Visit us on the web at Email: [email protected] Church Office: 610.948.3684; Fax: 610.948.3304 Office Hours: Monday-Friday; 8:30am-noon & 12:30– 2:30pm DEADLINE FOR THE NOVEMBER 2014 ISSUE OF GRACEFUL GREETINGS IS Wed., Oct. 15th Growing Together Through God’s Grace October 2014 Graceful Greetings Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church The Reverend Paul H. Neff & The Reverend Janelle L. Krais, Pastors Located at 6th Avenue & Main Street 594 Church Street - 1stFl. (Office & Mailing) Royersford, PA 19468 October 2014 Issue Graceful Greetings Worship Times: Sundays — 8:00 AM Traditional Service 9:00 AM Faith Full Families Service (in Social Hall) & 10:45 AM Contemporary Service Sustainable Seeds of Harvest Matthew 13:18-23 Consecration Sunday! Mark you Calendars! October 19, 2014 Please prayerfully consider and plan now to attend the two important events on this day: 1) Sunday morning worship opportunities at 8:00, 9:00 or 10:45 A.M. and 2) the Celebration brunch at 9:30 a.m. Look for & complete a reservation slip in the weekly Ledger, starting October 5th or contact the church office by calling 610-948-3684 or e-mail at [email protected], now to make your reservation for the brunch. Taking the time to make your reservation is extremely important as we make plans for the day. We have many ministries in our church and beyond that require our thoughtful consideration. New member lunch gatherings are starting! If you would like to become a member at Grace, please join us for 3 lunches- October 12, November 2, and November 16. You will meet other new members and some long-time members, AND you’ll learn about Grace & the Lutheran Church! To RSVP for the lunches, please contact Pastor Krais at [email protected] or 610-948-3684. Come walk with Grace in the Royersford Halloween Parade! If you are interested in representing Grace, please contact Charles “C” Plaugher at [email protected]. All ages are welcome to join the fun on Monday, October 27th. Grace will provide the evening meals for St. Mary’s Shelter in Phoenixville, for about 20 people, the week of Oct. 13-17. Meals should contain a main course, vegetable, bread, salad & dessert. Call Dr. Janet Brown to sign up (610-505-4302). Organize with friends or family! This is also a good time to remember those in need & donate gift cards or food & toiletries to the Shelter!! Children are welcome in all of our worship services at Grace! The Tot Spot, lovingly & skillfully supervised by Mrs. Ellen Jones, will be open on Sunday mornings during both services, for parents who are worshipping with us. Volunteers are still needed to provide support for our childcare center. If you would like to help, please contact Laurie Fodor at [email protected]. What a wonderful way to serve the Lord and our little ones! Children’s Church is offered to children in kindergarten 2nd grade during the 10:45 worship service. Children’s Church is run by volunteers who do stories and games & crafts during the lessons and sermon time. Interested children should go with the volunteer waiting in the narthex, immediately following the children’s sermon and will be returned to parents in the sanctuary during the prayers. Parents – please make sure your child is in the age-appropriate place! Please support our parking lot resurfacing project. The cost is $36,000; we’re asking for 120 people to give $300 or more to cover the cost. Any amount will be welcomed. To date we have only received $12,361.17. Make checks payable to Grace Lutheran Church, memo “Parking Lot” or go to our website: and click the “Donate Now” button. Thank you and we hope you enjoy the new parking lot. OCTOBER 2014 WORSHIP SERVICES & SPECIAL EVENTS Sat., Oct. 4—Pastor Krais’ Anniversary Celebration: Sanct. & SH Sun., Oct. 5—Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship Noon—Small Group Leader Training: Parlor 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Tues., Oct. 7—Council Reports Due Sat., Oct. 11—6-8PM Upper Elementary Youth Group: Parlor Sun., Oct. 12—Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost Baptism Sunday 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship Noon—New Member Lunch: Social Hall 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Tues., Oct. 14—Council Meeting: Parlor Sun., Oct. 19—Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost Consecration