NATIONAL Tsing Hua UniVersity N E W S L E T T E R President Hocheng Exhorts Class of 2014 to Introspect and Dedicate Themselves to Life-long Learning Yale President Peter Salovey Receives Honorary Doctorate from NTHU Co-founder of Qualcomm Irwin Jacobs Awarded NTHU Honorary Doctorate October 2014 Vol. 8 No. 4 Contents 1 President Hocheng Exhorts Class of 2014 to Introspect and Dedicate Themselves to Life-long Learning 2 Yale President Peter Salovey Receives Honorary Doctorate from NTHU 3 Co-founder of Qualcomm Irwin Jacobs Awarded NTHU Honorary Doctorate 4 Leaving No Stone Unturned : Two NTHU Faculty Members Elected Academicians at Academia Sinica 5 Nobel Laureate Samuel Chao Chung Ting Addressed NTHU Students 6 Professor Po Wen Chiu's Research on the Growth Mechanisms of Graphene Published in Nature Communications 7 Providing Students with More than Just an Education : The Sixth Annual Outstanding Mentor Award 8 Shin-Huei Wang wins Innovation Award for Young Researchers 9 A Long and Winding Road Leading to NTHU:The Life and Times of Chang Ling Chia 10 Budding Virtuoso Nian-Kai Chung Wins National Contest NTHU I n this year's commencement, held on June 7,1,699 students received bachelor's degrees, 1,615 received master's degrees, and 342 received doctorates. Been-Huang Chiang, Minister without portfolio of the Executive a Yuan, gave the commencement b a. President Hocheng addressing the graduates. b. President Hocheng conferring a degree. become fetters. Your task as and Fines Lee, Chief Editor of recent graduates is to work The Big Issue magazine Taiwan, cooperatively with others to addressed the graduate students. establish yourselves in your In his speech, President Hocheng careers while benefitting quoted Mahatma Gandhi: "Live as society." graduates and stated that he has if you were to die tomorrow. Learn President Hocheng further pointed great confidence in their potential as if you were to live forever."He out that both Mahatma Gandhi to make significant and lasting also exhorted the new graduates and Nelson Mandela relied on contributions to society. to cultivate self-awareness and inner strength and self-control to In his address Minister Chiang dedicate themselves to life-long overcome enormous challenges. stated, "The true measure of learning. Similarly, upon graduation all success is not how high you President Hocheng also pointed sorts of difficulties are bound climb, but rather how you grow out that each era has its own set of to crop up, but with continual while striving to succeed!"Minister challenges and opportunities, and introspection and diligence they Chiang also asserted that upon that in fact, "It's the challenges can all eventually be overcome. entering the job market one's which help us to realize our Quoting Steve Jobs, President attitude and character will be the potential. However, if instead Hocheng said that "Stay hungry, key factors of success. For this of rising to the occasion and stay foolish"is the right attitude to reason it's important to adopt a actively striving to overcome adopt when it comes to increase good attitude and cultivate one's the challenges, we give in to your professional knowledge and character. the temptation to grumble and overcome obstacles, but that when Quoting Confucius, Chiang complain, then challenges would it comes to introspection and exhorted the graduates to "Be turn into major obstacles. In other self-cultivation we need to add vigilant and circumspect, as if on words, if we fail to see challenges on "stay honest."He also praised the edge of a deep chasm; as if as opportunities, then they the personal integrity of NTHU's treading on thin ice!"For success in 2 address to the university students, 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 U President Hocheng Exhorts Class of 2014 to Introspect and Dedicate Themselves to Life-long Learning 3 N a t i o n a l Ts i n g H u a U n i ve r s i t y the job market requires doing away their own place in the world, and Ho and Chen encouraged all the with impetuosity and arrogance, hold true to their highest values. graduates to be sure to continue while continually striving to Yuze Luo, the representative of the to support NTHU in whatever way enhance one's professional graduating graduate students, also they can. abilities and make up for one's made a speech. Luo stated that During the ceremony the eight inadequacies. Chiang also warned having a degree from NTHU hasn't recipients of the Mei Yi Chi the graduates not to covet fame made him a mister know-it-all, but Memorial Scholarship—NTHU's and fortune, for all they have to do that while pursuing his studies he highest academic honor, received is diligently apply themselves to did learn a loopportunitiet about by no more than one percent of their work and sooner or later their how to get along well with others seniors—were also feted: Wu ability will gain due recognition. and get established in the world. Chenghan of the Department of Finally, Chiang encouraged the Finally, Luo encouraged all the Electrical Engineering, Cai Yehan graduates to create their own graduates to be proud of their of the College of Technology futures, and reminded them that association with NTHU, to adhere Management, Zhang Xianting of great success comes through the to high standards of personal the Department of Mechanical application of wisdom, flexibility, integrity, and to hold fast to their Engineering, Li Yangxiu of the and a broad field of vision. dreams. Department of Economics, Xu In his address Fines Lee pointed The representatives of the Zejun of the Department of out that due to the prestige