U.O.S.D. Chirurgia Plastica Direttore Dr. A. Borriello XII INTERNATIONAL COURSE OF PLASTIC SURGERY Choices in facial rejuvenation Program Director: Alfredo Borriello M.D. Napoli, october 17 -18 2014 Hotel San Francesco al Monte (C.so V. Emanuele, 328) XII INTERNATIONAL COURSE OF PLASTIC SURGERY Dear colleagues and friends, Choices in facial rejuvenation It's my pleasure to invite you to the XII° International Course of Plastic Surgery to taking place in Naples on 17-18 October 2014. Since its conception more ten years ago the International Course in Naples was one of the most attended course in Naples and in Italy with the partecipation of the best international plastic surgeons. The main goal of the course of this year is to stimulate debate on choises, controversies and new tecniques for facial rejuvenation. This year we'll host international and national experts in the field of facial plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine and everyone will show the limits and alternatives of its practice. If you have missed this course in previous years, make sure that you will love the experiences of this special event, that offer the latest state of the art of the aesthetics surgery of the face. Naples, famous for history, architecture, hidden corners, beautiful places as Pompei, Capri, Sorrento and fine cuisine will be a wonderful setting for this special meeting. Napoli, october, 17-18 2014 Come and join us in Naples in October 2014. Alfredo Borriello XII INTERNATIONAL COURSE OF PLASTIC SURGERY Choices in facial rejuvenation Faculty International A. Bonnefonn F. Braccini J.G. V.Finckenstein A. Graziosi R. Mene C. Volpei Francia Francia Germania Brasile Brasile Francia Faculty F.P. Alberico A. Alessandrini A. Amaturo V. Argenzio S. Ascione C. Bernardi S. Bizzarri G. Botti A. Borriello R. Bracaglia A. Caggiati G. Campiglio P. Canta G. Cricrì R. D' Alessio P. Gaddini Napoli Roma Napoli Napoli Napoli Roma Roma Salo' Napoli Roma Roma Milano Napoli Roma Napoli Roma A. Gubitosi P. Forgione P. Mezzana A. Paci M. Pelleceravolo L. Piovano L. Porrozzi V. Pucci D. Riitano P. Rovatti F. Saccomanno L. Scrimali G. Sito D. Spirito M. Tretti Clementoni M. Valeriani Napoli Napoli Roma Roma Roma Roma Perugia Napoli Roma Verona Roma Catania Napoli Roma Milano Roma Local Scientific Committee M.Ippolito, S.Marlino,V.Minieri,V.Guerra, A. Santorelli, B. Lo Sapio, G.Grimaldi XII INTERNATIONAL COURSE OF PLASTIC SURGERY Friday october 17 Choices in facial rejuvenation 8.00 8.30 Registration of partecipants Opening cerimony: Dott. E. Esposito - Direttore Generale ASL Na1 Dott.ssa A. Guida - Direttore Sanitario ASL NA1 Dott. R. Lanzetta - Direttore Dipartimento Ospedaliero ASL Na1 Dott. M. Ferrara - Direttore Sanitario P.O. Pellegrini ASL Na1 9.00 - 11.00 Panel: Aestethic surgery of the eyelids and upper face (12 minutes) Moderators: A. Borriello, G. Botti Browlift and periorbital rejuvenation A. Graziosi (SP- Brazil) Face rejuvenation with videoendoscopy tecnique and ancillar procedures P.L. Canta (Na – Italy) Fat repositioning versus fat resection or autologous fat graft in lower eyelid blefaroplasty R. Bracaglia (Roma – Italy) Role of canthopexies in blepharoplasties: fundamental step or useless adjunct? G. Botti (Salò – Italy) The concept of “negative vector” in blefaroplasty. Its importance and treatment M. Pelleceravolo (Roma – Italy) Augmentation blepharoplasty C. Volpei (Nice - France) Transconjunctival vs trascutaneous approach; cantopexy always? My opinions F. Saccomanno (Roma – Italy) Aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery integration in the upper third of the face R. D'Alessio (Na – Italy) Subsequent discussion of difficult cases submitted to the discussants B. Castelli, A. Cuozzo, M. Gioia, I. La Rusca, C. Pellegrini, A. Romano, S. Rosso, A. Stanziola, A. Santorelli 11.00 - 11.15 Coffee Break 11.15 - 13.30 Panel: Aesthetic surgery of the face (12 minutes) Moderators: R. D’Alessio, M. Pelleceravolo Facial oncoplastic surgery: the midpoint between reconstructive and aesthetic surgery A. Caggiati (12 minutes) Senile nose V. Pucci (Na - Italy) Deep vertical lift tecnique A. Bonnefonn (Montpellier - France) What treatment for midface ptosis? From Oswley's procedure to high-SMAS and then up to sub-periosteal midface lift G. Botti (Salò - Italy) Short scar and anterior sub SMAS rhtidectomy G. Campiglio (Mi - Italy) Subperiosteal Mid face lift A. Bonnefonn (Montpellier - France) A video atlas on a cadaver of surgical technique for the aging neck M. Pelleceravolo (Roma - Italy) Neck Lift: indication and