Advance Program Sunday, October 12, 2014 Sunday Session 12:00 PM - 3:30 PM Session Chair: Lukas Chrostowski, University of British Columbia, Canada Short Course: Introduction to Silicon Photonics Device Design and Fabrication Workshop This short course teaches participants how to design passive silicon photonic devices using analytic and advanced numerical techniques. Participant designs will be fabricated by a state-of-the-art rapidprototyping 100 keV electron-beam lithography facility (University of Washington, USA). All designs will be tested using an automated optical probe station and the data provided to the participants. Participants will then analyze their experimental data. 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM Session Chair: Martin Dawson, Institute of Photonics, University of Strathclyde, Scotland “Hot Papers” & “Meet the Editors” This new event will offer the opportunity to meet and hear from Carmen Menoni (Editor of IEEE Photonics Journal) and Seb Savory (Editor of IEEE Photonics Technology Letters) about the mission and focus of their journals, and will involve presentations, by the respective authors, of recent ‘highlight’ papers from these journals, as selected by the journal editorial boards. Session followed by refreshments 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM Session Chair: Alexandra Boltasheva, Purdue University, USA Panel on Metamaterials At a time when new materials, devices, applications and regimes of operation for Metamaterials are emerging rapidly, this panel discussion will allow the community to take stock of where the field is heading and discuss the challenges and opportunities ahead. This panel is organized by Alexandra Boltasseva (Purdue University, USA). Panelists: Alexandra Boltasheva (Moderator) Purdue University, USA Andrea Alu, University of Texas at Austin, USA Nader Engheta, University of Pennsylvania, USA Nanfang Yu, Columbia University, USA Zubin Jacob, University of Alberta, Canada Monday, October 13, 2014 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session MA1: Advances in Biophotonics Session Chair: Audrey Ellerbee, Stanford University, USA MA1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Rethinking Microscopy, C. Yang, California Institute of Technology, CA, USA I will discuss my group’s recent work on rethinking microscopy from the ground up. I will report on a self-imaging petri dish technology (ePetri) which is capable of streaming microscopy-level live cell culture images directly out of the incubator. MA1.2 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Invited) Vesicle Photonics in Biology with a Focus on Single Cell Analysis, A. E. Vasdekis, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA, E. Scott, J. A. Hubbell and D. Psaltis, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland Vesicle Photonics will be introduced, focusing on the optical stimulation and imaging of single cells. Applications in drug delivery will be detailed, as well as ongoing work (PNNL) on the synthesis of advanced bio-fuels. MA1.3 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Invited) Simultaneous spatial and temporal focusing for tissue ablation, J. Squier and C. Durfee, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA Simultaneous spatial and temporal focusing (SSTF) effectively inhibits nonlinear processes that traditionally reduce the precision with which a low numerical aperture beam can ablate or modify materials. A novel SSTF compression architecture and characterization techniques are described. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session MB1: Novel LEDs Session Chair: Peyman Servati, University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC MB1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) InGaN-based Nanocoumn Emitters Suitable for Display Applications, K. Kishino, Sophia University and Sophia Nanotechnology Research Center, A. Yanagihara and S. Ishizawa, Sophia University, Japan Three primary colors LEDs with a high directional radiation beam profile will be effectively utilized for projection type LED displays. MB1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Extending quantum efficiency roll-over threshold with compositionally graded InGaN/GaN LED, P. Mishra, T. Ng, B. Janjua, C. Shen, Photonics Lab, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, J. Eid, Solar and Alternative Energy Engineering Center, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, A. Alyamani, M. El-Desouki, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and B. Ooi, Photonics Lab, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia We report a significant improvement in the electrical characteristic of compositionally graded InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well (MQWs) micro-LED. The efficiency droop in this device occurred at ~20 times higher injection levels (~275 A/cm2) compared to a conventional step-MQWs micro-LED (~14 A/cm2). MB1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Phosphor modeling based on reabsorption of Stokes shifted light, S. Jeon, Korea Photonics Technology Institute, Gwangju, Korea, J. Noh, K. Kim, W. Kim, C. Yun, S. Song and J. Kim, KOPTI, Gwangju, Korea When the emission spectrum of the powder state is adopted in an optical simulation, the simulated optical properties show a remarkable discrepancy from those of the fabricated LED package. We suggest that the discrepancy originates from the absorption of Stokes shifted light by a phosphor. MB1.4 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM (Invited) Direct Emitting LEDs for Displays, C. Wetzel, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Progress and research needs are emphasized for energy efficient display illumination by means of groupIII nitride based direct emitting LEDs, bypassing the lossy phosphor conversion. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session MC1: Waveguides and Devices for Optical Interconnects I Session Chair: Ozan Yilmaz MC1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Adaptive Coupling Approach for Single Mode VCSELs with Polymer Waveguides, E. Bosman, CMST: Ghent University & IMEC, Gent, Belgium, A. Elmogi, CMST : Ghent University and IMEC, Gent, Belgium, S. Wiegersma, TNO, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, H. van den Berg, TNO, Delft, The Netherlands, M. Ortsiefer, A. Daly, VERTILAS GmbH, Garching, Germany and G. Van Steenberge, CMST: Ghent University and IMEC, Gent, Belgium A novel scalable coupling approach for single mode VCSELs and planar optical waveguides is presented. The coupling is based on the embedding of the VCSELs inside the substrate and the adaptive fabrication of waveguides on top, realizing 1 um alignment accuracy. MC1.2 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM (Invited) Polymer Waveguide Based Electro-Optical Assembly Technology for Computing Applications, R. Dangel, F. Horst, D. Jubin, A. La Porta, N. Meier, J. Weiss and B. J. Offrein, IBM Research, Switzerland We extend our state-of-the-art multi-mode polymer waveguide technology to single-mode operation at a wavelength of 1300 nm and demonstrate the potential of this single-mode optical PCB technology for the assembly of silicon photonics chips. MC1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 45-degree Mirrors on Graded-Index Core Polymer Optical Waveguides for Low-Loss Light Coupling, Y. Morimoto, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, R. Kinoshita, A. Takahashi and T. Ishigure, Keio University, Japan We demonstrate that graded-index (GI) profile in square-core waveguides improve the loss at 45-degree mirrors on its ends over the SI-core waveguides. We also fabricate and characterize the mirror on GI “circular”-core waveguides. MC1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Photomask Free Fabrication of Single-Mode Polymer Optical Waveguide Using the Mosquito Method, S. Yoshida, Keio university, Yokohama, Japan We demonstrate a photomask-free fabrication for single-mode polymer optical waveguides using the Mosquito method. In fabricating the waveguides, an inorganic-organic hybrid resin is applied to decrease the carbon-hydrogen absorption loss at 1550-nm wavelength. MC1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM An Approach to Optimize the Diffusion Process for Graded Index Waveguides Fabrication in Thin Glass Sheets, D. Zhang, T. Kuehler, J. H. Stosch and E. Griese, Institute of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Photonics, Siegen, Germany A back-propagation neural network was introduced to model and optimize the Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange process for graded index waveguide fabrication in thin glass sheets. After optimization, the network trained with numerical experiment results showed very good generalization ability. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session MD1: PON and Data Networks Session Chair: Ming Xia, Ericson Inc., USA MD1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Optical Interconnection Networks for Data Centers, O. Liboiron-Ladouceur, Dept. of Electrical. & Computer Eng., McGill University, Montreal, QC,, Canada Optical networks implementation exploiting the energy-proportional concept within the switches and in the signal conversion interface will be discussed, as well as optical networks implemented onto a single chip leading to new opportunities. MD1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM WDM-IDMA Solution for NG-PON2 Enabled by Coherent Technology and Colorless ONUs, E. A. El-Fiky, Z. A. El-Sahn, Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt and H. Shalaby, Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, EgyptJapan, Alexandria, Egypt We propose a novel hybrid solution for NGPON2 combining wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and interleave-division multiple-access (IDMA). Results demonstrate the uplink transmission supporting more than 90 colorless ONUs at 1.25 Gb/s each over 100 km reach. MD1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Performance Upgrade of Low-Bandwidth RSOA Devices Using 4-PAM and Pre-Equalization , C. Stamatiadis, Technische Universitaet Berlin, Joint Lab Silicon Photonics, Berlin, AE, Germany, Y. Yoshida, Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering, OSAKA university, OSAKA, Japan, R. Matsumoto, Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, A. Agata, KDDI R&D Laboratories Inc., Osaka, Japan, A. Maruta and K. Kitayama, Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan We present 4-PAM external modulation up to 10Gbit/s using a RSOA with a 3-dB bandwidth of 1.2GHz. By applying pre-equalization we demonstrate 10km 4-PAM transmission at 8Gbit/s with bit-error-rate below the FEC limit. MD1.4 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Invited) Optical Physical-Layer Network Coding – Another Dimension to Increase Network Capacity?, L. Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Network coding is a revolutionary technique that can enhance network throughput and protection. This presentation introduces optical physical-layer network coding (OPNC), focusing on “common-channel” OPNC that can fully utilize network resources. OCIS codes: (060.2330) Fiber optics communications; (060.4259) Networks, packet-switched 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session ME1: VCSEL 1 Session Chair: TBD ME1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Design and Reliability of High speed VCSELs with Emphasis on 850 nm, J. Guenter, Finisar Corp, USA ME1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM VCSELs for Computer Interconnects, D. Bimberg, H. Li, P. Moser, P. Wolf, G. Larisch and J. A. Lott, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany Temperature-stable, energy-efficient, and error-free data transmission with oxide-confined 980 nm VCSELs is obtained for bit rates from 25 to over 40 Gb/s across the broad temperature range 25 to 85 °C. The VCSELs are well-suited for board-to-board, chip-to-chip, and on-chip optical interconnects for computer communications. ME1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM 240 Gbit/s VCSEL Array for Multicore Fiber Interconnects, P. Westbergh, J. S. Gustavsson and A. Larsson, MC2 - Photonics Laboratory, Gothenburg, Sweden We report on the performance of a 6-channel 850 nm VCSEL array intended for multicore fiber interconnects and demonstrate individual channels capable of 40 Gbit/s error-free transmission for an aggregate capacity of 240 Gbit/s. ME1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Modulation Bandwidth Enhancement via Resonance Detuning in Coherently Coupled Vertical Cavity Laser Arrays, S. T. Fryslie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA, M. T. Johnson, United States Air Force, Baltimore, MD, USA, M. Tan, Intel Corp., Hillsboro, OR, USA, D. F. Siriani, MIT Lincoln Laboratories, Lexington, MA 02420, Lexington, MA, USA and K. D. Choquette, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA We show significant improvement of modulation bandwidth from 1x2 vertical cavity surface emitting laser arrays that are coherently coupled as compared to incoherent operation. 25 GHz small signal bandwidth is obtained with single mode operation and increased output power. ME1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Polarization Switching and Bistability in a 1300 nm spin-VCSEL Subject to Circularly Polarized Optical Injection, S. S. Alharthi, A. Hurtado, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, V. Korpijärvi, Tampere University of technology, Tampere, Finland, M. Gunia, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland, I. Henning and M. Adams, University of Essex, Colchester, UK We report the first experimental observation of different forms of polarization switching and bistability in an optically injected 1300nm dilute nitride spin-VCSEL and for both (right- and left-) circularly polarized modes of the device. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session MF1: Frequency Combs and Non Linear Effects in Microresonators Session Chair: Alexey Maslov, University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia MF1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Kerr Optical Frequency Combs for Ultra-Stable Microwave and Lightwave Signal Generation, Y. Chembo, FEMTO-ST Institute, France MF1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Broadband Mode-Locked Kerr Combs Based on Soft Excitation of Microresonator Dark Solitons, X. Xue, Y. Xuan, Y. Liu, P. Wang, S. Chen, J. Wang, D. E. Leaird, M. Qi and A. M. Weiner, Purdue University, USA Mode-interaction-aided soft excitation of dark solitons in normal dispersion nonlinear microresonators is proved both experimentally and in simulation for the first time, resulting in dark pulse mode-locked broadband Kerr combs. MF1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Control of Kerr Optical Frequency Comb Generation with Temperature Dependent Group Velocity Dispersion, A. Matsko, W. Liang, V. Ilchenko, A. Savchenkov, J. Byrd, D. Seidel and L. Maleki, OEwaves Inc, Pasadena, USA Kerr frequency comb generation in a MgF2 microresonator depends on the resonator temperature. This effect occurs as a consequence of change of local group velocity dispersion of the resonator spectrum resulting from linear interaction among resonator modes. MF1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM All-Optical Switching in a GaAs Microdisk Resonator, Y. Lin, M. Mao, Y. Lin, H. Lin, C. Lin and L. A. Wang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China We demonstrated high-speed all-optical switching in a GaAs microdisk resonator using the tapered fiber pump probe technique. The optical transmission of the resonator was modulated with a time response of 43 ps. MF1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Dynamical Investigation of Kerr-Type Coupled Ring Resonators, Y. Eksioglu, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic The dynamics of nonlinear resonant structures consisting of two coupled ring resonators were investigated for non-instantaneous Kerr response. We demonstrated transitions from stable states to selfpulsing and chaotic states. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session MG1: Visible Light & Other Systems Session Chair: Ian White, Cambridge University, UK MG1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Visible Light Communications: Improving Data Rate, Link Margin and Field of View, D. O'Brien, S. Collins, H. Chun, G. Faulkner, S. Rajbhandari, A. Watt, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, P. Manousiadis, D. A. Vithanage, G. A. Turnbull, I. D. Samuel, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK, R. Henderson, K. Cameron, A. V. Jalajakumari, D. Tsonev, S. Videv, H. Haas, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, E. Xie, E. Gu, J. J. McKendry and M. D. Dawson, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK A consortium of UK universities (Strathclyde, Oxford, Cambridge, St.Andrews, Edinburgh) has been investigating the use of micro-LEDs for VLC. This paper details improvements to transmitter and receiver that can increase link margin, field of view and data rate. MG1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Singular Layer Transmission for Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution, L. Gyongyosi, Budapest University of Technology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary and S. Imre, Budapest University of Technology, Hungary We develop a singular layer transmission model for continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD). We show that the singular layer assistance provides improved secret key rates for CVQKD, particularly in crucial low signal-to-noise ratio regimes. MG1.3 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Demonstration of a Bi-directional Visible Light Communication with an Overall Sum-rate of 110 Mb/s using LEDs as Emitter and Detector, H. Chun, Oxford University, Oxford, UK, S. Rajbhandari, G. Faulkner, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, D. Tsonev, H. Haas, Institute for Digital Communications, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK and D. O’Brien, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK This paper investigates the feasibility of moderate data rate visible light communication using commercial RGB-LEDs as both emitters and detectors. Data rates of 155 Mb/s (uni-directional) and 110 Mb/s (aggregate bi-directional) were demonstrated. MG1.4 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Performance of Time-Bandwidth Engineering Systems, J. Chan, M. Asghari and B. Jalali, UCLA, Photonics Lab., Los Angeles, CA, USA Recently introduced Stretched Modulation Distribution is used to study tolerance to non-idealities in time bandwidth engineering systems that employ nonlinear phase operations. In particular, the performance in far field and near field regimes is determined by group delay ripples at lower and higher frequencies, respectively. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session MH1: Nanophotonics Tutorial Session Chair: Ertugrul Cubukcu, University of Pennsylvania, USA MH1.1 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM (Tutorial) Optical Nanoantennas, N. Engheta, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA Optical nanoantennas have become an important part of nano-optics, nanophotonics, and micro- and nanoscale light-matter interaction. In this tutorial, I present an overview of some of the fundamental concepts and recent developments in this area. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session MA2: Bioimaging and Tomography Session Chair: Changhuei Yang, California Institute of Technology, USA MA2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and Applications, A. Ellerbee, Stanford University, USA Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a competitor to established techniques for imaging tissue microstructure and small animals. We describe work at Stanford towards the development of new OCT system schemes, algorithms, phantoms and clinical applications. MA2.2 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) Optical Coherence in all the Right (and Wrong) Places: Using and Designing Coherence for Biomedical Imaging, M. A. Choma, Yale University, USA The spatial and temporal coherence of optical fields are basic properties that have been successfully exploited in biomedical optics. I will discuss our biomedical use of optical coherence tomography and our work in the targeted design of desirable spatial coherence properties in light sources. MA2.3 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM A Novel Electro-Optically Tuned Optical Coherence Tomography Technique for Dental Imaging, V. Damodaran, N. J. Vasa and S. U, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India An optical coherence tomography (OCT) system for imaging dental caries is studied. A potassium tantalate niobate crystal based electro-optic OCT system with an optical-path scanning range of 441.9 micrometers under 1 kV is proposed. MA2.4 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Low Aberration KTa1-xNbxO3 Varifocal Lens for Visible Wavelength Range Applications, J. Miyazu, T. Imai and J. Kobayashi, NTT Photonics Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan Varifocal lenses for visible wavelength range applications are fabricated using KTa1-xNbxO3 crystals. The unexpected beam distortion caused by the aberration of the lenses is greatly reduced by suppressing electron injection. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session MB2: Waveguides and Devices for Optical Interconnects II Session Chair: Rena Huang, Teradiode Inc., USA MB2.1 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM LaC: Integrating Laser Control in a Photonic Interconnect, Y. Demir and N. Hardavellas, Northwestern University, USA Silicon photonics are an attractive technology for global interconnects in many-core processors. However, they come with significant laser power consumption. Turning off underutilized portions of the interconnect can save 62-92% of the laser power. MB2.2 10:45 AM - 11:00 AM Surface-normal photonic Crystal Membrane Reflectors with Integrated In-Plane Couplers for Integrated Silicon Photonics, D. Zhao, A. S. Chadha, S. Liu, H. Yang, Y. Shuai, University of Texas at Arlington, USA, Z. Ma, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and W. Zhou, University of Texas at Arlington, USA We report design and fabrication of photonic crystal (PC) Si membrane reflectors with integrated in-plane couplers (Si MR-Coupler) based on Fano resonance effect. The measured results show the Si MRCoupler has a 99% reflection and > 0.22% in-plane coupling efficiency. MB2.3 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Electro-optic Polymer Modulator with Low-driving Voltage and High-Bandwidth Toward HighRefractive Index Waveguide Plateform, S. Yokoyama, Kyushu University, Japan We show our recent achievement of the electro-optic polymer waveguide modulator with a very small half-wave-voltage (driving voltage) and 50 GHz bandwidth property. Furthermore, we use EO polymer with the high-refractive index waveguide such as silicon nitride and titanium dioxide toward silicon photonics application. MB2.4 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Improvement in Crosstalk of 200-Port Bragg Reflector Waveguides Array-Based Wavelength Selective Switch, X. Gu, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, K. Suzuki, Y. Ikuma, NTT Photonics Laboratories, Japan, A. Matsutani and F. Koyama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan We analyze and improve the crosstalk between adjacent output-ports in Bragg reflector waveguides arraybased wavelength selective switching. Crosstalk below -23 dB is obtained in a 200-port waveguide array with a pitch of only 30 µm. MB2.5 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Polarization Independent Optofluidic Nematic Liquid Crystal Channels, A. d'Alessandro, R. Asquini, L. Martini, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, R. Beccherelli, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy and G. Gilardi, University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands We present the fabrication and the characterization of waveguides made of a nematic liquid crystal infiltrated in PDMS channels. The molecular orientation inside the waveguides allows only 0.3 dB variation of light transmission versus polarization. 