FOC 2014 AGENDA OF SESSIONS Oct. 20th, 2014 ---- Oct. 24th, 2014 Oct. 20th Registration Sino-French Center, Tongji University 07:30—17:00 Registration Open 08:30-12:00 Recent developments in the field of optical coatings - new trends and challenge (Free for all the attendants) Norbert Kaiser Fraunhofer IOF 08:30-12:00 Light Scattering in Multilayer Optics (Free for all the attendants) Claude Amra Institut Fresnel 13:30-17:00 Design, Pre-Production analysis, Computational Manufacturing and Reverse Engineering of Optical Coatings (Free for all the attendants) Alexander V. Tikhonravov Moscow State Univ. 13:30-17:00 Understanding the optical properties of optical coating materials (Free for all the attendants) Olaf Stenzel Fraunhofer IOF Short Course I Short Course II Registration 07:30—17:00 Registration Open Opening Ceremony 08:10—08:20 Opening Remarks (by Zhanshan Wang) Presider Liu Xu A.M. Plenary Talks 08:20—08:50 TUA-1 Advances in Optical Coatings Angus Macleod Thin Film Center Inc 08:50—09:20 TUA-2 Recent developments in the field of of optical coatings from XUV to IR wavelength Norbert Kaiser Fraunhofer IOF 09:20—09:50 TUA-3 Planarization of Coating Defects Christopher Stolz Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 09:50—10:20 TUA-4 2014 Update on SG-Ⅲ Laser facility Zheng Wanguo China Academy of Engineering Physics 10:20—10:50 Coffee Break & Exhibit Presider Norbert Kaiser 10:50—11:10 TUB-1 Design and Analysis Angular insensitive color filters based on micro/nano structures Weidong Shen Zhejiang University 11:10—11:20 TUB-2 Shortpass designs using chirped method Peizhong Xu Materion Barr Precision Optics & Thin Film Coatings 11:20—11:30 TUB-3 Tunable structure and optical properties of zinc oxide thin films Ruijiin Hong, Dawei Zhang University of Shanghai for Science and Technology 11:30—11:40 TUB-4 Dielectric coatings for giant optical enhancement M. ZERRAD, A. LEREU, F. LEMARCHAND, C. AMRA Institut Fresnel 11:40—11:50 TUB-5 Design and production of antireflection coatings for infrared spectral region V. G. Zhupanov, V. N. Fedoseev, M. K. Trubetskov, A. V. Tikhonravov Scientific Research Institution “Luch” 11:50—12:00 TUB-6 Design and analysis of a reflection guided mode resonance filter Li Kun,Xiong Yuqing Lanzhou Institute of Physics Chen Hong Tongji Unviersity Lunch Oct. 21th Presider 13:30—13:50 TUC-1 13:50—14:10 TUC-2 Multilayer optics including negative index materials Michel Lequime Institut Fresnel Fishnet metamaterials for optical coatings Anna Sytchkova, Guohang Hu, Maria Grilli, Hongbo He, Kui Yi, Jianda Shao, Angela Piegari ENEA Optical Components Laboratory The Growth Kinetics Study of Si Spirals during GLAD YunJie Mo,EnYu Lin,YiXiong Zhang,YanJuan Liao,ShaoJi Jiang Sun Yet-san University 14:30—14:40 TUC-5 SERS of Two-Dimensional Ag Nano-structured Thin Films Xu Huang, Di-fan Luo, Shaoji Jiang Sun Yet-san University 14:40—14:50 TUC-6 Controlled Fabrication of Aluminium Nanoparticles by Thermal Evaporation Svetlana Dligatch, Tristan L.Temple CSIRO 14:50—15:00 TUC-7 Determining Recombination Coefficients of Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Silicon Wei He, Ammar Zakar, and Andrey Kaplan University of Birmingham 14:10—14:20 TUC-3 Nanostructure and materials I 14:20—14:30 TUC-4 P.M. Zhanshan Wang Transparent Metal Slabs Based on Light-Tunneling Mechanism in Metamaterials 15:00—15:30 Presider Coffee Break & Exhibit Alexander V. Tikhonravov 15:30—15:50 TUD-1 Perfect Absorption of ITO