House of Lords House of Commons Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments Eighth Report of Session 2014-15 Drawing special attention to: Public Lending Right Scheme 1982 (Commencement of Variations) Order 2014 (S.I. 2014/1457) Ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 15 October 2014 Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 15 October 2014 HL Paper 48 HC 332-viii Published on 20 October 2014 by authority of the House of Lords and the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £5.00 Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments Current membership House of Lords Baroness Humphreys (Liberal Democrat) Lord Kennedy (Labour) Lord Lyell (Conservative) Baroness Mallalieu (Labour) Lord Selkirk (Conservative) Baroness Stern (Crossbench) Lord Walpole (Crossbench) House of Commons Mr George Mudie MP (Labour, Leeds East) (Chairman) Michael Ellis MP (Conservative, Northampton North) John Hemming MP (Liberal Democrat, Birmingham, Yardley) Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger MP (Conservative, Bridgwater and West Somerset) Toby Perkins MP (Labour, Chesterfield) Powers The full constitution and powers of the Committee are set out in House of Commons Standing Order No. 151 and House of Lords Standing Order No. 74, available on the Internet via H H Remit The Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments (JCSI) is appointed to consider statutory instruments made in exercise of powers granted by Act of Parliament. Instruments not laid before Parliament are included within the Committee’s remit; but local instruments and instruments made by devolved administrations are not considered by JCSI unless they are required to be laid before Parliament. The role of the JCSI, whose membership is drawn from both Houses of Parliament, is to assess the technical qualities of each instrument that falls within its remit and to decide whether to draw the special attention of each House to any instrument on one or more of the following grounds: i. that it imposes, or sets the amount of, a charge on public revenue or that it requires payment for a licence, consent or service to be made to the Exchequer, a government department or a public or local authority, or sets the amount of the payment; ii. that its parent legislation says that it cannot be challenged in the courts; iii. that it appears to have retrospective effect without the express authority of the parent legislation; iv. that there appears to have been unjustifiable delay in publishing it or laying it before Parliament; v. that there appears to have been unjustifiable delay in sending a notification under the proviso to section 4(1) of the Statutory Instruments Act 1946, where the instrument has come into force before it has been laid; vi. that there appears to be doubt about whether there is power to make it or that it appears to make an unusual or unexpected use of the power to make; vii. that its form or meaning needs to be explained; viii. that its drafting appears to be defective; ix. any other ground which does not go to its merits or the policy behind it. The Committee usually meets weekly when Parliament is sitting. Publications The reports of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of both Houses. All publications of the Committee are on the Internet at H H Committee staff The current staff of the Committee are Joanna Welham (Commons Clerk), Jane White (Lords Clerk) and Liz Booth (Committee Assistant). Advisory Counsel: Peter Davis, Peter Brooksbank, Philip Davies and Daniel Greenberg (Commons); Nicholas Beach, Peter Milledge and John Crane (Lords). Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general inquiries is: 020 7219 2026; the Committee’s email address is: [email protected]. 1 Contents Report Instruments reported 1 S.I. 2014/1457: Reported for defective drafting Page 2 2 Instruments not reported 4 Annex 4 Appendix S.I. 2014/1457: memorandum from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport 11 11 2 Instruments reported At its m eeting on 15 October 2014 the Committee scrutinised a number of Instruments in accordance with Standing Orders. It was agreed that the special attention of both Houses should be drawn to one of those considered. The Instrument and the ground for reporting it are given below. The relevant Departmental memorandum is published as an appendi x to this report. 1 S.I. 2014/1457: Reported for defective drafting Public Lending Right Scheme 1982 (Commencement of Variations) Order 2014 (S.I. 2014/1457) 1.1 The Committee draws the special attention of both Houses to this Order on the ground that it is defectively drafted in five respects. 1.2 The Order brings into force variations to the Public Lending Right Scheme 1982 (which provides for payments to be made to authors based on the number of times their books are lent out of public libraries) following the extension of the public lending right to narrators and producers and to audio-books and e-books on 30 June 2014. 1.3 Article 1(3) states: “Unless the context requires otherwise expressions in this Order have the same meanings as in the Scheme and any reference in the Appendix to an article shall be a reference to the article so numbered in the Scheme.” The Committee asked the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to identify whether there is any potential ambiguity resolved by article 1(3) and, if there is none, to explain why it was included. In a memorandum printed at Appendix [], the Department explains that on reflection it has reached the view that there is no potential ambiguity in the Order that needs to be resolved by article 1(3) and that there is no need for its inclusion. The Department adds that the provision will not be replicated when the Order is remade. The Committee accordingly reports article 1(3) for defective drafting, acknowledged by the Department. 