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session MC2: Designs for Integration Session Chair: Yulia Akulova, JDSU, USA MC2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Photonic Molecules for Optical Signal Processing, L. A. Barea, M. C. Souza, G. F. Rezende and N. C. Frateschi, University of Campinas, Brazil We demonstrate how CMOS compatible photonic molecules (PM) can break the fundamental interdependence among quality factor (Q), channel spacing and size of microring resonators. Different PM architectures are presented for efficient and compact optical signal processing. MC2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Bandpass Bragg Grating Transmission Filters and Optical Add-Drop Multiplexers on Silicon-onInsulator, J. Wang and L. R. Chen, McGill University, Canada We demonstrate bandpass transmission filters and optical add-drop multiplexers on SOI based on interferometric structures incorporating a pair of sidewall Bragg gratings. MC2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Side Lobe Suppression in Wavelength Characteristics of the Grating Loaded in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Waveguide, Y. Hayama, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, Japan We propose a silicon waveguide Mach-Zehnder in-terferometer with weighted grating structures for a tunable add-drop filter. Theoretically and experimen-tally obtained wavelength characteristics with suppressed side lobes in the proposed device are reported. MC2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Inductively Coupled Plasmas (ICP) Etching of PZT Thin Films for Fabricating Optical Waveguide with Photoresist/Aluminum Bilayer Masking, Z. Qi, G. Hu and Y. Cui, School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China PZT ridge waveguide morphology was studied by ICP etching. The waveguide morphology etched by single electrode ICP was much better than that of the dual-electrode ICP under the optimal conditions. MC2.5 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM (Invited) Silicon Photonics for WDM Nodes in UC San Diego’s Data-Center Network, S. Mookherjea, University of California, San Diego, Electrical and Computer Engineering We present results from the recent collaboration between UC San Diego and Sandia National Laboratories via CIAN-ERC, demonstrating some wavelength-division multiplexing functionality implemented in the MORDIA circuit-switched ring network, including node-on-a-chip and multi-channel spectral monitoring. 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session MD2: Optical Radio and Overlay Technologies Session Chair: Anthony Kelly, University of Glasgow, UK MD2.1 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM An Effect of Detuning Frequency in DSP-Assisted Offset-Frequency-Spaced Two-Tone Optical Coherent Detection for Radio-over-Fiber Signal, T. Kuri, T. Sakamoto and T. Kawanishi, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan A digital-signal-processing-assisted optical coherent detection of an uplink radio-over-fiber signal with a two-tone local light, which is insensitive to laser phase fluctuation, is newly proposed and its phase fluctuation cancellation effect is experimentally demonstrated. MD2.2 10:45 AM - 11:00 AM Experimental and Simulation Analysis of the W-band SC-FDMA Hybrid Optical-Wireless Transmission, A. Dogadaev, X. Pang, DTU Fotonik, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, L. Deng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, S. Ruepp, L. Dittmann and H. L. Christiansen, DTU Fotonik, Kgs. Denmark We report on the experimental demonstration of the W-band hybrid optical-wireless SC-FDMA with 1.49 Gbit/s transmission over up to 2.3 m of air propagation. Provided simulation performance analysis proves a potential to reach 12.1 Gbit/s. MD2.3 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) Photonics Enabled Wireless Networks: Optical Wireless and Optical Backhaul, T. Nirmalathas, K. Wang, Y. Yang and C. Lim, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia Optical technologies can enable efficient backhaul for mobile networks and can provide direct wireless transmission to support ultra-broadband connectivity. This paper examines the complimentary role of optical networking and optical systems in broadband wireless access networks. MD2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Data Overlay in Optical Networks Through Level-Scalable Flexible Modulation and its Application in Multicast Overlay for WDM-PON, G. Lu, NICT, Japan; Tokai University, Japan, T. Sakamoto and T. Kawanishi, NICT, Japan We propose an optical data overlay scheme through level-scalable flexible modulation. Using this proposed scheme, Optical multicast overlay over point-to-point unicast in WDM-PON is experimentally demonstrated by scaling up the modulation from QPSK to 16QAM at 10Gbaud. MD2.5 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Modulation Format Conversion from BPSK to QPSK Using Delayed Interferometer and Pulse Shaping Filter, M. Mihara, Y. Shinohara, H. Kishikawa, N. Goto, The University of Tokushima, Japan and S. Yanagiya, The University of Tokushima, Japan Previously we demonstrated an all-optical modulation format conversion from BPSK to QPSK without employing band narrowing filter. In this report, we propose a complete conversion system with filtering and the performance is numerically confirmed. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session ME2: VCSELs, Nanolasers and Microdisks Session Chair: Dieter Bimberg, TU Berlin, Germany ME2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Coherent Coupling in Vertical Cavity Laser Arrays, K. Choquette, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, USA, M. T. Johnson, United States Air Force, USA, Z. Gao, B. Thompson, G. Ragunathan, S. Fryslie, University of Illinois, USA, M. Tan, Intel Corporation, USA and D. Siriani, University of Illinois, USA We discuss the physics and applications of coherently coupled photonic crystal vertical cavity surface emitting laser arrays. The optical phase between elements can be controlled using a novel temporal phase shifting mechanism. ME2.2 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) Room Temperature Plasmonic Nanolasers, T. W. Odom, Northwestern University, USA This talk will describe how strongly coupled nanoparticle arrays can behave as an unconventional cavity structure for plasmonic nanolasers. Room temperature, directional emission was achieved. ME2.3 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Stokes Parameters and Hybridization of Optical Modes in Long-Wavelength vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers (VCSELs), N. Volet, B. Dwir, A. Sirbu, V. Iakovlev, A. Mereuta, EPFL, Switzerland, A. Caliman, G. Suruceanu, BeamExpress S.A., Switzerland and E. Kapon, EPFL, Switzerland The polarization of the beam emitted from long-wavelength VCSELs is characterized with the Stokes parameters. Stable optical modes are discovered, with a polarization that differs from the linear case. Results are explained by hybridization of the VCSEL modes and a negative linewidth enhancement factor. ME2.4 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM High-Q Current-Injection InAs Quantum-dot Microdisk Lasers Operating at Room Temperature, C. Chu, Y. Li, C. Cheng and M. Mao, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China We report room-temperature operation of current-injection InAs quantum-dot microdisk lasers with quality factor >23,000. The lasing wavelength is at 1136nm with threshold current of 0.39mA. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session MF2: Theory and Applications of Microresonators Session Chair: Misha Sumetsky, Aston University, UK MF2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) The Use of Optical resonances in Energy and Thermal Applications, S. Fan, Stanford University, USA MF2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Integrated Field-Programmable 2×2 Optical Switch on a Multilayer Platform, M. Sodagar, A. H. Hosseinnia, A. A. Eftekhar and A. Adibi, Georgia Tech, USA We demonstrate field-programmable 2×2 optical switch based on resonance elimination through dielectric breakdown phenomenon on a high-quality multilayer platform (Si/SiO2/Si). Fabricated device exhibits an on/off extinction ratio of more than 20 dB for both routes. MF2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Athermal Characteristics of TiO2-Clad Silicon Waveguides at 1.3µm, S. Feng, K. Shang, University of California, USA, J. Bovington, R. Wu, K. Cheng, J. Bowers, University of California, USA and S. Yoo, University of California, USA We investigate athermal characteristics of silicon waveguides clad with TiO2. The measured ring resonance wavelengths near 1.3 µm over 20-50°C exhibit second-order thermo-optical effects and spectral dependency, implying second-order effects from TiO2 and Si combination. MF2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM An Optical Delayline Based on Excitable Microrings, T. Van Vaerenbergh, M. Fiers, UGent-imec, Belgium, J. Dambre and P. Bienstman, Ghent university, Belgium We present in simulation a photonic neural circuit achieving a 200 ns spike delay, based on excitability in microrings. This type of delayline paves the way towards fully integrated optical spiking neural networks. MF2.5 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Practice and Theory in Silicon-on-Insulator Slot Waveguide, M. Salih, Research Assistant, Baghdad, Iraq and X. Chen, University of Colorado Boulder, USA In this paper, a phenomenological method for improving the accuracy of SoI slot waveguide modeling is presented. By incorporating loss factor from experimental measurement into numerical model, agreement between numerical and measurement results is achieved. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session MG2: Modulation & Detection I Session Chair: Zhenning Tao, Fujitsu R&D Center, China MG2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Optical Spectral Shaping and High Spectral Efficiency in Long Haul Systems, M. Mazurczyk, TE SubCom, USA Spectral shaping implemented with digital-to-analog converters is a powerful technique for increasing spectral efficiency. We review both its background and experimental demonstrations including a record single core result of 44.1 Tb/s over 9,100 km. MG2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in CO-OFDM Systems Using Dual Compensators, S. Hussin and R. Noe, Optical Communication and High-Frequency Engineering, Germany We simulate frequency domain dual compensators for nonlinear phase noise mitigation in a 1200 km 40 Gbps coherent optical OFDM transmission system with inline dispersion compensation. This technique effectively compensates SPM induced by fiber nonlinearity. MG2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Optical Phase Noise Suppression in CO-OFDM System with Sub-Symbol Processing and Linear Interpolation, X. Hong, South China Normal University, China, X. Hong, South China Normal University, China, D. Wang, Huawei Technologies, China and S. He, South China Normal University, China Two optical phase noise suppression algorithms based on sub-symbol processing and linear interpolation are proposed for CO-OFDM system. With increased temporal resolution and accuracy in phase estimation, the new algorithms increase system’s laser linewidth tolerance significantly. MG2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM ROADM Cascade Performance in DD Multi-band OFDM Metro Networks Employing Virtual Carriers, J. Rosario, T. Alves and A. Cartaxo, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal A cascade of ROADMs in direct-detection multi-band (MB) OFDM metro networks employing virtual carriers is analyzed numerically. Results indicate that, for a 3-band MB-OFDM network with 40 kmspans, 26 ROADMs can be traversed with BER<10^-3. MG2.5 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Experimental Demonstration of an OFDM Receiver Based on a Silicon-Nanophotonic Discrete Fourier Transform Filter, F. Da Ros, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Photonics Engineering, Denmark, M. Nölle, Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany, C. Meuer, A. Rahim, K. Voigt, A. Abboud, I. Sackey, Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Hochfrequenztechnik, Germany, S. Schwarz, Helmut Schmidt University, Germany, L. Molle, Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany, G. Winzer, L. Zimmermann, IHP, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, C. G. Schäffer, Helmut Schmidt University, Germany, J. Bruns, K. Petermann, Technische Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Hochfrequenztechnik, Germany and C. Schubert, Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany We experimentally demonstrate the demultiplexing of 8×13.4 Gbaud OFDM-QPSK subcarriers using a silicon nanophotonic-based discrete Fourier transform (DFT) filter. All eight subcarriers showed less than 1.5 dB OSNR penalty compared to the theoretical limit. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session MH2: Nanophotonic Devices I Session Chair: Gennady Shvets, University of Texas, USA MH2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Nanophotonic Design for Broadband Light Management, H. A. Atwater, MSE, USA, E. Kosten, D. Callahan, K. W. Horowitz and R. Pala, Thomas J. Watson Laboratories of Applied Physics, USA We describe nanophotonic design approaches for broadband light management including i) crossedtrapezoidal Si structures ii) Si photonic crystal superlattices iii) and tapered and inhomogeneous diameter III-V/Si nanowire arrays. MH2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Electrically Injected nanoLED with Enhanced Spontaneous Emission From a Cavity Backed Optical Slot Antenna, S. A. Fortuna, M. Eggleston, K. Messer, E. Yablonovitch and M. C. Wu, UC Berkeley, USA We propose enhancing the rate of spontaneous emission from an electrically injected nanoLED with a cavity backed optical slot antenna. Initial experimental results show 2x higher intensity of light emission with polarization parallel with the antenna mode indicating the presence of spontaneous emission enhancement. MH2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Directional Control of Light-Emitting-Device Emission Via Sub-micron Dielectric Structures, Y. Motoyama, Y. Hirano, K. Tanaka, N. Saito, H. Kikuchi and N. Shimidzu, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Japan We fabricated optical devices containing sub-micron cylindrical structures. Most stray light is reduced by using a shielding film. Therefore, we can obtain a principal axis with a large deflection angle and sharply defined shape. MH2.4 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Invited) Nonreciprocal Plasmonics, H. Giessen, University of Stuttgart, Germany 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session MA3: Nanobiophotonics and Optofluidics Session Chair: Andreas Vasdekis, Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA MA3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Ultrasensitive Digital Detection of Nanoparticles: Viral Diagnostics and Multiplexed Protein and Nucleic Acid Assays, M.S. Ünlü, Boston University, USA Single Particle Interferometric Reflectance Imaging Sensor (SP-IRIS) with the ability to detect single nanoscale particles in a robust and inexpensive configuration is a promising tool for a wide range of diagnostic applications from direct detection of viral pathogens to multiplexed protein and nucleic acid assays. MA3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Spaser Powered Photothermal Cancer Therapy using Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes, C. Rupasinghe, W. Zhu and M. Premaratne, Monash University, Australia We propose a new cancer treatment technique in which graphene nanoflakes and carbon nanotubes operate as a self-assembled cluster of spasers near cancer cells causing selective destruction of them by an amplified electric field. MA3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Raman Characterization of DNA-CTMA Biopolymer and its Application for Ridge Waveguide with PDMS Clad, W. Jung, Yonsei University, Korea, H. Jun, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, B. Paulson, T. Nazari, Yonsei University, Korea, Y. Nam, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea and K. Oh, Yonsei University, Korea We fabricated solid thin film composed of DNA complexes based on cetyltrimethylammonium. We developed a re-crystallization process that can reduce the hydroxyl contents significantly, which were confirmed by the Raman spectra measurements. DNA-CTMA film was deposited on a PDMS channel to form a ridge waveguide. MA3.4 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM (Invited) Optofluidic Laser Based Biodetection, X. Fan, University of Michigan, USA 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session MB3: TFTs and Displays Session Chair: Peyman Servati, University of British Columbia, Canada MB3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Solution-Deposited Oxide TFTs and Backplanes, R. Street, T. Ng, R. A. Lujan, Palo Alto Research Center, USA and T. Lee, Samsung Fine Chemicals Co., Ltd., Korea IGZO metal oxide TFTs are fabricated from solution by sol-gel processing of In, Ga and Zn precursors. TFT mobility of about 20 cm2/Vs was achieved in various device configurations. The performance of solution-deposited TFT backplanes will also be described. MB3.2 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Invited) Is Quantum-Dot LCD Ready for Prime Time?, Z. Luo, CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA, Y. Chen, Univeristy of Central Florida, USA, D. Xu and S. Wu, CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA Quantum dots (QDs) backlight brings several advantages to LCDs, including wider color gamut, higher light efficiency, enhanced ambient contrast ratio, and over 100X smaller color shift. The prime time for QD-enhanced LCDs is around the corner. MB3.3 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Flexible AMOLED Display Using an Oxide-TFT Backplane and Inverted OLEDs, Y. Nakajima, T. Takei, G. Motomura, T. Tsuzuki, H. Fukagawa, M. Nakata, H. Tsuji, T. Shimizu, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Sci. & Tech. Res. Labs., Setagaya-ku, Japan, K. Morii, M. Hasegawa, Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd., Japan, Y. Fujisaki, T. Kurita and T. Yamamoto, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, Sci. & Tech. Res. Labs., Japan An oxide-TFT-driven flexible AMOLED display using inverted OLEDs was fabricated. The fabricated TFT backplane exhibited good electrical characteristics, and we confirmed the display could show color moving images. MB3.4 2:45 PM – 3:00 PM Alternating Driving Scheme with Filter Circuitry for White Organic Light-Emitting Diode Lighting, H. Yang, Y. Chen, W. Chang, Dept of Electro-Optical Eng, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan, Republic of China We found it is feasible to reduce RMS power to 55% after of applying alternating driving scheme with filter circuitry for a 2x2 matrix white organic light-emitting diodes (WOLED) lighting unit by equivalent circuitry simulation. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM Session MC3: Transceivers Integration Session Chair: Leif Johansson, Freedom Photonics, USA MC3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Convergence of Photonics and Electronics Manufacturing, T.L. Koch, University of Arizona, USA Silicon photonics has advanced rapidly by exploiting VLSI front-end chip manufacturing to create sophisticated circuits with novel nanophotonic devices. This talk will explore the potential for a second revolution that similarly leverages back-end VLSI assembly technologies. MC3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM 100 Gb/s Photonic Integrated Circuits with over 1 Billion Field Hours of Operation and Zero Field Failures, R. Salvatore, R. Muthiah, M. Ziari, S. DeMars, P. Evans, S. Murthy, O. Khayam, J. Pleumeekers, E. Strzelecka, M. Missey, A. Nilsson, P. Freeman, W. Sande, T. Butrie, M. Reffle and F. Kish, Infinera Inc., USA Reliability data are shown for InP photonic integrated circuits (PICs) comprising 10 channels at 10 Gb/s. Over 1.3 billion hours of field operation has been reached for PIC pairs without any field failures, corresponding to <0.8 FIT. MC3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Improvements in the Silicon Photonics Design Flow: Collaboration and Standardization, T. Korthorst, PhoeniX Software, The Netherlands, J. Pond, Lumerical Solutions, Canada, C. Cone, Mentor Graphics, USA, A. Arriordaz, Mentor Graphics, France, A. Bakker, PhoeniX Software, The Netherlands, R. Cao, Mentor Graphics, France, J. Ferguson, Mentor Graphics, USA, J. Klein, Lumerical Solutions, Canada and R. Stoffer, PhoeniX Software, The Netherlands To improve the design flow for silicon and other photonics technologies, companies from the photonics and electronics design automation domain collaborate, to improve the integration of simulations, layout, verification and design rule checking. MC3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM (Invited) Silicon Photonics Device Libraries for High-Speed Transceivers, L. Verslegers, A. Mekis, T. Pinguet, Y. Chi, G. Masini, P. Sun, A. Ayazi, K. Hon, S. Sahni, S. Gloeckner, Luxtera Inc., C. Baudot, F. Boeuf, STMicroelectronics and P. De Dobbelaere, Luxtera Inc., USA We report on Luxtera’s technology platform, focusing on photonic device library development. As examples, we present approaches to design low-loss polarization-splitting grating couplers, high-speed phase modulators and photodetectors. 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session MD3: Networking Session Chair: Lian K. Chen, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong MD3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Elastic Optical Networking and Routing and Spectrum Assignment, M. Xia, Ericsson Research, USA We will present our work on elastic optical networking, an emerging network paradigm for demandadaptive provisioning with high customizability. To achieve high spectrum efficiency, we study the transmission performance of various modulation formats for on-demand provisioning, and propose an efficient routing and spectrum assignment scheme. MD3.2 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Invited) OFDM for Short-Reach Optical Networks, N. Cvijetic, NEC Laboratories America, USA New applications are driving emergence of diverse short-reach optical networking segments with a common emphasis on high-speed, low-cost, and flexibility. This paper examines OFDM for short-reach networks in light of latest R&D advances and trends. MD3.3 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Topology Independent Model for Estimating Total Cost of Flexible ROADMs in NGNs, M. Nooruzzaman, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada, Montreal, Canada and H. Elbiaze, Université de Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada ROADMs with flexible channel and structures are essential for dynamic capacity allocation. Along with a tradeoff between flexibility and cost, we present a model for estimating ROADM cost of a network from the node count and average nodal degree regardless of the network topology. 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session ME3: Semiconductor Lasers Tutorial Session Chair: Dieter Bimberg, TU Berlin, Germany ME3.1 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM (Tutorial) TBD, V. Sorger, George Washing University, USA 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session MF3: Cavity Optomechanics and Optical Forces in Microcavities Session Chair: A. Matsko, OEWaves, USA MF3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Optomechanical Gas, T. Carmon, Technion, Israel MF3.2 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Invited) Resonant Optical Forces Associated with Whispering Gallery Modes in Microparticles, A. V. Maslov, M. I. Bakunov, University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, Y. Li and V. N. Astratov, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Resonant scattering of radiation by particles implies a significant change of the incident electromagnetic momentum flow and, consequently, large forces on the particles. We study and compare the forces and their relation to the momentum of the incident free-space and guided waves in various geometries. MF3.3 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Nanophotonic Microfluidic Sensor and Manipulator, M. Sumetsky, Aston University, UK Resonant structures created along a thin capillary by nanoscale deformation of its surface can perform comprehensive sensing and manipulation of microfluids. The concept is illustrated with a model of triangular bottle resonator and floating microparticles. MF3.4 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM High-Q Silica Zipper Cavity with Strong Opto-Mechanical Coupling for Optical Radiation Pressure Driven Directional Switching, T. Tetsumoto and T. Tanabe, Keio University, Japan We study a radiation pressure driven optical directional switch with a high-Q silica-zipper cavity numerically. We showed the feasibility of a switch with a 17.8-dB extinction ratio. