CONFERENCE PROGRAMME The 11th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2014) 19 – 24 October 2014 Singapore Inner Front Cover Contents ICHD Chairman’s Message 1 ICHD Executive Committee 2 ICHD International Scientific Committee 2 ICHD 2014 Local Organising Committee 3 ICHD 2014 General Information 4 ICHD 2014 Keynote Speakers 5 Conference Programme (19–23 October) 10 Technical Tour (24 October) 17 Maps and Directions 18 Useful Contacts 26 Message from ICHD Chairman Hydrodynamics is that branch of fundamental science that forms the basic tools for many disciplines involving fluid flow and the forces involved. Beyond a doubt, it is the many years of scientific research and engineering achievements in hydrodynamics that leads us to where we are today in ship and marine engineering, ocean and coastal engineering, mechanical and industrial engineering, environmental engineering, hydraulic engineering, petroleum engineering, biological & biomedical engineering etc. While many engineering questions have been answered, there are still many more that need to be addressed through field trial, verification and fundamental research and development (R & D). Advanced research tools and techniques, including analytical model and numerical simulation have also been pioneered and developed for hydrodynamic applications. ICHD is the forum for dissemination of information of such advance tools, innovative ideas and solutions. It is also a platform to share experiences and views in hydrodynamics science and applications. The first International Conference on Hydrodynamics was held in Wuxi, China twenty years ago. Since then ICHD has become a regular international conference convened biennially. The subsequent ICHDs were held in Hong Kong, Seoul, Yokohama, Tainan, Perth, Ischia, Nantes, Shanghai and St. Petersburg. The 11th ICHD is convened in Singapore. The scope of this conference has been broadened to include many aspects of theoretical and applied hydrodynamics. I noted that more than 130 papers have been proposed and submitted for presentation in the conference. The 21st century sees many emerging issues of sustainable development and economic growth. This century also witnesses the onslaught of the effect of climate change and increased frequency of natural disasters. It is also well recognised that the 21st century would be known as “the Century of the Ocean”, as the ocean would be seen as the provider of the resources, including minerals, energy and food. One would readily acknowledge that the development of hydrodynamics, both in scientific research and in engineering application, would gain much larger momentum than ever before. As a result, hydrodynamic research would always be at the forefront of R & D, and hence the motivation and driver for future ICHD Conferences. We see the beginning of such movement in the rich contents and coverage of research topics in the Proceedings of 11th ICHD, as an example. Singapore, the beautiful “City in a Garden” features pleasant climate and comfortable environment for scientific presentations and deliberations. The active participation of scholars, researchers, engineers and students in this conference is testimony to the high standing of the ICHD in the world arena, and is in no small way attributable to the able organisation of the past and present organising committees, and recognition of the relevant scientific and engineering advances to be deliberated in the conference by the academia and practitioners alike. On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to heartily thank the Local Organising Committee led by the Chairman Prof. TAN Soon Keat, the Secretariat led by Ms Joy CHUA Lian Heong, and all the authors and participants for their contributions and excellent work. I wish the conference a successful and fruitful one for all delegates. Professor Yousheng WU Chairman Executive Committee of ICHD 01 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Y.S. Wu (Chairman, China) S.Q. Dai (China) S.J. Lee (Korea) H. Liu (China) R. Huijsmans (Netherlands) C. Lin (Taiwan, China) O.M. Faltinsen (Norway) J.H.W. Lee (HK, China) A. Pustoshny (Russia) Marcelo A.S. Neves (Brazil) S.K. Tan (Singapore) X.B. Chen (France) N. Sandham (UK) J. Friech (Germany) G.X. Wu (UK) S.A. Mavrakos (Greece) R.C. Ertekin (USA) C. Lugni (Italy) C.C. Mei (USA) T. Kinoshita (Japan) C. Yang (USA) M. Kashiwagi (Japan) S.C. Yim (USA) Y.H. Kim (Korea) T.Y. Wu (Honorary member, USA) INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE L. Cheng (Australia) S.P. Zhu (Australia) S.-Q. Yang (Australia) S.Q. Dai (China) D.Z. Wang (China) S.T. Dong (China) Y.S. He (China) J.H.W. Lee (HK, China) J.Z. Lin (China) H. Liu (China) C.O. Ng (HK, China) B. Teng (China) J.F. Tsai (Taiwan, China) Y.S. Wu (China) K. Yan (China) X.B. Chen (France) P. Ferrant (France) V. Bertram (Germany) J. Friech (Germany) S.A. Mavrakos (Greece) V. Sundar (India) P. Cassella (Italy) 02 C. Lugni (Italy) T. Kinoshita (Japan) H.Tanaka (Japan) K. Mori (Japan) Y.H. Kim (Korea) S.J. Lee ( Korea) R. Huijsmans (Netherlands) O.M. Faltinsen (Norway) C. Guedes Soares (Portugal) S.K. Tan (Singapore) N.-S. Cheng (Singapore) Y. M. Chiew (Singapore) A. Incecik (UK) S.D. Shao (UK) Q.X. Wang (UK) G.X. Wu (UK) R.C. Ertekin (USA) C.C. Mei (USA) P.L.F. Liu (USA) T.Y. Wu (USA) C. Yang (USA) S.C. Yim (USA) LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE TAN Soon Keat, MRC, NTU (Chairman) CHUA Lian Heong, Joy, SEO, NTU (Secretary) Adhityan APPAN, IES, Singapore CHENG Nian-sheng, NTU CHIEW Yee Meng, NTU Tom FOSTER, DHI (S) GHO Wie Min, MPRL, Singapore HUANG Zhenhua, NTU LIONG Shie-Yui, TMSI, NUS Daniel Zhang, SMI, Singapore Alfred WONG, IES, Singapore ZHANG Xiaoli, BCA, Singapore Subrata CHANDA, MOT, Ngee Ann Polytechnic Arun Kr DEV, MAST, Newcastle University (Singapore) Tommy WONG Sai Wai, MRC, NTU WANG Xikun, MRC, NTU GAO Yangyang, MRC, NTU Aziz Merchant, KOMTech, Singapore DAI Ying, MRC, NTU (Secretariat) LE Tuyet Minh, NEWRI, NTU (Secretariat) 03 ICHD 2014 General Information (19th – 24th October 2014) Conference Package Delegates will receive a bag, lanyard, conference proceedings on flash drive, conference programme, abstract of conference papers, banquet admission ticket and official receipt of the registration fee. Certificate of attendance will be made available upon request. Delegates are requested to wear their lanyards throughout the conference. Presentations The time allocated to each speaker for their presentation and discussion is as follows: Keynote speaker – 50 minutes (including 40-min presentation and 10-min Q&A) Other speaker – 20 minutes (including 15-min presentation and 5-min Q&A) Please be considerate and adhere to your allocated timeslot. Presenters are requested to (i) contact the session chair; (ii) load their presentation files onto the computer provided in the respective room prior to their session. Software packages (MS Office, Acrobat, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player) are installed on these computers, and run on Windows 7. Please do go through your presentation files (especially videos/animations) on these computers before your allocated timeslot. Presenters are encouraged to use the computers provided for their presentation. Tea/Coffee Break and Lunches Refreshments and lunches are served at the conference venue. Internet Free Wi-Fi is available at the conference venue. Banquet The conference banquet (dinner) will be held in the evening of 21st October. Shuttle buses will be available to transfer all participants to the dinner from the conference venue and back to Park Avenue Rochester Hotel. Admission by banquet ticket only. Technical Tour Participants are encouraged to sign up (at the registration desk as soon as possible) for a half-day technical tour on 24th October. Updated information will be posted on the notice board. Please look out for shuttle bus departure time at conference venue. 04 ICHD 2014 Keynote Speakers Keynote Speaker Name and Affiliation Title of Speech Prof. O. M. Faltinsen AMOS Department of Marine Technology Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway Hydrodynamics of marine and offshore structures Prof. Frederick Stern HR-Hydroscience & Engineering University of Iowa USA Recent progress in CFD studies associated with naval architecture and ocean engineering Prof. Joseph H.W. Lee Civil and Environmental Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Environmental hydraulics of chlorine disinfection for the Hong Kong Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Prof. Tao Jianhua Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering Tianjin University China Multi-physics and multi-scale modeling for eco-environmental characteristics of coastal water Prof. Philip L.-F. Liu Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Cornell University USA Catastrophic Events (Tsunami and Storm Surges) Prof. Liao Shijun School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering Shanghai Jiaotong University China Development and applications of the homotopy analysis method Dr. Songdong Shao Department of Civil and Structural Engineering University of Sheffield UK Two ISPH modeling techniques in hydrodynamics: coastal and river simulations Dr. Qianxi Wang School of Mathematics University of Birmingham UK Non-spherical multi-oscillations of a bubble in a compressible liquid 05 Prof. Odd M. Faltinsen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Prof. Faltinsen was born in 1944 in Stavanger, Norway, and obtained a cand. real. in applied mathematics at the University of Bergen in 1968 and a PhD in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in 1971 at the University of Michigan. He was employed by DNV from 1968 to 1974. He was dosent in marine technology from 1974 to 1976 and professor of Marine Hydrodynamics from 1976 at NTNU. He has been member of 5 International Towing Tank Conferences (ITTC) committees including 2 as chairman, and 3 International Ship Structure Committees (ISSC). Faltinsen is elected member of Norwegian Academy for Technical Sciences, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters and foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering, US and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He has been visiting professor 3 times 1-year periods at MIT, US and 3 months at the Research Institute of Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Japan. He is a visiting professor at University College London, honorary professor at Harbin Engineering University and Academic Master at Dalian University of Technology. He has educated 56 PhD. Faltinsen is the author of the three textbooks Sea loads on Ships and Offshore Structures, Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles, Sloshing (co-authored with A. N. Timokha). They have all been published by Cambridge University Press and are translated to Chinese. The sea-load book has also been translated into Korean. He has authored more than 400 publications in scientific journals, conferences and books, and given more than 45 keynote and honours lectures. He received the Fridtjof Nansen’s award for outstanding research in science and medicine in 2011. The 26th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies held in Athens on April 17th - 20th, 2011 was dedicated to Professor Odd M. Faltinsen for his lifetime scientific achievements. The “Professor Odd Faltinsen Honoring Symposium on Marine Hydrodynamics” was arranged at OMAE 2013, Nantes, France in June 9th - 14th, 2013. He received the OOAE Division-ASME Lifetime Achievement Award in grateful recognition of significant lifetime contributions to marine and offshore hydrodynamics in June 2013. Prof. Frederick Stern (University of Iowa) Prof. Stern is an internationally recognised expert in ship hydrodynamics. Prof Stern obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from University of Michigan in 1975, 1977 and 1980, respectively. His current appointment is George D. Ashton Professor of Hydroscience and Engineering at Department of Mechanical Engineering/Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, The University of Iowa. Research: Internationally recognised expert in ship hydrodynamics: computational methods, modeling, wave basin, towingtank and flume experiments; experimental/computational uncertainty analysis/quantification; and deterministic/stochastic shape optimization. Continuously funded research grants/contacts post Ph.D. totaling 75 projects for $35M (95% single PI or lead PI, 5% co-PI). Authored, co-authored, or edited: 6 international conference proceedings; 2 encyclopedia articles; 5 committee reports and 12 Quality Manual Procedures for the 21st - 25th International Towing Tank Conference; 6 book chapters; 150 journal articles; 3 moderate review journal articles; 2 on-line archive articles; 200 conference proceeding papers, and 45 reports. Service: Member/chairman University, College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research academic committees. Member Propulsion Committee (21st - 24th) and chairman Executive Committee (25th) American Towing Tank Conference. Member (21st) and chairman (22nd - 23rd) Resistance Committee and secretary (24th - 25th) Maneuvering Committee, International Towing Tank Conference. NATO Advanced Vehicle Technology and Exploratory Teams (member and chair, 06-present). Member American Society of Mechanical Engineering, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, and American Society of Engineering Education. Member or chairman of organizing committees for 21 international conferences. Editorial committee 5 and associate editor 2 international journals and reviewer for 24 journals/organizations. Department of Navy S&T Candidate Evaluation Committee and ATT Wake Physics PAT. Recognitions: B.S.E. Summa Cum Laude. Outstanding Undergraduate Student NA&ME 1975. Tau Beta Pi. University of Iowa Old Gold Faculty Summer Fellowship (1984), Development Assignment Award (1991; 2011), and Faculty Scholar Award (1993-1996). Visiting Professor: Dipartimento Di Ingegneria Civile, Universit`a Degli Studi Di Firenze, Italia (1990-1991). Faculty Excellence Award for Research 2012 and NATO RTO Scientific Achievement Award 2012. Organiser 20 international conferences/workshops. Over 50 international invited or guest lectures. Over 20 session chair or co-chair. 10 tutorials or panels. 13 keynote lectures. Fellow American Society of Mechanical Engineering (2000). American Bureau of Shipping Captain Joseph H. Linnard Prize 2010. Weinblum lecture 2012-2013. 06 Prof. Joseph H.W. Lee (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Prof Lee grew up in Hong Kong and obtained his BSc, MSc and PhD degrees in Civil Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1969-1977). He joined the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 1980, where he rose to Redmond Chair Professor of Civil Engineering in 1995. At HKU, he was Dean of Engineering from 2000 to 2003, and Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President from 2004-2010. He took office as Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) on 1 November 2010. Prof Lee's research revolves around the use of hydraulics to solve environmental problems, in particular the prediction and control of water quality. He is Chief Editor of the Journal of Hydro-environment Research and past Vice-President of the International Association for Hydro-environment Engineering and Research - IAHR (2007-2011). He is the recipient of the 2013 Karl Emil Hilgard Hydraulic Prize of ASCE; he is also the first Asia-based academic to receive the ASCE Hunter Rouse Hydraulic Engineering Award (2009). He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, United Kingdom and Immediate Past President of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. In 2010 he was bestowed a State Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Second Class) by the Chinese State Council. Prof Lee has served as expert consultant on numerous hydro-environmental projects including the design of major urban flood control and environmental management infrastructure in Hong Kong. He served on the Advisory Council on the Environment and the Construction Industry Council (2009-2012) of Hong Kong Government, as well as advisory bodies in Scotland, Germany and Singapore. He is Honorary Professor of Nankai University, and Advisory Professor of Hohai University and Tongji University. He is a member of the Shanghai Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Prof. Tao Jianhua (Tianjin University) Prof. Jianhua Tao graduated from the department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tianjin University 1957. She went to Holland 1981, to study for Computational Hydraulics with M. B. Abbott in IHE and went to DHI, Denmark 1982, to develop the software of coastal engineering. After coming back to china 1983, She created Computed Hydrodynamics discipline in Tianjin University. Beside teaching CFD,her group developed a system of numerical models and software to serve the coastal engineering in china. In 1992, 1994, She was invited by UNDP of United Nations as Expert on Mission to Pune, India, to train the Indian scientists and engineers for the project of ‘Centre of mathematical modeling of river and marines’, which supported by UNDP. Accumulated the research results more than 20 years, she published a Book Numerical Simulation of Water Waves in Chinese in 2005. Since 1993, an intercross discipline of Numerical Simulation of Eco-Environment has been set up in Tianjin University, which combine the physics, chemistry, biology process and CFD technique, to do the research on the eco-environment of Bohai Sea. As the director, she established the Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering of Tianjin University in 1999, and organised the most colleges in Tianjin University to join the research and undertook the projects of ecoenvironmental field. She awarded the Earth Award for the sixth, by the Hong Kong Friends of the Earth in 2003. In recent years, Professor Tao pay more attention to the latest intercross discipline" Hydroinformatics", to simulation the process of fuzzy and uncertain for near-shore marine ecosystem. As the Chair of local Organizing Committee, Prof. Tao organised The 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatic in Tianjin, 2010, which is supported by Tianjin University and Tianjin Binhai New Area Administrative Committee. 07 Prof. Philip L.-F. Liu (Cornell University) Philip L.-F. Liu is the Class of 1912 Professor at Cornell University and is affiliated with the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), the Centre of Applied Mathematics and the field of Computational Sciences. Currently Dr. Liu is also the holder of the Kwoh-Ting Lee Chair Professorship at the National Central University, Taiwan, where he is affiliated with the Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences. After graduating with a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1968, Liu studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received a S.M. degree in Civil Engineering in 1971 and a ScD degree in 1974. He joined Cornell faculty as an Assistant Professor in the School of CEE in 1974 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 1979 and Full Professor in 1983. He served as the Associate Director of the School in 1985-1986 and as the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies of Engineering College in 1986-1987. Liu has been the Director of the School of CEE since July 1, 2009. Liu is an internationally-recognised, front-line researcher in the fields