1.4 Paragraph 4 of the Appendix inserts new article 9B into the 1982 Scheme. The new article contains three obvious errors (‘the writer’s shall shall’ for ‘the writer’s share shall’ in new article 9B(2)(a), ‘the translator’s share share’ for ‘the translator’s share shall’ in new article 9B(4)(d) and ‘the number … id greater than one’ for ‘the number … is greater than one’ in new article 9B(5)) as well as an inconsistent omission of ‘and’ at the end of new article 9B(2)(d). Although these errors are individually trivial, it is clearly unsatisfactory to have so many errors in the sole significant provision of such a short instrument. The Committee therefore asked the Department to explain how these errors arose. The Department’s memorandum explains: “the errors in paragraph 4 of the Appendix occurred after internal checks had been completed and when the text was being prepared for validation. The Department regrets that these errors occurred and were not noticed before the Order was made and laid. The Secretary of State will make an Order bringing into force amendments to the Public Lending Right Scheme in order to correct these errors at the earliest opportunity.” The Committee accordingly reports paragraph 4 of the Appendix for defective drafting in four respects, acknowledged by the Department. 3 1.5 The Committee also notes that the defective drafting identified in this report has been rectified in S.I. 2014/1945 and commends the Department for its expedition in rectification. 4 Instruments not reported At its meeting on 15 October 2014 the Committee considered the Instruments set out in the Annex to this Report, none of which were required to be reported to both Houses. Annex Draft Instruments requiring affirmative approval Draft S.I. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (Amendm ent) (No. 2) Order 2014 Draft S.I. Broadcasting (Independent Productions) (Am endment) Order 2014 Draft S.I. Statutory Shared Parental Pay (General) Regul ations 2014 Draft S.I. Maternity and Adoption Leave (Curtailment of Statutory Rights to Leave) Regulations 2014 Draft S.I. Shared Parental Leave Regul ations 2014 Draft S.I. Compensation (Claims Management Services) (Am endment) Regulations 2014 Draft S.I. Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Covert Surveillance and Property Interference: Code of Practice) Order 2014 Draft S.I. Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Covert Hum an Intelligence Sources: Code of Practice) Order 2014 Draft S.I. Immigration Act 2014 (Bank Accounts) Regulations 2014 Draft S.I. Immigration Act 2014 (Bank Accounts) (Am endment) Order 2014 Draft S.I. Immigration Act 2014 (Bank Accounts) (Prohibition on Opening Current Accounts for Disqualified Persons) Order 2014 Draft S.I. Electricity and Gas (Energy Companies Obligation) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2014 Instruments subject to annulment S.I. 2014/1511 Child Benefit (General) and the Tax Credits (Residence) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1512 Merchant Shipping (International Safety Managem ent (ISM) Code) Regulations 2014 5 S.I. 2014/1601 Feed-in Tariffs (Amendm ent) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1607 National Health Service Pension Scheme (Amendment No.2) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1610 Criminal Procedure Rules 2014 S.I. 2014/1613 Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Minimum Requirem ents for Seafarers etc.) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1614 Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Consequential and Minor Amendments) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1615 Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Recruitment and Placement) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1639 Acetylene Safety (England and Wales and Scotland) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1663 Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1684 Kimberley Process (Fees) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1685 Teachers’ Disciplinary (Am endment) (England) Regul ations 2014 S.I. 2014/1704 Crime and Courts Act 2013 (Application and Modification of Certain Enactments) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1705 Local Authority (Duty to Secure Early Years Provision Free of Charge) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1710 Local Audit (Auditor Resignation and Removal) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1740 Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Am endment) (No. 3) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1766 Further and Higher Education (Student Support) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1771 Waste Electrical and El ectronic Equipment and Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and El ectronic Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1787 Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Alcohol Abstinence and Monitoring Requirement) (Prescription of Arrangement for Monitoring) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1788 Care Quality Commission (Reviews and Perform ance Assessments) Regulations 2014 6 