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Narry Kim Paul Schulze-Lefert Bernd Bukau Ruediger Klein Luca Scorrano Javier Caceres Guido Kroemer Bertrand Séraphin Pico Caroni Thomas Kunkel Michael Sheetz Christine E Clayton Karim Labib David J Sherratt Hans Clevers Achim Leutz Benny Shilo Daniela Corda Joachim Lingner Roberto Sitia Patrick Cramer Bernard Malissen Austin Smith Pietro V De Camilli Javier Martinez Harald Stenmark Bart De Strooper Joan Massagué Thomas Surrey Ivan Dikic Iain W Mattaj Masatoshi Takeichi Vishva Dixit Marjori Matzke Sharon Tooze Giulio F Draetta Ira Mellman Laszlo Tora Martin Eilers Marco Milán Hiroki Ueda Jeff Errington Sean Morrison Frank Uhlmann Reinhard Fässler Jorge Moscat Daan van Aalten Susan M Gasser Shmuel Muallem Gerrit van Meer Holger Gerhardt Sean Munro Isabelle Vernos Pierre Gönczy Kiyoshi Nagai Jörg Vogel Magdalena Götz Christof Niehrs Olivier Voinnet Ingrid Grummt M Angela Nieto Karen Vousden Crisanto Gutierrez Bernd Nilius Gabriel Waksman Christian Haass Eisuke Nishida Michael Way Alan Hall Poul Nissen Stephen C West Michael N Hall Paul Nurse Eric Westhof Randy Hall Andre Nussenzweig Dale Wigley Stephen C Harrison Moshe Oren Alfred Wittinghofer F Ulrich Hartl Tom Owen-Hughes Dieter H Wolf Carl-Philipp Heisenberg Marcus E Peter Richard Wood Ari H Helenius Matthias Peter Jeff Wrana Bernd Pulverer Senior Editors Karin Dumstrei Thomas Schwarz-Romond Hartmut Vodermaier Editors David del Alamo Alexander Kohlmaier Andrea Leibfried Anne Nielsen Graphic Editors Sandra Krahl Uta Mackensen Editorial Staff Jana Christopher, Editorial Assistant Fiona Panayi, Editorial Assistant Meryl Schneider, Editorial Assistant Gerlinde Schuster, Editorial Assistant Published for EMBO, Meyerhofstraße 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany by Wiley ISSN 0261-4189 (print) ISSN 1460-2075 (online) Printed on acid-free paper © 2014 EMBO Embo Journal is published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. 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