Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost Order of Worship Sunday, October 12, 2014 “But the Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him.” - Habakkuk 2:20 NIV Let the people begin silent meditation. Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor 7:30 am, 10:30 am, and 1:00 pm 9:30 am WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL Lections Theme: Beware Of False Prophets Exod. 32:1-14, Ps. 106:1-6, 19-23 or UMH 829, Phil. 4:1-9, Matt. 22:1-14 Good Morning! We extend a warm welcome to each of you worshipping with us today! It is our hope that this experience of prayer, praise and preaching will enrich you and bring you into a meaningful relationship with God, His people and His church! LIGHTING OF ALTAR CANDLES ACOLYTES Opening Song *Call to Worship ROCK Worshipers Leader: Praise God with shouts of joy, all people. People: We will offer him glorious praise! Leader: How wonderful are the things God does! His power is great. People: Let everyone on earth worship God and sing his praises. Leader: Come, let us worship our wonderful God! *Invocation *Invocation Response Hymn of Praise “Hear Our Prayer” Hear our prayer, O Lord; Hear our prayer, O Lord; Incline Thine ear to us and grant us Thy peace. Amen. “Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand ” Time of Sharing Musical Selection 1 *Please Stand/+Remain in Sanctuary Page 4 All CFS Children’s Choir 10:30 am Song of Inspiration Heart of Worship *+Altar Call Scripture Matthew 22:1-14 Song of Preparation ROCK Worshipers +Proclamation “A Seat at the Banquet” Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr. *+Invitation to Christian Discipleship “What A Friend We Have In Jesus" Page 4 The Offertory Invitation O Lord, too often we have thought that we must withdraw from the world in order to follow your teachings faithfully. Help us to understand that we are to be a part of the world but not controlled by it. Let us be as lights in the darkness, bringing your message into the world so that the evils may be uncovered. The Offertory Prayer Heavenly Father, your Church stands as a beacon in today’s world, trying to warn people of the treacherous rocks that could so easily bring disaster. May our gifts be used to keep that light shining, and may we be used as light -keepers. Divine love through me blesses and multiplies all that I have, all that I give, and all that I receive, in the name of Jesus. Amen +Tithe and General Offering +Song of Celebration *Doxology Music Ministry “All Things Come Of Thee” All things come of Thee, O Lord, and of Thine own have we given Thee. *Blessing of the Offering *Recessional “Blessed Be The Name” *Benediction *Benediction Response “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow, Praise Him All Creatures Here Below, Praise Him Above ye Heavenly Host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen” *Please Stand/+Remain in Sanctuary 2 Hope’s Power Hour 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor Praise & Worship Music Ministry Opening Prayer Scripture: Matthew 22:1-14 Today’s Message: “A Seat at the Banquet” Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr. Invitation to Discipleship Offering (Please Come Forward) Benediction & Going Forth “The Lord bless you, and keep you: The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 (KJV) 3 HOLD TO GOD’S UNCHANGING HAND (African American Heritage Hymnal #404) Time is filled with swift transition. Naught of earth unmoved can stand. Build your hopes on things eternal. Hold to God’s unchanging hand. Trust in Him who will not leave you. Whatsoever years may bring. If by earthly friends forsaken, Still more closely to Him cling. Covet not this world’s vain riches That so rapidly decay. Seek to gain the heav’nly treasures. They will never pass away. When your journey is completed, If to God you have been true, Fair and bright the home in Glory Your enraptured soul will view. Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand. Hold to His hand, God’s unchanging hand. Build your hopes on things eternal. Hold to God’s unchanging hand. WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS (African American Heritage Hymnal #431) What a Friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry Ev’rything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, All because we do not carry ev’rything to God in prayer! Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged-- Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our ev’ry weakness-- Take it to the Lord in prayer. Are we weak and heavy laden, Cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge-- Take it to the Lord in prayer. Do thy friends despise, forsake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; In His arms He’ll take and shield thee-- Thou wilt find a solace there. 