AGENDA COUNTY OF OXFORD COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2014 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER, OXFORD COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, WOODSTOCK MEETING #18 1. CALL TO ORDER Time ______ 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING October 8 2014 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS 6. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 7. CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 8. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE 1. Long Point Region Conservation Authority October 2, 2014 Re: Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board Structure LPRCA 100214 Resolution That the County of Oxford confirm agreement with the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) Board of Directors' recommendation to its member municipalities to increase the size of the current Board from 10 to 11 members, thereby increasing Oxford's representation to three full members representing the Townships of Norwich, South-West Oxford and the Town of Tillsonburg, and, further, that the County convey their appreciation to the LPRCA Board of Directors for their consideration of Oxford's request to address the current one member combined representation for the Township of Norwich and the County of Brant. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 2 COUNCIL AGENDA OCTOBER 22, 2014 9. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING CASPO 2014-262 Re: Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision SB 14-01-8; 2143677 Ontario Inc. Recommendation 1. That Oxford County Council grant draft plan approval to a proposed subdivision submitted by 2143677 Ontario Inc. (File No. SB 14-01-8); prepared by J.B. Chambers Consulting Engineers Limited; dated February 10, 2014 (revised July 30, 2014), for lands described as Block 29, Plan 243 and Lots 1 & 2, Plan 41M257, City of Woodstock, subject to the conditions attached as Schedule “A” to this Report being met prior to final approval. CORPORATE SERVICES CS 2014-31 Re: Shared Services Agreement – CMHA Client Transportation Program Recommendation 1. That Council hereby authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Human Services to execute a shared services agreement as set out in Report No. CS 2014-31 with the Canadian Mental Health Association Oxford for shared transportation services to serve clients in the County of Oxford. PUBLIC WORKS PW 2014-59 Re: Speed Limit Consolidation Recommendations 1. That a By-law be raised to repeal By-law No. 3742-98 and to enact a new consolidated By-law to provide for speed limits on County Roads; 2. And further, that the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the Bylaw and that Ontario Provincial Police and Woodstock Police Service be advised of the new By-law. PW 2014-57 Re: Use of Abandoned Railway Right-of-Way Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs Recommendations 1. That County Council approve the request from the Southern Sno Riders, a local snowmobile club, to use County land, specifically a portion of the former CN Rail right-of-way and a portion of the former CASO right-of-way for the period November 28, 2014 to March 31, 2015, as part of their trail network; 2. And further, that a by-law be raised authorizing the CAO to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Southern Sno Riders to permit use of County land. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 3 COUNCIL AGENDA OCTOBER 22, 2014 PW 2014-60 Re: Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road) Slope Failure Update Recommendation 1. That County Council approve $190,000 of emergency road repairs on Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road), as outlined in Report No. PW 2014-60, be financed from the Roads Reserve. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Pending Items 11. MOTIONS 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS 13. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS 14. CLOSED SESSION (Room 129) Resolution Time ______ That Council rise and go into a Closed session for the purpose of considering Report No. PW (CS) 2014-58 regarding matters that have not been made public concerning a proposed or pending acquisition of land. Resolution Time ______ That Council rise and reconvene in Open session. 15. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS ARISING FROM THE CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC WORKS PW (CS) 2014-58 16. BY-LAWS BY-LAW NO. 5628-2014 Being a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Oxford and Southern Sno Riders, to permit the use of County land, being a portion of the former CN Rail right-of-way and a portion of the former CASO right-of-way, as part of their trail network for the period November 28, 2014 to March 31, 2015. BY-LAW NO. 5629-2014 Being a By-law to provide for the dedication and naming of highways in the County of Oxford. BY-LAW NO. 5630-2014 Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 4 COUNCIL AGENDA OCTOBER 22, 2014 17. ADJOURNMENT Time ______ NOTE: A meeting of the Services That Work Ad Hoc Committee will be held prior to the Council meeting from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Room 129, OCAB. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD County Council Chamber Woodstock October 8, 2014 MEETING #17 Oxford County Council meets in regular session this eighth day of October 2014, in the Council Chamber, County Administration Building, Woodstock. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 9:31 a.m., with Warden McKay in the chair. All members of Council present. Staff Present: P. M. Crockett, Chief Administrative Officer L. Beath, Director of Public Health and Emergency Services P. D. Beaton, Director of Human Services L. S. Buchner, Director of Corporate Services C. Fransen, Director of Woodingford Lodge S. Shafai, Manager of Environmental Services / Acting Director of Public Works A. Smith, Director of Human Resources R. Versteegen, City Planner B. J. Tabor, Clerk Warden McKay allows an opportunity for Council members to provide good news updates. