Curriculum Vitae Personal info Full name Nationality Ida Moltke Danish Education Jul ‘11 Oct ‘07 Jun ‘05 PhD in medical and evolutionary genetics, University of Copenhagen/UC Berkeley. Advisor: Professor Rasmus Nielsen, M.Sc. Bioinformatics, University of Copenhagen B.Sc. Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Copenhagen Academic positions June ’12Postdoc, University of Chicago. Advisor: Matthew Stephens, Professor at UChicago Aug ’11- May ‘12 Postdoc, University of Copenhagen. Advisor: Rasmus Nielsen, Professor at UC Berkeley Dec ‘07-Jul ‘11 PhD student, University of Copenhagen/UC Berkeley. Advisor: Rasmus Nielsen Teaching Summer/fall ‘12 Summer ‘12 Winter ’11 Summer ’11 Spring ‘09, ‘10 Summer ‘09 Summer ‘08 Spring ‘08 Fall ‘06 Co-advisor on master thesis on population genetic tests for new generation sequencing data Co-organizer of and lecturer on a PhD course in human medical Genetics. Taught together with Professors Rasmus Nielsen, Andrew G. Clark and Yun S. Song. Taught ¼ of a master course on basic statistics, University of Copenhagen (gave all lectures and exercise classes and formulated an exam assignment) Co-organizer of and lecturer on a PhD course in human medical genetics taught together with Professors Rasmus Nielsen and Andrew G. Clark and Mark A. Beaumont Taught 1/3 of a master course on population genetics, University of Copenhagen (gave all lectures and exercise classes, formulated exams and corrected exams) Co-organizer and TA on an international PhD course in human population genetics taught by Professors Rasmus Nielsen, Monty Slatkin and Andrew G. Clark Co-organizer and TA on a PhD course on comparative genomics taught by Professors Rasmus Nielsen, John Huelsenbeck and Andrew G. Clark Guest lecturer on a master course on phylogenetics, University of Copenhagen TA on a master course on computer programming and Unix, University of Copenhagen Participation in major international research projects ’09-’10 Sequencing and analysis of the first ancient human nuclear genome. A collaboration between researchers from University of Copenhagen, UC Berkeley, Cambridge University and Oxford University. The resulting paper was published in Nature. ’08-’11 Sequencing and comparative analysis of 29 mammalian genomes. A collaboration between researchers from University of Copenhagen, Harvard University, MIT and Stanford University. The resulting paper was published in Nature. ’11-present Five projects based on whole genome sequencing of ancient humans and horses. The projects are all collaborations between researchers from University of Copenhagen, UC Berkeley, Stanford University and U Chicago. 4 of the projects are still ongoing. The 5th has resulted in a paper published in Nature. Talks/Workshops/Conferences June ’12 Dec ’11 Nov ’11 Nov ’11 Oct ’11 Oct ’11 Sep ‘11 Jul ‘11 Jul ‘11 Oct ‘09 May ‘09 Invited to give a talk at Centre for Geogenetics, Copenhagen, Denmark Workshop: “Coancestry, Association and Population Genomics”, UCLA, USA Talk at the Department of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics, Cornell, USA Talk at the Department of Human Genetics, University of Chicago, USA Conference: American Society of Human Genetics’ annual meeting, Montreal, Canada. Workshop: “Populations of the New World: impact of founder effects on health”, Canada. Talk at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Paris, France Talk at the Annual meeting for the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, Kyoto, Japan Conference: Annual meeting for the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, Kyoto, Japan Conference: American Society of Human Genetics’ annual meeting, Honolulu, USA, poster Conference: Biology of Genomes, CSHL, USA, poster Theses A probabilistic model of local RNA 3D structure, Master Statistical inference of IBD sharing in humans and its applications in evolutionary and medical genetics, PhD Additional contributions to the academic community Fall ’12‘11-‘12 ’05-’07 Organizer of a journal club on population genetics at the University of Chicago Co-organizer of monthly meetings to facilitate collaborations