Sidmouth C of E Primary School Newsletter Mr Walker’s Update Science, Science and more Science! As part of our involvement in Sidmouth’s Science Fesval, this week has seen everyone having a great me exploring science in even more diverse ways. A er last week’s demonstraons, explosions, beds of nails and children se"ng fire to the demonstrator’s head (all part of the show apparently!), this week has been all about the more natural side of science. Week 6 Term 1 17th October 2014 Forthcoming Dates 1/2C Charmouth Heritage Centre Visit Thurs 23rd Oct 9.15 - 3.15pm Charmouth, Bridport 5W Spy Kids Crime Day Thurs 23rd October As you will see from all the photos in another bumper issue of the newsle&er, the classes have all been invesgang the wonderful diversity of the Byes. Some have been kick sampling in the River Sid, whilst others have been on bug hunts or invesgang trees. Such hands-on experiences in our wonderful local resource of the Byes means we can all appreciate our marvellous scenery and wildlife. There are sll plenty of Science Fesval acvies taking part around town this weekend, so please try to find some me to get involved in these if you can. More details further on in the newsle&er. Half Term Mon 27th - Fri 31st Oct Back in school the classes have been taking their outdoor experiences and using them to enhance their learning in maths, art, movement and story wring. Alongside all this children are sll finding me to work on their individual class topics. 5B & 5W Swimming Fri 7th Nov (am) LED Sidmouth Following on from our recent NSPCC assemblies, everyone has also been involved in acvies to raise sponsorship for this charity, by running, jumping or dancing to achieve their targets. Please can you ensure your children’s sponsor forms and any money are returned by Monday. Enjoy your weekend. Paul Walker Secondary Education - The Next Step The closing date for applying for your child’s transfer to Secondary Education in September 2015 is 31st October 2014. Non Pupil Day Monday 3rd November Remembrance Week Tues 4th - 7th Nov Remembrance Day Assemblies Tues 11th Nov 10.50am All sites Founda6on New Intake 2015 Tues 11th Nov 1.30am Manstone Avenue site Founda6on New Intake 2015 Wed 12th Nov 9.30am Vicarage Road site PTFA Cake Sales Year 6, 1/2J & 1/2H Thurs 13th November Children in Need Day Friday 14th November You must apply for a school place. You can apply online or return the Common Application Form to your child’s primary school or direct to the Admissions Team by 31 October 2014. Applications after this will be considered late unless you can show that you were unable to apply on time. They will email you or write to you to tell you about the school place they can offer your child on 2 March 2015. For more information visit or if you have any questions about the admissions process contact 0845 155 1019. 5B & 5W Swimming Fri 14th Nov (am) LED Sidmouth Open Day (all sites) Tuesday 18th Nov 9 - 10.30 am and 2 - 3.45pm 5B & 5W Swimming Fri 21st Nov (am) LED Sidmouth 4H’s Wonderful Week This week 4H had a trip down to the Byes where they took part in invertebrate sampling. They found lots of life in the river and could idenfy it using the cards. In English we have been looking at a cartoon strip picture book about “chocolate land”! The children will write their own story about their own land, some ideas include “football” and “candy land”. Week 6 Page 2 1/2S’s Action Packed Adventure On Thursday 1/2S travelled to the Manstone Avenue site and spent the whole day there. The class were creang a gymnasc sequence using the wall bars, boxes, planks and floor to portray an acon sequence where a villain was trying to escape from James Bond. Some of the children then spent me in the a ernoon filming the scene using the Ipads, whilst others reviewed and evaluated their learning or used the notes so ware to write about what they did. Poppy Appeal From Monday 20th October we will be selling “Poppy” merchandise in preparaon for Remembrance Day on 11th November. Stocks are limited so buy early to avoid disappointment! Items can be purchased from the offices and will include: Friendship bracelet (various colours) Flexi Rulers (various colours) Wristbands (various colours) Bugs Ta&oo (pack of ten) Hair clips (various colours) Pencils (various colours) Erasers Reflecve Tag Week 6 £1.00 £1.00 £0.50 £0.50 £0.50 £0.50 £0.50 £0.50 £0.50 Page 3 4W’s Wet Science As part of the Science Week acvies, 4W have been exploring the waters of the River Sid. Menu Change Please note that the Kitchen will be changing Salmon Bites to Salmon Fishcake. This will be a permanent change. Thank you. Tempest School Photographs Please note that the final deadline for sending in school photograph orders for Tempest is Thursday 23rd October. School Meals Just a reminder that school meals should be paid for IN ADVANCE. Please send payments in a named envelope. The cost of a meal is £2.20. Week 6 Page 4 3S - Busy in the Byes 3S have been busy in the Byes. First of all we went to the orchard to find our class trees. We found trees we had planted in Year 2 and were thrilled to find that our Class 3S tree was doing well. 4NS, we promise we'll take good care of it. A er that we pracsed our sketching techniques and drew the seed heads, leaves and trees in the orchard. (Back in class, Riley was finally pleased with his oil pastel.) We loved playing with the sycamore