Thin Films at Epsilon-Near-Zero Wavelength in Near Infrared Chang Kwon Hwangbo Inha University 15:50—16:10 TUD-2 The novel graphene-based optical sensor Tian Jianguo NanKai Univeristy 16:10—16:20 TUD-3 Substrate-Transferred Crystalline Coatings Garrett Cole, Markus Aspelmeyer University of Vienna Nanostructure and materials II 16:20—16:30 TUD-4 16:30—16:40 TUD-5 Des Gibson, David Child, Chao Performance benefits of three dimensional titanium dioxide Zhao, Shigeng Song, Meghan O’ nanostructures formed using plasma assisted glancing angle deposition Brien, Y Q Fu The university of the West of Scotland Performance of spatially variable bandpass filters deposited using Shigeng Song, David Hutson, Des Gibson microwave reactive sputtering University of the West of Scotland 16:40—16:50 TUD-6 Time dependence of internal stress and optical characteristics of Lanthanum Titanium Oxide (H4) optical thin film Ryota Nakano, Hiroshi murotani Tokai University 16:50—17:00 TUD-7 Ellipsometric Characterization of ITO/Au/ITO sandwich structure Xu Fang, Hui Ye Zhejiang University 17:10—18:10 Poster Session I 18:30—20:30 Banquet at Metropolo Hotel Registration A.M. Deposition Process I Oct.22th Deposition Process II 07:30—17:00 Registration Open Presider Angus Macleod 08:30—08:50 WA-1 Considerations on automation of coating machines Markus Tilsch JDSU 08:50—09:10 WA-2 High quality HR coatings for laser gyro Yiqin Ji Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics 09:10—09:20 WA-3 Towards a magnetic field separation in IBS processes Sina Malobabic, Marco Jupé, Detlev Ristau Laser Zentrum Hannover 09:20—09:30 WA-4 Etching behavior of optical thin films for different deposition techniques St.Gunster, T.Alig, D.Ristau Laser Zentrum Hannover 09:30—09:40 WA-5 Physical Properties of ITO Thin Films Fabricated by (IAD) Ion-Assisted Deposition Yang Qiu, Yangli Jin, Hua ZHAO, Bo XU, Jiajia Wang China Building Material Academy 09:40—09:50 WA-6 Effect of thermal annealing on the mechanical and thermoelastic characteristics of SiO2 optical thin films produced by dual ion beam sputtering Jian Leng, Yiqin Ji, Huasong Liu, Kewen Zhuang, Dandan Liu Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics 09:50—10:00 WA-7 The properties of the diamond-like carbon thin film prepared by ion beam sputtering deposition SUN Peng, ZHANG Feng, JI YiQin, HU Ming, LIU Hua-Song, LIU Dan-Dan, LENG Jian Tianjin University 10:00—10:30 Coffee Break & Exhibit Presider Christopher Stolz 10:30—10:50 WB-1 Challenging substrates for high vacuum coating equipment Harro Hagedorn Leybold Optics GmbH 10:50—11:10 WB-2 Design, production, reverse engineering chain for the indirect monochromatic monitoring system Jinlong Zhang Tongji University 11:10—11:20 WB-3 Advanced process control: In-situ optical monitoring of double sided coatings Stephan Waldner, Silvia Schwyn Thöny, and Marco Padrun Evatec Ltd. 11:20—11:30 WB-4 On the accuracy of thickness monitoring by swing values A. V. Tikhonravov, M. K. Trubetskov, A. Gorokh, Jinlong Zhang, Zhanshan Wang Moscow State University 11:30—11:40 WB-5 Practice-oriented thin film growth simulation via multiple scale approaches M. Jupé, M. Turowski, D. Ristau Laser Zentrum Hannover 11:40—11:50 WB-6 In-Situ Band Board Monitoring System Applied on Sputter Coating Machine Zicheng Zhu, Takehiko Nagai, Ting Xing, Bin Fan, , Michael Trubetskov, Alexander Tikhonravov Optorun 11:50—12:00 WB-7 Fabrication and characterization of Ion Beam Sputtered Ta2O5-SiO2 