Race Index Meeting 28 - Thursday 16 October American Racing at Delaware Park Extra Pools Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Race 7 Race 8 Race 9 Race 10 Race 11 Race 12 9:31am 9:42am 9:45am 10:45am 11:00am 11:15am 11:27am 11:45am 11:54am 12:00pm 12:29pm 12:44pm $18,600 $22,100 $25,600 $17,400 $13,300 $24,400 $19,900 $9,300 $16,600 $12,200 $18,600 $9,100 MAIDEN CLAIMING 1106M (DELAWARE PARK RACE 8) 1106m MAIDEN CLAIMING 1207M (KEENELAND RACE 8) 1207m ALLOWANCE OPT CLAIMING 1710M (HAWTHORNE RACE 5) 1710m CLAIMING 1710M (HAWTHORNE RACE 7) 1710m CLAIMING 1673M (PENN NATIONAL RACE 1) 1673m ALLOWANCE 1207M (HAWTHORNE RACE 8) 1207m CLAIMING 1207M (PENN NATIONAL RACE 2) 1207m MAIDEN CLAIMING 1710M (HAWTHORNE RACE 9) 1710m CLAIMING 1710M (PENN NATIONAL RACE 3) 1710m CLAIMING 905M (CHARLES TOWN RACE 1) 905m MAIDEN CLAIMING 905M (CHARLES TOWN RACE 2) 905m CLAIMING 1673M (MOUNTAINEER RACE 3) 1673m Runner Index - Meeting 28 Affirmed Decision 5 Affirmed Once More 8 All D' Night 1 Anna's Alibi 6 Aprettyunderstudy 6 Areed 2 Argentina Malbec 10 Artic Bird 9 Awalkinthemoonlite 4 Awol Adam 3 B J's Angel 4 Bells Big Bernie 3 Breezy Point 3 C R Case's Monster 10 Canette 6 Cart Prado 8 Catherine Eugenia 6 Clever Bop 10 Colonial Rocket 11 Double Bogey Blues 11 Duke of Del Rey 3 Dylan First 10 Easy Sailing 7 Enchanted Facts 6 Exquisite Lady 6 Farwells Runnin 1 Flashy Finish 12 Flathead River 3 Fog Happens 4 Fox Drive 10 G. Got Milk 10 Gabio 6 Galway Shore 8 Game Wager 12 Gone Mountain 7 Gotagotoparis 1 Harbor Pass 5 High Side 2 Im Moneyinthebank 6 Iron Punch 7 It's Tamareno 4 Jeff and John 12 Joy Filled 4 Joyful Thing 9 Juan Tabo 8 Just a Song 11 Karla With a K 6 Kite 2 Kitty's Castle 6 Last Session 10 Lethal Lil Lady 5 Lightly Dancing 11 Livin n' Paradise 12 Lucky Bowtie 8 Luke Bopin Prophet 10 Meehan Meehan 10 Meetmeatthechurch 11 Michael's Tribute 5 Miss Billie 9 Miss Feds Up 11 Misty Miranda 6 My Man Mumbles 8 Nate's Dynamite 2 On Moonlight Bay 2 Panama Will 2 Paparazzi Girl 5 Payton's Sarabelle 1 Peteizum 7 Petite Qualities 11 Pulpit's Legacy 2 Raider Power 2 Ranger Regiment 2 Read to Me 6 Rebellious Dreamer 10 Roosterndahenhouse 8 Runaway Hayq 8 Saint George 12 Salty Says So 12 San Gregoria 1 Sandia Crest 3 Scarletridgerunner 6 Seattle Train 6 Seventy West 7 Shes Feeling Jiggy 11 Show'em Pop 8 Sonyador 1 Spanish Invader 12 Spanish Wells 5 Sugar Street 4 Sum Dare 1 Syrian Lee 8 Taking Charge 3 Thank You for Me 8 Thecushmaker 4 Twice With Ice 12 U S Maureen 9 Valdina's Will 2 Victor's Tuition 7 Viva Bertha 4 What's Fair 1 Wilcal 8 Win Dancer 9 With a Twist 4 Woman of Dreams 1 Wrapped in Gold 9 M28 RACE 1 MAIDEN CLAIMING 1106M (DELAWARE PARK RACE 8) 1106m STARTS 9:31am $18600 Trackside 2 FARWELLS RUNNIN (1) 53kg Michael Ritvo 1. 2f b Runnintothealter (US)-Lights Out Angel (US) (by Colony Light (US)) Cream, green yoke, green band on sleeves Shellaine Brown Ownr: Larry E. Rabold All(0) F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) GOTAGOTOPARIS (2) 55kg 2. 2f b Got the Goods (US)-Paris by Storm (US) (by Storm Creek (US)) Jason Nguyen Pink, hunter green "h", hunter green sleeves Randy Allen Ownr: Richard P. Hessee All(0) F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SAN GREGORIA (3) 55kg 3. 75 2f b Fairbanks (US)-Great Hostess (US) (by Great Notion (US)) Ricardo Chiappe PAYTON'S SARABELLE (4) 53kg 4. 75667 2f b Weigelia (US)-La Aly (US) (by Hansel (US)) Fray Martinez White, green yoke, red "v," red band on sleeves Ownr: Salomone, Patricia, Policastro, Gordon And Hardesty, James V. Kelly Deiter 22Aug F TIMO 7 of 7 810m (6) $35000 16.8L $38.60 J Acosta 55.5 Great Start 10Sep G DELA 5 of 9 1010m (9)$23.0k $23000 8L $38.10 J Torres 55 Why Not Be Queen All(2-0-0-0) $700 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Pink, black emblem and "club risque", pink chevrons on black sleeves Ownr: Club Risque Stable Randy Allen 05Aug F PARX 6 of 9 1010m (4)$34.0k $34000 5L $7.50 E Rivera 54 My Special Effort 06Sep F PARX 6 of 7 1010m (6)$47.0k $47000 12.1L $29.00 A Castillo 54 Imperial Lady 16Sep F PARX 7 of 9 1610m (4)$34.0k $34000 29L $14.10 E Rivera 54 Anythingicandoforu All(6-0-0-0) $3,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) ALL D' NIGHT (5) 55kg 5. 3537 2f b D'wildcat (US)-All Nighter (US) (by Notebook (US)) Juan Torres Green, white "p" on black ball, white diamonds on sleeves Ownr: Porter Racing Stable Llc Randy Nunley 19Jun F DELA 5 of 8 910m (5)$44.0k $44000 2L $2.20 D Centeno 54 My Sister Caro 26Jul F DELA 3 of 7 1010m (6)$28.0k $28000 7L $2.20 J Caraballo 54 Pistolina 23Aug F DELA 7 of 7 1110m (6)$23.0k $23000 17L $3.20 D Centeno 55 Rocky Policy All(4-0-0-2) $11,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) OF DREAMS (6) 55kg 6. 2f b Albert the WOMAN Great (US)-Sportin' Woman (US) (by Sportin' Life (US)) Kirsten Swan Black Lynn Ashby Ownr: Brandt, Robert And Beverly All(0) F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SONYADOR (7) 53kg 7. 2f b Love of Money (US)-Chippewa Dreamer (US) (by Gerosa (US)) Carol Cedeno Burgundy, burgundy "law" on black ball, black sleeves Skip Einhorn Ownr: Law Legacy Stables Llc All(0) F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) FAIR (8) 55kg 8. 42f b FairbanksWHAT'S (US)-Seeking the Stars (US) (by Seeking the Gold (US)) Vince Halliday Ownr: Joe M. Thompson 25Sep H DELA 4 of 4 1110m (1) $35000 16.1L $16.40 V Halliday 54 Divine Excitement All(2-0-0-0) $4,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Green, burgundy diamonds Ruben Monjes SUM DARE (9) 53kg 9. 42f gr In Summation (US)-Dare I Dream (US) (by Delaware Township (US)) Kim Cecil Purple, green arrowheads, green sleeves Ownr: Gerald Iverson And Tod Berken Gerald Iverson 27Sep F DELA 4 of 5 1010m (4) $19000 6L $13.00 K Cecil 54.5 Mide as Well All(1-0-0-0) $1,100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 RACE 2 MAIDEN CLAIMING 1207M (KEENELAND RACE 8) 1207m $22100 STARTS 9:42am Trackside 2 1. 22 ON MOONLIGHT BAY (1) 51.5kg Juan Saez 3g gr My Golden Song (US)-Edacious Reality (US) (by Eddington (US)) Cerulean, navy pine tree and hoops, navy bars on sleeves, navy cap Ownr: Centaur Farms, Inc. Merrill Scherer 15Aug F INDI 2 of 8 1210m (3) $23000 2.3L $3.50 D Mello 54 One More Night 19Sep F CHUR 2 of 6 1210m (3)$20.0k $20000 5L $4.90 J Saez 52 My Boy Chisum All(2-0-2-0) $8,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) VALDINA'S WILL (2) 54kg 2. 2X857 3g b Stormy Atlantic (US)-Bonnie Bear (US) (by Gone West (US)) Ownr: Inside Move, Inc. 21Jun G CHUR 8 of 12 1010m (12)$58.0k $58000 3L $2.90 C Lanerie 53 Sweet Platinum 15Aug G ELLI 5 of 11 1110m (6)$39.0k $39000 6.3L $2.90 M Mena 54 Copperplate 13Sep G KENT 7 of 10 1310m (3)$93.0k $93000 10.2L $9.30 C Lanerie 54.5 Monopolist All(6-0-3-0) $48,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Miguel Mena Maroon, white 'w', maroon cap W. Calhoun RANGER REGIMENT (3) 54kg 3. 