seeds which are like helicopters. This clever design helps the seeds disperse further away from the original trees. Our favourite part was idenfying the trees and learning how we can measure the height of the trees. Thank you to our guides who taught us so much. F/1F’s Bug Hunt F/1F went to the Byes on Tuesday for a 'Bug Hunt'. We had a great me and found lots of spiders, ladybirds and even a cricket. We also looked for scks and found the biggest and smallest, a er which we played Pooh Scks on the bridge. A great me was had by all. Week 6 Page 5 6T’s Science in the Byes As part of this week’s Science Fesval we have been kick sampling in the River Sid. Here are some photos from our trip down the Byes. 1/2J’s Numbers and Trees 1/2J were exploring number and place value this week. For one of our acvies we made pictures out of Dienes and then counted the tens and ones to work out the value of our art! 1/2J enjoyed our tree idenficaon acvies in the Byes. We also learned about why the leaves change colour in autumn as well as discovering some interesng fungi! Week 6 Page 6 3B’s Maths and Movement 3B have been checking all of our number bonds this week. We had lots of fun with the different acvies as you can see from the photos! 3B have also been thinking about how animals move. How can we move like them? We were using different postures and heights of our bodies. Did we need to be close to the ground? Did we need two legs, four legs, or none at all??? Help Wanted!! Calling all families (especially Vicarage Road children). Are you green-fingered and can you spare some me to help clear the wild garden area so that it can be used by the children for Outdoor Educaon lessons? Mr Woolfenden will be working in the garden area next Friday a ernoon, if you can spare some me to help out. If you are able to help any other day - please see Mrs Johns. Thank you! Week 6 Page 7 3B - Science Week and River Dipping! This week as part of our Science Fesval week we have had fun splashing about in the river and finding some great creatures. 6B’s Invertebrate Sampling As part of Sidmouth Science Fesval 6B were able to be involved in some invertebrate sampling in The Byes. They thoroughly enjoyed kick sampling in the river and had some amazing catches. Who knew the River Sid is home to such fascinang creatures? Week 6 Page 8 4NS Go Bug Hunting! 4NS visited the Byes on Tuesday to take part in a ‘bug hunt’. This acvity was part of Science Fesval week and involved the children ‘sweep sampling’ the long grass to see what bugs they could catch. They found lots of different bugs and now know how to tell the difference between a cricket and a grasshopper! Whilst they were in the Byes, 4NS visited the orchard to look at the fruit tree they planted last year. NSPCC Sponsorship Buddy and I are looking forward to vising the school again. We will be vising on Tuesday 21st October to collect sponsorship and distribute the “Thank You” badges for the classes parcipang. Please can everyone remember to bring their forms and money in by Monday. Thank you. Roisin Turley New resources for Sidmouth Mums online Facebook group 'Sidmouth Mums Group' for café meet-ups, play-dates, charity bakes and more. Also perfect for those new-to-town and for parenng advice and support. Facebook group 'Sidmouth Mums Swap or Sell' to find, swap or sell toys, books, clothing, furniture, and even buggies for your li&le ones. Week 6 Page 9 FP’s Exciting Week Class FP have had a very excing week doing lots of different acvies. We have been to the Byes for Science Week and enjoyed meeng Meg, who helped us to find and idenfy lots of different mini-beasts. We found some scks and threw them over the bridge just like Pooh Bear! Thank you to all the mums and dads who helped look a er us. We have also been dancing to help raise money for the NSPCC. The Hokey Cokey and the Grand Old Duke of York were our favourites! Week 6 Page 10 3TB - Bug Hunting at the Byes! We had to see how many different coloured flowers and leaves we could find and then we made them into a class mosaic. Working together. We will get those bugs! Got them! The long walk home! Week 6 Page 11 PTFA After School Cake Sales Introducing... The A"er School Cake Sales! The idea is to have a cake sale every few weeks a er school (on each site) on a Thursday. Classes will take turns to contribute cakes – so you only have to provide something for one of the sales but of course can buy from any! A list of the dates and classes to contribute are below. The profits from each sale will be split equally between the PTFA and the contribung classes – so funds go straight back to your class or towards the next project the PTFA is raising money for. There are 4 dates set for this school year in order that each class/year group can have a turn at contribung and raising money. Last year classes spent their money on various things such as treats on trips, food for class topic pares, playground toys and recording bu&ons! Date Woolbrook Road Vicarage Road Manstone Avenue 13th November All Year 6 classes 1/2 J 1/2 H 22nd January All Year 5 classes 1/2 S 1/2 C 12th March All Year 4 classes F/1 F F/1 G 7th May All Year 3 classes FS FL There will also be a sale on the following day to use up any le -overs. So, please help out by bringing a cake/s to school on the Thursday morning – bought or homemade it doesn’t ma&er. Please remember there is a