Mack Messenger

Chippewa Area
Catholic Schools
McDonell Central Catholic High
Notre Dame Middle
Holy Ghost Elementary
St. Charles Borromeo Primary,
Childcare, BB4C, 3Pre , K– 3
Wint er 2010
Ne ws for McDonell High School Alumni and Friends
Lettering Installed on School Building
Chippe wa Area Cat holic Schools
YOU to the Notre Dame Athletic
Association and Sue Rineck and her company, Z Signs,
for the donation and installation of the letters on the
outside of the McDonell Central Catholic and Notre
Dame Middle School building.
This fall Sue (Zwiefelhofer) Rineck (’82) and her
husband, Brian (’82), took on the project of installing
the large letters to our school building. The connection
of the two names Notre Dame and McDonell was lost
when McDonell Central was built in 1964 and the
school was moved from the east side of town to the
west side. Two years ago the two schools once again
joined when McDonell welcomed the 7th and 8th
grade classes into the building. Thank you to the Notre
Dame Athletic Association and the Rinecks for making
this project a reality. ■
Brian and Sue Rineck install the new metal letters recognizing
the Notre Dame Middle School’s presence at McDonell. The
letters were installed under the existing McDonell lettering on
the outside of the school building.
Left: Sue pushes the prongs holding the letter into the drilled
holes in the brick.
National Catholic Schools Week
January 31st through February 5th
This year’s theme for Catholic Schools is Dividends for Life - to underscore that a
Catholic education is the best investment that a parent can provide for their child.
The Chippewa Area Catholic Schools will kick off Catholic Schools Week with a
brunch at McDonell High School on Sunday, January 31 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Chippewa Falls Mayor Greg Hoffman will be present to sign a proclamation.
Our all area Catholic school Mass will be held on Monday, February 1st at 10
a.m. at McDonell High School. All are welcome to attend. We are sorry to say Bishop
Jerome Listecki will not be with us this year. We pray in thanksgiving for all the good
he has done for Catholic education in our diocese. We continue to pray for him in this Year of the Priest as he assumes
his new position as Archbishop of Milwaukee. More events are being planned for Catholic Schools Week and will be
posted on our CACS website at
From the Dean Very Rev. Donald Bauer
t seems at times a losing battle to convince people
of the importance of a true Catholic formation and education; to convince them that sacrifices should be made
because such a formation and education is, without doubt,
better for the individual and for the nation. That
Christianity must imbue society and be promoted within
Most recently, the entire world celebrated the Nativity
of our Lord Jesus Christ. Some in the media have commented that the President of the United States, who claims to be
a Christian, had not attended any ecclesiastical institution
on this most solemn day. I now reflect on a book I read, in
part, a long time ago, “Democracy in America,” by Alexis de
Tocqueville which stressed the importance of religion and
the promotion of Christianity within a democratic nation.
This reflection will be in two parts. I provide in this part a
brief description of what de Tocqueville observed back then
and the importance of what he saw.
In the second part I shall present de
Tocqueville’s concerns and worries
and remedies to these worries.
In 1831, at the incredibly
young age of 25, Alexis de
Tocqueville came to America to
study American prison systems, but
also ended up studying the political
and economic process in the United States. His insight,
analysis, and future predictions for America were/are so
astounding that his book will always remain a classic. He
observed of Sundays that “In the United States…all noises
cease; a deep tranquility, say rather the solemn calm of meditation, succeeds the turmoil of the week, and the soul
resumes possession and contemplation of itself. [E]very
member of the community, accompanied by his children,
goes to church… . On his return home, he does not
turn to the ledgers of his calling, but he opens the
Book of Holy Scripture; there he meets with sublime
or affecting descriptions of the greatness and goodness of the Creator, of the infinite magnificence of the
handiwork of God, of the lofty destinies of man, of
his duties, and of his immortal privileges.”
For these and other reasons, de Tocqueville concluded that religion is the most prominent cause of
the maintenance of the political institutions in the United
States. He said, “The Americans show, by their practice, that
they feel the high necessity of imparting morality to democratic communities by means of religion.”
In the next installment we shall see what threatens the
human race and the nation and an antidote for this sickness
and how it supports the importance of a Catholic education
and formation. ■
Reaching Across the World
Through our “Candy and Cards for Comrades and Kids” project, students at St.
Charles and Holy Ghost collected almost 100 pounds of hard candy for soldiers in Iraq.
The soldiers enjoy some of the candy themselves, but they give most of it away to the Iraqi
children they come in contact with on a daily basis. Six boxes containing 111 bags of
candy were shipped out in time for Christmas. Chippewa VFW Post 1038 paid the shipping cost, which amounted to a little over $100. Several large envelopes of greeting cards
made by the boys and girls were also sent to be distributed to the soldiers. Most of these
soldiers are from the 1-128th Infantry and the 829th Engineer Company, which is headquartered in Chippewa Falls, Richland Center, and Ashland.
Above: Mrs. Selz, Principal, and St. Charles Borromeo students proudly display the candy
and cards collected for the soldiers in Iraq and the pennies that will be sent to support a
water well project for the people living in Darfur, Sudan in Africa.
Left: VFW Post 1038 members Leroy Jansky and Duane Freagon and several Holy Ghost
students hold the candy and cards that were shipped in December to area soldiers
stationed in Iraq.
Notre Dame School Statue is Restored
Spirit of Christmas
One of the service projects held in December for McDonell students was to help with
the “Spirit of Christmas” organized here in Chippewa Falls.
Louis Hebert (’54) (left), and his brother Tom Hebert (’36), brought
back a newly painted statue of our blessed Mother. The statue was
donated over 75 years ago in memory of their sister, Marie Ann Hebert,
who passed away on August 14, 1933 when she was a student at Notre
Dame Grade School. Thanks to the Hebert family and to Sister Petra from
the St. Joseph Institute in Tilden, who repainted the statue. The statue is
restored to her full glory and is today still guarding and guiding the
students from her place of honor in the Notre Dame Middle School and
McDonell High School office.
McDonell Principal Brother Roger Betzold traveled with the freshmen class to help load
donated toys into a truck. Everyone formed a line to work as a team to move the bags of
gifts more efficiently.