Mixture Coatings Ping Ma Chengdu Fine Optical Engineering Research Centre Lunch Presider Detlev Ristau WC-1 Real structure and optical properties of selected dielectric and metallic coatings: modelling and experiment Olaf Stenzel Fraunhofer IOF 13:50—14:10 WC-2 Optical Characterization of complex coating and nano-structures Juan Antonio Zapien Hongkong City University 14:10—14:20 WC-3 In-situ stress measurements in optical coating Silvia Schwyn Thöny, Rico Benz, Andreas Kuoni Evatec Ltd. Measurements / 14:20—14:30 WC-4 Characterizatio nI New system for surface profile measurements D.M. Lyakhov, I.V. Kozlov, Alexander Tikhonravov Moscow State University P.M. 13:30—13:50 14:30—14:40 WC-5 Effect of substrate surface roughness on the light scattering properties of TiO2 optical thin films Takuya sugiyama, Hiroshi Murotani, Akira Yamamoto, Shigeharu Matumoto, Hiromitu Honda, Koichi Tamura,Muneo Sugiura Tokai University 14:40—14:50 WC-6 Origins of light scattering in thin film coatings Sven Schröder, Marcus Trost, Angela Duparré Fraunhofer IOF 14:50—15:00 WC-7 Optical Coating Dispersion Measurements with an Automated Scanning White Light Interferometer Gregory J. Taft, Matthew S. Kirchner, Christopher S. Wood KMLabs Inc. 15:00—15:10 WC-8 Calibration method for group delay dispersion measurement of dispersive mirrors Wenjia Yuan, Weidong Shen, Yueguang Zhang, and Xu Liu Zhejiang University 15:10—15:30 Coffee Break & Exhibit Presider Svetlana Dligatch 15:30—15:50 WD-1 Development of hard X-ray Mirrors for the Nustar mission Chirstensen Finn Erland Technical university of Denmark 15:50—16:10 WD-2 Recent advances in Multilayer interference coatings for extreme ultraviolet/x-ray wavelengths Regina Soufli Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 16:10—16:30 WD-3 Application-driven development of the physics of Extreme UV Optics Eric Louis University of Twente 16:30—16:40 WD-4 Fluorescence x-ray standing wave in glancing-exit or Kossel mode P. Jonnard, K. Le Guen, Y.Y. Yuan, Y.C. Tu, J.M. André, J.T. Zhu, Z.S. Wang, F. Bridou, A. Giglia UPMC Univ Paris 06 16:40—16:50 WD-5 Evaluation of interfacial structure of Co-based multilayer by using HAADF-STEM images Yanyan Yuan, Karine Le Guen, JeanMichel André, Christian Mény, Corinne Ulhaq, Jingtao Zhu, Zhanshan Wang, Philippe Jonnard UPMC Univ Paris 06 16:50—17:00 WD-6 Effect of surface and interface roughness on Mo/Si multi-layers for Applications as Extreme Ultraviolet Mirrors Jiaoling Zhao, Hu Wang, Ming Fang, Kui Yi, Hongbo He Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS 17:00—17:10 WD-7 Ferformance of Cr/C multilayer at about 250 eV for LAMP project Mingwu Wen, Li Jiang, Zhong Zhang, Qiushi Huang, Zhanshan Wang, Rui She, Hua Feng Tongji University DUV/EUV/Soft X 17:10—18:10 Poster Session II Registration 07:30—17:00 Registration Open Presider Claude Amra 08:30—08:50 THA-1 Recent development of nontoxic thin film solar cell Chengchung Lee National Central University 08:50—09:10 THA-2 Optical interference devices for Earth surface imaging from microand nano-satellites Angela Piegari ENEA 09:10—09:30 THA-3 Spaceborne Optics Denny Werham Euro Space Agency 09:30—09:40 THA-4 High efficiency of photon-to-heat conversion with a 6-layered metal/dielectric structure in the 250-1200nm wavelength range MingHui Liu, ErTao Hu, Yuan Yao, KaiYan Zang, Jing Li, YuXiang Zheng, SongYou Wang, LiangYao Chen Fudan University 09:40—09:50 THA-5 Protected-silver Coating for 2-m level primary