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St. Augustine's
The Mustard Seed
The news-sheets
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Diocese of Northampton: Registered Charity No: 234091
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Note that there are two
news-sheets here
St. Augustine's
The Mustard Seed
19th October. - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
& Presbytery
Langcliffe Drive, Heelands MK13 7PL
tel. & fax: 01908 221228
[email protected]
Clergy: Fr. James Cassidy, C.R.I.C.
Fr. Allan Jones, C.R.I.C.
(+news-letter on-line)
Parish facebook site: St. Augustine’s Milton Keynes
Diocese: www.northamptondiocese.org
Deanery: www.mknpa.org.uk
Schools: www.st.monicas.co.uk
Sunday Mass Times
Diocese of Northampton: Registered Charity No: 234091
Polish Mass
Also Christ the Cornerstone: Vigil Mass Sat. at 5.30 p.m.
Each Sunday: 1.30 p.m. Thursday: 7 p.m.
Priest: Fr. Artur Stelmach, S.Chr.
17, Victoria St., Dunstable LU6 3AZ - 01582 662807
Our Lady of Lourdes at St. Paul’s: Sun. 10 a.m.
Tamil Mass
Weekday Mass
Usually in Our Lady of Lourdes at St. Paul’s on the second
Sunday of the month at 5 p.m
St. Augustine’s
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9.30 a.m. Fri. 7 p.m.
Christ the Cornerstone
Mon. & Wed. 12.30 p.m. Tues. 8 a.m.
5pm (St.Paul's, MK6 5NA) இல் இடம்ெபறும்.
Our Lady of Lourdes at St. Paul’s
Sat. 10 a.m.
If you, or a loved one, is going into Milton Keynes General
Hospital, please telephone the Chaplaincy: 01908 243700.
If people wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick before
their admission to hospital please contact one of the
Sunday: 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 6.30 p.m.
Exposition & Evening Prayer
Usually Friday at 6.30 p.m., with Evening Prayer at
6.45 p.m.
Reconciliation (Confession)
Usually after Mass, Friday evenings. On request after other
Masses (but not after the Sunday morning Masses).
Morning Prayer
When there is a morning Mass this is celebrated at 9. 15 a.m.
Weekday Rosary
Usually after 9.30 a. m. Mass.
Last week’s collection
Standing Orders: £425.00
Cafod Total: £771.49
2வது ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழைம
Hospital Chaplaincy
Our Church Shop /Repository
The Church Shop is usually open after the 11 a.m. Mass on
Music Group
The Music Group usually practices on Tuesday evenings,
(7.30 – 9 p.m.) If you sing or play an instrument and would
like to be part of the music ministry, please come along or
speak to the group after 11 a.m. Mass.
St. Theresa’s Group
Meets in the Chapel on the 2nd Sunday of the month after
the 11 a.m. Mass.
News-sheet items
Usually to Fr. James by Thursday morning.
Sunday Mass Texts
Pp. 143 - 146 of the ‘Parish Mass Book’
World Mission Sunday
This is today, Pope Francis invites all Catholics to contribute to
his charity for overseas missions. – Four out of every 10
parishes still need financial help, and our money goes to over
1000 dioceses, bringing them hope, and the possibility of
spreading the joy of the Gospel to those people who have yet
to hear it.
Missio boxes are available for you to take and use at home.
Pope Francis writes to us,
“The joy of the Gospel is born of the encounter with Christ and
from sharing with the poor. World Mission Sunday is an
opportunity to rekindle our desire and our moral obligation to
participate joyfully in mission across the whole world. A
monetary contribution on the part of individuals is the sign of a
self-offering, first to the Lord and then to others and so in this
way a material offering such as a donation of money by
individuals to Missio can become a means built on love for the
evangelisation of humanity.
On this World Mission Sunday I urge each of you to recall that
‘first love’ with which the Lord Jesus Christ touched your heart
for the first time, not for the sake of nostalgia but in order to
persevere in joy.
Let us pray through the intercession of Mary, the model of
joyful evangelisation, that the Church may become a
welcoming home for all.”
To Rhys and Samuel, who are being Christened at the 11 a.m.
Mass this Sunday. We also welcome Frs. Moses, Bernard and
Fidelis from Nigeria, who will be with us for the Mass.
Want to become a Catholic?
We are preparing for Easter next year. If you, or someone you
know, are thinking of becoming a Catholic please contact
either Fr. James or Fr. Allan as soon as possible.
Mass Count
We have started the annual Mass count: all people at all
Masses on Sundays are to be counted. Many thanks to the
‘volunteers’ who count. Please help them by not moving
around during the Mass.
Gluten Free Hosts
These are now available. If you have need of them please
contact Fr. James or Fr. Allan.