Fire Prevention Annual Contest
This school year marked the 46th annual poster contest sponsored by the Chippewa Falls Fire and Emergency Services
Department and many area businesses. The contest is open to
grades 1st - 5th in all Chippewa Falls area schools. The theme this
year was "STAY FIRE SMART". On October 15, 2009, all poster
winners gathered at Fire Station #1 to receive their prizes.
St. Charles Primary School had two winners this year. In first grade,
Elise Bormann placed 1st. Her poster will go on to be judged at the
state level. In third grade, Cassie Jo Sorensen placed 5th with her
poster. Congratulations for a job well done. Also, a big thank you to
all the generous sponsors of this important contest.
Catholic Schools Week Brunch
Sunday, January 31
Sponsored by the McDonell Athletic Booster Club
8:30 a.m. to 1p.m.
Pancakes, Scrambled eggs, Ham, Potatoes, Fruit, Rolls, Coffee, Juice and Milk
Cost: Adults and High School Students $6 * K-8th grade $4 * Preschool FREE
Message from
the President
Dr. Chad Ronnander
rom an administrative standpoint, 2009 was a year of transition for McDonell Central
Catholic High School and the
Schools. Between June and November, new
leaders assumed five key positions: Principal
(Brother Roger Betzold), Chaplain (Father Justin
Kizewski), Controller (Jeff Cipriano), Athletic
Director (Archie Sherbinow), and school system
President (me).
Since our arrival, we have enjoyed meeting
and working with hundreds of dedicated people
– faculty, staff, parents, alumni, parishioners,
pastors – who love McDonell and have worked
hard for generations to build its strong Catholic
educational tradition. United in faith and
mission, you have helped us to preserve the
strong teaching, core curriculum, and Catholic
identity that McDonell is famous for, while also
helping us to identify and meet new challenges
that our graduates will face as the 21st century
This year, we rebuilt our choral and career
counseling programs, offered our first
Computer-Aided Design course, and hired a
part-time Outreach Coordinator to work with
new families. For 2010-11, we are exploring
ways to further expand McDonell’s curriculum,
including specialized online courses, distance
learning technology, and/or increased cooperation with other educational institutions. Thanks
to a generous donation, we will be able install at
least three Smart Boards in our schools, and we
are seeking funding to update our computer and
telecommunications infrastructure,
as well as McDonell’s plumbing
Much work remains – continual improvement is central to the
success of all school systems, and we are always
looking for ways to better serve our students. At
the same time, there is much to celebrate as
2009 comes to a close. Ninty-eight percent of
last year’s graduates are currently pursuing
post-secondary education. Our faculty, religious
education, campus ministry, and volunteer
programs are a source of community pride. Our
fall 2009 sports season was historic, with four
teams making state tournament appearances,
including a state championship for our volleyball team. Our Advent music and art programs
are a source of joy to many school and parish
I have no doubt, reviewing all that our
students, teachers, families, and the rest of us
(including you) have accomplished, that we
have built upon our previous strengths to add
further quality to Catholic education in the
Chippewa Valley over the past 12 months.
None of these things would have been
possible without the support of alumni, parents,
and others who have given generously of their
time, talent, and treasure. Please accept our
deepest and most prayerful thanks.
And never hesitate to contact me with your
ideas, questions, or concerns. I always enjoy
hearing from you, and I learn a lot from our
Always in Christ,
Dr. Chad Ronnander, President
Music Boosters Spring Craft Show
Saturday, March 20, 2010
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. No Admission Fee
held at McDonell High School
If interested in selling your crafts or volunteering for the event please
contact Jeanne Eckert at 715.720.1544 or email: [email protected]
Wish List
Our childcare center expanded to accept two-year-old children last year.
As a result, we need suitable equipment to transport several of them on
different outings that is safe, secure and easier for people to handle. Turtle
Kiddy Bus seats 6 and can run close to $2500 each. A four-person
multi-child stroller is $600 each and it would be helpful to have two.
Energy-efficient flat screen monitors will replace the 40 monitors currently in the McDonell/Notre Dame library. Cost is approximately $100 each.
A DVD/VCR Combo player and a portable CD/Radio/Cassette player are
needed for our high school Spanish department.
USA/World Map
A pull-down USA/World Map is needed for the 4th grade classrooms at
Holy Ghost. Cost is approximately $300.
Bench Top Rolling Mill
Needed for the Art Department at McDonell High School. Cost is approximately $200.
Thank You!
We would also like to extend a HUGE thank you to the McDonell
Alumni Association for purchasing a new passenger van for McDonell High
School and to the CACS Music Boosters Association for purchasing new
music textbooks for our Notre Dame Middle School students. These gifts
are truly appreciated.
Thank you for considering the opportunity to fulfill a wish of our faculty. No gift is too small and every gift counts. Basic classroom supplies,
such as construction paper, paint brushes and even storage tubs are
always welcome. And, before you throw away that empty toilet paper roll
or metal coffee can, consider saving it for our art projects at St. Charles
Borromeo and Holy Ghost schools. And, as always, please save your
Kemps milk caps, General Mills Box Tops, Campbell Soup labels and soda
can tabs. All of these items can be turned in at any of our schools and go
a long way in helping us buy needed supplies and helping others. Notre
Dame Middle School received TWO LAPTOP COMPUTERS this year with the
money they received from milk caps!
If you have any questions or would like to offer additional assistance,
please contact Jenny Schafer in the Development office at 715.723.0538
ext 306 or at: [email protected]
The Mack Messenger is published three times a year by the Chippewa Area Catholic Schools.
Any comments or questions should be directed to:
Chippewa Area Catholic Schools, Development and Alumni Relations Office,
1316 Bel Air Boulevard, Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
TEL: 715.723.0538 FAX: 715.723.1501 EML: [email protected]
Dr. Chad Ronnander, President, Chippewa Area Catholic Schools
(Very Rev.) Donald Bauer, Dean, Chippewa Falls Deanery
Jenny Schafer, Director of Development | Cathy Greenseth, Director of Public Relations
Alumni Spotlight
Correcting vision without surgery or glasses?
David Krejchi, a member of the McDonell graduating class of 2003, recently
spoke on optometry to Tony Reiter’s Physics class.