S.I. 2014/1789 Registration of Civil Partnerships (Fees) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1790 Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Fees) (Amendm ent) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1791 Marri age of Same Sex Couples (Registration of Buildings and Appointment of Authorised Persons) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1797 Housing (Right to Buy) (Prescribed Forms) (Amendm ent) (England) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1806 Political Donations and Regulated Transactions (Anonymous El ectors) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1811 Port Security (Port of Londonderry) Designation Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1818 Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1822 Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions (Arrangements, Reconstructions and Administration) (Am endment) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1824 Civil Legal Aid (Procedure, Remuneration and Statutory Charge) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1826 Sudan (European Union Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1827 South Sudan (European Union Financial Sanctions) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1834 Civil Proceedings Fees (Amendm ent No. 2) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1862 Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1865 Housing (Right to Buy) (Limit on Discount) (England) (Amendm ent) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1866 National Curriculum (Exceptions for First, Second, Third and Fourth Key Stages) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1867 Education (National Curriculum)(Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study)(Engl and)(Am endment) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1878 Human Medicines (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1896 Export Control (Syria Sanctions) (Am endment) Order 2014 7 S.I. 2014/1899 Local Justice Areas (No. 2) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1901 First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal (Chambers) (Amendm ent) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1902 Agriculture (Miscellaneous Revocations) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1919 Judicial Discipline (Prescribed Procedures) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1925 Legal Services Act 2007 (Licensing Authority) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1933 Tax Credits (Settlement of Appeals) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1940 English Coast (Isle of Wight) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1945 Public Lending Right Scheme 1982 (Commencement of Variation and Amendment) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1955 School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1975 Sulphur Content of Liquid Fuels (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1976 Immigration (European Economic Area) (Amendm ent) (No. 2) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/1986 Coal Industry (Superannuation Scheme Winding Up) (Revocations and Savings) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2044 Civil Procedure (Am endment No. 6) Rul es 2014 S.I. 2014/2054 Ukraine (European Union Financial Sanctions) (No.3) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2067 Prospects College of Advanced Technology (Incorporation) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2068 Prospects College of Advanced Technology (Governm ent) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2114 Motor Vehicles (Tests) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2115 Goods Vehicles (Plating and Testing) (Amendm ent) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2116 Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) Regul ations 2014 8 S.I. 2014/2117 International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (Fees) (Am endment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2118 Public Service Vehicles (Operators’ Licences) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2119 Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2234 M54 Motorway (Junction 2) and A449 Trunk Road (Link Roads) (Temporary Restriction of Traffic) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2263 Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 (Designated Sites under Section 128) (Am endment) (No. 2) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2264 Vehicle Drivers (Certificates of Professional Competence) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2341 Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2357 Export Control (Russia, Crimea and Sevastopol Sanctions) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2363 Bathing Water (Amendment) (Engl and) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2366 Smoke Control Areas (Authorised Fuels) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2369 Consumer Credit (Inform ation Requirements and Duration of Licences and Charges) (Amendm ent) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2371 Financial Services Act 2012 (Consequential Amendments) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2381 Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2382 European Economic Interest Grouping and European Public Limited-Liability Company (Am endment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2386 Register of Presumed Deaths (Fees) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2398 Immigration and Nationality (Cost Recovery Fees) (Amendm ent) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2400 Community Design (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2401 Patents (Amendm ent) (No. 2) Rules 2014 9 S.I. 2014/2402 Independent Police Complaints Commission (Investigation of Offences) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2403 Police (Performance) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2405 Registered Designs (Amendm ent) Rules 2014 S.I. 2014/2406 Police (Complaints and Misconduct) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 S.I. 2014/2410 Reserve Forces (Payments to Employers and Partners) Regulations 2014 Instruments not subject to Parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament S.I. 2014/1849 Immigration (Designation of Travel Bans) (Amendment) Order 2014 Instruments not subject to Parliamentary proceedings not laid before Parliament S.I. 2014/1452 Welfare Reform Act 2012 (Commencem ent No. 9, 11, 13, 14 and 16 and Transitional and Transitory Provisions (Amendm ent)) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1583 Welfare Reform Act 2012 (Commencem ent No. 17 and Transitional and Transitory Provisions) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1661 Welfare Reform Act 2012 (Commencem ent No. 9, 11, 13 14, 16 and 17 and Transitional and Transitory Provisions (Amendm ent)) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1683 Pensions Act 2011 (Commencem ent No. 5) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1709 Contracts for Difference (Counterparty Designation) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1714 Care Act 2014 (Comm encement No.1) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1715 Pensions Act 2011 (Commencem ent No. 5) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1777 Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (Alcohol Abstinence and Monitoring Requirements) Piloting Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1809 Electoral Administration Act 2006 (Comm encement No. 2) (Northern Ireland) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1810 Presumption of Death Act 2013 (Comm encement and Transitional and Saving Provision) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1820 Immigration Act 2014 (Comm encement No. 1, Transitory and Saving Provisions) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1823 Water Act 2014 (Commencem ent No. 1) Order 2014 10 S.I. 2014/1860 Business Rate Supplements Act 2009 (Commencement No.2) (England) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1877 Inspectors of Education, Children’s Services and Skills (No. 6) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1916 Anti-soci al Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (Commencement No. 4 and Transitional Provisions) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1926 Pensions Act 2004 (Code of Practice) (Funding Defined Benefits) Appointed Day Order 2014 S.I. 2014/1961 Adoption and Children Act 2002 (Commencement No. 12) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2069 Intellectual Property Act 2014 (Commencement No. 2) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2228 Finance Act 2014, Schedule 4 (Tax Relief for Theatrical Production) (Appointed Day) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2321 Welfare Reform Act 2012 (Commencem ent No. 19 and Transitional and Transitory Provisions and Commencement No. 9 and Transitional and Transitory Provisions (Am endment)) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2383 Tuberculosis (England) Order 2014 S.I. 2014/2387 Register of Presumed Deaths (Prescribed Information) Regulations 2014 11 Appendix S.I. 2014/1457: memorandum from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport Public Lending Right Scheme 1982 (Commencement of Variations) Order 2014 (S.I. 2014/1457) 1. This memorandum is submitted in response to the Committee’s request dated 9 July 2014. 2. The Committee has asked: (1) Identify whether there is any potential ambiguity resolved by Article 1(3) and, if there is none, explain why it has been included. (2) Explain how the sole significant provision in this Order (paragraph 4 of the Appendix) came to have three obvious errors (‘the writer’s shall shall’ for ‘the writer’s share shall’ in new article 9B(2)(a), ‘the translator’s share share’ for ‘the translator’s share shall’ in new article 9B(4)(d) and ‘the number … id greater than one’ for ‘the number … is greater than one’ in new article 9B(5)) as well as an inconsistent omission of ‘and’ at the end of new article 9B(2)(d). 3. The Department’s response is as follows. 4. On reflection, the Department has reached the view that there is no potential ambiguity in the Order that needed to be resolved by Article 1(3) and that there is no need for its inclusion. Therefore, Article 1(3) will be removed when the amending Order referred to in paragraph 5 below is made. 5. The errors in paragraph 4 of the Appendix occurred after internal checks had been completed and when the text was being prepared for validation. The Department regrets that these errors occurred and were not noticed before the Order was made and laid. The Secretary of State will make an Order bringing into force amendments to the Public Lending Right Scheme in order to correct these errors at the earliest opportunity. Department for Culture, Media and Sport 15 July 2014
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