7X68X 3g b U S Ranger (US)-Harford Ghost (US) (by Silver Ghost (US)) Corey Lanerie NATE'S DYNAMITE (4) 54kg 4. 742X0 3c ch Mineshaft (US)-Funny Girl Rachel (US) (by Distorted Humor (US)) Didiel Osorio PANAMA WILL (5) 54.5kg 5. 0X207 4e b Scat Daddy (US)-Excellent Future (US) (by Royal Academy (US)) Rosie Napravnik KITE (6) 54kg 6. 43465 3g ch Kitten's Joy (US)-Miss Forest City (US) (by Coronado's Quest (US)) James Graham Blue, lime 'ms', blue band on lime sleeves, lime cap Ownr: Jay Em Ess Stable Paul McGee 31Dec F FAIR 7 of 8 1110m (7)$52.0k $52000 18.8L $19.90 R Albarado 54.5 Speightsong 04Apr F KEEN 6 of 8 1210m (2)$67.0k $67000 11L $21.00 C Lanerie 55 Watery Moon 03May F CHUR 8 of 9 1210m (6)$70.0k $70000 99L $40.30 M Pedroza 53 Masochistic All(8-0-0-0) $5,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Black, white horsehead on red ball, white diamonds on sleeves, black cap Ownr: Dare To Dream Stable, Llc Danny Werre 24Oct F KEEN 4 of 12 1210m (6)$65.0k $65000 8.3L $30.50 C Hill 54 Green Mask 13Dec F TURF 2 of 10 1210m (8)$24.0k $24000 4.8L $3.90 D Sarvis 55.5 Forfeit 27Sep F THIS 10 of 12 1210m (7)$24.0k $24000 14.2L $3.10 S Gonzalez-Jr 54 Captain Grant All(8-0-2-0) $18,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Purple, white cross sashes, purple dots on white sleeves, purple cap Ownr: Ashbrook Farm George Arnold, II 27Jun F CHUR 2 of 8 1410m (8)$31.0k $31000 4.8L $2.80 J Saez 53 Wine Scholar 27Jul F ARLI 10 of 11 1210m (7)$36.0k $36000 15L $5.50 C Marquez-Jr 56 Mac West 12Sep F CHUR 7 of 8 1210m (4)$43.0k $43000 11L $7.00 B Hernandez-Jr 55.5 Tale of Honor All(9-0-2-0) $24,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) White, white 'kc' on green and white diamond, white 'kc' on left sleeve, white cap Ownr: Casner Racing, Lp Eoin Harty 20Jun S ARLI 4 of 10 1610m (1)$40.0k $40000 2L $3.10 J Graham 54.5 Chiseled 17Jul G ARLI 6 of 8 1710m (5)$40.0k $40000 6.3L $4.90 C Hill 55 Return of the Rock 17Sep G KENT 5 of 9 1610m (1)$93.0k $93000 7L $14.80 J Graham 54.5 One Touch All(9-0-0-2) $22,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) AREED (7) 54kg 7. 53g ch Tapit (US)-Kokadrie (US) (by Coronado's Quest (US)) Joe Johnson Navy, white epaulets, white stripes on blue cap Ownr: Shadwell Stable Daniel Peitz 12Sep F CHUR 5 of 8 1210m (3) $43000 12L $4.60 J Johnson 54.5 Riyadh All(1-0-0-0) $1,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) RAIDER POWER (8) 54.5kg 8. 4X 4g b Indian Charlie (US)-Angel Gift (US) (by Allen's Prospect (US)) Stewart Elliott Red, white dots, red cap Thomas Proctor Ownr: Thomas F. Proctor Aug13 F DELM 4 of 9 1310m (5) $87000 8.3L $4.60 M Smith 54 Holy Lute All(2-0-0-0) $10,500 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) PULPIT'S LEGACY (9) 54kg 9. 7X565 3g b Pulpit (US)-Stone Legacy (US) (by Birdstone (US)) Brian Hernandez-Jr Eton blue, brown belt, brown cap Ian Wilkes Ownr: Marylou Whitney Stables, Llc 28Jul H SARA 5 of 7 1410m (4)$58.0k $58000 4L $15.10 B Hernandez-Jr 54 Pecorino 17Aug G SARA 6 of 8 1710m (1)$97.0k $97000 4L $16.80 B Hernandez-Jr 54 Breakeven Analysis 10Sep G BELM 5 of 7 1710m (3)$58.0k $58000 6.3L $13.10 L Saez 54.5 Are We Not Men All(6-0-0-0) $7,100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) American Racing 1207m $22100 M28 RACE 2 SIDE (10) 54kg 10. 3g b KitalphaHIGH (US)-Sparklin Lil (US) (by Mr. Sparkles (US)) Paco Lopez Yellow, blue 'w', blue bars on sleeves, blue cap Gerald Aschinger Ownr: Aschinger Bloodstock, Llc All(0) F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd Starts 9:42am 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 RACE 3 ALLOWANCE OPT CLAIMING 1710M (HAWTHORNE RACE 5) 1710m STARTS 9:45am $25600 Trackside 2 1. 77621 BELLS BIG BERNIE (1) 52kg Maria Thornton 4e b Bernstein (US)-Ten Kisses (US) (by Kris S. (US)) Red, red 'bbb' on white bell, white sleeves, red cap Ownr: John L. Bell Scott Mullins 10Aug F ARLI 6 of 6 1210m (6)$37.0k $37000 11.8L $16.20 R Aragon 52 Cameo Appearance 01Sep G ARLI 2 of 12 1610m (10)$21.0k $21000 1L $3.30 M Thornton 52 Jukebox Johnny 21Sep F ARLI 1 of 8 1410m (6)$26.0k $26000 0.3L $5.50 M Thornton 50.5 Plunder All(29-4-6-3) $140,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) TAKING CHARGE (2) 55.5kg 2. 61874 6g b Pulpit (US)-French Braids (US) (by Personal Flag (US)) Constantino Roman BREEZY POINT (3) 55.5kg 3. 37430 7g b Point Given (US)-Shakopee (US) (by Evansville Slew (US)) Julio Felix DUKE OF DEL REY (4) 55.5kg 4. 41556 6g gr Rockport Harbor (US)-Queen Dido (US) (by Thunder Gulch (US)) Emmanuel Esquivel AWOL ADAM (5) 55.5kg 5. 21574 4g gr Military (US)-Runaway Emily A (US) (by Runaway Groom (US)) Eduardo Perez SANDIA CREST (6) 55.5kg 6. 53249 5g b Indy Snow (GB)-I Can Go Go (US) (by Dare and Go (US)) Timothy Thornton White, green and black sash, green shamrock, white and green opposing sleeves, white cap Ownr: Shamrock Hill Farm Eduardo Rodriguez 13Jul S ARLI 8 of 10 1710m (7)$26.0k $26000 7.8L $10.40 J Graham 56 Yankee Dealer 09Aug G ARLI 7 of 7 1610m (6)$19.0k $19000 7.2L $17.80 S Sanjur 53 Mr. Mischief 30Aug S ARLI 4 of 7 1710m (5)$20.0k $20000 1L $23.40 C Roman 55.5 Strike Impact All(49-12-10-9) $276,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Hot pink, silver braces and sleeves, hot pink cap Ownr: Camelia J. Casby Gary Scherer 09Aug G CANT 4 of 10 1510m (9)$35.0k $35000 4L $19.20 D Velazquez 54 Coconino Slim 01Sep F CANT 3 of 6 1610m (1)$41.0k $41000 12.3L $11.10 N Goodwin 54 Broadway Empire 13Sep G CANT 10 of 12 1510m (12)$35.0k $35000 2.3L $16.40 F Torres 54 Unsaddled Glory All(45-8-3-7) $212,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Red, black 'a' on white and black belt, white and black bars on sleeves, red cap Ownr: Hugh H. Robertson & Bonnie Kane Stable Llc Hugh Robertson 03Aug G CANT 5 of 6 1670m (2)$41.0k $41000 4.8L $4.80 A Canchari 56 Lucky Kitten 30Aug F CANT 5 of 10 1670m (5)$35.0k $35000 9.8L $3.70 A Canchari 55 Caribbean Storm 13Sep G CANT 6 of 12 1510m (3)$35.0k $35000 1L $6.40 A Canchari 54 Unsaddled Glory All(72-9-17-7) $446,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) White, white key and 'ley' on green shamrock, white cap Ownr: Timothy J. Keeley Chris Block 02Aug F ARLI 5 of 8 1710m (6)$37.0k $37000 10L $3.90 E Perez 55 Gimmeadrink 01Sep G ARLI 7 of 10 1710m (4)$37.0k $37000 7.1L $17.20 E Perez 55 Super Soldier 25Sep G ARLI 4 of 12 1610m (11)$37.0k $37000 3L $39.30 I Ocampo 55 Yankee Dealer All(25-7-3-4) $256,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Navy, red emblem, white stars, red stripes on white sleeves, navy cap Ownr: Hondo Ranch, Inc. Frank Kirby 12Jul F ARLI 2 of 10 1710m (10)$41.0k $41000 0.8L $26.70 T Thornton 55 Domain's Rap 02Aug F ARLI 4 of 8 1710m (5)$37.0k $37000 10.2L $6.80 T Thornton 55 Gimmeadrink 25Sep G ARLI 9 of 12 1610m (9)$37.0k $37000 5.1L $48.30 R Homeister-Jr 55 Yankee Dealer All(43-6-8-10) $456,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) FLATHEAD RIVER (7) 55.5kg 7. 