mirror prepared by thermal evaporation downwards Xu Xu, Wenjun Pei, Hongxiang Liu Institute of Optics and Electronics, CAS 09:50—10:00 THA-6 Development of durable dual-band high-reflectance coating for a Φ 1.56m mirror Tongtong Wang, Jinsong Gao Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS A.M. Application I 10:00—10:30 Coffee Break & Exihibit Presider Des Gibson 10:30—10:50 THB-1 Color in optical coatings Claudio Oleari University of Parma 10:50—11:10 THB-2 Arton film - its feature and applications for IR cut filter Koushi Numata JSR Mireille Commandré, Benjamin Vial, St 11:10—11:20 THB-3 Design, fabrication and characterization of resonant metamaterial filters éphane Tisserand, André Nicolet, Fréd éric Zolla, Guillaume Demésy, Hervé for infrared multispectral imaging Institut Fresnel Dallaporta, Frédéric Bedu Oct. 23th Application II Wang Ruisheng, Ma Jing,Yin Xiaojun, Zhao Shuaifeng, Lv Shaobo, Li Ye, Fei Shenyang HB Optical Technology Co., Ltd Shuguo, Xiao Chang 11:20—11:30 THB-4 Steep edge bandpass filter with plasma assisted reactive magnetron sputtering 11:30—11:40 THB-5 Manufacturing and control of pixelated optical filters Michel Lequime and Laetitia AbelTiberini Institut Fresnel 11:40—11:50 THB-6 Fabrication of high temperature sensor based on dielectric multilayer film on Sapphire fiber tip Chujia Huang, Dongwen Lee, Jixiang Dai, Minghong Yang Wuhan University of Technology 11:50—12:00 THB-7 A kind of colour shift film simulating the function of but-terfly’s wing for bionics video stealth Zhenfeng Shen Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS Lunch Presider 13:30—13:50 THC-1 Defect in optical coatings Detlev Ristau Laser Zentrum Hannover 13:50—14:10 THC-2 Dielectric coatings: nonlinear laser-matter interaction and time resolved holographic imaging Andrius Melninkaitis Vilnius University 14:10—14:30 THC-3 Photothermal and laser calorimetric characterization of optical coatings Bincheng Li Institute of Optics and Electronics, CAS Multiband high reflective optics Jue Wang Corning Advanced Optics 14:40—14:50 THC-5 Fast Mapping of Total Scattering and Transmission of Optical Components in the DUV Spectral Range P. Kadkhoda, L. Jensen, D. Ristau, Bincheng Li, Weidong Gao, Qiang Wang Laser Zentrum Hannover 14:50—15:00 THC-6 Upgraduate scattering facilities for new requirements M. ZERRAD, M. LEQUIME, S. LIUKAITYTE, A. GHABBACH C. AMRA Institut Fresnel 15:00—15:10 THC-7 Comparison of irradiation effects induced by pulsed lasers and CW lasers on weakly absorptive optical thin film coatings Jian Chen, Jingtao Dong, Zhouling Wu,Huasong Liu,Yiqin Ji ZC Optoelectronic Technologies, Ltd Measurements / Characterizatio 14:30—14:40 THC-4 n II P.M. Markus K. Tilsch 15:10—15:30 Coffee Break & Exihibit Chang Kwon Hwangbo Presider High power Coating Closing Ceremony 15:30—15:50 THD-1 Design and development of laser damage resistant, low group delay dispersion optical coatings for high reflection at 45o incidence, P polarization and wavelengths from 800 to 1000 nm John Bellum 15:50—16:10 THD-2 Multiple-pulse laser damage threshold of pure and mixed oxide thin films Wagner Frank Institut Fresnel Yuan'an Zhao Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS Sandia National Laboratory 16:10—16:30 THD-3 Ultrafast laser induced damage of optical coatings 16:30—16:50 THD-4 Nanosecond laser damage in the UV Lars Jensen Laser Zentrum Hannover 16:50—17:00 THD-5 Sub-picosecond laser damage resistance of optical thin