treatment A. Graziosi (SP- Brazil) Submental incision is necessary to obtain better correction? A. Paci (Roma -Italy) Direct Necklift in men: Platysmectomy from a direct submandibular approach J.G.V.Finckenstein (Starnberg - Germania) Alloplastic augmentation of the face: a good alternative to fillers and fat F. Saccomanno(Roma - Italy) Complications in face lift surgery and their prevention D. Spirito (Roma -Italy) Subsequent discussion of difficult cases submitted to the discussants G. Aliberti, F. Bevilacqua, G. Capone C. D'Antonio, A. Fonzone, S. Langella, A. Nunziata, G.P. Pitruzzella, G. Sposato 13.30 - 14.30 Lunch 14.30 - 16.30 Panel: Fat grafting (12 minutes) Moderators: V. Argenzio, R. Bracaglia Differences in stromal vascular cell composition of lipoaspirate harvested by barbed or smooth multiholes cannulae A. Caggiati (Roma - Italy) An easy and safe approach to the use of fat grafting in the periorbital areas M. Pelleceravolo (Rome – Italy) Medio-facial lift/Lipostructure: indications in centro-facial rejuvenation C. Volpei (Nice - France) Fat grafting in aesthetic face surgery: volume substitution and skin enhancement J.G.V. Finckenstein (Starnberg - Germania) Fat grafting: always bed of roses? G. Botti (Salò – Italy) Fat grafting versus dermal filler in facial rejuvenation G. Campiglio (Mi – Italy) Subsequent discussion of difficult cases submitted to the discussants V. Accardo, A. Apolito, A. Cappelli, G.Di Caprio, R. Eccellente , V. Guerra, B.Lo Sapio, E. Pagnozzi, A. Rotondo, S.Ruiz 16.30 - 16.45 Coffee break 16.45 - 18.45 Moderators: F. Saccomanno, A. Paci An easy way to minimize room for claims R. Bracaglia (12 minutes) Roud table: tricks and traps and complication in face surgery: how to solve (7 minutes) A. Amaturo, S. Ascione, A. Bonnefonn, G. Botti, R. Bracaglia, G. Cricrì, A. Graziosi, M. Pelleceravolo, L. Porrozzi, D. Riitano,C. Volpei 20.30 GALA DINNER XII INTERNATIONAL COURSE OF PLASTIC SURGERY Choices in facial rejuvenation Saturday october 18 09.00 - 11.00 Panel: Non surgical rejuvenation (12 minutes) Moderators: A. Borriello, M. Valeriani Face resurfacing with a new protocol of combined CO2 P. Mezzana(Roma - Italy) Surgical indications and lasers in facial rejuvenation M. Tretti Clementoni (Mi - Italy) Blefaroplasty with laser and periorbital treatments with laser skin resurfacing: 19 years fallow up R. Mene (RJ - Brazil) Treatments Q-Switched tecnology with three different wavelengths M. Tretti Clementoni (Mi - Italy) Facial contouring of the lower third: how i do it P. Rovatti (Verona - Italy) Endolaser lift, theory and practice L. Scrimali (Catania - Italy) Thread lift stand alone or combined procedure M. Valeriani (Roma - Italy) PDO threads grafting, after H2O2 modulated TCA: an advantageous treatment? F.P. Alberico (Na - Italy) Combined treatments in facial renjuvenation P. Forgione (Na - Italy) Subsequent discussion of difficult cases submitted to the discussants F. De Angelis, D. D'Angelo,C. Gagliardi, J. Grimaldi, M. Ippolito, C. Petroccione, G. Noschese,V. Volpe 11.00 -11.30 Coffee Break 11.30 - 13.20 Panel: Aesthetic non surgical rejuvenation (12 minutes) Moderators: G. Sito, A. Gubitosi Web marketing for the Medical Practice P. Gaddini (12 minutes) Tear - trough : new options treatment G. Sito (Na - Italy) Management of negative facial expressions with filler and BTA F. Braccini (Nice- France) Face volumization: medical versus surgical treatments C. Bernardi (Roma - Italy) The frontier between laser and chemical peelings R. Mene (RJ - Brazil ) Botulinium Toxin and eyebrow tail elevation: possibilities C. Volpei (Nice- France) Eyebrow lift surgical versus medical procedures L. Piovano (Roma - Italy) Lips: morphologic studies and injections tecnique A. Alessandrini (Roma - Italy) Aging face: the right choise of the fillers for the natural reshape A. Alessandrini (Roma - Italy) New generation of dermal filler with jaluronic acid S. Bizzarri (Roma - Italy) Subsequent discussion of difficult cases submitted to the discussant R. Cerra, M. Ciliberti, G. Fera, F. Iazzetta, S. Marlino, V. Minieri, S. Scioli, P. Ziccardi 13.30 Discussion 14.00 Closing remarks - Adjourn XII INTERNATIONAL COURSE OF PLASTIC SURGERY Choices in facial rejuvenation General Information Congress dates The Congress will take place from Friday, October 17 to Saturday,October 18 2014 How to reach Naples By flight: The international airport of Naples Capodichino is connected with the most important airports in Europe and with the International Airports of Rome (Fiumicino) and Milan (Malpensa and Linate). All