19803 4g b Repent (US)-Swan Peak (US) (by Broad Brush (US)) Rosemary Homeister-Jr Black, red rocking 'l', red bars on sleeves, black cap Ownr: Valerie L. Peterson & Krystle Holsapple Justin Johns 06Jun G ARLI 8 of 8 1810m (6)$44.0k $44000 22L $30.70 R Homeister-Jr 55 R. Great Adventure 13Jul S ARLI 10 of 10 1710m (1)$26.0k $26000 13.3L $22.90 E Baird 55 Yankee Dealer 06Sep F FAIR 3 of 6 1610m (3)$17.0k $17000 9.8L $12.20 E Cosme 53 Purging the Stone All(28-6-1-2) $176,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 RACE 4 CLAIMING 1710M (HAWTHORNE RACE 7) 1710m $17400 STARTS 10:45am Trackside 2 1. 12465 SUGAR STREET (1) 55kg Israel Ocampo 5m b Fusaichi Pegasus (US)-Quinn (US) (by Theatrical (IRE)) Black, silver lightning bolts, silver stars on cherry cap Ownr: Louie J. Roussel, Iii Louie Roussel, III 19Jul G ARLI 4 of 11 1710m (3)$40.0k $40000 1L $11.10 S Sanjur 53 Bella Serenade 08Aug G ARLI 6 of 8 1710m (7)$26.0k $26000 4L $3.50 S Sanjur 53 Penelope Perfect 18Sep G ARLI 5 of 7 1710m (3)$26.0k $26000 1L $6.20 E Esquivel 53 Penelope Perfect All(32-5-2-2) $130,700 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) B J'S ANGEL (2) 55kg 2. 94343 4m b Stormy Business (US)-Demiparfait (US) (by Demidoff (US)) Ownr: Astar Thoroughbreds Llc 16Aug G CANT 3 of 8 1510m (5)$35.0k $35000 1.8L $14.80 S Martinez 55 Dear Fay 31Aug F CANT 4 of 6 1710m (6)$70.0k $70000 15.3L $11.60 S Martinez 53 Talkin Bout 25Sep G ARLI 3 of 9 1610m (4)$20.0k $20000 2L $6.20 J Graham 55 With a Twist All(15-5-2-3) $146,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) JOY FILLED (3) 55kg 3. 840X8 5m b Pulpit (US)-Blossomed (US) (by Deputy Minister (US)) Rosemary Homeister-Jr Red, black 'a' on star, red cap Gary Scherer Stephanie Slinger John deere green, yellow circled 'm', green cap Ownr: Morrie Waud Janice Ely 17May F ARLI 4 of 6 1710m (3)$20.0k $20000 8.8L $6.60 S Sanjur 52 Sapphire Breeze 07Jun G ARLI 10 of 10 1710m (8)$42.0k $42000 8L $39.60 I Ocampo 55 Ceisteach (IRE) 25Sep G ARLI 8 of 9 1610m (3)$20.0k $20000 4L $31.00 S Slinger 55 With a Twist All(32-5-8-5) $141,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) WITH A TWIST (4) 55kg 4. X3341 6m gr Cashel Castle (US)-Excellent Idea (US) (by General Meeting (US)) Emmanuel Esquivel IT'S TAMARENO (5) 55kg 5. X4364 6m b Victory Gallop (US)-Obsessed (US) (by Pancho Villa (US)) Timothy Thornton Red, white 'db' and inverted chevron, red cap Ownr: Darrell & Sadie Brommer Chris Block 03Aug G ARLI 3 of 8 1710m (2)$26.0k $26000 0.8L $3.90 F Geroux 55 Jazz Beat 28Aug F ARLI 4 of 4 1710m (3)$26.0k $26000 13.5L $2.80 F Geroux 55 Sydneyrella 25Sep G ARLI 1 of 9 1610m (1)$20.0k $20000 1L $1.90 F Geroux 55 Bethany Belle All(23-6-3-7) $228,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Fuchsia, white and black 'sss', black sleeves, fuchsia cap Ownr: Jack Guggisberg Percy Scherbenske 26Jul G CANT 3 of 9 1710m (7)$35.0k $35000 4.8L $8.70 E Martin-Jr 55 Enlightened 16Aug G CANT 6 of 8 1510m (4)$35.0k $35000 3.8L $9.90 R Eikleberry 54 Dear Fay 18Sep G ARLI 4 of 7 1710m (7)$26.0k $26000 1.8L $11.70 T Thornton 55 Penelope Perfect All(29-6-7-5) $192,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) AWALKINTHEMOONLITE (6) 55kg 6. 22116 5m b Repent (US)-My Oasis (US) (by Meadowlake (US)) Edgar Perez Blue, white epaulets, white bars on sleeves, blue cap Ownr: Anthony J. Granitz & Jeremiah Stables Anthony Granitz 25Jul F ARLI 1 of 7 1610m (6)$20.0k $20000 5L $3.00 J Graham 55 R U Dreaming 12Sep F ARLI 1 of 4 1710m (3)$20.0k $20000 2.3L $3.00 S Colvin 52 Mulata 25Sep G ARLI 6 of 7 1610m (2)$26.0k $26000 4L $8.50 C Hill 56 Fleet Encounter All(31-11-4-4) $231,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) VIVA BERTHA (7) 55kg 7. 86536 5m b Military (US)-Coco Vive (US) (by Peteski (US)) Christopher Emigh Red, black 'l' on white ball, red and white blocks on sleeves, red cap Ownr: Gary & Beth Leverton Frank Kirby 12Jul G ARLI 5 of 9 1610m (3)$41.0k $41000 3L $49.30 S Sanjur 53 Stormin Elle 03Aug G ARLI 3 of 6 1710m (1)$37.0k $37000 4.8L $9.20 C Emigh 55 Seeking Treasure 26Sep F ARLI 6 of 7 1710m (4)$37.0k $37000 10L $15.20 C Emigh 55 Midnight Ballet All(37-6-0-3) $246,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) FOG HAPPENS (8) 55kg 8. 44X5X 5m gr Mizzen Mast (US)-Coatue (US) (by Mr. Greeley (US)) Ryan Barber Black and lime green halves, black and lime green emblem, lime green sleeves, black cap Ownr: Midwest Thoroughbreds, Inc. Roger Brueggemann 20Mar F OAKL 4 of 9 1710m (7)$26.0k $26000 4.5L $13.50 R Morales 52 Adonica 06Apr H OAKL 4 of 7 1710m (3)$28.0k $28000 1.5L $3.50 R Morales 53 Majestic Shoes 10Jul G ARLI 5 of 7 1710m (2)$29.0k $29000 1L $9.50 C Emigh 55 Thecushmaker All(22-4-1-2) $93,100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) American Racing 1710m $17400 M28 RACE 4 Starts 10:45am THECUSHMAKER (9) 55kg 9. 76164 5m b Repent (US)-Pincher Creek (US) (by Storm Creek (US)) Emanuel Cosme Orange, blue hoops, blue bars on sleeves, orange cap Ownr: Richard Perkins David Hinsley 10Jul G ARLI 1 of 7 1710m (6)$29.0k $29000 0.1L $13.70 E Cosme 55 Sydneyrella 03Aug G ARLI 6 of 8 1710m (8)$26.0k $26000 4L $15.50 E Cosme 56 Jazz Beat 25Sep G ARLI 4 of 7 1610m (5)$26.0k $26000 2.5L $14.80 E Cosme 55 Fleet Encounter All(45-12-5-2) $392,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 RACE 5 CLAIMING 1673M (PENN NATIONAL RACE 1) 1673m STARTS 11:00am $13300 Trackside 2 1. 25425 MICHAEL'S TRIBUTE (1) 54kg Casey Kaufman 3f b Misbah (US)-Sophia Grace (US) (by Fusaichi Pegasus (US)) Ownr: Jose Angel Rodriguez 17Sep F PENN 4 of 8 1610m (4)$18.0k $18000 11.5L $24.00 C Kaufman 53 Joyful Thing 24Sep F PENN 2 of 6 1210m (3)$15.0k $15000 0.8L $6.40 C Kaufman 54 It's Rose 09Oct F PENN 5 of 7 1610m (5)$15.0k $15000 11.8L $9.80 C Kaufman 54 Mystical Rain All(9-1-3-0) $21,100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Red, white 'r' Mario Rodriguez AFFIRMED DECISION (2) 55kg 2. 57431 3f ch Smarty Jones (US)-Lady Cheyne (US) (by Affirmed (US)) Emilio Flores White, yellow stripes, blue collar, blue slvs Ownr: Kirk P. Sheehan Charles Demario 10Sep F PENN 4 of 8 1210m (4)$14.0k $14000 8.8L $8.90 E Flores 54.5 Aragonesa 18Sep F PENN 3 of 6 1670m (2)$15.0k $15000 9.5L $2.90 E Flores 54.5 Martini Bay 04Oct G PENN 1 of 7 1710m (1)$15.0k $15000 2L $3.30 E Flores 55 Sugarfoot Gold All(10-2-0-2) $23,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) HARBOR PASS (3) 52kg 3. 76X25 4m b Activist (US)-Urban Sprawl (US) (by Concern (US)) Ivan Perez White, black eagles, black paok on slvs Ownr: Alexander E. Hanna Konstantinos Harigeorgiou 28May F PENN 6 of 6 1710m (2)$13.0k $13000 23.3L $3.80 C Potts 55 Spread the Gossip 20Sep F PENN 2 of 10 1610m (7)$15.0k $15000 1L $21.20 I Perez 52 La Mia Bella 26Sep F PENN 5 of 7 1610m (7)$13.0k $13000 12.5L $4.00 I Perez 52 Nina Smoked'm All(12-1-3-1) $34,500 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SPANISH WELLS (4) 54kg 4. 