David graduated from Marquette University in 2007 and is working in Illinois
to become an optometrist. He discussed the latest research in the field of optics
and brought in a number of demonstrations on how the eye works and how doctors can use a variety of lenses to improve vision. He also discussed a new technique that he is using that corrects vision problems without surgery and without
McDonell Central Catholic High School
presents the musical . . .
January 29, 30 & 31
Performance times are
7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday
with a 2:00 p.m. matinee on Sunday.
Ticket prices: adults $10.00 & students $6.00.
Reservations are suggested by calling 715.723.9126.
FootballMania Sweepstakes
David Krejchi (’03) discusses a new technique for correcting vision with McDonell
physics students.
Seniors Mitch Kaiser, Evin See
and Jake McIlquham look
through a variety of lenses to
test their vision.
The McDonell Athletic Booster Club would like to extend a sincere “thank you” to all
of the sellers and participants in our second annual FootballMania fundraiser. Through
your efforts, we were able to generate a profit of over $16,000 in 2009. With an annual
operating budget of $60,000, this is a significant opportunity for our organization.
Tickets for the 2010 season will be available for purchase in April-May. Please contact
Brian Shufelt for tickets by email at [email protected]. Those who purchased tickets can track their results at by inserting their ticket number on
the website home page. Congratulations to all of our winners in 2009. Weekly winners
are posted on our website at
Five State Trophies Since 2008
McDonell High School has been blessed with five separate state sports trophies
since 2008. In the spring of 2008 our girls softball won the state championship.
That fall brought a silver trophy from the soccer team and in the spring of 2009 a
silver in baseball. This fall season McDonell was very successful in sending four
of the fall sports teams to state play. Soccer (third year in a row), boys crosscountry, and football took the silver at Camp Randall and the girls volleyball took
the championship trophy in Green Bay. Truly a success story of outstanding
athletes, coaches and supporting families.
Macks Fall
Sports Summary
As regionals
approached, we started to
prepare for our "new season." We beat Immanuel
Lutheran in an incredible
five game match to be
Champions. Our intensity Boys 2009 Varsity Cross Country team with the Sectional trophy and ready for STATE!
alone won that champithe State Championship match against Newman Catholic.
onship for us. We moved onto Sectionals for the first time With a 3-1 victory, we became the Division 4 Wisconsin
in five seasons. We got revenge on Clayton (they ended State Champion.
our volleyball and basketball seasons last year) in a 3-0
This truly was an incredible season in which all our
victory. Then came the game that many teams reach, but hard work, dedication, determination, and intensity
never get past. We were to face one of the three teams that allowed us to achieve our dreams. We created memories
had beaten us during the regular season, Rib Lake. They, that we will have for our lifetime and we were fortunate
like most other teams we faced, were taller in every posi- enough to be part of a group that defined what it was like
tion. We played our best match of the year in all aspects to play as a team. To quote Herb Brooks, the greatest
and came out with a 3-0 victory, giving us the first WIAA memory is, "the sight of 20 men (11 girls) who were willState appearance for McDonell.
ing to risk so much of themselves for the unknown." This
We entered into the State Tournament with our oppo- group of girls did exactly that. They trusted enough in
nent as Manitowoc Lutheran. Another team with great themselves to continually sacrifice for their dreams...
ability and height. In the most intense, hard fought match Dreams do come true! (See team photo, back cover.)
we have ever been a part of, we came out with a 3-2 victory. The last game was a 16-14 win, once again proving
what we can do if we play as a team. This win sent us into Cross Country
Coach, Marty Bushland
The 2009 McDonell Cross Country Program had
another very successful season. Both teams began the sea2009 McDonell-Regis Soccer Team, Third Year at State
son with second place showings at the Boyceville
The girls were once again led by Amy Bye. The junior finished as the Macks top runner in all 10 meets,
including top 10 finishes in nine of those meets, and ran
to her third straight All-Conference award. Fellow classmate, Megan Pulver, added an up front presence placing
consistently in the top 20.
Freshman Lexi Raihle showed great improvement
throughout the season and ended as the team’s #2 runner,
and also earned All–Conference recognition. Seniors
Rachel Krejchi and Kurri Lechleitner, along with sophomore Hayley Bresina rounded out the small squad this
season with each running their best times in the last meets
of the season. Other team highlights include runner-up
team finishes at the Osseo Invite, Eau Claire Memorial
Old Abe Invite, and third place team finishes at the
Coach, Tim Jenneman
Although we didn't win at State, it was an honor to be
Marshfield Columbus and Stanley-Boyd Invites.
It was another great year for McDonell-Regis there. The kids worked hard thoughout the season. We
Unlike the girls’ squad, the boys’ team had solid
soccer. The players played above their normal play in really look forward to next year with seven returning
and just like the girls’, they also had many great
the end and were rewarded. We took second place in starters. Check the soccer web page on the CACS webrunners. 15 boys competed this fall and produced one of
conference, won the sectional and regional champi- site for meet details:
the best seasons in years. Invitational wins came at the
onships and made our third straight trip to State.
Coach, Kat Roesler
The McDonell volleyball season was an incredible
dream. This team defined what it means to play as a team
with unconditional love for each other. They put the effort
in day in and day out to accomplish their goals. A season
is always accompanied with adversity and this season was
no different. The difference in our team and many other
teams is that we fought through the adversity and came
out the other side as a stronger group.
As the season came to an end at the last possible
moment, we are able to reflect and realize how successful
of a season we had. We finished with a record of 42-3,
Cloverbelt Conference Champions 8-0, Regional
Champions, Sectional Champions, and STATE CHAMPIONS! We had a tough match against Regis when we were
down 2-0, and found out early on in our season what it is
like to fight for your dreams. We came out on top with a
5 game win! Then came the interesting, fun, challenging,
and exciting Altoona game. We found out what it was like
to have numerous things out of your control. This is the
defining moment in our season when we learned how crucial it is to focus on what you can control. We were
incredible at this, which created much success during our
continue to page 7
continued from page 6
Marawood / Cloverbelt Meet and
Marshfield Columbus. Additional runnerup finishes came at Invites in Stanley,
Osseo, and Eau Claire Memorial. The
team also ran to second at Conference, and
then at Sectionals, which allowed them to
advance to the State Meet in Wisconsin
Rapids. The team’s depth was also evident
by a perfect score at the conference meet
by the junior varsity squad. Leading the
way for the varsity group all season was
senior Matt Wenaas who placed in the top
four in nine of the 10 meets he competed
in. Matt was the Cloverbelt Champion and
ran to an impressive third at sectionals,
and 21st at the WIAA State Meet. The senior dominated team also included Evin
See, Ben Ochs, and John Rider who all had
great seasons and all earned AllConference Awards. Another senior and
past All - Conference runner, Adam
Blaskachek, was pulled from the conference meet because of an ankle injury, but
fortunately was able to return and run his
season best time at the Sectional Meet.