International Evening
This is on Saturday
Saturday 6 – 9 p.m. Do come along and join the
fun, sharing something from wherever you come from or
have been, so that we can all appreciate more the 50+
nationalities we have in our parish. All types of food will be
One Climate: One World
The Northampton Diocesan Cafod Campaign launch will
be in Our Lady of Lourdes, at St. Paul’s School, Moorgate,
on Saturday 1st Nov. 2 – 4 p.m., See how climate change
Is pushing people deeper into poverty. Mass will
celebrated by Bishop Peter at 4.45 p.m. To book a place
[email protected]
Autumn Concert
On Sat. 8th Nov., in St. Augustine’s, a concert by Heart and
Music for the charity Advantage Africa. Only £5 a
ticket/£15 for a family from Sally Easton MK 668776. A
magical evening for all the family - get your tickets soon.
Thinking Theology Lectures
We have had the list for these lectures at St. Paul’s school
for the school year 2014 – 15. The list is on display in the
Food Bank: 2 hours?
The Food Bank needs three to four people for just a
couple of hours to sell car-raffle tickets and collect in
festive food items at The Shopping Centre MK: Thursday
30th October: 1-3pm, Saturday 15th November 2-4pm,
Thursday 4th December 1-3pm, Sunday 14th December
1-3pm Monday 22nd Dec 1-3pm. Please contact Rebecca
01908 321108
or foodbank.rebecca
The following are always welcome: tinned fruit, tinned
vegetables, tinned rice pudding, tinned fish. Please leave
the items in the porch.
New ?
If you have just moved in to our parish, or started coming
to our Church do please introduce yourself to the priests,
or write your name on the clipboard on the top shelf of the
display in the porch.
Their latest Newsletter includes a notice about the listening
course that was held recently, including at St Augustine’s. It
also includes news about the Fair Transport campaign. To
read it, type the following address into your internet searcher
(e.g. Google) http://goo.gl/U7Ot8J - or view a copy on the
notice board in the church porch.
MK Moneylifeline
This is a free confidential service to help people in debt, or
who have other money problems. See the leaflets in the
porch, or contact them on 03001235 198
We invite you to say the Sunday Prayer at home during
the week. This week’s prayer:
Almighty and ever-living God, grant that we amy
always conform our will to yours and serve your
majesty in sincerity of heart.. Through Our Lord, Jesus
Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
St. Augustine's
The Mustard Seed
12th October. - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
& Presbytery
Langcliffe Drive, Heelands MK13 7PL
tel. & fax: 01908 221228
[email protected]
Clergy: Fr. James Cassidy, C.R.I.C.
Fr. Allan Jones, C.R.I.C.
Diocese of Northampton: Registered Charity No: 234091
(+news-letter on-line)
Parish facebook site: St. Augustine’s Milton Keynes
Diocese: www.northamptondiocese.org
Deanery: www.mknpa.org.uk
Schools: www.st.monicas.co.uk
Sunday Mass Times
Sunday: 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 6.30 p.m.
Also Christ the Cornerstone: Vigil Mass Sat. at 5.30 p.m.
Our Lady of Lourdes at St. Paul’s: Sun. 10 a.m.
Weekday Mass
St. Augustine’s
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. 9.30 a.m. Fri. 7 p.m.
Christ the Cornerstone
Mon. & Wed. 12.30 p.m. Tues. 8 a.m.
Our Lady of Lourdes at St. Paul’s
Sat. 10 a.m.
Exposition & Evening Prayer
Usually Friday at 6.30 p.m., with Evening Prayer at
6.45 p.m.
Reconciliation (Confession)
Usually after Mass, Friday evenings. On request after other
Masses (but not after the Sunday morning Masses).
Polish Mass
Each Sunday: 1.30 p.m. Thursday: 7 p.m.
Priest: Fr. Artur Stelmach, S.Chr.
17, Victoria St., Dunstable LU6 3AZ - 01582 662807
Tamil Mass
Usually in Our Lady of Lourdes at St. Paul’s on the second
Sunday of the month at 5 p.m
2வது ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழைம
5pm (St.Paul's, MK6 5NA) இல் இடம்ெபறும்.
Hospital Chaplaincy
If you, or a loved one, is going into Milton Keynes General
Hospital, please telephone the Chaplaincy: 01908 243700.
If people wish to receive the Sacrament of the Sick before
their admission to hospital please contact one of the
Our Church Shop /Repository
The Church Shop is usually open after the 11 a.m. Mass on
Music Group
When there is a morning Mass this is celebrated at 9. 15 a.m.
The Music Group usually practices on Tuesday evenings,
(7.30 – 9 p.m.) If you sing or play an instrument and would
like to be part of the music ministry, please come along or
speak to the group after 11 a.m. Mass.