Sunday 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Sun., Oct. 26—Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost Reformation Sunday 8:00am Traditional Worship 9:00am Faith Full Families 9:30am Sunday School for all ages 10:45am Contemporary Worship 7-9pm Youth Group: Parlor Thurs., Oct. 30—6-8pm Trunk or Treat: Parking Lot Happy Birthday Main Street Connections! Grace’s Monday evening outreach is 2 years old! Come check us out (and meet some new neighborhood friends!), Mondays from 7-8 pm at The Main Street Café. The event is free and the purpose is to provide a comfortable gathering place where people can be honest about themselves, life & their relationship with God. We’d love to welcome YOU as a volunteer or participant! For more info, see Charles “C” Plaugher (610-888-2105 or [email protected]) or Pastor Krais. Holy Grounds: Understanding the Bible is much easier when you read and learn together! All are invited to the Thursday morning Bible Study led by Pastor Krais. We meet in the parlor (lower level of church – room 5) to grow in knowledge and faith! You are welcome to join this group at any time! Have you tried starting your day with devotions? Meet us at The Main Street Café on Wednesdays at 7am to start your day with prayer, devotions (and breakfast, of course!) This is a casual, fun group of people – come join us! Fall adult Sunday School Join us Sunday mornings starting Sept 7th from 9:30-10:30. People of the Bible - Get to know these people (who may just sound a bit more familiar than you’d think!) Come learn and be surprised at who they are, what they did, and how they relate to our lives. Led by Dr. Judy Stryker; Lower level of church—room 6 (library) PRISM - Where is God in today’s world? Where is God in your life? Join us to discuss current headlines–from the news & your life! Led by Mr. Richard Harshaw; Lower level of church—room 4 (choir room) Faith Journeys - All are welcome to come discover and explore the spiritual gifts that God has given to them. We will be using Spiritual Gifts Inventories to learn about our gifts and how they can help us to live into a life of faith! Led by Pastor Janelle Krais; Parlor (lower level of church – room 5) Pastor’s Points by Pastor Krais Did you know that you were created to make a difference in this world? It’s true – you have been blessed by the Holy Spirit with talents and resources so that you can make a difference! God’s desire is for you to be like the good soil in Jesus’ parable of the sower in Matthew 13: 18-23. The person who is good soil is one who hears God’s word and because he has been attentive to his spiritual growth and trusts in what God provides, his life is fruitful! In other words, his life helps people to see and know and experience God’s goodness at work in the world. As Consecration Sunday (Oct 19) draws near, please be prayerful about the talents and resources that God has given to you. Do you faithfully share your talents, or do you worry that you don’t have enough time or energy? Do you contribute financially, or do you forget God’s faithfulness to you at budget time? Trusting God isn’t always easy. It is risky and it often requires us to say “no” to other things, so that we can say “yes” to God. Yes, giving to the church is necessary for the church to survive. There is a reality to bills and expenses of ministry! But, giving is even more important for you. May God help you to trust that your contribution of talent and resources really does make a difference. May you know the blessing of sharing what you have, trusting that God takes all of our gifts – big and small- and uses them to bring healing where there is brokenness, love where there is hatred, peace where there is violence, and hope where there is despair. Thank you for sharing – thank you for being the good soil in which God brings forth an abundance of good fruit! We need you to fill our Sponsorship Openings!! They are a great way of remembering a loved one or honoring a special person or date in your life. They appear in the Ledger and renew each year, on the closest Sunday to your original date, unless you inform the office otherwise. We have several sponsorships open for the 4th quarter of the year, including Flowers, Bulletins and others throughout the year, call the office (610-948-3684) to find out more. Youth News Up and Coming! *Keep