Freshman Dakota Larson showed steady
improvement and big potential as did
sophomore Mike Ruf, the only two nonseniors to consistently run on the varsity
squad. Most impressive of this group is
their Academic All-State Honors with a
TEAM G.P.A. of 3.65! See team photo at
points during the season.
Congratulations Rose!
Coach, Todd Brown
The 2009 Macks football season was a season
to remember. Before the
season began the coaching staff believed that the
season could be a special
one if we stayed healthy.
It was definitely special,
even though we did not
stay healthy. That was a
credit to all of the players
who stepped up and
filled major roles for
those players that went
down due to injury. That McDonell 2009 Division 7 State Runner-Up Football Champions
is why I love football so
return of Alex Hiess on the defensive side what the expectations are and what it will
much; every week you may have to deal
take to keep Mack Football at this level. I
with adversity and you get to see how the of the ball as we shut them out 22-0. In
think Ben Rubenzer put it best, “Everyone
other players on the team grow quickly
will look back and say, ‘This is when
touchand succeed in their roles. That is why
McDonell started to get good, I’m glad to
McDonell football is a “Team” in every
say we started tradition at McDonell.’”
histosense of the word. Everyone worked
Even though all the players understand
together, whether it be changing positions,
that the team is more important than the
more playing time, or striving to be excelindividual, I want to recognize those that
lent, to accomplish the goal of playing in Gilman. This time around we beat the
Pirates 27-8. There were many highlights received honors. Ben Rubenzer, Jake
the State Championship.
McIlquham, and Derek Watton were 1st
We entered our second season in the in this game and one low light. Alex Hiess
team All Conference and Landon Bresina,
very competitive Marawood Conference. returned to the offensive side of the ball
Alex Hiess, Andy Davis and Andrew
We knew that we would be competitive in and did not disappoint, scoring three Rydlund were 2nd team All Conference. I
Girls Swimming
the conference and that would have us touchdowns, including a 74 yarder to feel we were slighted and that all of the
well prepared for the playoffs. We finished open the second half and finishing with players should have been 1st team All
with a 6 - 2 conference record. The high- 171 rushing yards. The game also featured Conference.
Ben Rubenzer, Landon
light of the conference season, as the a highlight reel circus catch by Derek Bresina and Derek Watton were named 1st
Chippewa Herald put it, was a “BEAT- Watton where he tipped the ball to himself Team All Northwest and Andy Davis was
DOWN” of six - time defending State and then dove and caught it for in a 50 2nd Team All Northwest. We had a numChampion Stratford, 33-6. The game was yard catch. The defense played huge again ber of players make the Herald’s Chippewa
not even as close as the score indicated. and shut down Gilman’s running game. County team as well.
We scored five touchdowns on our first The low light of the game was that we lost
There are so many players that I want to
five possessions and completely dominat- Landon Bresina, the heart and soul of the say thanks to, you all know who you are.
ed the game. This was also the game that team, to a torn MCL. It was a memorable Without all of your hard work and dedicathe Macks became a physical and punish- atmosphere for everyone involved. The tion none of this would have been possiing team that set the tone for the rest of the joy and celebration after the game for the ble. Thank you to all of the coaches who
MVP player, for Chi Hi-McDonell Swimming season and propelled us into the playoffs.
State Bound Macks. Bring on Camp put in so much time and effort. Thank you
to all of the parents, faculty and fans for all
In Level 1 of the playoffs we put down Randall Stadium in Madison.
Rose Buchmann (Freshman) was the Elmwood 42-13. It was the running game
The Macks fell to Burlington Catholic of your support this season. A special
sole representative of McDonell on the Chi and passing working together. Luke Ryba, Central 27-15 in the Division 7 State thanks to all of the seniors, Ben Rubenzer,
Hi/McDonell Women's Swim Team. Lucas Roth, and Landon Bresina all scored Championship game, but the atmosphere Andy Davis, Alex Hiess, Landon Bresina,
Highlights of the season include two hon- touchdowns on the ground and Andy and the memories will not be forgotten for Zach Feldhake, Tony LaMartina, Derek
orable mentions (3rd place) at the Big Davis passed touchdowns to Derek Watton these fine young men. Everyone got the Watton, Jake McIlquham, Jake Tenold,
Rivers Conference meet in the 200 IM and through the air. In Level 2 we faced Plum opportunity to play in the game which was Brendan Girard, Sawyer Berg and Trejan
100 Backstroke. She also received the City, a #1 seed and undefeated at 10-0. one of my goals because they all helped us Kvistad. Thanks for believing and leading
MVP award for earning the most team Our defense was relentless and we saw the get there. All of the underclassmen know this team to State and the 2009 Division 7
State Runner-Up.
Development & Alumni Relations
Jenny Schafer, Director
[email protected]
New Year to
all of you!
May 2010 be
a blessed one for you and your loved
ones. We continue to say prayers of
thanksgiving for all of our current families, alumni and friends. We are blessed
to have you.
I would like to extend a huge Thank
You to all who participated in our Fall
phone-a-thon for our Student Tuition
Assistance campaign – “One Day.” “One
Day” makes a difference in our community and “One Day” makes a difference
for our students. Thanks to all of you,
we were able to raise 580 days of tuition!
Our students and families thank you for
your generosity.
We are asking for your continued
support of our annual giving campaign
to help support our students and families
in need of assistance. The Chippewa Area
Catholic Schools have not been immune
to the economic crisis in our country and
more of our families are requesting student tuition assistance than ever before.