policy of no nuts at school due to allergies. Thank you. Porons of up to 6 or 8 are ideal to try to limit the quanty. If you would like to help man the stall on any site, please let the PTFA know beforehand. Thank you. We are looking forward to a good sale! The PTFA raises money to provide extra resources, equipment or other projects that are not covered by the schools’ LEA funding. It is a non-profit organisaon and all money raised goes back to your school and benefits your children. Stars of the Week This week’s stars of the week are: Isaac FL, Natalia F/1G, Alden 1/2C, Jessica 1/2H, Ruby 1/2J, Keajanne FS, Ashlee F/1F, James 1/2S, Rose 3TB, Kara 3B, Brooke 4H, Dev 4W, Ryan 5T, Eve 5B, Jacob 5W, Eloise 6RE, Joe 6B and George 6T. Week 6 Page 12 School Meals Menu choices (w/c 22 September) are: Hot Meal Vegetarian Meal Side Dishes Dessert Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sausages Roast Chicken Spaghetti Bolognaise Roast Chicken Salmon Bites Vegetarian Sausages Quorn Fillet Vegetarian Bolognaise Vegetarian Quiche Cheese Wheels Pasta or hash browns and spaghetti hoops Roast or mashed potato, carrots, peas and gravy Garlic bread and vegetables Roast or mashed potato, sweetcorn, peas and gravy Chips or pasta, vegetables and tomato sauce Lemon drizzle cake Smoothie Iced buns and milk drink Chocolate brownie and ice cream Muffin and fruit juice Jacket Potatoes, Packed Lunches and a Salad Bar are also available everyday. Water is available to drink and sometimes fruit juice / milkshake. Fresh fruit and yoghurt are available as alternative desserts. The price of a school lunch is £2.20 per day and must be paid in advance. Meals can be paid for by cheque or cash which should be sent to school on either a Monday or Thursday morning in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class on it. Cheques should be made payable to DCC. PTFA Christmas Cards Hopefully everyone should have their Christmas Card sample in the book bags today. All the children worked really hard to create their designs in plenty of me for Christmas! If you would like to order cards, gi tags, mugs or (new this year) tea towels, please complete the order form that came with the card and return to school with the correct payment BEFORE Friday 24th October. This will allow plenty of me for the order to be processed and returned to school in me to start thinking about wring those cards! There is usually a late order date in December but please don't wait unl the last minute! Cheques should be made payable to Sidmouth Primary PTFA. Thank you! Weather Changes Can we please ask parents / carers to ensure children have a warm showerproof coat for playtimes, especially now the weather is turning colder and wetter. Thank you. Week 6 Page 13 Sidmouth SCIENCE Festival Friday Club FRIDAY CLUB! ! @ Emmanuel Bapst Church. Games, Wii, bouncy castle, refreshments. All free. NO CLUB 24th OCTOBER. Club resumes 7th November. Call Mark 07887372116 for more info. For ages 6-11. Week 6 Page 14 Scouts Jumble Sale Sid Valley Info Evening Sid Valley Practice invites you to an Information Evening at Stowford Community Centre on Wednesday 29th October, anytime from 4 – 7pm Displays and presentations will include: • • • • • An update and progress with plans for the new Beacon Medical Centre at Stowford. • An opportunity to hear about and discuss “Transforming Community Services” : proposals for community services in our area. • The patient survey finding from last year and what actions have been taken to improve services to patients. • What the Patient Participation Group is about. You can attend at any time; discuss issues with members of the Practice or the Practice Participation Group; look at the displays or listen to the presentations. Short presentations will take place at 4.30pm about the new centre and at 5.30pm about the proposals for community services. Half Term Football Camp Week 6 Wanted in Paradise Page 15 Sidmouth C of E Primary School Woolbrook Road Site 55 Woolbrook Road Sidmouth EX10 9XB Phone: 01395 514146 E-mail: [email protected] Absence Line: 01395 572940 thwww. sidmou . on Mission Statement: “To be a posi9ve learning community where everyone enjoys the opportunity to achieve within a caring Chris9an environment.” JM DanceFit Junior Starz* Autumn Term Zumba Classes We have had a fantasc start to the JM DanceFit Autumn Term Zumba Kids classes. There are currently spaces available for addional children to join the class, which is open to all children whether they a&end the school or not. *Every Wednesday* 3.30pm - 4.30pm Sidmouth Junior Starz* (7-11 year olds) - WOOLBROOK ROAD SITE - MAIN HALL Remaining Autumn Term Class Dates: October 22nd, November 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th, December 3rd, 10th, 17th. The cost of each class is £4 per child, with half termly fees paid at the first lesson. If you would like to book your child a place, please contact Johanna directly on 07739518587 or at All Adult and Children's Zumba class details can be found at If your child is currently aAending the class and you would like them to con9nue a"er the half term break, in order to confirm their place, please provide the next half-termly fee payment of £28.00 (£4 per child x 7 classes = £28) in a named sealed envelope to the school recep9on no later than Wednesday 22nd October.
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