NAOSITE: Nagasaki University's Academic Output SITE Title Basic fibroblast growth factor suppresses radiation-induced apoptosis and TP53 pathway in rat small intestine. Author(s) Matsuu-Matsuyama, Mutsumi; Nakashima, Masahiro; Shichijo, Kazuko; Okaichi, Kumio; Nakayama, Toshiyuki; Sekine, Ichiro Citation Radiation research, 174(1), pp.52-61; 2010 Issue Date 2010-07 URL Right © 2010 by Radiation Research Society. This document is downloaded at: 2014-10-21T13:54:20Z ● ● O怖da∫Jo“rnal of the Radiation Resea鵬白SOC∫eオy Basic Rbroblast Growth Factor Suppresses Radiation−lnduced Apoptosis and TP53 Pathway in Rat Small lntestine Mutsumi Matsuu−Matsuyama,ら1 Masahiro Nakashima,b Kazuko Shichij o,a Kumio Okaichi,c Toshiyuki Nakayama” and Ichiro Sekinea り)iViSiOn Of TUmOr and DiagnOSごiC PathOIOgア, b Ti,∬Ue and Hなt(コpathOIOgy Section, and・1)epar〃nent(∼∫Rα4励0ηβ」()phySieS, A tOmiC・BOmb Diseaぷε加痂ωρNagaぷ磁University Graduate Sehool〔ゾ肋medica1 Scienceぷ,1−12−4 Sakamoto, Nagasaki 852−8523, Japan RADIATIoN REsEARcH 174,52−61(2010) 0033−7587/10$15.00 ◎2010by Radiation Research Society. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. DOI:10.1667/RR1802.1 Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Suppresses Radiation−lnduced Apoptosis and TP53 Pathway in Rat Small lntestine and Ichiro Sekine” ﹁ペヨ惑︾⋮だ Mutsumi Matsuu−Matsuyama,a・’ Masahiro Nakashima,6 Kazuko Shich亘o,αKumio Okaichi,c Toshiyuki Nakayama〃 口iViSiOn Of TU%r and DiagnOぷtiC PathOIOgy, b TiSSUe・and・HiSt(卿thOIOgy SeCtiOn, andのepa励2ent()f RadiatiOn B卿吻iCS, AtOmiC・BOmb 1)iぷease Institute,∼〉α9αぷaki乙lniversity(7raduate School 6ゾ・Bio〃zedical Sciences,1−12−45’aka〃10to,ハ「agasaki 852・・8523,」砲αη radiation resu.lts in rapid apoptosis of the stem cells in Grow伍Factor S叩presses Radiation・・lnduced Apoptosis and process of active cell death that involves gross morpho− TP53 Pathway in Rat SmalHntestine. Radiat. Res.174,52−61 logical alterations including condensation of nuclear the j〔加nal crypt(2,3). Apoptosis is a programmed (2010). The effect of basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)was chromatin, compaction of cytoplasmic organelles, mem− brane blebbing, and cellular fragmentation into apo− studied in radiation−induced apoptosis in rat jejunal crypt cel霊s. ptotic bodies(1,4). Six−week−old male Wistar rats were administered 4 mglkg 1ア53(fbrmerly known as p53)is a tumor suppressor bFGF intraperitoneally 25 h befOre receiving 8 Gy whole−body X gene and is one of the primary cellular factors rays. The jejunum was removed for analysis from time O to 120 h determining the nature of growth arrest and/or cell death after irradiation. Villus length in co耐ml rats declined steadily after exposure to ionizing radiation(5−8). TP53 plays an u耐il 72 h, while in bFGF−treated rats the Villi were l皿ger than important role in damage surveillance and as such has been dubbed the guardian of the gellome(9). Upon DNA damage, TP53 accumulation is increased and translocat− in the controls until 48 h. Crypt lengths were similar to vmi. bFGF treatment increased Ki−67−positive ceUs in the jejenal crypt at O,24 and 48 h. The treatment with bFGF reduced the ed to the nucleus where it binds to DNA, acting to number of apoptotic cells per jejunal crypt to 23%and 10%of regulate the transcription of a number of genes including the control values at 3 and 6 h, respectively, and increased numbers of mitotic cells significantly at 48 and 72 h. bFGF α)K7VIA(fbrmerly known as p21wAF茎/cIPI)and P UMA. decreased the Ievels of TP53, CDKNIA, Puma and Cleaved caspase 3 at 3 h as detecte勒y Westem blot analyses. Our CDKN l A is a cydin−dependen.t kinase(CDK)inhibitory protein that appears to be a critical component of Gl results s紐99est that bFGF protected against acute radiation− arrest(10,11). PUMA, which is induced by TP53, is a key induced in▲ury by supPressing the crypt apoptotic cells including mediator in the TP53−dependent apoptosis (12−14). tlle stem ceils and promoted crypt ce皿proliferation. The 1)UMA encodes a BH3−only protein member of the Bcl− inhibition of apoptosis thus might be related to s叩pression of 2family and binds Bcl−2 and Bc1−xL, localizes to the the TP53 pathway. ◎2010 by Radiati皿R〔se3rch s㏄iety mitochondria, and promotes cytochrome c release and apoptosis. Depending on the cellular