Monday, 20 October 2014 TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER/COMPANY UPDATE SELL Target Price Rp 6,600 Upside (Downside) (22.3%) TBIG.JK/TBIG IJ Last Price, Rp No. of shares (bn) 8,500 4,796 Market Cap, IDR bn 40,766 3,369 0.6 (US$ mn) 3M T/O, US$mn TBIG relative to JCI Index TBIG (LHS) Relative to JCI Index (RHS) Rp % 9,000 Tower Bersama Value-accretive acquisition We raise our TP on Tower Bersama Infrastructure (TBIG) to IDR6,600 from IDR6,350 previously to factor in its acquisition of Mitratel via share swap. The acquisition will allow TBIG to grow faster given Mitratel’s towers’ low tenancy ratio and an increase in ability to assume more debt due to larger equity base . We expect EBITDA growth to accelerate to a CAGR of 34% in the next two years from our previous expectation of a CAGR of 25%. Nevertheless, there will be EPS-dilution from the increase in number of shares, minority interests, and interest expense from rising gearing level. That said, we cut our EPS estimate on TBIG by 17% in 2015 and 2016. We maintain SELL on the counter as the stock remain expensive compared to TOWR, trading at FY15F EV/EBITDA of 14.7x vis-à-vis TOWR’s of 12.4x. 40 30 8,000 20 7,000 10 6,000 0 10/17/14 8/6/14 9/11/14 7/1/14 5/26/14 4/18/14 2/5/14 3/13/14 12/31/13 11/25/13 -10 10/18/13 5,000 Market Recommendation BUY HOLD 8 4 SELL 5 Danareksa vs Consensus Target price, IDR EPS 2014F, IDR PE 2014F, x Our 6,600 312 27.2 Cons 8,705 296 28.7 Lucky Ariesandi, CFA (62-21) 2955 5823 [email protected] Danareksa research reports are also available at Reuters Multex and First Call Direct and Bloomberg. % Diff -24.2 5.4 -5.2 Share swap with conditional cash payment based on achievement of milestones TBIG has entered an agreement with Telkom to buy 49% stake in Mitratel through a share swap with 290mn of new TBIG shares, giving Telkom 5.7% ownership in TBIG. Telkom also has option to further divest the remaining 51% ownership in Mitratel within two years in exchange for 472.5mn of new TBIG shares, which if exercised will give Telkom 13.7% ownership in TBIG. We gather that Telkom will likely swap unless unusual situation occurs dictating otherwise. On top of that, TBIG will pay Telkom earnout of up to IDR1,739bn if Mitratel achieves certain performance milestones. The additional earnout will not be in lump sum; rather, the payment will be in several stages, based on different tenancy ratio thresholds of Mitratel. Valuation not excessive According to release from Telkom, net debt of Mitratel as of June 2014 was IDR2.7tn while TBIG’s net debt as of June 2014 was IDR14.2tn. Using these figures and TBIG shares’ 30-days VWAP of IDR7,972, the transaction values 100% of Mitratel at a maximum level of IDR8.2tn. This implies that the value of the transaction was between USD85k to USD172k. Given Mitratel’s tenancy ratio of 1.1x, we see the transaction as fair, as other tower transaction in Indonesia averages at EV/tower multiple of USD147k for tenancy of 1.4x-1.8x. EBITDA accretive and EPS destructive in the short term, but overall positive for growth Telkom said that Mitratel had revenue of IDR1.5tn and EBITDA of IDR875bn in 2013. The EBITDA will be immediately accretive to TBIG’s performance, thus giving the company an increase in borrowing ability as lenders usually set the covenant based on last quarter annualized (LQA) or last twelve months (LTM) EBITDA. However, we see the acquisition to be EPS destructive in the short term due to several reasons: 1) TBIG will increase its net gearing by IDR2.7tn, and interests on the new debts are higher than that of TBIG’s existing debt at JIBOR+1.4%-3% (9.7%-11.3%) vis-à-vis TBIG’s current average of 5.8%, 2) increase in