global Issues Network (GIN) Conferences empower young people to develop sustainable solutions that address global problems and to implement their ideas with the support of a network. The key ideas are based on the book, High Noon20 Global Problems, 20 years to Solve Them by Jean Francois Rischard. Our students chose Lend a Hand as this year’s GIN conference theme. More than 35 Lincoln Middle and High School students will participate in this conference along with close to 300 visiting students from around the world. During the conference, students will have the opportunity to connect with keynote speakers who have made real-life changes throughout the world, to participate in workshops presented by students from other schools, and present a workshop on issues they’ve been working on over the past year. In addition, a multitude of Lincoln students have been working behind the scenes planning and preparing for the event and will be volunteering and running the entire show during the action-packed 3 days. PSAT/PLAN TESTS All Lincoln Grade 11 students will take the PSAT, while Grade 10 students will take the PLAN Test, on Wednesday, October 15, from 8:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Wednesday is an A schedule day and all four blocks will meet for shortened periods following the testing. Please see the Counselor’s section of this Friday Flash for more details on these examinations. FROM THE HS ENGLISH DEPARTMENT: READING ON SCREENS VS. PAPER With all of the conveniences of accessing electronic texts considered, you might wonder why the high school English teachers still choose to distribute paper texts to your students. Numerous studies show that the physical experience of Friday Flash Page 8 October 10, 2014 reading a paper text leads to richer reading comprehension, better long-term retention, less physical and mental strain, and accordingly, higher test scores on the read material. SHOULD WE CONSIDER A LATER START TO THE SCHOOL DAY FOR TEENS? Our high school students typically stay awake until the late hours focusing on homework, social media, music or all three simultaneously. Pediatricians in the U.S. say teens are not getting the required 8+ hours of sleep per night and the result is damaging to their health. Is 8:00 a.m. too early for teens to begin school each day? High School Counselors Debbie McDowell & Jodie Thiel [email protected] - [email protected] LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP: HIGH SCHOOL 1ST SEMESTER PARENT BOOK CLUB You are invited to join the High School Parent Book Club. This semester we will be reading Brainstorm by Dr. Dan Siegel ( (Please note: this book is not yet available in Spanish.) We will meet for both a morning (11:00-12:00) and afternoon session (4:00-4:45PM) on October 29, November 5, and November 12. Location and reading assignment information coming soon! Please email Ms. Thiel ([email protected]) to reserve your place, including if you will attend the morning or afternoon session. OCTOBER 15TH – AN IMPORTANT DAY! The morning of October 15th will be busy! Students will attend a range of workshops or take important tests in the morning, and then will attend their A block classes for shortened periods from 11:30 to 3:30. Grade 9 students will be taking part in a Grade 9 Workshops focused on BYOD skills, use of Naviance (an important tool used for planning throughout high school), and self-care (mindfulness, stress management, etc.). Grade 10 students will be taking the PLAN test, a standardized achievement test that also provides feedback about career aptitude. Grade 11 students will be taking the PSAT test. This exam is very important preparation for the SAT, which most Juniors will take in May. If you child is in Grade 10 or 11, please remind him/her of the following! Students cannot bring food, drink, or cell phones into the testing room. Student will be asked to switch off their phones and put them in their backpacks for the entirety of the test (these are the rules of the test and we, as a school, must follow them.) Students can bring water and a snack and leave these outside of the testing room to get at breaks. Please remember to bring: a snack. a jacket or sweater, two # 2 pencils, an eraser, a hand held sharpener, a calculator. The scores from the PLAN and PSAT will be available near the end of the semester. Information will be sent home with the test scores about what the scores mean and next steps. Grade 12 students will be spending the morning in a variety of university prep workshops planned by Ms. McDowell. It will be a great opportunity for students to continue to organize their information and plans for university! FCD VISIT OCTOBER 20-24 – MS/HS PARENTS – SAVE THE DATE We will communicate more information about this year’s FCD visit over the coming weeks but wanted to provide the date for the Parent Session and ask that you make every effort