context, the outcome of a TP53 response results in either cell cyc▲e INTRODUCTION arrest or apoptosis. Caspase 3 is one of the primary executioners of apoptosis and is necessary fbr the High doses of ionizing radiation damage intestinal cleavage of a large number of proteins and margination crypt cells and result in functional changes. These deleterious effects, including malabsorption, are seen of apoptosis−associated chromatin, DNA fねgmentation, and nuclear collapse during apoptosis(15). clinically as acu.te small bowel reactions. Crypt distur− Basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF, also known as bance results from cell loss by apoptosis and destruction FGF−2)was initially regarded as a potent angiogenic of the stem cells that are responsible fbr repopulating the factor because it induces endothelial cell proliferation, lining of the gut. Cells in the stem cell region of the gut migration and smooth muscle cell proliferation(16,η). crypt are arranged hierarchically and are rapidly bFGF also improved wound healing in patients with superficial or deep second−degree burns and healing of 1Address fbr correspondence:Division of Tumor and Diagnostic Pathology Atomic Bomb D輌sease Institute, Nagasaki University pressure ulcers in clinical trials (18, 19). In the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 1−12−4 Sakamoto, Nagasaki gastrointestinal tract, bFGF enhances epithelial cell 852−8523,Japan, e−mail:mutsumi@nagasaki− proliferation and restitution as well as stem cell survival 52 ︾ク㍉ q 兎で〆﹀ 内7’”ぺ ミ proliferating Populations (1). Exposure to ionizing Matsuu−Mats町ama, M., Nakashima, M., Shichilo, K, Okaichi, K., Nakayama, T. and Sekine,1. Basic Fibroblast bFGF SUPPRBSSES INTESTINAL APOPTOSIS AFTER IRRADIATION 53 after radiation inj ury to the intestine(20,21). Okunieff aluminum負lters at a dose rate of O.8903 Gy/min. The radiation et al. suggested that the LD50/30(7.6 Gy, bone marrow exposure was unilateral. Two rats were treated simultaneously while syndrome end point)and LD50/6(12.5 Gy, gastrointes− they were allowed to move freely in a cardboard box. A single dose of 8Gy was given. Nonirradiated rats(time O samples)were handled tinal syndrome)of C3H mice after whole−body irradi− ation were increased by pretreatment with FGF2(22). identically. Paris et al. also suggested that bFGF protected C57BL/6 Histologieal Methods and A∬e∬〃lent〈ゾApoptosi,ぷand・Mitosis mice from death by the GI syndrome caused by whole− body radiation doses up to 18 Gy(23). It was also To obta輌n samples, rats were k輌11ed humanely by deep anesthesia at suggested that bFGF exerted a benef玉cial effect on radiation−induced enterocolitis(24). Pretreatment with segments of proximal j{)junuM were obtained from the ligament of Trietz. Tissue samples were fixed overnight in 4%neutral buffered FGF−2 has been reported to protect against radiation− formaldehyde. After fixation, the jejunum was cut longitudinally and induced apoptosis of crypt cells (22), although its processed f()r embedding in paraf日n blocks. Thereafter,3一μm sections mechanism of ef琵ct was not determined. We reported previously that agents such as伝mented milk kefir(25), sucralfate(26)and polaprezinc(27)can serve as radioprotectors when administered prior to irradiation to suppress radiation−induced apoptosis in rat colon or small intestine. Sucralfate, an aluminum 3,6,24,48,72and 120 h after 8 Gy irradiation. Six−centimeter were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin(H&E). Three to six animals were used fbr each group and each data point。 Villus Iength, defined as the length from the apex of the brush border to the base of the crypt in the jejunum, and crypt depth(along the long axis of the elliptical crypt)were measured using a 100× magnification stage micrometer. The lengths of more than five random villi or crypts were measured, and the measurements were averaged. hydroxide complex of sulfated sucrose (26), and Scoring of apoptosis and mitosis was restricted to goo(l longitu− polaprezinc, a chelate compound consisting of zinc ion dinal sections of the crypt in which the base of the crypt was aligned and L−carnosine (127), are anti−ulcer agents with a protective effect against radiation−induced inj ury in the with all of the other crypt