4 SPECIAL PRAYER REQUESTS FOR HOPE MEMBERS AND LOVED ONES Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12) Health Concerns Lillian Diané Dorothy Jackson Vera Toliver Shawnna Brantley Brenda Jones Cynthia Higgins Jesse Douglas Bill Tucker Patricia Ann Talley-Tucker Gwen Williams Marilyn Dunn Ruth Smith Hospitalizations Robert J. Clark Veterans Hospital Bereavements Warren Griffin (loss of mother) Family of Twyla Griffin Jackie & Robert Douglas (loss of her mother) Kali Douglas (loss of grandmother) Dorothy & Ralph Burrell (loss of her mother) Family of Rugina Ellis Ato Awokwi (loss of brother) Theodore & Nellie LaGarde (loss of his mother) Felecia Baker (loss of father) Ron Otis (loss of mother) Prayer Requests for Family & Friends Kenneth Mency (brother-in-law of Sonya Mency) Tracy Hudson (daughter of Doris Perkins) Murray Morrow (brother of Sam Morrow, husband of Annie Morrow) Dwight Thomas, Sr. (brother of Joe Thomas) Arzetter Chatman (mother of Robert Chatman) Andrea Battle (daughter of Barbara Battle) Gregory Martin (nephew of Tina & Murdic Coleman) Preston Jowers, Sr. (father of Preston Jowers, Jr.) Andrew Marshall, Sr. (husband of Sandra Marshall) Thelma Bell (mother of Sharon Ford & Terrian Bell) Alice King (mother of Linda Webb, grandmother of William Glosson) Hope’s Pastoral Care If you or a family member is ill, hospitalized, bereaved, or need a visit from a pastor, please call Pastoral Care at (248) 262-5133. To speak with a Pastor after hours, please call Reverend Rosaline Green at (248) 470-4042. God Bless You! 5 Hope United Methodist Church Counseling Center Sometimes a listening ear can provide the perspective we need to make it through difficult times as families, and as individuals. If you need a spiritual counselor, please call Pastoral Care at 248-262-5133 to schedule an appointment. All calls and appointments are confidential. Stepping Stones To Wholeness Are you or someone you know experiencing the pain associated with grieving? If so, we can help with the journey through the loss. Call Rev. Rosaline Green at (248) 262-5129 for an appointment. Members and Non-Hope members welcomed Rev. Rosaline Green, Associate Pastor, Facilitator Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor Telecare Ministry— 1-800-375-8401 Available: Sundays: 10:00 am—12:00 Noon Thursdays: 5:00 pm—6:00 pm Recordings of Reverend Cornelius Davis, Jr. Sunday Worship Sermons Sermons can be purchased immediately following each service in the Media Center. CDs are $5 and DVDs are $10. Previous Sunday Services are also available. CD and DVD order forms are available outside of the Media Center. Please fill out an order form and turn it into the Media Center. Your request will be mailed within three days. Please make all checks payable to HOPE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. 6 Black & White Soirée Fri, Oct 10 7:00 pm Candidates Day Sun, Oct 19 After 7:30 & 10:30 services Fellowship Hall Veteran’s Sunday / Wall of Honor Sun, Nov. 9 After Services Fellowship Hall Lombard Mennonite Peace Center Congregational Mediation Process Information Gathering and Education Phases Dec 11-13, 2014 (Number of sessions and times TBD. This is a sample schedule.) Small group structured dialogue sessions (each person signs up for one 1.5 hour session) Session 1 Dec 11, 2014 Session 2 Thursday Session 3 3:30-5:00 pm 6:00-7:30 pm 7:30-9:00 pm Session 4 8:30-10:00 am Session 5 10:00-11:30 am Session 6 Dec 12, 2014 Session 7 Friday Session 8 11:30 am - 1:00 pm 2:30-4:00 pm 4:00-5:30 pm Session 9 6:30-8:00 pm Session 10 8:00-9:30 pm Session 11 Dec 13, 2014 Session 12 Saturday Session 13 8:30-10:00 am 10:00-11:30 am 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm A series of sermons on “The King, His Kingdom, and His Kids” 7 Hope family, if you have family members in the Service please e-mail their information to Rev. Rosaline Green at: [email protected] so we may support them. Thank you. Major Whalleon Babo MSgt. Bobby S. Briggs Lt. Cameron Ross Browne Sgt. James Curry Lt. Colonel Curtis Craft Spc Nicholis Dubouis SSgt. Jorja Dudley Robert Ellis Major Michael Flowers Nida Floyd (2/8 Golf Co. 2nd. Platoon) Airmen 1st Class Eric Graham Terrell Hannah Lt. Reginald Hughley Lt. Colonel Benjamin Johnson Pvt. 1st. Class Julian Johnson Carletta Richardson Kevin Johnson Pvt. Dennis Richardson, Jr. Christopher Joiner Sfc. David Richmond Pvt. Lavar Jones Col. Anna Savitch Cpt. Steve Marteen Pvt. Hassan Anthony Sgeidifar Wayne Mason Steven J. Shelton Lt. Ronnie Vito McCullough SSgt. Darius Shephard Keith Meadows Seaman Eric Shorter Alex Morrow Lt. Brandon W. Smith Sgt. Rodney Mosley Carlos C. Springs Seaman Joshua M. Myers SSgt. Dwight Thomas Jr. Bryant A. Nunn Sgt. Leroy Troupe Jr. Capt. Katrina Patillo Adam R. Walker, III Sgt. Nikia Pearsall MSgt. Terry L. Walker, Sr. The Wall of Honor Is your name on the Wall? Veteran’s Day is coming soon. If you or a loved one would like to be a part of our recognition efforts, please complete the Wall of Honor form located in the Literature Rack and place the completed form in the Wall of Honor mailbox, so we can add to the Wall of Honor during our special service in November. The cutoff date is October 17th. Please contact Rev. Green if there are questions 248-262-5129 God Bless our soldiers and all who have served. 