which graduating undergraduates, Computer Science, Cai Yuxuan comes from being graduates of Bing-Lun Ho and Furong Chen of the Department of Industrial NTHU they are bound to someday expressed their gratitude for Engineering and Engineering hold positions of responsibility all they have learned during Management, Yao Rouqing of the in society, which entails making their four years at NTHU, both Department of Life Science, and decisions as to how resources academically and in terms of their Liu Youxuan of the Department of are distributed. Lee reminded the expanded view of the world. They Quantitative Finance. graduates that when doing so they also pointed out that, despite need to adhere to the principles of the inevitable changes which fairness and personal integrity. come with time, NTHU's school Lee also encouraged the graduates motto—Self-discipline and social to explore the world, strive to commitment—will always remain transcend limiting ideologies, find as a timeless wisdom. Finally, a. President Hocheng and a group of graduates. b. Minister Chiang pointing out that the true measure of success is not how high you climb, but rather how you grow while striving to succeed!. a b b Yale President Peter Salovey Receives Honorary Doctorate from NTHU O n August 11 a delegation a. President Hocheng conferred an Honorary Doctorate to President Peter Salovey. b. President Hocheng ( right ) and Chuang, Hwei-Lin, Dean of General Education( left ) presented President Salovey a piece of Chinese calligraphy with NTHU motto "Self-discipline and Social Commitment " written. of NTHU representatives visited Yale University to confer an honorary doctorate of humane letters to Dr. Peter Salovey, the president of Yale University. During the ceremony held on the a Yale campus at the Maurice R. to academic excellence, NTHU its academic excellence. In the NTHU President Hong Hocheng also emphasizes the educational 21st century, however, the global stated that as a pioneering process and the molding of the spotlight is beginning to shine on researcher in the field of emotional entire person, for which purpose it Asia, and presently a number of intelligence, Salovey has made is important to have Dr. Salovey as East Asian nations are transforming extensive contributions to society, a role model. themselves into economic and and personifies the spirit of NTHU During his conferral speech academic powerhouses. President school motto: Self-discipline and Hocheng stated, "Without a Hocheng also pointed out that social commitment. doubt, Dr. Salovey is a paragon despite its relative youth; NTHU President Hocheng also mentioned of intelligence, and for the past is already regarded as one of the that the connection between Yale century Yale has been one of leading research universities in Asia. and NTHU goes back over 100 America's premier institutions of Emphasizing that NTHU is years, since Tang Guo'an, the first higher education and a world leader endeavoring to build on its president of Tsinghua College (the in innovation."He also mentioned strengths, as well as the predecessor of NTHU) was a Yale that together with his colleague significance of the event for graduate. President Hocheng went John Mayer, Salovey developed both universities, President on to state that while NTHU is a variety of tools for measuring Hocheng also stated, "This is known around the world for its high emotional responses and the a first for Taiwan. Today marks academic standards, in addition influence they have on human the beginning of a relationship between Yale and NTHU, a his research has had a major relationship which will surely grow impact on the field of health in importance."President Hocheng psychology and public also expressed his hope that health policies. additional institutions of higher Established over 300 years learning on both sides of the ago, Yale has long been Pacific Ocean will join together and famous worldwide for develop into an "integrated global 4 b thought and behavior. Thus 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 Greenberg Conference Center, Co-founder of Qualcomm Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs Awarded NTHU Honorary Doctorate 5 N a t i o n a l Ts i n g H u a U n i ve r s i t y O n August 19 Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs, co-founder and former chairman of the Qualcomm Corporation, was awarded an honorary doctorate of engineering from NTHU. At the conferral ceremony held in San Diego, California, NTHU President Hong Hocheng stated that in addition to being a renowned engineer and entrepreneur, through his long-term support of education and social causes, Jacobs embodies the spirit of the NTHU a school motto: Self-discipline and his efforts to promote social social commitment. responsibility in business. President Hocheng went on to state Because NTHU was established that while NTHU is known around at a turbulent time in East-West the world for academic excellence, relations, the school has always NTHU also emphasizes the had a global outlook. President a. Delegation of NTHU took photo with Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs and his wife Joan after the conferral ceremony of the Honorary Doctorate. From lef to right : Secretary General Min Lee,Academician A.S. Chiang, Senior VP Prof. Y.S. Liu,Senior VP Prof. D. H. Feng, Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs and his wife Joan, President Hong Hocheng, Prof. C.K. Toh, and VP S.W. Chen b. President Hocheng ( left ) and Professor C.K. Toh ( Right ) presented Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs ( middle ) a piece