the major companies have direct flights from most of the European capital cities to Naples. By train: The main railway station in Naples is the Napoli Centrale/Piazza Garibaldi. Naples is connected with all the major Italian and European cities with fast trains called Eurostar. By car: There is a fast highway road connection with Rome (less than two hours) and the rest of Italy. The A1 “Autostrada del Sole” connects Naples from all the directions. Weather Day time temperatures range from 20-18° C Registration Fee (in Euro) Please note that registration fees include VAT 22% Medical Doctor In training Doctor (student) Nurse Accompanying person Gala dinner € 244,00 € 148,40 € 50,00 € 183,00 € 122,00 CME The event is credited with the Provider MP Congressi (N. 1263). Event N103112 CME Credits N. 12 for 100 participants - Surgeon Disciplines: Chirurgia generale, Chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva, Chirurgia Maxillo – Facciale, Dermatologia e Venereologia, Infermieri The credits will be provided to participants only after verification: - Membership in one of the disciplines accredited - Drop off material at the desk, with the completed registration form in its entirety - Verification of 100% of presence in the classroom - Verification of 75% of correct answers to test learning The registration form can be downloaded from the website: www.mpcongress.it Payments All payments must be made in Euro (€), addressed to MP s.r.l. Congressi e Comunicazione and marked with the code “Congress October 17/18”. Credit Card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Bank Transfer: Account holder: “MP Congressi e Comunicazione” Bank: Banca della Campania Agency 1 Napoli (Italy) IBAN IT28T0539203401000000211837 Swift code: BPMOIT22 XII INTERNATIONAL COURSE OF PLASTIC SURGERY Registration Form Choices in facial rejuvenation Please fill in ( complete in block capitals) and return to: MP s.r.l. Congressi e Comunicazione Via Coroglio, 57/D – 80124 Napoli Ph. +39 081 5753432 - +39 081 2466459 fax +39 081 5750145 e-mail: [email protected] web site : www.mpcongress.it PARTICIPANT ___________________________________________________________ Family Name First Name ___________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________ Post Code City Country ___________________________________________________________ Mobile Ph./Fax. ___________________________________________________________ e-mail ___________________________________________________________ Fiscal Code o VAT Num. Date of birth Place of birth ACCOMPANYING PERSON ___________________________________________________________ Family Name First Name REGISTRATION FEES (in Euro) Please note that registration fees include VAT 22% Medical Doctor € 244,00 In training doctor (student) € 146,40 Gala dinner € 122,00 Nurse € 50,00 Accompanying person € 183,00 Total Amount €…………….. The event is credited with the Provider MP Congressi (N. 1263). Event N 103112 CME Credits N. 12 for 100 participants - Surgeon Disciplines: Chirurgia generale, Chirurgia plastica e ricostruttiva, Chirurgia Maxillo – Facciale, Dermatologia e Venereologia, Infermieri PAYMENTS ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE IN EURO AND ADDRESSED TO MP S.R.L. AND MARKED WITH THE CODE “CONGRESS OCTOBER 17/18 + name and surname of the registered Person” Credit Card / Please charge the sum of Euro _______________ + transit commission bank € 9,00 from Visa Master Card Carta Si Card Number n._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Expiration Date / / Number of security __ __ __ * Corresponds to the last 3 digits of the identification number on the back of the card Cardholder_________________Signature_________________Date______________ Bank Transfer / (net of bank charges) Euro___________________________________ Account holder: “MP srl Congressi e Comunicazione” Bank: Banca della Campania Ag. 1 – Napoli Account n. 211837 Abi code: 05392 Cab code : 03401 Cin T IBAN code : IT28T0539203401000000211837 – SWIFT code: BPMOITC1 Certification of payment made by bank transfer must be mailed or faxed with the registration form. In accordance with Legislative Decree 196/03 I authorize the use of data provided for the purpose of receiving information and notices. Date__________________ Signature ______________________________________ Organizing Secretariat Via Coroglio, 57/d, c/o Città della Scienza 80124 Napoli Tel. +39 081.575.34.32 - +39 - Fax +39 081.575.01.45 [email protected] - www.mpcongress.it s.r.l. congressi&comunicazione
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