Professional teachers, for teachers… est. 1984 Fall Preview 2014 Greater Capital Region Teacher Center for Effective Teaching, 512 Albany-Shaker Rd, Albany, NY 12211 · 518.489.0568 · Letter from the Director of the Teacher Center Welcome back! The Greater Capital Region Teacher Center for Effective Teaching (GCRTC) is proud to present our 31st year of quality professional learning experiences created by teachers, for teachers. Established by NYS Education Law 316 and funded annually by the NYS Legislature, New York State Teacher Centers are the only legislatively created entity devoted exclusively to teacher-driven professional learning. As the largest teacher center outside of New York City, GCRTC is able to provide some of the most comprehensive, innovative and sustainable professional learning experiences available. By partnering with our regional BOCES, institutions of higher education, professional organizations, businesses and cultural institutions, we catalyze and support a continuum of teacher learning for the greatest possible impact on student achievement. Whether you are a seasoned educator or brand-new to the profession, we have something for you! After browsing through this preview catalog, be sure to visit our on-line catalog at for the most current list of professional learning activities available. Make this your most professionally rewarding school year ever! Valerie Lovelace, Executive Director Greater Capital Region Teacher Center Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind Fall Book Study! See page 5 for details! TEACHER QUALITY INITIATIVES Capital District Writing Project……...4 Data Driven Instruction………………3 Grantsmanship……………………….5 Instructional Coaching……………….2 Mentoring…………………….………..2 National Board………………………..6 NYSUT ELT…………………………10 Professional Strategies……………...3 School Community…………………...5 GCRTC INFORMATION GCRTC Notices………………………7 GCRTC Service Area………………12 Open House…………………………..7 Policy Board / GCRTC Staff………...2 Registration………………………….12 Visit our website at or scan the QR Code below for details on all of our programs and services, highlights of current and past courses, and our most up-to-date announcements. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook! The Core Connection is back! Greater Capital Region Teacher Center is excited to announce the return of the Core Connection! This catalog is just a sample of our offerings. Please visit our MLP web registration page for the most current listing of our courses. Use: or the QR code to the left. 512 Albany-Shaker Road Albany, NY 12211 · 518.489.0568 Core Connection is a publication of the Greater Capital Region Teacher Center for Effective Teaching. Mailing address: 512 Albany-Shaker Road, Albany, NY 12211. 518.489.0568 POLICY BOARD Mary Kruchinski, Co-Chair Salem CSD Kate Gurley, Co-Chair Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake SD Tim Backus Assistant Superintendent, South Colonie SD Dr. Sherry Guice Teacher, South Colonie SD Robert Hayes Teacher, Johnstown SD Theresa Hayes Teacher, Amsterdam SD Jennifer Justice Teacher, Albany SD Anthony McCann Shenendehowa SD (retired) Elizabeth McGregor Teacher, Gloversville SD Maureen Sara Teacher, Glens Falls SD Nora Senecal Teacher, Hoosick Falls SD Audrey Vanderhoef Teacher, Berlin SD Dr. Virginia Goatley School of Education, UAlbany INSTRUCTIONAL COACHING As they work to improve instructional practice and, ultimately, student learning, many school districts have adopted instructional coaching as a model for teachers’ professional development. Research makes clear that improving teachers’ classroom practices has great potential to improve student learning. Research also shows that coaching is, by far, the most effective design for effecting change in instructional practice. COGNITIVE COACHING FOUNDATIONS The mission of Cognitive Coachingsm is to produce self-directed persons with the cognitive capacity for excellence both independently and as members of a community. Research indicates that teaching is a complex intellectual activity and that teachers who think at higher levels produce students who are higher achieving, more cooperative, and better problem solvers. It is the invisible skills of teaching, the thinking processes that underlie instructional decisions, which produce superior instruction. Cognitive Coachingsm is a research-based model that capitalizes upon and enhances teachers’ cognitive processes. In the eight-day seminars, participants learn how to: develop trust and rapport develop an identity as a mediator of thinking utilize conversation structures for planning, reflecting, and problem resolving develop teachers’ autonomy and sense of community develop higher levels of efficacy, consciousness, craftsmanship, flexibility, and interdependence apply four support functions: coaching, evaluating, consulting, collaborating utilize the coaching tools of pausing, paraphrasing, and posing questions distinguish among the five forms of feedback and use data to mediate thinking Facilitators: Stephanie Burt-Pelcher and Doreen Merola, Thinking Collaborativetm Location: Capital Region BOCES Dates: Sep 23, 24, 25; Dec 1, 2, 3 (2014); Jan 13, 14 (2015) Time: 8 am - 3 pm each day Fee: None, however registration is required. Underwritten by Eastern Upstate Regional Teacher Center Network, GCRTC and Capital Region BOCES Register Now! Karen Fox Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber of Commerce Maryanne Harper Non-Public Teacher, The Albany Academies (retired) James O. Dunham Principal, Scotia-Glenville