of Chinese calligraphy with NTHU motto " Self-discipline and Social Commitment" written. education of an entire Hocheng also mentioned that it person, and Dr. Jacobs was the technology developed at is an ideal model for Qualcomm which enabled mobile all NTHU students. In phones and devices to have a addition to mentioning world-wide range, and that this that Dr. Jacobs' is the spirit of innovation which invention of code NTHU wants to acknowledge and division multiple access promote. (CDMA) was a major Today Qualcomm is a leading factor in the rapid designer of semiconductors, development of mobile as well as a major producer b phone technology, of wireless communication President Hocheng devices. President Hocheng also also pointed out stated that in recognition of his that Jacobs is outstanding contributions in the widely admired areas of business, education, and for his support philanthropy, in 2013 Jacobs was of humanitarian honored with a Distinguished Chair projects and Professorship at NTHU. Leaving No Stone Unturned: Two NTHU Faculty Members Elected Academicians at Academia Sinica O n July 4 Academia Sinica published a list of newly elected Academicians, and two NTHU faculty members were included: Ann-Shyn Chiang of the Institute of Biotechnology, and Cheng-Hwa Tsang of the Institute a of Anthropology. Professors at a reception held at NTHU on newly established Institute of July 11. Among the many notable Biotechnology because he admires guests were Academicians Wu NTHU's spirit and forward-looking Chao, Lih J. Chen and Yi-Long approach to research. At that time Huang, and Professor Emeritus most researchers in his field were Shih-Lin Chang. probing into the secrets of genetic In his address President Hocheng sequences, but Chiang decided said that the outstanding research to conduct research on the neural of Professors Chiang and Tsang pathways of fruit flies. Despite a lot demonstrates the three pillars of ups and downs, his research has of academic excellence at already yielded significant results. NTHU: significance, scope, and Because he was conducting perseverance. As for significance, excavation on Green Island, Prof. both Chiang and Tsang have Tsang was unable to attend the selected research topics which are reception, but was able to address important and unique. In terms of the assembly via telephone. He scope, both have assembled large, stated that NTHU is the leading interdisciplinary research teams. school in Taiwan in the field of When it comes to perseverance, anthropology, since professor both are highly dedicated to their Yih Yuan Li joined the faculty research and have the patience and established the college of to carry out a project over a long Humanities & Social Science. period of time. He also indicated that, as an In his speech Chiang said that archeologist he often recalls although he is not a graduate the words of Hu Shi: "Let your a. From left to right: Academicians Yi-Long Huang, Lih J. Chen, Ann-Shyn Chiang, President Hong Hocheng, Academician Wu Chao, and Prof. Emeritus Shih-Lin Chang. b. Professor Ann-Shyn Chiang is well known around the world for his work in neuroanatomy and behavioral genetics. 6 of NTHU, he decided to join the 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 Chiang and Tsang were felicitated b Professor Cheng-Hwa Tsang (wearing white), a noted authority on archeology and the prehistoric cultures of Taiwan, with his underwater research team researching a shipwreck in Penghu. 7 N a t i o n a l Ts i n g H u a U n i ve r s i t y search take you to the ends of the neural cells the fruit fly uses With his seemingly inexhaustible the earth."Despite the difficulty of to store medium- and long-term zeal for discovery and exploration, traveling to and working in remote memory. Prof. Tsang is currently supervising locations, for Tsang the joy of A noted authority on archeology, archeological fieldwork on the discovery makes it worthwhile. Tsang has made major wreck of a Spanish merchant ship Prof. Chiang is well known around contributions to our understanding near Green Island, as well as a dig the world for his contributions to of the prehistoric cultures of at a Paleolithic site in Taidong's the fields of neuroanatomy and Taiwan. Moreover, Tsang organized Changbin Township. genetics. As a youth he was so Taiwan's first underwater moved the first time he viewed archeological team, with which living tissue under a microscope he has already conducted that he decided to pursue a career investigations in Penghu, Anping, in the biological sciences. After Green Island, and the Dongsha many years of hard work he has Atoll, resulting in the identification received a number of awards for of around 80 shipwrecks. his groundbreaking research on the When ancient artefacts were memory and neural network of fruit discovered during the construction flies. of the Tainan Science Park in Chiang is the first researcher to 1994, work was halted so that completely map out the neural an archeological team led by pathways of the fruit fly, for which Prof. Tsang could conduct an purpose he invented an anatomic investigation. In what turned tissue-clearing solution for high- out to be one of the longest and resolution 3D confocal imaging most significant archeological of thick biological samples. Since projects in the history of Taiwan, 2007, in addition to mapping the his team unearthed a large number neural pathways used to transmit of artefacts which have shed olfactory and aural information in considerable light on the prehistory the tiny brain of the fruit fly, his of Taiwan, Southeast Asia, and the research team