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: RESOLUTION NO. 1: Moved by: Dave Beres Seconded by: Margaret Lupton That the Agenda be approved. DISPOSITION: 3. Motion Carried DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: NIL 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Council Minutes of September 24, 2014 Page 2 October 8, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 2: Moved by: Dave Beres Seconded by: Margaret Lupton That the Council Minutes of September 24, 2014 be adopted. DISPOSITION: 5. Motion Carried PUBLIC MEETINGS: RESOLUTION NO. 3: Moved by: Margaret Lupton Seconded by: Dave Beres That Council rise and go into a public meeting pursuant to Section 51(20) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, to consider an application for draft approval of a plan of subdivision, and that the Warden chair the public meeting. DISPOSITION: 1. Motion Carried (9:40 a.m.) Application for Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision 2143677 Ontario Inc.- SB 14-01-8 - subject lands are described as Lots 1 & 2, Plan 41M-257 and Block 29, Plan 41M-243, City of Woodstock - located on the south side of Ridgewood Drive, west of Oxford Road 59, within the Villages of Sally Creek subdivision, Woodstock The Chair asks R. Versteegen, City Planner, to come forward to present the application. R. Versteegen summarizes the application for Draft Approval of a Plan of Subdivision as is contained in Report No. CASPO 2014-251. The Chair opens the meeting to questions from members of Council. There are none. The Chair asks if anyone on behalf of the applicant wishes to speak. Jeffrey Wettlaufer, the applicant, comes forward and states that he believes he has met all of the considerations of the City and of the citizens and advises that he is currently in talks with the owner of the lot in question that was pointed to in R. Versteegen’s presentation regarding squaring up the property. He states that he is here to answer any questions. The Chair opens the meeting to questions from members of Council. There are none. The Chair asks if there are any members of the public wishing to speak. No one indicates such intent. RESOLUTION NO. 4: Moved by: Margaret Lupton Seconded by: Dave Beres That Council adjourn the public meeting and reconvene as Oxford County Council with the Warden in the chair. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried (9:49 a.m.) CASPO 2014-251 Re: Application for Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision SB 14-01-8: 2143677 Ontario Inc. Page 3 October 8, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 5: Moved by: David Mayberry Seconded by: Sandra Talbot That the recommendation contained in Report No. CASPO 2014-251, titled “Application for Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision - SB 14-01-8: 2143677 Ontario Inc.”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. CASPO 2014-251: 1. That Oxford County Council refer Application File No. SB 14-01-8 by 2143677 Ontario Inc. for draft approval of a residential plan of subdivision proposing 30 single detached lots, 5 semi-detached lots, two (2) road reserves and a walkway, all served by one (1) new local street, on lands described as Lots 1 & 2, Plan 41M-257 and Block 29, Plan 41M-243 on the south side of Ridgewood Drive, west of Oxford Road 59 in the City of Woodstock, to Council’s regular meeting of October 22, 2014 for final consideration. 6. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: NIL 7. CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: Not Required. 8. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE: 1. City of Woodstock September 19, 2014 Re: Opposition to County Council’s Reduction of Household Hazardous Waste Days RESOLUTION 6: Moved by: David Mayberry Seconded by: Sandra Talbot That the resolution from the City of Woodstock, expressing opposition to County Council's reduction of Household Hazardous Waste days from the current two days per year to one day per year, be received as information. DISPOSITION : 9. Motion Carried REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS: COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING CASPO 2014-251 Re: Application for Approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision SB 14-01-8: 2143677 Ontario Inc. Report dealt with under Public Meetings. PUBLIC WORKS PW Re: 2014-56 Catfish Creek Source Protection Plan Approval Page 4 October 8, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 7: Moved by: Patrick Sobeski Seconded by: Deborah Tait That the recommendation contained in Report No. PW 2014-56, titled “Catfish Creek Source Protection Plan Approval”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. PW 2014-56: 1. That Public Works Report PW 2014-56 entitled Catfish Creek Source Protection Plan Approval be received as information. CORPORATE SERVICES CS Re: 2014-30 Enterprise Asset Management Review – Financial Planning and Analysis Solution RESOLUTION NO. 8: Moved by: Deborah Tait Seconded by: Patrick Sobeski That the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2014-30, titled “Enterprise Asset Management Review – Financial Planning and Analysis Solution”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. CS 2014-30: 1. That enhancements in work processes and systems to support the County’s Asset Management Plan, as set out in Report No. CS 2014-30 in the amount of $40,000 plus applicable taxes, be hereby approved and funded from the remaining 2014 Budget allocation and the General Reserve, in the amounts of $26,000 and $14,000 respectively. CAO/CLERK CAO Re: 2014-15 Strategic Plan Accomplishments and Outlook P. Crockett, CAO, addresses Council on the Report by use of a PowerPoint presentation. RESOLUTION NO. 9: Moved by: Sandra Talbot Seconded by: Marion Wearn That the recommendation contained in Report No. CAO 2014-15, titled “Strategic Plan Accomplishments and Outlook”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. CAO 2014-15: 1. That Report CAO 2014-15 entitled “Strategic Plan, Accomplishments and Outlook” be received for information. Page 5 October 8, 2014 HUMAN RESOURCES HR Re: 2014-06 2014 Employee Engagement Survey Results RESOLUTION NO. 10: Moved by: Marion Wearn Seconded by: Sandra Talbot That the recommendation contained in Report No. HR 2014-06, titled “2014 Employee Engagement Survey Results”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. HR 2014-06: 1. That Council receive report HR 2014-06 entitled “2014 Employee Engagement Survey Results” as information. HR Re: 2014-07 Employee Recognition Awards Program (General Policy Manual) RESOLUTION NO. 11: Moved by: Marion Wearn Seconded by: Donald Doan That the recommendation contained in Report No. HR 2014-07, titled “Employee Recognition Awards Program (General Policy Manual)”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. HR 2014-07: 1. That Council approve and authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign and enact the policy changes attached entitled ‘Employee Recognition Awards Program’ for amendment in the General Policy Manual. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Pending Items No discussion takes place regarding the Pending Items list. 11. MOTIONS: RESOLUTION NO. 12: Moved by: Ted Comiskey Seconded by: Dave Beres That Oxford County Corporate Services bring to Council a Report outlining the procedures around water and sewer hook-up programs pertaining to new developed or boundary adjusted areas. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS: NIL Page 6 October 8, 2014 13. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS: NIL 14. CLOSED SESSION: NIL 15. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS ARISING FROM THE CLOSED SESSION: Not Required. 16. BY-LAWS: BY-LAW NO. 5626-2014 Being a By-law to provide for the dedication and naming of highways in the County of Oxford. BY-LAW NO. 5627-2014 Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. RESOLUTION NO. 13: Moved by: Donald Doan Seconded by: Marion Wearn That the following By-laws be now read a first and second time: No. 5626-2014 and No. 5627-2014. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried RESOLUTION NO. 14: Moved by: Donald Doan Seconded by: Marion Wearn That the following By-laws be now given third and final reading: No. 5626-2014 and No. 5627-2014. DISPOSITION: 17. Motion Carried ADJOURNMENT: Council adjourns its proceedings until the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. 10:21 a.m. Minutes adopted on by Resolution No. WARDEN CLERK Report No: CASPO 2014-262 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: October 22, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Community and Strategic Planning Application for Draft Plan of Subdivision SB 14-01-8; 2143677 Ontario Inc. RECOMMENDATION 1. That Oxford County Council grant draft plan approval to a proposed subdivision submitted by 2143677 Ontario Inc. (File No. SB 14-01-8); prepared by J.B. Chambers Consulting Engineers Limited; dated February 10, 2014 (revised July 30, 2014), for lands described as Block 29, Plan 243 and Lots 1 & 2, Plan 41M-257, City of Woodstock, subject to the conditions attached as Schedule “A” to this Report being met prior to final approval. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS The purpose of this report is to seek from Council, draft plan approval to a residential plan of subdivision within the City of Woodstock. Implementation Points This application will be implemented in accordance with the relevant policies contained in the Official Plan. Financial Impact The approval of this application will have no financial impact beyond what has been approved in the current year’s operating budget. The Treasurer agrees with this financial impact statement. Risks/Implications There are no risks or other implications anticipated as a result of this application beyond those that can reasonably be expected for any such proposal with respect to potential appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board. Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: Page 1 of 2 Report No: CASPO 2014-262 COMMUNITY AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Council Date: October 22, 2014 3. ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future – Implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: - Strategically grow our economy and our community - Actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources - Support agricultural land uses DISCUSSION Background At the October 8, 2014 meeting of County Council, a public meeting was held pursuant to Section 51(20) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, to consider an application for draft approval of a residential plan of subdivision. No concerns were raised at the public meeting. Comments City of Woodstock Council, at their meeting of September 18, 2014 passed a resolution recommending that draft plan approval be given by the County. County Council is now in a position to give draft plan approval to subdivision File No. SB 14-01-8. Conclusions It is the opinion of the Community and Strategic Planning Office that draft approval of the residential plan of subdivision, SB 14-01-8, is appropriate from a planning perspective, subject to the imposition of the draft plan conditions attached as Schedule “A”. SIGNATURES original signed by Gordon K. Hough, MCIP, RPP Director Approved for submission: original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS Schedule “A” – Conditions of Draft Approval (SB 14-01-8: 2143677 Ontario Inc.) Page 2 of 2 Schedule “A” To Report No. CASPO 2014-262 CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL – SB 14-01-8 – 2143677 ONTARIO INC. 1. This approval applies to the draft plan of subdivision, submitted by 2143677 Inc. (File SB14-01-8) and prepared by J.B. Chambers Consulting Engineers Limited, (dated February 10, 2014, revised July 30, 2014), as shown on Plate 3 of Report No. CASPO 2014-262, comprised of land described as Block 29, Plan 243 and Lots 1 & 2, Plan 41M-257, in the City of Woodstock, and showing 30 single detached lots, 5 semi-detached lots, and two (2) road reserves and a walkway, all served by one (1) new local street, subject to the following modifications: a) That an overland flow route for storm water runoff from Oxford Road 59 be identified and that the said route be identified within an easement to the satisfaction of the County of Oxford Public Works Department, if necessary. 2. The owner agrees in writing to satisfy all requirements, financial and otherwise, of the City of Woodstock and the County of Oxford regarding the construction of roads, installation of services and drainage facilities, and other matters pertaining to the development of the subdivision including the installation of sidewalks within the development as well as along the Oxford Road 59 frontage, the abandonment of easements and services in addition to the payment for lighting along Oxford Road 59 and payment for street trees on the subject property. 3. The owner agrees in writing to satisfy all the requirements of the appropriate authority regarding the installation of the electrical distribution system and any other matters pertaining to the development of the subdivision. 4. The development shall be phased to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock. 5. Prior to final approval, the owner shall have a qualified acoustical consultant prepare a noise study concerning the impact of traffic noise from Oxford Road 59 and, to apply alternative site design and noise abatement measures as identified by the study. Such measures shall be in accordance with Ministry of Environment and Climate Change standards and are to be reviewed and approved by the City of Woodstock Engineering Department and the County of Oxford Public Works Department. 