H O O K S E T T ...

October 2014
1249 Hooksett Rd,
Hooksett NH 03106
Rev. Edmund G Crowley 485-3523
Grand Knight
Paul Marchese 210-1105
Deputy Grand Knight
George Bureau 623-0042
Financial Secretary
Elmer Lajoie 289-5981
George Loiselle 647-2204
Gary Makosiej 485-8969
William Rossignol 210-2020
Roger H Maurier 644-0446
Michael Lennon 485-1118
Inside Guard
James G Connor 485-3694
Outside Guard
Lorrin Bird 606-2737
Robert Biron 943-2790
Trustee – 1 Year
Frank Kotowski 485-9579
Trustee – 2 Year
Walter Murray 485-8414
Trustee – 3 Year
Roger Hebert 485-9415
Walter Murray 485-8414
Membership Director
Paul Marchese 210-1105
Program Director
Pro-Life Director
Church Director
John Famiglietti 340-8923
Community Director
Roger Maurier 644-0446
Council Director
Richard Jacques
Family Director
Gary Makosiej 485-8969
Youth Director
NH State Council Contacts
Fr. Raymond P. Langlois Council #4961
Grand Knights Message
My Brother Knights,
Fall is in the air. Leaves
look good in the trees but
not so great on the
ground. I would like to
thank everyone that came
out and helped out at Fr.
Crowley’s Family Picnic in
September. It went very
well and fun was had by
all. Great job to Joe Kowalik and George Loiselle
for putting on a great yard
sale. There was a fair
amount of shoppers that
stopped by.
Here are some upcoming
events, for October and
November. October 25th
is our annual Awards Dinner so please join us as we
recognize 3 local organizations for service they provide to our community.
We will also recognize fellow Knights. This is a
great chance to get together for a fun evening as
Knights of Columbus.
November 8th we will be
working with Boys Scouts
at the Food Pantry (more
info in newsletter). November 9th at 8:30 a.m. is
our deceased members
mass. I will see you at our
next meeting on October
God Bless
Yours Faithfully
Paul Marchese GK
Hooksett Community Food Pantry
Council Delegates
Elmer Lajoie
Paul Marchese GK
District Deputy ( District #7 )
Ken Komisarek 289-9927
State Deputy
Rich McDermott 598-5450
State Secretary
Wayne Griffin 890-3824
K of C Insurance Agency
Rafael Peschiera (Field Agent)
Phone: 703-6780
Email: [email protected]
Immediate Past State Deputy
Joel Plante 755-2511
Hooksett Community
Food Pantry (HCFP) –
Saturday, November 8,
The Hooksett
Boys Scouts annual
“Scouting for Food” food
drive will have scouts delivering food to the pantry. Your help is needed
at the food pantry to:
check expiration dates,
sort food, & bring it into
the pantry area next to
the gym. People are needed from 8:30am up to
4:00pm. You do not have
to stay for the whole
time, if you have an hour
or more, that would be
helpful. Contact Elmer
or [email protected]
for more details.
Fr. Raymond P. Langlois Council #4961
Page 2
NEXT BUSINESS MEETING: November 11, 2014
Star Council Goals
1st Degree
K of C Yard Sale
The Knights of Columbus Father
Langlois Council #4961, in
sell which raised an additional
$60.00 toward the day’s receipts.
Also, Brother Knights were able to
sell a significant number of State
Hooksett NH hosted a Fall KofC
Yard Sale on Saturday, September
Co-c hair Joseph Kowalik reports
that we had seven tables rented
Charity Raffle Tickets to yard sale
27th, at the Hooksett Home
Corp. Hall located at 1249
out for $105.00 in table sales.
In addition to renting out tables
Chairman Joseph Kowalik reports
that we had a total of $239.00
Due to the recent construction
to raise funds, Sue Kowalik provide muffins to sell for breakfast
raised toward the Council’s ongoing expense requirements (minus
there were concerns with parking
issues, but everything went
with the coffee, and later in the
day Co-Chair George Loiselle &
the food costs from George).
Completion &
submission of the
smoothly as Knight Dennis Terevainen maintained efficient traffic
Dennis sold burgers and hot dogs,
chips, and drinks. Sales were
control measures at the entrance
good as with food income reach-
Submission to
and exit points. Thanks to the
Terevainen’s, the Council had
ing $74.00 (of which we will have
a bill for supplies from George).
Hooksett Rd (Rte 3) Hooksett.
Supreme all Per
Capita payment
& Audits
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph J Kowalik III
some furniture they donated to
Council #4961 – Deceased Members Mass
The KofC Annual Memorial Mass for Fr. Raymond P.
Langlois Council #4961 will
pay our respects for the deceased members of our
Council during the 8:30
Mass at Holy Rosary
Church. A roll call of those
that have been called by
Almighty God from our
presence will be read at the
Mass. A bouquet of flowers
at the altar will represent
our past members with an
inclusion of those that have
passed since our last memo-
Good of the Order
Prayer Requests
Bethlehem, NH
Please remember in your prayers
Brothers, your prayers are re-
James Carr’s father James
October 25 Hookse 4961 Awards
all of our Brother Knights that
have gone before us. Remember
quested for Brother Knights &
Harnedy, also, Matt Mutrie’s
father Paul, & mother Don-
prayers for all who are sick or in
Esther Hagen, Beverly Hassan,
na Lenhardt.
Hookse Community Food Pantry
distress. Also, we should pray
Roger Hebert, Donald & Pat
Also, continue prayers for
November 8 Fourth Degree Keene, NH
for all the members of the Clergy, all veterans, and all active
Martineau and his brother
Katie Chase.
Hookse Council Events Calendar
October 10 First Degree Hudson, NH
October 11 NH State Ball
rial Mass. Our Assembly
will be in regalia to enhance
the ceremony. Please join
us by attending this Mass,
in suit, tie, & council badge
to help us honor those
Brother Knights that have
gone before us.
October 14 Hookse 4961 – Council
Mee$ng 7:30pm
October 20 First Degree Bedford, NH
October 25 Second/Third Degree
November 8 Scou$ng for Food -
November 9 Hookse 4961 Deceased
Members Mass
service members of the Armed
Forces (and those supporting
them) that are in harms way.
Pray for Albert &
Ray, Roger & Irene Maurier,
Otto Reimer, Theodore &
Barbara Zapora, Dave Boutin’s
Knights of Columbus
Fr. Raymond P Langlois Council #4961
1249 Hooksett Road
Hooksett, NH 03106
Student Pro Life Essay Contest
The NH Knights of Columbus is once again sponsoring a Student Pro-Life Essay
contest in conjunction with
the National “March For
Life” in Washington D.C.
The contest is open to any
Jr-High (grades 6,7,8) and
Sr-High (grades 9,10,11,12)
student in NH.
Entries are first submitted
to the National contest
which will make awards of
First Place and Runner-up
for both school categories (4
NH Entries are then provided to the NH Knights of
Columbus who will Make
up to six cash awards of
The theme is:
Further contest details are
provided on the entry instructions, obtained from
www.marchforlife.org .
Click on “March For Life
2015”, then on “Get Involved”
Or you may contact KofC
NH contest chairman John
P. Matuszewski (603-4344098) or KofC NH State
Pro-Life Chairman Ron
Distasio (603-595-7837).