has also discovered Pacific Islands. Nobel Laureate Samuel Chao Chung Ting Addressed NTHU Students O n July 8th Samuel nuclear particle. In 1995 Ting decisions. He also pointed out Chao Chung Ting, began developing the AMS, a that in meetings he encourages who was awarded particle physics detector for everybody to openly share their the Nobel Prize in Physics in conducting research on antimatter views and listen closely to what 1976, visited NTHU and gave and searching for evidence others have to say. Speaking on a talk focusing on his work supporting the existence of dark the philosophy of science, Ting developing the alpha magnetic matter. In Ting's view, research pointed out that "majority rule"is spectrometer (AMS). In his talk on dark matter and antimatter not the spirit of science; rather, Ting emphasized the importance is fundamental to contemporary scientific advancements come of curiosity, confidence, and physics. about only if it is possible for the hard work: "Human curiosity is After 16 years of joint research minority to overrule the majority. the driving force behind basic involving researchers from 16 Speaking further on his view of research."Warning his listeners countries, in 2011 the 7.5-ton science, Ting again emphasized, of the pitfall of overemphasizing AMS was finally launched into "Human curiosity is the driving technology transfer at the cost outer space and mounted on the force behind basic research."Ting of basic research, he pointed out International Space Station, where also stressed that advances in that "basic research is the driving it is being used to advance our physics are made by continually force behind the development of knowledge of the universe. disproving others' hypotheses, new technology and industries." While speaking on the work of and that experimentation is the Over 400 people, including a large the transnational research team, final word in science. In the number of high school students, Ting emphasized the need to be case of his own research on J/ packed into the conference hall, highly circumspect when making ψ meson, his hypothesis was with latecomers sitting on the aisles. were together awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of the J/ψ meson Ting's talk attracted a standing-roomonly audience. 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 In 1976 Ting and Burton Richter 8 repudiated by the vast majority Feng Da Hsuan (left), Senior Vice President of Global Strategy, Planning, and Evaluation, presenting Samuel Ting with a memento of his visit to NTHU. of physicists. At that time it was widely accepted by physicists that there existed only three types of quarks, and that these three could account for all phenomena 9 observed in physics. However, Ting held fast to his hypothesis, N a t i o n a l Ts i n g H u a U n i ve r s i t y and his experiments eventually versus applied research and technology transfer and neglect proved the existence of three technology transfer: "Basic basic research, then after a additional types of quarks. research is the driving force while there won't be anything to Ting also spoke on the current behind the development of new transfer! debate as to the relative technology and industries."In importance of basic research his view, if we limit ourselves to PREFESSOR Po Wen Chiu's Research on the GROWTH MECHANISMS OF GRAPHENE PUBLISHED IN NATURE Communications P rof. Po Wen Chiu of the atoms form into graphene. nanoscience. Firstly, it enabled Department of Electrical Their report on this innovative researchers to use the single-atom Engineering and Institute breakthrough has been published thickness of graphene to verify of Electronic Engineering leads in the June issue of the the peculiar zero-mass fermions a research team investigating prestigious British journal Nature exhibited by low-energy electrons. double-layer graphene. Using a Communications (DOI: 10.1038/ Also, graphene is an excellent scanning transmission electron ncomms5055). conductor of electricity and heat, microscope, they have become Prof. Chiu often points out that making it highly suitable for high- the first researchers to observe the discovery of graphene led speed electrical components, the process by which carbon to many advances in the field of touch panels, and transparent conductive film. From left to right, Chao Hui Yeh and Prof. Po Wen Chiu in their lab. As for practical applications, large-area graphene films need to be prepared through a process of chemical vapor deposition. The key factors in determining the quality of the graphene film are the grain boundaries and derivatives. Chiu the process of the experiment, he says that understanding the growth says that each member of his team mechanism of graphene and how is a highly talented, has a high to control its growth characteristics degree of enthusiasm for science, is the focus of his research. and is willing to spend lots of However, the graphene structure time and effort to develop new grows relatively quickly (at a technology. rate of about 100–200 atoms per second), and is therefore difficult Team members Chun-Chieh Lu and Chao-Hui Yeh, widely to observe. In cooperation with Japan's AIST, Prof. Chiu used bilayer graphene in a single-crystal, smalllayer border to form an epipole. When the temperature dropped from 1050 C to 500 C, with the remaining ultra-low hydrocarbon gases as a carbon source, it was possible to control the growth rate of the graphene. Then they used adsorption of single silicon atoms acknowledged for their skill in of the graphene. At the same time, growing graphene, were able to they used a