minority interests from Telkom’s ownership in Mitratel, and 3) EPS dilution from issuance of new shares. But overall, we believe the acquisition will allow TBIG to grow faster in the foreseeable future. Revenue, IDRbn EBITDA, IDRbn EBITDA growth, % Net profit, IDRbn Core profit, IDRbn EPS, IDR EPS growth, % Core EPS, IDR Core EPS growth, % Net gearing, % PER, x Core PER, x Yield, % EV/EBITDA, x 2012 2013 2014F 2015F 2016F 1,715 1,398 83.1 856 679 181 73.7 143 68.2 193.7 47.0 59.3 0.0 34.7 2,691 2,205 57.7 1,248 1,269 260 43.9 264 84.5 299.8 32.7 32.1 0.7 24.1 3,560 2,906 31.8 1,496 1,496 312 19.9 312 17.9 208.9 27.3 27.3 1.3 18.1 4,870 3,918 34.8 1,629 1,629 320 2.7 320 2.7 117.6 26.5 26.5 1.1 14.7 5,466 4,369 11.5 2,042 2,042 367 14.7 367 14.7 97.8 23.1 23.1 1.2 14.0 See important disclosure on the back of this report 20 October 2014 Tower Bersama Exhibit 1. The scenarios suggest transaction value of USD85k-USD172k per tower No additional earnout Further sale of 51% shares in Mitratel Current # of shares (bn) New shares issued (bn) Total shares (bn) TBIG’s price prior to announcement Value of Telkom’s TBIG shares (IDRbn) EV of Telkom’s TBIG shares (IDRbn) Additional earnout (IDRbn) Net debt at Mitratel (IDRbn) Transaction EV (IDRbn) Transaction EV incl TBIG’s debt (IDRbn) No of towers EV/tower (IDRbn) In USDk EV/tower incl TBIG’s debt (IDRbn) In USDk No 4.80 0.29 5.09 7,972 2,312 1,349 0 2,707 5,019 4,056 3,928 2.61 214 1.03 85 Max additional earnout Yes 4.80 0.76 5.56 7,972 6,079 3,765 0 2,707 8,786 6,472 3,928 2.24 184 1.65 135 No 4.80 0.29 5.09 7,972 2,312 1,349 1,739 2,707 6,758 5,795 3,928 3.51 288 1.48 121 Yes 4.80 0.76 5.56 7,972 6,079 3,765 1,739 2,707 10,525 8,211 3,928 2.68 220 2.09 172 Source: Danareksa Sekuritas Exhibit 2. Mitratel’s site locations (including rooftops etc) Source: Mitratel Exhibit 3. Comparison between Mitratel, XL, and Indosat’s tower transactions # of towers divested Tenancy (x) Value (USDmn) Enterprise value (USDmn) EV/tower (USDk) Monthly lease (IDRmn) Earnout (USDmn) Mitratel XL Indosat 3,928 1.1 192-507 338-684 86-174 15-17 145 3,500 1.8 467 467 133 10 0 2,500 1.4 406 406 162 15 113 Source: Company, Danareksa 2 20 October 2014 Tower Bersama Exhibit 4. Change in forecasts Revenue EBITDA Net profit # of towers Tenancy New FY15F FY16F FY15F Old FY16F 4,870 3,918 1,629 15,794 1.58 5,466 4,369 2,042 17,294 1.61 4,342 3,533 1,861 12,866 1.73 5,197 4,208 2,117 14,866 1.78 Source: Danareksa Sekuritas 3 20 October 2014 Tower Bersama Exhibit 5. Profit and Loss (IDR bn) Revenue Depreciation Other operating expenses Operating income EBITDA Others Net interest Forex Revaluation of investment properties Others Pre tax income Income tax Minorities Net profit 2012 2013 2014F 2015F 2016F 1,715 (118) (317) 1,280 1,398 2,691 (153) (485) 2,052 2,205 3,560 (190) (655) 2,716 2,906 4,870 (290) (953) 3,628 3,918 5,466 (339) (1,097) 4,030 4,369 (518) (84) 259 (23) 913 (85) (85) 856 (839) (799) 781 (18) 1,177 (104) (104) 1,248 (832) 0 0 (14) 1,870 (187) (187) 1,496 (1,107) 0 0 (15) 2,506 (501) (501) 1,629 (1,099) 0 0 (14) 2,918 (292) (292) 2,042 2012 2013 2014F 2015F 2016F 507 154 229 1,411 2,301 647 603 328 1,020 2,599 653 590 392 1,102 2,736 936 771 511 1,416 3,635 1,755 872 547 1,486 4,659 87 10,364 619 946 12,016 14,317 220 12,965 908 2,028 16,121 18,719 231 15,176 1,142 1,040 17,589 20,325 240 22,443 1,484 3,180 27,347 30,982 245 24,203 1,582 3,239 29,270 33,929 0 253 209 858 862 2,182 0 126 446 2,331 1,028 3,931 0 325 547 2,328 1,374 4,574 0 463 709 2,518 2,087 5,776 0 424 802 2,328 2,317 5,872 7,871 19 7,890 10,072 10,650 24 10,674 14,605 10,087 32 10,119 14,693 12,871 44 12,915 18,691 13,557 49 13,606 19,478 Source: Company, Danareksa