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM Session MG3: Fiber Nonlinearity & Modulation Session Chair: Matt Mazurczyk, TE SubCom, USA MG3.1 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM The Impact of Spectral Inversion Placement for Nonlinear Phase Noise Mitigation in Non-Uniform Transmission Links, I. Kim, O. Vassilieva, P. Palacharla and M. Sekiya, Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc., USA We show that SI provides significant Q improvement for coherent transmission even with a placement of ~15 % offset from mid-span. Multiple SIs improve nonlinear transmission performance for mixed fiber links. MG3.2 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM Performance Comparison of Autonomous Software-Defined Coherent Optical Receivers, P. Isautier, J. Pan, J. Langston, S.E. Ralph, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA We compare the merits of two fully autonomous coherent optical receiver architectures including an investigation of robustness to nonlinearities using experimental 31.5Gbaud-OOK/BPSK/QPSK/16-QAM waveforms after 810km transmission. The first architecture performs modulation format recognition using a pure higher-order-statistics method whereas the second utilizes Stokes space analysis. MG3.3 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM OFDM Symbol Synchronization with reduced Complexity based on Virtual Subcarriers, R. Bouziane, University College London, UK This paper presents a method for optical OFDM symbol synchronization using a low number of optimally-placed virtual subcarriers. It offers significant reduction in complexity and bandwidth overhead which makes it suitable for practical implementation. MG3.4 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM (Invited) Models to Predict the Nonlinear Noise Waveform and the Application in Nonlinear Compensation, Z. Tao, Fujitsu R&D Center, China, Y. Zhao, Fujitsu R&D Center, China, Y. Fan, L. Dou, Y. Xu, Fujitsu R&D Center, China, T. Hoshida, Fujitsu Limited, Japan and J. Rasmussen, Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan Intra-channel nonlinear noise waveform is predicted by novel nonlinear models. The accuracy reaches 95% for various modulation formats and link configurations. Using the more accurate model, the compensation performance is increased by 1 dB. 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session MH3: Plasmonic Metamaterials I Session Chair: Harald Giessen, University of Stuttgart, Germany MH3.1 1:30 P - 2:00 PM (Invited) Plasmonic Infrared Biosensors, G. Shvets, University of Texas at Austin, USA MH3.2 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Invited) Nonreciprocity, Nonlinearity and Parity-Time Symmetry in Optical Metasurfaces and Metamaterials, A. Alu, The Universtiy of Texas at Austin, USA, R. Fleury and D. Sounas, The University of Texas at Austin, USA We discuss metasurfaces and metamaterials with exotic optical properties, which can provide giant nonlinear, nonreciprocal or parity-time symmetric response. Our findings can largely relax the limitations on bandwidth and losses of conventional optical metamaterials. MH3.3 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM A Field-Assisted Method of Producing Wide-Bandgap Transparent Conductive Electrodes and its Application to GaN-Based Vertical-Type Light-Emitting Diodes, S. Kim, T. Lee, M. Kim, J. Kwon, J. Park, B. Lee, D. Kang, K. Kim, School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Korea, E. Lee, M. Kang, LG Advanced Research Institute, LG Electronics, Korea and T. Kim, Korea University, Korea We fabricated GaN-based vertical-type light-emitting diodes (VLEDs) using field-assisted silicon-nitride electrodes. They showed a reduction in forward voltages by 5% and an increase in output powers by 21%, when compared to the reference VLEDs. MH3.4 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Asymmetric Light Transmission by Using 2D PT-Symmetric Photonic Nanostructure, M. Turduev, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey We propose for the first time a realization of a 2D PT-symmetric photonic honeycomb structure. The structure provides a periodic modulation of the refractive index, which combined with an anti-symmetric gain/loss distribution on the wavelength scale and leads to non-reciprocal light coupling at resonance frequencies. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break Plenary & Awards Ceremony 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session MI4: Plenary Session I Room: Vicino Ballroom Session Chair: Susumu Noda, Kyoto University, Japan MI4.1 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM (Plenary) Hybrid Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits, J. Bowers, University of California – Santa Barbara, USA MI4.2 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM (Plenary) Single Molecule Imaging and Nanometry: Fluctuation and Function of Life, T. Yanagida, Osaka University, Japan 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Awards Ceremony Welcome Reception 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Room: Aventine ABCG Chair: Susumu Noda, Kyoto University, Japan 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Welcome Reception Tuesday, October 14, 2014 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session TuA1: Advancements in Avalanche Photodiodes Session Chair: Joe Campbell, University of Virginia, USA TuA1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Photon Counting Imagers Based on High-Fill-Factor Silicon Geiger-Mode Avalanche Photodiode Arrays, B. F. Aull, MIT, USA, D. R. Schuette, D. J. Young, D. M. Craig, B. J. Felton and K. Warner Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (APDs) have been used as single-photon-sensitive optical detectors for applications such as lidar imaging, laser spectroscopy, and optical communications. They are biased above the avalanche breakdown voltage, where the absorption of a single photon by the diode can trigger a self-sustaining avalanche TuA1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Analytical Model for Impact Ionization in 3D Multiplication Regions, G. El-Howayek, University of New Mexico, USA, B. M. Milner, Purdue University, USA, P. Senanayake, D. L. Huffaker, University of California at Los Angeles, USA and M. M. Hayat, University of New Mexico, USA An analytical model for avalanche process in 3D multiplication regions is presented. Nanowires are distinguished by this phenomenon due their flexibility in forming axial and radial junctions. TuA1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Low Breakdown Voltage CMOS Compatible p-n Junction Avalanche Photodiode, M. Hossain, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA Breakdown voltage, mean gain and excess noise factor of CMOS-compatible p-n junction silicon avalanche photodiodes are predicted using the dead space multiplication theory. Measured dark current and breakdown voltages are also reported supporting low-voltage operation. TuA1.4 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Invited) High-Speed High-Power-Tolerant Avalanche Photodiode for 100-Gb/s Applications, M. Nada, Y. Muramoto, H. Yokoyama and H. Matsuzaki, NTT Photonics Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan This paper reviews our work on a high-speed and high-power-tolerant avalanche photodiode (APD). The APD exhibits large 3-dB bandwidth for a wide input power range. Receiver characteristics using the APD for 100-Gb/s applications are also introduced. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session TuB1: Systems and Architectures for Optical Interconnects Session Chair: Mike Haney, University of Delaware, USA TuB1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Scalable and High Performance HPC Architecture with Optical Interconnects, Z. Cao, R. Proietti and S. Yoo, University of California, Davis, USA We propose a HPC architecture that overcomes I/O limitations by exploiting silicon photonics and optical backplanes with WDM wavelength routing. Compared with fat-tree, 2.5 times throughput with 20% less global switches and cables is achieved. TuB1.2 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM (Invited) Integration Technologies and Packaging for Efficient Si Photonics Links, J. Cunningham, Oracle, USA TuB1.3 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM (Invited) MMF Transmission at 1310nm Using Integrated Silicon Photonics Transceiver, X. Chen, B. R. Scott, Corning Incorporated, USA, H. Liu, O. I. Dosunmu, Intel Corporation, USA, J. Hurley and M. Li, Corning Incorporated, USA We present the benefit of MMF operated at long wavelength and demonstrate 25Gb/s transmission over a record 820m reach using multimode launch from integrated SiPh transceiver through MMF optimized for high bandwidth at 1310nm. TuB1.4 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM (Invited) Lighting as an Opportunistic Platform for Converged Heterogeneous Networks, T. Little, Boston University, USA 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM Session TuC1: Advanced Microwave Photonics Components Session Chair: Bill Jacobs, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific, USA TuC1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Ultra Wide Bandwidth Electro-optic Intensity Modulators with 0.46 V-cm Modulation Efficiency at 1550 nm, S. Dogru and N. Dagli, UCSB, USA Intensity modulators using substrate-removed waveguides and loaded line traveling wave electrodes are presented. 10 mm and 5 mm long electrode devices have 0.77 V and 1.54 V and bandwidth exceeding 67 GHz at 1550 nm. TuC1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM A True Linear Intensity Modulator for Pulsed Light, E. Sarailou, A. Ardey and P. Delfyett, CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA A linear interferometric intensity modulator for pulsed light is demonstrated using an injection-locked mode-locked laser (MLL). A spur free dynamic range (SFDR) of 105 dB.Hz2/3 is obtained by modulating the voltage of the saturable absorber. TuC1.3 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Invited) Array-Antenna-Electrode Electro-Optic Modulator for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Signal Discrimination, H. Murata, N. Kohmu, T. Ikeda and Y. Okamura, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Japan 60 GHz-band wireless 4-channel SDM signals were discriminated using an array-antenna-electrode electro-optic modulator with multiple channel waveguides and polarization reversal structures. Conversion to an IF-band signal using photonic technology is also discussed with preliminary experiments. TuC1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Modeling Nonlinearity in a Partially Depleted Absorber Photodetector and a Modified UniTraveling Carrier Photodetector, Y. Hu, C. R. Menyuk, UMBC, USA, M. Hutchinson, V. J. Urick and K. J. Williams, Naval Research Laboratory, USA We investigate the sources of nonlinearity in a partially depleted absorber (PDA)photodetector and a modified uni-traveling-carrier (MUTC) photodetector. The Franz-Keldysh effect and impact ionization are the two most important sources of nonlinearity. TuC1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Widely Tunable Microwave Photonics Notch Filter Based on a Waveguide Bragg Grating on Silicon, M. Burla, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada, H. Pishvai Bazargani, INRSEMT, Canada, J. St-Yves, W. Shi, Center for Optics, Photonics, and Lasers (COPL), Canada, L. Chrostowski, University of British Columbia, Canada and J. Azana, INRS-EMT, Canada We experimentally demonstrate a broadband, frequency agile RF-photonic notch filter based on a waveguide Bragg grating on silicon. The device shows a seamless notch RF frequency tuning over 20 GHz without changes in the shape of the filter response. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session TuD1: Special Symposium on High Power Diode Lasers and Systems I Session Chair: Berthold Schmidt, TRUMPF Laser Marking Systems AG, Switzerland TuD1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) High-Power Diode Lasers – a Look Towards the Future, E. Zucker, JDSU, USA In 2014, the overall laser market is forecasted to exceed $9 billion dollars. We estimate that at least $1 billion can be attributed to high power laser diodes, either directly in sales, or as the value of pumps within other lasers. TuD1.2 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Invited) Thin Film Filter Wavelength-Locked Laser Cavity for Spectral Beam Combining of Diode Laser Arrays, H. Zimer, M. Haas, S. Ried, C. Tillkorn, A. Killi, TRUMPF Laser GmbH, Germany, S. Heinemann, V. Negoita, H. An, TRUMPF Photonics, Inc., USA and B. Schmidt, TRUMPF Lasermarking Systems AG, Switzerland We describe a novel wavelength-stabilized multi-laser cavity, suited for kW-class dense spectral beam combining of broad-area diode laser emitters. The approach has been used to demonstrate spectral beam combining of multiple low fill-factor bars into a 100 µm fiber. TuD1.3 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Invited) Commercial High Efficiency Broad Area Diode Lasers for Industry, R. Martinsen, nLight Inc., USA 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session TuE1: DFB, DBR and Short Pulses Session Chair: Gadi Eisenstein, Technion Haifa/TU Berlin, Germany TuE1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Index-Coupled Quantum-Dot DFB Lasers, M. Stubenrauch, G. Stracke, D. Arsenijevic, A. Strittmatter and D. Bimberg, Technical University Berlin, Germany The static and dynamic properties of p-doped quantum-dot distributed-feedback lasers based on pure index-gratings are presented. Optical output power up to 34 mW, 58 dB SMSR, and 15 Gb/s error-free data rate are shown. TuE1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Low Distortion 1550 nm GaInAsP DFB Lasers for DigitalQAM and Analog Forward Path Applications, H. Lin, Applied Optoelectronics, Inc., USA Highly linear and price competitive 1550nm GaInAsP DFB RWG lasers with low distortions and low chirps for QAM applications was developed. Their frequency dependent CTB was studied through band gap engineering in the active region. TuE1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Mode-Locking and Frequency Mixing at THz Repetition Rates in a Sampled-Grating DBR ModeLocked Laser , L. Hou, J. H. Marsh and M. Haji, University of Glasgow, UK We report a laser with two different SGDBRs that mode-lock at 640 and 700 GHz repetition rates, respectively. Stable pulse trains at 640 GHz, 666 GHz, and 1.34 THz are observed under particular driving conditions TuE1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Extending the Repetition Rate of Passively Mode-Locked Quantum Dot Lasers, D. Murrell, University of New Mexico, USA, R. Raghunathan and L. Lester, Virginia Tech, USA A model for passive mode-locking is presented that enables analysis of the output repetition rate stability as a function of device properties and clarifies the importance of the differential absorption, unsaturated absorption and internal loss. TuE1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Dispersion Optimization in a Semiconductor Optical Frequency Comb, A. Klee, K. Bagnell and P. Delfyett, CREOL, College of Optics and Photonics at Univerisity Central Florida, USA We investigate the optimal amount of dispersion compensation for maximum spectral bandwidth of an optical frequency comb from an external fiber cavity semiconductor laser with intracavity etalon. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session TuF1: Transmission and Related Effects Session Chair: Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur, McGill University, Canada TuF1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM DP-CS-DQPSK 32x112 Gbit/s Signal Transmission in a Transparent Core Optical Network , S. Fazel, M. Lourdiane and C. Lepers, Institut Mines-Telecom/Telecom SudParis, Evry Cedex, France DP-CS-DQPSK transmitter and receiver with dual RF carriers are deployed for a non-coherent signal transmission in a medium/long reach transparent core network. BER performance evaluation leads to a 3000km maximum optical reach at OSNR=20dB. TuF1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Cascaded ROADM Tolerance of mQAM Optical Signals Employing Nyquist Shaping, M. Filer and S. Tibuleac, ADVA Optical Networking, Norcross, USA Tolerance to cascaded WSS filtering is studied for QPSK, 8QAM, and 16QAM formats operating at 32 GBaud. Channel spacing, WSS filter shape, and DSP parameters are considered, and recommendations are made for performance optimization using methods which are practically implementable in modern hardware. TuF1.3 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Invited) Digital and Analog Signal Transmission Technologies Based on Multi-Level Modulation and Precise Lightwave Control, T. Kawanishi and A. Kanno, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan This presentation shows precise lightwave control and multi-level modulation techniques for analog and digital signal transmission. Digital signal processing can mitigate signal degradation in seamless access communication systems of wired and wireless links. TuF1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Nonlinear Impact of Diverse Optical Routing in Uncompensated 120 Gb/s PM-QPSK Links, S. Searcy and S. Tibuleac, ADVA Optical Networking, USA We experimentally examine nonlinear penalties for 120 Gb/s PM-QPSK signals in uncompensated links with co-propagating channels added and dropped along the link. Dependencies on add/drop frequency and pre-dispersion on the add channels are also investigated. 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Session TuG1: 100G and Emerging Transmission Technologies Session Chair: Leif Oxenlowe, Fotonik TuG1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Impact of Clock-Phase Misalignment on optical Multiplexing for Time-Interleaved CarrierSuppressed Return-to-Zero Signaling, T. Sakamoto, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan We investigate clock phase dependence of optical multiplexing for time-interleaved carrier-suppressed return-to-zero (TI-CSRZ) format. Nyquist shaping on electrical tributary signals and/or multi-input-multioutput equalization with two-tone detection in a receiver side absorbs the clock-phase misalignment. TuG1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Uncooled MIMO DWDM Using Pulse-Amplitude Modulation and Adaptive Crosstalk Cancellation, J. B. von Lindeiner, R. V. Penty and I. H. White, University of Cambridge, UK We present a proof-of-principle low-cost, uncooled, multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) system using advanced coding to allow for a greater stable operating region to be realized in terms of minimum channel spacing. For 400 GbE, a power consumption saving of 39% is estimated. TuG1.3 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Invited) Recent Progress in 100G Unrepeatered Transmission, D. Chang, W. Pelouch, S. Burtsev, P. Perrier and H. Fevrier, Xtera Communications, Inc., USA This paper reviews the main technologies in 100G unrepeatered transmission systems and describes experimental demonstrations of long reach and high capacity based on PM-QPSK modulation with a coherent receiver. TuG1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Phase-Conjugated Twin Signals Generation with Oppositely-Biased Paired IQ Modulators, T. Sakamoto, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan, G. Lu and T. Kawanishi, NICT, Japan We propose and demonstrate phase-conjugated twin signals generation using oppositely-biased paired IQ modulators. Phase conjugation is electro-optically realized without relying on electrical-domain processing. Nonlinear phase shift of 20-Gb/s QPSK is experimentally compensated for. 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session TuH1: Nanophotonic Devices II Session Chair: Ahmet Ali Yanik, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA TuH1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Novel Optical Antenna Designs of Comb Shaped Split Ring Architecture for NIR and MIR Enhanced Field Localization, V. T. Kilic, Bilkent University, Turkey, V. Erturk and H. V. Demir, Bilkent University, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Turkey We demonstrated NIR/MIR resonance behavior in optical antennas of comb-shaped split-ring resonators enabling substantially larger field enhancements than single/array of dipoles with the same side length, despite their simple architecture. TuH1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Metamaterials Strongly Coupled to Intersubband Transitions: Circuit Model and Second Order Nonlinear Processes, S. Campione, Sandia National Laboratories, USA, A. Benz, O. Wolf, J. F. Klem, Sandia National Laboratories, USA, F. Capolino, University of California Irvine, USA, M. B. Sinclair and I. Brener, Sandia National Laboratories, USA We present an electrodynamic model of strongly coupled metamaterial/intersubbandtransition systems that can be used to predict and maximize Rabi splittings. This model can also be used to optimize metamaterial structures that enhance second-order nonlinear processes. TuH1.3 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Great Light Absorption Enhancement in a Graphene Metamaterial Photodetector, Q. Chen, S. Song, L. Wen, L. Jin, Y. Yu and F. Sun, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Science, China A photodetector with graphene embedded in a metamaterial perfect absorber (MPA) is proposed. 17 times light absorption enhancement is obtained compared to a graphene monolayer. Cascaded MPAs integrated with graphene are investigated as multiband photodetectors. TuH1.4 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Employing Metamaterial for Enhanced THz Generation in Photomixers, D. J. Ironside, University of Texas at Austin, USA Utilizing high thermally-conductive copper substrates and E-patch antennas, we propose a new THz photomixer design. Our analysis indicates that such a THz photomixer design may generate continuous wave powers in the milliwatt range and, through photoconductive gain, exceed the Manley-Rowe limit up to 2 THz. TuH1.5 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Invited) Plasmonics Enhanced Terahertz Radiation from Large Area Photoconductive Emitters, N. T. Yardimci, S. Yang, UCLA Electrical Engineering Department, USA, C. W. Berry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA and M. Jarrahi, UCLA Electrical Engineering Department, USA We present a novel large area plasmonic photoconductive emitter and demonstrate pulsed terahertz generation with radiation powers as high as 3.6 mW at an optical pump power of 150 mW over 0.1-3 THz frequency range. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session TuA2: 3D Imaging Techniques Session Chair: John David, University of Sheffield, UK TuA2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) 3D Computational Ghost Imaging, B. Sun, M. Edgar, R. Bowman, SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK, L. Vittert, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Glasgow, UK and M. Padgett, SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK Ghost Imaging uses a series of projected illumination patterns and a measurement of the total backscattered light to deduce the image of an object under illumination. The shadows in such images depend upon the relative position of the pattern projector and the detector. Using multiple TuA2.2 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) New Technologies and Perspective for 3D-Imaging, B. Lee, S. Park, N. Chen, J. Yeom, K. Hong and J. Kim, Seoul National University, Korea Acquisition and visualization of three-dimensional information based on light field imaging technique is attractive due to its high compatibility. We introduce imaging techniques including real-time pickupdisplay systems and light field hologram generation. TuA2.3 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Characterizing Microdroplet Evaporation Using Diffraction Phase Microscopy, C. Edwards, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, A. Arbabi, B. Bhaduri, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, R. Ganti, University of Pennsylvania, USA, P. J. Yunker, Harvard University, USA, A. G. Yodh, University of Pennsylvania, USA, G. Popsecu, University of Illinois, USA and L. L. Goddard, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Diffraction phase microscopy is a non-destructive in-situ characterization tool with nanometer height resolution that can measure 3-dimensional topography. We apply it to characterize microdroplets during evaporation without any a priori assumptions about the droplet geometry. 