of water wave theory, tsunami dynamics, wave-breaking processes, sediment transport and the interaction of waves with structures. Since the 1990s, he has pioneered the development of a unified mathematical model of wave behavior that covers a wide range of nonlinearity and frequency dispersion. The advances have resulted in physically-based mathematical models and efficient computational procedures that produce accurate predictions of wave fields over complex bathymetry as well as in the vicinity of coastal structures. His reputation rests on the outstanding contributions he has made to fundamental understanding of wave processes and to the applicability of his research to practical engineering problems. Liu’s research has yielded practical results including those obtained by his COMCOT (Cornell-Multi-grid-Coupled -Tsunami-Model) and COBRAS (Cornell-Breaking-Waves-and-Structures) models, which have been used around the world as a research and engineering tool to study tsunami propagation and inundation, and evaluate breakwater designs. Liu has co-authored one book and co-edited more than 10 books. His 238+ archival papers have received over 4875 citations. Liu is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and a distinguished member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He has received many academic awards, including the prestigious ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize (1978), the J. S. Guggenheim Fellowship (1980), the ASCE John G. Maffatt & Frank N. Nichol Harbor and Coastal Engineering Award (1997), the International Coastal Engineering Award ASCE (2004) and the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (2009). Prof. Liao Shijun (Shanghai Jiaotong University) Dr. Shijun LIAO (PhD, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 1992) is a distinguished professor, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiatong University, China. His research fields are fluid mechanics, computational methods and applied mathematics. In 1992 Prof. Liao proposed in his PhD dissertation the “homotopy analysis method” (HAM), an analytic approximation method for highly nonlinear problems. The HAM works even for problems without any small/large physical parameters. Especially, unlike other analytic approximation methods, the HAM provides a simple way to guarantee the convergence of solution series. Besides, the HAM provides great freedom to choose equation-type and solution-expression of high-order approximation equations. Due to these advantages, the HAM has been widely applied in science, engineering and finance. As a founder of the HAM, Prof. Liao published his 1st book “Beyond Perturbation” in 2003 via CRC Press, his 2nd book “Homotopy Analysis Method in Nonlinear Differential Equations” in 2012 via Springer and Higher Education Press, and edited the book “Advances in the Homotopy Analysis Method” in 2013 via World Scientific. His books and 130 journal papers have been cited more than 5000 times by others, with the h-index 34. Prof. Liao gained the Changjiang professorship in 2001. He was awarded “Shanghai First-class Prize for Natural Science” and “Shanghai Peony Prize for Natural Science” in 2009. Using the HAM as a powerful tool for nonlinear problems, Prof. Liao and his group successfully found something new. For example, they found, for the first time, the multiple steady-state resonance waves, whose wave spectrum is independent of time. Besides, they confirmed the existence of this kind of steady-state resonance waves by physical experiments, and their experimental results agree well with the theoretical ones gained by means of the HAM. Currently, Prof. Liao proposed the so-called “uniform wave model” (UWM), which gives, for the first time, the peaked solitary waves in finite water depth. In addition, the UWM unifies both of the peaked and smooth progressive waves in finite water depth, for the first time. For more information, please visit his homepage: 08 Dr. Songdong Shao (University of Sheffield) Dr Songdong Shao is currently a Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield, after serving seven years at the University of Bradford UK. He has been a Researcher at the University of Hong Kong, University of Plymouth, Kyoto University, Nanyang Technological University, Beijing Forestry University and North China Electric Power University from 1998-2006. Dr Shao obtained his Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees from Tsinghua University China in 1992 and 1998. His research field is related to the hydraulics and hydrodynamics, coastal engineering, fluid-structure interactions, multi-fluid flows and CFD models. He has been doing SPH modelling for more than a decade and published 30 quality papers in international leading journals on different applications of the free-surface flows and is internationally recognised in this field. He is one of the pioneers to develop and use the incompressible SPH modelling technique. The total citations of his works are 780 in Scopus and 630 in Web of Science and the earliest SPH paper has been cited over 200 times. He has also established strong links with many international collaborators and secured fundings from the Royal Society, Royal Academy of Engineering, EU and other overseas research councils aiming to carry out the world leading research. He currently serves as the Editorial Board Member of the Coastal Engineering Journal JSCE and Scientific World Journal. He is a Visiting Professor of State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University. Dr. Qianxi Wang (University of Birmingham) Dr Qianxi Wang is from the School of Mathematics, the University of Birmingham. He obtained his BEng, MEng and PhD from the University of Science and Technology, China. His research fields include bubble dynamics, free surface wave/body interaction, perturbation methods and boundary integral method. He has published about 30 journal papers. He is a frequent reviewer of Journal of Fluid Mechanics and Physics of Fluids. 