97887 3f b Stanislavsky (US)-Steal a Band (US) (by Swear by Dixie (US)) Edilberto Rodriguez Ownr: Stevark Stable, Inc. 20Aug F HOLL 8 of 10 1410m (2)$12.0k $12000 12.8L $75.80 A Bocachica 54 Afleet Steel 11Sep F PENN 8 of 9 1210m (2)$13.0k $13000 21L $76.00 J Kravets 55 Barbican's Mist 20Sep F PENN 7 of 10 1610m (2)$15.0k $15000 24.8L $102.00 J Kravets 55 La Mia Bella All(18-1-2-2) $25,100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Black, white 'stevark racing' Bruce Kravets PAPARAZZI GIRL (5) 54kg 5. 72514 3f ch Sweet Return (GB)-Press Kit (US) (by Editor's Note (US)) Jordano Tunon Gold, burgundy emblem, burgundy diamonds on slvs Ownr: Mark Valentine Jorge Navarro 09Aug G MONM 5 of 10 1110m (10)$23.0k $23000 2L $7.00 A Castellano-Jr 53 Kushmee Kat 22Aug G MONM 1 of 11 1610m (7)$16.0k $16000 2L $3.00 G Saez 54 Kachina Dancer 28Sep F MONM 4 of 7 1610m (7)$19.0k $19000 9.5L $2.90 E Castro 55 Dixie My Way All(9-2-1-1) $31,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) LETHAL LIL LADY (6) 55kg 6. 65522 5m b Unbridled Energy (US)-Sporting Scene (US) (by Silveyville (US)) David Cora Ownr: Bassam Captan 17Sep F DELA 5 of 7 1210m (4)$13.0k $13000 2L $47.10 M Solis 54 Our Niece 26Sep F PENN 2 of 7 1610m (2)$13.0k $13000 1.3L $12.40 A Moreno 50.5 Nina Smoked'm 02Oct F DELA 2 of 8 1610m (8)$13.0k $13000 0.5L $3.20 E Martinez 53 Miss Billie All(37-2-8-8) $65,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: Black, white slvs Bassam Captan 5th M28 RACE 6 ALLOWANCE 1207M (HAWTHORNE RACE 8) 1207m $24400 STARTS 11:15am Trackside 2 1. 23332 ANNA'S ALIBI (1) 50.5kg Maria Thornton 3f b Three Hour Nap (US)-She's Wild (US) (by Z Z Cat (US)) Red, black 'r', white and black belt, white and black band on sleeves, red cap Ownr: Hugh H. Robertson Hugh Robertson 01Aug F ARLI 3 of 6 1210m (3)$21.0k $21000 2.3L $7.50 E Esquivel 54 Miracleinourmidst 14Aug S ARLI 3 of 7 1010m (2)$21.0k $21000 2.3L $4.50 E Esquivel 54 Fayreen 13Sep F ARLI 2 of 8 1210m (4)$38.0k $38000 0.2L $12.90 M Thornton 51 Sunny Suprise All(11-1-4-6) $58,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) ENCHANTED FACTS (2) 54kg 2. 87313 3f ch El Medwar (US)-Turbulent Thinking (US) (by Classified Facts (US)) Emmanuel Esquivel IM MONEYINTHEBANK (3) 54kg 3. 34153 3f ch Dunkirk (US)-Costar (US) (by Gone West (US)) Constantino Roman Navy, red emblem, white stars, red stripes on white sleeves, navy cap Ownr: Hondo Ranch, Inc. Frank Kirby 05Jul G ARLI 3 of 8 1010m (2)$18.0k $18000 6L $5.60 E Esquivel 55 Laur Net 26Jul G ARLI 1 of 11 1010m (2)$18.0k $18000 0.8L $11.20 E Esquivel 55 Betterthandiamonds 04Sep G ARLI 3 of 5 1010m (3)$21.0k $21000 5L $2.60 E Esquivel 54 Pine Lake All(10-1-1-4) $38,700 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Green, green 'cy' on orange ball, orange sleeves, green cap Ownr: Terry R. Young & Sue Crooks Terry Young 21Aug S ARLI 1 of 6 1010m (4)$18.0k $18000 4.3L $3.90 R Hernandez 55 Nelyn's Flyer 07Sep S ARLI 5 of 7 1610m (3)$26.0k $26000 3.8L $8.30 T Thornton 54 Divided Humor 28Sep G ARLI 3 of 8 1110m (7)$26.0k $26000 3.5L $11.90 T Thornton 54 Canette All(12-2-0-4) $53,100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) CANETTE (4) 54kg 4. 32151 3f gr Road Ruler (US)-Canyons Sister (US) (by Marte (US)) Santo Sanjur READ TO ME (5) 55kg 5. 15373 5m b He's a Tough Cat (US)-Relish (US) (by Green Dancer (US)) Eduardo Perez Purple, purple flower and horseshoe on green ball, purple cap Ownr: Larry Owens Steve Manley 14Aug F ARLI 1 of 8 1210m (5)$38.0k $38000 1L $2.90 R Hernandez 55 Kitty's Castle 13Sep F ARLI 5 of 8 1210m (5)$38.0k $38000 6.2L $4.20 J Graham 55.5 Sunny Suprise 28Sep G ARLI 1 of 8 1110m (8)$26.0k $26000 1.8L $5.60 S Sanjur 54 Fort Prada All(15-3-4-4) $128,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Orange, blue 'm' in blue diamond, blue diamonds on sleeves Ownr: Michael Mielenz, Gerry Talbot & Homer Schafer Dee Poulos 01Aug F ARLI 3 of 7 1610m (7)$38.0k $38000 2.5L $10.00 E Esquivel 55 Brazyn Appeal 24Aug F ARLI 7 of 8 1310m (7)$38.0k $38000 6L $8.70 E Esquivel 55 Laur Net 13Sep F ARLI 3 of 8 1210m (3)$38.0k $38000 2L $22.80 S Sanjur 55 Sunny Suprise All(29-6-1-11) $117,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SCARLETRIDGERUNNER (6) 54kg 6. 4141 3f b Cactus Ridge (US)-Willa Beauty (US) (by Jeblar (US)) Timothy Thornton KITTY'S CASTLE (7) 54kg 7. 56214 3f gr Cashel Castle (US)-Holy Kitten (US) (by Forest Wildcat (US)) Christopher Emigh GABIO (8) 54kg 8. 4439X 3f ch Officer (US)-Grin and Bear It (US) (by Distorted Humor (US)) Edgar Perez Scarlet, black cross sashes, scarlet cap Ownr: Scarlet Stable Roger Brueggemann 13Apr F HAWT 1 of 8 1210m (5)$31.0k $31000 6.5L $2.30 S Gonzalez-Jr 55 Over Again 09Jul F INDI 4 of 10 1210m (4)$40.0k $40000 5L $4.80 M Mena 54 Twenty Three Darby 05Aug G FAIR 1 of 6 1210m (5)$9.0k $9000 7L $1.60 E Cosme 53 Dancing Vision All(5-3-0-0) $38,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Blue and pink blocks, pink bars on blue sleeves, blue cap Ownr: S. D. Brilie, Lp Christine Janks 14Aug F ARLI 2 of 8 1210m (8)$38.0k $38000 1L $6.20 E Esquivel 55 Canette 04Sep F ARLI 1 of 7 1210m (3)$38.0k $38000 2.5L $2.80 E Esquivel 55.5 Realta Ean 13Sep F ARLI 4 of 8 1210m (7)$38.0k $38000 4.2L $6.40 E Esquivel 55.5 Sunny Suprise All(14-2-4-1) $92,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) White, white 'r' on blue star, white cap Ownr: Bradlee Rainwater Bradlee Rainwater 02Apr F HAWT 4 of 8 1210m (6)$34.0k $34000 10L $8.40 E Perez 52 Masquerade Fashion 26Apr F HAWT 3 of 8 1210m (3)$116.0k $116000 6.8L $13.30 E Esquivel 51.5 Pistols Drawn 07Jun F ARLI 9 of 9 1610m (9)$116.0k $116000 13L $29.60 R Homeister-Jr 53 Countess Cashmere All(11-1-2-2) $59,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) American Racing 1207m $24400 M28 RACE 6 Starts 11:15am KARLA WITH A K (9) 54kg 9. 6015 3f b Limehouse (US)-Beaugeste (US) (by Military (US)) Rosemary Homeister-Jr Gold, black diamond belt, gold cap Chris Dorris Ownr: Ken Sentel & Judy Dorris 07Jun F ARLI 12 of 12 1210m (2)$44.0k $44000 99L $23.90 I Ocampo 54.5 Keeker 28Jun F ARLI 1 of 7 1210m (3)$42.0k $42000 0.3L $14.80 R Aragon 50 Bonita Song 03Aug F ARLI 5 of 7 1210m (6)$38.0k $38000 8.1L $13.80 R Aragon 50.5 Nowthatsalady All(7-2-0-0) $52,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) APRETTYUNDERSTUDY (10) 55kg 10. 11125 4m b Nobiz Like Shobiz (US)-Miss Pretty Keane (US) (by Distinctive Pro (US)) Emanuel Cosme Blue, gold lightning bolt on dark blue ball, dark blue sleeves, blue cap Ownr: Glenn A. Porter Leroy Hellman 26Aug F FAIR 1 of 7 1210m (6)$15.0k $15000 0.8L $2.00 E Cosme 54.5 Looking for Bits 09Sep F FAIR 2 of 4 1210m (3)$10.0k $10000 0.5L $4.10 E Cosme 56 Sweet Shirley Mae 25Sep F NOTF 5 of 8 1310m (2)$9.0k $9000 6L $1.90 J McKee 56 Richieslildarling All(32-8-10-0) $71,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) EXQUISITE LADY (11) 55kg 11. 