bases and showed the crypt lumen. More rat colon or small intestine after decreases in TP53 accumu.lation, CDKNlA expression and BAX/BCL−2 than 30 good longitudinal sections were selected per animal, and apoptotic cells and mitotic cells were scored in each crypt in H&E− stained sections at 400×magnification by Iight microscopy as described previously(25−27). ratio or BAX expression. In this study the effect of bFGF on acute radiation− induced injury was studied in a rat model in which apoptosis was induced by 8 Gy X rays in j(加nal crypt cells. To clarify the mechanism of bFGF in radiation− TUNEL Staining Identi丘cation of apoptosis was confirmed using a TUNBL technique(Apoptag Peroxidase In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kit, Chemicon, Temecula, CA)that detects apoptosis−associated DNA induced apoptosis, the location of the ceUs displaying fragmentation by labeling of 3’・・OH termini with digoxigenin Cleaved caspase 3 expression was examilled by imlnu− nohistochemical analysis, and the effect of bFGF on nucleotides using terminal deoxynucleotidyl trans飴rase(28). Sect輌ons TP53, CDKNIA, PUMA and Cleaved caspase 3 was examined by Westem blot analysis. were deparaf資nized in xylene, rehy(lrated in decreasing concentra・・ tions of ethanol, and digested in proteinase K(36μg/ml)f()r 15min at room temperature. Endogenous peroxidase was blocked with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase(T(IT)in reaction buffer (containing a f玉xed concentration of digoxigenin− labeled nucleotides)was applied to sections fbr l h at 37°C followed MATERIALS AND METHODS by placemeRt of slides in StopハVash buffer f()r 30 min. Apoptotic cells メη加∼α1ぷand Trea〃nent{ゾわFGF were detected after incubation in the 3,3’−diaminobenzidine(DAB) chromogen(Dako, Carpinteria, CA)f()r approximately 6 min and Six−week−old male Wistar rats(200−250 g)were purchased from counterstaining with Methyl GreeR(Sigma, St. Louis, MO). Charles River Japan(Atsugi, Japan). The rats were housed in groups of two per cage in an air−conditioned room at 24°C(lights on from 7 a.m、 Immunohistochemis句・ to g p.m。)and were allowed free access to food(1aboratory chow F2, Japan CLEA, Tokyo, Japan)and tap water at the Laboratory An㎞al ImmuRohistochemical staining was perf()rmed fbr Ki−67 and Center of Nagasaki University. All animals were kept in a specific− αeaved caspase 3. Paraffin sections were prepared and deparaf日一 pathogen−free fac最ity at the Animal Center in accordance with the rules 11ized. The sections were placed in O.Ol moYliteτ citrate buffer(pH 6.0) and regulations of the lnstitutioital Animal Care and Use Co麺ttee. and pretreated with microwave heating for antigen retrieva1. The bFGF(gift of Kaken Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)was sections were reacted with O.3%H202 in deionized water for 30 min to diluted with distilled water to a concentration ofO.5 mg/mi immediately inhibit endogenous peroxidase activity. The sections were incubated before injection. bFGF was given intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of with anti−rat Ki−67 monoclonal antibody(MIB−5)(Dako Cytomation 4mg/kg 25 h befbre total−body irradiation. The control rats were Denmark A/S, Denmark)and Cleaved caspase 3(Cell Signaling injected only with saline. In the bFGF dose−respollse studies,1mg/kg Technology Inc.)diluted 1:25 and 1:200, respectively, in ChemMateTM an(至2 mg/kg were administered intraperitoneal豆y 25 h befbre antibody di短ent(Dako)over night at 4°C. After washing with PBS, irradiation. Three to six animals were used in each group. the sections were incubated with biotinylated anti−rabbit and anti− Irradiation mouse immunoglobuliRs for 30 min and then reacted with strepta− vidin corU◆ugated to horseradish peroxidase fbr 30 面n using an LSAB−2 system−HRP fbr use on rat specimens(Dako)according to Irradiation was perf()rmed between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Rats the manufacturer’s instruct輌ons. Antibody binding was visualized by received whole−body X irradiation from a Toshiba ISOVOLT TITAN 32X−ray,200 kV,15 mA apparatus with O.5−mm aluminum十5−mm incubation with 3,3’−diaminobenzidine(DAB)chromogen(Dako). HematOXylin WaS USed f()r RUCIear COUnterStaining. 