6. Prior to the signing of the final plan by the County, all lots/blocks shall conform to the zoning requirements of the City Zoning By-Law. Certification of lot areas, lot frontages, and lot depths shall be obtained from an Ontario Land Surveyor retained by the developer. 7. Prior to final approval of the subdivision plan, or any phase of development, the owner shall receive confirmation from County Public Works and the City that there is sufficient capacity in the water and sewage systems to service the plan of subdivision. 8. The subdivision agreement shall make provision for the assumption and operation by the County of Oxford of the water distribution system and sewage collection system within the draft plan, subject to the approval of the County of Oxford Public Works Department. Page 1 of 3 Schedule “A” To Report No. CASPO 2014-262 9. All walkways and 1-foot reserves shall be dedicated to the appropriate authority, free of all costs and encumbrances. 10. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County, such easements as may be required for utility or drainage purposes shall be granted to the appropriate authority. 11. The owner agrees in writing that turning circles will be provided as necessary to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock. 12. The road allowances included in the draft plan shall be dedicated as public highways. 13. The streets included in the draft plan shall be named to the satisfaction of the City. 14. The subdivision agreement shall contain provisions where the owner shall erect fencing adjacent to all City owned lands to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock. 15. The subdivision agreement shall contain provisions where the owner shall construct a concrete sidewalk (Block 38) and install fencing as per the City’s standards and this block shall be dedicated to the satisfaction of the City of Woodstock. 16. The subdivision agreement(s) shall be registered by the City of Woodstock against the lands to which it applies. The agreement(s) will include provisions for the following: a) Any abandoned wells are to be properly capped in accordance with the relevant legislation in effect at the time; b) Any former septic facilities are to be properly decommissioned and appropriate soil remediation measures undertaken; c) Any former steam tunnels are to be demolished, and associated piping and asbestos material be removed and the affected lands appropriately restored; d) All underground service locations that may conflict with proposed building envelopes be identified. 17. The subdivision agreement shall contain provisions that prior to grading and issuance of building permits, that a final storm water management plan as well as detailed sediment and erosion control plan, and servicing and grading plans showing the measures identified in the stormwater management and sediment and erosion control plans be reviewed and approved by the City of Woodstock and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority and further, the subdivision agreement shall include provisions for the owner to carry out or cause to be carried out any necessary works in accordance with the approved plans and reports. 18. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County of Oxford, the owner shall agree in writing to satisfy the requirements of Canada Post Corporation with respect to implementing their requirements for advising prospective purchasers of the method of mail delivery, the location of temporary Centralized Mail Box locations during construction and, the provision of public information regarding the proposed locations of permanent Centralized Mail Box locations. Page 2 of 3 Schedule “A” To Report No. CASPO 2014-262 19. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County of Oxford, the owner shall agree in writing to satisfy the requirements of Union Gas that the owner/developer provide Union Gas Limited with the necessary easements and/or agreements required for the provision of gas services, in a form satisfactory to Union Gas Limited. 20. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County of Oxford, the owner shall provide to the County clearance from the Union Gas that Condition Number 19 has been met to their satisfaction. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how this condition has been satisfied. 21. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County of Oxford, the owner shall provide clearance to the County from Canada Post Corporation that Condition Number 18 has been met to their satisfaction. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how this condition has been satisfied. 22. Prior to the signing of the final plan, the County of Oxford shall be advised that Condition 17 has been satisfied as per the requirements of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement detailing how this condition has been satisfied. 23. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County of Oxford, the owner shall provide clearance to the County from the City of Woodstock that Conditions Number 1 to 7 inclusive, and 9 to 17 inclusive have been met to their satisfaction. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied. 24. Prior to the approval of the final plan by the County of Oxford, the owner shall secure clearance from the County of Oxford Public Works Department that Conditions 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 and 10 have been met to their satisfaction. The clearance letter shall include a brief statement for each condition detailing how each has been satisfied. 25. This plan of subdivision shall be registered by October 22, 2017, after which time this draft approval shall lapse unless an extension is authorized by the County of Oxford. Page 3 of 3 Plate 3 - Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision 2143677 Ontario Inc., Lots 1 & 2, Plan 41M-257 and Block 29, Plan 41M-243 File: No.: SB14-01-8, City of Woodstock Report No: CS 2014-31 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: October 22, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Corporate Services Director of Human Services Shared Services Agreement – CMHA Client Transportation Program RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council hereby authorizes the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Human Services to execute a shared services agreement as set out in Report No. CS 2014-31 with the Canadian Mental Health Association Oxford for shared transportation services to serve clients in the County of Oxford. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS A shared services agreement for a Canadian Mental Health Association Oxford (CMHA) administered client transportation program Implementation Points Upon execution of the Agreement, the County’s insurer will include the client transportation vehicle in County’s auto fleet policy to allow a vehicle licence permit to be issued to the County by October 31, 2014. CMHA will proceed with establishing procedures necessary to implement the administration of the client transportation program. The effectiveness of the County’s participation in the client transportation program will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure it meets desired outcomes. Financial Impact There will be no additional costs beyond those forecast for the 2014 budget or proposed in the 2015 budget as a result of approving the recommendation contained within this report. Costs associated with obtaining a vehicle licence permit and insurance will be fully recovered from CMHA. The Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information. Risks/Implications The use of any vehicle presents the risk of exposure to loss in the event of an accident causing property damage. All vehicles listed in the County’s auto fleet policy are insured for property Page 1 of 3 Report No: CS 2014-31 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: October 22, 2014 damage costs beyond a $25,000 deductible. Damage sustained that incurs costs below the deductible will be the responsibility of CMHA. Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the values and strategic directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 1. ii. A County that Works Together - Enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by working with community partners and organizations to maintain/strengthen public safety. 5. i. A County that Performs and Delivers Results - Enhance our customer service focus and responsiveness to our municipal partners and the public. DISCUSSION Background The County was approached by the CMHA to enquire if a vehicle for the purpose of transporting clients throughout the County of Oxford could be insured under the County’s auto fleet policy. Although the vehicle is being donated to CMHA, the ongoing quoted cost to insure a standalone vehicle was considered to be cost prohibitive for their already constrained operating budget. Through further discussion it was learned that the CMHA was proposing to extend transportation services for clients to and from government and non-government organizations and agencies within the County that support human needs – often representative of common clients. Comments To add the client transport vehicle to the County’s auto fleet policy would result in an additional annual premium of $495 plus applicable taxes, much more cost effective than the quote received by CMHA based on a stand-alone policy. The County’s auto fleet policy provides for the following: Liability Limit $15,000,000 Deductibles Liability – bodily injury $25,000 Direct Compensation – property damage $25,000 Loss or Damage – all perils $25,000 CMHA has agreed to pay the annual premium and any deductibles on claims made under the policy. In addition, the CMHA has agreed to comply with the County’s Drivers Licence Checks Policy No. 5.35 to ensure the driving record of the employees who are required to drive the client transport vehicle have, and maintain, the appropriate licensing for compliance with the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. In consideration, the County will offer overnight and weekend secured parking for the client transport vehicle for risk management purposes when required. Page 2 of 3 Report No: CS 2014-31 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: October 22, 2014 Currently the County pays public and/or private transportation for eligible Human Services’ clients for travel to and from various employment related and health related services to avail them to employment opportunities and ultimately eliminate their need for social assistance. The 2013 annual costs that the Ontario Works program paid for client transportation was $139,562 – approximately 17% or $23,725 being the County’s share. In addition to the Ontario Works transportation costs, ODSP which is 100% funded by the Province will save significant client subsidies by utilizing this shared service. Considering that the CMHA is willing to share the services of the client transport vehicle, a portion of the County’s current costs that will be replaced by the shared service vehicle will be paid to CMHA to offset a portion of the vehicle’s operating costs. Conclusions In addition to the County’s Strategic Plan directives cited in this report, the proposed recommendation also addresses a long standing weakness in a quality of life indicator present in Oxford County – being transportation. This proposal provides an opportunity to ensure those most in need in our community gain access to the necessary supports and remaining quality of life indicators, including but not limited to: education and training; housing; employment; health (mental and physical well-being); income; and, crime and safety. SIGNATURE Departmental Approval: Original signed by Lynn S. Buchner, CPA, CGA Director of Corporate Services Departmental Approval: Original signed by Paul Beaton Director of Human Services Approved for submission: Original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS None Page 3 of 3 Report No: PW 2014-59 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: October 22, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Public Works Speed Limit Consolidation RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That a By-law be raised to repeal By-law No. 3742-98 and to enact a new consolidated By-law to provide for speed limits on County Roads; 2. And further, that the Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the Bylaw and that Ontario Provincial Police and Woodstock Police Service be advised of the new By-law. REPORT HIGHLIGHT This purpose of this report is to consolidate amendments to By-law 3742-98 under a new Bylaw to regulate speeds on County roads. Financial Impact There are no financial impacts. The Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information. Risks/Implications None Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 5. ii. A County that Performs and Delivers Results - Deliver exceptional services by: - Identify best practices and appropriate benchmarking DISCUSSION Background In 