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session TuB2: Integration of Sources for Optical Interconnects Session Chair: Eric Johnson, Clemson University, USA TuB2.1 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Enhanced Photoluminescence From Ge/SiGe Quantum Wells byEpitaxial Growth Induced Strain, X. Chen, Y. Huo, E. Fei, C. Lu, K. Zang, M. Xue, T. Kamins and J. Harris, Stanford University, USA We demonstrate enhanced photoluminescence from Ge/SiGe quantum wells with strain from -0.28% (compressive) to 0.25% (tensile) achieved by epitaxial growth techniques. The intensity enhancement and peak shift from photoluminescence measurements are in agreement with theoretical calculations. TuB2.2 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM (Invited) Optical Antenna-Coupled Nano-LED for Energy-Efficient On-Chip Interconnect, M. Wu, University of California Berkeley, USA TuB2.3 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM (Invited) III-V On-Silicon Sources for Optical Interconnect Applications, D. Van Thourhout, Ghent University / IMEC, Belgium, S. Keyvaninia, M. Tassaert, T. Speusens, G. Roelkens, B. Tian, Z. Wang, Ghent University / IMEC, Belgium, M. Pantouvaki and C. Merckling, IMEC, Belgium Optical interconnects require efficient and flexible optical sources. This paper presents results on two technology platforms being developed for realizing these. Integration using wafer bonding technologies is well established now and the focus is on new device types including tunable lasers, multi-wavelength lasers and switching. TuB2.4 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Heterogeneously Integrated Long Wavelength VCSEL Based Transceivers for Data Center Networks, R. Rivers, K. Kormirisetty and D. Geddis, Norfolk State University, USA As data centers continue to consolidate, the demand for cost effective optical links will increase. The research presented herein includes the design and fabrication of a long wavelength VCSEL-based optical transceiver for such for links. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session TuC2: Photonic Microwave Signal Processing Session Chair: Vincent Urick, Naval Research Lab, USA TuC2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Microwave Photonic Signal Processing Based on Polarization Modulation, S. Pan and Y. Zhang, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China Polarization modulation can provide the microwave photonic signal processing systems unprecedented flexibilities. A variety of polarization-modulation-based microwave photonic signal processing functions have been realized with high performance, simple configuration and flexible operation. TuC2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Coherent Optical Pulse Shaping From Incoherent Light Sources, R. Ashrafi, McGill University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada, M. Li, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, J. Azaña, INRS (Institut national de la recherche scientifique), Canada and L. Chen, McGill University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada Using the spectral coherence properties of temporally modulated incoherent fields, a novel optical pulse shaping approach for obtaining a fully coherent optical waveform with a customized temporal shape from a time-gated incoherent light source is introduced and numerically demonstrated. TuC2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Microwave Photonic Self-Interference Cancellation System Using a Slow and Fast Light Delay Line, M. P. Chang, J. Wang, M. Lu, Princeton University, USA, D. Fisher, The College of New Jersey, USA, B. Chen and P. R. Prucnal, Princeton University, USA We demonstrate a microwave photonic system to perform wideband, radio frequency self-interference cancellation. The tunable optical time delay is implemented using a novel semiconductor slow and fast light delay line that enables fast electrical control. TuC2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Photonic-Assisted Endoscopic Analysis of W-Band Waveguide, D. Lee, KRISS, Korea, J. Kwon, Y. Hong, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Korea and J. Jargon, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA We demonstrate an endoscopic probing system to measure field distribution through a W-band waveguide. The electric fields propagating inside a WR-10 waveguide are measured utilizing W-band harmonics of a femtosecond laser with a minute photonic probe. TuC2.5 11:45 AM – 12:00 PM Photonic Time-Stretched Analog-to-Digital Converter with Suppression of Dispersion-Induced Power Fading Based on Polarization Modulation, X. Ye, F. Zhang and S. Pan, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China A photonic time-stretched analog-to-digital converter with suppression of dispersion-induced power fading is proposed using polarization modulation. A 32-GHz single-tone input, which should undergo the largest dispersion impairment, is experimentally stretched by a factor of ~9.5. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session TuD2: Special Symposium on High Power Diode Lasers and Systems II Session Chair: John Marsh, University of Glasgow, Scotland TuD2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Direct Diode Lasers for Industrial Sheet Metal Cutting and Welding, R. K. Huang, B. Chann and P. Tayebati, TeraDiode, Inc., USA TeraDiode is manufacturing the first high brightness direct diode laser for industrial laser sheet metal cutting and welding. TeraDiode’s core technology is based on Wavelength Beam Combination (WBC) which was developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Using WBC technology, TeraDiode has demonstrated a 100x brightness enhancement TuD2.2 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) Near-Infrared Digital Heating Solutions with Power VCSEL Arrays, A. Pruijmboom, R. Conrads, C. Deppe, G. Derra, S. Gronenborn, X. Gu, G. Heusler, J. S. Kolb, Philips GmbH Photonics Aachen, M. Miller, Philips GmbH Photonics Ulm, H. Moench, F. Ogiewa, P. Pekarski, J. Pollmann-Retsch and U. Weichmann, Philips GmbH Photonics Aachen, Germany Thermal processes play an essential role in the production and processing of countless industrial and consumer products. Narrow bandwidth near infrared (NIR) light allows contactless transfer of energy with a high power per area that can be tailored to the needs of the application. TuD2.3 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Invited) High-Power Diode Laser Arrays for Large Scientific Lasers and Inertial Fusion, R. Deri, A. J. Bayramian, A. C. Erlandson, S. Patra, A. M. Dunne, D. Flowers, S. Telford, S. Fulkerson and K. Schaffers, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA Several large scale laser applications require diode pumps for high efficiency and average power, but are sensitive to diode performance-cost tradeoffs. This paper describes approaches for addressing these issues in pulsed laser systems, using an example of inertial fusion energy drivers. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session TuE2: Short Pulses and Amplification Session Chair: Pallab Bhattacharya, University of Michigan, USA TuE2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Nonlinear Optical Response of Quantum Dot Lasers, G. Eisenstein, Technion Haifa/TU Berlin, Germany TuE2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Analytical Theory for a Quantum Dot Gain Levered Mode Locked Laser, D. A. Murrell, University of New Mexico, USA, R. Raghunathan and L. Lester, Virginia Tech, USA A new method of achieving mode locking using a gain lever Quantum Dot Mode Locked Laser is proposed as an augment to traditional techniques when striving for higher repetition rates. TuE2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Phase-Amplitude Coupling of Optically-Injected Nanostructured Semiconductor Lasers, C. Wang, INSA de Rennes, France, M. Chaibi, Telecom Paristech, France, B. Lingnau, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, D. Erasme, Telecom Paristech, France, K. Ludge, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, P. Poole, National Research Council Canada, Canada, j. Provost, -V Lab, a joint lab of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France, France, J. Even, Université Européenne de Bretagne, INSA, France and F. Grillot, Telecom Paristech, France In injection-locked lasers, the phase-amplitude coupling cannot be characterized by the FM-to-AM ratio. The former exhibits a resonance due to the injected field and the equivalent a-factor can be larger than that of solitary laser. TuE2.4 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Finding Threshold in a Thresholdless Laser, W. Chow, Sandia National Labs, USA, F. Jahnke and C. Gies, Bremen University, Germany Cavity-quantum-electrodynamics is applied to address the questions of criteria and nature of lasing in devices where the intensity jump customarily used to indicate lasing threshold is missing. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session TuF2: III-V Integration Session Chair: Lieven Verslegers, Luxtera, USA TuF2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) InP Photonic Integrated Circuits for High Efficiency Optical Transceivers, Y. Akulova, JDSU, Milpitas, CA, USA InP PIC integration platforms enable high efficiency pluggable transceivers. Design and performance of widely tunable and fixed wavelength PICs with electro-absorption and Mach-Zehnder modulators for 10 and 100 Gb/s datacom and telecom applications will be reviewed. TuF2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Monolithically Integrated InP-Based 2.25 Tb/s Coherent Photonic Integrated Circuit Transmitter, T. Vallaitis, J. Summers, P. Evans, M. Ziari, P. Studenkov, M. Fisher, J. Sena, A. James, S. Corzine, Infinera, USA, D. Pavinski, Infinera, USA, J. Ou Yang, M. Missey, D. Gold, D. Lambert, W. Williams, M. Lai, F. A. Kish and D. F. Welch, Infinera, USA We demonstrate a single-chip, monolithically integrated, dual-polarization QPSK transmitter which combines over 1700 functions and is capable of delivering 2.25 Tb/s of bandwidth. TuF2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Power-Enhancement Broadband Cascaded Integration of Electroabsorption Modulator and Semiconductor Optical Amplifier by Local Quantum Well Intermixing, Y. Chiu, NSYSU, Taiwan, Republic of China Using local quantum-well-intermixing and cascaded-integration technique, a high-transmission broadband EAM-integrated SOA is demonstrated. Above 20dB-enhancement optical transmission, 57nm wavelength shift in electro-luminance, and 40Gb/s performance are observed, enabling regrowth-free local bandgap engineering in integration template. TuF2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Dual-Core Spot-Size Converter with Tapered Cladding Layer Designed for High-Efficiency Mode Coupling to InP-Based Deep-Ridge Waveguide, T. Kitamura, N. Kono, H. Yagi, T. Ishikawa, K. Horino, D. Kimura, M. Seki and Y. Yoneda, Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd., Japan We demonstrated an InP-based dual-core spot-size converter with the tapered cladding layer designed for high-efficiency mode coupling between two cores. It gives the wider dry-etching process tolerances, which provides uniform and low loss coupling properties. TuF2.5 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM (Invited) High Performance InP Photonic Integrated Circuits, L. Johansson, M. Mašanovic, Freedom Photonics, USA, M. Lu, H. Park, M. Rodwell, Lkuo . Coldren, University of California – Santa Barbara, USA We are reviewing recent results in the development of high performance Indium Phosphide photonic integrated circuits for coherent communications applications. Integrated transmitters and receivers for fast wavelength switched applications are presented. 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session TuG2: High Capacity Transmission Technology Session Chair: Nikola Alic, University of California San Diego, USA TuG2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Optical Frequency Combs for High-speed Transmission, B. Kuo, University of California San Diego, USA TuG2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Electo-Optic Dual-Channel Coherent Signal Emulator, T. Sakamoto, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan, G. Lu and T. Kawanishi, NICT, Japan We demonstrate electro-optic dual-channel coherent signal emulator, where multiplexed signal is artificially generated by using an optical IQ modulator driven with an arbitrary-waveform generator. 2x20-Gb/s dual-carrier QPSK signal generation is emulated. TuG2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Investigation of Interferometric In-Band OSNR Monitor for Monitoring Nyquist-Shaped 400G DPQPSK Superchannels , J. Yang, Y. Akasaka and M. Sekiya, Fujitsu Laboratories of America, USA New operation of interferometric OSNR monitor is investigated to support Nyquist superchannels. Power ratio in 10-30dB OSNR of 32Gbaud 4-subcarrier Nyquist DP-QPSK superchannel is increased to ~3dB and monitored OSNR error less than +/-1dB is achieved. TuG2.4 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Invited) Capacity and Shaping in Coherent Fiber-Optic Links, J. M. Estaran, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, D. Zibar and I. Tafur Monroy, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark., Denmark Overview of the concepts and latest progress of capacity and constellation shaping in coherent optical links. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session TuH2: Plasmonic Metamaterials II Session Chair: Ahmet Ali Yanik, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA TuH2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Functional Metasurfaces, M. Brongersma, Stanford University, USA TuH2.2 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) Metamaterials, Toroids and Flying Donuts, N. Zheludev, University of Southampton and NTU Singapore, V. A. Fedotov, T. Raybould, N. Papasimakis, V. Savinov, University of Southampton, UK, I. Youngs, DSTL, UK We will present an overview of our current metamaterial-enabled study on the properties of peculiar localized electromagnetic excitations topologically resembling a torous, which are allowed by Maxwell’s electrodynamics in both matter and free space. TuH2.3 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM A New Robust Perfect Lens, G. Rosenblatt, G. Bartal and M. Orenstein, Department of Electrical Engineering, Technion, Israel A single-interface between double-negative and double-positive media acts as a robust perfect-lens whose unbounded resolution endures loss and frequency offsets – unlike existing designs. Its mechanism and performance are reported and compared to the slab lens. TuH2.4 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Electrically Tunable Directional SPP Propagationin Gold-Nanoparticle-Assisted Graphene Nanoribbons, D. Sikdar and M. Premaratne, Monash University, Australia We demonstrate electrically tunable inhomogeneous surface-plasmon-propagation (SPP) over the length of a graphene nanoribbon and a scheme to alter SPP direction by selectively boosting up graphene-SPP strength via coupling with plasmonic nanoparticles. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session TuA3: Photodetectors, Sensors, Systems and Imaging Tutorial Session Chair: Erik Duerr, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA TuA3.1 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM (Tutorial) Quantum Dot and Quantum Well Photonics, E. Towe, Carnegie Mellon, USA This tutorial will outline current research in basic optical and quantum phenomena in materials for applications in novel photonic devices that enable a new generation of information processing systems for communication, computation, and sensing. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session TuB3: Modulators and Detectors for Optical Interconnects Session Chair: Jesse Rosenberg TuB3.1 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM Silicon Photonic Bragg Grating Modulators, X. Wang, M. Caverley, J. Flueckiger, Y. Wang, N. A. Jaeger and L. Chrostowski, University of British Columbia, Canada We report silicon photonic modulators based on Bragg grating cavities with a reverse-biased p-n junction embedded in the grating waveguide. Modulation bandwidths exceeding 10 GHz have been obtained. TuB3.2 1:45 PM - 2:15 PM (Invited) Linear Modulators in Photonic BiCMOS Technology, D. Petousi, IHP-Microelectronics, Frankfurt Oder, Germany We review our recent work showing that Si and InP Mach-Zehnder modulators can have similar performance, while the first offer the advantage of monolithic integration with electronics. Development status of modulators in photonic BiCMOS is presented. TuB3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM A Low-Voltage PAM-4 SOI Ring-Based Modulator, M. Hai, M. M. Fard and O. Liboiron-Ladouceur, McGill University, Canada A novel modulator for PAM-4 designed on a silicon on insulator (SOI) platform generates a clear four level eye diagram. The forward biased modulator is driven with a 120 mVpp electrical signal without preemphasis at 120 Mb/s. TuB3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM A Self-Equalizing Photo-Detector, B. Abiri, California Institute of Technology, USA, F. Aflatouni, University of Pennsylvania, USA and A. Hajimiri, California Institute of Technology, USA A self-equalizing photo-detector (SEPD) that mitigates the bandwidth limitations of electro-optical components of optical communication systems is demonstrated, enabling higher rate of data transmission, using slower components. Unlike other all-optical equalization schemes, SEPD is optically wide band, thus does not require wavelength tuning. TuB3.5 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Large-Area InP Based Photodiode Operated at 850 nm Wavelengths with High Efficiency and High Speed for 40 Gbit/sec Transmission, J. Shi, C. Li, K. Chi, J. Wun, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan, Republic of China, S. D. Benjamin, Applied Research and Development, Corning Incorporated, USA We demonstrate InP photodiodes with large diameter of optical window (40 um). They achieve highspeed (25 GHz) and high-responsivity (0.52 A/W) at 0.85 um wavelength. Error-free 40 Gbit/sec transmissions over 100 meter OM4 fiber have been achieved 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session Tuc3: Integrated Microwave Photonics Session Chair: Christina Lim, University of Melbourne, Australia TuC3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Lithium Niobate Photonics on Silicon Substrates, P. Rabiei, Partow Technologies LLC, USA, J. Ma, J. Chiles, S. Khan and S. Fathpour, The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida, USA A novel platform for lithium-niobate-on-silicon photonics is developed. High-index-contrast submicron waveguides, microring resonators and optical modulators are demonstrated on the platform. The Y-cut lithium niobate Mach-Zehnder modulators have a record-low half-voltage length-product of 4 V-cm. TuC3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Photonic-Assisted Microwave Frequency Doubling based on Silicon Ring Modulator, H. Shao, Zhejiang University, China & Gent University, Belgium, X. Jiang, J. Yang, Zhejiang University, China, Y. Hu, G. Roelkens, Gent University, Intec, Photonics Research Group, Belgium and H. Yu, Zhejiang University, China We experimentally demonstrate an integrated optical millimeter-wave signal generator based on a silicon ring modulator. A 20 GHz microwave signal with 17 dB suppression ratio is obtained with a 10 GHz input signal. TuC3.3 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM (Invited) TriPleX™: The Low Loss Passive Photonics Platform, R. Heideman, A. Leinse, M. Hoekman, F. Schreuder and F. Falke, LioniX BV, The Netherlands The TriPleX™ platform shows very low loss over a large wavelength range (near UV to 2.35 micron). It can be fabricated on both silicon and Fused Silica, which makes it applicable in a large range of applications. It is standardized, and available through MPW services. TuC3.4 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Monolithically Integrated Tuneable Photonic Source for the Generation and Modulation of Millimetre-Wave, G. Kervella, III-V lab, France, M. Chtioui, Thales Air Systems, France, M. Lamponi, Y. Robert, E. Vinet, D. Make, III-V lab, France, M. Fice, C. Renaud, University College London,UK, G. Carpintero, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain and F. Van Dijk, III-V lab, France A monolithically integrated tuneable photonic source designed for the generation and modulation of millimetre-wave signals is demonstrated up to 120 GHz. This chip was successfully used in a 200 Mbit/s wireless short-distance transmission. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session TuD3: Special Symposium on High Power Diode Lasers and Systems III Session Chair: Paul Leisher, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA TuD3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Laser Headlights for Automobiles, H. Erdl, BMW, Germany TuD3.2 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Invited) Mid-Infrared Diode Lasers Between 1800 nm and 2500 nm, S. Hilzensauer, M2K Laser, Germany We will present results on MBE grown (AlGaIn)(AsSb) quantum well diode lasers between 1.8μm and 2.9μm. We achieved output powers up to 1.3W with peak efficiencies of 32% and optical far fields below 80 degree. TuD3.3 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM (Invited) High Peak Power Pulse Generation fromPBC lasers, R. Rosales, V. Kalosha, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin, T. Kettler, PBC lasers GmbH, K. Posilovic, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin;PBC laser, M. Miah, D. Bimberg, Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Berlin, J. Pohl, M. Weyers, Ferdinand-Braun-Institut and K. Lauritsen, PicoQuant GmbH Picosecond optical pulse generation based on photonic band crystal lasers is a very promising application of this novel laser type. Mode-locking and direct modulation performance of lasers with different structure designs will be presented. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session TuE3: Si Photonics, Polariton Lasers Session Chair: Karl Unterrainer, TU Vienna, Austria TuE3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Hybrid III-V Lasers on Silicon, S. Olivier, S. Malhouitre, C. Kopp, B. Ben Bakir, A. Descos, D. Bordel, S. Menezo, J. Fedeli, CEA-Leti, France, G. Duan, P. Kaspar, C. Jany, A. Le Liepvre, A. Accard, D. Make, III-V Lab, France, N. Girard, France, G. Levaufre, A. Shen, P. Charbonnier, F. Mallecot, F. Lelarge and J. Gentner, III-V Lab, France We used the molecular wafer bonding technique to develop a hybrid widely tunable, monomode III-V/Si laser for wavelength division multiplexing, with a tunability over 35 nm and an output power in excess of 3 mW. TuE3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM 3D Integrated Silicon Photonic External Cavity Laser (SPECL), P. Contu, Boston University, USA, C. Stagarescu, A. Behfar, BinOptics Corp., USA and J. Klamkin, Boston University, USA A 3D integrated silicon photonic external cavity laser (SPECL) is presented. The laser comprises an indium phosphide reflective semiconductor optical amplifier with integrated turning mirror coupled to a silicon photonic chip through a grating coupler. TuE3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Broadband III-V on Silicon Hybrid Superluminescent LEDs by Quantum Well Intermixing and Multiple Die Bonding, A. De Groote, INTEC Photonics Research Group - Ghent University, Belgium Combining quantum well intermixing and multiple die bonding a broadband superluminescent III-V on silicon LED was realized. Balancing four LEDs with different band gaps resulted in 292nm 3dB bandwidth and an on-chip power of -8dBm. TuE3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Flexible Four-Channel Silicon-External-Cavity Laser with a Shared Ring Resonator, Y. Kawamura, H. Yamazaki, Y. Ueda, N. Nunoya and T. Saida, NTT Photonics Laboratories, NTT Corporation, Japan A four-channel external-cavity laser using one shared ring resonator, which provides a frequency grid, and four slave ring resonator enables us to select the lasing frequencies of the four subchannels from the grid frequencies. TuE3.5 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Towards All Monolithic Stabilization of High-Speed Modelocked Semiconductor Lasers, A. Ardey, E. Sarailou and P. Delfyett, CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA We present an improved stabilization architecture of a novel orthogonally coupled monolithic colliding pulse modelocked laser by injection locking it to a hybridly modelocked high-Q external ring cavity with significant reduction of the phase noise. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session TuF3: High Q-Factor Microcavities Session Chair: Hakan Tureci, Princeton University, USA TuF3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Ultrahigh-Q Microcavities with Highly Directional Emission, X. Jiang, L. Shao, Q. Gong, Peking University, Beijing, China and Y. Xiao, Peking University, School of Physics, China We experimentally realized on-chip deformed microcavities supporting both highly unidirectional emission and ultrahigh Q factors exceeding 10^8. This type of microcavity holds potential in ultralowthreshold laser and sensitive nanoparticle detection. TuF3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Pump Frequency Noise Coupling into a Microcavity by Thermo-Optic Locking, J. Li, Caltech, USA, S. Diddams, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA and K. Vahala, Caltech, USA Laser-microcavity relative frequency fluctuations caused by thermal locking are studied. The locking of laser-microcavity detuning causes microcavity temperature fluctuations that transfer pump frequency noise onto the microcavity modes within the thermal locking bandwidth. TuF3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Selective Excitation of High Radial Order Whispering Gallery Mode in Metallic Grating Coupled Microsphere, F. Luan, Y. Zhou, B. Gu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and X. Yu, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore A metallic grating coupled whispering gallery mode (WGM) microspherical resonator is investigated. It is found theoretically that higher radial order WGMs can be selectively excited by phase-match designs of the grating. TuF3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Nanoparticle Based Plasmonic Enhancement of High Q Optical Microresonators, M. R. Foreman and F. Vollmer, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany We present an analytic framework based on the extended boundary condition method capable of describing coupling between a high Q whispering gallery mode resonator and a plasmonic nanoparticle. Approximate hybrid resonance conditions are derived and the physical consequences of coupling explored from a biosensing perspective. TuF3.5 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Thermal Nonlinearity Analysis of Toroidal Microcavities, S. Soltani, USC, USA and A. M. Armani, University of Southern California, USA The thermally-induced resonance shift produced by absorption of circulating light is studied theoretically and experimentally. Multiphysics finite element method modeling incorporating thermal and optical components is performed and verified using toroidal optical cavities. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session TuG3: All-Optical Signal Processing Session Chair: Bill Kuo, University of California- San Diego, USA TuG3.1 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM Tunable Optical Arbitrary Waveform Generation Based on Time-Delay to Intensity Mapping, R. Ashrafi, McGill University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada, J. Azaña, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Canada and L. Chen, McGill University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada We propose and demonstrate through simulations a novel approach for tunable optical arbitrary waveform generation based on time-delay to intensity mapping using second-order optical integrators implemented with fiber Bragg gratings. TuG3.2 1:45 PM - 2:00 PM Flexible DWDM Grid Manipulation Using Four Wave Mixing-based Time Lenses, K. M. Røge, P. Guan, H. H. Mulvad, N. Kjøller, M. Galili, T. Morioka and L. K. Oxenløwe, DTU Fotonik, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark An experimental demonstration of dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) grid manipulation is carried out using two time lenses. A DWDM spectrum is compressed from a 100-GHz to a 28-GHz grid with error-free performance. TuG3.3 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Wavelength Conversion of a 128 Gbit/s DP-QPSK Signal in a Silicon Polarization Diversity Circuit, D. Vukovic, Technical University of Denmark, Fotonik department, Denmark, J. Schroeder, Centre for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems, School of, Australia, Y. Ding, Technical University of Denmark, Fotonik department, Denmark, M. Pelusi, Centre for Ultrahigh bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems, Australia, L. B. Du, Department of Electrical & Computer Systems Engineering, Monash Unive, Australia, H. Ou, Technical University of Denmark, Fotonik department, Denmark and C. Peucheret, FOTON Laboratory, CNRS UMR 6082, ENSSAT, University of Rennes 1, France Wavelength conversion of a 128 Gbit/s DP-QPSK signal is demonstrated using FWM in a polarization diversity circuit with silicon nanowires as nonlinear elements. Error-free performances are achieved with a negligible power penalty. TuG3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM All-Optical Reconfigurable Regenerative RZ to NRZ Format Converter Based on a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer and a Temporal Photonic Integrator, L. Romero Cortés and J. Azaña, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada A new method for all-optical RZ to NRZ format conversion is presented and numerically demonstrated. The output eye diagrams feature larger quality-factors than the input diagrams, and more significant improvements are observed for higher data-rates. TuG3.5 2:45 PM – 3:00 PM 640 Gbit/s RZ-to-NRZ Format Conversion Based on Optical Phase Filtering, R. Maram, INRS, University of Quebec, Canada, D. Kong, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, M. Galili, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, L. Oxenløwe, Department of Photonics Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark and J. Azaña, INRSEMT, University of Quebec, Canada We propose a novel approach for all optical RZ-to-NRZ conversion based on optical phase filtering. The proposed concept is experimentally validated through format conversion of a 640 Gbit/s coherent RZ signal to NRZ signal using a simple phase filter implemented by a commercial optical waveshaper. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session TuH3: Nanophotonic Devices III Session Chair: Mona Jarrahi, University of California, Los Angeles, USA TuH3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Optomechanics Enabled Modulators, Oscillators, and Sensors, S. Bhave, Cornell University, USA In this talk, I will introduce a method for actuating an optomechanical resonator using electrostatic forces and sensing of mechanical motion by using the optical intensity modulation at the output of an optomechanical resonator, integrated into a monolithic system fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform. TuH3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM On-Chip Wavelength Switch Based on Thermally Tunable Discrete Four-Wave Mixing in a Silicon Waveguide, M. Pu, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, Y. Chen, H. Hu and K. Yvind, Technical Univ. of Denmark, Denmark An on-chip wavelength switch is proposed based on discrete four-wave mixing in a silicon waveguide. Switching operation can be realized by thermal tuning the waveguide dispersion. We also discuss optimal dimension design concerning device performances. TuH3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Silicon Photonic Modulators Based on Epsilon-Near-Zero Indium Tin Oxide Materials, H. Zhao, Y. Wang, A. Capretti, L. Dal Negro and J. Klamkin, Boston University, USA We propose a compact silicon photonic modulator based on a slot waveguide with epsilon-near-zero indium tin oxide materials. The device demonstrates high extinction ratio and low insertion loss over a wide optical bandwidth. TuH3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Large-Area, High-Q SOI Ring Resonators, M. A. Guillen-Torres, M. Caverley, E. Cretu, N. A. Jaeger and L. Chrostowski, University of British Columbia, Canada We demonstrate a large-area, low-loss ring resonator for gyroscopic applications and measured a Q of 1.7 million, the largest value reported to date using standard SOI techniques. TuH3.5 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Moving Boundary and Photoelastic Contributions to Optomechanical Coupling in GaAs Microcavities, K. Coimbatore Balram, M. Davanco and K. Srinivasan, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA We present simulations and measurements examining moving boundary and photoelastic contributions to the optomechanical coupling rate g0 in GaAs microdisks, and discuss nanobeam optomechanical crystal geometries with the potential for enhanced coupling rates. Plenary 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session TuI4: Plenary Session II Session Chair: Susumu Noda, Kyoto University, Japan Room: Vicino Ballroom TuI4.1 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM (Plenary) Exploiting Quantum Coherence for New Technologies: Timing, Navigation and Sensors, P. Knight, Imperial College, UK The 21st Century has seen the emergence of a networked world, connected by global fibre-optic communications and mobile phones, with geo-location provided through GPS. All this has changed our lives more dramatically than at any time since the industrial revolution. TuI4.2 4:15 PM – 5:00 PM (Plenary) Cold-Mechanics to Stable-Microwaves: the Future of Optical Microcavity Research, K. Vahala, California Institute of Technology, USA Optical-microcavity research has experienced a remarkable decade. Chip-based Q factors are nearly 1 billion while crystalline-device Q factors have reached 100 billion. Applications including cavity optomechanicx. chens, high-coherence lasers, and stable microwave sources are discussed. Women in Photonics Reception 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Room: Barcino – Gallery I Session Chair: Dalma Novak, Pharad LLC., USA 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM All attendees and special guests are welcomed. A special networking event for all members will take place to celebrate the official launch of the IEEE Photonics Society’s (IPS) Women in Photonics initiative as well as the 20th anniversary of IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE). Consistent with the IEEE WIE’s mission of facilitating the global recruitment and retention of women in engineering and STEM, the goal of the IEEE Photonics Society’s Women in Photonics program is to create and promote activities that support the participation, engagement and advancement of women in the photonics and optics community. At this reception, the achievements and contributions of women members of the IEEE Photonics Society since its formation, more than four decades ago, will be celebrated. This evening event will offer an inclusive networking environment for our membership and diversify the spirit of photonics innovation and collaboration. Wednesday, October 15, 2014 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session WA1: Emerging Photodetector Technologies Session Chair: Bora Onat WA1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Spectral and Frequency Response and Signal to Noise Ratio of GeSn-based Heterojunction Phototransistors, R. Basu, EEE Department, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India Heterojunction phototransistors (HPT) using GeSn in base is a potential competitor to that of InGaAsbased HPTs in terms of spectral response, frequency response, gain-bandwidth product, signal-to-noise ratio and sensitivity in the presence of noise sources. WA1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Flexible Three-Color Silicon Membrane Photodetector Arrays, L. Menon, University of Texas at Arlington, USA, H. Yang, Semerane, Inc., USA, J. Seo, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, S. Wang, University of Texas at Arlington, USA, Z. Ma, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and W. Zhou, University of Texas at Arlington, USA We report here design and fabrication of transfer-printed flexible three-color multi-junction 8x8 crystalline silicon membrane photodetector arrays. Based on penetration depth dependent absorption of different wavelengths, filter-free color detection can be obtained via three junction photocurrent measurement and imaging fusion processes. WA1.3 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM 1/f Noise QWIP Infrared Focal Plane Arrays, S. Gunapala, NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA The 1/f noise is a ubiquitous phenomenon and the spectral power density of this fluctuation process is inversely proportional to the frequency of the signal. In this presentation we will discuss the 1/f noise measurement of QWIP focal plane array. WA1.4 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Narrow-Band Detector for Underwater Communication System, J. Cheong, University of Sheffield, UK We demonstrate that the peak response wavelength in AlInP PIN photodiodes can vary from 480nm500nm due to substrate misorientation. This matches the transmittance range of seawater and would be suitable for underwater optical communication systems. WA1.5 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Invited) On-Chip Graphene Optoelectronic Devices for Optical Interconnects, D. Englund, R. Shiue, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computers Science MIT, USA and X. Gan, Electrical Engineering Columbia University, USA Graphene is emerging as an attractive active ma- terial for on-chip opto-electronic devices. We describe recent progress on hybrid graphene- silicon photonic devices for optical interconnects in the telecom wavelength region. By coupling graphene to an optical cavity, we demonstrated an efficient electro-optic modulator that 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session WB1: Chaotic Photonics and Solitons Session Chair: Roberto Morandotti, EMT/INRS, Canada WB1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Complexity Driven Photonics, A. Fratalocchi, KAUST University, Saudi Arabia Disorder and chaos are ubiquitous phenomena that are mostly unwanted in applications. On the contrary, they can be exploited to create a new technology. In this talk I willsummarize my research in this field, discussing chaotic energy harvesting, nonlinear stochastic resonance and complex nanolasers WB1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Frequency Comb Generation Threshold Reduction and Soliton Formation via Input Phase Modulation, H. Taheri, A. A. Eftekhar and A. Adibi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA A theoretical model for microresonator-based frequency comb generation seeded by phase-modulated input is developed. Numerical simulations based on this model reveal the possibility of combs at reduced thresholds and deterministic solitons at modest modulation depths. WB1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Dynamics of Bragg Grating Solitons in Grating-Assisted Couplers with Dispersive Reflectivity, S. S. Chowdhury and J. Atai, The University of Sydney, Australia Interactions of Bragg grating solitons in a semilinear coupler with dispersive reflectivity are studied. Various regions of interaction outcomes have been identified. The effect of group velocity mismatch on interaction dynamics is analyzed. WB1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Dynamical Evolution of Information and Energy in Causal Dispersive Media, A. H. Dorrah and M. Mojahedi, University of Toronto, Canada Dynamical exchange of information and energy between an optical pulse and dispersive media supporting slow or fast light (subluminal or superluminal group velocities) is investigated. By studying this exchange, we explore the fundamental capabilities and limitations of optical storage devices and fast signaling applications. WB1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Interactions of Gap Solitons in Coupled Bragg Gratings with Cubic-Quintic Nonlinearity, M. J. Islam and J. Atai, The University of Sydney, Australia We investigate the interactions of quiescent gap solitons in coupled Bragg gratings with cubic-quintic nonlinearity. The dependence of the outcomes of interactions on initial separation and coupling coefficient is discussed. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session WC1: Photonic Microwave Generation Session Chair: Andreas Wiberg WC1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Applications of Optoelectronic Oscillators for High Speed Clock recovery and RF Signal Discrimination, P. Devgan, Air Force Research Laboratory, WPAFB, USA Photonic systems are preferred solutions for addressing high speed signal processing needs. The Optoelectronic Oscillator is one photonic technology being investigated. This paper will review advancements in OEOs for clock recovery and signal discrimination applications. WC1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM A Low Phase Noise Dual Loop Optoelectronic Oscillator as a Voltage Controlled Oscillator with Phase Locked Loop, D. T. Spencer, S. Srinivasan, A. Bluestone, D. Guerra, L. Theogarajan and J. E. Bowers, University of California Santa Barbara, USA We demonstrate phase noise improvement in a high frequency 20 GHz optoelectronic oscillator through dual delay lines and phase locking to a low frequency oven controlled crystal oscillator. WC1.3 9:15 AM - 9:45 AM (Invited) Wireless Sub-THz Communication System with High Data RateEnabled by RF Photonics and Active MMIC Technology, S. Koenig, Infinera Corporation, USA, D. Lopez-Diaz, Lantiq A, Austria, J. Antes, F. Boes, University of Stuttgart, Germany, R. Henneberger, Radiometer Physics, Germany, A. Leuther, A. Tessmann, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid-State Physics (IAF), Germany, R. Schmogrow, Infinera Corporation, USA, D. Hillerkuss, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, R. Palmer, T. Zwick, C. Koos, W. Freude, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, O. Ambacher, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid-State Physics (IAF), Germany, J. Leuthold, ETH Zurich, Switzerland and I. Kallfass, University of Stuttgart, Germany We demonstrate a wireless sub-THz communication system near 237.5 GHz with one to three carriers and up to 100 Gbit/s. We use an optical heterodyne I/Q transmitter and a state-of-the-art active I/Q-MMIC at the receiver. WC1.4 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Radio Transmission and BER Performance of UWB Pulse Generation Based on Directly Modulated Semiconductor Laser, M. Malekizandi, Q. Le, D. Briggmann, A. Emsia and F. Küppers, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany An optical UWB pulse generation and wireless propagation through UWB antenna is investigated. Experimental BER results are demonstrated. Shown due to antenna characteristics monocycle pulse is converted to 3rd order derivative Gaussian after wireless propagation. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session WD1: Special Symposium: Optoelectronic Devices for Solar Energy Harvesting I Session Chair: Miguel Modestino, Nanotera-SHINE project at EPFL, Switzerland WD1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Routes to Ultrahigh Efficiency Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Devices, H. A. Atwater, Thomas J. Watson Laboratories & California Institute of Technology, USA, C. Eisler, J. Lloyd, C. Flowers, S. Darbe, E. Warmann, Thomas J. Watson Laboratories, USA, E. Verlage, K. Fountaine, S. Hu and N. S. Lewis, California Institute of Technology, USA We discuss ‘full spectrum’ photovoltaic modules that leverage low-cost III-V compound semiconductor cells, efficient optics and unconventional fabrication/assembly methods, and discuss advances in photoelectrochemical water-splitting with high efficiency. WD1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM (Invited) The power of Nanowires to Revolutionize Solar Energy, E. Alarcón-Lladó, M. Heiss, E. RussoAverchi, A. Dalmau-Mallorquí, G. Tütüncüoglu, F. Matteini, D. Rüffer, S. Conesa-Boj, O. Demichel and A. Fontcuberta i Morral, EPFL, Switzerland There is an expanding interest in finding novel concepts for increasing the efficiency and reduce the cost in solar cell devices. In this regard, semiconductor nanowires (NWs) provide various paths towards both goals. In this work we explore the increased device freedom offered by nanowires WD1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Printed High-Efficiency Quadruple-Junction, Four-Terminal Solar Cells and Modules for Full Spectrum Utilization, X. Sheng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA We present printed microscale multijunction (MJ) multi-terminal high-efficiency solar cells to overcome the epi-growth and current-matching limitations of conventional MJ cells. We demonstrate quadruple junction, four-terminal solar cells with measured efficiencies of 43.9% at concentrations exceeding 1000 suns, and modules with record efficiencies of 36.5%. WD1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Microcrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Photonic Crystals, Y. Tanaka, K. Ishizaki, M. D. Zoysa, T. Umeda, Y. Kawamoto, S. Fujita and S. Noda, Dept. of Electronical Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan We investigate the enhancement of optical absorption in thin-film microcrystalline-silicon solar cell by creating multiple resonant modes based on photonic crystal band-edge effect. Experimentally, 1.3 times increase of photo-current is observed, and theoretically ultimately 9.6% conversion efficiency could be possible even with only “500nm” microcrystalline-silicon. WD1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Light Management in Tandem Solar Cell with Intermediate Plasmonic Electrode, G. Hossain and M. Talukder, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh Tandem solar cell of thin amorphous silicon and microcrystalline silicon layers with intermediate plasmonic electrode has been proposed. It is found that the intermediate electrode enhances light absorption as well as solves current matching issues. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session WE1: Optical Fiber Transmission Session Chair: Kyunghwan Oh, Yonsei University, Korea WE1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Multimode Fiber Transmission at 1310 nm for Data Center Applications, X. Chen, Corning, USA WE1.2 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Invited) Prospects for Efficient Broadband Optical Amplification in the 1100-1500 nm Wavelength Region, Y. Jeong, L. A. Vazquez-Zuniga, S. Lee and Y. Kwon, Seoul National University, Korea The recent advances in fiber-based broadband optical amplification in the 1100-1500 nm wavelength range and its prospects are overviewed, including the Raman conversion and the parametric process based on novel optical fibers. WE1.3 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Distributed Raman Amplification in Phase Coherent Transfer of Optical Frequencies Over LongHaul and Metro Fiber Links, G. Bolognini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy, D. Calonico, C. Clivati, INRIM - Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy, S. Faralli, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna TeCIP Institute, Italy, A. Mura and F. Levi, INRIM - Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy This paper reports an analysis on distributed Raman amplification (DRA) in phase-coherent opticalfrequency transfer in long-haul and metro fiber links, achieving the transfer of optical frequencies over 305km as well as over a 49km metro link with a fractional instability of 3×10-19 at 1000s. 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session WF1: Special Symposium on Optomechanics I Session Chair: Mo Li, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA WF1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Silicon Carbide Nano-Optomechanics, Q. Lin, University of Rochester, USA In this talk, we provide an overview of our recent progress in developing high-quality silicon carbide micro/nanophotonic devices and exploring nano-optomechanics on this platform. WF1.2 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Invited) Carbon Integrated Optomechanical Systems, W. H. Pernice, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany I present an integrated optomechanical platform based on polycrystalline diamond thin films. Freestanding resonators with high mechanical quality factors are excited both with gradient optical forces and through electrostatic actuation. WF1.3 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Invited) TBD, A. H. Safavi-Naeini, Stanford University, USA 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session WG1: Ultrashort High Intensity Laser Session Chair: Shoichi Kubodera, University of Miyazaki, Japan WG1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Multi-10-TW sub-5-fs Optical Parametric Synthesizer, L. Veisz, D. Rivas, G. Marcus, X. Gu, D. Cardenas, J. Xu, J. Mikhailova, A. Buck, T. Wittmann, C. M. Sears, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany, D. Herrmann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany, O. Razskazovskaya, V. Pervak, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Germany and F. Krausz, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany We report on a novel 18-TW peak power light source delivering pulses with 80-mJ energy and 4.5-fs duration. The system is based on optical parametric synthesizer principle involving multi-color optical parametric chirped pulse amplification stages. WG1.3 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM (Invited) Yb:YAG Thin Disk Mode-Locked Oscillator with High Pulse Energy for Intra-Cavity High Harmonic Generation, N. Kanda, A. Eilanlou, RIKEN, Japan, T. Imahoko, T. Sumiyoshi, Cyber Laser Inc., Japan, Y. Nabekawa, RIKEN, Japan, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, The Univ. of Tokyo, Japan and K. Midorikawa, RIKEN, Japan We have generated 1-mJ pulses with a pulse duration of 520 fs at a repetition rate of 2.85 MHz in a modelocked oscillator cavity. These pulses can be used for generating high-harmonics in the cavity. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session WH1: Micro/Nano Lasers Session Chair: Yum-Feng Xiao, Peking University, China WH1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Electrical Control and Power Enhancement of Microlasers by Selective Pumping, H. Tureci, Princeton University, USA WH1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Electrically Pumped Metallo-Dielectric Pedestal Nanolasers with High Thermal-Conductivity Shield, Q. Gu, J. Shane, F. Vallini, J. Smalley, University of California, USA, N. Frateschi, University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Brazil and Y. Fainman, University of California, USA We implement amorphous-Al2O3 as a thermally-conductive shield in metallo-dielectric nanolasers, and demonstrate an electrically pumped device. Joint consideration of various design parameters reveals that this design allows the laser to dissipate heat through its shield, aiding thermal management in nanoscale devices. WH1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM A cw Room-Temperature Mid-IR Microlaser , M. Hossein-Zadeh, Y. Deng and R. Jain, Center for High Technology Materials, University of New Mexico, USA We report the first demonstration of a cw room-temperature mid-IR microlaser. This 2.7-µm opticallypumped (diode, 980 nm) microlaser is based on a high-Q Er-doped ZBLAN spherical microresonator and has a threshold power of 140 µW WH1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Noise and Dynamics of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Microresonator Laser Oscillators, W. Loh, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA We experimentally study the noise induced from thermal bistability and the intracavity dynamics of a 1550 nm stimulated Brillouin scattering laser generated from a microresonator. WH1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Anisotropic Stimulated Emission from Aligned CdSe/CdS Dot-in-Rods, Y. GAO, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Anisotropic optical properties of CdSe/CdS dot-in-rods loaded in capillary are demonstrated, suggesting nanorods’ alignment with a microfluidic approach. Polarized emissions from photoluminescence and whispering gallery mode lasing show promising applications for lighting and displays. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session WA2: Midwave Infrared Detectors Session Chair: Erik Duerr, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA WA2.1 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Room Temperature High-Gain InAs/AlAsSbAvalanche Photodiode, W. Sun, University of Virginia, USA We report InAs/AlAsSb avalanche photodiodes with depletion regions as thick as 8 µm and room temperature gain ~ 300. WA2.2 10:45 AM - 11:00 AM Planar InAs p-i-n Photodiodes Fabricated Using Ion Implantation, B. S. White, I. Sandall and C. Tan, University of Sheffield, UK We present a process for fabricating Planar InAs APDs through Be implantation. Fabrication details are discussed in addition to current-voltage, responsivity and gain measurements taken from the diodes. WA2.3 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) InAs APD with Solid State Photomultiplier Characteristics, C. Tan, I. Sandall and B. White, The University Of Sheffield, UK InAs electron-avalanche photodiodes (e-APDs) have been demonstrated to have excess noise factor ~1.5 and very high gain-bandwidth product. Recent progress in modelling, array fabrication, high gain structure and planar APD will be presented. WA2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM InAsBi Photodiode Operating in the MWIR, I. Sandall, The Universtiy of Sheffield, UK, F. Bastiman, B. White, R. Richards, J. David and C. Tan, University of Sheffield, UK We present results demonstrating an InAsBi photodiode with a photo response beyond 3.6 µm. We observe photocurrent from the diode up to temperatures of 225 K with a dark current density of 2.6 Acm2. WA2.5 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Enhanced Responsivity by Integration of Interdigitated Electrodes on Ge0.93Sn0.07 Infrared Photodetectors, T. Pham, B. Conley, L. Huang, W. Du, S. Ghetmiri, A. Mosleh, University of Arkansas, USA, A. Nazzal, Wilkes University, USA, R. Soref, G. Sun, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA, J. Margetis, J. Tolle, ASM, USA, H. Naseem and S. Yu, University of Arkansas, USA The interdigitated electrodes were integrated on Ge0.93Sn0.07/Ge heterostructure photoconductive detectors. Photoresponse extend to 2.2 µm was achieved, and the enhanced responsivity with reduced spacing between interdigitated electrodes was observed at room temperature. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session WB2: Parametric Conversion and Fiber Laser Session Chair: Weili Zhang, Oklahoma State University, USA WB2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) New States of Light by Third Order Parametric Down Conversion Processes, B. Boulanger, A. Borne, Université Joseph Fourier, France, C. Felix, CNRS, France, P. Segonds, Université Joseph Fourier, France, K. Bencheikh and A.J. Levenson, CNRS, France Third order nonlinear parametric optical interactions performed in bulk crystals or optical fibers lead to the generation of triple photons, which opens the way for new achievements in quantum optics and information. WB2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Low-Voltage Optical Phase Modulation by Electric-Field-Induced Phase Transition of KTN Bulk Crystal, T. Inagaki, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, T. Imai, J. Miyazu, NTT Photonics Laboratories, Japan, H. Takesue, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan and J. Kobayashi, NTT Photonics Laboratories, Japan We report a low-voltage optical phase modulation that employs the electric-field-induced paraelectricferroelectric phase transition of KTN crystal. We reduced the half-wave voltage to 2.1 Vp-p, which is very small for a 1-mm-thick bulk crystal. WB2.3 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM (Invited) High Power Nanosecond Pulsed Fiber Lasers and Applications, W. Shi, Tianjin University; Tianjin Institute of Modern Laser & Optics Technology, China and Q. Zhang, Shandong HFB Photonics Co. Ltd., China A high power monolithic nanosecond pulsed fiber laser at 1064nm in MOPA configuration was reported with more than 300W average power for 475 ns pulses at repetition rate of 100 kHz. WB2.4 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM The First Demonstration of Phase and Amplitude Regenerative Multicasting by a Four-Mode Phase-Sensitive Process, L. Liu, University of California San Diego, USA We demonstrate the first high-count signal replication accompanied with phase-and-amplitude-noisesqueezing in a four-mode phase-sensitive process. Errorless detection of the phase-modulated information on a 5.8-GHz-phase-noise broadened carrier has been accomplished over 20-copies in a parametric multicaster. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session WC2: Microwave Photonics Tutorial Session Chair: Franklyn Quinlan WC2.1 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Tutorial) Photonic Advances in Time and Frequency Metrology: Frequency Combs, N. Newbury, NIST, USA Frequency combs are now the dominate tool in high-precision, high-accuracy optical time and frequency metrology. I will review their basic behavior, noise properties, design, and discuss a few applications currently pursued at NIST. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session WD2: Special Symposium: Optoelectronic Devices for Solar Energy Harvesting II Session Chair: Christophe Moser, EPFL, Switzerland WD2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Optics and Photonics for Solar Energy and Buildings at the Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy (ARPA-E), H. M. Branz, U.S. Department of Energy, USA The Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy (ARPA-E) of the U.S. Department of Energy funds a variety of technologies utilizing advanced optics and photonics to split the solar spectrum, redirect and concentrate photons to energy conversion devices, and also to control cooling infra-red (IR) emissions, WD2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM (Invited) Design Principles of Deployable Solar-Hydrogen Generators, M. Modestino, C. Rodriguez, D. Psaltis and C. Moser, School of Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland The deployment of solar-fuel generators depends both on technological and economic factors. Here we present physical and cost models of solar-hydrogen generators that elucidate cost-optimum design parameters for these devices. WD2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) The Route Towards Low-Cost Solution-Processed High Voc Solar Cells, E. Edri, S. Kirmayer, L. Barnea-Nehoshtan, S. Mukhopadhyay, M. Kulbak, Y. Tidhar, B. Rybtchinski, D. Cahen and G. Hodes, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel All photovoltaic device efficiencies are limited by the ‘threshold’ process inherent in how photovoltaic devices work: a photon above a certain energy level is required to excite an electron that will later be extracted as electrical current. WD2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM (Invited) Photon Up-Conversion and Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage: New Materials and Devices, K. Börjesson, A. Lennartsson, V. Gray, D. Dzebo, M. Abrahamsson, B. Albinsson and K. Moth-Poulsen, Dept. of Chem. & Bio. Eng., Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden In a future society with limited access to fossil fuels, technologies for efficient on demand delivery of renewable energy are highly desirable. In this regard, methods that allow for solar energy storage and on demand solar driven energy generation are particularly relevant since the sun 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:15 PM Session WE2: Optical Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers Session Chair: Miro Erkintalo, University of Auckland, New Zealand WE2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Crystal Fibers Based Broadband Emissions and Lasers, K. Hsu, D. Jheng, S. Wang, T. Ho, T. Yang, S. Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Republic of China, P. S. Yeh, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, Republic of China Doped single crystalline fibers (note: not the photonic crystal fiber) are efficient to emit cw and highbrightness broadband light. Various crystal fibers based broadband emissions and lasers centered from blue to near infrared will be discussed. WE2.2 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Noise-Eating Amplifier for Repetitive Signals, J. van Howe, Augustana College, USA, R. Maram and J. Azana, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique- EMT, Canada We experimentally show an intensity amplification technique for repetitive signals that is not only noisefree, but reduces pulse-to-pulse intensity fluctuations, ASE noise, and enhances the extinction ratio by the desired amplification factor to improve signal quality. WE2.3 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Fabrication and Characterization of Multi-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers, Y. Chen, Yanshan University, China and Y. Wang, Shandong University, China A novel formulation of rare-earth doped & undoped glass rods was adopted to fabricate up to 19-core photonic crystal fibers with a crucible-melting and stacking-capillary method at high temperature for applications of high-power fiber lasers. WE2.4 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Improvement of the experimental methods for the application of liquid to fibers and liquid core fibers with quantum dots, J. Hwang, Yonsei University, Korea This study confirms possibility of the application of liquid fiber lasers and optical amplifiers with fiber lasers integrated into liquid as a gain medium with quantum dots. 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session WF2: Special Symposium on Optomechanics II Session Chair: Mo Li, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA WF2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) Photonic Transitions Enabling Novel Silicon Photonic Devices, M. Lipson, Cornell University, USA WF2.2 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) Triply Resonant Cavity Piezo-Optomechanics at X-Band, H. Tang, Yale University, USA We demonstrate piezoelectricity enhanced optomechanical systems that simultaneously support microwave, optical and mechanical resonant modes. The combination of highly sensitive optical readout and resonantly enhanced piezoelectric actuation enables a microwave oscillator with excellent phase noise performance, which pushes the micromechanical signal source into microwave X-band. WF2.3 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM (Invited) New Directions in Optomechanics: Microfluidic Optomechanics and Brillouin Cooling, T. Carmon, Technion, Israel 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session WG2: High Power Lasers & Applications Session Chair: Laszlo Veisz, Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Germany WG2.1 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM (Invited) 2.0PW, 26.0fs High-Contrast Ti:sapphire CPA Laser System, X. Liang, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China WG2.2 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM (Invited) High power/high energy pulse generation and propagation, J. Diels and L. Arissian, CHTM, University of New Mexico, USA Challenges in the generation and propagation of near IR and UV high power and/or high energy laser pulses are addressed. Achieving long range propagation may require a compromise between short duration and high energy. WG2.3 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM High-Intensity VUV Laser System with OFI Ar2* Amplifier, M. Kaku, N. Deshimaru, M. Katto and S. Kubodera, University of Miyazaki, Japan We have constructed the high intensity VUV laser system with an optical-field-induced ionization (OFI) Ar2* amplifier. The evaluated maximum one-pass gain value of the OFI Ar2* amplifier was 1.17 cm-1. WG2.4 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Recent Performance Results and Progress of the SG-II Upgrade Petawatt Laser Beamline, W. Tao, Shanghai Institute of Laser Plasma, China The SG-II upgrade (SG-II-U) Petawatt (PW) laser beamline was tested for its performance recently. A series of physics experiments including electrons beam generation from a high-Z target irradiated were carried out, which demonstrated that a focusing intensity of 5*1018W/cm2 could be reached. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM Session WH2: Nanophotonic Light Sources and Detectors Session Chair: Maiken Mikkelsen, Duke University, USA WH2.1 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM Emission Enhancement in Nanowire-Nanoantenna System Fabricated by Nanomanipulation, M. Ono, E. Kuramochi, NTT Nanophotonics Center, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, G. Zhang, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, H. Sumikura, NTT Nanophotonics Center, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, Y. Harada, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan, D. Cox, National Physical Laboratory, UK and M. Notomi, NTT Nanophotonics Center, NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan We fabricated a coupled system consisting of an InP nanowire and a gold bowtie nanoantenna with a nanomanipulator installed in a focused ion beam system. The nanoantenna significantly enhanced the emission from the nanowire. WH2.2 10:45 AM - 11:00 AM Low-Cost, Large-Scale, Ordered ZnO nanopillar Arrays for Light Extraction Efficiency Enhancement in Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes, X. Yang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore We report a QLED with enhanced light outcoupling efficiency by applying a layer of periodic ZnO nanopillar arrays. The resulting QLED reaches the record external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 9.34% in green-emitting QLEDs with a similar device structure. WH2.3 11:00 AM - 11:15 AM Diode-Pumped, Mechanically-Flexible Organic Lasers Fully Encapsulated with Ultra-Thin Glass Membranes, C. Foucher, B. Guilhabert, J. Herrnsdorf, N. Laurand and M. Dawson, University of Strathclyde, UK Organic semiconductor lasers encapsulated with ultra-thin glass and optically-pumped with a 450nm laser diode are reported. The lasers are mechanically flexible, have a 290W/cm2 oscillation threshold and their photo-stability is two orders of magnitude higher than their non-encapsulated counterparts. WH2.4 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM Photonic-Crystal-Based InGaAs Photodetector Connected to Load Resistor for Receiver-Less Llight-to-Voltage Conversion on Chip, K. Nozaki, S. Matsuo, K. Takeda, T. Sato, T. Fujii, E. Kuramochi and M. Notomi, NTT Nanophotonics Center, Japan 1.7-um-long InGaAs photonic crystal photodetectors connected to a load resistor were demonstrated towards realizing ultralow-power photoreceivers without electrical amplifiers. A high light-to-voltage conversion efficiency of 4 kV/W was confirmed with electro-optic probing technique. WH2.5 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Low-Threshold Optical Gain and Lasing of Colloidal Nanoplatelets, Y. Kelestemur, B. Guzelturk, Bilkent University, Turkey, M. Olutas, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey, S. Delikanli and H. V. Demir, Bilkent University, Turkey We systematically studied the gain performance of CdSe-core and CdSe/CdS core/crown NPLs with oneand two-photon optical pumping and achieved the lowest gain threshold of 41µJ/cm2 and 4.48 mJ/cm2 for the green-emitting colloidal nanocrystals, respectively. WH2.6 11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Optical Impedance Transformer for Transparent Conducting Electrodes, K. X. Wang, Stanford University, USA A fundamental limitation of transparent electrode design is the trade-off between photonic and electronic performances. We develop the concept of optical impedance transformation, and use it to design nanostructures for broadband and omnidirectional reduction of optical loss in transparent electrodes without compromising their electrical performances. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session WA3: Interferometric and Temporal Imaging Session Chair: Sarath Gunapala, NASA – Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA WA3.1 1:30 PM - 1:45 PM In-Situ Measurement of Wafer Camber by a Laser-Feedback Detector, T. Tambosso, Da Yeh University, Taiwan, R.O.C., S. Donati, University of Pavia, DIII, Italy and R. Horng, Chung Hsing University, Dept. Precision Eng., Taiwan, Republic of China Using a laser diode as echo detector of optical reflections from a wafer surface, we demonstrate a simple and compact optical probe measuring the wafer curvature radius from a few meters to about 10 km. WA3.2 1:45 PM - 2:15 PM (Invited) Palm-Size Portable Apparatus of Wide-Field Fourier-Spectroscopic-Imaging in Mid Infrared Region, I. Ishimaru, Kagawa University, Japan We proposed the imaging-type 2-dimensional Fourier spectroscopy that is the palmtop-size portable measurement apparatus and has the strong robustness for mechanical vibrations. And the proposed method can measure the wide-field 2-dimensional middle-infrared spectroscopic-imaging of radiation lights emitted from human bodies itself without light sources. WA3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Incoherent-Light Temporal Imaging, B. Li and J. Azaña, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique – EMT, Canada We propose and experimentally demonstrate the first incoherent-light scheme for temporal imaging, including time-to-frequency mapping, temporal magnification and compression, of high-speed intensity waveforms. WA3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Novel Temporal Zone Plate Design with Improved Energy Efficiency and Noise Performance, B. Li, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique – EMT, Canada, S. Lou, Beijing Jiaotong University, China and J. Azaña, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique – EMT, Canada We propose and experimentally demonstrate a new kind of temporal zone plates, i.e., temporal amplitude zone plates, providing a 96% improvement in energy efficiency and significantly reducing noise background as compared with previous temporal intensity zone plates. 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session WB3: THz Metamaterial and Isolators Session Chair: Yujie J. Ding, Lehigh University, USA WB3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Metamaterial Induced Terahertz Transparency and Absorption, W. Zhang, Oklahoma State University, USA Metasurface analogues of electromagnetically induced transparency and absorption are experimentally observed in near-field coupled subwavelength systems. Engineered with active control mechanisms, the unique resonances are promising in next-generation chip-scale terahertz photonic devices. WB3.2 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Invited) A Non-Reciprocal Broadband Terahertz Isolator, A. Mazhorova, INRS-EMT, Canada We experimentally demonstrate an isolator based on a magnetic non-reciprocal retarder operating with broadband terahertz pulses. These results stemmed from our recent studies on ferrofluids and ferrites based devices. WB3.3 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Ultrastable THz Generation Based on Frequency Mixing of Output Beams from Coupled Optical Parametric Oscillators, P. Hong, R. Wang, X. Zou, Y.J. Ding, Lehigh University, USA, X. Mu, H. Lee, S. K. Meissner and H. Meissner, Onyx Optics Inc., USA Efficient THz generation from output of coupled optical parametric oscillators based on stacked periodically-inverted KTP plates is due to inherent insensitivity of nonlinear conversion to temperature fluctuation. Enhancement of two orders of magnitude is observed. WB3.4 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Ultrashort Laser Pulse Retrieval Using Single-Shot VAMPIRE, K. Sperlich, Institut für Physik, Universität Rostock, Germany, B. Seifert, Facultad de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile and H. Stolz, Institut für Physik, Universität Rostock, Germany We present first single-shot measurements of a self-referencing technique for measuring the phase and intensity of ultrashort laser pulses (VAMPIRE). The cross-correlation setup utilizes filter elements to circumvent relative-phase or direction of time ambiguities. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session WC3: Photonic Materials and Circuits Session Chair: D. Guney, Michigan Technological University, USA WC3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Transparent Sub-diffraction Optics: Nanoscale Light Confinement Without Metal, Z. Jacob and S. Jahani, University of Alberta, Canada We introduce a paradigm shift in light confinement strategy and show that light can be confined beyond the diffraction limit using transparent artificial media (alldielectric metamaterials). Our approach controls the optical momentum of evanescent waves – an important electromagnetic property overlooked in photonic devices. WC3.2 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Invited) Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits, A. Fiore, S. Fattah poor, T. Hoang, L. Midolo, F. van Otten, F. Pagliano, D. Sahin, T. Xia, COBRA Research Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology, J. Beetz, M. Lermer, S. Hofling, M. Kamp, Technische Physik, Universität Würzburg, A. Gaggero, F. Mattioli and R. Leoni, Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie (IFN), CNR, Rome The building blocks of a new quantum photonic integrated technology will be presented, enabling the onchip generation, processing and detection of single photons for quantum information processing WC3.3 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Design and Fabrication of Guided Mode Resonance Filter for Blue Laser Diode Applications, M. Byrd and E. Johnson, Clemson University, USA A guided-mode resonant filter is designed and fabricated to externally lock a GaN blue laser diode. The structure has polarization selectivity and angular tolerance to help optimize the output from the cavity. WC3.4 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Hybrid InGaN LEDs with Capillary-Bonded MQW Color-Converting Membranes, J. Melo Santos, B. Jones, PhD Student, Glasgow, UK, P. Schlosser, Researcher at Fraunhofer Centre for Applied Photonics CAP, Glasgow, UK, J. Herrnsdorf, B. Guilhabert, Researcher at Institute of Photonics, Glasgow, UK, J. De Jesus, T. Garcia, PhD Student, New York, USA, M. Tamargo, Professor, New York, USA, J. Hastie, Senior Research Fellow, Glasgow, UK, N. Laurand, Researcher at Institute of Photonics, Glasgow, UK and M. Dawson, Professor, Glasgow, UK Hybrid sources consisting of 450nm InGaN LEDs with capillary-bonded micron-thick multi-quantumwell color-converting membranes are reported. Such sources are attractive for visible light communications and a 540nm-emitting hybrid LED having a 57MHz modulation bandwidth is demonstrated. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session WD3: Narrow Linewidth and Hot Topics Session Chair: Segolene Olivier WD3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Narrow-Linewidth Tunable External Cavity Laser for Coherent Communication, A. Daiber, Emcore Corporation, USA Narrow-linewidth external cavity lasers have enabled the successful deployment and build out of coherent optical communication. The strengths of this architecture and robust future are presented. WD3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Characterization of Linewidth of SGDBR Lasers, Y. Yu, J. Zhao, Huazhong Univ.of Sci. & Tech., Wuhan National Lab. for optoelectronics, China, T. Huynh, S. Duill, The Rince Institute, Dublin City University, Ireland, F. Liu, Huazhong Univ.of Sci. & Tech., Wuhan National Lab. for optoelectronics, China and L. P. Barry, The Rince Institute, Dublin City University, Ireland The linewidth behaviors of SGDBR lasers as a function of passive sections currents are simulated, and the detuned-loading effect on the linewidth is demonstrated.Simulated results are in agreement with experimental results. WD3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Room Temperature Strong Coupling Effects and Polariton Lasing under Electrical Injection, M. Baten, T. Frost, S. Deshpande, P. Bhattacharya and A. Das, University of Michigan, USA High temperature electrically pumped polariton lasers using different material systems are demonstrated. An AlGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well based microcavity with operation at 155K, and a GaN based microcavity with operation up to 300K are demonstrated. WD3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Suppression of Spatial Hole-Burning and Sub-Picosecond Pulses from Two-Section Quantum Cascade Lasers, M. A. Talukder, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA and C. R. Menyuk, UMBC, USA We design a two-section quantum cascade laser that suppresses the growth of continuous waves and spatial hole-burning and thus helps grow sub-ps pulses from random quantum noise over a broad range of pump parameters. WD3.5 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM FDTD Spectral Characterization for a Partially Slotted, High-Order Laser, F. Bello, A. Abdullaev, M. Nawrocka, Q. Lu and J. Donegan, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland We present an in depth analysis of a partially 'slotted' semiconductor laser utilized for single mode operation exhibiting integrability with photonic devices. The finite-difference-time-domain (FDTD) method is applied in order to analyze spectral characteristics and particle densities distributed throughout a partial 37th order grating. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session WE3: Non-Silica Based Fiber and Components Session Chair: Sheng-Lung Huang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan WE3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Fabrication, Characterization and Applications of Infrared Transparent Chalcogenide Fibers, P. Lucas, University of Arizona, USA, S. Jiang, AdValue Photonics, USA, G. Colemann, University of Arizona, USA, T. Luo, AdValue Photonics, USA and Z. Yang, University of Arizona, USA Chalcogenide glasses have excellent rheological properties and extended infrared transparency down to 25 microns. They are consequently ideally suited for optical fiber fabrication with many applications ranging from thermal imaging to bio-sensing. WE3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Novel Fiber for Low-Loss Mid-Infrared Transmission, B. Zhang, P. Shum, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, W. Yuan, Johns Hopkins University, USA and X. Cheng, JPT Electronics Pte. Ltd., Singapore We propose a novel triple-cladding hollow metallic optical fiber, which facilitates low-loss transmission at mid-infrared region. Our design is realizable with fiber drawing technique. WE3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Three-Wavelength Tm3+:ZBLAN Fiber Laser and its Applications in Water Detection, C. Jia, K. Ramaswamy, L. Chen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University, Canada, A. G. MacLean, N. L. Andrews, J. Saunders, J. A. Barnes, H. Loock, Department of Chemistry, Queen’s University, Canada and M. Saad, Thorlabs, Inc., USA We demonstrate a three-wavelength Tm3+:ZBLAN fiber laser emitting simultaneously at 1460 nm, 1503 nm, and 1873 nm and its application in single-pass absorption measurements for detecting and quantifying water concentration in acetone. WE3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Engineering Metallo Dielectric Structures on Optical Fiber Tips by Self- Assembling Techniques, M. Pisco, University of Sannio, Italy, F. Galeotti, Institute for Macromolecular Studies, National Research Council, Italy, R. Parente, G. Quero, Optoelectronic Division - Engineering Department, University of Sannio, Italy, A. Iadicicco, Department of Engineering, University of Naples “Parthenope”, Italy, M. Giordano, Institute for polymers, composites and biomaterials, CNR, Italy and A. Cusano, Optoelectronic Division - Engineering Department, University of Sannio, Italy We investigate novel fabrication routes to realize regular and well-ordered micro and nanostructures on optical fiber tips by exploiting self-assembling techniques for sensing applications 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session WF3: Photonic Crystal and Nanometallic Resonance Devices Session Chair: Hakan E. Tureci, Princeton University, USA WF3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) Quantum and Nonlinear Optical Devices Based on Photonic Crystal and Nanometallic Cavities, J. Vuckovic, Stanford University, USA Quantum and nonlinear optical effects are studied with InAs/GaAs quantum dots embedded in photonic crystals or metallic nanoresonators. The applications range from quantum technologies to optical switches and biosensors. Alternative platforms such as impurities in SiC are considered. WF3.2 2:00 PM - 2:15 PM Experimental Demonstration of Adiabatic Light Transfer between Strongly Coupled Photonic Crystal Nanocavities, R. Konoike, H. Nakagawa, T. Asano, Y. Tanaka and S. Noda, Kyoto University, Japan An adiabatic transfer scheme of light between strongly coupled, distant photonic crystal nanocavities is experimentally demonstrated. Our scheme can be applied to photon transfer which is required in fields including quantum information processing. WF3.3 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Fast Carrier-Based Nonlinear Dynamics in GaAs Photonic Crystal Cavities at Room Temperature, R. Bose, J. S. Pelc, C. Santori, S. Vo and R. Beausoleil, Hewlett Packard Labs, USA We will present our experimental measurements of fast carrier-based dynamics in GaAs photonic crystal cavities at room temperature for above-band and resonant pumping. WF3.4 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Cavity-Resonator-Integrated Guided-Mode Resonance Filter with Several Grating Lines in Aperture, K. Kintaka, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, J. Inoue, T. Kondo and S. Ura, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan A cavity-resonator-integrated guided-mode resonance filter with 4-µm aperture was fabricated for operation at 1.54-µm wavelength. A resonance effect was experimentally confirmed in the reflection spectrum of the fabricated device for the first time. WF3.5 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Use of Coupled Photonic Crystal Nanobeam Cavitiesfor Temporal Integration of Optical Signals, P. Serafimovich, Image Processing Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia We propose and numerically investigate an all-optical temporal integrator based on a photonic crystal nanobeam cavity. We show that an array of photonic crystal cavities enables high-order temporal integration. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session WG3: Optical Communications Tutorial Session Chair: Chonjin Xie WG3.1 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM (Tutorial) Data-Aided Signal Processing for Coherent Optical Receivers, F. Pittala, Huawei, Germany In the early implementations of digital signal processing (DSP) for coherent optical receivers, blind algorithms have been preferred due to their simplicity. However, the use of training sequences can improve performance significantly and is extensively used in wireless communication systems. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Session WH3: Quantum Nanophotonics Session Chair: Ertugrul Cubukcu, University of Pennsylvania, USA WH3.1 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM (Invited) On-Demand Optical Properties of Quantum Emitters Using Plasmonic Nanoantennas, M. H. Mikkelsen, Department of Physics, Duke University, USA We demonstrate a colloidally synthesized and tunable plasmonic platform for giant fluorescence enhancement and greatly enhanced spontaneous emission rates of embedded fluorophores. Full-wave simulations incorporating the nanoscale environment accurately predict the experimentally observed emission dynamics. WH3.2 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM (Invited) Quantum Dot Single Photon Sources: Blinking and Deterministic Device Fabrication, K. Srinivasan, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA, M. Davanco, L. Sapienza, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA, C. Hellberg, Naval Research Laboratory, USA, S. Ates, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA, K. Balram, National Institute of Standards and Technolgoy, USA, A. Badolato, University of Rochester, USA We discuss both multiple-time-scale blinking and deterministic device fabrication based on quantum dot registration through optical positioning, each within the context of creating bright, high efficiency single photon sources based on self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots. WH3.3 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM Room Temperature Electrically Injected In0.4Ga0.6N/GaN Quantum-Dot Visible (?=620 nm) Single Photon Source, S. Deshpande, T. Frost, A. Hazari and P. Bhattacharya, University of Michigan, USA We demonstrate electrically driven single photon emission from MBE grown In0.4Ga0.6N quantum dots in a GaN p-n diode at room temperature. The single photons have a lifetime ~1ns and g2(0)=0.4. WH3.4 2:45 PM - 3:00 PM Thermally Engineered Photonic Crystal Membrane Reflectors Based on Transferred Nanomembranes on Diamond, S. Liu, D. Zhao, University of Texas at Arlington, USA, J. Seo, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, Y. Liu, University of Texas at Arlington, USA, Z. Ma, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA and W. Zhou, University of Texas at Arlington, USA We report photonic crystal Si membrane reflectors on diamond with improved thermal performance. With measured 100% reflection, much reduced temperature rise was also observed with high incident power intensities, making Si membrane reflectors on diamond potential candidates for energy efficiency nanophotonics devices. 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Coffee Break 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session WA4: Optical Receivers and Sensors Session Chair: Chee-Hing Tan WA4.1 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM Performance Improvements of Photonic Lantern Based Coherent Receivers, I. T. Ozdur, Abdullah Gul University, Turkey, P. Toliver and T. K. Woodward, Applied Communication Sciences, USA In this work, the signal-to-noise ratio improvement of photonic lantern-based coherent receivers over single-mode coherent receivers is demonstrated. The signal-to-noise ratio is improved by a factor of 2.8 when other parameters kept constant. WA4.2 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM High-Responsivity of InP-Based Photodiodes Integrated with 90o Hybrid by Low Excess Loss MMI Design over Wide Wavelength Range, T. Kikuchi, H. Yagi, N. Inoue, R. Masuyama, T. Katsuyama, K. Uesaka, Y. Yoneda and H. Shoji, Sumitomo Electric Industries, LTD., Japan We demonstrated high-responsivity of InP-based photodiodes integrated with 90o hybrid by low excess loss multimode interference design over wide wavelength range. These characteristics contribute to realizing high-sensitivity coherent receivers over their whole operating wavelength range. WA4.3 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM (Invited) Heterogeneous Integration: Optical Receivers, B. R. Koch, J. E. Roth, A. Ramaswamy, D. K. Sparacin and G. A. Fish, Aurrion, Inc. USA Datacenters are demanding dramatic increases in the volume and density of optical interconnections, requiring multiple high performance lasers, modulators, and photodiodes in a single module to meet growing bandwidth needs along with dramatically lower power and cost. WA4.4 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM Long-Gauge Distributed Sensor for Monitoring Vibration, M. Comanici, L. Chen, McGill University, Canada and P. Kung, QPS Photronics, Canada We propose using an optical fiber cable to monitor distributed vibration changes. The cable connects a vibration point sensor based on a twin fiber Bragg grating interferometer operating in reflection to its interrogation unit that locks a narrowband DFB laser to the central interference fringe. WA4.5 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM Two-Port Rotation Sensing by an All-Depolarized Interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyroscope, Z. Wang, D. Zhao, Y. Yang, Y. Li, P. Lu, C. Peng and Z. Li, Peking University, China All-depolarized interferometric fiber-optic gyroscope has a special feature that the nonreciprocal port is feasible. By subtracting two results from the reciprocal port and the nonreciprocal port, optical intensity noise is suppressed. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session WB4: Magneto-Plasmonics and Nonlinear Imaging Session Chair: Wei Shi, Tianjin University, China WB4.1 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Invited) Magnetooptical Intensity Effects in Plasmonic Crystals, I. Akimov, TU Dortmund, Germany The talk presents an overview on experimental studies of magnetooptical intensity effects in onedimensional plasmonic crystals, which are formed by patterning the noble metal film (gold) with a period comparable to the surface plasmon-polariton wavelength. WB4.2 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM High Average Power Stimulated Raman Scattering in Crystals: Comparison of KGW and Diamond, A. M. McKay, MQ Photonics Research Centre, Macquarie University, Australia, O. Kitzler, Macquarie University, Australia, R. Williams, MQ Photonics Research Centre, Macquarie University, Australia and R. P. Mildren, Macquarie University, Australia The power and beam quality behavior of second-Stokes KGW and diamond external cavity Raman lasers at pump powers up to 40 W has been investigated. Severe thermally-induced effects are evident in the KGW Raman laser at high power levels whereas for diamond these are negligible. WB4.3 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM Sensitive Saturable Absorption Response of Large-Size Topological Insulator and Application in Low-Threshold Solid-State Pulsed Laser, C. Lee, Department of Photonics, NSYSU, Taiwan, Republic of China In this work, using topological insulator Bi2Te3, the highly sensitive saturable absorption of few 2.0 W/cm2 and stable Q-switching operation were investigated and achieved in a 1.0 µm Nd:YVO4 laser. In addition, mode locking operation was observed and discussed. WB4.4 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Invited) Image Restoration Based on Phase Conjugation in Second-Order Nonlinear Medium, X. Zou, P. Hong and Y.J. Ding, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lehigh University, USA We report progress made on recovery of blurred images caused by atmospheric turbulence using phaseconjugate beam generated by second-order nonlinear process. It is perhaps only scheme for efficiently recovering image distorted by dynamic atmospheric turbulence. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session WC4: Novel Photonic Materials Session Chair: Zubin Jacob, University of Alberta, Canada WC4.1 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Invited) Vanadium Dioxide for Emerging Photonics, S. Ramanathan, Harvard University, USA WC4.2 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM Low-Loss Aluminium Nitride Thin Film for Mid-Infrared Waveguiding, P. Lin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, H. Jung, Yale University, USA, L. Kimerling, A. Agarwal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and H. Tang, Yale University, USA Mid-infrared microphotonic devices including straight/bent waveguides and Y-junction beam splitters are developed on CMOS-compatible AlN-on-silicon platform. A low optical loss of 0.83 dB/cm and efficient 50:50 beam splitting ratio is achieved at ?=2.5 µm. WC4.3 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM Chalcogenide Planar Waveguides for Mid-Infrared Applications, D. Choi, P. Ma, Y. Yu, X. Gai, Z. Yang, S. Madden and B. Luther-Davies, Laser Physics Centre / Australian National University, Australia We developed chalcogenide planar platform for mid-infrared applications. Careful choice of materials and control of fabrication are crucial for low-loss waveguide. The devices were demonstrated as chemical sensor and mid-infrared light source using super-continuum generation. WC4.4 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Invited) Controlling in-Plane Propagation of Guided Waves Using Metasurfaces, N. Yu, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session WD4: GaN-based + High Power Session Chair: Roberto Rosales, TU Berlin, Germany WD4.1 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Invited) High Power Blue and Green Laser Diodes and Their Applications, A. Avramescu, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, Inc., Germany Blue and green laser diodes are gaining momentum in applications requiring visible sources with high density of light, spectral purity or quick modulation rates. Challenges and advances toward better efficiency and performance will be presented. WD4.2 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM New Type of High Power Pulse Semiconductor Laser Based on Epitaxially-Integrated AlGaAs/GaAs Thyristor Heterostructure , S. Slipchenko, A. Podoskin, V. Vasileva, A. Rozhkov, N. Pikhtin, I. Tarasov, Ioffe Institute, Russia, T. Bagaev, M. Zverkov, V. Konyaev, Y. Kurniavko, M. Ladugin, A. Marmalyuk, A. Padalitsa and V. Simakov, Stel’makh Research and Development Institute, Russia We present the latest theoretical and experimental results on nonlinear dynamic of laser-thyristor(890-910 nm). We have demonstrated 4MHz/4.5W high frequency lasing. The energy and amplitude of the control current density for turning on 28 W peak output optical power were 1.4 nJ and 0.6 A/cm^2 WD4.3 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM Cost-Effective O-Band High-Power, Low Distortion CWDM Analog Lasers, J. Huang, Emcore Broadband Division, USA We develop C-band high-power CWDM analog lasers with excellent distortion linearity performance. Optical output power, CSO/CTB distortion and chirp are studied. Robust reliability and wavelength stability are demonstrated. 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Session WE4: Fiber Nonlinear Effects and Applications Session Chair: Pierre Lucas, University of Arizona, USA WE4.1 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Invited) A Universal All-Fiber Omnipolarizer, P. Bony, M. Guasoni, S. Pitois, P. Morin, D. Sugny, A. Picozzi, H. Jauslin, G. Millot, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne,France, S. Wabnitz, Università di Brescia, Italy and J. Fatome, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne UMR 6303 CNRS-UB, France We report the experimental observation of a self-polarization effect of a light beam in optical fibers through a counter-propagating four-wave mixing between an incident signal and its backward replica. An efficient self-polarization of a 40-Gbit/s signal is demonstrated. WE4.2 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM (Invited) Temporal Cavity Solitons in Fiber Resonators, M. Erkintalo, J.K. Jang, S.G. Murdoch, S. Coen, Department of Physics, University of Auckland, New Zealand In this talk we will review recent advances in the observation and manipulation of temporal cavity solitons, including temporal tweezing, merging, and dispersive wave emission. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session WF4: Spectroscopy of Micro/Nano Devices Session Chair: J. Rosenberg, IBM, USA WF4.1 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Invited) Resonant Enhancement Mechanisms in Lab-on-Chip Raman Spectroscopy on a Silicon Nitride Waveguide Platform, R. Baets, A. Dhakal, F. Peyskens, P. Wuytens, Ghent University - Imec, Belgium, A. Skirtach, Ghent University, Belgium, N. Le Thomas and A. Subramanian, Ghent University - IMEC, Belgium Raman spectroscopy gains importance as a label-free detection method for a variety of biomolecules. While most Raman spectroscopy systems are based on a microscope or a fiber probe, here we discuss the potential of a lab-on-chip approach based on silicon nitride photonic waveguides. WF4.2 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM Coherent Emission from Electrically-Injected InP/InGaAsP Rolled Up Quantum Well Microtubes, M. Tavakoli Dastjerdi, M. Djavid, P. Bianucci and Z. Mi, McGill University, Canada We demonstrate coherent emission of electrically-injected rolled up InGaAs/InGaAsP microtubes. Sequence of optical modes with an energy separation of about 24 meV has been observed. WF4.3 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM Capillary-Bonding of Thin LEDs Onto Non-Native Substrates by Transfer-Printing, A. Trindade and M. Dawson, Institute of Photonics - University of Strathclyde, UK The integration of arrays of 486nm-emitting micron-size LEDs onto non-native substrates (including diamond, ultra-thin glass and MQW epitaxial structures) is demonstrated. The device bonding process relies solely on solvent-assisted capillary adhesion, and precision assembly through transfer printing. WF4.4 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM Room-Temperature Electroluminescence from Ge/Ge0.92Sn0.08/Ge Double Heterostructure LED on Si, Y. Zhou, Microelectronics-Photonics,University of Arkansas, USA Room temperature electroluminescence (EL) from Ge/Ge0.92Sn0.08/Ge double heterostructure lightemitting diodes has been observed. Spectrum measurements show an emission peak at 0.601eV, which is attributed to direct bandgap transition. WF4.5 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM Emission of Quantum Dots from Waveguides with Chiral Spatially-Modulated Upper Part, S. Lobanov, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia, T. Weiss, University of Stuttgart, Germany, N. Gippius, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia, S. Tikhodeev, A. M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russia, V. Kulakovskii, Institute of Solid State Physics, Russia, K. Konishi and M. Kuwata-Gonokami, The University of Tokyo, Japan Emission of randomly distributed quantum dots from chiral photonic crystal structure made of achiral materials in the absence of external magnetic field at room temperature is theoretically investigated. The degree of circular polarization of quantum dot's optical emission as high as 99% is achieved. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session WG4: Spatial Division Multiplexing Session Chair: Hussam Batshon, TE Subcom, USA WG4.1 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Efficient and Mode Selective Spatial Mode Multiplexer Based on Multi-Plane Light Conversion, G. Labroille, B. Denolle, P. Jian, CAILabs, France, P. Genevaux, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France, N. Treps, Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, UPMC, ENS, CNRS, France and J. Morizur, CAILabs, France We demonstrate a new spatial mode multiplexer based on Multi-Plane Light Conversion with very low intrinsic loss (<4.1dB) and high mode selectivity (crosstalk <-23dB). This multiplexer can perform any mode conversion, and we demonstrate its performance for 6 eigenmodes of a few-mode fiber. WG4.2 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM (Invited) Scalability of Few-Mode Fibers for Mode-Division-Multiplexed Systems, P. Sillard, Prysmian Group, France We investigate the impact of the increase of the number of LP modes supported by few-mode fibers on their main characteristics, pointing out the limiting factors of this increase. WG4.3 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Invited) Self-Homodyne Coherent Detection in Multi-Core Fiber Links, B. J. Puttnam, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan We summarize recent work on self-homodyne detection in multi-core fiber links including transmission, networking experiments and a comparison with intradyne detection before drawing conclusions about the feasibility and gaps in current knowledge. 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Session WH4: Nanophotonic Waveguides Session Chair: Kartik Srinivasan, NIST, USA WH4.1 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM Focusing Sub-wavelength Grating Coupler, Y. Wang, J. Flueckiger, H. Yun, University of British Columbia, Canada, R. Bojko, University of Washington, USA, N. A. Jaeger and L. Chrostowski, University of British Columbia, Canada We demonstrate sub-wavelength grating couplers for both transverse electric and transverse magnetic modes. The couplers are designed for silicon-on-insulator wafer with 220 nm-thick silicon and focusing grating lines have been used to reduce the footprint. WH4.2 3:45 PM - 4:00 PM Efficient Method for Long Range Surface Plasmon (LRSPP) Wave Excitation with Si-Based Grating Couplers, S. Karami, A. Kirk and O. Liboiron-Ladouceur, McGill University, Canada A new method for LRSPP wave excitation using Si-based grating couplers is proposed. We report a coupling efficiency of 32 % in design and 16.5 dB loss in measurement from optical fiber to the plasmon wave. WH4.3 4:00 PM - 4:15 PM Broadband One Way Propagation Via Dielectric Waveguides with Unequal Effective Index, B. Oner, K. Ustun and H. Kurt, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey We present an efficient approach for broad band one way propagation of light by parallel and unequal dielectric waveguides leading different effective phase shifts. Three dimensional numerical simulations show that 30% operating bandwidth is achieved. WH4.4 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM Observation of 4.4 dB Brillouin Gain in a Silicon Photonic Wire, R. Van Laer, Ghent University, Belgium We report the first observation of a hypersonic mode of a small-core silicon wire. In particular, we achieve record 4.4 dB on/off continuous-wave Brillouin gain at 1550 nm. The wire is supported by a tiny oxide pillar to block the path for external phonon leakage. WH4.5 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM A Low-loss, Compact, Broadband, Polarization Insensitive Edge Coupler for Silicon Photonics, A. Dewanjee, J. N. Caspers, D. F. James and M. Mojahedi, University of Toronto, Canada We present the design of a broadband, compact, and low loss two level inverse taper edge coupler for silicon photonics. The polarization maintaining taper has less than 1 dB coupling loss from fiber to silicon waveguide and efficiently couples to both TE and TM polarizations. WH4.6 4:45 PM – 5:00 PM Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) Nanowire Hot Carrier Electroluminescence, M. du Plessis and P. J. Venter, University of Pretoria, South Africa Hot carrier electroluminescence under avalanching conditions in SOI nanowire pn junctions are investigated. Of interest is the spectral content of the light emission, as well as the light extraction efficiency. An order of magnitude improvement in light extractuion can be achieved relative to bulk silicon. Student Poster Competition Wednesday 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Room: Vicino Ballroom Session Chair: Thomas Clark, JHU Applied Laboratory, USA 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM The IEEE Photonics Society is proud to introduce a Student Non-Archived Poster Competition at the 2014 IEEE Photonics Conference to help foster industry-academia interactions and knowledge transfer covering all areas of optical science and technology and increase student networking opportunities. We welcome both original and recently published (2013-2014) poster presentations from students in all fields of photonics. An independent panel of judges will evaluate the posters during a special session, and financial awards and merit certificates will be awarded to the best posters. Refreshments will be served during the poster competition session. The session is a great venue to show off new and recent research, interact with other students and experts in the photonics field, and possibly win an award that will be presented at the closing session of the conference. Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session ThA1: Novel Optical Technologies Session Chair: Ichiro Ishimaru, Kagawa University, Japan ThA1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Centralised and Portable “Network Forensics” Using Smartphone-Based Diagnostics: Case Study – the Mapping of Tap Water pH Across Sydney, Australia, M. Hossain, J. Canning, S. Ast, P. Rutledge, R. Webster, and A. Jamalipour, The University of Sydney, Australia Using a field portable, smartphone fluorometer for assessing water quality, a pH map of drinking water around Sydney is obtained. The work demonstrates a new security concept – network forensics - based on a novel smartgrid approach for the potential detection of water quality disruption. ThA1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM A Novel Measurement Set Up for Optical Characterization of CMOS Photodiodes Using Immersion Oil, A. Kraxner and R. Minixhofer, ams AG, Unterpremstaetten, Austria In this work a novel measurement procedure is reported which offers the possibility to measure the intrinsic spectral response of a CMOS photodiode without additional interference effects caused by the measurement setup. ThA1.3 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Scannable Optofluidic Slit, S. Schuhladen, K. Banerjee, University of Freiburg, IMTEK, Micro-optics, Germany, M. Stürmer, University of Freiburg, IMTEK, Microactuators, Germany, P. Müller, University of Freiburg, IMTEK, Micro-optics, Germany, U. Wallrabe, University of Freiburg, IMTEK, Microactuators, Germany and H. Zappe, University of Freiburg, IMTEK, Micro-optics, Germany We demonstrate a scannable optofluidic slit based on electrowetting on dielectrics. The device is operated in full-field or slit mode. Switching times for a 100 µm wide scanning slit are below 120 ms. ThA1.4 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Mid-Infrared Opto-Nanofluidic Slot-Waveguide for Label-free On-Chip Chemical Sensing, p. lin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, S. W. Kwok, H. Lin, Harvard University, USA, V. Singh, L. Kimerling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, G. Whitesides, Harvard University, USA, D. T. Tan, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore and A. Agarwal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA A mid-infrared sensor for label-free on-chip chemical detection was developed using an engineered nanofluidic channel consisting of a Si-liquid-Si slot-structure. A sensitivity with 75 times improvement was achieved compared to conventional evanescent-wave sensing. ThA1.5 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM (Invited) Optical Cloaking, G. Barbastathis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session ThB1: Graphene: Carrier Dynamics & Nonlinear Photonics Session Chair: Andrea Fratalocchi, KAUST, Saudia Arabia ThB1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Graphene Using Intense Terahertz Pulses, S. Tani, Kyoto University, Japan We investigated ultrafast dynamics of Dirac electrons under a high electric field in graphene combining strong THz pulses and ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. Comparison with a semi-classical Boltzmann equation clarifies efficient impact ionization process. ThB1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Spatiotemporal Pattern Recognition with Cascadable Graphene Excitable Lasers, B. J. Shastri, A. N. Tait, M. A. Nahmias, B. Wu and P. R. Prucnal, Princeton University,USA We demonstrate a simple photonic spatiotemporal pattern recognition (polychronization) circuit enabled by cascading two graphene excitable lasers. This technology is a potential candidate for information processing and computing. ThB1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM All-Optical Switching with Cascaded Two-Stage MZIs Using Saturable Absorption Accompanied by Refractive-Index Change in Graphene, M. Takahashi, H. Kishikawa, N. Goto and S. Yayagiya, The University of Tokushima, Japan An all-optical switch using saturable absorption that accompanies refractive-index change in graphene films is proposed. Effective switching conditions are theoretically derived for arbitrary values of absorption and refractive-index change. ThB1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Resonant Excitable Switching with Graphene, M. A. Nahmias, Princeton University, USA, B. Shastri, Princeton University, USA, A. Tait, N. Kunapuli and P. Prucnal, Princeton University, USA We experimentally demonstrate resonant switching and pulse regeneration using a graphene-based excitable fiber ring laser and simulate an analogous integrated device structure. Such devices could find use in pulse regeneration or optical computing. ThB1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Optical Nonlinearities of CVD Fabricated Graphene by Z-Scan Technique, P. Huang, Department of Photonics, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, Republic of China Optical nonlinearities of single layer graphene were investigated by z-scan method. The two-photon absorption coefficient ? and nonlinear refractive index n2 are obtained as 0.17 to 5.4 (105 cm/W) and 0.8 to 10 (cm2/GW)82 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session ThC1: Metamaterials and Photonic Crystals Session Chair: Nanfang Yu ThC1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Photonic Graphene: From Conical Diffraction to Topological Insulator, M. Segev, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel ThC1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Light Amplification in Metamaterials by Surface Plasmon Polariton Injection, M. Sadatgol and D. Guney, Michigan Technological University, USA We propose a new method to amplify light in metamaterial structures. Two auxiliary light sources generated by surface plasmons constructively interfere with and amplify the signal photons which are then coupled to free space. ThC1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Dynamic Control of Narrowband Thermal Emission, T. Inoue, M. De Zoysa, T. Asano and S. Noda, Kyoto University, Japan We demonstrate dynamic control of narrowband (Q=70) thermal emission with a large change in emissivity (0.74 to 0.24) and a modulation frequency of ~1MHz, which is four orders of magnitude faster than in conventional devices. ThC1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Compact Rainbow Trapping and Demultiplexing by Photonic Crystal Waveguides, I. Halil, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey In this study, an all-dielectric GRIN PC with line defects is proposed to use the rainbow trapping to demultiplexing the light. The propagating beam is demultiplexed by the designed configuration since the light traps at different locations along the main channel for different operating frequencies. ThC1.5 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Measurement of Ce:YIG Temperature Dependence for Temperature Insensitive Silicon Waveguide Optical Isolator, Y. Shoji, T. Nemoto and T. Mizumoto, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Japan The temperature dependences of the refractive index and magneto-optic coefficient of magneto-optic garnet Ce:YIG are characterized to be 2.5×10&sup-&sup4 K&sup-¹ and 13 deg/cm/K, respectively. The design of a temperature insensitive waveguide optical isolator is proposed. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session ThD1: Selection of Best Session Chair: Peter Smowton, Cardiff University, UK ThD1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) A Monolithic Electrically Injected InGaN/GaN Disk-in-Nanowire (?=533nm) Laser on (001) Silicon83, E. Stark, T. Frost, S. Jahangir, S. Deshpande and P. Bhattacharya, University of Michigan, USA The first monolithic electrically injected InGaN/GaN disk-in-nanowire green (533nm) edge-emitting laser grown on (001) silicon is demonstrated. Threshold current density of 1.8kA/cm², spectral linewidth of 9 angstroms, and extrapolated service lifetime of 7000 hours are reported for a 1.5mm cavity length device. ThD1.2 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Invited) High Power THz Quantum Cascade Lasers Based on Novel Materials and Designs, K. Unterrainer, TU Wien, Photonics Institute, Austria We present high performance quantum cascade lasers with a peak output power of 0.94 W. This development is based on new materials and new symmetric designs for the active region. The devices are fabricated by a wafer-bonding technique of two symmetric active regions. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Session ThE1: Novel Optical Fibers and Components Session Chair: Xin Chen, Corning, USA ThE1.1 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Invited) Novel Brillouin- and Raman-Suppressing Optical Fibers, J. Ballato, Clemson University, USA and P. Dragic, University of Illinois, USA This paper describes novel optical fibers employing intrinsically low Brillouin and Raman gain materials. Such fibers enable continued scaling to higher optical powers critical for their use in modern communication and defense systems. ThE1.2 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Low-Index Liquid Core Photonic Crystal Fiber Design, J. Park, Yonsei University, Korea, D. Kang, B. Paulson, T. Nazari and K. Oh, Yonsei University, Korea Hollow core photonic crystal fiber selectively filled with low-refractive-index liquid at its central hole is numerically analyzed using the finite element method in terms of effective indices, guided modes, intensity distribution with varied structural parameters. ThE1.3 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Lab-on-Fiber Technology for Advanced Plasmonic Nano-Optrodes, A. Ricciardi, University of Sannio, Italy, A. Crescitelli, IMM-CNR, Napoli, Italy, G. Quero, M. Consales, University of Sannio, Italy, E. Esposito, IMM-CNR, Italy and A. Cusano, University of Sannio, Italy In this contribution, we report on the versatility of advanced plasmonic Lab-on-Fiber devices directly realized onto optical fiber tips, as well as their potentialities to work as label-free chemical and biological sensor. ThE1.4 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Curvature Sensor Based on Long-Period Grating in Dual Concentric Core Fiber, Z. Wu, X. Shao and P. Shum, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore We report on a curvature sensor based on a long-period grating in a dual-concentric-core fiber. By measuring the relative shifting of two adjacent resonant dips, the curvature sensitivity reaches 7.635 nm/m$^{-1}$ . 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session ThF1: Microcavity and Grating Devices Session Chair: Andrey Matsko, OEWaves, USA ThF1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM Interlayer Grating Coupler for Si/SiO2/SiN platform, M. Sodagar, R. Pourabolghasem, A. A. Eftekhar and A. Adibi, Georgia Tech, USA We design a low insertion loss (1.9 dB) and wideband (3-dB bandwidth of 50 nm) interlayer grating coupler for the Si/SiO2/SiN platform. Measured performance of the fabricated device agrees well with the theoretically predicted results. ThF1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Resonant Reflectors Designed with Zero-Contrast Gratings, R. Magnusson, University of TexasArlington, USA We present reflectors using resonant gratings with ridges that are matched to an identical material thereby annulling local reflections, phase changes, and cavity effects. Wideband reflectors with excellent properties are realized. ThF1.3 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Compact and Broad Band Directional Coupler for Sub-Wavelength Grating SOI Components, V. Donzella, J. Flueckiger, A. Sherwali, S. Talebi Fard, S. Grist and L. Chrostowski, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Canada We present a sub-wavelength grating (SWG) directional coupler, to split light between SWG waveguides. Fabricated devices have compact design combined with wavelength-flattened response and with low sensitivity to central wavelength changes and to fabrication errors ThF1.4 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Control of In-plane Loss in Vertical Fabry Perot Cavities with a Grating Mirror, A. Taghizadeh, J. Mørk and I. Chung, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark In this paper, we have shown that by using slow Bloch modes of a high-index-contrast grating, it is possible to control the lateral loss (or quality factor) of a vertical Fabry Perot cavity, which can be used to improve performance of micro-lasers. ThF1.5 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM The Unperturbed Structure in the Coupled Mode Theory of Waveguide Gratings, S. Kamali, E. Arbabi and L. Goddard, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagin, USA We present simulation results demonstrating importance of the chosen unperturbed structure for coupled mode theory calculations in waveguide gratings. We show that even in simple distributed Bragg reflectors, using the plain waveguide causes considerable inaccuracies. ThF1.6 9:45 AM - 10:00 AM Microring Modulator Using Drop-Port Phase Interference, M. Caverley, H. Jayatilleka, Y. Wang, L. Chrostowski and N. Jaeger, University of British Columbia, Canada We present a modulator design where two microring modulators are incorporated into a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and show that its extinction ratio and insertion loss can be tuned while staying at a fixed input wavelength. 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM Session ThG1: Modulation & Detection II Session Chair: Benjamin Puttman, NICT ThG1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM A Hybrid DPSK-MPPM Technique for High Sensitivity Optical Transmission, A. E. Morra, H. Shalaby, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST), Egypt and Z. Kawasaki, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan A new class of optical modulation formats, based on combinations of both MPPM and DPSK modulation techniques, is proposed. This technique has a better performance than traditional ones and is suitable for high sensitivity transmission. ThG1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Enhancing Optical Multi-Pulse Pulse Position Modulation Using Hybrid QPSK-Modified MPPM, H. Selmy, H. Shalaby and Z. Kawazaki, Egypt-Japan University for Science and Technology, Japan A hybrid quadrature phase shift keying-modified multi-pulse pulse-position modulation scheme is proposed as a new modulation technique to improve the performance of conventional optical multi-pulse pulse-position modulation (MPPM) scheme in optical fiber communication systems. ThG1.3 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Closed Form Expressions for SER and Capacity of Shot Noise Limited MIMO-FSO System Adopting MPPM Over Gamma-Gamma Atmospheric Turbulence Channels, H. Khallaf, H. Shalaby, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology E-JUST, Egypt Closed form expressions for the symbol-error rate (SER) and capacity of shot-noise limited multiple-input multiple-output free space optical (MIMO/FSO) communication systems, adopting multipulse pulseposition modulation (MPPM) techniques over gamma-gamma channel model, are derived. ThG1.4 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Can Superluminal Propagation in a Noisy Dispersive Medium Reduce Signal Detection Latency?, A. H. Dorrah and M. Mojahedi, University of Toronto, Canada The signal detection latency for superluminal pulses in an inverted medium is calculated and compared to a vacuum channel. The analysis accounts for both the medium and the detector noise. Accordingly, the capabilities and limitations of fast light signaling are discussed. ThG1.5 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Electro-Optic Polymer/TiO2 Multilayer Slot Waveguide Modulators, Y. Enami, Kochi University of Technology, Japan and J. Luo, University of Washington, USA We report efficient poling of electro-optic polymer and higher mode confinement in hybrid electro-optic (EO) polymer/TiO2 multilayer slot waveguide modulator. 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM Coffee Break 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Session ThH1: Nanophotonic Devices IV Session Chair: Hilmi Volkan Demir, Bilkent University, Turkey / Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ThH1.1 8:30 AM - 8:45 AM TiO2 Assisted Sensitivity Enhancement in Photosensitive Nanocrystal Skins, A. Yeltik, S. Akhavan, Bilkent University, Turkey and H. V. Demir, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore / Bilkent University, Turkey We propose nanocrystal-based light-sensitive skins with a thin TiO2 layer serving as the electron acceptor and we demonstrate significant broadband sensitivity enhancement in these photosensors, which operate with no external bias. ThH1.2 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM Advances in Colloidal Quantum Dots Distributed Feedback Lasers Hybridized on Glass Membranes, B. Guilhabert, C. Foucher, L. McLellan, A. Haughey, Institute of Photonics, University of Strarhclyde, UK, Y. Gao, Luminous!, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, J. Herrnsdorf, Institute of Photonics, University of Strarhclyde, UK, E. Mutlugun, Luminous!, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, H. V. Demir, Luminous!, Nanyang Technological University, UK, N. Laurand, M. D. Dawson, Institute of Photonics, University of Strarhclyde, UK Mechanically-flexible lasers made of thin-films of colloidal quantum dots on glass membranes are reported. These ns-pulsed lasers have 0.5mJ/cm2 (100 kW/cm2) thresholds and are wavelength-tunable across 18 nm. Improvements of CQD-laser materials are also studied. ThH1.3 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM Second Harmonic Generation in Quantum Wells Enhanced via Coupling to Metamaterials, O. Wolf, S. Campione, A. Benz, S. Liu, J. F. Klem, M. B. Sinclair, I. Brener, Sandia National Labs, USA We experimentally demonstrate efficient second harmonic generation using a metamaterial-coupled III-V heterostructure at mid-infrared wavelengths. Our approach exploits the large second-order nonlinear susceptibilities of intersubband transitions and the near-field enhancement and polarization manipulation flexibility offered by metamaterial resonators. ThH1.4 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM Enhanced Sub-Wavelength Focusing by Tilted and Modified Graded Index Medium, E. M. Gayur, B. B. Oner and H. Kurt, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey The inhomogeneous variation of index distribution as graded index (GRIN) medium focuses light without the curved surfaces. In the current study, we investigate enhanced focusing properties of GRIN medium with tilted front and back surfaces. ThH1.5 9:30 AM - 9:45 AM Characteristics of Emergent Nano-Structures Formed on Diamond by Two-Photon UV Etching, R. P. Mildren, Macquarie University, Australia Diamond surfaces etched in the UV at sub-ablation fluencies develop deep sub-wavelength nanostructures with morphology dependent on the incident polarization. Characterization of the development of etched patterns provides evidence for bond-selective scission and ejection of carbon species. 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break Closing Ceremony Thursday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Room: Vicino Ballroom Session Chair: Thomas Clark, JHU Applied Laboratory, USA Post Deadline Session Best Student Paper and Poster Awards END OF PROGRAM
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