Our goal is to raise 10% of our Student
Tuition Assistance budget. This will be
in addition to our regular funding. We
are very close – the phone-a-thon generated 80% of this goal. Together, we can
get the final 20%. We only need 100
more gifts of “One Day” of tuition to
meet our goal. Please prayerfully consider giving a gift of “One Day”, or perhaps
even one week, of Catholic education to
a young person so that they can come to
know Christ more fully in their lives. It
only takes $25 per school day to provide
a high quality Catholic education to our
students. The dividends that our students receive from their Christ based
education last a lifetime.
Plans are underway for our 2nd
Annual Mid-Winter Mardi Gras on
Saturday, February 13th. It is a great
time to get together with friends and
other alumni in addition to raising funds
for our schools. Please take a look at the
photos from last year. I think you will
agree, it looks like everyone who was
there had a great time – and they did.
You can order your tickets online at our
website or you can call our main office at
715.723.0538 and order your tickets.
You will not want to miss this event. We
had alumni come from Minnesota last
year and they said they would come back
again – it was worth the drive! You can’t
get a better testimonial than that.
This is the day that the Lord has
made! Let us all make the most of each
and every day that has been given to us –
each day is a blessing. May God Bless all
of you. ■
Mini Reunion in Florida
Come gather for an evening of good food and great friends with fellow McDonell High
School Alumni on Friday, February 26th, 2010 in Tampa Bay, Florida. We want to
catch up with you and hear your stories of “the good old days”. All class years are
welcome. A personal invitation will be mailed to all those that have a permanent
Florida address. If you are a Florida SNOWBIRD, please contact me with your
address if you would like to join us – we would love to have you!
[email protected] or 715.723.0538 ext 306. See you on February 26th!
Minneapolis Area - April 2010 • Chicago Area - August 2010
Madison Area - October 2010
McDonell Central Catholic High School Hall of Fame nominations for
the Service/Achievement Award and the Athletic Award are available
on our website at
Do you know someone who was an outstanding athlete? Do you
know someone who has achieved significant accomplishments in their field of work
or has gone above and beyond to give back to their Alma Mater or their community?
Criteria for nominees is listed on our website. Please take a minute and nominate
someone you know for this honor. Deadline for nominations is March 15, 2010.
Twentieth Annual Golf Scramble
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The 20th Annual Golf Scramble sponsored by the McDonell Athletic Booster
Club will be held at Timber Terrace Golf Course. Tee times are available for five
and four person teams in three divisions: open, mixed and senior. Times from
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call Timber Terrace at 715.726.1500 to reserve your tee time. A
banquet at the KC Hall will start at 5:30 p.m., serving dinner at 7 p.m. Door prizes
again this year. Last year winners of the putting contest for a 26” flat-screen TV
was won by Dan Liddell. The winner of the trip to Las Vegas was Claudia
Challenge your friends, fellow alum, teachers, business associates and family
to a fun day of golf in support of our schools.Thanks to all of our sponsors that
make this event a success every year. If you would like to play but don’t have a
team, or if your team is short a player contact Dan Hunt at 715.723.5525 work or
715.726.1861 home. You can also contact the boosters at:
[email protected]
26th Annual Alumni
Basketball Tournament
March 26 & 27, 2010
You don’t want to miss being a part of this tournament
weekend. Check us out on FACEBOOK - McDonell Alumni
group. Contact Rolly Enderes ‘96 by email
[email protected] or phone 715.726.2331
Alumni Tournament
Entry fee and Registration form are due back to McDonell High
School by Friday, March 20th
Deb Roesler Memorial Alumni
Volleyball Tournament
March 27, 2010
Contact Carol Zutter Wilczek ‘82 at 715.559.8316 or
email [email protected] to register your
volleyball team. Come watch the teams play at the
Chippewa Falls Middle School.
Great Fun!
Saturday, February 13th
6 p.m. to Midnight
at McDonell High School
Dinner • Dance • Door Prizes
Casino Style Games
An evening of fun and camaraderie await!
PACKAGE 1: $125 Includes a raffle ticket,
dinner for two, play money and unlimited
beverages (increases to $150 after 2/5/10).
Two packages to choose from:
PACKAGE 2: $112 Includes a raffle ticket,
dinner for one, play money and unlimited
beverages (increases to $125 after 2/5/10).
Door Prizes!
Reservations and raffle tickets can
be purchased on our website
or contact Barb Gale at the Central Office
at 715.723.0538.
Grand Prize $5000
Need not be present to win.
2nd Prize: $2000
3rd Prize: $1000
Limited 500 tickets sold - Drawing at 10 p.m.
Fabulous Food!
Twenty $100 Door Prizes will be given out which
you must be present to win.
You won’t want to miss this fun event!
Costumes Welcome!
✝ Gertrude Rose Korger, class of
’33, passed away Monday November
9th, 2009 at her residence at Wissota
Springs. Gertrude was in the field of
elementary education for 50 years,
including 32 years as a teacher and principal at Korger-Chestnut Elementary
School, which was named in her honor
in 1978. She is survived by one brother, Henry ’44 (Betty) and one sister inlaw Lucille ’42, along with 32 nieces
and nephews and many great-great
nieces and nephews.
Eugene O’Connell class of ’43,
receives medal from citizen’s of Sainteny,
France at the 65th Anniversary of D-Day.
His unit Company “E” 331st 83rd Division
helped liberate this village.
✝ Robert C. Roehrick, class of ’42,
passed away Thursday, August 27, 2009 at
his residence. Bob served in the U.S. Air
Force during World War II as a navigator.
He moved back to Chippewa Falls and
acquired Hokenstrom Studio, which he
renamed Roehrick Portrait Studio on
Bridge Street. After retiring from the studio, he opened the Cabinet Place in Eau
Claire doing custom cabinetry. Bob was a
member of the Elks Lodge, Kiwanis Club
and Notre Dame Church. He is survived
by his wife of 57 years, Barbara, along with
three sons, Greg ’71, Chuck ’73
(Terri), and Rob ’77 (Anita) and three
✝ Dorothy Gettler Figlmiller, class
of ’43, passed away on Thursday,
September 10, 2009 at Sacred Heart
Hospital. Dorothy worked at Chippewa
Sewing Machine Company for many years
and was a member of Notre Dame Church.