09 Conference Programme for ICHD 2014 19 – 24 October 2014 Conference Venue: NTU@One-north Executive Centre, Singapore SUNDAY 19 October 2014 (Afternoon) 16:00 – 19:00 Registration at the Park Avenue Rochester Hotel (Address: 31 Rochester Drive, Singapore 138637) MONDAY 20 October 2014 (Morning) 08:00 Registration & Breakfast at the Conference Venue: NTU@One-north Executive Centre (Address: 11 Slim Barracks Rise, Singapore 138664) 09:30 Conference Welcome Speech and Opening Address 10:10 TEA/COFFEE BREAK 11:00 PLENARY SESSION (Venue: AUD302; Chair: Prof. Tan Soon Keat) – Prof. Odd M. Faltinsen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Topic: Hydrodynamics of marine and offshore structures (ID: K1) 11:50 PLENARY SESSION (Venue: AUD302; Chair: Prof. Liu Hua) – Prof. Tao Jianhua (Tianjin University). Topic: Multi-physics and multi-scale modeling for eco-environmental characteristics of coastal water (ID: K4) 10 MONDAY20October2014(Afternoon) LUNCH 12:50 14:05 PLENARYSESSION(Venue:AUD302;Chair: Prof.MasashiKashiwagi) Ͳ Dr.WangQianxi (UniversityofBirmingham) Topic: NonͲsphericalmultiͲoscillationsofabubbleinacompressibleliquid(ID:K8) 14:55 TEA/COFFEEBREAK Venue:AUD302 V AUD302 (Chair:Prof.SeungͲJoon Lee) Venue:LT601 V LT601 (Chair:Prof.Izolda Sturova) Venue:LT602 V LT602 (Chair:Prof.George Bergeles) SR501 Venue:SR502 V SR502 (Chair:Dr.KangChangWei) Offshore&Marine Structures(I) Environmentalfluid mechanics(I) Cavitation andMultiphase Flow(I) ComputationalFluid Dynamics(I) 15:20 #103:AeroͲhydroelastic instabilitiesonanOffshore FixedͲBottomWindTurbine in severe sea state Enzo insevereseastate.Enzo Marino,ClaudioLugni, ClaudioBorri #167:OilRecovery EnhancementviaDifferent GasInjectionScinariosin Fractured Reservoirs Yahya FracturedReservoirs.Yahya AlWahaibi #171:Studyonthe DestructionofTipVortex Cavitation onPropellerof 13 000 TEU Class Container 13,000TEUClassContainer Vessel.SungͲHanChu,SungͲ Hoon Kim,GilͲHwanChoi #131:Hydrodynamic OptimizationofaTriSWACH. ChiYang,FuxinHuang,Hyun Yul Kim Kim 15:45 #157:TheNewGeneration SemiͲSubmersibleDrilling Tender(SSDT).Aziz Merchant,AnisHussain, MurthyPasumarthy #77:TheRadiation HydrodynamicsEquations andthedevelopedProgram coupledNeutronMass TransportEffect.Zhenying Hong,Xiangdong Lu,Bo Yang #37:Numericaland theoreticalanalysisonthe collapseeffectofthepartial cavitation around deceleratingunderwater vehicle.YingChen, Chuanjing Lu,Xin Lu Xin Chen,JieLi, Chen Jie Li Jiayi Cao,Zhaoxin Gong #197:TheHighͲOrderPathͲ ConservativeSchemeForA SaurelͲAbgrall ModelOf CompressibleNonͲ ConservativeTwoͲPhase Flow.Yueling Jia,Baolin Tian Song Jiang E F Toro Tian,SongJiang,E.F.Toro 16:10 #205:Experimentaland numericalanalysisoftwoͲ dimensionalsteadyͲstate sloshinginarectangulartank equippedwithaslatted screen.RezaFiroozkoohi, OddMagnusFaltinsen #89:ThreeͲdimensional numericalmodelingofwindͲ drivencirculationinthe Taihu Lake.JieZhou,QunͲ LiangYang #97:Studieson hydrodynamicsand modelingfora supercavitating bodyin transitionphase.Seonhong Kim,Nakwan Kim #78:Simulationofafast speedboatmotioninregular waveswithhelpofCFD. DmitryNikushchenko,Vasily Zverkov 16:35 #94: Analysisoffueltank bafflestoreducetheimpact generatedfromliquid sloshing.Guohui Xu,Jiajun Hu,Xuekang Gu #210: Physical hydraulic #210:Physicalhydraulic modelling ofcontrolling of controlling foamingatcoolingwater foaming at cooling water outfall.Z.Q.Wang,S.P.Lim, outfall. Z.Q. Wang, S.P. Lim, Y.Y.Neoh,Fauzan Kamal Y.Y. Neoh, Mohd Nor Ahmad, Fauzan Kamal #178:ExperimentalStudyof Cavitating FlowinsideDiesel NozzleswithDifferent LengthͲDiameterRatios UsingDieselandBiodiesel. Zhuang Shao,Zhixia He,Qian Wang,Wenjun Zhong, Xicheng Tao #88:Effectofregularseabed shapeonthepressure distributionbelowhull bottom.Linjia Yang,Zhiyong Qin,W.B.Zhang 17:00 #174: Experimental Study on #174:ExperimentalStudyon LiveLoadDependent HydrodynamicBehaviorof FloatingBody.YounͲJu Jeong,MinͲSuPark,DuͲHo Lee,YoungͲJunYou #142:DesignandAnalysisof #142: Design and Analysis of aFlowͲthroughBag AquacultureSystem.Deepal KantiDas,NikhilJagadish Bhat #29: Effects of the vertical #29:Effectsofthevertical launchingparametersonthe underwatervehicle movement.Zhaoxin Gong, Chuanjing Lu,Jiayi Cao,JieLi, Xin Chen,YingChen #49:Lagrangian #49: Lagrangian particle particle simulationoflockͲexchange flow.MengͲYuLin 17:25 #20:Wavedriftforces estimationforthe preliminarydesignof d dynamicpositioning i ii i systems.MicheleViviani, GianlucaPanzalis,Danilo Ruscelli,LucaSebastiani, RobertaDepascale #184:Numericalsimulation oftheenergydissipation failureoftheaqueductfree overfall.Yalin f ll Y li Li,Shouqi Li Sh i Yuan,SoonKeatTan,Xikun Wang,Jieyun Miao #86:Cavitation performance ofexposedbolthead fastenerconfigurations. Willi WilliamStraka,Jeremy S k J Koncoski,DavidStinebring #84:Eliminationofhourglass distortionsbymeansofthe LagrangianͲGaussͲpointͲ massmethodfor h df compressiblefluidflows. Junxia Cheng,Baolin Tian 17:50 Endof1stͲdayProgramme 11 TUESDAY21October2014(Morning) 08:00 Registration&Breakfast 09:00 PLENARYSESSION(Venue:AUD302;Chair:Prof.YongHwanKim)– Prof.PhilipL.ͲF.Liu (CornellUniversity) Topic: CatastrophicTsunamisandhurricanesinthelastdecade(ID:K5) 09:50 TEA/COFFEEBREAK Venue:AUD302 (Chair:Prof.YongLiu) Venue:LT601 (Chair:Dr.RezaFiroozkoohi) Venue:LT602 (Chair:Prof.Dongfang Liang) Venue:SR502 SR501 (Chair:Prof.Cuiping Kuang) Offshore&Marine Structures(II) ShipHydrodynamics(I) FluidͲStructureInteraction CoastalEngineering(I) 10:20 #132:Naturalfrequencyof 2Ͳdimensionalhorizontal cylindersheavingonfree surface.SeungͲJoon Lee, Jeha Song #72:CrossͲflowtransverse forceandyawmomentona semiͲdisplacementvessel withforwardspeedanddrift angle.Babak Ommani,Odd M.Faltinsen #52:Higherorder synchronizationoutside primarylockͲinofcircular cylinderoscillatingin streamwise.LinLu,Guoqiang Tang,BinTeng,LiangCheng #110:Trappingofsurface wavesbyasubmerged trapezoidalbreakwaternear awall.Harekrushna Behera, Trilochan Sahoo 10:45 #76:Investigationonthe EffectofFinenessRatioon theHydrodynamicForceson anAxisymmetric Underwater BodyatInclinedFlow. PraveenP.C.,Panigrahi P.K., Krishankutty P. #126:Hydroelasticity analysisofshipsinwaves. Ranadev Datta,Mohammed Rabius Sunny #203:Vibrationresponse analysisofanunderwater submersible.SunJianͲGang, Zou M.ͲS. #31:Theresponseof hydrodynamicstoCaofeidian Projectin2012.Cuiping Kuang,Jianwen Qi,M.T. Jiang,Bingyu Wang,PingSu, Z.Ma,F.T.Liu,D.Du 11:10 #173:ReviewofRiser TechniquesforDeepwater Application.HoangDat Nguyen,Zhi YungTay,B.A.P Francis, Valentin Mihalev #91:CausalRepresentation ofWaveForcesForTimeͲ DomainSimulationof Maneuveringand Seakeeping Problems. Grigory Vilenskiy,Dmitry Nikushchenko,SergeyZaikov #105:Waveinteractionwith floatingflexiblecircularcage system.Sourav Mandal, Trilochan Sahoo #8:Flowfieldanddensity variationforaninternal solitarywaveevolutionover atrapezoidaltopography. MingHungCheng,ChihͲMin Hsieh,RobertR.Hwang, JohnR.