54 MATSUU−MATSUYAMA ET AL. Cells showing immunoreactivity fOr Cleaved caspase 3 were scored A 1.2 on a cell location basis within the half二crypts of the j〔)junum according 1 to the method of Wilson et al.(29)at 400×magnification using light rats輌n every group. The cell numbers ill the half−crypts were also determ輌ne(重. Western Blotting The jejunum tissues ofcontrol and bFGF−treated rats were removed at 3,6 and 24 h after 8 Gy irradiation and frozen immediately. The ︵Eε︶旧=旧﹀+oぷ磁仁Φ﹂ microscopy. A minimum of 30 half−crypts were counted from three 0.8 0.6 ’ウ 0.4 冷・ 0.2 tiss促s were then suspended in RIPA buffer(50 mM Tris,150 mM NaCl,1%sodium deoxycholate and O.05%SDS, pH 7.4), pulverized 0 on ice, and su句ected to three f士eeze−thaw cycles(30). The insoluble cell 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Tirne after irradiation(h) the protein concentrations were(ieterm輌館d using a protein assay reagent(Bio− Laboratories, Hercules, CA). Protein samples(30 pg) were su句ected to l O%or 15%SDS−polyacrylam輌de gel electrophoresis and then trans琵rred electrophoretica夏ly to Hybond ECL Nitrocellulose (Oncogene Science Inc., Un輌ondale, NY), rabbit polyclonal anti− CDKN l A(Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, CA), Puma(Cell Signaling Technology Inc., Beverly, MA)and Cleaved caspase 3(Cell Signaling Technology Inc.)antibody or rabbit polyclonal anti−actin antibody(Sigma). This was f()llowed with a horseradish peroxidase− conjugated anti−mouse IgG antibody (Zymed Labs. Inc., San Francisco, CA)or a horseradish peroxidase−conj◆ugated anti−rabbit IgG(Amersham). Chemiluminescence(ECL PIus, Amersha⇒was used to analyze the levels of protein according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Blots were exposed to Hyperfilm ECL(Amersham). NIH B 1 ︵仁≧ε︶==こ三葛c3 Membranes(Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL). Membranes were incubated with mouse monoclonal ant輌一TP53(Pab421)antibody 1.2 0.8 0.6 O.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 IInage 1.61 software was used in]gieasuring the densities of each of the Time after irradiation(h) protein bands. The互evel of protein after irradiation was determhled FIG.1. Comparison of the lengths of villi(panel A)and crypts using the level of act輌n as a standard. (panel B)after 8 Gy irradia£ion in rats treated or uRtreated with bFGF. Data are the means±SEM of three to six rats per data point. Statistical Evaluation〔of Data *P<0.05,**Pく0.01and***P<0.001 compared to control rats. All values were expressed as the means±SEM of results obtained from three to six animals per data point. Differences between groups bFGF(Fig.2F)were higher in number than in control rats were examined using Student’s t test. A P<O.05 was considered to be 砿Oh(Fig.2A)and continued to be higher at 24(Fig.2G) StatiStiCally Significant. and 48 h(Fig.2H). At the same time, the Ki−67−positive cells in the j()junum of c皿trol rats decreased at 24 h RESULTS 琢c但μFGF・η舵鋤gth〔)f Villi and鋤pts and Pro1φ螂oη訊抗α磁θ4吻∧lo噺α4漉4 Rατぷ (Fig.2B), and only a few positive cells were seen at 48 h (Fig.2C). Regenerated crypt cells appeared at 72 h (Fig.2D). At 72 and 120 h, there was no difference between control and bFGF−treated rats(Fig.2D alld I, E and J). To evaluate the effect of bFGF on radiation−induced ir巾ry in the rat small intestine, the lengths of villi and Effects〔ゾbFGF・n・Radiati・n−lnduced Ap〔卿ぷ」ぷ翻 crypts were measured in samples taken f士om O to 120 h Mi◆tosis〔ゾσアμωゐ a負er irradiation. The length of villi in control rats decreased from O to 72 h and then showed an increase Figure 3A shows histological sections of拘unal crypts at 120 h(Fig.1A). The length of crypts in control rats 丘om control and bFGF・・treated rats stained with showed decreases at 24 h and 48 h and then increased by TUNEL. At 3 h, a large number of apoptotic cells were 120h(Fig.