CSD (retired) Ernest Casile Non-Public Administrator STAFF Valerie Lovelace Executive Director [email protected] Tiffany Phelps Program Specialist [email protected] Amy Carinci Program Support Specialist [email protected] 2 MENTORING GCRTC offers programs to support the growth of mentors, coaches, master teachers, consultant teachers, support providers, principals and coordinators of induction programs. Over the course of each school year, GCRTC offers three strands of programs to provide a comprehensive approach to teacher retention, teacher effectiveness and mentor participation. MENTORING IN THE MIDST OF CHANGE This two-day professional learning experience provides practical strategies and activities to encourage and strengthen mentoring and coaching relationships and will reflect the demands of the current educational climate and requirements. Participants will be introduced to methods for supporting teachers and colleagues in relation to curriculum, assessment, and instruction. They will also develop useful strategies and resources to assist them in providing feedback and improving the quality of instruction for both themselves and their colleagues. Instructor: Alexia Ryan Location: Capital Region BOCES Dates: Oct 8 & Nov 19 (Wed) Time: 8 am - 4 pm Fee: None, however registration is required, Underwritten by GCRTC Register: DATA DRIVEN INSTRUCTION Using evidence to make professional decisions is essential as educators strive to improve student learning. Teachers do not always have access to data about standardized or district testing data as soon as needed; however, there are many kinds of data that can be used to effectively inform instructional decisions. GCRTC provides many opportunities for teachers to share effective strategies for using data to focus and refine instruction. DATA IMPLEMENTATION STUDY RTI DAILY PLANNING BOOK K-6: BOOK STUDY During this 6 hour blended learning implementation study, participants will: In The RTI Daily Planning Book K-6, “Gretchen Owocki breaks RTI down to its essentials. She provides specific tools and sensible, developmentally sensitive strategies for collecting & assessing reading data [and] targeted follow-up instruction.” evaluate learning objectives; implement formative assessments; analyze and reflect on the data they collect; and use the analysis to inform their next instructional steps. Participants will be supported in the implementation process throughout the fall semester during monthly meetings and in an online collaborative community. Facilitator: Tiffany Phelps, GCRTC Location: Capital Region TBA Dates: Oct 7 (Tues), Nov 5 (Wed), Dec 9 (Tues) Time: 4 - 6 pm (6 hrs) Fee: None, however registration is required Underwritten by GCRTC Register: Session 1: Overview of RTI Session 2: Assessment Session 3: High Quality Instruction Session 4: Benchmarking/Progress Monitoring Session 5: Research-based Interventions Session 6: Problem-Solving Teams Session 7: Next Steps Session 8: Independent Project Facilitator: Stephanie Burt-Pelcher Location: WSHWE BOCES Dates: Session 1 Oct 25 (Sat), Sessions 2-7 TBA Times: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm (Session 1), 4 - 7 pm (Sessions 2-7) (30 hrs/2 in-service credits) Fee: None, however registration is required Underwritten by GCRTC and WSHWE BOCES Check the GCRTC MLP page soon for registration: (search “RTI”) PROFESSIONAL STRATEGIES Research consistently shows that teachers have the greatest potential to influence children’s education. GCRTC provides a wide range of professional development strategies to help teachers meet the needs of all students. Teacher Center programs meet teachers where they are and move them forward to greater effectiveness. Teachers are the key to maximizing student growth and inspiring them to life-long learning. COMMON CORE MATHEMATICS GRADES 6-8 DEVELOPING STUDENT MATHEMATICAL THINKING: A FOCUS ON THE COMMON CORE STANDARDS FOR MATHEMATICAL PRACTICE Turn your classroom into a problem-solving and reasoning center culminating with a student math conference! Can you imagine teaching music without students performing in a concert? How about teaching basketball with students doing basic drills but not playing in a game, teaching language arts and never having students read great books? Of course you can't! But, we teach the basics of math with a focus on having students follow algorithms and rarely let students do what professional mathematicians do. Student learning is enhanced when students believe they have the ability to learn, when they are valued by their teacher, when they are deeply engaged in the learning process, and when they understand that there is a compelling reason for their learning. In this 15 hour course, we will help you turn your classroom into a problem-solving and reasoning center. We will do this using engaging mathematical problems, with which every student can be successful. We will share and model techniques to engage your students with the mathematical material. And, we will guide you in establishing a student math conference that will provide a real-life context for students. Note: You may register for this course or you may attend the first introductory session and then register for the workshop. Ideally, several teachers from your school will enroll. Two Location Options: Instructor: Jim Matthews, Siena College Location: Roger Bacon Hall Rm 302, Siena College Dates: Sep 15 (introductory meeting), Sep 29, Oct 6, 20, Nov 3, Nov 17, Dec 1, 15 Time: 3:30 - 5:30 pm (15 hrs/1 in-service credit) Fee: None, however registration is required Underwritten by the GCRTC Register: Instructor: Jim Matthews, Siena College Location: Fonda-Fultonville Middle School Dates: Sep 17 (introductory meeting), Oct 1, 15, 22, Nov 5, 19, Dec 3, 17 Time: 4:30 - 6:30 pm (15 hrs/1 in-service credit) Fee: None, however registration is required Underwritten by the GCRTC Register: 3 COMMON CORE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS EXPLORING LITERACY LESSONS SATURDAY SEMINARS How often do you really have an opportunity to talk about your teaching with other teachers? How often do you get to share your good lessons? Where do you get more great ideas for great lessons? At the Capital District Writing Project we have been working—passionately and collaboratively—to develop, share, analyze, and refine effective lessons about literacy and writing for all age groups and all content areas. And we would like to include you in our conversations by sharing our lessons with you and other Capital District teachers at our upcoming Writing Matters workshops. What makes Saturday Seminars a unique and enriching professional learning experience? In each Saturday Seminar session, participants experience several different writing lessons that have been carefully developed by CDWP teachers, with actual materials used in the classroom. The lessons demonstrate research-based principles of effective literacy instruction and can be adapted to any grade level or content area to improve students’ literacy skills and content learning. Following each lesson, participants have the opportunity to discuss the lesson in depth, consider the research and theory on which it is based, and explore adaptations to make the lesson suitable for learners in all grade levels. The format of these sessions makes them very useful for new teacher and mentor teams or grade-level or curriculum teams to attend together. Two Saturday Seminar sessions will be scheduled in the fall of 2014 and two more in the spring of 2015! Watch the GCRTC Registration Page and CDWP’s website for dates and registration information. Fee: None, however registration is required Underwritten by GCRTC and CDWP. COMING SOON! FALL 2014! WRITING INSTRUCTION THAT WORKS College and career ready writing skills are a major focus of the Common Core Learning Standards and assessments at the secondary level. As stated in the NYS CCLS for ELA & Literacy, "Writing is a key means of asserting and defending claims, showing what [students] know about a subject, and conveying what they have experienced, imagined, thought, and felt." The literacy skills around writing for argument, information, and narrative are integrated across all subject areas, further demonstrating their significance. Few teachers have had sufficient time for the necessary collaborative planning, researching of materials, and development of strategies through units, lessons, and assessments focused on these skills. The Capital District Writing Project has been participating in two national grants, focused on building teacher capacity in writing instruction: the i3 College Ready Writing Project and Literacy Design Collaborative. This workshop, developed and facilitated by members of CDWP in conjunction GCRTC, will be built on collaborative inquiry strategies, current research and theory on adolescent literacy, and the belief that teachers are key leaders of instructional change in schools. In this ten hour workshop, participants engage in collaborative inquiry into effective writing instruction. This inquiry will focus on: Demonstration lessons on teaching claim and evidencebased reading and writing - Using text sets to scaffold higher order literacy skills - Incorporating writing to learn strategies in all instruction CAPITAL DISTRICT WRITING PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION Website: Email: [email protected] Director: Dr. Robert Yagelski, [email protected] Co-director: Carol Forman-Pemberton, [email protected] ARE YOU LOOKING FOR MORE COURSES ON IMPROVING PROFESSIONAL STRATEGIES? FLIP TO PAGE 10 TO FIND OUT HOW GCRTC IS PARTNERING WITH NYSUT TO OFFER CONSTITUENT EDUCATORS GRADUATE COURSES AT A DISCOUNTED RATE! 4 SCHOOL COMMUNITY GCRTC envisions the potential for all schools to be dynamic learning communities in which all members are engaged, and learn from one another. In essence, school community is a network of relationships affected by the social, emotional, physical and intellectual environment in which they exist. Although school community extends beyond school boundaries, it is firmly grounded in the values of its members. No two communities are alike in their strengths and challenges, however effective school communities share many common elements including student empowerment. Students who feel safe, respected, capable, valued and intellectually challenged are best able to recognize their unique role in the school community and fully realize their learning potential. GCRTC is proud to provide the following opportunities to explore and engage in a cycle of continuous reflection and development. ENGAGING STUDENTS WITH POVERTY IN MIND BOOK STUDY Using Eric Jensen's book Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind, participants in this course will examine the rationale for prioritizing student engagement and learn practical strategies for increasing engagement in the classroom. Jensen explains that engagement is particularly essential for student success because of the strong and significant correlation between student engagement and achievement. In