between 6 labs at the University of Copenhagen working with population genetics Member of the study board for Bioinformatics at the University of Copenhagen This included being a reviewer of all the applicants for the Master’s program. Grants/scholarships/awards ’12 ’11 ’11 ‘11 ’08-‘10 ’06-’07 Sapere Aude: DFF Ung Eliteforsker award, Danish Council for Independent Research (~1M dkk) Postdoc fellowship, Danish Council for Independent Research (FSS) (~2M dkk) Postdoc fellowship, Danish Council for Independent Research (FNU) (~2M dkk) (declined) Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, graduate student travel award 2011 University of Copenhagen grant for visiting UC Berkeley regularly during my PhD Carlsbergs Mindelegat; a Danish scholarship, awarded to Master students whom a committee consisting primarily of professors from several Danish universities considers to be especially talented. Current collaborators Professor Rasmus Nielsen, UC Berkeley Professors Eske Willerslev and Ludovic Orlando, Centre for GeoGenetics, University of Copenhagen Professor Finn Cilius Nielsen, Rigshospitalet Professor Torben Hansen, The Novo Nordisk Foundation for Basic Metabolic Research Post doc Anders Albrechtsen, The Bioinformatics Centre, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen Publications (11 in total, 3 as first author) L Orlando, A Ginolhac, G Zhang, D Froese, A Albrechtsen, M Stiller, M Schubert, E Cappelino, B Petersen, I Moltke et al.: Recalibrating Equus evolution using the genome sequence of an early Middle Pleistocene horse. Nature. 2013 Jul; 499; 74–78 K Lindblad-Toh, M Garber, O Zuk, MF Lin, BJ Parker, S Washietl, P Kheradpour, J Ernst, G Jordan, E Mauceli, LD Ward, CB Lowe, AK Holloway, M Clamp, S Gnerre, J Alfoldi, K Beal, J Chang, H Clawson, J Cuff, FD Palma, S Fitzgerald, P Flicek, M Guttman, MJ Hubisz, DB Jaffe, I Jungreis, WJ Kent, D Kostka, M Lara, AL Martins, T Massingham, I Moltke et al.: A high-resolution map of evolutionary constraint in the human genome based on 29 eutherian mammals. Nature. 2011 Oct; 478(7370):476-82. BJ Parker , I Moltke, A Roth, S Washietl, J Wen, M Kellis, R Breaker, JS Pedersen: New families of human regulatory RNA structures identified by comparative analysis of vertebrate genomes. Genome Research. 2011 Nov; 21(11):1929-43. L Orlando, A Ginolhac, M Raghavan, J Vilstrup, M Rasmussen, K Magnussen, K Steinmann, P Kapranov, JF Thompson, G Zazula, D Froese, I Moltke, B Shapiro, M Hofreiter, KAS Al-Rashid, J Mundy, MTP Gilbert, E Willerslev: True Single-Molecule DNA Sequencing of a Pleistocene Horse bone. Genome Research. 2011 Oct; 21(10):1705-19. I Moltke, A Albrechtsen, TvO Hansen, FC Nielsen, R Nielsen: A method for detecting IBD Regions in Multiple Individuals Simultaneously with applications to mapping. Genome Research. 2011 Jul; 21(7):1168-80. AM Kolte, HS Nielsen, I Moltke, B Degn, B Pedersen, L Sunde, FC Nielsen, OB Christiansen: A genomewide scan in affected sib-pairs with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage suggests genetic linkage. Mol. Hum. Reprod. 2011 Jun;17(6):379-85. A Albrechtsen*, I Moltke*, R Nielsen: Natural selection and the distribution of Identity By Descent in the human genome. Genetics. 2010 Sep;186(1):295-308. (*=joint first authorship) M Rasmussen, Y Li, S Lindgreen, JS Pedersen, A Albrechtsen, I Moltke et al.: Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo. Nature. 2010 Feb; 463(7282):757-62. A Albrechtsen, TS Korneliussen, I Moltke, TO Hansen, FC Nielsen, R Nielsen: Relatedness mapping and tracts of relatedness for genome-wide data in the presence of linkage disequilibrium. Genetic epidemiology. 2009 Apr; 33(3): 266-74. J Frellsen*, I Moltke*, M Thiim, KV Mardia, J Ferkinghoff-Borg, T Hamelryck: A probabilistic model of RNA conformational space. PLoS Comp Biol. 2009 Jun;5(6):e1000406. (*=joint first authorship) TT Marstrand, J Frellsen, I Moltke, M Thiim, E Valen, D Retelska, A Krogh: Asap: A Framework for OverRepresentation Statistics for Transcription Factor Binding Sites. PLoS ONE. 2008 Feb 20;3(2):e1623.
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