1998, By-law No. 3742-98 was established to repeal a previous by-law and enact a new bylaw to provide for speed limits on County Roads. Our current practice has been to prepare a report recommending to add or change an existing speed limit. Page 1 of 2 Report No: PW 2014-59 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: October 22, 2014 Subject to Council approval, a new By-law will be created to consolidate the existing Schedules as listed in Attachment 1. Since the By-law was passed in 1998, the current practice for modifying the by-law is as follows: staff review traffic issues or requests for speed changes; recommended changes are reported to County Council approval; an amending bylaw is passed Comments This overabundance of By-laws has become cumbersome and confusing. A new By-law consolidating these 37 By-law amendments in the new consolidated Speed Limit By-law will provide clarity to staff and enforcement agencies. Implementing a new By-law will repeal the existing Speed Limit By-law and all the amending By-laws. Staff will continue to perform housekeeping exercises on the Speed Limit By-law as it becomes necessary to make amendments to the Schedules, to add or remove speed zones as required. Staff will be reviewing the new By-Law with Legal Council to confirm the procedures for future amendments to the By-Law. Conclusions Staff recommends adoption of this report to create a new speed limit bylaw. The new by-law will be presented to County Council in the near future. SIGNATURE Report Author: Original signed by: Scott Boughner, C.Tech., CRS-S Supervisor of Roads Operations/Fleet Departmental Approval: Original signed by: Robert Walton, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Approved for submission: Original signed by: Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Amendments to By-law 3742-98 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1 to PW 2014-59 October 22, 2014 AMENDMENTS – TRAFFIC BY-LAW NO. 3742-98 3861-99 3893-99 3900-99 3934-99 4032-2000 4050-2000 4062-2000 4067-2000 4135-2001 4142-2001 4160-2001 4182-2002 4325-2003 4324-2003 4323-2003 4368-2004 4447-2004 4448-2004 4542-2005 4691-2006 4747-2006 4780-2007 4829-2007 4875-2007 4987-2008 4991-2008 5098-2009 5124-2009 5174-2010 5192-2010 5283-2011 5287-2011 5288-2011 5300-2011 5477-2013 5502-2013 5601-2014 County Road 4 - Innerkip County Road 35 - Devonshire Avenue, Woodstock County Road 2 - west of Woodstock County Road 8 - Bright County Road 119 - Kintore County Road 17 - west limit of C.R. 30 County Road 17 - west limit of C.R. 30 (extending above) County Road 11 - Beachville County Road 17 – Tollgate School County Road 59 - Salter Avenue to Old Stage Road County Road 59 - Huntingford County Road 28 - Harrington County Road 9 – east of Ingersoll County Road 59 - southerly approach to Tavistock County Road 19 – Ostrander County Road 119 – Ingersoll (Harris Street) County Road 9 – from west Ingersoll boundary to 395 m west of 25th Line South-West Oxford County Road 19 – 450 m west of west limit of C.R. 13 to 1030 m east of east limit of C.R. 13 County Road 59 – 50 m south of Salter Avenue to 60 m south of Pattullo County Road 18 – Mount Elgin Road from Hwy. 19 to 680 m east County Road 59 – Norwich (Robson Street to Airport Road) County Road 119 – extension of 60 km zone – Uniondale County Road 59 – extension of speed zone on 59 south, Tavistock County Road 3 – reduce zone to 60 km.h from C.R. 8 south 280 m County Road 10 – Ingersoll St., Ingersoll 50 km/h from west limit of Culloden Rd. to C.R. 119 Bell Street County Road 30 – extension of existing 60 km/h County Road 4 – 10 m north of George St., Innerkip to 10 m south of Main/Burton from 8:30 – 9:00; 12:15-12:45; 3:30:4:00 when school in session County Road 22 – Changes to Schedules “B” and “C” County Road 7 – north of North Town Line, Ingersoll County Road 8 – Plattsville – 60 km/h County Road 2 – Reduction from 80km/h to 60 km/h, Thamesford County Road 59 – Extension of 50 and 60 km/h speed zones, Norwich County Road 40 – Reduction from 80km/h to 60 km/h, Curries County Road 2 – at County Road 6 roundabout, Reduction from 80km/h to 60 km/h County Road 8 – Reduction from 80km/h to 60 km/h, Bright County Road 24 – Speed Limit Reduction County Road 3 – Speed reduction from 50km/hr to 40km/hr, Drumbo Report No: PW 2014-57 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: October 22, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Public Works Use of Abandoned Railway Right-of-Way Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That County Council approve the request from the Southern Sno Riders, a local snowmobile club, to use County land, specifically a portion of the former CN Rail right-of-way and a portion of the former CASO right-of-way for the period November 28, 2014 to March 31, 2015, as part of their trail network; 2. And further, that a by-law be raised authorizing the CAO to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Southern Sno Riders to permit use of County land. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS To obtain County Council’s approval of the Southern Sno Rider’s annual request to use County Lands shown in Attachment 1 as part of their trail network. Financial Impact There is no financial impact from the approval of this report. Risks/Implications The Southern Sno Riders have provided proof that the organization is carrying $15,000,000.00 liability insurance shown as Attachment 2 and the policy names the County of Oxford as an additional insured for this use of County property. Page 1 of 3 Report No: PW 2014-57 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: October 22, 2014 Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 1. i. A County that Works Together – Strengthen, diversify and broaden the economic/prosperity base through: - Strengthening tourism-supportive initiatives 1. ii. A County that Works Together – Enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: - Promoting community participation and life-long involvement in recreational and cultural activities DISCUSSION Background Southern Sno Riders were established in 1994 when a group of farmers recognized the existence of a growing population of snowmobile enthusiasts in the southern Lake Erie area. The organized trail system has helped reduce trespassing on private property and riding on roads. Southern Sno Riders operate and maintain the trail system with a group of volunteers and today operate approximately 250 kilometers of trails. Access to the trail system is managed by permit. The Southern Sno Riders, in previous years, have received approval