ͲC.Hsu, ShihͲFengSu 11:35 #7:FlowBehaviorarounda CoatedPipelineEmbedded PartlyinaPermeable Seabed.HsinͲYuChang, LiangͲHsiung Huang,MengͲ YuLin,KaoͲHaoChang #17:NumericalSimulation onCoupledEffectbetween ShipMotionandLiquid SloshingunderWaveAction. ShengͲChaoJiang,BinTeng, YingGou,LinLu,W.Bai #172:EͲSEMI Feasible SolutionforDryTree ApplicationinDeepwater. Zhi YungTay,Amit Jain, AdrianKe #13:Usingspecialized naturalconditionmapsand hydrodynamical simulation resultstobebasedon marinespatialplanningof Phu Quoc – ConDaoIslands areas.Quang HoangNgoc, ThongBuiXuan,TungDao Hoang,Toan BuiDuc,Lan Nguyen, Lan VuVan Nguyen,Lan Vu Van 12:00 #162:Predictionof ResponsesofFloating ProductionSystemsusing theMultiGaussian MaximumEntropyMethod. UmbertoAlibrandi,Chenyin Ma,ChanGheeKoh #119:Measurementof velocityfieldarounda circularcylindernearplane boundaryundergoing vortexͲinducedvibration. ShihͲChunHsieh,YeeͲMeng Chiew,YingMinLow #93:EffectofPropellerWash onDistributionofNatural Sedimentationaroundthe MarinaBayCruiseCentrein Singapore.Mamta Jain, HoangHaNguyen,E.Precht, ThomasFoster,Calvin Chung,EuniceTan 12:25 #156:Challengesand potentialofextended tensionlegplatforminultraͲ deepwater.Zhi YungTay, Vasil Yordanov,Valentin Mihalev,Ankit Choudhary 12 TUESDAY21October2014(Afternoon) LUNCH 12:50 14:05 PLENARYSESSION(Venue:AUD302;Chair:Prof.YangChi) Ͳ Prof.LiaoShijun (ShanghaiJiaotong University) Topic:Developmentandapplicationsofthehomotopy analysismethod(ID:K6) 14:55 TEA/COFFEEBREAK Venue:AUD302 (Chair:Prof.Francis Noblesse) Venue:LT601 (Chair:Prof.Decheng Wan) Venue:LT602 (Chair:Dr.Giulio Gennaro) SR501 Venue:SR502 (Chair:Prof.Dezhi Ning) ShipHydrodynamics(II) IndustrialHydrodynamics (I) Cavitation andMultiphase Flow(II) WaveDynamicsandOcean Energy(I) 15:20 #113:Atimedomainpanel methodforthepredictionof nonlinearhydrodynamic f forces.Ranadev R d Datta, D CarlosGuedes Soares,José MiguelRodrigues #163:DragReductionin Waterby Superhydrophobicity S SustainedLeidenfrost i d L id f V Vapor Layers.IvanVakarelski, JeremyMarston,Sigurdur Thoroddsen,DerekChan #111:ACavitation AggressivenessIndex(C.A.I) withintheRANS methodologyforCavitating h d l f C i i Flows.GeorgeBergeles, Foivos Koukouvinis,Manolis Gavaises #128:NumericalandsemiͲ analyticalmethodsfor optimizingwaveenergy parks.MalinGöteman,Jens k M li Gö J Engström,MikaelEriksson, JanIsberg 15:45 #175:WindͲassistedship propulsion:Areviewand developmentofa performanceprediction programforcommercial ships.GiovanniBordogna, DavidJ.Markey,ReneH.M. Huijsmans,J.A.Keuning, FabioFossati #70:Experimentalstudyon dynamicsofbuoyantjets andplumesinalinearly stratifiedenvironments. HarishN,Sridhar Balasubramanian #74:Theoreticaland NumericalAnalysesofthe ventilationmass’ssimilarity forfiniteͲlengthcavities basedonvolumecriteria.Xin Chen,YingChen,Chuanjing Lu,Majun Zhang,Shengping Liang #44:SignificantWaveHeight RetrievalfromSynthetic RadarImages.Andreas Parama Wijaya,E.van Groesen 16:10 #48:Apracticalsystemfor hydrodynamicoptimization ofshiphullformusing parametricmodification functionconsidering operationalcondition. KyungͲryeong Pak,Heejung Kim,Yongchul Lee,Heetaek Kim,Suhyung Kim,Jongsoo Seo,Seungmyun Hwangbo #154:Recentadvancement inTendonTechnologyfor DeepwaterApplication.Zhi YungTay,HoangDat Nguyen,WenPingWang #40:StudyOnTheReverse AdvancingCollapse PhenomenonAtCavitation BubblesClosureIn UnderwaterVertical LaunchingProcess.Yiwei Wang,Chenguang Huang, Xin Fang,Xiaocui Wu, Tezhuan Du,Xianxian Yu #67:AGeneralized3D NumericalWaveTankfor PracticalWaveͲStructure InteractionsinSteepWaves. Debabrata Sen,Shivaji Ganesan 16:35 #101:ExperimentalStudyon AddedResistancefor DifferentBowShapesof KVLCC2 Jaehoon Lee,DongͲ KVLCC2.Jaehoon Lee Dong MinPark,Yonghwan Kim #124:CalibrationofMEMS ShearͲStressSensorsArrayin WaterFlumeforUnderwater Applications Tian YuͲKui,Xie Applications.Tian Yu Kui Xie Hua,HuangHuan,SunHaiͲ Liang,ZhangNan #63:Cavitating Flow SimulationwithMesh DevelopmentusingSalome Open Source Software OpenSourceSoftware. VictorHugoHidalgoDiaz, Xianwu Luo,AnYu,Ricardo Soto #127:Thebaseratio perturbationontransient wavesina3Dregulartank due to oblique hori ontal duetoobliquehorizontal excitation.ChihHua Wu, BangͲFuh Chen,TinͲKan Hung 17:00 #73:Evaluationofroll dampingforPCTCs consideringthecenterofroll motion.Sungkyun Lee,JiͲHee Hwang,JuͲHyuck Choi,HyunͲ HoLee #209:Toinvestigatethe techniquesofgasbubble detectioninporewaterfor shallowsubsoilconditions. RaymondC.M.Ching #68:Thedevelopmentof shouldercavitation whena vehicleflyingthroughwater surface.YuMa,XiaoͲWeiLiu, ZhanHuang #182:Transformationof representativewaveheights usingparametricalwave approach.Winyu Rattanapitikon,Nga Thanh Duong 17:25 #198:Anoperational approachfortheestimation ofaship’sfuelconsumption. N.Bialystocki,D.Konovessis 19:00 18:30 ConferenceDinner 13 WENESDAY22October2014(Morning) 08:00 Registration&Breakfast 09:00 PLENARYSESSION(Venue:AUD302;Chair: Dr.Jurgen Friech) Ͳ Prof.JosephH.W.Lee (HongKongUniversityof Science&Technology) Topic: EnvironmentalhydraulicsofchlorinedisinfectionfortheHongKongHarbour AreaTreatmentScheme(ID:K3) 09:50 TEA/COFFEE BREAK TEA/COFFEEBREAK Venue:AUD302 (Chair:Dr.SongdongShao) Venue:LT601 (Chair:Dr.XikunWang) Venue:LT602 (Chair:Prof.LinLu) SR501 Venue:SR502 (Chair:Prof.Debabrata Sen) HydraulicEngineering Offshore&Marine Structures(III) CoastalEngineering(II) WaveDynamicsandOcean Energy(II) 10:20 #6:Theuseofcoarse sedimenttransport hydraulicstoestimatethe peakdischargeof catastrophicfloods.Colin Clark #24:Hydrodynamicanalysis onthetypicalunderwater gliders.MaZheng,ChenYaͲ Jun,ChenHongͲXun,Kuang Jun #47:Modelling harbour resonancewithanimproved openboundarycondition. Dongfang Liang,Jingxin Zhang,J.Wang,Hua Liu #25:Numericalstudyof waveinteractionwithtwo bodiesincloseproximity. Dezhi Ning,Xiaojie Su,Bin Teng 10:45 #123:Shearstressactingon thebedwithverticalcircular cylindersinopenͲchannel flow.Kenjirou Hayashi,Ryou Saitou,Tuyoshi Tada #66:PIVMeasurementsof WakeFlowCharacteristics behindaRotatingCylinder. YangyangGao,Z.L.Sun, DanielleS.Tan,Baofeng Zhang,SoonKeatTan g, #168:Dynamicsofslurry settingduringland reclamation.ThuTrangVu, FengJunChua,Hak Soon Lim,JiaHe,SoonKeatTan #185:Airgap Calculationand theEffectsofWave DiffractionandHigherOrder Waves.Xiaoming Cheng,Bo Wu 11:10 #27:SimulatingFloodingin ComplexUnderground SpaceswithGPUͲbasedSPH Method.Jiansong Wu, Yueping Qin,Xiaobin Yang, HuiZhang,RobertA. Dalrymple #130:Forceandflow characteristicsofacircular cylinderwithgrooved surface.BoZhou,Xikun Wang,SoonKeatTan,Wie MinGho #14:Identificationspeedof sealevelriseatobserved stationsinEasternand WesterncoastofVietnam SouthernPart.ThongBui Xuan,Quang NgocHoang, Toan Duc Bui,TungHoang Dao,Lan VanVu,Lan N Nguyen #165:Simulatingwater