MACAWI Respiratory Module Specifications The most versatile source for artificial ventilation available in the market. With the MACAWI Respiratory Module a versatile and highly flexible solution for both neonatal and adult ventilators is available now. MACAWI offers you a solution for short time to market development of a ventilator in NICU, PICU, ICU and Emergency & transport applications. The Respiratory Module is a unique OEM product which distinguishes itself from existing systems in size versus functionality, power consumption versus performance and robustness versus sensitivity. Page 1 of 6 Title: Product: MACAWI Respiratory Module Specifications BONEMINE BASIC SOFTWARE PACKAGE VENTILATION MODES Ventilation mode PC-CMV VC-CMV PC-SIMV VC-SIMV PC-SIMV+ PC-ACV VC-ACV Spn-CPAP Common commercial name PC (Pressure Control) VC (Volume Control) SIMV(PC) SIMV(VC) Bi-Level Ventilation, PC-BIPAP ACV(PC) ACV(VC) CPAP VENTILATION MODE OPTIONS Ventilation mode option NIV (Non Invasive Ventilation) PS (Pressure Support) PCVR (Pressure Controlled Volume regulation) VENTILATION MANEUVERS Maneuver Insp. Hold maneuver Commercial name PSV PRVC, AutoFlow, AVAPS Remark Manual start or generation of prolonged inspiration time REAL-TIME MEASUREMENTS Measurement Airway Pressure Patient flow Patient Volume Tracheal Pressure MEASUREMENTS Measurement VTe MVe RR Ppeak Pplat PEEP MAP FiO2 Explanation Expiratory Tidal Volume Expiratory Mandatory Volume Respiratory Rate Peak Pressure (PIP) Plateau Pressure Positive End-Expiratory Pressure Mean Airway Pressure Fractional Inspired Oxygen Document ID / revision: MAC001857 / 2 Page 2 of 6 Title: Product: MACAWI Respiratory Module Specifications BONEMINE VENTILATION SETTINGS RANGE Setting Range VT in VC 100 – 2000 mL VT in PRVC 5 – 2000 mL RR 3 - 200 /min Pinsp 6 -70 mbar PS 1 – 70 mbar PEEP 0 - 40 mbar FiO2 21 – 100 Vol.% PERFORMANCE Parameter Maximum Pressure Maximum Flow Range 100 mbar at sea level (> 80 mbar at 3000m altitude) > 180 L/min OTHER VENTILATION RELATED FUNCTIONALITY Functionality Proximal patient flow measurement (including purge system) Proximal airway pressure measurement (including purge system) Triggering functionality in all modes on flow Leakage compensation up to 50 L/min Nebulizer control output (electronic and pneumatic) HPO Input LPO Input Compensation of compressible volume Oxygen sensor interface SYSTEM TEST Functionality Blower functionality Pressure sensor functionality Flow sensor functionality Proximal flow sensor calibration System leakage test and compressible volume determination Oxygen sensor calibration Remark High Pressure Oxygen Low Pressure Oxygen For Volume controlled modes Galvanic Analog sensor or paramagnetic digital sensor Remark internal and proximal pressure sensors internal and proximal flow sensors Document ID / revision: MAC001857 / 2 Page 3 of 6 Title: Product: MACAWI Respiratory Module Specifications BONEMINE ADVANCED OPTION PACKAGE ADDITIONAL VENTILATION MODES Ventilation mode PC-AMV Continuous Flow Common commercial name Assisted Manual Ventilation, Neonatal T-piece resuscitation ADDITIONAL VENTILATION MANEUVERS Maneuver Recruitment maneuver P0.1 Tube Compensation Sigh Expiratory hold maneuver Remark Generate a fixed number of high pressure strokes measurement figure for weaning purposes Automatic Tube Compensation (inspiratory and/or expiratory) Generate sigh maneuver at set time interval Manual generation of prolonged expiration time ADDITIONAL MEASUREMENTS Measurement Flowpeak_insp Flowpeak_exp Pmin_exp VTespon VTemand RRspon MVspon MVmand RSBI PTP Cdyn Rinsp Explanation Inspiratory Peak Flow Expiratory Peak Flow Expiratory Minimum Pressure VTe measurement of the spontaneous ventilation of the patient VTe measurement of the mandatory ventilation of the patient Respiratory Rate of the spontaneous ventilation of the patient Minute ventilation of the spontaneous ventilation of the patient Minute ventilation of the mandatory ventilation of the patient Rapid Swallow Breathing Index Pressure Time Product Dynamic Compliance Inspiratory Resistance Document ID / revision: MAC001857 / 2 Page 4 of 6 Title: Product: MACAWI Respiratory Module Specifications BONEMINE OPERATING CONDITIONS ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING CONDITIONS Quantity Range Temperature -20 - + 55 degrees C Operating temperature 0 - +40 degrees C Relative air humidity 5 - 95% R.H. Air Pressure 500 - 1100 hPa. Module lifetime expectancy > 30.000 hours Noise generation < 40 dB ELECTRICAL OPERATING CONDITIONS Quantity Range Power Supply Voltage 24V DC ±10% Peak current up to 6A Continuous current Nominal Power consumption 1 up to 2.5A (during insp.) 5 - 25 VA Remark Technical operating Full accuracy At 500 – 700 hPa: reduced performance At moderate Ventilation level1 At a pressure of 40 cmH2O, ISO 3744 Remark at 24V max. during 200 msec. at maximum insp. pressure setting at 24V at maximum insp. pressure setting at 24V depending on Ventilation settings and patient Pinsp = 20 mbar, PEEP = 5 mbar, Tslope = 200ms, RR = 12 /min at Rp5C20 Document ID / revision: MAC001857 / 2 Page 5 of 6 Title: Product: MACAWI Respiratory Module Specifications BONEMINE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT MODULE PROPERTIES Property Envelope dimensions Volume Module Weight Value 120 x 90 x 175 mm (standard) < 2L < 850 gram Oxygen supply Input Module Patient gas output Expiration valve Pilot control output Flow sensor Patient side Flow sensor Y-piece side Document ID / revision: MAC001857 / 2 Page 6 of 6
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