scanning transmission use the chemical vapor deposition electron microscope to method to achieve perfect crystal simultaneously observe the carbon stacking. Yung-Chang Lin, whose atoms slowly crystallize one by graphene transfer technique one, in the process discovering is unsurpassed, has become a how to use five-ring and seven-ring celebrity, and his contribution deficiencies to rotate the direction has been a key factor in the of the crystalline structure. team's success. Finally, Zheng As Prof. Chiu puts it, Liu's superb skill in the use of the electron microscope has been are the keys to breakthroughs in honed over a long period of time. science and technology!" The keys In fact, the contributions of each to success are teamwork and a and every member of the team detailed division of labor, so that were indispensable, and the entire every member of the team works in team is very pleased to see their a highly efficient manner. Recalling efforts recognized. 10 "Inventiveness and persistence Professor Po Wen Chiu's team members 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 to catalyze the side-edge growth Providing Students with More than Just an Education : The Sixth Annual Outstanding Mentor Award 11 N a t i o n a l Ts i n g H u a U n i ve r s i t y O n May 26, 2014, in a gradually mature during their line looking for parts that need ceremony held in the four years at university, gain self- improvement. Recognizing the International Conference confidence, and find their direction remarkable care Prof. Chang puts Hall, the Sixth NTHU Outstanding in life. Indeed, Chang delights in into checking their codes, his Mentor Award was conferred the prospect that someday his students naturally strive to improve to Professor Chang Mi-Chang students may surpass his own their work. of the Department of Electrical achievements. Although Prof. Chang is the official Engineering, Professor Chen Lin- Chang has over 70 students in advisor for only six students, he Yi of the Institute of Molecular his C programming class and actually provides guidance to a Medicine and the Department of teaches them over 140 codes large number of students and Medical Science, and Professor every week. Yet he somehow finds makes it a point to have a personal Huang Jia-Hong of the Department time to run each code and looks chat with as many of his students of Engineering and System them over and makes comments. as possible. Ever solicitous of his Science. During the ceremony Chang strives to teach by personal students' needs, at times Prof. NTHU President Hong Hocheng example and often says that Chang even goes so far as to put felicitated all three for their the code his students wrote has his students into contact with excellent teaching and student a certain kind of beauty. Not his associates in the industrial guidance. satisfied with merely running his sector who are willing to share students' codes and seeing that their knowledge and experience. they work, Chang emphasizes the Indeed, Prof. Chang goes all out thinking process that goes into to help his students, not only with creating them. Thus he endeavors their school work, but also with to take the student's point of whatever problems they may be view as he goes through each facing in life. Chang Mi-Chang—A Teacher for All Seasons Professor Chang says that his goal in life is to pass on all that he has learned to the younger generation. He also hopes that students will The sixth NTHU Outstanding Mentor Awards were personally conferred by President Hocheng Hong. From left to right are Sun YuhChang, director of the Student Counseling Center; Chang, Hsiang-Kuang, VP of the Office of General Affairs; Chou, Hwai-Pwu, vice-president of operations; President Hong Hocheng ; Professors Chang, Mi-Chang,Chen, Lin-Yi, and Huang, Jia-Hong; VP of the Office of Student Affairs; and Tai Nyan-Hwa, VP of the Office of Academic affairs. As a way of encouraging students Even today, when using a to develop their critical faculties, simple microscope without Prof. Chang generally refrains photographic capabilities from providing simple answers. you still need to draw. Sometimes he smilingly stands In my classes I show back and observes the student students drawings made by groping about for a solution, and biologists 100 years ago. when the time is right he nudges Then I show them an image the student in the right direction made using a modern microscope Knowing what it's like to grapple so that they can see that there is with a problem, he takes much very little difference."So research pleasure in observing the process in the biological sciences is both by which students undergo a an art and a science. kind of metamorphosis. When Chen knows the importance of the student finally breaks out of being a good listener. Whenever a his cocoon he makes it a point student comes to her, she would to compliment them and give the first listen to everything the student student all the credit. has to say, and only then gives Find your career, find your life!