wavesgeneratedby underwaterlandslidewith MPSandWCͲMPS. MohammadAmin Nabian, LeilaFarhadi 11:35 #46:NumericalStudyon OpenͲChannelBifurcations withTopographicObstacles. ChengZeng,P.J.Hu,LingͲ LingWang,C.W.Li,JieZhou #199:NonlinearDynamic AnalysisofSCRwithEffects ofHystereticSeabed.Chao Xu,GangMa,Lixin Xu,Liping Sun #16:NumericalModellingof theCirculationFlow MovementoftheZhoushan LNGBerthandImprovement Scenarios.Mingxiao Xie,Xin Li,Hongbo Zhao,YinCai 12:00 #53:NumericalSimulationof DamBreakingFlowsby OverlappingParticle Method. Zhengyuan Tang, Yuxin Zhang,Decheng Wan #2:Flowstructureand hydrodynamicforcesofa nearͲwallcylinderof differentcrossͲsections. XikunWang,SoonKeatTan 12:25 #133: Thecombiningeffects ofinletguidevanesand bladesettingangleson performanceofaxialͲflow pump system Weimin Feng, pumpsystem.Weimin Feng QianCheng,C.G.Zhou, Zhiwei Guo 14 WENESDAY22October2014(Afternoon) LUNCH 12:50 14:05 PLENARYSESSION(Venue:AUD302;Chair:Dr.ClaudioLugni) Ͳ Dr.SongdongShao (UniversityofSheffield) Title: TwoISPHmodelingtechniquesinhydrodynamics:coastalandriversimulations(ID:K7) Topic: Two ISPH modeling techniques in hydrodynamics: coastal and river simulations (ID:K7) 14:55 TEA/COFFEEBREAK Venue:AUD302 (Chair:Prof.ChenHongͲXun) Venue:LT601 (Chair:Dr.YingMinLow) Venue:LT602 (Chair:Prof.LiuHua) Venue:SR502 SR501 (Chair:Prof.JunAndo) ShipHydrodynamics(III) Offshore&Marine Structures(IV) Cavitation andMultiphase Flow(III) PropulsionandPropellers (I) 15:20 #125:Acombinedviscous andpotentialmethodforthe computationofadded resistanceinheadwaves. Ch Chengsheng h W Ji Wu,JiangLu, L Daijun Yan,Shuxia Bu, Gengyao Qiu #138:ProbabilitySensitivity AnalysisofExtremeSecondͲ orderRollMotion PredictionsforATurret M MooredFPSO.YoungJun d FPSO Y J Son,Joong Soo Moon,Woo Seung Sim,HyunSoo Shin #43:Influenceofdifferent gasͲinjectionconditionson ventilatedcloudcavitation. Xianxian Yu,Yiwei Wang, Ch Chenguang H Huang,Tezhuan T h Du,Xiaocui Wu,Lijuan Liao #26:RudderͲpropeller interaction:Analysisof differentapproximation techniques.DarioBruzzone, St f StefanoGaggero,C.P. G CP Bonvino,DiegoVilla,Michele Viviani 15:45 #96:MoistureContentLimit ofIronOreFinesforthe PreventionofLiquefactionin BulkCarriers.Michael Munro,Abbas Mohajerani #35:Analysisonwave actionsontwoclosely spacedfloatingboxes.Yong Liu,LinLu #23:Dimensioncontrolof theventilatedsupercavity in themaneuveringmotion. WangZou,Hua Liu #136:Thecharacteristic analysisofpropeller disturbedflowfield.Chen Ke,QianZhengͲFang,Jiang JingͲWei,MaCheng,Cai HaoͲPeng 16:10 #55:Partialvalidationand verificationoftheNeumannͲ Michell Theoryofship waves.Chenliang Zhang, FrancisNoblesse,Decheng Wan,F.X.Huang,ChiYang #51:Hydroelastic investigationonfloating bodynearislandsandreefs. ChaoTian,X.Y.Ni,X.L.Liu, Yousheng Wu #75:Onenumerical approachontheventilated cavitating flowwiththetwoͲ fluidmultiphaseflowmodel. Jingjun Zhou,Rongrong Li, KunTan #42:Numericalsimulation forunsteadypropeller performancewithinclined shaftpropellerarrangement usingCFD.Prachakon Kaewkhiaw,JunAndo 16:35 #100:Simulationof #100: Simulation of ParametricRollbyUsinga SemiͲAnalyticApproach.JaeͲ Hoon Lee,Yonghwan Kim, KangͲHyunSong #54:ParallelMPSMethod #54: Parallel MPS Method for3DWaveͲbody InteractionFlows.Yuxin Zhang,Zhengyuan Tang, Decheng Wan,Wenhua Huang #179:Investigationofthe #179: Investigation of the internalflowandspry characteristicsfromdiesel nozzlewithdifferentneedle shapes.LiangZhang,Zhixia He,Qiang Wang,Zhuang Shao,Genmiao Guo #65:Computationalanalysis #65: Computational analysis ofcontraͲrotatingpodded propulsors usingahybrid RANSE/BEMmodel.Danilo Calcagni,Francesco Salvatore,RobertoMuscari, JohanSundberg,Rikard Johansson 17:00 #207:Methodologyforthe shiptoshiphydrodynamic hi hi h d d i interactioninvestigation applyingtheCFDmethods. AnastasiaZubova,Dmitry Nikushchenko #151:Numericalsimulation oftwoͲphaseflowswiththe f h fl ih h ConsistentParticleMethod. MinLuo,ChanGheeKoh, MimiGao,WeiBai #114:APropellerDesign P ProcedureConsideringthe d C id i h InteractionbetweenShip HullsandPropulsion Devices.ChingͲYehHsin, ChingͲPu Lee,TungͲChing Chen,LeͲAnLin 17:25 #201:Steadilytranslating Greenfunctionwithviscosity andsurfacetensioneffects. H.Liang,X.B.Chen,Z.Zong, L.Sun 17:50 Endof3rdͲdayProgramme 15 THURSDAY23October2014(Morning) 08:00 Registration&Breakfast 09:00 PLENARYSESSION(Venue:LT301;Chair:Dr.ChenXiaobo)Ͳ Prof.FrederickStern (UniversityofIowa) Topic: RecentprogressinCFDofnavalarchitectureandoceanengineering(ID:K2) 09:50 TEA/COFFEEBREAK Venue:LT301 (Chair:Dr.Babak Ommani) Venue:LT601 (Chair:Prof.Cheng Xiaoming) Venue:LT602 (Chair:Dr.TommyWong) Venue:SR502 SR501 (Chair:Prof.ChiuͲOnNg) ComputationalFluid Dynamics(II) PropulsionandPropellers (II) Environmentalfluid mechanics(II) IndustrialHydrodynamics (II) 10:20 #158:PerformanceAnalysis ofMassivelyͲParallel ComputationalFluid Dynamics.JamesN.Hawkes, StephenR.Turnock,SimonJ. Cox,AlexB.Phillips, Guilherme Vaz #33:Applicationofdifferent designandanalysistoolsfor apropellerinaxialcylinder. StefanoGaggero,Giorgio Tani,CristinaVaccaro, MicheleViviani,M. Ferrando,FrancescoConti, RobertaDepascale #160:TidalͲanddensityͲ drivenflowsinsubmerged vegetation.WenZeeKwong, VivienPChua #5:NaturalConvectionina VerticalPolygonalDuctWith BothWallsExhibiting Superhydrophobic Slipand TemperatureJump.Hang Yuan,ChiuͲOnNg,C.Y.Wang 10:45 #147:Amodelfor inhomogeneousoscillations nearthestoppingangleinan inclined,granularflow. DanielleTan,PatrickRichard, JamesJenkins #12:PredictionofSteady PerformanceofContraͲ RotatingPropellersincluding WakeAlignment.Yasuhiko Inukai TakashiKanemaru, JunAndo #69:Convectiveinstability anddiffusioninisothermal ternarygasmixturesat variouspressuresand viscosity.VladimirKossov, OlgaFedorenko,Venera Mukamedenkizy #166:Modelling ofoilͲwater flowpatternsandpressure gradientinhorizontalpipes. Talal AlWahaibi,Yahya Al Wahaibi,Farouq Mjalli, BaderAlͲBusaidi 11:10 #39:Computingthefree surfacehydrodynamic coefficientsofhighspeed blendedwingbodyvehicle basedonsemiͲrelative referenceframeandimplicit p VOFmethod.Xiaocui Wu, Yiwei Wang,Chenguang Huang,Zhiqiang Hu,R.W.Yi #21:Comparisonofdifferent scalingmethodsformodel testswithCLTpropellers. JuanGonzálezͲAdalid, MarianoPérez Sobrino, Amadeo García Gómez,, Giulio Gennaro,Stefano Gaggero,MicheleViviani, AntonioSánchez Caja #116:SigmaͲZED:A ComputationallyEfficient ApproachtoReducethe HorizontalGradientErrorin theEFDC’sVerticalSigma Grid.P.M.Craig,D.H.Chung, g, g, N.T.Lam,P.H.Son,N.X.Tinh #208:TheExperiment InvestigationofLargeScale ofTurbulentflowinthe ChannelBottomLayerUsing DPIV.ZhanHuang,Jian