Weekly Calendar Sunday, Oct 19 Monday, Oct 20

Weekly Calendar
Sunday, Oct 19
It’s a delight to be worshipping with you today. May you find at Spirit of Joy a rich sense
of fellowship, caring and worship. You are
warmly invited to take part in any of our upcoming activities. We’re glad you’re here!
October 19, 2014
8:30 & 11:00am WORSHIP
9:50am Sunday School
1:00pm Youth Praise Band
4:00pm First Decade Choir
5:00pm Evening Prayer Svc
Nursery Preschoolers and little ones Monday, Oct 20
are welcome to join our nursery staff
Monique Farb and her volunteers!
Down the hall, first door on the left.
If you are a First Time Visitor please take a Welcome Bag! Bags in Narthex left of sanctuary exit.
Deeper Faith
Sunday School, 9:50am! All ages Pr e-K - Adult, See map in Narthex near hallway doors.
9:45am Women’s LifeGroup
7:30pm Missions Outreach Comm
Tuesday, Oct 21
6:00pm UCM
Wednesday, Oct 22
Prayer Group
Family Dinner
Youth Group
Adult Sunday School Classes:
Apostles’ Creed with Susan Lindholm; Effective Parenting in a Defective World with Mary
Louise Thomas; Frugal Living & Coupon Clipping with Marissa Hejka; Genesis:
Beginnings and Foundations with Bill Byrd; Inquirer’s Class with Pastor Ed; LifeGroup
Training with Pastor Nate
Thursday, Oct 23
Wednesdays Together-Something for Everyone, Dinner starts 5 pm, Activities 6-7:30pm
AWANA, 3 yrs-5th Grade; Youth Group, 6th-12th Grade; SOJ University Classes &
LifeGroups for Adults
Friday, Oct 24
Joyful Community
Saturday, Oct 25
Family Dinners, Wednesdays, come any time starting at 5:00pm
Pastor Ed’s 10 yr Celebration: Sat, Oct 25, 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall J oin us to help us
celebrate Pastor Ed’s 10 yrs at SOJ! Bring a covered dish & the whole family! No gifts please.
Reaching More
Volunteers Needed! Sunday School Prep Asst: Suppor t our Sunday School Ministr y in a
practical way. Contact Kristen Sigmon, [email protected] Drivers for Seniors: Need
one more woman driver to drive ladies to doctor appt & home, 3 hours.
Knitting for you! J an Bir chall will knit for you! This is occupational ther apy for her
hands. Just provide her with pattern and the yarn! 704-882-3753
Thrivent Mtg: TODAY! 12:30-2:00pm If you a current Thrivent member or would like more
information, join us for lunch in Fellowship Hall to discuss the use of Thrivent Choice dollars
& how to access/use the new Action Team Funds. RSVP to Laurie Halvorson, 980-428-4907.
Ebola Crisis Relief: Remember Pastor Samar Ghandour? He brought a message last Nov. of
his ministry to his people in Liberia. SOJ and the Missions Committee are partnering with him
and Victory International Ministry. He is appealing for relief funds to help in the Ebola crisis.
Small group funds can be matched by Missions Committee. Please contact 704-654-1941 or
[email protected] before Mon, Oct 20. Make checks out to SOJ, marked “ Ebola relief.”
Food Pantry for Members: Accepting money donations for pantr y. Simply make checks
to SOJ and note “for food pantry”. Items needed: Tuna Helper, mac ‘n cheese, grits, variety
of canned vegetables and fruits, (tomatoes, tomato paste & sauce, mushrooms, spinach), grits,
rice & beans, soup bouillon, starters, seasoning packets, spices. Laundry & dish soap.
Soup Kitchen 2015: Sign-up sheet is on the Narthex bulletin board. Please consider serving.
Need more information, please contact Kelly Bovi, 704-821-6108.
6:00pm Praise Band(s)
7:00pm Cantata Choir
8:00pm Worship Choir
8:30am LifeGroup
7:00am LifeGroup
6:30pm Pastor Ed’s 10 year
Sunday, Oct 26
Reformation Sunday
8:30 & 11:00am WORSHIP
9:50am Sunday School
1:00pm Youth Praise Band
4:00pm First Decade Choir
5:00pm Evening Prayer Svc
Order for Worship
One Name
Mighty to Save
Confession, Absolution
Apostle Paul’s Call to Prayer
Prayers, Peace
Children’s Sermon
First Lesson Ephesians 6
Second Lesson Var ious Scr iptur es
Gospel: Matthew 16
Message Pastor Ed Thomas
Song of the Day
Whom Shall I Fear
Offering Special Music
Offertory Step by Step
Prayers of Thanksgiving
Words of Institution
The Lord’s Prayer
Come via center aisle. Return via side.