田). For rats treated with bFGF, the villi were observed in the j()j unal crypts of control rats・ In significantly longer than controls at O, 6 and 48 h contrast, only a small number of apoptotic cells were (Fig.1A). The crypts of bFGF−treated rats were signif三 seen in the j(加nal crypts of bFGF−treated rats. icantly longer than controls at O,3,6and 24 h(Fig.1B). These results indicate that bFGF can protect against Panels B and C of Fig.3compare the apoptotic and mitotic indices m the j句unum detected by H&E staining acute radiation−indu.ced injury in the rat j()ju.num. in control an.d bFGF−treated rats up to 120 h. The To investigate the effect of bFGF on proliferation in apoptosis index in the j(加num peaked in control rats by the拘unum after irradiation, immunohistochemical 3 h and then declined precipitously within 24 h. staining fOr the Ki−67 antigen was perfbrmed. The Ki− Pretreatment with bFGF significantly reduced the 67−positive㏄11s in the j句unal crypts of rats treated with number of apoptotic j()junal crypt cells at 3 and 6 h to ・づ× 0 debris was removed by centrifugation. Supernatants were collected and 55 ∨ ト 夢 ▲ 羅装醤・ 膓讃 i 、砂. ← 、 鷲 bFGF SUPPRESSES INTESTINAL APOPTOSIS AFTER IRRADIATION 1 1 W〆 ^ 句俘 当還 ぞ /﹂“ パ゜ 「 … 撒ぽ ㌔♪遵ほ浮畠才 § 董、㌔‘ーピ 、 蓮﹁ 竃 ㍉オ,︽,’e 、小 ﹂ 謄 ⊇難購 、f,一 S 〆万 ,人 ぶ▽当 磯・ 、 ・4毒 ㍉ 、“ 磁 ぱ〆 ㎡ ず∴ ’ ’, パζ、 ㌧ ㌻ FIG.2. Immunohistochemical staining with anti−Ki−67 monoclonal antibody. Jejunum ofcontrol(upper row)and bFGF(lower row)−treated rat at O(panels A and F),24(panels B and G),48(panels C and H),72(panels D and I)and 120 h(panels E and J)after 8 Gy irradiation. Original magnification 100×. 22.6%and l O%of the levels in control rats, respectively. There was no difference in the apoptosis index between control and bFGF−treated rats from 24 h to 120 h. There immunohistochemical staining is shown in Fig.4. The distribution of positive cell locations is shown in Fig.4A−D. The time courses of the frequencies of was no difference in the background(O h)levels of Cleaved caspase 3−positive cells in half−crypts of control apoptosis in the two groups(Fig.3B). and bFGF−treated rats are shown in Fig.4E. Cleaved The mitotic index in the jejunum of control rats decreased sharply at 3 and 6 h, in contrast to the caspase 3 expression was localized to the nucleus of the crypt cells after irradiation. There was no expression of apoptosis index. This was fbllowed by a gradual increase Cleaved caspase 3 in the nonirradiated control or at 72 h that then continued皿til 120 h. The mitotic bFGF−treated rats. The expression of Cleaved caspase index of bFGF−treated rats was higher than that of 3 in the irradiated jejunum was increased strongly at 3 h control rats at and after 48 h. Significant differences in (Fig.4B), decreased slightly at 6 h(Fig.4C), and then the mitotic index were noted between control and declined at 24 h(Fig.4D)in the bottom half of the crypt, while that of bFGF−treated rats showed no increase at any time after irradiation. There was a signi丘cant difference at 3 and 6 h(」P<0.05)between bFGF−treated rats at 48 and 72 h(Fig.3C). im〃iunohis・toche〃zical Res・ults・プ6γCleaved Caspase 3 The expression of Cleaved caspase 3 in拘unal crypt non−bFGF−treated and bFGF−treated rats(Fig.4E). The half−crypt cell numbers of control and bFGF− cells of control and bFGF−treated rats detected by treated rats are shown in Table 1. The half−crypt ce11 56 MATSUU−MATSUYAMA ET AL. A 。脚婿§騰 ㌢辱熟罷, ご∴.1㌧.£∴㌧.、.…㌦、,’・・寸 ゴ∴∵や口\・ fi ← 癬繍罐 癒翻議、 −一 0 40 20 60 o:ト’bFGF 80 100 120 140 Time after irradiation(h) 6 5 4 3 2 ﹂1 0 十controI 昔eo﹂oαω=80習出E↑o﹂ΦエεコZ C 戸0 4﹁ 3 9﹄ − 0 0 ︵U O O O 且eo﹂oO茎80旧ぢ且oα句℃﹂ΦΩ∈コZ B ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ,’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ,” **,/ ’ ’ .」ゴ 一一 * ,〆 Sθ一一control ,’” ,’ ,’ 一⇔一一一一一一一 oコr −一 o:}一’bFGF ’ 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time afヒer irradiation(h) FIG.3. Panel A:Histological sections of small intestine in control rat and bFGF−treated rat at 3 h after 8 Gy irradiation stained by the TUNEL method(original maglli丘cation 400×). Apoptosis index(panel B)and mitotic index(panel C)of j(junal crypt cells in control rats and bFGF−treated rats after 8 Gy irradiation. Data are the means±SEM of three to丘ve rats per data point. More than 30 crypts were analyzed per an㎞a1.