8 Employment Updates Hope UMC Family, in our efforts to right size our church as mentioned at the State of the Church and Town Hall meetings, we have had to make some hard decisions. We have had to make some cuts as you have been seeing and changing some job descriptions in order to streamline our day to day work flow and also get the best possible solutions to better support our needs. As we make further changes we deeply regret to announce that we had to make additional staff changes and the position of Receptionist / Hospitality / Membership position held by Mrs. Raye Townsend has been changed effective September 27,2014. As a result she no longer holds that position. We are grateful for all the hard work and long hours she has given to support the efforts of Hope UMC over the years in a lot of areas. She is still a member of Hope and she still has all the rights and privileges of any other Hope Member. Let’s continue to thank her for her time spent as an employee here. Tillecha Harris is the Membership Secretary and she is a volunteer Ministry leader for the position. She was voted into position at the 2013 Charge conference and will continue the upkeep of membership records. A new position has been created and combined to better meet our needs at this time; it is Receptionist/Office Assistant. This position will be filled with new employee and staff member Ms. Erika Briggs effective October 1, 2014. Let us welcome Erika as she comes aboard not only to be a receptionist but to be an assistant to our office staff and clergy. She may be contacting some of you who are available during the day to help with the volunteer schedule she will be putting into place. Please feel free to contact her at our main number 248-356-1020 if you have skills which will help the church and can be done during daytime hours. Let us continue to pray as we continue to make adjustments in our efforts to right size our church in a godly manner. Candidates Day - Sunday, October 19, 2014 Next Sunday is Candidates' Day at Hope! Please plan to meet the candidates following the 7:30 am and 10:30 am services in Fellowship Hall. Learn their positions on the issues and get your questions answered before casting your vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 4. Remember each and every vote, especially yours, counts! Edith Lee-Payne, Church & Society Chair Rev. Rosaline Green, Clergy Advisor Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor 9 Exciting Ministry Opportunities working with Hope’s Youth! The Christian Education ministry has an immediate need for persons to volunteer for the Historically Black College Tour and Youth Confirmation classes. Historically Black College Tour ministry leader and chaperones: This service opportunity offers you a chance to tour 10 of the nation’s phenomenal historically black colleges with an energetic group of high school students in April 2015. Youth Confirmation teachers: Join a team of members devoted to preparing our youth to confess Christ as Lord and Savior and take their church membership vows. Teachers choose to lead an impactful lesson on such topics as God, Salvation, and United Methodist history and participate in the very moving Youth Confirmation ceremony held annually in May. If you’d like more information and to discuss how you can become a part of the Christian Education ministry team, please contact Evelyn Summerville for additional information today. Evelyn L. Summerville, Director of Christian Education and Leadership Development Phone: 248-262-5139; E-mail: [email protected] Bricks4Kidz Eugene Blair, Owner 1-734-748-6039: [email protected] After School Programs are Vital to Educational Goals This is a hands-on class where students will learn, build, and play together! Bricks4Kidz is coming to Hope on Wednesday evenings starting October 15 from 7:00—8:00 pm An anonymous donor has given funding to pay for up to 20 children. If your child or the child of another would like to attend, please provide their name and contact information. 10 Dear Pastor Davis and Rev. Green, As we mourn the loss of our loved one, Twyla Griffin, we express our thanks to you and the Hope United Methodist Church family for all you have done to lighten our hearts. Our thanks to the Ministerial Staff, Comfort Givers, and Usher Ministry. A special thanks to the Lay Servants and Culinary Staff. Our thanks for the comforting eulogy given at Twyla’s Memorial Service. Your expressions of condolence through encouragement are greatly appreciated. Resolution and words of Mr. & Mrs. William Young , Warren Griffin, and The Family of Twyla Griffin To our beloved Hope United Methodist Men, Congratulations on a beautiful weekend filled with praise, prayer, fellowship and preaching. Thank you Brother Charles Jacobs, Brother Wendell Walden and all the men of Hope for all your outstanding work. Congratulations to Howard Little who won first place in “Men Who Cook” event. God Bless you! Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor & The Members of Hope United Methodist Church 11 Children’s & Youth Parents Meeting Sunday, October 19, 2014 3:00 to 5:00 pm Exciting things are happening in the life of Hope UMC. At the forefront of this excitement are new developments in our Children’s and Youth Ministries. Parents, please join me, the ministry area leaders and volunteers for important updates about our Christian Education component, worship experience and other children’s and youth programs. Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor Coming Aracon Missions Ministry Presents Tony Crosby Week, Nov 30 - Dec 6, 2014 We’re extending an invitation to the congregation of Hope United Methodist Church to help with our outreach program. Together we will make this a blessing for our guests with a collective effort of prayers, time, and donations. Volunteers are needed and monetary contributions are welcome. Please stop by the Tony Crosby table in the Narthex for a list of areas where volunteers are needed. Thank you so much, Missions Ministry 12 October 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 11:30 Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) 12:00 Life Application Bible Study (Library) 6:30 Mid-Week Worship Service (Sanctuary) / Hopeland Secur (Parlor)/6:30-9:30 Jack & Jill (F.H.) 7:00 Wednesday Night Bible Study (E205/206) 5 162nd CHURCH ANNIVERSARY 6 7 9:00 Intercessory Prayer (Library) 8 11:30 Hustle for Exercise (#26/27) 7:15 Praise & Worship 7:30 Worship Service/Reality 101 8:00 Jesus Junction 9:30 Sunday School/Adult Confirmation (Parlor)10:15 Praise and Worship/10:30 Worship Service/Reality 101 11:00 Jesus Junction/R.O.C.K./1:00 One Hour of 6:30 Lakora White Dance School (#26/27/First Place Bible Study (E108) 9:30 “30 Minute Blitz” Staff (FBR) 6:30 Hustle for Exercise(#26/27)Comfort Givers (Parlor)/Nominations & Leadership (Library)7:00 Book By Book Overview (E107)/Adult Disciples Bible Study (E108) *Preparing the Church for the Soirée* 12:00 Life Application Bible Study (Library) 5:30 Higher Ed (FBR)6:00 UMW (Parlor) 6:30 Mid Service (Sanctuary)/7:00 Boy Scouts (E108)/ Wednesday Night Bible Study (E205/206)/ *Preparing the Church for the Soirée* 12 MISSIONS FOOD FIGHT 13 14 15 7:15 Praise & Worship /Heart of Worship (Library) 7:30 Worship Service/ Reality 101 8:00 Jesus Junction 9:30 Sunday School/ 10:15 Praise and Worship/ Adult Confirmation (Parlor)10:30 Worship Service/Reality 101 11:00 Jesus Junction/ R.O.C.K./ 1:00 One Hour of Power 6:00 Links (Murff) (Parlor) 6:30 Nominations & Leadership (FBR) Lakora White Dance School /26/27) / First Place Bible Study (E108) 9:30 “30 Minute Blitz” Staff (FBR)1:00 Mature Disciples (Library)/ 6:30 Missions (Parlor)/Sunday School Teachers (FBR)/Hustle for Exercise ( F.H.) 7:00 Cancer Support Group (Library)/Book By Book Overview (E107)/Adult Disciples Bible Study 11:30 Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) 12:00 Life Application Bible Study (Library) 6:30 Mid-Week Worship Service (Sanctuary) / 7:00 Wednesday Night Bible Study (E205/206)/Bricks 4 Kidz (Library) FALL REVIVAL 19 NEW MEMBERS BREAKFAST 20 21 9:00 Intercessory Prayer (Library) 22 7:15 Praise & Worship 7:30 Worship Service/Reality 101 8:00 Jesus Junction 9:30 Sunday School/Adult Confirmation (Parlor)10:15 Praise and Worship/10:30 Worship Service/Reality 101 11:00 Jesus Junction/R.O.C.K./ 1:00 One Hour of Power 3:00 –6:00pm AKA Teens (F.H.)/ Urenia Ricks (Small Chapel)(R.O.C.K. 26/27) 6:30 Nominations & Leadership (Parlor) 6:30 Lakora White Dance School (#26/27) /First Place Bible Study (E108) 6:30 N.O.W. Ministries (Parlor)/Hustle for Exercise( F.H.) 7:00 Book By Book Overview (E107)/ Adult Disciples Bible Study (E108) 11:30 Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) 12:00 Life Application Bible Study (Library) 6:00 Worship Ministry (Parlo 6:30 Mid-Week Worship Service (Sanctuary) / 7:00 Boy Scouts (#26/2 Wednesday Night Bible Study (E205/206)/Bricks 4 Kidz (Library) 26 27 28 29 6:00 –8:30 Lay Servants (Library) 6:30 Nominations & Leadership (Parlor) 6:30 Lakora White Dance School (#26/27) /First Place Bible Study (E108) 7:00—8:30 pm AKA Executive Meeting (E205/206) 9:00 Intercessory Prayer (Library) 9:30 “30 Minute Blitz” Staff (FBR) 6:30 Administrative Council (Parlor)/ Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) 7:00 Book By Book Overview (E107)/ Adult Disciples Bible Study (E108) 12:00 Life Application Bible Study (Library) 6:30 Mid-Week Worship Service (Sanctuary) / 7:00 Wednesday Night Bible Study (E205/206)/Bricks 4 Kidz (Library) 7:15 Praise & Worship 7:30 Worship Service/Reality 101 8:00 Jesus Junction 9:30 Sunday School/Adult Confirmation (Parlor)10:15 Praise and Worship/ 10:30 Worship Service/Reality 101 /Church and Society (Library) 11:00 Jesus Junction/ R.O.C.K./ 1:00 One Hour of Power 13 