order to graduate, students must first be in school. And, in order to keep students in school, they must be consistently engaged. Research shows that currently, only 10% of students in poverty actually experience multiple years of highly engaging instruction. In this 15-hour course participants will learn: seven factors critical to student engagement that are correlated with socioeconomic status engagement rules that are critical for student success research-based classroom engagement strategies GRANTSMANSHIP how to automate engagement in the classroom GCRTC offers professional learning experiences aimed at how to create an individualized implementation plan to developing grant seeking and grant writing skills. These ensure success skills enable teachers to secure funding for their innovaFacilitators: Tiffany Phelps and Jim Gayne tive instructional ideas. GCRTC grant writing courses Location: Academy of Culture & Communication at offer participants the time for reflection, revision and inPleasant Valley, Schenectady CSD structional support to develop an idea into a successful Dates: Oct 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, 13 (Thurs) grant proposal. Time: 4 - 7 pm (15 hrs/1 in-service credit) Fee: None, however registration is required SECURING FUNDS TO SUPPORT INNOVATIVE Underwritten by the GCRTC and the Schenectady COMMON CORE CURRICULUM PLANNING Teachers Center. Register: Designed to support the process of garnering funds for education initiatives and programs, this course is open to CARE FOR TEACHERS BOOSTER SESSION teachers, administrators, teaching assistants or other CARE for Teachers is a unique program designed to help school related personnel. teachers respond more pro-actively in the classroom by Funding to support structural or curriculum change is often promoting awareness, presence, compassion, reflection, dependent upon external sources of funding, usually initiand inspiration - the inner resources they need to help ated by individuals or teams of teachers and administrastudents flourish, socially, emotionally, and academically. tors. Success depends upon knowledge of the culture and This booster session is designed to reinforce the skills and practice in the field of philanthropy. Training will support strategies of the CARE model for those who have begun educators as they move an idea/solution from concept to to implement CARE strategies in their practice. It will also reality. serve to introduce the model to participants not yet familiar This course helps master all that goes into getting the with CARE. funding and grants needed for implementation of your We will review the core practice strategies, as well as disCommon Core Curriculum Projects. Participants will learn cuss challenges and successes experienced while implethe components, elements and characteristics of a sucmenting CARE. This interactive session will provide a cessful proposal. By the last session each attendee or springboard from which participants may both develop and group will have created a workable grant proposal based refine CARE skills in their teaching. upon each stakeholder’s specific idea and needs. Facilitators: Valerie Lovelace and Lynne Ogren Facilitator: Vickie Parker Location: Carey Conference Center, Rensselaerville, NY Location: GCRTC at Shaker Rd ES Dates: Nov 7 - 8 (Fri - Sat) Dates: Oct 9, 16, 23, 30 (Thurs) Time: 4 - 11 pm (Fri), 8 am - 4 pm (Sat) Time: 4 pm - 7 pm (12 hrs) (15 hrs/1 in-service credit) Fee: None, however registration is required Fee: $190.00 per person, which covers meals and lodging Underwritten by the GCRTC in a double-occupancy room Register: Register: 5 THINK PURSUING NATIONAL BOARD ISN’T FOR YOU? NBC 3.0 HAS BEEN CONVENIENTLY REDESIGNED INTO 4 MANAGABLE COMPONENTS! COHORTS Cohorts for National Board Certification offer an opportunity for sustained and collaborative support to teachers and guidance counselors. Under the guidance of NBCTs as Candidate Support Providers, this program offers assistance in processing applications, peer review, linkage with content experts and collegial support. The group will meet monthly throughout the year. North Country NBC Cohort Facilitator: Maureen Shiland Location: WSWHE BOCES, Gick Rd Dates: Sep 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11, Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 16, May 7 (Thurs) Times: 4 - 6 pm Registration: Mohawk Region NBC Cohort Facilitator: Heather Buskirk Location: Jansen Avenue School, Johnstown Dates: Sep 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11, Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14 (Thurs) Times: 3:30 - 5 pm Registration: Union Graduate College NBC Cohort Facilitator: Rich Lasselle & Dr. Catherine Snyder Location: Room 116 of the Graduate Center Dates: Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 7, Jan. 9, Mar 6, May 8 (Fri) Times: 4 - 7pm Registration: Capital Region NBC Cohort Facilitator: Melissa Gergen & Katrina Horton Location: NYSUT Headquarters, Latham Dates: Oct 2, Nov 6, Dec 4, Feb 5, Mar 5, Apr 2 (Wed) Times: 4 - 8 pm Registration: Cohort Fees: $95 for GCRTC constituents (Normally $195, $100 is underwritten by GCRTC) THE 4 NEW NBC 3.0 COMPONENTS: Content Knowledge (2014-15) Differentiation in Instruction (2014-15) Teaching Practice and the Learning Environment (2015-16) Effective and Reflective Practitioner (2016-17) INFORMATIONAL SESSIONS NBC Informational Sessions are designed as an overview of the New National Board Certification 3.0 process for teachers, union leaders or