your eyes & ears open for the date of the youth corn maze! *October 30th in the parking lot of Grace Lutheran, will be Trunk or Treat! Volunteers are needed for the use of their trunks for the treats! This will be a safe environment in which children, youth, and adults can trick or treat with games & other activities thrown in to receive the treats! Youth Events Upper Elementary Youth Group Who: 4-6th Graders When: Every 2nd Saturday of the month from 6-8PM The U.E.Y.G is to gather Upper Elementary age youth for fellowship and discussion of how Christ is present in today’s world. September 13th was our first meeting with a movie night! Our next meeting is on October 11th for game night!! High School When: EVERY Sunday night from 7-9pm 9-12th graders have this time to play games, connect with each other, check-in about their week & just relax from the craziness of life. Also, each week there is a discussion topic which the youth decide on. Sunday school! Sunday school started on September 7th! Holy Communion and confirmation are starting their studies and the other Sunday school classes are digging in to the Bible. Sunday School Continuation Event! On October 12th, if we have 75-100% of the Sunday school attendance we had in September, there will be a continuation event held in conjunction with Consecration Sunday brunch! But you have to come to Sunday school on the 12th for this event to happen!! Grace Lutheran Evangelical Church Grace Lutheran Youth Group “Like” us to see recent news & events Prayer Chain Reminder - Please contact Jan Slack (prayer chain coordinator), 610-948-3539 or [email protected] with your prayer concerns for the Prayer List. The weekly Ledger prayers will be kept to the new, more short term & immediate prayer needs of the church & community. Prayer Lists are available on the back windowsill in the Narthex & in the pew racks. Please take a list home with you to enhance your daily devotions & prayer life; also use it to help you prepare your heart for worship with prayer. Prayer lists name our concerns & thanksgivings and are a way to stay connected to God & to the needs of others. SEPA Women of the ELCA, Upper Mont. Conference, First Tuesday Bible Study is Oct. 7th at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Walnut & Glassgow St., Pottstown (Stowe), at 10:00AM; coffee at 9:30AM. Presenter will be Fran Ivarson—topic: We Are Called, verse: Isaiah 6:8 Come join the Caring Crafters on Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11:30AM. We’re open for new members at all times! If you have a Wednesday morning free come join us for card making, prayer blanket/shawl making, small gift making, and prayer. Join our small group, socialize with your family at Grace! All skill levels accepted! Any questions or concern? Sue Perry 610-495-8587 or [email protected] OCTOBER PRAYER FOCUS 1: Older Lutherans (International Day of Older Persons) 2: People of German ancestry (German American Heritage Month) 3: God’s creation (US National Apple Month) 4: Pastor Janelle Krais Day/10 Year Anniversary w/ Grace Celebration 5: Teachers (World Teacher Day) 6: Good health for all of our children (National Child Health Day) 7: Smiles (World Smile Day) 8: Walking (Walking to School Day) 9: Firefighters (Fire Prevention Day 10: Emergency Nurses (EN.Day) 11: Teddy Bears (Take Your Teddy Bear to work Day) 12: Pastor Krais and Pastor Neff (Clergy Appreciation Day) 13: Brave, adventuresome people (Columbus Day) 14: People with aids (Aids awareness month) 15: Parents (National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day) 16: Bosses (Bosses Day) 17: The Poor (International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 18: Readers (Reading Week) 19: Evaluate your life Day 20: Those suffering from alcoholism (Alcohol Awareness Week) 21: Inventors ((Thomas Edison invents light bulb) 22: Neighbors (Make A Difference Day) 23: Beauty of changing leaves 24: United Nation’s Day 25: Mothers –in-law (Day) 26: Peace, friendship, and goodwill (P., F., and G. Week) 27: Peaceful Autumn Day (Cranky Co-Workers Day) 28: Garment workers (Eli Whitney invents cotton gin in 1793) 29: Pennsylvania (William Penn lands in Chester, PA 1682) 30: Eating healthy (Vegetarian Month and Candy Corn Day!) 31. Lutherans (Reformation Day) Do you TWITTER? You can sign up for Grace ministry update & announcement