Annual meeting in the Cereal Network 2014 Cerealienetværkets årsmøde 2014 6 November 2014 AU Flakkebjerg, Forsøgsvej 1, DK-4200 Slagelse, Denmark Programme 08:30 Registration open Coffee, tea, rolls and more 09:30 Welcome Johannes Ravn Jørgensen, AU Session 1: Cereal Pathology Chair: David B. Collinge, UCPH 09:30 - 09:50 09:50 - 10:10 10:10 - 10:30 Rethinking how to organise pathogen defence in plants Hans Thordal-Christensen, UCPH Resistance to common bunt in wheat Søren K. Rasmussen, UCPH Benzoxazinoids – secondary metabolites in wheat and rye of importance for defence and health Per L. Gregersen, AU 10:30 Refreshments Session 2: Cereal Biofortification and Stress Tolerance Chair: Søren K. Rasmussen, UCPH 11:00 - 11:20 11:20 - 11:40 11:40 - 12:00 GWAS for PI, phytate and phytase in wheat collect Anna Maria Torp, UCPH Zinc biofortification of the cereal grain: enhancing zinc level by changing protein composition Eva Vincze, AU Heat stress genes from exotic wheat Dew Kumari Sharma, UCPH 12:15 Lunch buffet Session 3: Cereal Yields – New Approaches Chair: Johannes Ravn Jørgensen, AU 13:00 - 13:30 13:30 - 13:50 13:50 - 14:10 Winter wheat to new heights – a Swedish approach Helena Elmquist, Odling i Balans / SLU Cereals in Denmark – challenges and new developments Lars Bonde Eriksen, VFL Studies of root development and nutrient uptake in wheat varieties Irene Skovby Rasmussen, UCPH 14:15 Coffee, tea, pastry Session 4: Cereal Adaptation and Phenomics Chair: Johannes Ravn Jørgensen, AU 14:45 - 15:10 15:10 - 15:30 15:30 - 15:50 15:50 - 16:15 Barley under future climate conditions Cathrine Heinz Ingvordsen, DTU A historic view on cereals - diversity and resources for the future Kim Hebelstrup, AU Phenomics into the future Jesper Svensgaard, UCPH Debate 16:15 Closing the meeting Johannes Ravn Jørgensen, AU Registration and Fee Online registration: Registration fee: DKK 700 Registration fee for students: DKK 350. The Cereal Network The ‘Cerealienetværket’ is an informal network that has for more than 15 years brought together researchers, breeders, producers of cereal-based products, food and feed enzymes and suppliers within Danish cereal production for an annual meeting. The network aims at improving quality and sustainability throughout the entire value chain of cereal grain production. The annual meeting will take place at AU Flakkebjerg, Forsøgsvej 1, DK-4200 Slagelse. Four sessions on highly relevant topics in cereal science, breeding and production will cover pathology, biofortification, stress tolerance, adaptation, phenomics and new approaches to increase and ensure yield. The venue is open for everybody with interest in cereals. Cerealienetværket Cerealienetværket er et vertikalt netværk inden for den danske kornsektor omfattende forskning, forædling, fremstilling, forarbejdning og afsætning. Hensigten med netværket er at styrke kvalitet og miljøhensyn i hele kornproduktionens værdikæde. Cerealienetværkets årsmøde 2014 afholdes den 6. november i auditoriet på AU Flakkebjerg, Forsøgsvej 1, DK-4200 Slagelse. Årets program består af 4 sessioner med højaktuelle cerealie-relevante indlæg om patologi, udbyttebegrænsende faktorer, kvalitet og anvendelse samt et kig mod de fremtidige udfordringer. Mødet er åbent for alle med interesse i cerealier. Dansk Cerealforening er medarrangør af Cerealienetværkets årsmøde 2014. Organizing Committee Forum for Cerealier in co-operation with Dansk Cerealforening: David B. Collinge, KU Lars Bonde Eriksen, Videncentret for Landbrug Kurt Hjortsholm, Sammenslutningen af Danske Sortsejere Johannes Ravn Jørgensen, AU (chairman) Søren K. Rasmussen, UCPH Birte Svensson, DTU Ole Kirk Østergaard, Lantmännen Cerealia A/S Secretariat: For questions regarding the Annual Meeting in the Cereal Network 2014 please contact: Aarhus University Forsøgsvej 1 DK-4200 Slagelse Bende Astrup E-mail: [email protected]
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