9:00 Intercessory Prayer (Library) 10:00 Clergy/Staff Meeting (FBR 11:30 Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) ober 2014 Wed 1:30 Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) 2:00 Life Application Bible Study brary) 6:30 Mid-Week Worship ervice (Sanctuary) / Hopeland Security 9:30 Jack & Jill (F.H.) 00 Wednesday Night Bible Study 11:30 Hustle for Exercise (#26/27) 2:00 Life Application Bible Study brary) 5:30 Higher Ed (FBR)6:00 MW (Parlor) 6:30 Mid-Week Worship ervice (Sanctuary)/7:00 Boy Scouts 108)/ Wednesday Night Bible Study reparing the Church for the Soirée* 1:30 Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) 2:00 Life Application Bible Study brary) 6:30 Mid-Week Worship ervice (Sanctuary) / 00 Wednesday Night Bible Study 205/206)/Bricks 4 Kidz (Library) ALL REVIVAL 10:00 Clergy/Staff Meeting (FBR) 1:30 Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) 2:00 Life Application Bible Study brary) 6:00 Worship Ministry (Parlor) Week Worship Service anctuary) / 7:00 Boy Scouts (#26/27)/ ednesday Night Bible Study 205/206)/Bricks 4 Kidz (Library) 11:30 Hustle for Exercise (F.H.) 2:00 Life Application Bible Study brary) 6:30 Mid-Week Worship ervice (Sanctuary) / 00 Wednesday Night Bible Study 205/206)/Bricks 4 Kidz (Library) Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 11:30 Bible Study (Parlor) 6:00 Chamber Music Ministry (Sanctuary) 6:30 Male Chorus (Music Room)/Crown Bible Study (E108) 7:30 Gospel Choir (Music Room) MEDIATION PROCESS (Fellowship Hall) No meetings throughout the church with the exception of rentals.) MEDIATION PROCESS (Fellowship Hall) No meetings throughout the church with the exception of rentals.) 8:00 EIP(E108) 8:30 Communion (Library) ) 9 11:30 Bible Study (Parlor) 10 11 5:30-9:00 pm AKA Chapter Meeting (E205/206.) 6:00 Chamber Music Ministry (Sanctuary) 6:30 Trustees (FBR) / Male Chorus (Music Room)//Crown Bible Study (E108) 7:30 Gospel Choir (Music Rm.) *Preparing the Church for the Soirée* BLACK & WHITE SOIRÉE CHURCH CLOSED TO ALL ACTIVITIES (5:30pm –Midnight) 9:00 UMM (Parlor) 10:00 Heart of Worship (Music Room)/ Adult/Youth Ushers (Small Chapel)/11:00 Adult/Youth Ushers (Sanctuary)/12:30 Bridge Club of Hope (#26/27) 16 17 18 11:30 Bible Study (Parlor) 6:00 Finance Committee (FBR)/ Chamber Music Ministry (Sanctuary) 6:30 Male Chorus (Music Room)/Crown Bible Study (E108) 7:30 Gospel Choir (Music Room) 6:00 Kurian/Nelvin Wedding Rehearsal (Sanctuary)/ Unspeakable Praise (Music Room)/ 6:30 Greeters Ministry (Library 10:00 Wizetrade (E107)/Heart of Worship (Music Room) 11:00 Free 4 Youth (#26/27)12:00 Higher Ed (Library) 4:00 Kurian/Nelvin Wedding (Sanctuary, Parlor, Library, #13) 5:30-9:00 Southfield Kappa's (#26/27) 23 24 25 11:30 Bible Study (Parlor) 6:00 Chamber Music Ministry (Sanctuary) 6:30 Male Chorus (Music Room)/Crown Bible Study (E108) 7:30 Gospel Choir (Music Room) 6:00 Unspeakable Praise (Music Room) 8:00 Education Intervention Programs (E108) 8:30AM-1:00PM VCI Meeting (C.Mosey Detroit District) (F.H.) 9:00-3:00 C&S Crop Hunger Walk (F.H.) 10:00 Nurturers Ministry (Parlor)/ Heart of Worship (Music Room)12:30 Bridge Club of Hope (#26/27) 30 31 11:30 Bible Study (Parlor) 6:00 Chamber Music Ministry (Sanctuary) 6:30 Male Chorus (Music Room)/Crown Bible Study (E108) 7:30 Gospel Choir (Music Room) 6:00 Unspeakable Praise (Music Room) 9:30 Policy Protection 14 Hope UMC Fall Fun Day Saturday, October 18, 2014 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Activities available at Erwin Orchard for a fee include: Apple picking in the orchard The Children’s & Youth Ministries invite the young and young at heart to join us on a visit to the beautiful Erwin Orchard & Cider Mill in South Lyon, Michigan. Fellowship on a charter driven bus and enjoy fresh cider, hot donuts and 200 acres of fall fun. Pumpkin picking in the patch Pony Rides & Paintball Children 10 & Under $3 Includes bus ride, cider & donut, tricycle ride and choice of two activities (bounce house, 3D maze, petting farm) Youth 11 to 18 $5 Includes bus ride, cider & donut Erwin Orchards Adults Over 18 $7 Includes bus ride, cider & donut 61475 Silver Lake Rd. Limited seating on the bus. Bus leaves from Hope UMC at 10:00 am. Register by Sunday, October 12 South Lyon, MI 48178 248-437-0150 Please leave a message for Christian Education at 248-228-2355 for more information. www.erwinorchards.com Permission slip required for anyone under 18 not accompanied by parent and riding the bus. Advance registration for apple picking encouraged. Bus leaves from HUMC at 10:00 am on 10-18-14 and returns at 2:00 pm Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor 15 HELP THE MISSIONS MINISTRY STOCK THE CLOSET OF HOPE FOOD PANTRY! We are in need of non-perishable food items to restock our Closet of Hope Food Pantry. On October 12, 2014 before and after the 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services we will be accepting your food donations in Fellowship Hall. Last year Hope