She is survived by one son, Michael
(Marcia) and three daughters Mary (John)
Kaster, Vickie (Norman) Whitehead, and
Carolyn (Terry) Figlmiller-Bowe and six
grandchildren. She is also survived by one
brother, Louis ’55 (Mary) and four sisters, Darlene Borton ’58, Delores
Collins ’53 (Bob), Yvonne Doucette
’53 (Gene ’51) and Carol Marsolek
‘60 (Bob).
✝ Dr. Gerald “Gerry” Zapp, class of
’43, passed away Saturday, October 24,
2009 at the Chippewa Manor. Gerry
enlisted in the US Army Air Force after
graduation, where he was a radio operator,
a 50 cal machine gunner on a B17 combat
crew and radio operator on a B29 combat
crew. He also attended UWEC and
Marquette University, earning his Degree
of Dentistry in 1955. He was a dentist in
Chippewa Falls until he retired in 1994.
McDonell Central Catholic High
School Chapel
Mass Intention at
Mass dates are available for any individual or class interested in having a Mass said for a loved one or class member – living or deceased.
The person(s) will be named as part of the General Intercession for
that Mass. Please fill out the name or class year for the Mass in the
space provided. Masses are $10 per intention.
Name (please print) _______________________
Please say Mass around this date: _____________
This person is:
❐ deceased
Send your intention to:
Rev. Justin Kizewski
c/o McDonell Central Catholic High School
1316 Bel Air Boulevard
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
Please make checks payable to:
McDonell Central Catholic High School
Class Notes
Send by:
TEL: 715.723.0538
FAX: 715.723.1501
[email protected]
Development & Alumni
Relations Office,
1316 Bel Air Blvd., Chippewa
Falls, WI 54729
He was a lifetime member of the American
Legion and a member of the Chippewa
Falls Rotary Club and the Chamber of
Commerce. He is survived by his sister,
Rita (Paul) Krall, his nephew Franklin
(Diane) Krall, along with his longtime
friend and caretaker John (Alisha) Koutney
and several great nieces and nephews and
four great-nieces and nephews.
✝ Ione “Muffy” Pearson Hayden,
class of ’44, passed away suddenly on
Sunday, April 12, 2009. She is survived by
her husband of 60 years, Skip Hayden,
three sons, two daughters and three grandchildren.
✝ Shirley Card Brunner, class of
’48, passed away on Friday, October 2nd,
2009 after a long illness. She is also a
1951 graduate of St. Mary’s Hospital
Nursing School and was a registered nurse
for over 50 years. Shirley is survived by
her five children, Deb (John) Fuller, Steve
(Lisa), Daniel (Dixie), John (Susan), and
Joel. She is also survived by 14 grandchildren and her brother Chuck Card ’53.
Class of 1950 will have a Mass said for
all the living and deceased members on
May 28, 2010 at 8:10 a.m. at Notre Dame
past president of the Union at the paper
mill in Eau Claire, and owned the Tee Pee
Bar in Chippewa Falls and worked at
Citizen’s Community Bank. Donald was a
member of Notre Dame Church and is survived by four daughters, Donita (Chuck)
Bowe, Cynthia (Ric) Gannon, Stephanie
(Mike) Benson and Jerilyn Thornton
Wilson ’85 (Paul). He is also survived
by two brothers, Dayton (Jean) and
Gerald ’46 and one sister, Kathleen
Thornton Kopp ’47, 10 grandchildren
and 11 great-grandchildren.
✝ Donald E. “EZ” Stumpf, Class of
’52, passed away Friday, November 13th,
2009 at Wissota Health. Ez served in the
Army during the Korean War, then came
back home to attend college at UWEC. Ez
was instrumental in establishing the
Alumni Football Game between Chi-Hi
and McDonell, which was a community
fundraiser to rebuild the Glen Loch Dam
and purchase electric football scoreboards.
He was very active in the Chippewa Falls
community, serving on the boards for
McDonell High School, the Chippewa
Foundation, the Chippewa Falls Elks
Club, Chippewa Falls Rotary, Chippewa
County United Way, Wisconsin State
Jaycees and the Knights of Columbus. He
was also involved with the Chippewa Falls
Industrial Development Committee, the
Chippewa Falls Library Board, the
Chippewa Falls Jaycees and the St. Charles
Parish School Board. He is survived by his
wife, Jacqueline (Schmidt) ’55, three
daughters Karla Stumpf Fiedler ’80
(Steve), Karen Stumpf Rineck ’82,
and Kristine Stumpf Quinn ’83
(Davey), one sister Angeline Anderl
’39, 12 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Leah Bowe and Gerald O’Neill were united
in marriage on June 27, 2009. Parents of
the bride are Alice ’68 and Joseph Bowe
and parents of the groom are Veronica and
Jerry O’Neill. The couple will reside in
Beverly, Massachusetts.
✝ Michael J. Dupey, Jr., class of ’51,
passed away Saturday October 10th, 2009
after a long struggle with heart disease.
Mike served in the US Army in Korea. He
married Jean Lewis ’54 in 1958 at St.
Charles Borromeo Church where he has
been an active member since. Mike was
also a Town Supervisor for two terms for
Lafayette Township and was a third degree
member of the Knights of Columbus. He
is survived by his wife Jean, his daughter
Michele Dupey Hawkins ’80 (Dale)
and his son Mark ’80, three sisters,
Helen Dupey Kouba ’45, Mary
Austin, Connie Rose, one brother David
(Janice), a sister in-law Karol Hedrington
and a brother in-law Bruce (Diane) Lewis.
✝ Thomas J. Toutant, class of ’71,
passed away at his home in Cornell on
Saturday, November 21, 2009. He worked
at Mason Shoe for many years and enjoyed
hunting, fishing, watching the Green Bay
Packers and many other family activities,
including driving his grandkids around on
his golf cart. He is survived by his wife
Susan, one son Nicholas (Ericka) Daken
and two daughters, Jessica and Jennifer,
and five grandchildren.