films made by reactive magnetron sputtering Dam-Bé Douti, Laurent Gallais, Mireille Commandré, Christophe Hecquet, Thomas Bégou, Julien Lumeau Institut Fresnel 17:00—17:10 THD-6 Incorporation effect of Y2O3 on thermal and anti-laser damage properties of HfO2 thin film Xiaoying Chen, Lixin Song, Lijun You, Lili Zhao, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics 17:10—17:20 THD-7 Increase of the laser-induced damage threshold of sol-gel transmissive optics Xiaoguang Li, Liping Zou, Qinghua Zhang, Jun Shen Tongji University 17:20—17:30 Oct. 24th Closing Ceremony Post-congress one-day tour around Shanghai Poster Session I Oct. 21th 17:10PM-18:10PM PI-1 Computer simulation of W-Al2O3 cermet solar selective coating Li-na Yu, Shao-ji Jiang Sun Yat-sen University PI-2 Study and Fabrication of Broad Band-pass Filters in Infrared Therapy Apparatus LIU Shuang Changchun University of Science and Technology PI-3 Study and Preparation of Interference Filter Film Used in The System of Gas Detector Dong Li Changchun University of Science and Technology PI-4 Research on four-band filter based on laser detection system Xin Gao Changchun University of Science and Technology PI-5 Development of acousto-optic tunable filter Kang Huang Changchun University of Science and Technology PI-6 Design and Preparation of UV Signal Acquisition Filter Film for Solar Blind Warning System Xiuhua Fu, Yang Kou, Dongmei Liu, Kang Huang, Xin Gao, Li Dong Changchun University of Science and Technology PI-7 Moisture-resistance of octylene-bridged polymethylsiloxane film for KDP crystal Ce Zhang, Cong Zhang, Jinghua Sun, Ruimin Ding, Yao Xu Institute of Coal Chemistry, CAS PI-8 All registered symposium attendees are invited to attend the interactive poster session. Light trapping enhancement in elliptical nanoholes arrays thin film Xuefei Qin, Yonggang Wu, Zihuan Xia, Zhaoming Liang, Jian Zhou solar cell Tongji University Gao Peng, Wang Ruisheng, Zhao Shenyang Academy of Shuaifeng, Ren Shaopeng, Wu Instrumentation Science co., zenghui, Fei Shuguo Ltd PI-9 Reviews of Chinese National Standards and Occupation Standards Related to Optical Coatings PI-10 Moisture-resistant film for KDP crystal in High Power Laser System Cong Zhang,Ce Zhang,Jinghua Sun,Ruim Institute of Coal Chemistry, CAS PI-11 Investigations of high-linear-sensitivity and high-transmittance linear variable filter Zhang Jian,Gao Jin-Song, Yang HaiGui,Wang Xiao-Yi,Li Zi-Zheng Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS PI-12 A simple route to prepare various ZnO nanofilms for diverse applications Lixia Du, Yang Jiao, Xu Xu, and Hebao Yao Northwest University PI-13 The design of optical thin film for maintaining astronomical observation in extremely low temperature environment Wang jinfeng Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics & Technology PI-14 Atmospheric corrosion of Cr/Cu/Ag multi-metal thin films Wanjun Ai, Changjun Wang, Shengming Xiong Institute of Optics and Electronics, CAS PI-15 Corrosion characterization of silver mirrors by accelerated environmental testing Wenyan He, Changjun Wang and Bincheng Li Institute of Optics and Electronics, CAS PI-16 High-frequency Conductivity of Embedded Silicon Nano- crystals Investigated by Femtosecond Wavelength De- pendent Pumpprobe Method Wei He, Ammar Zakar, Andrey Kaplan and Igor V. Yurkevich University of Birmingham PI-17 Spectroscopic Pump Probe Measurement for Multilayer Structured Hydrogenated Nano-Crystalline Silicon