11377 4m b Posse (US)-Lady Riss (US) (by Unreal Zeal (US)) Julio Felix Red, black horse, black chevrons on sleeves, red cap Ownr: Dana J. Waier Rusty Hellman 26Jul F FAIR 3 of 4 1210m (1)$10.0k $10000 9.8L $3.60 A Velazquez 56 Mr. Mabee's Baby 13Sep F ARLI 7 of 8 1210m (1)$38.0k $38000 7L $5.10 T Thornton 55 Sunny Suprise 24Sep G INDI 7 of 8 1010m (2)$23.0k $23000 10.8L $33.70 M Franklin 54 Massive Explosion All(16-3-3-2) $80,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SEATTLE TRAIN (12) 55kg 12. 31715 4m b Silver Train (US)-Seattle Lake (US) (by Salt Lake (US)) Israel Ocampo Blue, blue 'a' on white ball, blue cap Frank Randazzo, Jr. Ownr: Nick E. Angelou 19Apr F HAWT 7 of 9 1210m (7)$116.0k $116000 7.5L $56.40 D Sukie 54 C'Mon Feet 24Jun F FAIR 1 of 6 1210m (2)$10.0k $10000 0.3L $4.00 R Singh 54.5 Camagin 01Sep F ARLI 5 of 7 1210m (6)$37.0k $37000 7L $21.50 E Esquivel 55 Springsteen Road All(25-4-0-7) $103,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) CATHERINE EUGENIA (13) 54kg 13. 34161 3f b Sweep Away (US)-Sammie My Girl (US) (by Elusive Quality (US)) Juan Molina-Jr Green, white circled 'm', green cap John Cox Ownr: Ernest A. Meadows 22Jul F FAIR 1 of 6 1210m (2)$10.0k $10000 0.8L $3.70 J Molina-Jr 53 Braseana 09Aug G ARLI 6 of 7 1010m (3)$21.0k $21000 12L $18.10 I Ocampo 55 Happy Hour Honey 09Sep F FAIR 1 of 7 1210m (6)$10.0k $10000 1.5L $7.60 J Molina-Jr 54 Graeme's Intrigue All(16-3-2-2) $58,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) MISTY MIRANDA (14) 52kg 14. 75611 4m gr Road Ruler (US)-Freesia's Mist (US) (by To Freedom (US)) Rolando Aragon Blue, gold 'v', gold band on sleeves, blue cap Ownr: Pns Racing Stable Steve Manley 20Jul F ARLI 6 of 9 1210m (7)$12.0k $12000 5L $17.90 I Ocampo 55 Brick House Road 19Aug F FAIR 1 of 5 1210m (3)$10.0k $10000 6.5L $4.70 R Hernandez 54.5 Graeme's Intrigue 06Sep F FAIR 1 of 6 1210m (5)$8.0k $8000 1.8L $2.90 D Macedo 56 Bob's Hilda All(37-6-4-3) $108,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 RACE 7 CLAIMING 1207M (PENN NATIONAL RACE 2) 1207m STARTS 11:27am $19900 Trackside 2 1. 22414 IRON PUNCH (1) 53kg Dana Whitney EASY SAILING (2) 54kg 2. 65622 4g b Mizzen Mast (US)-Without Concern (US) (by Concern (US)) William Otero 3g b Cowboy Cal (US)-Passionate Punch (US) (by Two Punch (US)) Red, white dots, red dots on white slvs Ownr: O T M Thoroughbreds John Locke 30Jul F PENN 4 of 6 1210m (5)$23.0k $23000 8.3L $10.10 A Rodriguez 53 Indian Bucks 13Aug F PENN 1 of 7 1210m (4)$24.0k $24000 0.2L $4.90 D Whitney 53 Castle Rockstar 04Sep F PENN 4 of 7 1210m (5)$19.0k $19000 4L $2.50 D Whitney 54.5 Celtic Wonder All(20-2-7-3) $97,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Black, "stevark" Bruce Kravets Ownr: Stevark Stable, Inc. And David E. Punt 08Aug G PENN 6 of 10 1670m (9)$24.0k $24000 7.3L $5.70 J Ramirez 54 Avilord 1:42.53 05Sep G PENN 2 of 10 1610m (6)$19.0k $19000 0.3L $4.80 A Ferramosca 63 Love Man 24Sep F PENN 2 of 5 1210m (4)$19.0k $19000 0.1L $3.70 D Whitney 54 Dante's Victory All(25-2-9-2) $83,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SEVENTY WEST (3) 54kg 3. 21348 4g b Portobello Road (US)-Silk Dress (US) (by Always a Classic (US)) Angel Rodriguez PETEIZUM (4) 54kg 4. 32273 4g b Safe in the U S A (US)-Rare Air (US) (by Labeeb (GB)) Angel Castillo Purple, purple "h" on yellow diamond, yellow slvs Ownr: Ronald R. Clark Gerald Brooks 24Aug F PRES 3 of 8 1110m (1)$21.0k $21000 1L $4.00 P Morales 55.5 Hopehard 10Sep F PRES 4 of 6 1210m (4)$21.0k $21000 2.8L $3.70 P Morales 54 Bowman's Sam 01Oct G LAUR 8 of 11 1110m (7)$49.0k $49000 10L $23.30 E Rodriguez 54.5 Silver Speight All(19-3-6-4) $75,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Green Marcos Zulueta Ownr: Happy Got Lucky Stables, Inc. 10Aug F ARLI 2 of 7 1310m (5)$16.0k $16000 1L $3.20 S Sanjur 53 Command the Land 31Aug F ARLI 7 of 8 1310m (3)$16.0k $16000 6L $2.80 S Sanjur 55.5 Muazzaz 13Sep F ARLI 3 of 8 1210m (3)$12.0k $12000 3.3L $3.40 R Aragon 52 Python All(32-4-8-5) $82,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) GONE MOUNTAIN (5) 53kg 5. 24453 3g b Magna Graduate (US)-Woodthrush (US) (by Woodman (US)) Mauricio Rodriguez VICTOR'S TUITION (6) 53kg 6. 53534 4g ch Snow Ridge (US)-Rhythm Down Below (US) (by Rhythm (US)) Emilio Flores Turquoise, white circled white "art", white diamonds on slvs Ownr: Mary G. Trejo James Williams 21Aug F HOLL 4 of 9 1410m (1)$31.0k $31000 8.5L $24.50 M Rodriguez 53 Help a Brother 04Sep F HOLL 5 of 5 910m (5)$31.0k $31000 5.3L $6.60 M Rodriguez 53 Just Fuhr Real 24Sep F PENN 3 of 5 1210m (3)$19.0k $19000 0L $10.70 M Rodriguez 54 Dante's Victory All(21-3-1-2) $81,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Red, white ghost, red bars on white slvs Ownr: David W. Geist David Geist 13Aug F PENN 5 of 6 1110m (2)$20.0k $20000 21.8L $19.00 E Flores 54 Mercury Head 04Sep F PENN 3 of 7 1210m (6)$19.0k $19000 1L $13.30 E Flores 54 Celtic Wonder 24Sep F PENN 4 of 5 1210m (2)$19.0k $19000 3L $7.10 E Flores 54 Dante's Victory All(24-2-1-8) $55,000 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 RACE 8 MAIDEN CLAIMING 1710M (HAWTHORNE RACE 9) 1710m $9300 STARTS 11:45am Trackside 2 1. 59725 THANK YOU FOR ME (1) 54.5kg Emmanuel Esquivel 3g gr Even the Score (US)-Miss February (US) (by Devon Lane (US)) Blue and white halves, white cap Ownr: Jeff Ryan Hugh Robertson 09Aug F CANT 7 of 10 1210m (6)$12.0k $12000 12L $15.30 A Canchari 54 Tizn't Over 05Sep F CANT 2 of 9 1670m (9)$12.0k $12000 2.3L $9.40 A Canchari 54 Johnny Football 18Sep F ARLI 5 of 8 1610m (7)$12.0k $12000 6L $5.60 J Graham 55.5 That's a Kitten All(7-0-1-0) $3,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) GALWAY SHORE (2) 54.5kg 2. 47395 3g b Shore Breeze (US)-Jill Regs Winner (US) (by West by West (US)) Constantino Roman White, green eagle, green chevrons on sleeves, white cap Ownr: Haran Thoroughbreds John Haran 01Aug F HAZE 3 of 9 1110m (2)$10.0k $10000 6.5L $17.00 J Skerrett 54 Red Cloud Trail 14Sep F ARLI 9 of 9 1210m (8)$13.0k $13000 20L $56.50 R Aragon 51.5 Dr. Clark 04Oct F HAWT 5 of 8 1670m (7)$12.0k $12000 8L $33.70 C Roman 54.5 Rampent Rumour All(13-0-0-2) $5,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) AFFIRMED ONCE MORE (3) 54.5kg 3. 24332 3c b Ten Centuries (US)-Tilted Tiara (US) (by Affirmed (US)) Eduardo Perez White and blue pin stripes, red 'a' in blue circle, white and blue sleeves, blue cap Ownr: Mark Anderson Jose Gonzalez 10Aug F ARLI 3 of 7 1710m (1)$12.0k $12000 3L $7.40 E Perez 55 Buzzy 28Aug F ARLI 3 of 8 1710m (3)$12.0k $12000 4L $7.00 E Perez 54 Kip Hip Hooray 18Sep F ARLI 2 of 8 1610m (3)$12.0k $12000 0.5L $4.90 E Baird 55.5 That's a Kitten All(23-0-4-5) $21,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) ROOSTERNDAHENHOUSE (4) 54.5kg 4. 