administrators. The purpose of this session is to explain the framework of the NBC process and to provide access to professional, financial and technical supports available to candidates: timelines, fees and a discussion of the benefits, certifications and processes involved in certification. Two locations will be available. Presenter: Annette Romano Location: NYSUT Headquarters Presenter: Colleen McDonald, NBCT Location: WSWHE BOCES Gick Rd. Dates and Times: TBA Fee: None Check for registration. DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS? Contact: Annette Romano, Regional Coordinator, Eastern Upstate Region [email protected] WHY PURSUE NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION? Flexible implementation schedule of the next 3 years 95% of teachers who pursued NBC found it to be the best professional development experience of their career. NBPTS application funded by the NYSED Albert Shanker Grant - valued at nearly $2,000 Supportive cohort experience assists in guiding participants and enhancing learning 25 different certificate areas available Completely aligned with the APPR process Created by teachers for teachers Many districts have compensation or supports available. Join over 1,600 educators who have achieved NBC and are assuming meaningful teacher leadership roles. 6 WRITING INSTITUTE FOR NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION In response to requests from National Board candidates and advanced candidates, this retreat was created to give participants time for their own writing in a collegial environment. Working independently, with partners, or in writing groups, candidates have the opportunity to write, read, and reflect on their portfolio entries in a supportive environment. The community of writers and reviewers supports the development of portfolio entries and the peer review of video tapes of classroom teaching. Join your colleagues for thoughtful and reflective discussion about National Board Certification in a collegial setting. Please bring a laptop computer, videos, entries, portfolio directions, standards, and scoring guide. Writing Institute at NYSUT Headquarters Instructors: NBCT Candidate Support Providers Location: NYSUT Headquarters, Latham Date: Jan 17 (Sat) (2015) Times: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Fee: $30.00 Writing Institute At Minnowbrook Conference Center Instructors: Maria Fenton and Annette Romano Location: Minnowbrook Conference Center, Blue Mnt Lake Date: Feb 5 - 7 (Thurs - Sat) (2015) Time: 5 pm (Thurs) - 3 pm (Sat) Fee: $190.00 per person - inc. meals, double room lodging Check under “Workshops and Events” for registration. OPPORTUNITIES FOR CURRENT NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED TEACHERS NBCT RENEWAL COHORT COMING SOON! NBCT SUMMIT This cohort is designed to provide National Board Certified Teachers in their 8th-9th year of certification the collegial support needed to pursue renewal. Teachers will meet every other month to learn about the structure and requirements of the NBCT renewal process. Instructor: Mary Johnson, NBCT Renewed Location: NYSUT Headquarters, Latham Dates: Oct 23, Dec 4 (2014), Jan 29, Mar 26, May 7 (2015) Times: 4 - 7 pm Cost: $80.00 Registration: This summit will be an opportunity for NBCTs to unite, collaborate and network. The day will include discussion on Teacher Leadership, including various ways to continue our learning and leadership within and beyond our districts. More information about the NBCT Summit will be coming soon! Check under “Workshops and Events” for registration. GCRTC NOTICES GCRTC OPEN HOUSE OCTOBER 14, 2014 Please join us on October 14 (Tues) 4 - 7 pm to meet our staff and Policy Board members, check out our learning space and expand your professional library! As our gift to you, the first 30 Open House registrants will receive a complimentary copy of ASCD’s popular book, Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning, by Mike Schmoker, valued at nearly $30. Registrants must be present on 10/14/14 to receive a copy of the book for independent professional learning. Refreshments* will be provided courtesy of the Policy Board and staff of GCRTC. Register: *No public funds used JUST IN TIME! NEW LAMINATOR ARE YOU A CHANGE AGENT? BECOME A GCRTC POLICY BOARD MEMBER! Due to increasing demand for preserving teacher created materials, GCRTC has acquired a brand-new laminator for use by constituent teachers. Teachers may use up to 20 feet of lamination film at no charge. The GCRTC Policy Board includes representation of three constituents from each of our regions. (See 20142015 Service Area Map on page 12.) Currently, there is one representative opening in each of the following GCRTC regions: Albany, Eastern and Western. If you are interested in learning more about this leadership opportunity, please contact [email protected] for information about the nomination process. Please call the office at 489-0568 in advance of your arrival so that the laminator will be pre-heated and ready for you to use upon your arrival. 