CALVARY CHAPEL LEHIGH VALLEY Calvary Chapel Lehigh Valley is a non-denominational fellowship, not that we have anything against denominations, that kind of thinking only serves to divide brothers and sisters in the Lord even further…and our Lord never intended for it to be that way. Jesus said: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35) We are part of the Calvary Chapel Movement, which is a free association of bible based churches throughout the world. Our worship is contemporary and we teach verse by verse, book by book through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. We like to say: “Simply teaching the Bible simply.” Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed into His image through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our goal here at Calvary Chapel Lehigh Valley is to be the church were others can say about us what Paul said to the Ephesian church: “I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints.” (Ephesians 1:15) Faith: To de o strate our faith through our orks Ja es : , to e doers of the Word a d ot hearers o ly Ja es : , a d to pro ide ot o ly for the “piritual eeds of the ody ut the physi al eeds as ell . Ja es : CALVARY CHAPEL LEHIGH VALLEY 2224 Industrial Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18017 Phone: (610) 432-6532 [email protected] Hope: To ri g a essage of hope to the o u ity; hope i the idst of despair, hope i the prese e of suferi g; hope i our Lord a d “a ior Christ Jesus, Who is our a hor steadfast a d sure. He re s : [email protected] Facebook @ Calvary Chapel Lehigh Valley Senior Pastor - Alan Disbrow Associate Pastor - Les Alpaugh Assistant Pastor - Frank DeFusco Worship Leader - Lynnette Colbert Church Secretary - Ellen DeFusco Children’s Ministry - Paul Lewis Youth Ministry - Elkanah Hilaire Women’s Ministry - Eileen Alpaugh Lo e: To sho the lo e of Jesus y lo i g our eigh ors as oursel es Ja es : . Jesus said: By this all ill k o that you are My dis iples, if you ha e lo e for o e a other Joh : . To li e out that lo e y ser i g others a d o eyi g His Word y ot sho i g pariality to a yo e ho alks through our doors ut y el o i g all as our eigh ors a d frie ds; our rothers a d sisters. "Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) “All that you command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go." (Joshua 1:16) THE WEEK OF THIS WEEK WHAT’S HAPPENING TELL US OCTOBER 19, 2014 _________________________ AT CALVARY AT CALVARY _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ABOUT YOU __________________________ WELCOME! SUNDAY OCTOBER 19 PRAYER TIMES With our focus on discipleship and our goal to grow deeper in our walk with Jesus, we have established opportunities to meet for prayer. Make this a priority and please join us for one of these times as we call upon the name of the Lord… If you are visiting us today, we are glad you are here and want to make you feel welcome at Calvary Chapel. We pray the Lord will minister to you today in a special way as we worship and study God’s Word together. For any assistance, please see one of our ushers or greeter volunteers. PRAYER If you desire prayer, please come to the front of the sanctuary and meet with one of the Pastors or a Prayer Counselor. If you have a prayer request, please complete the prayer request section on the response tab of this bulletin and drop it in the offering box. If you would like to be added to the Prayer Team, please contact the church office. TITHES AND OFFERING For your worship in giving, offering boxes are located in the back of the sanctuary and just outside the double doors on your right. If you need a year-end record of your giving, please complete an offering envelope each time you give by including your name, address and amount. You may also donate online at MEDIA MINISTRY If you would like to listen to an audio recording of today’s message or one from a previous Sunday or Wednesday, please visit and click on the sermons tab. If you would like a CD recording of a sermon, visit the info desk to pick one up. HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED? We believe to experience Jesus’ grace to the fullest, you should be active in your church. Your involvement is vital to our church, and we pray God will direct you as you prayerfully consider where to serve. Please visit our info desk in the front lobby, or call the church office for ways to get involved. We encourage you to pick up an “Opportunities” sheet at the info desk. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask or call the church office. 9:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:00 AM Women’s Bible Study Prayer Time Worship Service Pastor Frank “Has God Really Spoken” Hebrews 1:1-2 I. Creation around us (Romans 8:22) (Ps 10:1-6) II. Prophets among us (1Peter 1:9-12) III. Conscience within us (Romans 1:18-19) IV. The “Son Sent to Us” IV.a. Understanding God’ Word IV.b. Understanding God’s Ways (Galatians 4:4) IV.c. Understanding God’s Will 10:30 AM 10:30 AM Children’s Sunday School Youth Group Sunday School MONDAY OCTOBER 20 5:00 PM Women’s Bible Study, Northampton County Prison 7:00 PM Men’s Bible Study, Northampton County Prison TUESDAY OCTOBER 21 10:00 AM Bible Study at Mosser Nursing Home WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22 7:00 PM New Testament Study: Revelation 8:00 PM Prayer Time FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 12:30 PM Allentown Rescue Mission Bible Study SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 10:00AM Train & Apple Fest, Bushkill Elem. School 5:00 PM Allentown Rescue Mission Worship Service Sunday mornings - 9:15am, all are welcome. In the Toddler classroom Wednesday evenings - 8:00pm, after the Bible Study, main sanctuary “OPEN HANDS” THRIFT STORE/FOOD PANTRY Donation of men/women’s and children’s clothes and shoes are welcome. PRAYER CHAIN Did you know that CC Lehigh Valley has an email prayer chain that actively intercedes for the needs of the church body. If you have a prayer request, please let us know by emailing [email protected] or filling out the prayer request portion of this bulletin. If you would like to be a part of the prayer chain, committed to praying for your brothers and sisters, email us and we will add you to the list. CHURCH COMMUNICATIONS If you have something for the website, bulletin or church calendar, be sure to email [email protected]. LOOKING AHEAD ___________________________________________________________ TRAIN & APPLE FEST, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, at Bushkill Elementary School, Nazareth. Please mark your calendars. Servants are needed. Sign-up in the foyer. NAME…………………………………………………. ADDRESS……………………………………………. CITY…………………………………………………… STATE………………….ZIP………………………… PHONE………………………………………………. EMAIL………………………………………………… CHILDREN…………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… This is my first visit CC Lehigh Valley is my home church I want to commit my life to Christ I would like to be contacted I am interested in getting involved in ………………………………………………………. PRAYER REQUEST AND PRAISE REPORT __________________________ ……………………………………….. ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………… For information on these studies, contact the church: 610.432.6532/[email protected] ……………………………………...
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