to use portions of two former railroad right-of-ways in the Townships of Norwich and South-West Oxford as part of their trail network. The current request is to use these lands beginning November 28, 2014 and ending March 31, 2015. Section 1, described below, has been extended from the previous usage to Milldale Road for the term of this Memorandum of Understanding. The two sections for use by the Southern Snow Riders are shown in Attachment 1 and are outlined as follows: Section 1: former CN Rail right-of-way from Main St. in Springford, in Norwich Township running south-west through Norwich and South-West Oxford Townships to Cranberry Line in Tillsonburg and County Rd 13 in Springford to Milldale Road in Norwich Township. Section 2: former CASO right-of-way from Middletown Line running to Zenda Line in Norwich Township. Page 2 of 3 Report No: PW 2014-57 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: October 22, 2014 Comments This will be the fifth winter that the Sno Riders have requested permission to use County lands. The Memorandum of Understanding for the use is provided as Attachment 3. The Southern Sno Riders will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the trail for the duration of the Memorandum of Understanding. Conclusions The Public Works Department has reviewed this request and has no objection to the temporary use of the property for the period November 28, 2014 to March 31, 2015. Staff recommend that Council approve this use and enact the by-law required to authorize the CAO to sign the Memorandum of Understanding. SIGNATURE Report Author: Original signed by: Dave Vermeeren Waste Management/Rural Properties Supervisor Departmental Approval: Original signed by: Robert Walton, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Approved for submission: Original signed by: Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Map of Southern Sno Riders Trails Attachment 2: Certificate of Insurance Attachment 3: Memorandum of Understanding Page 3 of 3 Attachment 1 to PW 2014-57 October 22, 2014 0 0.25 0.5 1 OXFO RD R A ZEND ¯ 1.5 Kilometers OA D LINE R OA D SOUTH-WEST OXFORD 13 AL E MILLD OTTERVILLE E RVILL OTTE SECTION 1 SPRINGFORD NORWICH E C OR N R OA D SECTION 2 RD R AD OA D 13 LINE TILLSONBURG AD NINTH OXFO ST E. LL RO A ZEND H N OR T O ETT R KELL R OA D E RS R POTT O AD SITE Attachment 2 to PW 2014-57 October 22, 2014 Attachment 3 to PW 2014-57 October 22, 2014 Report No: PW 2014-60 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: October 22, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Public Works Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road) Slope Failure Update RECOMMENDATION 1. That County Council approve $190,000 of emergency road repairs on Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road), as outlined in Report No. PW 2014-60, be financed from the Roads Reserve. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS A section of the road embankment on Oxford Road 37 collapsed on Thursday July 17, 2014. This report to Council is to advise of work completed as an Emergency Purchase, in accordance with Section 10.1 of the Purchasing Policy. Construction of the slope repair has been completed and the road was opened to traffic on September 30, 2014. The cost of the repair was $190,000. Financial Impact Cost Summary Item Value Engineering $18,000 Material $57,000 Equipment Rental $115,000 TOTAL $190,000 With approval of this report, the expendures incurred will be financed from the Roads Reserve which has sufficient uncommitted funds to cover these emergency repairs. The Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information. Page 1 of 3 Report No: PW 2014-60 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: October 22, 2014 Risks/Implications None Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 1. ii. A County that Works Together – Enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: - Maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure DISCUSSION Background On July 17, 2014, a section of the road embankment collapsed on the north side of Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road) in Norwich Township, just east of Tillsonburg. The location is shown on Attachment 1. An emergency road closure was implemented on July 17 as any further slope failure would have been treacherous to the motoring public. The slope in question is approximately 11 metres (36 feet) high. The following work was undertaken to rehabilitate the road slope: A geotechnical consultant was retained to evaluate the issues and design a safe slope. Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) was consulted and a work permit was obtained. County staff consulted with the adjacent property owner as work was required on their property. Material for the construction was purchased by the County. A contractor with specialized equipment and experience was retained on an hourly basis. Union Gas was involved due to a high pressure gas main at the top of the slope. Construction pictures are enclosed as Attachment 2. The road was reopened to traffic on September 30, 2014. The total cost of the work was $190,000. Comments The reconstruction of the slope was complicated due to the height of the embankment, the high pressure gas main near the top of the slope and access issues to the bottom of the slope. Page 2 of 3 Report No: PW 2014-60 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: October 22, 2014 There have been small slope failures in this same location over the years. The weather conditions this year caused the slope soils to be relatively wet and this likely contributed to the failure. There was a smaller slope failure just to the west which was also repaired while the road was closed. This work is included in the total costs. Conclusions Due to the site complications, this repair took quite a period of time to complete. However, in a case like this, public safety is paramount and the rehabilitated slope now makes this area safe for traffic flow again. Oxford County Public Works would like to thank the residents, staff, contractors, approval agencies, utilities, the OPP, and others that worked together to assist with completion of this project. SIGNATURE Report Author: Original signed by: Frank Gross, C.Tech Supervisor of Engineering Services Departmental Approval: Original signed by: Robert Walton, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Approved for submission: Original signed by: Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Map of Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road) Slope Failure, October 8, 