Wei He, Ammar Zakar, Andrey Kaplan University of Birmingham PI-18 Preparation and optical property of La1-xSrxTiO3+δ coatings deposited by plasma spraying Jinpeng Zhu, Lihong Gao, Zhuang Ma, Yanbo Liu, Fuchi Wang Beijing Institute of Technology PI-19 Effect of deposition rate on scattering of magnesium fluoride thin Chun Guo, Mingdong Kong, Qiang Wang, Bincheng Li films at 193nm Institute of Optics and Electronics, CAS PI-20 Degradation and conditioning of AlF3 films for DUV/VUV coating applications Cunding Liu, Mingdong Kong, Qiang Wang, Bincheng Li Institute of Optics and Electronics, CAS PI-21 Highly near-infrared reflective Al doped ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition Jing Ye, Guohua Bai, Xinhua Wang and Mi Yan Zhejiang University PI-22 High angular tolerant color filters based on subwave-length grating structures Chenying Yang, Weidong Shen, Yueguang Zhang, Xu Liu Zhejiang University PI-23 Enhanced transmittance of nanostructured fused silica substrate by thermal dewetted Au nanoparticles and sputtering SiO2 coating Peng Shang, ShengMing Xiong Institute of Optics and Electronics, CAS PI-24 Study on the structure evolution of mesoporous silica film under thermal treatment Hongbao Jia, Jinghua Sun, Ruimin Ding, Yao Xu, Dong Wu Institute of Coal Chemistry, CAS PI-25 Investigations of Porous Black-Silicon Films by Co-evaporation Coating Technique Zhen Liu, Hai Liu, Haigui Yang, Xiaoyi Wang, Jinsong Gao Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS PI-26 Design of color filter based on thin film with nano- scale grating structure Wang wenliang Nanchang University PI-27 Plasmonic nanorod with taper apex for SERS substrate Yan-juan Liao, Shaoji Jiang Sun Yat-sen University PI-28 Light absorption enhancement in semiconductor core / dielectric Jian Zhou, Yonggang Wu, Zihuan Xia, Zhaoming Liang, Xuefei Qin shell nanowire arrays for photovoltaic applications Tongji University PI-29 Laser damage resistance and micro-morphology of artificial defects under different time of etching Bin Ma, Menglei Lu, Guangda Zhan, Ke Wang, Xinbin Cheng, Zhanshan Wang Tongji University PI-30 Characterization of the surface morphology and scattering of HfO2 coatings Lei Zhang, Jinlong Zhang, Zhanshan Wang, Xinbin Cheng Tongji University PI-31 Direct Growth of Nanocrystalline Graphene/Graphite Hybrids for Qichong Zhang, Dong Li ,Xiaojuan Wang, Zengxing Zhang Trapatent Electrodes PII-32 Influence of various Si layers on the interlayer thicknesses of the DC- Magnetron sputtered Fe/Si multilayers PI-33 Enhancement of light emission via coupling with localized surface Liang Xia, Lin Quan Chen, Hui Ye plasmon of metalfilm Zhong Zhang, Junjie Wang, YuhongLian, Radhwan Alnaimi, Zhanshan Wang, Hong Chen Tongji University Tongji University Zhejiang University PI-34 The Design and Preparation of Tri-layer Tri-wavelength Antireflective Coating: MgF2-SiO2/MgF2-SiO2/SiO2 Xinmin Cui, Ruimin Ding, Yao Xu Institute of Coal Chemistry, CAS PI-35 Investigations of Optically transparent electromagnetic filter film based on metallic mesh Zhang Jian, Gao Jin-Song Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS Poster Session II Oct. 22th 17:10PM-18:10PM PII-1 Stress reduction and structural properties of Ta2O5/SiO2 mixture films produced by ion-beam sputtering Ping Ma Chengdu Fine Optical Engineering Research Centre PII-2 Investigations of improving radial-quality uniformity of large-area thick Al films for large-size echelle grating