—Chen Lin-Yi When she was growing up, Associate Professor Chen LinYi never thought that she would become a teacher. She had an interest in the biological sciences and thought she would pursue a career in medicine. Although enthusiastic about teaching, if she had a chance to do it all over choose the field of creative design. While design and biology may seem to be poles apart, for Prof. Chen they are closely interrelated: "Actually, there is a close biology. Prior to the invention of the high resolution microscope it was necessary to use drawings. telling their story, they already have the answer they are looking for."Once the student has arrived at the answer in this way, all they need is some affirmation and encouragement. As Prof. Chen sees it, trust is an essential part of the teacherstudent relationship, and trust is established by taking an active interest in one's students. "If I notice in class that a student looks out of sorts, I make it a point to ask how he or she is doing."Once they sense that their teacher is genuinely concerned, their apprehension disappears. When it comes to helping her students, Chen maintains an open-door won't be afraid to come to her with their problems. Even off campus, Prof. Chen is literally on call round the clock. Whenever they need help dealing with an unexpected problem, Chen is the first person they think of. For Chen, being a teacher at NTHU entails playing the role of a "backup parent,"someone students can lean on while away from home. Despite her role as a second mother outside of class, in the classroom Chen is strict with her students. In the first class she lays down a few simple rules, and makes it clear that she expects all her students to work hard, and that in her lab she is especially meticulous about observing her students' every move. Chen smilingly mentions that even though she is very strict in the classroom, she is also very positive and reaffirming: "As long as you use the right teaching methods, 12 connection between drawing and that by the time they finished policy, and hopes that her students 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 again, the outgoing Chen would some feedback: "It often happens Professor Chang Mi Chang of the Department of Electrical Engineering. students will be willing to learn, Chin, his thesis advisor when under-studied specialization of and will realize their potential, and he was working on his master's membrane research. come to welcome challenges." degree in materials science While Prof. Huang has a good 13 N a t i o n a l Ts i n g H u a U n i ve r s i t y and engineering at NTHU. In relationship with his students, addition to what he learned in the he doesn't want them to see him classroom, Huang credits Chang as a father figure: "In the past, with encouraging him to go abroad education was carried out using for further studies, a course of an apprenticeship system. When action which eventually led him a boy reached the age of around into the teaching profession. The 13 he was sent to his teacher's When he was a boy Prof. Huang third teacher was Carl Altstetter, house to begin his apprenticeship. had no idea he would one day Huang's dissertation advisor at That kind of teacher really was become a teacher, for his dream the University of Illinois. During like a father. But as part of the was to become a scientist. his four years in the US, Huang contemporary education system, Recalling his student days and learned from Prof. Altstetter not my primary role is to transmit all the teachers who had the greatest only about materials science, my knowledge to my students, who influence on him, he states, but also gained much insight one day might become one of my "There are four teachers who had into American culture and greatly colleagues, or perhaps even my a highly positive impact on my increased his ability to think boss. development. If not for them, I independently and critically. When students come to him with a wouldn't be here today." After graduation Huang met problem, rather than giving a quick The first of these was his primary the last of these four influential answer, Prof. Huang relates his school teacher Chung Kun Hsiung, teachers, Prof. Haydn H. D. own experience in dealing with a who was highly solicitousness Chen of the University of Macau, similar problem, giving the student towards his students, an approach which led to a significant turning an opportunity to think things which has been adopted by Huang point in his career. At that time out for himself and find his own in his own career as a teacher. membrane technology was not solution. For example, three years Prof. Huang also credits Chung highly developed, nor was it a ago a student who was flunking with arousing his interest in popular research topic. However, out came to Huang to ask for reading and learning. The second Prof. Chen encouraged Huang to help. Instead of trying to intercede of these teachers was Chang Shih make a shift from metals to the on his behalf, Huang merely If 20 years from now your knowledge and ability are equal to or superior to mine, only then would I consider myself to be a successful teacher— Huang Jia-Hong a. Assistant Professor Chen Lin Yi of the Institute of Molecular Medicine and the Department of Medical Science. b. Professor Huang Jia-Hong of the Department of Engineering and System Science. a b suggested that he consider his has become clear about their options for transferring to another professional goals, that's where department or another school. A the starting line is drawn; and year later the student had gained that's when the race really begins." admission to the Department of During his 25 years of teaching, Medical Science and came to Prof. Huang's enthusiasm for Huang's office to thank him for teaching has continually grown. his advice: "He was grateful that I Asked about what expectations helped him to see things clearly. If he has for his students, Huang I had just found a way to help, then confidently states, "Of course, he would have kept on struggling I hope that someday they will in the same way."Prof. Huang surpass my own accomplishments. doesn't fawn on his students; When their knowledge and ability rather, he helps