APPENDIX H – Consistency with State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) SEPP Title State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Employment Area) 2009 Consisten cyN/A SEPP (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009 N/A SEPP (Western Sydney Parklands) 2009 N/A SEPP (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 Y SEPP (Rural Lands) 2008 SEPP (Kosciuszko National Park - Alpine Resorts) 2007 N Comments The Planning Proposal would be consistent with this SEPP. The Planning Proposal would be inconsistent with this SEPP. Whilst the site is currently used for the grazing and accommodation of horses it has been identified for future urban purposes since the gazettal of IDO 93. Whilst not identified in an adopted strategy, the land has previously been identified, via Council resolution, for industrial purposes. N/A SEPP (Infrastructure) 2007 Y SEPP (Temporary Structures and Places of Public Entertainment) 2007 N/A SEPP (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) 2007 N/A SEPP (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 N/A The Planning Proposal may facilitate development that is considered traffic generating development and therefore would be subject to the provisions of this SEPP. SEPP (Major Development) 2005 Y SEPP (Development on Kurnell Peninsula) 2005 N/A SEPP (Building Sustainability Index: BASIX) 2004 N/A SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 N/A SEPP No. 71 - Coastal Protection N/A SEPP 70 - Affordable Housing (Revised Schemes) N/A SEPP No. 67 - Macquarie Generation Industrial Development Strategy N/A SEPP No. 65 - Design Quality of Residential Flat Development N/A SEPP No. 64 - Advertising and Signage N/A SEPP No. 62 - Sustainable Aquaculture N/A SEPP No. 60 - Exempt and Complying Development N/A SEPP No. 59 - Central Western Sydney Regional Open Space & Residential N/A The Planning Proposal may facilitate development that is considered major development and therefore would be subject to the provisions of this SEPP. SEPP No. 55 Remediation of Land Y New Environment Pty Ltd were commissioned by the landowner to investigate and report on possible site contamination at the site. In terms of satisfying Clause 6 of SEPP 55, Council, as the relevant planning authority has met its requirements by: Considering whether the site is contaminated If the site is contaminated, determine if the site is suitable (in its current state or after remediation) for its intended use; and If remediation is required, the consent authority is satisfied that the land will be so remediated before the land is used for that purpose. The New Environment report recommends further subsoil testing to identify any further asbestos on the site. This issue would need to be addressed prior to any development on the site. SEPP No. 50 - Canal Estates SEPP No. 53 Metropolitan Residential Development N/A SEPP No. 47 - Moore Park Showground SEPP No. 44 - Koala Habitat Protection SEPP No. 41 Casino/Entertainment Complex N/A SEPP No. 39 - Spit Island Bird Habitat SEPP No. 36 Manufactured Home Estates N/A SEPP No. 33 Hazardous and Offensive Development N/A N/A N/A The site does not contain any potential or core koala habitat. N/A N/A The Planning Proposal seeks to rezone the site to part IN2 Light Industrial and part E3 Environmental Management. These zones do not permit hazardous or offensive industry or hazardous storage establishments or offensive storage establishments as defined in this Policy. SEPP No. 32 - Urban Consolidation (Redevelopment of Urban Land) N/A SEPP No. 30 Intensive Agriculture N/A SEPP No. 29 Western Sydney Recreation Area N/A SEPP No. 26 - Littoral Rainforests N/A SEPP No. 22 - Shops and Commercial Premises N/A SEPP No. 21 - Caravan Parks N/A SEPP No. 19 - Bushland in Urban Areas N/A SEPP No. 15 - Rural LandSharing Communities N/A SEPP No. 14 - Coastal Wetlands N/A SEPP No. 6 - Number of Storeys in a Building N/A SEPP No. 4 - Development without Consent and Miscellaneous Complying Development N/A Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No 20—Hawkesbury-Nepean River N/A The general planning considerations relevant to this SEPP relate to development applications but include the strategies listed in the Action Plan of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Environmental Planning Strategy, and whether there are any feasible alternatives to the development or other proposal concerned. Any future development of the site would need to take these strategies into account.
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