Weekday Rosary
St. Theresa’s Group
Morning Prayer
Usually after 9.30 a. m. Mass.
Last week’s collection
Standing Orders: £425.00
Cafod Total: next Sunday
Meets in the Chapel on the 2nd Sunday of the month after
the 11 a.m. Mass.
News-sheet items
Usually to Fr. James by Thursday morning.
Sunday Mass Texts
Pp. 140 - 143 of the ‘Parish Mass Book’
Altar Servers’ Mass
Do please ensure that your children are watched when they
are near the candles. If there are more accidents, and there
was one last Sunday, we will have to remove them (candles,
not children) from the Church.
Servers are invited to join Bishop Peter in the Cathedral at
Northampton on 18th Oct. – Be there from 11 a.m., to
prepare to process in at 11.45p.m. – You will need your
albs, so please tell us by tomorrow if you are going and
taking one.
Prisoners’ Sunday
This is today. The Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT) invites
us to pray for prisoners and their families. It supports the
families of prisoners, in particular the children, and also helps
ex-offenders change their lives. – It offers them hope, and also
the possibility of strengthening family relationships.
PACT has a helpline for those needing support following the
imprisonment of a family member: 0808 808 3444
If you want to volunteer to help see the web-site:
The website offers a running total of the numbers in prison,
and the number of children affected: when we last looked
85385 were in prison, and 97339 children had parents in
World Mission Sunday
This is next Sunday, when Pope Francis invites all Catholics to
contribute to his charity for overseas missions. – Four out of
every 10 parishes still need financial help, and our money
goes to over 1000 dioceses, bringing them hope, and the
possibility of spreading the joy of the Gospel to those people
who have yet to hear it.
Want to become a Catholic?
We are preparing for Easter next year. If you, or someone you
know, are thinking of becoming a Catholic please contact
either Fr. James or Fr. Allan as soon as possible.
Mass Count
We have started the annual Mass count: all people at all
Masses on Sundays are to be counted. Many thanks to the
‘volunteers’ who count. Please help them by not moving around
during the Mass.
Gluten Free Hosts
These are now available. If you have need of them please
contact Fr. James or Fr. Allan.
Their latest Newsletter includes a notice about the listening
course that was held recently, including at St Augustine’s. It
also includes news about the Fair Transport campaign. To read
it, type the following address into your internet searcher (e.g.
Google) http://goo.gl/U7Ot8J - or view a copy on the notice
board in the church porch.
Thinking Theology Lecture
Gavin Shuker, M.P., will be speaking in St. Paul’s Lecture
Theatre on Monday at 7. p.m.. on ‘Faith in Public Life’ – See
the poster in the porch.
St. Paul’s School
Has an Open Evening for prospective Year 7 pupils & parents
on Thursday 6.30 – 8.30 p.m. in the school.
Deanery Quiz
This year on October 18th at St. Edward’s, Shenley Church
End at 7.30 p.m.. Teams of up to 7 from each parish. £5
per person for the food. We need to know numbers, so
please tell us by tomorrow if you are interested in forming
a team (or teams) to represent our parish.
International Evening
Our next one is on 25th Oct. Start preparing your party
pieces – the more the merrier, reflecting the 50+
nationalities we have in our parish.
One Climate: One World
The Northampton Diocesan Cafod Campaign launch will be
in Our Lady of Lourdes, at St. Paul’s School, Moorgate, on
Saturday 1st Nov. 2 – 4 p.m., See how climate change Is
pushing people deeper into poverty. Mass will celebrated by
Bishop Peter at 4.45 p.m. To book a place contact CAFOD
on 01604 785254 / [email protected]
Autumn Concert
On Sat. 8th Nov., in St. Augustine’s, a concert by Heart and
Music for the charity Advantage Africa. Only £5 a
ticket/£15 for a family from Sally Easton MK 668776. A
magical evening for all the family - get your tickets soon.
Food Bank: 2 hours?
The Food Bank needs three to four people for just a couple
of hours to sell car-raffle tickets and collect in festive food
items at The Shopping Centre MK: Thursday 30th October:
1-3pm, Saturday 15th November 2-4pm, Thursday 4th
December 1-3pm, Sunday 14th December 1-3pm Monday
22nd Dec 1-3pm. Please contact Rebecca Savage: 01908
321108 or [email protected]
The following are always welcome: tinned fruit, tinned
vegetables, tinned rice pudding, tinned fish. Please leave
the items in the porch.
MK Moneylifeline
This is a free confidential service to help people in debt, or
who have other money problems. See the leaflets in the
porch, or contact them on 03001235 198
We invite you to say the Sunday Prayer at home during
the week. This week’s prayer:
May your grace, O Lord, we pray, at all times go before
us and follow after and make us always determined to
carry out good works. Through Our Lord, Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.