them understand surpass mine, I will consider the nature of the problem, thereby myself to have been a successful increasing their ability to think for teacher."In Huang's view, a themselves. successful teaching career is Some people hold the view measured not by how many that students from a privileged excellent students one has, but background enjoy an abundance of rather by how much progress one's educational resources, thus have students make! an unfair advantage in comparison to other students. However, Huang sees things differently: "No doubt, coming from a privileged background can be an advantage, but you have to consider where the starting line is actually drawn. A student may come from a wealthy if he doesn't have a strong sense of purpose, then he hasn't really left the starting line. For those who have such an advantage early in life, the starting line may contestants, but that doesn't mean that they will run faster once the race begins. Once somebody 14 be somewhat ahead of other 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 family or have a lot of talent, but Shin-Huei Wang wins Innovation Award for YOUNG RESEARCHERS 15 N a t i o n a l Ts i n g H u a U n i ve r s i t y I n order to encourage creativity procedure for adjusting asset and in-depth research amongst allocation are of primary young scholars in Taiwan, the concern to investors, portfolio Foundation for the Advancement managers, and policy makers at of Outstanding Scholarship central banks. established the Innovation Wang's previous work includes Award for Young Researchers , designing a real-time tracking for scholars working in three and forecasting system for areas: mathematical sciences; life measuring changes in data, her and Luc Bauwens, Christian sciences; and the social sciences research have been published Hafner Kevin Yang, Laurent and humanities. This year Shin- in prestigious academic journals Sebastien, and Chrysovalantis Huei Wang of the Department of abroad. Her research on the Vasilakis, her colleagues at the Quantitative Finance won such an valuation of the Chinese renminbi Center for Operations Research award in the humanities and social has also been published in and Econometrics at the Catholic sciences division. international journals . University of Louvain. Wang also Professor Wang's main research In her acceptance speech thanked four mentors who have areas are time series analysis, Prof. Wang expressed her given her valuable feedback over empirical international finance, appreciation for the excellent the years: Javier Hidalgo of the asset pricing models, and portfolio research environment at NTHU, University of London; Jun Yu of the management. Wang says that her as well as for the support and Singapore Management University; inspiration for taking up research encouragement she has received Chen Shengxian of National Taiwan in these areas comes from her from a number of people: University; and Zhu Jiaxiang of practical experience working in Professors Ching-Fan Chung and Beijing University. the field of commerce. It was this Shih-Ti Yu of NTHU's Department Wang also expressed her experience that taught her that of Quantitative Finance; Cheng appreciation for the assistance real-time financial crisis tracking Hsiao of USC; Rui-Chi Wen of the she received from her students systems and a corresponding Hong Kong Baptist University; while she was teaching in China, a in particular the data-processing support she received from Xie a. Shin-Huei Wang, recipient of this year's Innovation Award for Young Investigators. b. Shin-Huei Wang with her husband. Yimeng and Pan Zhiyao. Finally, Wang thanked her husband and family for their patience and understanding while she spent so much time abroad pursuing her b dream. A Long and Winding Road Leading to NTHU: The Life and Times of Chang Ling Chia A long journey came to a happy ending with a visit to NTHU by the daughter of Chang Ling Chia, the first director of the NTHU Library. Hsu Ming-Teh graduated from NTHU's Department of Nuclear Engineering in 1968 and is the current director of Office of the Chang Ling-Chia, the first director of the NTHU Library. received an unexpected phone call the director of the Department of from Mr. Chang's daughter, Chang Physical Education. In 1964, when Tai Tsui, who made a long trip from NTHU enrolled its first batch of Bolivia to get in touch with her undergraduates, the entire number roots. of students, faculty, and staff US, where he earned a master's As Hsu recalls, NTHU was amounted to only about 80 people. degree in physical education reestablished in Hsinchu in 1956 Everybody lived on campus, and from Springfield College, and with the Institute of Nuclear every morning at 7:00 Chang then obtained his Ph.D. from the Science as its first department, would lead the entire school in University of Iowa. Afterwards, he and in 1957 Chang Ling Chia was a vigorous round of calisthenics, moved to Bolivia, where he got appointed the first director of push-ups, and a jog around the married and became a government the university library, a position track. Chang was also instrumental official. he held until 1972. Starting off in expanding NTHU's athletic During his time in Bolivia Mr. from scratch, Chang energetically facilities, and in 1969 he helped to Chang held various important applied himself to the task of initiate the Meizhu Tournament, an government posts, and while setting up the new library. Built annual sports competition between representing Bolivia at a meeting in 1968 and commonly referred NTHU and National Chiao Tung in New York he happened to to as "The Red