tweets by visiting our home page at ABOUT PRAYER OCTOBER 2014 Reformation Day is in the end of October. Reformation was the religious revolution that took place in the church in the 16th century. Martin Luther its greatest leader and founder of the Lutheran Church had a variety of quotes about prayer: “Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart.” “All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired.” “Prayer is a strong wall and fortress of the church; it is a goodly Christian weapon.” “The fewer the words, the better the prayer.” “Pray, and let God worry.” “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” “When your heart has been warmed by such recitation to yourself and is intent upon the matter, kneel or stand with your hands folded and your eyes toward heaven and speak or think as briefly as you can: Heavenly Father, dear God, I am a poor unworthy sinner. I do not deserve to raise my eyes or hands toward thee or to pray. But because thou hast commanded us all to pray and hast promised to hear us and through thy dear Son Jesus Christ hast taught us both how and what to pray, I come to thee in obedience to thy word, trusting in thy gracious promise. I pray in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ together with all thy saints and Christians on earth as he has taught us: Our Father who art, etc., through the whole prayer, word for word.” Read through these and see if advice from 400 years ago could help you with your prayer life today. Remember to pray for our church members and family members who are listed in the monthly prayer list and weekly in our bulletin. Prayer Vigil is on Saturday, October 4th in Grace’s sanctuary. Come in the front door. Sue Perry OCTOBER 2014 Worship Assistants Communion Asst.: 10/5: 8:00 Carly & Mike Bauer 10:45 Mary DeAlba, David Bauer, Shawn & Margie Alloway 10/12: 8:00 Terry Piersol & Karen Asbert 10:45 Carol Marchesani, Kathy Mills, Carol Ferguson & Roxanne Troiano 10/19: 8:00 Jim Campbell, Richard Harshaw, Jesse James, Jackie Perry & Kathleen Parker 10:45 Diona Sims, Sue Tramontana, Mike & Trish McGarry 10/26: 8:00 Debbie Moore, Susan & David Firering, Joe & Debbie Kamertz 10:45 Diane Murphy, Jean Mizas-Floyd, Tina Meredith & Maggie Finnegan Acolytes, Crucifers and Torch Bearers 10/5: 8:00 Kelly Thompson & Makayla Brant 10:45 Beneta Troiano & Ashley Della Guardia 10/12: 8:00 Nick Harshaw & Sam Leonard 10:45 Eric LeVan & Jake Alloway 10/19: 8:00 Abby Dantonio & Elliott Dantonio 10:45 Caroline Thompson & Gavin Straface 10/26: 8:00 Gracyn Marchesani & Hayley Lightcap TB - Natalie Peak & Kelly Thompson 10:45 Nathan McMullan & Brandon Meredith TB - Ashley Della Guardia & Beneta Troiano Children’s Church— (no schedule provided at time of print) 10/5: 10/12: 10/19: 10/26: Children’s Sermons—10/5: Brenda Johnson 10/12: Stephanie McMullan 10/19: Kelsey Hlavac 10/26: Cindy LeVan Faithful Families: 10/5: Karen Thomson 10/12: Brenda Johnson 10/19: Diona Sims 10/26: Kelsey Hlavac Trustees: Jim Thompson Altar Guild: Joy Fraunfelter Greeters 10/5: 8:00 Joyce Straub/Terry Piersol 10:45 Bud & Tina Meredith/ Bob Kerr 10/12: 8:00 John & Elaine Snyder/Claire Nelson 10:45 Tom & Jane Schroeder 10/19: 8:00 Art & Kathy Parker/Mark, Pat & Peter Esslinger 10:45 Bob Kerr 10/26: 8:00 Dave & Susan Firering/Jason, Nikki & Avery Arnold 10:45 Richard & Diane Harshaw Tot Spot: 10/5: 8:00 10/12: 8:00 10/19: 8:00 10/26: 8:00 Mary Murphy Tyler Campbell Laurie Fodor Debbie Moore 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 Lena Goodman Kris Maersch Sierra Huff Jen Miller Ushers: 10/5: Team 3, David Fritz 10/12: Team 4, Jim Bauer 10/19: Team 5, Kurt Meyers 10/26: Team 6, John Groff Counting Team—10/5: Team A, Mike McGarry 10/12: Team B, Kelly Granato 10/19: Team C, Ken Slack 10/26: Team H, John Fraunfelter Readers: 10/5: 8:00 10/12: 8:00 10/19: 8:00 10/26: 8:00 Mark Rehrer Claire Nelson Anne Pennypacker Debbie Kamertz 10:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 Stephanie McMullan Cindy Butler Sandy Kulick Will Moyer This is our QR code—download the QR code reader to your smart phone or mobile devise, scan our QR code & donate or go to: to donate online. Now you can donate to Grace Lutheran Church & support our ministries, wherever you are. Thank you for your continued generosity.
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