*P<0.05,**、P<0.01 and***P<0.001 compared to control rats. numbers of bFGF−treated rats were significantly higher then decreased at 6 and 24 h. A significant difference was compared to those of non−bFGF−treated rats at each observed between control and bFGF−treated rats, at 3 h time after irradiation. (P<0.05)(Fig.6A). The expression of CDKNlA in Dependence(ゾ.Rα∂吻γ・tec肋ηげ加e吻α1(]rypts on control rats increased at 3,6and 24 h. There was a significant di脆rence between control and bFGF−treated 1)ose()f bFGF rats at 3 h(P<0.05)(Fig.6B). The expression ofPuma in control rats increased at 3 and 6 h and then decreased at Figure 5 shows the apoptosis index at 6 h after 8 Gy irradiation in control rats and in rats treated with 1,2 and 4 mg/kg of bFGF. There was no difference between control rats and bFGF−treated rats at l mg/kg. However, suppression of the apoptosis index was clearly shown in rats treated with 2 and 4 mg/kg bFGF. Wes・tern Blo ttカzgノ∼)r TP53, CDKハηノt, Puma and Cleaved 24h. A significant differences were noted between control and bFGF−treated rats at 3 h(P<0.Ol)(Fig.5C). The amo皿t of Cleaved caspase 3 in control rats increased at both 3 and 6 h and then decreased to O.7−fbld at 24 h. A significant difference was noted between control and bFGF−treated rats at 3 h(P<0.05)(Fig.6D). Taken together, these results indicated that b FGF pretreatment inhibited radiation−induced TP53 accumulation and its Caspase 3 downstream induction of CDKNlA, Puma and Cleaved To determine how bFGF treatment was interfering caspase 3;this was consistently seen at 3 h. with the pathways leading to radiation−induced apoptosis in the rat拘unum, the levels of TP53, CDKN l A, Puma DISCUSSION and Cleaved caspase 3 were examined by Western blot analyses;kinetic diagrams are shown in Fig.6. TP53 Radiation enteritis occurs during radiotherapy fbr accumulation in control rats increased 2.3−fbld at 3 h and many pelvic cancers and intra−abdominal organs such as 57 bFGF SUPPRESSES INTESTINAL APOPTOSIS AFTER IRRADIATION bFGF c°事 電・.p ‘ i 1’ む 、 :i 一一●一一control Oh 吉60 } ■一⊂トbFGFOh ↓血工_α蜘血血田皿皿 0 怐。−control 3h −[)・一 bFGF 3h 書40 20 0 一■ 5 崖 40 衷︸﹀。=ΦコぴΦよ 邑 一...b 80 ]] 衷︸>uもコσΦ﹂匹 60 cl Bloo 80」 5 10 15 20 25 Cell position Φ i 9 40] 皇 20 0 5 0 30 25 10 15 20 Cell positiOR 60 50 40 30 20 5 25 10 15 20 30 Cell position 十control ﹂,ー、i,ー.﹂ー,⋮、,⋮1﹁ー1‘ −[}−bFGF24h 一ローbFGF6h 40・e 。↓ ﹁.⋮⋮﹂﹁ー﹂ 言60! ⊆ { +control 6h 0 宝︸差Φu皇出8△ 十control 24h ケ ト f 7幅.≧b、sL−.t藁 20」 E南ω皇§琶⑩Φ0 三1:] 、 ♂. 毒 60一 20 30 ㍗目 い 噸 蝶‖ 撃撃 A 24h 菖「人’ひ∵だ掌禰 藷藷螂 ・、 k,1Lぷ..s」φ三、、1、 100 望 ﹂ ︼ ≧ ≦きS] Vバ. で ヘ ピ } { 竃。二_鋪 ﹁、二﹂.°°渉層.、 ご▲, .{ 璽嘆蓑讃墾竃 鳥賠麟蕊 Cleaved caspase 3 6h 弩,..﹃・馳 、 ・ 3h Oh 24h 6h 3h Oh [︻ Control ・… 香cbFGF 10 * 051015202530 0 5 10152025 Cell position Time afterirradiation(h) FIG.4. The expression of Cleaved caspase 3 in jejunal crypt cells of control and bFGF−treated rats detected by immunohistochemical staining after exposure to 8 Gy radiation(original magnification 200×). The distribution of the locations of Cleaved caspase 3−positive cells in half−crypts of control and bFGF−treated rats after exposure to 8 Gy is shown in panels A−D. The time course of the percentage of Cleaved caspase 3−positive cells in half−crypts of control and bFGF−treated rats is shown in panel E. Data are means±SEM f()r three rats per experimental group. At least 30 half−crypts were scored from each rat.*P<0.05 compared to control rats. rectum. Although ionizing radiation affects other intra−abdominal organs, the most radiosensitive is the Time after irradiation Oh 3h 6h 24h Contro1 bFGF 25.9±0.5 24.7±0.9 23.4±0.4 14.1±0.3 28.3±O.5b 28.1 ± 28.4± 1.le l8.3 ± 1.6a 30 25 b20 0 1 4■‘ The Half−Crypt Ce皿Numbers after lrradiation 35 5050 TABLE l 40 且 small intestine. Ionizing radiation causes mucosal ﹂Φαω一一Φoo旧甘且o合↑o﹂Φ﹄εコZ cervix, endometrium, ovary, bladder, prostate and 0 1 2 4 bFGF(mg/㎏) No tes. Data are means±SEM from pooled data of three counts FIG.5. Effect of the dose of bFGF on apoptosis index of j ej unal from each of three rats per experimental group. At least 30 half−crypts crypt cells 6 h after 8 Gy irradiation. Data are the means±SEM of were scored from each rat. aP<0.05, bP<0.01 and cP<0.001 three or f()ur rats per data point. More than 30 crypts were selected compared to control rats. f()ranalysis per animaL***P〈0.001 compared to control rats. 58 MATSUU−MATSUYAMA ET AL. A Oh 3h TP53 鍵滋 ・難 Actin 6h 24h 難灘鑛 鑛譲 B bFGF Control CDKNlA 灘雛灘灘、 ActiR 該ぷ難1懇 欝 診難馨t”t 0 oo き 0 ● O.5 0 5 10 1S 20 25 5 10 15 20 Control bFGF Oh 3 h 24h タ ttt 蓬 Actin .離繋 .灘 灘難難..難籔 .灘 が ’ 搬・繋灘 覇騨 繍※ け が w。 雛診懇\7 叢 葱 杉灘彩t。、 谷難・灘∧ D C皿trol 叢 ’ttt Actin 難講諺垂嚢妻羅su蕪 譲]垂 ・萎羅灘難難霧壕鍵。・ 馨繋難難鍵燃一_ 難 繋獲 縫 彩凝 ;bUt 難 仁o層Φ﹂妥ΦεΦぢ﹂αΦ︾る一Φ匡 25 Time after irradiation {h) 富Φ給音巴冨詫ぷ9 エ ハじ ︵<Σ2︸ 5 10 15 20 ・難籔嚢難i馨舞碧襲羅饗馨◇霧 霧2紗灘⑳灘総灘葵購総簸. caspase 3 ※×” 3 に﹂ へ∠ CJ 4⊥ ︻﹂ ︵U きL。