55284 3c b Magna Graduate (US)-Nuzzle (US) (by Friendly Lover (US)) Emanuel Cosme Black, black cap Kenneth Rosendohl, Jr. Ownr: Kenneth Rosendohl, Jr. 15Aug F FAIR 2 of 5 1010m (4)$6.0k $6000 5.5L $4.40 L Wells 54 Lamask City 02Sep H FAIR 8 of 10 1010m (7)$7.0k $7000 16.3L $5.80 L Wells 54 Blade Unbridled 16Sep F FAIR 4 of 10 1010m (8)$7.0k $7000 6.3L $8.30 L Wells 54 Poke the Bear All(7-0-1-0) $2,500 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) JUAN TABO (5) 51.5kg 5. 76556 3g ch Fort Prado (US)-Pollyanna Pixie (US) (by That's a Nice (US)) Rolando Aragon LUCKY BOWTIE (6) 54.5kg 6. 39X63 3g b Colonel John (US)-Forest Island (US) (by Forestry (US)) Rosemary Homeister-Jr Black, silver lightning bolts, silver stars on cherry cap Ownr: Hans Poetsch & Louie J. Roussell Iii Louie Roussel, III 26Jul G ARLI 5 of 9 1710m (9)$19.0k $19000 4.8L $15.70 S Sanjur 53 Regimented 17Aug G ARLI 5 of 12 1610m (5)$19.0k $19000 10.8L $6.60 S Sanjur 53 Freedom Peace Love 18Sep G ARLI 6 of 8 1610m (1)$19.0k $19000 8.8L $24.10 I Ocampo 55.5 Chas Tom All(9-0-0-0) $2,500 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Ownr: Jim Gallmeyer & Jake Mcallister 18Apr F PRAI 9 of 9 1670m (5)$35.0k $35000 26L $23.90 A Birzer 54 Sheriff Curly 09Aug F PRAI 6 of 9 1670m (6)$13.0k $13000 16.2L $2.10 D Mello 54 Huntenmeadowdove's 05Sep F CANT 3 of 9 1670m (3)$12.0k $12000 6.3L $5.90 I Hernandez 54 Johnny Football All(6-0-0-2) $4,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SHOW'EM POP (7) 54.5kg 7. 754 3g ch Showing Up (US)-Popozinha (US) (by Rahy (US)) Blue, white 'h', blue cap Ray Tracy, Jr. Christopher Emigh Green and red diagonal quarters, red cap Ownr: William Stiritz Scott Becker 01Aug G ARLI 7 of 9 1010m (7) $18000 11.1L $17.60 C Emigh 54 Dixie Conqueror 28Aug F ARLI 5 of 9 1710m (3)$18.0k $18000 1L $7.30 C Emigh 54 Simferopol 18Sep F ARLI 4 of 8 1610m (2)$12.0k $12000 6.8L $3.00 C Emigh 55.5 That's a Kitten All(5-0-0-0) $2,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SYRIAN LEE (8) 56kg 8. 8X779 4e b Syrian Sky (US)-Roslee (US) (by Starbinia (US)) Ownr: Jeanne Dunphy 13Jul F ARLI 7 of 7 1210m (2)$15.0k $15000 28.5L $54.70 S Zapico 52 Yankee Hater 01Sep F ARLI 7 of 7 1210m (5)$18.0k $18000 37L $44.80 N Meza 55.5 Hoss Tater 26Sep F ARLI 9 of 12 1210m (9)$12.0k $12000 33L $113.70 N Meza 56 Gyp Rope All(8-0-0-0) $1,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Nicholas Meza Green, white dots, green cap Paul Lewellyn American Racing 1710m $9300 M28 RACE 8 Starts 11:45am CART PRADO (9) 54.5kg 9. X9877 3g gr Fort Prado (US)-Carts Italian Rose (US) (by Cartwright (US)) Stephanie Slinger Ownr: Smokey Creek Farm 26Jun G ARLI 8 of 8 1610m (2)$18.0k $18000 40.8L $68.70 C Montalvo 54.5 Big Lee 04Sep F ARLI 7 of 7 1110m (6)$12.0k $12000 18.5L $44.40 M Thornton 52 Little Elhayq 26Sep F ARLI 7 of 12 1210m (4)$12.0k $12000 25L $66.90 S Slinger 55.5 Gyp Rope All(10-0-0-0) $1,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Red, black stripes, red cap Gary Delong MY MAN MUMBLES (10) 56kg 10. 773 4g gr Proud Accolade (US)-Desirabledancer (US) (by Robyn Dancer (US)) Timothy Thornton RUNAWAY HAYQ (11) 54.5kg 11. 8043 3g gr Elhayq (IRE)-Runaway Elainey (US) (by Runaway Groom (US)) Santo Sanjur Green, white blocks, black 'fem' on red sash, white blocks on sleeves, green cap Ownr: F.E.M. Equine Ventures Llc Steve Fridley 07Aug S ARLI 7 of 7 1610m (6) $18000 99L $27.00 U Lopez 56 Risk and Return 24Aug F ARLI 7 of 9 1210m (2)$13.0k $13000 20L $40.60 U Lopez 56 Bullet Bob 20Sep F FAIR 3 of 9 1670m (6)$7.0k $7000 9.3L $10.30 A Dill 56 Come On Guy All(5-0-0-1) $1,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Black, yellow 'jb' and sleeves, black cap Ownr: Jb Stables, Inc. Steve Manley 17Aug G ARLI 12 of 12 1610m (7)$19.0k $19000 37.1L $18.60 I Ocampo 55 Freedom Peace Love 04Sep F ARLI 4 of 7 1110m (5)$12.0k $12000 11.3L $38.60 C Emigh 55.5 Little Elhayq 18Sep F ARLI 3 of 8 1610m (6)$12.0k $12000 4.3L $41.20 S Sanjur 55.5 That's a Kitten All(6-0-0-2) $3,700 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) WILCAL (12) 54.5kg 12. 36364 3g b Wilko (US)-Lady Cali (US) (by Bright Launch (US)) Uriel Lopez Blue, white diamonds on sleeves, blue cap Ownr: Jim Edgar D. Campbell 16Aug H FAIR 3 of 6 1670m (2)$6.0k $6000 8L $3.40 S Collins 54 Angies Obama 20Sep F FAIR 6 of 9 1670m (2)$7.0k $7000 19.5L $7.90 U Lopez 54 Come On Guy 04Oct F HAWT 4 of 8 1670m (4)$12.0k $12000 7L $55.80 U Lopez 54.5 Rampent Rumour All(7-0-0-3) $2,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 RACE 9 CLAIMING 1710M (PENN NATIONAL RACE 3) 1710m STARTS 11:54am $16600 Trackside 2 1. 56251 MISS BILLIE (1) 56kg David Cora 4m ch Textbook (US)-Mill Song (US) (by The Minstrel (US)) Ownr: Bassam Captan 30Aug F DELA 2 of 6 1670m (4)$16.0k $16000 4L $35.40 M Solis 53 Lily's Peak 23Sep F PARX 5 of 9 1410m (8)$19.0k $19000 17.3L $48.40 J Nguyen 54.5 Lady Mickelson 02Oct F DELA 1 of 8 1610m (7)$13.0k $13000 0.5L $3.20 M Solis 54 Lethal Lil Lady All(19-2-2-1) $31,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Black, white slvs Bassam Captan WIN DANCER (2) 54kg 2. 51659 5m b Partner's Hero (US)-Lady Power (US) (by Power of Mind (US)) Emilio Flores Dark blue, dark blue dots on light blue slvs Ownr: Barbara J. Geraghty David Geist 16Aug D PENN 6 of 8 1710m (7)$19.0k $19000 3.8L $17.30 E Flores 55 Princess Magogo 10Sep G PENN 5 of 8 1670m (2)$19.0k $19000 4L $64.30 D Cora 55 Glittering 26Sep F PENN 9 of 10 1710m (4)$14.0k $14000 16.2L $14.70 E Flores 55 Satin All(27-3-4-2) $58,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) JOYFUL THING (3) 56kg 3. 55171 4m ch Langfuhr (US)-Royal Pleasure (US) (by Royal Academy (US)) Jose Delgadillo Royal blue, aqua slvs Cathal Lynch Ownr: Two Hands Llc And Lynch Racing Llc 09Aug F PARX 1 of 9 1610m (1)$16.0k $16000 16.3L $1.40 F Pennington 56 Let's Make a Zeal 09Sep G PARX 7 of 10 1610m (8)$34.0k $34000 16L $10.20 F Pennington 54.5 Red Letter 17Sep F PENN 1 of 8 1610m (5)$18.0k $18000 3.8L $1.50 F Pennington 55 Indian Point All(10-2-0-0) $35,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) ARTIC BIRD (4) 51kg 4. 61232 3f b Fairbanks (US)-Coral Cay (US) (by Gulch (US)) Jomar Ortega Dark blue, silver horseshoe & pink ballet shoes, white bordered pink band on slvs Ownr: John Fanelli And Juan C. Vazquez Juan Vazquez 27Aug F DELA 2 of 7 1670m (6)$14.0k $14000 7.8L $2.40 J Vega 54.5 Penny's Chime 17Sep F DELA 3 of 6 1610m (3)$14.0k $14000 0.5L $4.30 J Ortega 51.5 Lily's Peak 01Oct F DELA 2 of 8 1670m (7)$14.0k $14000 8L $3.60 F Martinez 51 All Peace N Quiet All(11-2-2-1) $26,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) WRAPPED IN GOLD (5) 51kg 5. 