Haigui Yang, Zizheng Li, Jian Zhang, Xiaoyi Wang, Zhenfeng Shen, Jinsong Gao Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS PII-3 Theory study of thickness uniformity of coating on inner-face of parabolic substrate in a vacuum evaporation system PII-4 A method to improve the thickness precision of quartz crystal deposition control Lingmao Xu, Jizhou Wang, Yuqing Xiong, Duoshu Wang, Yudong Lanzhou Institute of Physics Feng Zhang Ziye. Tang Zhaosheng L.S.Wang, H.S.Liua, D.D.Liua, Shanghai Mega-9 Optoelectric Co., Ltd. PII-5 Annealing effects on properties of Hafnium oxide thin films by ion Y.G.Jiang, J.Leng, K.W.Zhuang, beam sputtering deposition Y.Q.Ji PII-6 Sol-Gel Preparation of Silica Antireflective Coatings on small-size LBO Crystals Bingtao Tian, Xiaodong Wang, Yanyan Niu, Zhihua Zhang, Guangming Wu, Bin Zhou, Jun Shen Tongji University PII-7 Determination of high-temperature optical constants of Germanium films LIU DanDan Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics PII-8 Surface Roughness Model for Multilayer Optical Coatings at Oblique Incidence Jiang Qiyuan, Wu Suyong, Tang Jianxun, Huang Yun, Jian Yudong, Zhang Wei National University of Defense Technology PII-9 A Reconfigurable Control Software System For Vacuum Coating Equipment Wang Xing, Wang Jinghui, Bai xue Taiyuan University of Science and Technology PII-10 Effects of ionassisted deposition on the properties of TiBCN thin films Fu-Xiuhua Pan-Yonggang LiuDongmei Zhang-Jing Chen-heng Changchun University of Science and Technology PII-11 The study on the electrical properties of the doped Ge Film Kewen Zhuang, Yiqin Ji, Bin Zhang, Peng Sun, Yuzhe Xing Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics LIU Huasong, JI Yiqin, ZHANG PII-12 Accurate design method of ultra-low residual reflection coatings Feng, LIU Dandan, YANG Xiao, JIANG Chenghui, WANG Lishuan, for laser optics Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics PII-13 YANG Xiao, LIU Huasong, LIU Dan-dan, JI Yi-qin, ZHANG Feng, LENG Jian, WANG Lishuan, JIANG Yugang, CHEN De-ying Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics JIANG Yugang, CHEN Deying Calculation of the Total Reflection Angle in the Absorbing Medium JI Yiqin, LIU Huasong, ZHANG PII-14 Study of short range order evolvement during the SiO2 thin film Feng, LIU Dandan, YANG Xiao, JIANG Chenghui, WANG Lishuan, by ion beam sputtering deposition Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics JIANG Yugang, CHEN Deying LIU Huasong, LIU Dandan, JI PII-15 Study on dielectric constant oscillator model of SiO2 thin film in Yiqin, ZHANG Feng, YANG Xiao, JIANG Chenghui, WANG Lishuan, infrared range Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics PII-16 JI Yiqin, LIU Huasong, ZHANG Study on the thermal effects of asymmetrical stretching vibration Feng, LIU Dandan, YANG Xiao, JIANG Chenghui, WANG Lishuan, frequencies of SiO2 film JIANG Yugang, CHEN Deying Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics PII-17 Development of reflectance coating for UV lithography machine arc lampshade PII-18 Design and Preparation of High Performance Long Wave Infrared Narrow-band Filter PII-19 Research on envelope-full spectral fitting inversion method for measuring weakly absorbing multilayer optical films parameters PII-20 Optimization design of an ultrabroadband, high-efficiency, metalmultilayer-dielectric gratings Kong Weijin Qindao University PII-21 Optical Properties of Al2O3,TiO2,HfO2 and Ta2O5 Thin