⋮Φ包×Φεo苫aΦ﹀[一亘岳 0 bFGF Oh 3h 6h 24h Oh 3h 6h 24h Cleaved 嚢 萎難峯轟 24h Oh 3h 6h 灘、 PUMA 6h 25 Time after irradiation{h) Ti me after irradiation {h》 C 灘燈灘劾 雀懸i 口 1 該灘 * …手・一.“ ロ ロ 2 へ5 ロ﹂ 亀∠ ■5 1 5 ︵U コ む 富臣ヒ o“一ψ3旨×Φ三Φ苫﹂αΦ﹀蔦一Φ匡 2.5 24h 難鍵懸嚢饗難 難灘鷺馨難難 講礁轟難蒙 =o層Φ﹂受Φ忘Φぢ包Φ≧完一Φ匡 3 1.5 bFGF Oh 3h 6h 24h Oh 3h 6h Oh 3h 6h 24h ︵<回蔓e︸ 磯難蕪 Control 3 十CORtrol 2.5 …{:}・・bFGF 2 1.5 1 ’” p・…ip・…・・……・……__._ 0.5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time after irradiation (h) FIG.6. Western blot analysis of the amounts ofTP53, CDKN l A, PUMA and Cleaved caspase 3 in the jejunum of control and bFGF−treated rats. The levels of TP53(panel A), CDKN I A(panel B), PUMA(panel C)and Cleaved caspase 3(panel D)were quantified by densitometric analysis. Each of the protein levels is expressed as a ratio of nonirradiated rats(O h)to coRtrol rats. Data are means±SEM of three to f()ur separate experiments with two rats per data point.*P<0.05 and**1)<O.Ol compared to control rats. damage in the gastrointestinal epithelium comprised of intestine from 48 to 120 h at doses above 8 Gy, which destruction of crypt cells occurring by the induction of produced moderate to severe injury to the gastrointes− apoptosis, decrease in villus height and number, tinal epithelium, resulting in progressive loss of viable ulceration and necrosis(31). In the previous study, we regenerative crypts and compromising the epithelial noted that losses of weight and appetite ill spontane− barrier(21). FGF−2 markedly enhanced survival of crypt ously hypertensive rats were greater than in Wistar− stem cells when mice received a single dose of rhFGF−2 Kyoto rats after 7.5 Gy X irradiation and suggested that (4μg/g)25hbefbreγirradiation at doses 13.8 Gy. They this radiation sickness may be due to injury to the gastrointestinal epithelium (32). The protection of radiation−induced apoptosis of intestine may ▲ead to the improvement of radiation sickness. suggested that FGF−2 could cause cell cycle arrest, allowing time fbr repair to occur in otherwise replicating cell populations, and that FGF−2 might enhance crypt survival by protecting stem cells from undergoing Houchen et al. suggested that the expression of FGF− apoptosis. Okunieff et al. reported that bFGF given 2mRNA and protein began to increase at 12 h afterγ 24hbefore whole−body irradiation with 7−18 Gy irradiation, and peak levels were observed in the small protects bowel crypts and a possible intestinal syndrome bFGF SUPPRESSES INTESTINAL APOPTOSIS AFTER IRRADIATION 59 (22).The protective mechanism may lie in inhibition of irradiated rat jejunum(Fig.6). We also demonstrated radiation−induced apoptosis of crypt cells and may include radioprotection of the vasculature as welL In this study it was clearly demonstrated that bFGF treatment can protect the rat small intestine from that bFGF treatment inhibited the expression of Cleaved caspase 3 in the crypt, including stem cell regiOn, With OUr immUnOhiStOChemiCal indingS(Fig.4). The results fbr Cleaved caspase 3 in the Western blot analysis(Fig.6D)concurred with the results of time radiation−induced injury at an X−ray dose of 8 Gy, which is above the LD50130(5 Gy)of Wistar rats and is course frequency detected by immunohistochemical the lowest dose that produced injury to the gastromtes− analysis(Fig.4E). Merritt et a乙observed a rapid tinal epithelium. Our results showed that pretreatment (4.5h)elevation of TP53 protein in the proliferative compartment of the crypts where cells underwent death with bFGF inhibited radiation−induced apoptosis of crypt cells, promoted crypt cell proliferation, and decreased the level of TP53 and the downstream proteln.s after irradiation. Our stu.dy showed that crypt depth and villus length were significantly increased in irradiated rats by bFGF treatment(Fig.1A, B). Ki−67−positive cells in the j()junal crypt were increased by bFGF treatment(Fig.2F) compared with their nonirradiated controls at time O by apoptosis after 8 Gy irradiation. They fbund a totaI repression of apoptosis in the small intestinal crypt epithelia of TP53−deficient mice 4.5 h after 8 Gy irradiation(34,35). Komarova et al. showed that pifithrin−alpha, a chemical inhibitor of TP53, blocked