45X60 6m b Touch Gold (US)-Miss Ginalie (US) (by Skip Away (US)) Tyler Conner Purple, white sash Frank Cifarelli Ownr: Aqua Kulture Racing 30May F PENN 5 of 6 1610m (6)$14.0k $14000 4.2L $18.10 K Gonzalez 51 Everything Sweet 06Sep H PENN 6 of 9 1210m (6)$23.0k $23000 17.8L $41.00 I Perez 51 I'm Smokin Hot 09Oct G PENN 10 of 10 1610m (3)$19.0k $19000 16.1L $142.10 I Perez 50.5 A Lady Called Max All(60-2-8-5) $54,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) U S MAUREEN (6) 54kg 6. 94135 3f b Kodiak Kowboy (US)-Slewzy Floozy (US) (by Slew City Slew (US)) Julio Hernandez Ownr: Albert R. Lupcho Jr. 30Aug F PENN 1 of 7 1610m (3)$24.0k $24000 9.5L $5.70 J Hernandez 53 Sabbath Bay 20Sep F PENN 3 of 6 1670m (5)$24.0k $24000 9.3L $2.30 J Hernandez 54.5 Mighty Olivia 09Oct F LAUR 5 of 7 1610m (7)$28.0k $28000 10L $6.90 X Perez 54 Chase My Tail All(14-3-2-3) $64,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Neon yellow, black dots Monti Sims Winners Time: 5th M28 CLAIMING 905M (CHARLES TOWN RACE 1) 905m RACE 10 $12200 STARTS 12:00pm Trackside 2 1. 7274X G. GOT MILK (1) 55kg 4g b Stored (US)-Finite E. F. (US) (by Wolf Power (SAF)) Ownr: Black Horse Tavern Llc Oct13 F HOLL 2 of 10 910m (4)$30.0k $30000 0.2L $10.00 V Rodriguez 55 Stray Cat Jack 16Oct F HOLL 7 of 8 910m (3)$31.0k $31000 7.3L $22.00 G Santiago 54 Argentina Cowboys 15Nov F HOLL 4 of 9 910m (4)$31.0k $31000 3.5L $27.50 V Rodriguez 54 Stray Cat Jack All(9-1-3-0) $39,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Victor Rodriguez White, red emblem Sara Kopecki C R CASE'S MONSTER (2) 53kg 2. 51276 4g b Meadow Monster (US)-Cedar Runs Case (US) (by In Case (US)) Andre Ramgeet ARGENTINA MALBEC (3) 54.5kg 3. 64191 3g ch Bailero (ARG)-Splash in the Bay (US) (by Prospect Bay (US)) Gustavo Larrosa Red and white, red "foxx", red dots on white sleeves Ownr: Jay L. Armstrong Jay Armstrong 09Jul F HOLL 2 of 8 1310m (3)$13.0k $13000 3.8L $3.10 J Acosta 56 George Deer 26Jul G MOUN 7 of 9 1210m (5)$29.0k $29000 12.2L $25.30 B Whitacre 54.5 Pin High 21Aug F HOLL 6 of 10 1710m (3)$12.0k $12000 3L $3.80 J Acosta 55 Koko Key All(27-2-4-4) $60,700 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Red, red "ns" on white yoke, red "ns" on white sleeves Ownr: Analia R. Larrosa Analia Larrosa 20Aug F HOLL 1 of 8 910m (2)$12.0k $12000 0.3L $5.00 G Larrosa 54 Duke of Chadwick 11Sep F HOLL 9 of 10 1310m (4)$12.0k $12000 20.3L $17.90 G Larrosa 54.5 Di Colas Warrior 03Oct F HOLL 1 of 10 910m (10)$12.0k $12000 0.5L $14.70 G Larrosa 54 Riveria Dancer All(11-2-0-0) $18,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) LUKE BOPIN PROPHET (4) 52kg 4. 4329X 4g b Bop (US)-Nickneye (US) (by Polish Numbers (US)) Ownr: Jeffery S. Allen 07May S HOLL 3 of 6 1310m (5)$13.0k $13000 2.5L $2.20 A Bocachica 55 Grand Family 07Jun F HOLL 2 of 8 1410m (2)$13.0k $13000 0.8L $3.00 A Bocachica 55 Mr Orlando 27Jun F HOLL 9 of 9 1410m (6)$19.0k $19000 15.3L $3.70 A Bocachica 54 Saint On Wings All(21-2-4-5) $49,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) REBELLIOUS DREAMER (5) 53kg 5. 87143 3g b Greatness (US)-Woodsong (US) (by El Prado (IRE)) Angel Cruz Red, white "a", white sleeves Jeffery Allen Christopher Ho Orange, orange "t" on green ball, green band on sleeves Ownr: Edwin L. Tobin Edwin Tobin 01Aug F HOLL 1 of 9 910m (6)$12.0k $12000 0.5L $19.10 C Ho 53 Wise Walter 20Aug F HOLL 4 of 9 910m (1)$12.0k $12000 2.8L $14.90 C Ho 54 Foxfield Drive 03Sep F HOLL 3 of 6 910m (3)$16.0k $16000 5.8L $24.90 C Ho 53 Graduated All(15-2-2-3) $31,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) CLEVER BOP (6) 54kg 6. 16128 4g ch Bop (US)-Iron's Frolic (US) (by Iron (US)) Oscar Flores Pink, turquoise diamond hoops, turquoise diamonds on sleeves Ownr: Wind N' Springs Farm Freddie Johnson 05Jun F HOLL 1 of 10 910m (6)$13.0k $13000 0.2L $4.30 C Marrero 54 Riveria Dancer 20Aug F HOLL 2 of 9 910m (2)$12.0k $12000 0.5L $8.60 C Marrero 55 Foxfield Drive 19Sep F HOLL 8 of 10 910m (4)$12.0k $12000 5.8L $10.70 C Marrero 55 Clowning Around All(11-2-1-0) $19,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) MEEHAN MEEHAN (7) 54kg 7. 45573 5g b Bold America (US)-Real Zeal (US) (by Unreal Zeal (US)) Mathew McGowan Blue, blue "m" on green diamond Ownr: Elizabeth E. Meehan Elizabeth Meehan 17Jul F HOLL 5 of 8 910m (8)$13.0k $13000 6L $30.60 J Schneider 55 Harrisons Cave 02Aug F HOLL 7 of 8 1410m (6)$12.0k $12000 15L $30.70 M McGowan 54 Blaze of Honor 20Aug F HOLL 3 of 9 910m (3)$12.0k $12000 1.5L $8.40 V Ryall 51 Foxfield Drive All(19-3-0-2) $32,700 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) FOX DRIVE (8) 54kg 8. 16665 6g gr Windsor Castle (US)-Great White Shark (US) (by Alphabet Soup (US)) Mauricio Rodriguez Light blue, orange hoops, orange bars on sleeves Ownr: D. Calvin Swomley Manolo Mangual 17Jul F HOLL 6 of 8 910m (7)$13.0k $13000 6.5L $16.90 J Acosta 54 Harrisons Cave 03Sep F HOLL 6 of 6 910m (4)$16.0k $16000 7.5L $40.00 M Rodriguez 54 Graduated 19Sep F HOLL 5 of 10 910m (5)$12.0k $12000 3.8L $25.90 E Ramirez 54 Clowning Around All(37-2-5-4) $50,100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) American Racing 905m $12200 M28 RACE 10 Starts 12:00pm DYLAN FIRST (9) 54kg 9. 54008 4g ch Boastful (US)-Demoness (US) (by Demons Begone (US)) Jesus Sanchez LAST SESSION (10) 55kg 10. 3X941 5g b Select Session (US)-Mean Ethlene (US) (by Firestar (US)) Carlos Castro Red, blue triangle, blue diamonds on sleeves Ownr: William Janulis And William L. Aylor, Jr. William Aylor, Jr. 23Jul H HOLL 10 of 10 1310m (1)$13.0k $13000 12L $14.90 V Rodriguez 54 Devils Dinero 13Aug F HOLL 10 of 10 1410m (9)$12.0k $12000 22L $27.00 J Sanchez 54 Mooremont 11Sep F HOLL 8 of 10 1310m (5)$12.0k $12000 18.5L $95.20 J Sanchez 54.5 Di Colas Warrior All(20-1-0-1) $13,400 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Blue, yellow circled yellow "e", blue bars on yellow sleeves Ownr: Little E Llc David Hussey 02Jul F HOLL 9 of 10 910m (3)$30.0k $30000 13.5L $76.90 R Maldonado 54 Klondike Kop 01Aug F HOLL 4 of 9 910m (3)$12.0k $12000 2.8L $37.60 V Rodriguez 55 Rebellious Dreamer 05Sep F HOLL 1 of 10 910m (6)$12.0k $12000 3L $39.50 C Castro 55 Fruitcake All(10-2-0-1) $18,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 MAIDEN CLAIMING 905M (CHARLES TOWN RACE 2) 905m RACE 11 $18600 STARTS 12:29pm Trackside 2 1. 90877 DOUBLE BOGEY BLUES (1) 54.5kg Jesus Sanchez 2f ch Charitable Man (US)-Hot Rhythm (US) (by Explosive Red (US)) White, royal blue circled royal blue "w", royal blue blocks Ownr: Timothy R. Williamson Donald Barber 29Aug F HOLL 8 of 10 910m (6)$29.0k $29000 8L $61.10 A Santiago 54 Jax and Yoko 06Sep H HOLL 7 of 7 1310m (6)$29.0k $29000 17L $32.30 G Santiago 54.5 Pride of Wilko 01Oct F HOLL 7 of 10 910m (2)$29.0k $29000 4L $71.90 J Sanchez 54.5 Crowned With Gold All(8-0-0-1) $4,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) LIGHTLY DANCING (2) 54.5kg 2. 