to attend either the morning ( Wednesday, October 22, 8:00-9:15AM) or evening (Thursday, October 23, 7:00-8:15PM) occurrence of this important component to our week with FCD. Friday Flash Page 9 October 10, 2014 UNIVERSITY WORKSHOP On 16 October there will be workshop for all students applying to the University of California schools. Encourage your seniors to attend from 3:40 to 4:30 in the HS Computer Lab to start their University of California applications. The University of California applications can only be submitted online between 1 and 30 November. UNIVERSITY LAB All seniors are encouraged to attend University Lab to work on university research and application completion in the HS Computer Lab from 3:40 to 4:30 on 20 October. “The Condor Corner” Athletics and Activities! Rosemary Fatta Mari [email protected] Follow us on Twitter: @AELCondors COMMUNITY SERVICE WEEK Our 11th and 12th graders have been working hard this week in Chaco, Salta, Tandil and Bs. As. as a part of our Community Service Program. See what they have been up to by following them on Twitter: @AELincolnSC GAMES THIS WEEK! Saturday, October 11th High School Girls’ Soccer ADEN Tournament Lincoln vs San Isidro Jr. - 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm - LINCOLN FIELDS 2&3 High School Boys’ Soccer ADEN Tournament Lincoln Junior Varsity vs. River - 2:40 pm - 4:10 pm - LINCOLN FIELDS 2&3 Lincoln Varsity vs. Asturiano - 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm - LINCOLN FIELDS 2&3 HOSTS NEEDED! We are hosting the Middle School Friendship Meet next weekend! If you are able to host a couple of our middle school guests from Uruguay, the night of October 17th, please email the Activities Secretary, Ms. Florencia Parma [email protected] *Please remember that hosting is expected from all families of middle school athletes. ATTENTION SOCCER LEAGUE PLAYERS! Saturday, October 11thth: CATEGORY: GR. 2-3: 09:00 - 10:15 am GAME - 5: PANTERAS VS. TIGRES // PUMAS FREE CATEGORY: GR. 4-5: 09:00 - 10:15 am GAME - 5: PANTERAS VS. TIGRES // PUMAS FREE CATEGORY: MS Girls: 10:30 - 11:45am GAME - 5 : PANTERAS VS. TIGRES // PUMAS FREE CATEGORY: MS Boys 10:30 - 11:45am GAME - 4: PANTERAS VS. LEONES // PUMAS VS. TIGRES Check game results at the following links: Elementary School Results Middle School Results Friday Flash Page 10 October 10, 2014 REMINDERS: 1. Elementary school players should enter Lincoln campus via the Andres Ferreyra gate. 2. If you have not completed your payment yet, please do so.. 3. Each player should bring their own water bottle to be refilled at school. 4. Players should always bring both cleats AND tennis shoes to practices, in the event that practice is held indoors due to weather or wet fields. All info can be found at the following link: SOCCER LEAGUE INFORMATION. IN CASE OF RAIN OR WET FIELDS: In the event of rain or poor field conditions due to rain, practices are not cancelled. Soccer games, however, are postponed. If you have any doubt, please contact the Lincoln guards to confirm game plans. 4851-1700 ext 110 SCHOOL TRIPS & TOURNAMENTS THIS SEMESTER: Global Issues Network (GIN) Conference – October 31- November 2 Hosted by Lincoln MS Friendship Meet October 17-18 @ Hosted by Lincoln HS SAAC Soccer November 12-16 @ UAS, Montevideo, Uruguay All schedules and forms can be downloaded from our Athletic Dept. section of the Lincoln website: Go Condors! Rosemary Fatta Mari, Athletics & Activities Director P.T.O. NEWS!! INTERNATIONAL DAY IS right on the corner! OCTOBER 25th!! Hello Lovely Families!! 15 days to go!!! YES!!! we are only 15 days away from International Day!! Wednesday 9th we had our Booth Coordinators meeting and final instructions were given out. Please note that although there is no entrance fee, we need ALL DNI or PASSPORT numbers to allow your guests into the premises. Please email your guest list to [email protected] . Pre-Sale has started!! If you don´t want to lose time in a queue, buy now and get 5 tickets free. Look for the table with PTO volunteers every afternoon!!! 60tickets + 5 free = 300 pesos. We are still short of articles/small gifts for our TOMBOLA. You can drop them off at the gate with a PTO label on it. Please help us make this day a success. Your participation is VITAL. We still have two booths left!!! It´s a great time to meet your fellow men and organize a booth. See you!!! Friday Flash Page 11 October 10, 2014 PTO Mums Community News \\ Friday Flash Page 12 October 10, 2014 FRIDAY FLASH GUIDELINES : Announcements should be… - Brief - About a school event the following week - Include Date, Time, Location - Include contact person (phone & email) DEADLINE Friday Flash Page 13 October 10, 2014 - WEDNESDAY NOON ALL ANNOUNCEMENTS should be sent by e-mail to: [email protected] Thank you for your cooperation! Friday Flash Page 14 October 10, 2014
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