blessed approximately 450 baskets of food to our brothers and sisters in our community. Let us continue in the spirit of blessing others. The following are some suggested items: Breakfast Hot and Cold Cereal, Pancake Mix, Syrup, Fruit Juices (64 oz.), Canned Fruit, Flour, Sugar, Oil, Baking Mix, Applesauce Lunch Canned Meats (chicken, tuna, salmon, etc), Peanut Butter, Jelly, Soups, Canned Pasta Meals, Canned Chili, Boxed Macaroni and Cheese, Crackers, Canned Beans Dinner Spaghetti, Pasta Egg Noodles, Rice, Elbow Macaroni, Spaghetti Sauce, Canned Vegetables, Boxed Mashed Potatoes, Boxed Cake Mix, Canned Cake Frosting 16 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Hope Family & Friends, A special thank you to everyone who took the time to come out and support me at the revival at Scott Memorial UMC. We had a wonderful time and people were blessed. The music ministry was awesome and really showed up and showed out. Thanks again. In Service for the Cause of Jesus Christ, Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor Every minute, malaria claims another victim. Help wipe out malaria … now! Today, YOU can help stop this preventable, treatable, and beatable disease from destroying Africa. Hope members and visitors can donate by placing a contribution in the offering envelope and specifying Advance #3021190. You may also contribute online at www.minomalaria.org If you would like make a donation using your cell phone, “Text” Malaria DAC to 27722 to donate $10 to INM. Thank you for helping to save lives! 17 SHIFTING HOPE UPDATE Shifting Hope Giving Distribution at 10/8/14 More than $5,000/giver $45,000.00 Up to $100/giver $503.00 Up to $5,000/giver $5,501.00 Up to $1,000/giver $5,800.00 Up to $500/giver $7,020.00 Up to $100/giver Up to $250/giver Up to $500/giver Up to $1000/giver Up to $5,000/giver More than $5,000/giver Up to $250/giver $4,420.00 Totals Given by Category $503 $4,420 $7,020 $5,800 $5,501 $45,000 Dear Hope Family & Friends, Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Our future is very bright. Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. An infusion has begun to come in as requested. Things are being done to “right-size” our ministry in order to get positioned to thrive once again. We are asking each household to give beyond their regular tithes and offerings, according to their ability, in one of four ways by the end of October 2014 as follows: 1) $250, 2) $500, 3) $750, 4) $1,000. We are extending the time for those who would like to complete one of the levels but need additional time to do so. While the four ways mentioned above provide a goal based on ability to give, please know that any amount below or above will be greatly appreciated. Please see the pie chart to discover where we stand in our endeavor. Thank you all. To God be the Glory, Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor 18 Announcing the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Purpose of the Scholarship Fund The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund exists to honor Dr. King, Jr. and perpetuate his legacy, particularly for the benefit of students and communities within the Detroit Renaissance District of the United Methodist Church. Scholarship recipients may be awarded up to $2,000 at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee. Application Requirements 1. Be a person of Christian faith and practice. An active member of a United Methodist Church in the Detroit Renaissance District. 2. Submit a complete application and essay by Sunday, November 30, 2014, including attachments. 3. Be able to receive the award. Prefer the recipients be available on Sunday, January 11, 2015 for the ceremony. Applications and complete instructions are available in the Literature Rack in the Narthex of the Church. Wing Dings Bacon, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Grits, Fluffy Hot Biscuits, Coffee/Decaf/Tea 19 Hope United Methodist Church Cancer Support Ministry October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Take Yourself, Friend and/or Church Member to Get Checked Breast Cancer can be very aggressive survival is greater if caught early! Join us Tuesday, October 14 at 7:00 PM in the Library Our guest speaker is Dr. Michele Reid, Psychiatrist What is Breast Cancer? Cancer that forms in the cells of breasts. There are numerous kinds of breast cancers, but cancer that begins in the milk ducts (ductal carcinoma) is the most common. It can occur in both men and women. Symptoms: May include: ♦ A breast lump, thickening, or hardness that feels different from surrounding tissue, bloody nipple discharge, change in size or shape of breast, changes in the skin over the breast such as dimpling, redness, or pitting like an orange What can you do to help yourself or others? Check yourself the same time every month and see a doctor if you see or feel a lump or ANY change in your breast! Encourage others to do the same. Risk Factors: ♦ Women are much more likely