2014 (CV) Attachment 2 Construction photographs Page 3 of 3 Oxford Road 37 (Potters Road) Slope Failure Location Map Attachment 1 Attachment to PW 2014-60 1 October 22, 2014 PW 2014 - XX October 22, 2014 E LIN ON UNI S RD POTTER Ü Existing Gas Main $ $ E LIN ON UN I 1:12,500 0 250 Meters 500 25m RD MALL S RD POTTER $ 1:1,500 0 25 Meters 50 Attachment 2 to PW 2014-60 October 22, 2014 Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 PENDING ITEMS Council Meeting Date 18-Nov-13 Issue 2014 Budget Meeting To Do List - Public Works Capital Project completion success measures - commitment budget vs cashflow budget 2014 Budget Meeting To Do List - HS - consider engaging potential partners such as the Social Planning Council Oxford Pending Action Staff Report Lead Dept. CS Include in Shelter Plan for Council's consideration HS 10-Sep-14 Report PW 2014-50 - Acceptance of Liquid Waste at Oxford County Wastewater Treatment Facilities PW 10-Sep-14 Report CAO 2014-12 - University of Ottawa - Woodstock Satellite Campus Proposal Resolution No. 5 - Deferring recommendation contained in Report No. PW 2014-55 - Woodstock Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Extension Project and By-law No. 5622-2014 to impose the cost to ratepayers Resolution No. 12 - procedures around water and sewer hook-up programs - new developed or boundary adjusted areas Staff to develop policy and report - Res. No. 4, 25-June-14, delegation request to pass resolution to not accept leachate from privately owned or operated landfills for treatment deferred until such time Staff to negotiate partnership agreement and report Completed CAO 2014-10 25-Jun-14 Spring 2015 CAO Spring 2015 PW 2014 - Q4 CS 2015 - Q1 18-Nov-13 24-Sep-14 08-Oct-14 Gathering and provision of information to Havelock Corners Ratepayers Association delegation and report back to Council Staff Report Time Frame 2014 - Q3 COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5628-2014 BEING a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Oxford and Southern Sno Riders, to permit the use of County land, being a portion of the former CN Rail right-of-way and a portion of the former CASO right-of-way, as part of their trail network for the period November 28, 2014 to March 31, 2015. WHEREAS, the County is the owner of lands described in Public Works Report No. PW 2014-57 and more specifically identified as part of Lots 22 through 28 inclusive, Concession 9 and 10, in the Township of Norwich; part of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Concession 10, in the Township of South-West Oxford; part of Lots 15 through 21 inclusive, Concession 7 and 8, in the Township of Norwich; and part of Lots 15 through 28 inclusive, Concession 10, in the Township of Norwich, to which the Southern Sno Riders are requesting permission to use as part of their trail network. AND WHEREAS, Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act. AND WHEREAS, Council has adopted Public Works Report No. PW 2014-57, dated October 22, 2014. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the County of Oxford enacts as follows: 1. That the Chief Administrative Officer is hereby authorized and instructed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding, attached hereto and forming part of this By-law, with Southern Sno Riders. READ a first and second time this 22nd day of October, 2014. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of October, 2014. DONALD E. McKAY, BRENDA J. TABOR, WARDEN CLERK COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5629-2014 BEING a By-law to provide for the dedication and naming of highways in the County of Oxford. WHEREAS, Section 31 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, provides that land may only become a highway by virtue of a by-law establishing the highway. AND WHEREAS, Section 31 (6) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, provides that if a municipality acquires land for the purpose of widening a highway, the land acquired forms part of the highway to the extent of the designated widening. AND WHEREAS, the Council of the County of Oxford deems it advisable to name and dedicate the parts of highways as hereinafter described. AND WHEREAS, Council has adopted Public Works Report No. D-1 2009-44, dated June 10, 2009, to provide for the dedication and naming of parts of highways in the County of Oxford. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the County of Oxford enacts as follows: 1. That the following lands or parts of a highway be named as follows: Highway Name RDAL BTN LT 12 & 13 CON 1 BLANDFORD; RDAL BTN LT 12 & 13 CON 2 BLANDFORD; PT LT 12 CON 1 BLANDFORD; PT LT 12 CON 2 BLANDFORD; PT LT 13 CON 1 BLANDFORD; PT LT 13 CON 2 BLANDFORD; PT RDAL BTN CON 1 & 2 BLANDFORD PT 1, PL 1528; PT 2-13 & 15-24, OXR29; PT 1, 41R5936 BTN HWY # 2 AND RDAL BTN CON 2 & 3; AKA OXFORD RD 4 & BOND'S CORNERS RD; WOODSTOCK Oxford Road 4 2. That the aforementioned lands or parts of a highway described in paragraph 1 be dedicated as a road in the County of Oxford. READ a first and second time this 22nd day of October, 2014 READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of October, 2014. ___________________________________ DONALD E. MCKAY, WARDEN ___________________________________ BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5630-2014 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. The Council of the County of Oxford enacts as follows: 1. That all decisions made by Council at the meeting at which this By-law is passed, in respect of each report, resolution or other action passed and taken by the Council at this meeting, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed. 2. That the Warden and/or the proper officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said decisions referred to in Section 1 of this By-law, to obtain approvals where required, and except where otherwise provided, to execute all necessary documents and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the corporate seal where necessary. 3. That nothing in this By-law has the effect of giving to any decision or resolution the status of a By-law where any legal prerequisite to the enactment of a specific By-law has not be satisfied. 4. That all decisions, as referred to in Section 1 of this By-law, supercede any prior decisions of Council to the contrary. READ a first and second time this 22nd day of October, 2014. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of October, 2014. DONALD E. McKAY, WARDEN BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK
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