✝ Donald A. Thornton, Class of ’52,
passed away September 16th, 2009 surrounded by his family. Don served as a
Afiya Jones and Jake Krueger were united
in marriage October 10, 2009 at Nazareth
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cedar
Falls, Iowa. Parents of the groom are Barb
and Ron Krueger ‘75.
Nick (’98) and Ashley (Bowe ’00)
Gardow welcomed Evan Jason Gardow on
April 21st, 2009. He is welcomed home by
big sisters, Samantha and Katarina and big
brother Ian.
Renee Willkom ’00 and Sean Pearl
were united in marriage on December
19th, 2009 at St. Rose of Lima Church in
Cadott. Renee has a master’s degree in
library and information science is Campus
Librarian at Globe University. Sean is a
Captain and aviator in the U.S. Army.
Joanna Haugen and Nicholas Hart ’01
were united in marriage on September 19,
2009 at Trinity Lutheran Church in
Owatanna, MN. Joanna is the payroll/HR
assistant at Cargill Foods and Nick works
for Minnesota Freezer Warehouse. The
couple live in MN.
Nicole Spiegel (’02) and Alexander
Smith were married at Cama Beach State
Park in Washington on October 4, 2009.
They reside in Seattle, Washington, with
their two-year-old son Baker.
Kate Gilbertson and Patrick Boos ’03
were united in marriage on July 25, 2009
at St. Joseph’s Ridge Church in La Crosse.
The couple will live in Chippewa Falls.
Kate is a preschool teacher at Altoona
Family and Children’s Center and Patrick
is attending CVTC in Eau Claire for diagnostic medical sonography.
Carlee Feuling ’05 graduated in May of
2009 from Edgewood College in Madison.
She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in
Communication Studies and Interpersonal
Alesia Bowe ’06 and Eric Vavra were united in marriage on June 20, 2009. The couple will live in Chippewa Falls.
Cassie Hunt (’06) earned Academic AllDistrict honors and was selected to the
WIAC All-Sportsmanship Team. She was
also nominated for the WIAC ScholarAthlete of the Year Award
Friends of McDonell
Pat and Herman (Bud) Schemenauer celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on
Sunday, July 26, 2009. Pat was a long time
cook at McDonell High School.
✝ Clarence L. Bowe passed away on
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 at the
Maplewood Nursing Home in Bloomer.
He attended St. Charles Grade School and
graduated from Chi Hi. He married
Albina Tichey ’40 in 1941. They were
both members of Notre Dame Church. He
is survive by his wife of almost 68 years,
one son Jeffrey ’71 (Cindy), three
daughters Diana Bowe Torkelson ’65
(Bob), Vicki Bowe Brown ‘68 (Mike
’66), and Linda Bowe Dresel ’68
(Dave), one daughter in-law, Judith
Geissler Bowe ’64. He also is survived
by 16 grand-children and 23 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his
parents, one son, David ’64, along two
brothers and two sisters.
✝ Mary Ann Wagner Bucheger passed
away on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 at St.
Joseph’s Hospital. She was a very devoted
member of Sacred Heart Church in Jim
Falls and a very dedicated mother. She is
survived by four sons, Francis (Vicky),
Charles (Pauline), Patrick (Donna) and
Terence (Cheryl), seven daughters, Jane
(Glenn) Jurek, Anne (Ed) Schultz,
Barbara Bucheger Hedrington ’78,
Lorraine (John) DeGrood, Catherine
(Kevin) Aubart, Rose Mary (Joe) Cibulka
and Stacey. She was also blessed with 21
grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.
✝ Marvin J. Franz passed away Sunday,
October 11, 2009 after a courageous battle
with Alzheimer’s. He served in the U.S.
Army during the Korean War and then
came home to marry Sylvia
Schemenauer ’55. He worked at the
Northern Center for the Developmentally
Disabled for many years, along with
Benish Trucking. He was a member of the
Moose Lodge, the American Legion and
Notre Dame Church. He is survived by his
wife, three sons, Wayne ’82 (Pam),
Brent ’83 (Debi) and Kyle ’86, all of
Chippewa Falls, and two daughters,
Class of 1950
Michelle “Shelly” Franz Retzlaff
’85 (Scott) and Kristie (Martin) Escobedo.
He is also survived by nine grandchildren
and four step-grandchildren.
✝ Karen A. Geissler passed away at her residence on Monday, December 7, 2009.
She was a sales clerk in the men’s department at Farm and Fleet and a member of
St. Peter’s Church and the Christian
Mothers Society. She is survived by her
husband Gerald, two sons, Randy (Peggy)
and Rick (Kelly), three daughters Lynn
(Jeff) Bremness and Sherry (Brian) Petrich
and Kari (Mike) McDonald, along with
one brother and two sisters. She also had
eight grandchildren, including Danielle
Geissler ’09.
✝ Rose M. Postl Manny passed away on
Sunday, September 27, 2009 in Chippewa
Falls. She attended St. Peter School and
later attended McDonell High School. She
married Francis Manny on October 19,
1940. She is survived by seven of her
eight children, including Charles
“Chip” ’76, and Daniel ’66 of
Chippewa Falls.
✝ Sister M. Margene O’Donnell, O.S.F.,
passed away on Saturday, October 23,
2009 at St. Francis Convent in Springfield,
Illinois. She was born Margaret Lenore
O’Donnell. She entered the congregation
on Feb. 2, 1937 and professed her religious vows on Oct. 4th, 1939. She is survived by four sisters, Ann O’Donnell
Egan ’48 (Pat), Helen O’Donnell
Dinnen ’44, Eileen Sims and Edna
O’Donnell Fredrick ’46 (Dale), and
one brother, Clifford ’52 (Donita). She
is also survived by many nieces and
nephews, several cousins, and her
Franciscan Sisters whom she shared her
life for over 72 years.
The 60th class reunion will be held in conjunction with the Alumni Banquet on
Saturday, May 22nd at McDonell High School. Banquet starts following the 4 p.m.
Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Parish. Email contacts are Susan DeLong:
[email protected] and Lucy LeCleir at [email protected] or call Alice
Marshall at 715.723.5901
Class of 1960 McDonell Class of 1960 – the Big 50 Reunion!