than men to develop breast cancer and women older than 55 have a greater risk than younger women. ♦ If you've had breast cancer in one breast, you have an increased risk of developing cancer in the other breast. Continue to see your Oncologist for regular assessments. ♦ If you have a mother, sister or daughter with breast cancer, you have a greater chance of being diagnosed with breast cancer. ♦ Certain gene mutations that increase the risk of breast cancer can be passed from parents to children. ♦ If you received radiation treatments to your chest as a child or young adult. ♦ Being overweight or obese increases your risk of breast cancer because fat tissue produces estrogen that may help fuel certain cancers. ♦ Beginning your period at or before age 12 or menopause at an older age like 55. ♦ Having your first child at an older age like after age 35 may have an increased risk. ♦ Postmenopausal hormone therapy that combine estrogen and progesterone to treat the signs and symptoms of menopause have an increased risk of breast cancer. ♦ Drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer. Experts recommend no more than one alcoholic beverage a day for women. PREVENTION: Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all, exercise most days of the week, aim for 30 minutes, limit postmenopausal hormone therapy, maintain a healthy weight. Breast cancer prevention for women with a high risk: Talk with your doctor about preventative medications (estrogen blocking) or prophylactic surgeries such as removal of healthy breasts. Tests and Diagnosis: ♦ Breast Exam by you and your doctor, mammogram or x-ray of the breast, breast ultrasound to produce images of the breast deep within, removing a sample of breast cells for testing (biopsy), breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to create pictures of the interior of your breast. Eric and Gloria Hardy – Chairs, Cancer Support Ministry Reverend Rosaline Green, Clergy Advisor Reverend Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor 20 Office Manager Resumes are being accepted for an Office Manager position. This person will coordinate all administrative activities, including bulletin readiness, pastoral care assistance, eblast, office purchasing, and other duties as assigned. Experience with Microsoft Office suite, Microsoft Publisher, email, and leading a team of volunteers is important. Salary will be commensurate with budgetary constraints and experience. Resumes may be submitted to the Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee (SPPRC). MINISTRY LEADERS & VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Do you want to use your time and talents to serve God and Hope Church? Visit hopeumc.org/Nominations and Leadership Support Ministry to learn more about volunteer opportunities or email: [email protected] 21 Weekly Tithing - Will you take a step up? Lamp Bearer Sustainer Weekly Income $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $900 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $3,000 Supporter The church is an important The church is an important part of my life and The church is an important part of part of my life and I want to I want to sustain the programs the church my life and I wish to make a grow and expand our mission provides to me and our faith community. meaningful contribu5on to in meaningful ways to serve support the church and its God and his people. ministries. 15% $15 $30 $45 $60 $75 $90 $105 $120 $135 $150 $225 $300 $450 12% $12 $24 $36 $48 $60 $72 $84 $96 $108 $120 $180 $240 $360 10% $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100 $150 $200 $300 9% $9 $18 $27 $36 $45 $54 $63 $72 $81 $90 $135 $180 $270 8% $8 $16 $24 $32 $40 $48 $56 $64 $72 $80 $120 $160 $240 7% $7 $14 $21 $28 $35 $42 $49 $56 $63 $70 $105 $140 $210 6% $6 $12 $18 $24 $30 $36 $42 $48 $54 $60 $90 $120 $180 5% $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 $45 $50 $75 $100 $150 4% $4 $8 $12 $16 $20 $24 $28 $32 $36 $40 $60 $80 $120 3% $3 $6 $9 $12 $15 $18 $21 $24 $27 $30 $45 $60 $90 2% $2 $4 $6 $8 $10 $12 $14 $16 $18 $20 $30 $40 $60 1% $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $15 $20 $30 EvangelismAsaLifestyleMinistry Admit that you are a sinner and turn away from sin. (John 8:11) Believe that when Jesus died on the cross, He took the punishment for all your sin, and he rose to life again to conquer death. (John: 1:29) Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. “To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12) “Give your life to God; He can do more with it than you can!” --Dwight L. Moody Go and Witness to the world as commanded by Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:16-20 and Mark 16:15-17) EVANGELISM AS A LIFESTYLE MINISTRY, HOPE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH For More Informaon Email the Evangelism Ministry at evangelism.hopeumc.org or call 248.262-5131 22 Please consider making a donation from the Hope Wish List. Thank you and may God bless