Dip Bread into Wine.
Grape Juice (as an alter native) is in the
cup nearest choir chairs.
Children may r eceive communion (hold
out hands) or a blessing.
Prayers during Communion Staff or
Stephen Ministers will be at the altar
during communion to pray with you.
Communion Songs
The Lord is My Light
Your Great Name
Be Thou My Vision
Jesus Messiah
Closing Hymn
Everlasting God
For Healing, Comfort, Hope
TODAY - 8:30am - Oct 19
Denise Broome (Messer), Sandra Cook,
John DeBlasio, Peggy Farrell (Roberts),
Kathryn Ladd, Carol McGowan (Helms),
Kathi Roberts, Georgia Schrader (Mauney),
Kenza Shoemaker, Steve Tower & family,
Gene & Fran White, Robert Wilber, Mabel
Woodside (Mauney)
Altar Guild: Bar b McIntyr e
Comm. Asst.: Alan & Susan Lindholm,
Barb McIntyre
Acolyte: Rachel Yur ko
Greeters: Kar l & Tami Eklund
Reader: Mar na Pawl
Ushers: J im Peter son, Char les &
Jill Messer, Dell Schell
Captain: Dell Schell, 704-533-4879
Sound: Paul Happel
Projection: Alan Lindholm, Andy Stollmack
Prayer Assistant: Melissa Happel
World: for Christian Martyrs; for our
nation and leaders; for our economy and
the unemployed; for Israel and peace in the
Middle East
Armed Forces: Abby Baumbarger,
Kristina Belcourt, Jesse Minick, Mark
Rhoades, Jeremy Sykora, Jay Thomas,
Matthew Tijerina
Missionaries: Paul & Grace Closius,
Bruno & Becky Keller, Eric & Mary Lynn
Kindberg, Chet & Fran Matheson, Mike &
Rebecca Navratil
Seminary Students: Conda Lashley
Stephen Ministers: and the people they
care for
Blue 209
Red 793
General Fund
Avg. weekly need 2014: $10,717
Last week giving: $5,999
Avg. weekly giving 2013: $8,996
More info at: www.spiritofjoy.us
Serving in Worship
Birthdays: Oct 19 - Grayson Montello,
Mike Tower; Oct 21– Becky Chambers,
Olivia Lauf; Oct 24 - Don Deacon;
Oct 25 - Michele Bender, Yara Vilchez,
Greer Wolcott
TODAY - 11:00am - Oct 19
Altar Guild: Angela & Annabel Car lson
Comm. Asst.: Susan H. Gates, Er in Helms,
Eric & Mary Lynn Kindberg
Acolyte: Scotty Shar pe
Greeters: Tr inia Plyler
Reader: Mar tha Duncan
Ushers: Gr eg Logan, Chr is Shar pe,
Christian Sharpe, Scotty Sharpe
Captain: Linda Gaye, 704-846-7855
Sound: Paul Happel
Projection: Alan Lindholm, Andy Stollmack
Prayer Assistant: J ohn Ler ch
Tellers: Andy Stollmack, Lyall Schr oeder
Council Person of the Month
8:30am Jamison Pawl
11:00am Amy Thiemann
Contact Us
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church
8600 Potter Rd., Weddington, NC 28104
704-821-8494, www.spiritofjoy.us
Pastor Ed Thomas, 704-218-6099,
[email protected]
Pastor Nate Wolcott, 818-383-6575,
[email protected]
Anniversaries: Oct 19 - Gary & Lois
Stansell; Oct 20 - B.J. & Eunice Howes; Pastor Emeritus Fr an Matheson,
704-843-5712, [email protected]
Oct 22 - Scott & Kathy Sharman,
Director of Faith Development & Counseling
Stephen & Tara Spence, Bob & Brigid
Kristen Sigmon, 704-821-8494,
Thomas; Oct 24 - Marc & Lori Harder
[email protected]
Director of Music Rhonda Mauney,
704-588-3710, [email protected]
Accompanist Ian Fair es,
[email protected]
Visitation & Volunteers Kar en Weiner ,
704-821-8494, [email protected]
Bookkeeping Vickie Cecil, 704-254-4726,
Prayer requests remain in Bulletin for
[email protected]
2 weeks; please call the office to extend. Nursery Monique Far b,
Email Prayer Chain: Pat Ware,
[email protected]
[email protected]
Office Manager Tr acy Welch, 704-821-8494,
Alternate Email: [email protected]
[email protected]