92f b Peak Dancer (US)-Bonny Go Lightly (US) (by Bon Point (GB)) Katie Crews PETITE QUALITIES (3) 54.5kg 3. 7795 2f gr Quality Road (US)-Petite Fuego (US) (by Smoke Glacken (US)) Luis Batista Red, red "lucky red stable" on white ball, white chevrons on sleeves Ownr: Lucky Red Stables Earl McCormick 26Sep F HOLL 9 of 9 1310m (6) $29000 19L $44.20 K Crews 54.5 Lady Royal All(1-0-0-0) $100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Royal blue, royal blue "jm" on white ball, royal blue bars on white sleeves Ownr: James F. Miller Keturah Obed-Letts 07Aug F HOLL 7 of 10 910m (7)$29.0k $29000 6.8L $19.50 J Sanchez 54 Miss Stroud 29Aug F HOLL 9 of 10 910m (4)$29.0k $29000 8.3L $28.00 A Cortez 54 Jax and Yoko 26Sep F HOLL 5 of 9 1310m (3)$29.0k $29000 11L $6.00 L Batista 54.5 Lady Royal All(4-0-0-0) $1,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) MISS FEDS UP (4) 54.5kg 4. 82f b Windsor Castle (US)-Fluvanna (US) (by Ghostly Minister (US)) Jerry Villegas Purple, white sleeves James Locklear Ownr: Amber Locklear 07Aug F HOLL 8 of 10 910m (1) $29000 10.3L $58.60 J Villegas 54 Miss Stroud All(1-0-0-0) $100 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SHES FEELING JIGGY (5) 54.5kg 5. 2f b Green Goblin (US)-Two to Jig (US) (by Norquestor (US)) Victor Rodriguez Blue, yellow "edb", yellow bars and dots on sleeves Elex Bowman Ownr: Elex D. Bowman All(0) F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) JUST A SONG (6) 54.5kg 6. 54055 2f b Footnotes (US)-Das Is Alles (US) (by Roy (US)) Christian Hiraldo Green, green clover leaf on white ball, white sleeves Ownr: Cynthia E. O'Bannon Cynthia O'Bannon 17Jul F HOLL 10 of 10 910m (10)$30.0k $30000 10L $7.80 J Schneider 54 Sassafras Springs 29Aug F HOLL 5 of 10 910m (2)$29.0k $29000 4.5L $55.50 C Hiraldo 54 Jax and Yoko 04Oct F HOLL 5 of 10 910m (7)$29.0k $29000 13.8L $23.80 C Hiraldo 54.5 Awake the Day All(5-0-0-0) $4,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) COLONIAL ROCKET (7) 54.5kg 7. 6666 2f ch Officer Rocket (GB)-Cherokee Rain (US) (by Cherokee Colony (US)) Carlos Castro Navy, yellow circled yellow "d" Sandra Dono Ownr: Dimitri Racing Stable, Inc. 07Aug F HOLL 6 of 10 910m (10)$29.0k $29000 6L $18.10 C Castro 54 Miss Stroud 29Aug F HOLL 6 of 10 910m (10)$29.0k $29000 5.3L $42.50 C Castro 54 Jax and Yoko 26Sep F HOLL 6 of 9 1310m (4)$29.0k $29000 11.1L $23.90 C Castro 54.5 Lady Royal All(4-0-0-0) $2,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) MEETMEATTHECHURCH (8) 54.5kg 8. 2f ch Charitable Man (US)-Friday Morning (US) (by Kokand (US)) Mathew McGowan Blue, maroon and green chevrons Franklin Smith, Jr. Ownr: Franklin G. Smith, Jr. All(0) F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Win $ Qla $ Plc $ Tfa $ Margins: Winners Time: 5th M28 CLAIMING 1673M (MOUNTAINEER RACE 3) 1673m RACE 12 $9100 STARTS 12:44pm Trackside 2 1. X5998 SAINT GEORGE (1) 54.5kg Alexis Ortiz 4g b Saint Anddan (US)-Club Queen (US) (by Fortunate Prospect (US)) Ownr: Silvano M. Gonzalez 12Jul F MOUN 9 of 9 1210m (8)$10.0k $10000 23L $39.60 L Hernandez 54.5 Rephrase 09Aug F MOUN 9 of 9 1610m (8)$10.0k $10000 31L $54.90 A Ortiz 54.5 Tappintothemusic 13Sep F MOUN 8 of 10 1210m (8)$9.0k $9000 7.5L $36.40 A Ortiz 56 My Newfound Saint All(21-3-2-1) $25,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Red, red cap Silvano Gonzalez JEFF AND JOHN (2) 54.5kg 2. 33315 4g b Touch Gold (US)-Strong Vows (US) (by Broken Vow (US)) Christian Pilares White, white cap Dennis Jacques Ownr: W. Nelson Mcmakin 30Aug F MOUN 3 of 8 1210m (8)$9.0k $9000 3.8L $3.90 W Ortiz 54.5 Wacky Indian 17Sep F MOUN 1 of 8 1210m (8)$9.0k $9000 0.3L $3.40 C Pilares 54.5 Noontime Badge 29Sep F MOUN 5 of 10 1210m (3)$9.0k $9000 6.5L $13.00 C Pilares 56 Mister Paddy All(19-2-1-4) $18,900 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) TWICE WITH ICE (3) 56kg 3. 72241 4g b Indian Charlie (US)-Kettleoneup (US) (by Victory Gallop (US)) Deshawn Parker Blue, blue cap John Baird Ownr: John W. Baird 01Sep F PRES 2 of 10 1610m (9)$14.0k $14000 1.8L $7.80 A Stephen 54 Cry Vengeance 17Sep F PRES 4 of 10 1710m (7)$14.0k $14000 1L $4.50 A Stephen 54 Network News 24Sep F MOUN 1 of 9 1610m (1)$9.0k $9000 4.5L $2.00 C Pilares 54.5 Sledge All(20-3-4-0) $36,600 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SALTY SAYS SO (4) 54.5kg 4. 88414 4g b Yes I'm Salty (US)-Kitty's Gold (US) (by Gold Meridian (US)) Daniel Benavides Yellow, yellow cap ben Delong Ownr: Ben Delong 03Aug F PRAI 4 of 8 1670m (3)$11.0k $11000 2.5L $12.80 S Laviolette 54.5 Ino Thepath 06Sep F MOUN 1 of 9 1610m (2)$9.0k $9000 1L $2.60 D Benavides 54.5 California Kid 20Sep F MOUN 4 of 10 1110m (2)$9.0k $9000 0L $9.00 D Benavides 56 Smoky Four All(8-3-0-0) $33,200 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) SPANISH INVADER (5) 54.5kg 5. 17754 4g b Invasor (ARG)-Sweetdownthelane (US) (by Quiet American (US)) Megan Fadlovich Ownr: Jennifer Thorpe 29Jul F MOUN 7 of 7 1610m (6)$10.0k $10000 31.5L $15.20 B Whitacre 54.5 Chile Dude 17Aug F NOTF 5 of 9 1610m (7)$9.0k $9000 8.8L $15.70 M Fadlovich 55.5 He's R' Dehere Now 19Sep F NOTF 4 of 9 1310m (6)$7.0k $7000 4L $28.60 M Fadlovich 55.5 God Is Great All(16-3-2-3) $26,700 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) GAME WAGER (6) 54.5kg 6. 64464 4g b Suave (US)-Beautiful Sound (US) (by Impeachment (US)) Black, black cap Daniel Thompson Ricardo Feliciano Ownr: Michelle Helms 25Aug F MOUN 4 of 8 1210m (3)$9.0k $9000 9.8L $2.50 W Ortiz 56 Palmetto Moon 13Sep F MOUN 6 of 10 1210m (3)$9.0k $9000 6.8L $17.20 T Houghton 56 My Newfound Saint 06Oct G MOUN 4 of 9 1610m (4)$9.0k $9000 5.5L $16.10 T Houghton 54.5 Greek Trick All(33-2-4-4) $36,700 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Lime, lime cap Edward Clouston FLASHY FINISH (7) 54.5kg 7. 67483 5g b Tenpins (US)-She Will Roll (US) (by Well Decorated (US)) Agustin Bracho LIVIN N' PARADISE (8) 54.5kg 8. 24429 7g gr Mr. Livingston (US)-Jazmin Island (US) (by Seacliff (US)) Walter De La Cruz Red, white hoops, red and white cap Ownr: Edjaz Racing Stable Jorge Vargas 31Aug S MOUN 4 of 10 1110m (5)$9.0k $9000 2.5L $38.50 A Bracho 54.5 Tictact Kat 20Sep F MOUN 8 of 10 1110m (9)$9.0k $9000 8L $17.50 W Lozano-Jr 54.5 Smoky Four 06Oct G MOUN 3 of 9 1610m (9)$9.0k $9000 5L $72.70 A Bracho 54.5 Greek Trick All(53-2-6-13) $73,800 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Yellow, black stripes, yellow and black cap Ownr: Ronald W. And Kim A. Puhl Kim Puhl 11Sep F PRES 4 of 7 1670m (3)$16.0k $16000 1L $10.70 R Feliciano 54 Sir Bluegrass 21Sep F PRES 2 of 8 1710m (8)$16.0k $16000 3L $7.40 R Feliciano 54 Sharp Richard 03Oct G THIS 9 of 10 1670m (10)$12.0k $12000 16.3L $5.00 R Feliciano 54 I'am a Player All(102-4-21-13) $167,300 F(0) G(0) D(0) S(0) H(0) C(0) Dst(0) F90(0) 2ndUp(0) Placings Win 1st $ 2nd 3rd 4th Qla $ 5th
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