you! Items Qty Area Cost 40” Class LED 3D-HDTVs 2 Communications Ministry $1,500 Candelabras 2 Sanctuary $2,200 Treadmill 1 CFS Family Life Center Marriage Candelabra 1 Worship $1,200 Computers and Printers 4 Administrative $3,000 Walk-In Freezer 1 Kitchen $3,000 Flat Screen Monitor 1 Small Chapel $1,000 Single Screen Projection System 1 Sanctuary $22,750 Commercial Slicer 1 Culinary Seasonal Paraments Laptop $750 $600 4 sets Sanctuary $1,600 1 Hope UMC $1,200 If you are interested in donating, please contact Zelma Smith-Dexter at 248-262-5142. LEARN! CREATE! SHARE! Join the Creative Prayer Circle of Hope on Thursdays at 6:00 pm for knitting, crochet, embroidery & fellowship! Tillecha Harris, Email: [email protected] Rev. Rosaline Green, Clergy Advisor Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor TUESDAY HUSTLE FOR EXERCISE CLASS IS BACK! The Hustle for Exercise Class is back with only ONE class on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Class fee is still $5. Please ensure that any requests for bulletin announcements are sent to Rev. Rosaline Green ([email protected]) for approval by 12:00 Noon the last Tuesday of every month. All editing of announcements will remain the discretion of Rev. Rosaline Green. 23 Are You Equipped for Service? Join us for Sunday School and Bible Study to study God’s word and His plan for saving the world through grace, mercy and love. You’ll be challenged to know the Truth, to share the Truth and to live the Truth as you increase your knowledge and skills as a faithful disciple of Christ. So, if you’re looking to equip yourself and build up the body of Christ, be sure to attend a class this week. Day Bible Study Class Time Sunday Sunday School – Precepts for Living Classes for Children, Youth and Adults! 9:30 – 10:30 am Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday First Place 4 Health Bible Study Spiritual Disciplines Adult Bible Study Life Application of the Word Bible Study Adult Bible Study 6:30 – 7:30 pm 7:00 – 8:30 pm 12:00 – 1:00 pm 7:00 – 8:30 pm Thursday “Peacemaking Women” 11:30 am – 1:00 pm We also invite you to consider service as Christian Educator or helper. Contact Evelyn Summerville to discuss the opportunities that are available. Evelyn Summerville, Director, Christian Education and Leadership Development Phone: 248-262-5139 or E-mail: [email protected] THE BRIDGE CLUB OF HOPE RESUMES Welcome back all bridge players who have spent the summer vacationing, attending family reunions, or just visiting family and friends both near and far. It is time to get back to the game we love. REMEMBER, the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month unless otherwise notified, from 12:30 until 4:00 pm. If you are interested in playing and have not attended before, please call to let me know you are coming. Play will begin promptly at 12:30. Please plan to arrive 15 minutes early to register. Ellen Mayfield, Ph.D., Bridge Club Chair, 248-884-0685, [email protected] Rev. Rosaline Green, Clergy Advisor 24 PRAYER REQUEST FORM Tele-Care Ministry (800) 375-8401 PRAY FOR 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ Telephone Number: (________) ______________________ (Area Code) (Phone Number) Spiritual Healing Physical Healing Deliverance From ____ ____ ____ _____________________ ___________________ __________________ Family Problems Financial Problems Emotional Problems ____ ____ ____ _____________________ ___________________ ___________________ Other ____ ___________________ Prayer Information __________________________________________________ Submitted by: _______________________________________________________ Please return the form to Elaine Johnson, Rev. R. Green or place it in the Tele-Care Ministry mailbox. Rev. Rosaline Green, Clergy Advisor Rev. Cornelius Davis, Jr., Senior Pastor NEW ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER OR EMAIL? Stay informed! For any changes of address, telephone number or email, please complete the form below and place in the Offering Plate or the Pastoral Care Mailbox. ************************************************************************************************************************* Date: _____________ Name: _________________________________________________ OLD Street Address: ________________________________________________________ OLD City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________ NEW Street Address: ________________________________________________________ NEW City, State, Zip: ________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____________________ Business Phone: ____________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________ 25 _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Join us every Sunday for Worship 7:30 am, 10:30 am, & 1:00 pm Sunday School - 9:30 am Services for Children & Youth Infant & Toddler Nursery Mid-Week Service Wednesdays - 6:30 pm Bible Studies Daily www.hopeumc.org 26
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