7 TECHNOLOGY Technology integration is integral to successful implementation of the Regents Reform Agenda. It represents both a practical tool and a 21st Century Skill. While technology is embedded into all of the programs and courses offered by GCRTC, many courses are offered to specifically assist teachers in embedding technology into all curricular areas. CHALLENGE BASED LEARNING IMPLEMENTATION STUDY GROUP Looking for a student-driven, technology enriched approach to learning? Check out Challenge Based Learning (CBL)! In this 15 hour course participants will go through the entire CBL Process under the guidance of Apple Distinguished Educator, Geoff Bizan. Participating teachers will create and implement a classroom challenge that directly connects to their grade level and content area or areas. Topics to be covered include creating a challenge for your students, "hooking" your class with your challenge, developing your challenge, troubleshooting and coming to a solution for your challenge. Geoff will provide ongoing support to teachers implementing CBL throughout the course. The group will meet monthly as a small cohort to provide participants with the necessary support to ensure success! Note: Open to those new to CBL as well as those who have participated in past CBL courses, including implementation study groups! Location: Saratoga Region TBA Dates: Nov 18, Dec 9, Jan 13, Feb 3, Mar 10, Apr 14, May 12, Jun 2 Times: (Tues) 5 - 7 pm (Nov-May), 5 - 6 pm (Jun) Fee: None, however registration is required Register: MAKE YOUR OWN ITUNES U COURSE! iTunes U is a free resource for educators to deliver instructional resources in a customizable way. In this course, participants will review how to search for existing iTunes U courses through the catalog search. Participants will also learn how to create their own content through App Smashing on iPads. We will gather resources and upload to our own teacher created iTunes U course. This 2 day course will provide attendees with support as they build their own iTunes U courses for their classrooms. Course Requirements: iPad, laptop, and an Apple ID. Location: GCRTC at Shaker Rd ES Date: Oct 7 & 21 (Tues) Time: 5 – 7:30 pm Fee: None. However, registration is required. Register: Instructor: Geoffrey Bizan, teacher at Lake George CSD and Apple Distinguished Educator PROGRAMMING LITERACY PILOT GCRTC is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Northeast Region Information Network (NERIC) to pilot a Pre-K – 12 Programming Literacy Initiative. Through this partnership, regional teachers will have access to a continuum of professional learning opportunities that will enable them to create content-integrated programming experiences for their students. During the 2014-2015 school year, the pilot will focus on early childhood and elementary education. BEE-BOTS Meet our Bee-Bots! Bee-Bots are child-friendly mini-robots that provide early childhood teachers with a hands-on, developmentally appropriate method of introducing programming literacy skills to early childhood students - without the need for teachers to have extensive programming knowledge. As with any language, exposure and skill development is most effective when introduced at the early childhood level. By interweaving essential 21st century technology skills, such as understanding basic code, keypad functionality and directional language, students learn the important foundations of programming while reinforcing key mathematical concepts, such as number and directional sense, as well as key skills like problem-solving and reasoning. Join us for an interactive session in which participants will work with Bee-Bots, see examples of how they are used to support Common Core learning at the early childhood level, and practice using the free Bee-Bot iPad app that can be used without access to Bee-Bot robots. Following participation in this session, teachers are eligible to borrow a Bee-Bot “hive” from GCRTC. Facilitators: GCRTC and NERIC staff Location: NERIC, 900 Albany-Shaker Road, Albany Date: Nov 19 (Wed) Time: 4 – 6 pm (2 hrs) Fee: None. However, registration is required, Underwritten by GCRTC and NERIC. Register: 8 TECHNOLOGY INITIATIVES The following technology initiatives have been brought to statewide Teacher Center constituents through both private and public partnerships with the New York State Teacher Center Network. BRAIN POP The NYS Teacher Center Network, in collaboration with Brain Pop, is gearing up to support training for schools on the use of Brain Pop. A NYS Certified Brain Pop trainer program will prepare teacher leaders to support the effective use of Brain Pop in their districts. Teacher Center access for the purposes of obtaining initial familiarity and conducting training sessions has been secured. iTUNES U NEW YORK Through iTunes U New York educators, students, and parents can access exemplar learning resources. Educators can access materials and lessons that are aligned to the NYS Common Core Learning Standards as well as other professional development resources to improve instructional practice. Students and parents can explore resources that have been created and reviewed by NYS educators. ARE YOU A HIGH SCHOOL GEOMETRY TEACHER? REGENTS REVIEW IS LOOKING FOR YOU! The NYS Teacher Center Network, in partnership with WCNY, presents Regents Review 2.0, a comprehensive TV and web-based Regents review series designed and developed by NYS teachers. An all new segment will be developed for the 2015 Common Core Geometry Regents. If you are interested in developing and presenting the new Geometry Regents Review Live 2.0 segment, please contact [email protected] by November 3, 2014. NY DIGICENTER NY DigiCenter is a web-based environment where educators and students can upload files and multimedia content including: audio, video, pictures, PDFs, and Microsoft Office files. All upload files can be aligned to New York State Common Core Standards, and NET standards as well as the Danielson Framework and NYSUT teacher evaluation