Gong,HaoͲQinSu,HongͲWei g, , g Wang,GongͲXin Shen 11:35 #81:ANumericalStudyof FlexibleHydrofoilinWater Tunnel.ShiͲLiangHu,ChuanͲ JingLu,YouͲShengHe #115:Developmentofthe HorizontalAxisMarine CurrentTurbineBlade DesignProcedure.AnͲChieh Kuo,ChingͲYehHsin,FanͲ Ting Hong YuͲSiou TingHong,Yu Siou Luo, Luo ChiungͲChihLin #11:Transversalinternal seiches inbasinofvariable depthandcontinuous stratification.Izolda Sturova #129:Experimentalstudyof dragreductiononrough cylinders.BoZhou,Xikun Wang,SoonKeatTan,Wie MinGho 12:00 #87:NumericalAnalysison theWindPressure Characteristicsof CombinatorialHemisphere. Linjia Yang,Pengfei Zhu,X.P. Liu #137:Numerically CalculatingMethodforthe UnsteadyHydrodynamic performanceofPodded Propellers.QianZhengͲFang, ChenKe,MaCheng,Cai HaoͲ Peng,JiangJingͲWei #177:Investigationonthree interactingpipejetsat inclinationangleof30 degree.JiaxinZheng,Soon KeatTan #139:UtilizingCFDasatool forsumpmodeldesign. Imran Halimi Ibrahim,Aziz Gulam,Rohayah AbdulLatip 12:25 #141:AddedMassand DampingCoefficientsfora uniformflexiblebargeusing VoF.JungͲHyunKim, Puramharikrishnan Arun Lakshmynarayanana, Pandeli Temarel 16 #3:BasicPerformance ChecksofTwelveͲWire Probe.Z.Hao,T.Zhou,L.P. Chua THURSDAY 23 October 2014 (Afternoon) 12:50 14:00 LUNCH End of 4th-day Programme FRIDAY 24 October 2014 Technical Tour to Marina Barrage Marina Barrage The Marina Barrage is a dam in Singapore built at the confluence of five rivers, across the Marina Channel between Marina East and Marina South. It was officially opened on 1 November 2008. It is Singapore's fifteenth reservoir, providing water storage, flood control and recreation. It won a 2009 AAEE award. Tour to Marina Barrage should be arranged in group of maximum of 80 pax per session slot. Therefore, the ICHD 2014 Local Organising Committee has booked the following three (3) session slots (see table below) for the conference delegates on 24 October 2014. Free shuttle bus will be provided for ICHD 2014 delegates between the conference venue and Marina Barrage. Due to the pax limit, the availability of each session slot is based on the first-come-first-serve basis. Delegates interested in attending the technical tour are required to select their preferred time slot during the online registration ( Technical Tour to Marina Barrage Tour Session Session Time Departure from the conference venue Arrival to the conference venue A 09:00 am to 10:00 am 8:15 am 10:45 am B 11:00 am to 12:00 pm 10:15 am 12:45 pm C 13:30 pm to 14:30 pm 12:45 pm 15:15 pm 17 Location Map for Conference Venue/Hotel Buona Vista MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) Station Park Avenue Rochester Hotel (Recommended hotel for delegates) Tel: (65) 6808 8600 Address: 31 Rochester Drive Singapore 138637 Conference Venue: NTU@One-North Executive Centre Address: 11 Slim Barracks Rise Singapore 138664 Map reproduced from Mighty Minds Street Directory – Singapore's Most Updated Street Directory 18 Conference Banquet Venue: Fusionopolis (on 21 Oct evening) Address: 1 Fusionopolis Way Connexis #B1-20/24 Singapore 138632 Direction from Bouna Vista MRT to Conference Venue Total: 450 m, 6 min by walk 1. Alight at Bouna Vista MRT station, take Exit D (Exit to Ministry of Education Headquarter) 300 m - Head southwest on North Buona Vista Rd toward Slim Barracks Rise 2. Turn left onto Slim Barracks Rise 150 m -Take the stairs, destination will be on the left Park Avenue Rochester Hotel Exit D, Buona Vista MRT Stairs leading to Conference Venue 19 Direction from Park Avenue Rochester Hotel to Conference Venue Total: 588 m, 9 min by walk 1. Head southeast on Rochester Drive toward North Buona Vista Road 2. Turn left onto North Buona Vista Road 180 m 3. Cross North Buona Vista Road using pedestrian crossing, then make a U-turn 190 m 4. Turn left onto Slim Barracks Rise -Take the stairs, destination will be on the left 150 m Park Avenue Rochester Hotel (viewed from the Stairs leading to Conference venue) 20 68 m Conference Venue: NTU@One-North Executive Centre (Postal code: 138664; GPS coordinates: 1.303699, 103.789607) Conference Venue – View from North Buona Vista Road If you drive, turn into Slim Barrack Drive (off Buona Vista road) then turn left Auditorium: Take either the LIFT or STAIRS to Level 3 Other Function Rooms: Take LIFT to level 5, 6 or 7 Level 3 corridor, entrance to AUD302 - Auditorium Seminar Room Auditorium Lecture Theatre 21 Amenities near Conference Area Buona Vista MRT stations Market and Food Centre Block 44, Holland Drive The Star Vista Shopping Mall Recommended Hotel: PARK AVENUE HOTEL 31 Rochester Drive Singapore 138637 Tel: (65) 6808 8600 Conference Venue: NTU@One-north Campus 11 Slim Barracks Rise (off North Buona Vista Road) Tel: (65) 65141903 Conference Dinner Venue FUSIONOPOLIS 1 Fusionopolis Way Connexis #B1-20/24 Singapore 138632 22 Nearest Hospital: National University Hospital 5 Lower Kent Ridge Rd (near Kent Ridge MRT) Singapore 119074 Tel: (65) 6779 5555 (24-Hr) Conference LOC contact: Le Tuyet Minh - HP: (65) 8146 2812 :@! Wang Xikun - HP: (65) 9862 8223 Direction from NTU@One-north (Conference Venue) to Fusionopolis (Conference Dinner Venue) Total: 850 m, 10 min by walk 1. Head southeast on Slim Barracks Rise toward One North Link 270 m 2. Turn right onto One North Link 100 m 3. Turn left onto One-north Gateway 260 m 4. Continue onto Fusionopolis Way 94 m 5. Turn right onto Ayer Rajah Ave. Destination will be on the right 100 m 23 Direction from Park Avenue Hotel to Fusionopolis (Conference Dinner Venue) Total: 1 km, 12 min by walk 1. Head southeast on Rochester Dr toward North Buona Vista Rd 24 82 m 2. Turn right onto North Buona Vista Rd 650 m 3. Cross North Buona Vista Rd using pedestrian crossing, then turn left onto Ayer Rajah Ave . Destination will be on the left 260 m 25 Useful Contact Numbers Emergency contact: Police Fire/Ambulance 999 995 Transportation: Services Telephone Website SBS Transit 1800-2872727 SMRT Customer Service Centre (Bus and MRT trains) 1800-3368900 Taxi Service (Comfort) (65) 6552 1111 Taxi Service (Citycab) (65) 6552 2222 Taxi Service (SMRT) (65) 6555 8888 Contacts for ICHD 2014 Secretariat Ms. Joy Chua Ms. Dai Ying Ms. Le Tuyet Minh Maritime Research Centre Nanyang Technological University Email: [email protected] Tel: (65) 6790 6618 26 Singapore Organised by: Supported by: Maritime Research Centre Nanyang Technological University Sustainable Earth Office (SEO) Nanyang Technological University Maritime Research Centre Held in:
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