Sekuritas Exhibit 6. Balance sheet (IDR bn) Cash and equivalent Receivable Inventory Other current assets Total current assets Fixed assets - net Investment properties LT site rentals Other LT assets Total non current assets TOTAL ASSETS ST loans Payables Unearned revenue Current portion of LT loans Other current liabilities Total current liabilities LT loans Other LT liabilities Total non current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES Source: Company, Danareksa Sekuritas 4 20 October 2014 Tower Bersama Exhibit 7. Cash flow (IDR bn) 2012 2013 2014F 2015F 2016F Pre tax income Depreciation Income tax Others Cash flow from operation 913 118 14 232 1,277 1,177 153 174 81 1,586 1,870 190 (187) 196 2,068 2,506 290 (376) (223) 2,197 2,918 339 (584) (267) 2,406 Capex Disposal of fixed assets Others Cash flow from investing (5,867) 0 295 (5,572) (1,848) 0 (743) (2,591) (2,412) 0 (68) (2,480) (7,565) 0 (2,352) (9,918) (2,103) 0 (99) (2,202) Change in loans Change in equity Dividend Others Cash flow from financing 4,391 757 0 (761) 4,387 1,245 (577) (288) 502 881 (566) 0 (512) 1,495 417 2,974 2,312 (469) 3,186 8,003 496 3,767 (551) (3,097) 615 92 (124) 6 283 819 2012 2013 2014F 2015F 2016F 84.6 74.6 81.5 49.9 8.1 24.6 85.3 76.3 82.0 46.4 7.6 29.9 85.1 76.3 81.6 42.0 7.7 30.7 83.1 74.5 80.4 33.5 6.4 18.2 82.4 73.7 79.9 37.4 6.3 15.3 1.1 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.8 0.3 32.3 138.4 106.1 51.4 108.1 56.8 61.2 97.3 36.1 51.0 115.7 64.7 54.9 112.8 57.9 194 2.7 5.9 300 2.6 5.6 209 3.5 4.0 118 3.5 3.7 98 4.0 3.2 Change in cash Source: Company, Danareksa Sekuritas Exhibit 8. Ratios Profitability (%) Gross profit margin Operating margin EBITDA margin Net profit margin ROAA ROAE Liquidity Current ratio, x Quick ratio, x Activity Receivable turnover, days Payable turnover, days Working capital cycle, days Leverage Net gearing, % Interest coverage Net debt to EBITDA Source: Company, Danareksa Sekuritas 5 20 October 2014 Tower Bersama DISCLAIMER The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. However, none of P.T. Danareksa Sekuritas and/or its affiliated companies and/or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liability as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any other such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue thereof. We expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability (express or implied) of P.T. Danareksa Sekuritas, its affiliated companies and their respective employees and agents whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, without limitation for any claims, proceedings, action , suits, losses, expenses, damages or costs) which may be brought against or suffered by any person as a results of acting in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this report and neither P.T. Danareksa Sekuritas, its affiliated companies or their respective employees or agents accepts liability for any errors, omissions or mis-statements, negligent or otherwise, in the report and any liability in respect of the report or any inaccuracy therein or omission therefrom which might otherwise arise is hereby expresses disclaimed. The information contained in this report is not be taken as any recommendation made by P.T. Danareksa Sekuritas or any other person to enter into any agreement with regard to any investment mentioned in this document. This report is prepared for general circulation. It does not have regards to the specific person who may receive this report. In considering any investments you should make your own independent assessment and seek your own professional financial and legal advice. 6
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