standards. EDMODO The NYS Teacher Center Network, in collaboration with Edmodo, is preparing to support the use of the freely available Edmodo elearning platform by training a cadre NYS certified Edmodo trainers. In addition, periodic webinars will highlight promising practices and NYS specific use of the tool. DIGITAL WISH EBOOK BUILDER Digital Wish is a nonprofit on a mission to help you bring technology to the classroom to prepare students for the global economy. Digital Wish has developed a great collection of training videos and support resources to help guide teachers through the process of delivering lessons to an ever-changing collection of smartphones, tablets, and iPads. Digital Wish eBuilder tool delivers classroom curriculum to smartphones and tablets. Teachers can create a marketplace and create downloadable projects for students, and in turn students can create their own projects for teachers and friends to view. INTEL TEACH PROGRAM The New York Institute of Technology and the NYS Teacher Center Network has partnered with Intel to deliver the Intel Teach Program. Transforming education to meet the needs of today’s learners requires ongoing support for teachers as they implement new teaching practices. Intel® Teach is a proven program that helps K–12 teachers integrate technology effectively into classrooms and promote student-centered approaches, engaging students in learning and preparing them with critical skills for success in our digital world. NY LEARNING.COM NY ( is a portal to over 300,000 learning resources for teachers which provides New York educators with over 70 learning content providers and 250 products, more than 40 percent of them free. Find out about these initiatives and SAS CURRICULUM PATHWAYS more at the NYS Teacher Center SAS Curriculum Pathways is an innovative platform that organizes technology page: content in core disciplines that has been curated by teachers, developers, designers, and other specialists. Content found in SAS Curriculum Pathways targets content that is difficult to convey using technology/ conventional methods. Through the use of technology that leverages audio, visual, and interactive components, education objectives identified by teachers are reinforced. 9 NYSUT EDUCATION & LEARNING TRUST COURSES The NYSUT Education & Learning Trust (ELT) is a nonprofit professional development organization serving NYSUT members who have dedicated their lives to education. NYSUT ELT professional development programs are modeled on best practices, current research-based strategies, real-life applications - and are built on the principle of "members teaching members." GCRTC has partnered with NYSUT ELT to bring constituent teachers the following online graduate courses at discount. Enjoy all of the convenience of online for the price of on-site! Cost: NYSUT Online Price $665 GCRTC Member online price $645 (for online courses listed on this page) Dates: All courses run online from Oct 6 - Dec 12, 2014 THREE GRADUATE CREDIT ONLINE COURSES BEGINNING READING UNY 717 - Adelphi University Participants learn a variety of decoding activities and comprehension activities traditionally taught to students in Pre-K-Grade 2, including phonemic awareness, alphabetic principles, letter-sound correspondence, word recognition, vocabulary, and comprehension. Target Audience: Educators working in grades K-3. Register by Oct 1: READING AND WRITING ACROSS THE CONTENT AREAS UNY 801 - Adelphi University This course explores content area teachers’ roles in students’ literacy development. Participants will learn how to utilize research-based teaching strategies in content-area instruction. Target Audience: Educators working in grades 3-12 Register by Oct 1: SHOWING EVIDENCE: TEACHER PERFORMANCE AND STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT EDU 661103 - SUNY Empire State College This course will provide participants with a professional community in which they will acquire both practical knowledge and theoretical approaches to portfolio assessment in education. Reflective practice tools and assessments based on state standards for teaching will be presented in formats that promote self-reflection and career goal setting. Target Audience: All educators Register by Oct 1: THE ROLE OF DATA, ASSESSMENTS AND INSTRUCTION TO RAISE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT EDU 661104 - SUNY Empire State College This course will provide participants with a better understanding of the realities of data use and will empower users to identify and use data more appropriately to identify school wide priorities, inform instruction and enhance student learning. Target Audience: All educators Register by Oct 1: NEW TEACHER SEMINARS The following courses are specifically designed for teachers with 0-3 years in education. Instructor: NYSUT staff Location: Greenville Middle/High School Time: 4:15 - 6:15 pm. Fee: None, Underwritten by NYSUT and GCRTC CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Date: Oct 7 (Tues) Register: CREATING A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT Date: Oct 21 (Tues) Register: DISCIPLINE STRATEGIES Date: Nov 4 (Tues) Register: 10 A “for teachers, by teachers” sharing site! "Share My Lesson is an online community where educators can share their ideas, skills and resources to improve the quality of teaching for everyone." SML website Access this free resource to search a database of lessons by grade, subject and topic. Sign up for the newsletter to get the latest lessons and follow posters from around the world who share resources most relevant to your practice. It even includes a dedicated space for all things Common Core. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION EVENTS Many professional educators’ organizations offer annual events, which may be of interest to GCRTC’s constituent teachers. These events provide educators with the most up-to-date and exciting information in a variety of content and focus areas. Some of the most popular professional organization events are listed below for your convenience. MATH SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Annual Conference, November 23-25, 2014, Rochester, NY More Information: SCIENCE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW YORK 119th Annual Conference, November 1-4, 2014, Rochester, NY - More Information: ASSOCIATION OF MATHEMATICS TEACHERS OF NEW YORK STATE 64th Annual Fall Conference, November 9-11, 2014, Syracuse, NY More Information: ENGLISH LANGUGE ARTS NEW YORK STATE READING ASSOCIATION Conference 2014, November 9-11, 2014, Syracuse, NY - More Information: ALBANY CITY AREA READING COUNCIL The Changing Role of the Reading Specialist, October 8, 2014 - More information: Best Books of 2014, December 3, 2014 - More information: LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS Annual Conference, October 10-11, 2014. Rochester, NY - More Information: THE ARTS NEW YORK STATE ART TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Annual Conference, November 21-23, 2014, Albany, NY - More Information: PROCTOR’S THEATER: JUST FOR TEACHERS! EDUCATOR EXTRAVAGANZA! October 14, 2014, Schenectady, NY - More Information: SCHOOL CLIMATE THE ACADEMY FOR CHARACTER EDUCATION AT THE SAGE COLLEGES 15th Annual Character Education Conference, October 23, 2014, Troy, NY - More Information: OTHER PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS NEW YORK STATE ASCD Leading the New Literacies: Common Core for the Contemporary Learner, October 14 and 20, 2014, Capital Region BOCES - More Information and to Register: 2nd Annual Symposium Turning High-Poverty Schools into High-Performing Schools, November 4, 2014, Union College More Information: Digital Leadership, December 1, 2014, Capital Region BOCES - More info and registration: NEW YORK STATE PTA 118TH Annual Convention, November 14-16, 2014, Saratoga Springs, NY - More Information: NEW YORK STATE MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSOCIATION 2014 Annual Conference, October 9-10, Verona, NY - More Information: COLLEGE BOARD 12TH Annual Institute for New AP Teachers, October 2-3, 2014, Norwood, MA - More Information: 11 Register for all GCRTC courses on MyLearningPlan. Visit for the most up-to-date listing of courses. Questions about courses or registration? Contact: Amy Carinci Program Support Specialist [email protected] Meet the Director! GCRTC is pleased to announce the appointment of Valerie Lovelace, MS Ed. as the new Executive Director of the Greater Capital Region Teacher Center for Effective Teaching. Valerie is a NYS permanently certified Pre-K-6 teacher who has been actively involved in designing and facilitating professional learning experiences for educators for nearly two decades. She been affiliated with GCRTC for more than 15 years, first as a teacher presenter and later as a full-time program specialist. Valerie graduated from GCRTC constituent district, Schoharie CSD. She obtained both her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education and her Graduate Degree in Teacher Education at the College of Saint Rose. In addition, she has worked at Questar III BOCES and in higher education at Schenectady County Community College. Valerie is also a leader in the New York State Teacher Center (NYSTC) Network, serving as co-chair of the NYSTC Program and Practices Committee. REGISTRATION Participants should register online at GCRTC’s M yLearningPlan page: Registration is on a first come, first served basis for GCRTC constituents. If space is available after all GCRTC constituents are served, other educators are welcome to attend. Be sure to browse through the listings and also the “Programs” page of our website for many additional cosponsored opportunities. As a professional courtesy, if you are unable to attend an event for which you have registered, please “drop” the course in MyLearningPlan as soon as possible. This will allow another educator on the waitlist to participate. PARTICIPATION DOCUMENTATION Many school districts require that prior approval for salary credit be obtained as per the local collective bargaining agreement. Please verify requirements with your own school system or local teacher union. Graduate credit is awarded by GCRTC’s higher education partners. For in-service activities, a GCRTC Certificate of Participation will be issued via MLP, which documents completion of all requirements and attendance at each session. WEATHER / EMERGENCIES If the school or institution hosting a GCRTC activity closes due to inclement weather or emergency, the activity will be rescheduled. Please check online school closings for the most current delay and cancelation information. DO YOU TEACH IN A GREATER CAPITAL REGION TEACHER CENTER CONSTITUENT DISTRICT? Districts and BOCES in black in the service area map above are members. If your district or BOCES is not listed, please contact Valerie Lovelace at [email protected]. Membership is free of charge and is open to any public or non-public school district located in the GCRTC service area. 12
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