Building,"NTHU's University. meet President Mei Yi Chi. After first library was a three-story brick Despite his unassuming learning about all the ups and building located on the site now appearance, Chang had a long and downs Chang was experiencing in occupied by the Taida Building. Mr. varied career. After graduating from Bolivia, President Mei invited him Chang helped design the library, Tsinghua College (the forerunner to come to Taiwan and teach at which received a lot of attention of NTHU) in Beijing and working NTHU. Chang replied, "Since you due to its large size and modern as a teaching assistant at the are the president of the university, facilities. same school, Chang went to the that makes me your student, and 16 Chang concurrently served as 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 University Development, recently Hsu Ming The (third from right) with Chang Tai Tsui (third from left) and family. 17 N a t i o n a l Ts i n g H u a U n i ve r s i t y a student has to do whatever the my father was right; he lives on not president tells him to do."Soon only in the heart of his students, afterwards Chang bid farewell to but also in the heart of NTHU." his wife and daughter, left Bolivia, At the end of their meeting, Hsu and came to Taiwan. presented Chang with a copy While teaching in Taiwan, of Appointment with NTHU and whenever Chang ran into people pointed out where her father's he knew from Bolivia, they would name appears therein. During her always suggest that he's better stay in Taiwan Ms. Chang visited off staying in Taiwan. When his her father's grave, and NTHU went wife and daughter came to visit, all out in helping her meet up with President Mei gave his daughter her father's relatives in Taiwan. the name " Chang Tai Tsui"which Following Chang's visit to NTHU, to this day are the only Chinese Director Hsu was so moved by all characters she knows how to the reminiscing about his student write. Of course his wife tried to days that he has written an article persuade him to return to Bolivia, titled "Return to NTHU,"in which but every time she did so he would he recounts all the contributions reply, "It's true that I could enjoy Chang Ling Chia has made to the a very comfortable life in Bolivia, school. but when I die, nobody would remember me. Here in Taiwan, however, even after my death I will continue to live in the heart of my students."By the end of her visit to NTHU, Chang Tai Tsui earnestly told Hsu, "Now I finally know that Budding Virtuoso Nian-Kai Chung Wins National Contest N ian-Kai Chung, a junior is magical."In Chung's in the Department of experience, it's as if the Biomedical Engineering zhonghu chose him, rather and Environmental Sciences, than the other way around. came in first place in the zhonghu Chung began learning solo category of the University zhonghu when he was B Division in the 2013 National in the fifth grade, and in Young Musicians Competition, the sixth grade he joined bringing honor to his school and the Miaoli County Youth giving a major boost to his music Orchestra. During junior career. In his acceptance speech high school he joined Chung stated, "Learning to play the Hsinchu City Youth the zhonghu is like venturing into Orchestra, and currently an endless cavern; every time you plays with the Hsinchu think you are nearing the end, you Youth Orchestra. His main suddenly discover that you still teachers have been Li-Ting have a long way to go." Yeh,Wei-HaoWu, Jia-Yu Li, and For the shy-looking Chung, Bi-Ru Tsai. In his short career he learning to play the zhonghu is has already shared the stage with best described as developing a a number of highly accomplished relationship with the instrument. musicians, including Min Hui-fen, He's always had an interest in Tang Feng, and Sun Huang. Chinese classical music, and Although the zhonghu has long that's how he fell in love with the been his constant companion, zhonghu : "It's has only two strings, it has not always been smooth a small body, and a slender sailing. When he was in primary neck, but the sound it makes school there weren't many a a. Nian-Kai Chung practicing the zhonghu . b. Nian-Kai Chung (right) studying directing with HuiChang Yan. zhonghu , so his talent soon became apparent, leading him to become a bit arrogant. playing with orchestras he soon discovered that there b were lots of other talented also at that time that he first encountered the frustration of practicing hard without attaining the expected results. As a result he learned the supreme value of patience and perseverance. His diligence has paid off. In December of last year he came in first place in the Hsinchu City Music Competition, and in March of this year he represented Hsinchu City in the national competition. Despite the stiff competition from a wide array of outstanding musicians, Chung managed to again come in first place. 18 However, when he started disabused his illusions. It was 2 014 Vo l . 8 N o . 4 other students learning the musicians, and he quickly Published by National Tsing Hua University 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan R.O.C. TEL:03-5715131.E-mail:[email protected]. PUBLISHED BY OFFICE OF THE SECRETARIAT PUBLISHER : President Hong Hocheng EDITOR : Prof. Min Lee EXECUTIVE EDITOR : Prof. Chung-Min Chen EDITORIAL BOARD : Prof. Cheng-Wen Wu, Prof. Hwai-Pwu Chou, Prof. Da-Hsuan Feng, Prof. Nyan-Hwa Tai, Prof. Hsiao-Chin Hsieh, Prof. Ci-Ling Pan, and Prof. Sinn-Wen Chen EDITORIAL TEAM : Yi-Ru Yu and Katherine Lee 14091702 National Tsing Hua University NEWSLETTER TEL: 04-24733326
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