September 17 & 18th, 2010. Please send your updated address, phone number
and e-mail address to either John Hillery at [email protected] or Joe Janc at
[email protected]. We would also like to hear any funny or interesting stories of
things that happened during your four years at McDonell. Contact Jenny Schafer
at McDonell High School, 715.723.0538 for physical address of John Hillery or
Joe Janc if you do not have email.
Class of 1979 Our 30 year class reunion will be delayed until August
14th of 2010. Look for a separate tent for class of 1979, at the Baby Boomers celebration, held at the Northern Wisconsin State Fair grounds. There is a $10.00
entrance fee, and is open from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. Beverages and food are available
Class of 1954 Celebrates 55th Class Reunion
FRONT ROW L to R: is Larry Marineau, Joan Meznarich, Francis Simon, Sheldon Schneider, Jean (Dietzler)
Merchant, Marie (Butak) Hudson, Mary Ann (Steinmetz) Miller, Dolores (Gaier) Huber, Nancy (Krueger)
Loiselle and Judy (Postle)
BACK ROW: Joseph Carroll, Charles Coushman, Theo Sklang, Bruce Peloquin, Darrell Lynn, Louis Hebert, Dick
Trauba, Artie (LeCleir) McIlquham, Dick Hartman, Sr. Margaret Gaier, Dick Douville, MaryAnn Diederich,
Dolores Lanners, Charlotte (Bowe) Prince, Carol (Bernier) Lien, K. Gingras, Yvonne (LaFrania) Brown
✝ Gertrude J. Roach passed away Saturday,
December 5, 2009 at the Rutledge Home
in Chippewa Falls. She moved to
Chippewa Falls in 1934 and became a
member of Holy Ghost Church, where she
was very active. She was also a member of
the VFW Ladies Auxiliary for over 40
years. She is survived by three sons,
Harold “Joe” (Shirley ’49), Charles
(Mareen) and Robert (Joan), one daughter
Charlene Shower ’64 (Del), 15 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren and 12
great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband “Bud”, her
parents, one daughter Mary Roach
Jakubowski ’57 and 15 brothers and
✝ Earl J. Scholl passed away peacefully in
his sleep on Friday, September 25, 2009.
He owned and operated Scholl
Distributing Co., Inc in Chippewa Falls for
over 50 years. He was preceded in death
by his first wife of almost 49 years,
Rosemary (Cournoyer). Earl is a U.S.
Army veteran, having served in World War
II for which he received a purple heart for
his involvement with the D-Day invasion.
He is survived by his second wife, Ruth
Jean Crane, his sister Florence Scholl
Kaiser ’36, two daughters, Susan
The Fifth Bi-Annual Baby
Class Reunion is
August 14th, 2010
at the
Northern Wisconsin State
Scholl Powers ’62 (Stephen) and
Mary Ellen Scholl ’70, one son
Richard ’65, two grand-daughters and
four great-grandchildren.
DID YOU KNOW you could read the latest issue of the
Mack Messenger online on the alumni page at or receive it via e-mail by signing up?
Just e-mail us at [email protected]
Donate to our schools
You are now able to make donations online at
our CACS website. Go to and
help make a difference of “One Day” with your
Check out the information in this issue about the
Mid-Winter Mardi Gras on page 9.
Saturday, May 22nd 2010 at McDonell
Look for your personal invitation in the mail closer to the
event. We are looking for help planning this event – if you
would like to join the committee, please contact Jenny
Schafer at 715.723.0538 ext 306.
Network with other McDonell Alumni and find out all the social
happenings on this facebook page. Search under McDonell High
School for the Alumni page.
2010-2011 Registration - informational
sessions at schools
McDonell Students to National Pro-Life
March in Washington DC
McDonell Winter Carnival
JANUARY 29, 30 & 31
McDonell Musical “Annie Get Your Gun”
Call for tickets 715.723.9126
Chippewa Area Catholic Schools
Development and Alumni Relations Office
1316 Bel Air Boulevard
Chippewa Falls, WI 54729
NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break
District Solo Ensemble @ McD
Confirmation at parishes
Music Booster Craft Show @ McD
MARCH 26 AND 27 - Alumni
Basketball-Volleyball Tournament
APRIL 4 - 12
Senior Class Trip
Beach Party/Dance @ McD
NO SCHOOL - Diocesan Inservice
McD Prom @ Avalon
First Holy Communion
Eau Claire, WI
Permit #2000
issue is addressed to your son or
daughter who no longer lives
at home or has a different
mailing address, please notify
the office: 715.723.0538 or
[email protected]
Catholic Schools Week
Jan 31 McDonell Athletic Brunch @ McD
Feb 1 Area Catholic Schools Mass @ McD
10 a.m.
CACS Mardi Gras @ McD 6 p.m.
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
United in Faith and Mission
Chippewa Area
Catholic Schools
McDonell Central
High School
Dame Middle
Ghost Elementary
St. Charles Borromeo Primary,
3-Pre-K, andBB4C,
Day Care
3 year-old Pre school, K– 3
Ne ws for McDonell High School Alumni and Friends
Chippe wa Area Cat holic Schools
Brings Home
the Gold
Season summary on page 6.
MAY 15
Golf Scramble - McD Booster Club
MAY 19
McDonell Fine Arts Festival @ McD
MAY 22
Alumni Mass at St. Charles Borromeo
Parish at 4 pm
Alumni Banquet following @ McD
MAY 26
MAY 31
McD Band marches in
Memorial Day Parade
McDonell High School Graduation
Final Day of School
Staff Appreciation Mass and Breakfast
McDonell 2009 Division 4 State Volleyball Champions
All Conference First Team: Karley Wiensch, Ashley Zumbrock,
Christi Schoch, Honorable Mention: Ari Gardow, Hannah Krejci
All State Team: Christi Schoch, Karley Wiensch, Sarah Schoch
State Semi- Final Game Ball: Karley Wiensch
State Final Game Ball: Hannah Krejci
Chippewa All County Team: (Co-players of the year) Ashley
Zumbrock and Christi Schoch Second team: Sarah Schoch
Honorable Mention: Ari Gardow, Hannah Krejci
Eau Claire All County Player of the year: Christi Schoch.
Season summary by coach Kat Roesler on page 6.