radiation−induced apoptosis of the gastrointestinal epithelium, b山it did not alter lethality from the gastrointestinal syndrome(36,37). In our study, the (Fig.2A). This indicated that bFGF treatment promot− su.ppression of the TP53 pathway by bFGF treatment ed crypt proliferation. The increase of proliferating crypt may have been a result of the inhibition of radiation− cells after bFGF treatment may be related to a change in induced apoptosis. Our analysis, however, was restricted radiation sensitivity. The numbers of Ki−67−positive cells in the jejunal crypt of bFGF−treated rats were much to 8 Gy. Further studies are needed to determine whether the same mechanisms occur at higher doses of larger than those of control rats at 24 and 48 h after radiation(i.e., at or above the LD5016). The expression of irradiation(Fig.2G, H), suggesting that bFGF treat− CDKNlA at O h showed no difference between control ment may promote proliferation of the surviving cells after irradiation. The treatment with bFGF significantly reduced the apoptosis index at 3 and 6 h(Fig.3A, B). However, the mitotic index of bFGF−treated rats increased from 48 h after irradiation(Fig.3C). The and bFGF−treated rats(Fig.6B). These data provide no evidence to support the hypothesis that bFGF modified radiosensitivity through GI arrest as reported previously by Houchen et al.(21). In conclusion, our results suggest that bFGF protects radioprotective effect of bFGF may involve a suppres− against acute radiation−induced injury in the rat jejunum sion of the crypt apoptotic cells including the stem cells by supPressing the apoptotic cells in the crypt, including and promotion of crypts cell proliferation. the stem cells, and by accelerating crypt cell prolifera− To clarify the location.s of the changes in Cleaved tion. The mechanism of the protective effect of bFGF caspase 3, an immunohistochemical staining with Cleaved caspase 3 was perfbrmed (Fig.4). bFGF agains£radiation−induced apoptosis may be depend斑t treatment inhibited the expression of Cleaved caspase studies of the mechanism are needed. bFGF may reduce 3,which in control rats is expressed in the cells near the gastrointestinal tract damage during abdominal radia− tion therapy fbr gastrointestinal, genitourinary and gynecological tumors. Therapeutic effects have been reported fOr the treatment of experimental dextran base of the crypt, especially around cell positions 4−6, in the putative stem cell region(33). The Ilumber of half− crypt cells in bFGF−treated rats was significantly higher compared to c国trols at each time after irradiation (Table 1). The increase of cell numbers in the crypt by bFGF treatment may result in the increase of the length of jeljunal crypts and villi・ The greatest suppression of radiation−induced apop− tosis was observed whell rats received a single dose of 2 0r 4 mg/kg bFGF. The dose of 4 mg/kg bFGF was the same dose used by Houchen et al.(21). Both 2 and 4 mg/ on suppression of the TP53 pathway. However, further sulfate sodium(D SS)−induced colitis and trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid(TNBS)−induced colitis by the rectal administration of bFGF(38). Similarly, topical admin− istration of bFGF by enema may be more effective and less hazardous fOr the treatment of radiation colitis. Further studies are needed to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of such an apProach. kg of bFGF had the same effect, but l mg/kg bFGF had no protective effect against radiation−induced apoptosls (Fig.5). Westem blot analysis showed that bFGF pretreat− ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Global COE Program丘om the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science aRd Technology, ment resuked in a decrease in the accumulation of TP53 Japan. We wish to thank the staff of Biomedical Research Center as well as a decrease in the induction of the CDKN l A, (BRC), Center for Frontier Life Sciences of Nagasaki University fbr Puma and Cleaved caspase 3 relative to the control eXCellent aRimal Care. 60 MATSUU−MATSUYAMA ET AL. Received:March 24,2009; accepted February 24,2010;published 20. 21. REFERENCES 1 (1999). 22. (1994). C.S. Potten,」. W. Wilson and C. Booth, Regulation and Radiat. 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