Films by Atomic Layer Deposition Xing Zhang, Yueguang Zhang, and Weidong Shen Zhejiang University PII-22 The Design and Fabricate of 900nm Wide Angle IncidenceNarrow Band Filter Baohua SHI, Zaijin LI, Yi QU, Hui LI, Feng GAO, Hongyu LI, Lina XIN, Haixia GUO Changchun University of Science and Technology PII-23 The High Vacuum Cleaving Facet Coating Passivation Characteristic of Laser Diode Zai-jin LI, Te LI, Peng LU, Yi QU, Bao-xue BO, Guo-jun LIU, Xiaohui MA, Yong WANG Changchun University of Science and Technology PII-24 Study of SiO2 passivation film deposited on gallium antimonide by PECVD Li Hongyu, Hao Yongqin, Wang Yong, Feng Yuan, Yan Changling Wei Zhipeng, Liu Guojun, Lu Peng, Ma Xiaohui Changchun University of Science and Technology PII-25 X-ray nanometer focusing at the SSRF basing on multi-layer Laue lens Jingtao Zhu, Yuchun Tu, Haochuan Li, Shuaipeng Yue, Qiushi Huang, Aiguo Li, Zhanshan Wang Tongji University PII-26 Thermal evolution of structure and interfaces in carbon-based multilayers Y.C. Tu, Y.Y. Yuan, J.T. Zhu, P. Jonnard, K. Le Guen, J.M. André, C.Mény, Z.S. Wang Tongji University PII-27 The thermal stability of Mo/Y EUV mirrors Dechao Xu, Li Jiang, Mingwu Wen, Zhong Zhang,Qiushi Huang, Zhanshan Wang Tongji University PII-28 Design of Two-Channel Coherent Perfect Absorption Thin Film using Negative and Reversed Admittance Analysis Tae Young Kim, Badsha Md. Alamgir, Hyeonji Kim, Won Gyu Ham and Chang Kwon Hwangbo Inha University PII-29 Effect of oxidized temperature and high magnetic field on the structural and optical evolution of ZnO film Kai Wang, Guojian Li, Zhen Wang, Qiang Wang, Huimin Wang, Jicheng He Northeastern University JIANG Yugang, CHEN Deying All registered symposium attendees are invited to attend the interactive poster session. Chen Heng Maojin Dong, Yuqing Xiong, Duoshu Wang, Jizhou Wang, Chen Li Li Kaipeng Wang Duoshu Wang Jizhou Dong Maojin Li Kun Li Chen Changchun University of Science and Technology Lanzhou Institute of Physics Lanzhou Institute of Physics PII-30 Optical stability of single layer SiO2 films with different deposition technique Yugang Jiang, Lishuan Wang, Huasong Liu, Dandan Liu, Chenghui Jiang, Yiqin Ji Tianjin Jinhang Institute of Technical Physics PII-31 The quantitatively plasma cleaning study of optical substrate for 1064nm AR coatings Tao Ding, Xinbin Cheng, Zhanshan Wang Tongji University PII-32 The inhomogeneity of HfO2 coatings deposited by EB evaporation method Ganghua Bao, Hongfei Jiao, Jinlong Zhang, Xinbin Cheng, Huasong Liu, Zhanshan Wang Tongji University PII-33 Light Absorption of ITO Thin Films at different Epsilon-Near-Zero Wavelength in Near Infrared Ming Zhou, Tae Young Kim, Hun Kim, Sangil Lee, Junho Yoon, Changkwon Hwongbo Inha University PII-34 Influence of substrate surface roughness on structure of TiO2 optical thin films Akira Yamamoto, Takuya Sugiyama, Naoya Tajima, Ryouta Nakano, Ryou Okuda, Hiroshi Murotani Tokai University PII-35 A comparative study of the damage growth characteristics of artificial nodules prepared by different processes Hongping Ma, Abudusalamu Tuniyazi, Ganghua Bao, Zhanshan Wang, YongjianTang, Xinbin Cheng Tongji University PII-36 The Fabricate of Band Pass Filter At The Window of ±30 degree Incidence Angle For 850nm Semiconductor Detector Tiansheng Zhao, Zaijin LI, Te LI, Peng LU, Yi QU, Baoxue BO, Guojun LIU, Xiaohui MA Changchun University of Science and Technology
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