Non-confidential Information Good Vibrations Company B.V.

Non-confidential Information
Good Vibrations Company B.V.
Good Vibrations Company B.V.
Good Vibrations Company B.V. (GVC) is a Netherlands-based organization that aims at
enhancing the performance of individuals and groups by analysing biological and other
signals and providing relevant individual feedback that will promote the well-being and
successful performance of people in private, business and other circumstances.
The GVC Concept is based on:
measuring the signals provided by a person's voice, heart, lungs,
other organs and personal choices;
analysing these signals for their frequencies and other properties;
providing dedicated personal feedback.
The GVC Concept will be applied in various areas, including:
Advertising: offerings directed at the user’s personal interest and state of mind.
Medical: performing early diagnostics of neurological and other disorders.
Robotics: providing the next level of robotics based on emotion perception.
Safety: establishing awareness of emotional impact and reducing emotional overload.
Business: improving a person's performance at individual and business meetings.
Health: promoting quality of life by creating a balance between stress and relaxation.
Matching: suggesting more appropriate matches on all accounts while dating.
Sports: enhancing personal performance in highly competitive circumstances.
Gaming: modifying the game result in favour of a relaxed rather than aggressive attitude
© Copyright Good Vibrations Company B.V. 2011 - 2014
Non-confidential Information
Good Vibrations Company B.V.
Proprietary algorithms and software
One of the first main applications of the GVC Concept is based on proprietary software,
which enables users of the application to perform speech analysis.
The software has been developed by Prof. Dr. Paul Boersma (Phonetic Sciences, University of
Amsterdam), who is one of the partners in GVC B.V. and one of the leading global experts in
voice printing and speech / phonetic analysis. This is based on a unique software platform,
which is applied in various scientific fields and has a track record of over 20 years.
Analysis is independent of language and sex
Speech analysis creates an assessment which is like a finger print and indicates age, sex and
emotional condition.
The software platform which is used and the applications which have been developed are
fully independent of the type of computing device and operating system.
Finger print
Voice print
Worldwide deployment
Recently developed proprietary algorithms of GVC translate the speech in a review of the
emotional condition, like “sad” or “happy” and “stressed” or “relaxed”. This condition can be
influenced by providing feedback via the smartphone or other applications and offering
relevant new input to change the emotional condition.
The speech analysis techniques are unique in the sense that the software and algorithms
operate independently of language or age; therefore the system can be applied around the
world in any region, for any language and in any age group.
Real time analysis and feedback system
This analysis is performed in real time and can be based on a few seconds of input.
Furthermore, the software is adaptive and its reliability increases during prolonged use.
The proprietary algorithms and software can be applied in rapid feedback systems, but at
the same time they can (if desired and allowed) generate a database about the user and his
or her interests and current emotional status.
© Copyright Good Vibrations Company B.V. 2011 - 2014
Non-confidential Information
Good Vibrations Company B.V.
The core elements of the GVC Concept are:
Emotion Recognition
FeedBack System
Voice Disorder Detection
Potential applications
The GVC software records and elucidates in real time the emotional state of the user and
can detect specific patterns. This information can be processed to provide feedback to the
user, but may also be translated in advertising directed at the user’s personal interest and
state of mind. Having real-time insight into the emotional state of users offers advertisers
the ability to take into account the user’s dynamically changing needs and preferences. Our
software also offers the possibility to sell emotional-state-related products and services.
Medical diagnostics
Many neurological disorders are reflected in the direction and control of muscles. This may
include the musculature involved in speech. Subtle changes in speech patterns are detected
by the GVC software and may result in early detection of serious disorders like Multiple
Sclerosis, ALS and Alzheimer’s Disease. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the speech analysis
can be used as a tool to monitor the effect of medication or other interventions.
A research program has been designed to further study these applications.
It is easy to understand why so many SF movies show the production of emotion instead:
emotion production can be faked, but emotion perception cannot. At GVC we start from the
natural side, that of emotion perception, a more demanding but also more rewarding point
of departure. GVC applications add emotion perception to the interaction between humans
(you) and machines (e.g. your phone). When the machine is able to understand emotion, the
machine can be said to have emotion.
© Copyright Good Vibrations Company B.V. 2011 - 2014
Non-confidential Information
Good Vibrations Company B.V.
Potential applications – continued Safety
In face-to-face interaction, we monitor the other person's facial expression, and can
immediately take measures if the other person understands our words differently than we
had meant them. Also, face-to-face contact improves our understanding for the other
person's position, so that angry feelings have little chance of emerging or persisting.
Several existing apps have addressed the dangers of emotions in email, by interpreting the
words that warning you when these words may reflect anger or disrespect.
The lack of contact may become outright dangerous when you are driving a car on the road,
and the stress of the busy traffic causes slight irritations to mount up to become aggressive
behavior such as cutting in front, inappropriate braking, or tailgating. This may be prevented
by an app that warns about potential stress or anger long before people turn it into action!
The operating conditions in the business environment may be very demanding and highly
competitive. These circumstances generally demand extensive preparation and repetitive
training. Conditions prior to and during a major business meeting can be optimized by
establishing the right state of mind.
If a major deal is under discussion and large gains are at stake, it makes sense to invest
seriously in preparation. The moment of final concentration before a key business meeting
can be improved by quickly analyzing the personal state on the basis of the answers to a
small questionnaire and on a brief speech sample. GVC turns this into feedback that brings
the individual in the ideal state of mind for an outstanding performance at the event.
In current society almost everybody is very busy and exposed to a continuous flow of
information and messages. This has been multiplied since the introduction of the internet
and the subsequent abundant use of smartphones and social media. Many people have
trouble coping with this ongoing stream of input, which includes increasing impressions of
violence, war and negative emotions.
A significant element in the GVC Concept is to assess the state of mind by analyzing speech.
On the basis of this analysis we can make people aware of their personal state of anxiety,
stress or other negative feelings. Via targeted feedback incorporated in the GVC system, the
state of mind will be improved and the person will become more relaxed.
© Copyright Good Vibrations Company B.V. 2011 - 2014
Non-confidential Information
Good Vibrations Company B.V.
Potential applications - continued Matching
The Concept of GVC is also applicable to optimizing the setting when somebody is dating and
trying to identify the right partner, while very limited time can be spent making a first
The applications developed by GVC allow for a swift review of the emotional state of both
you and your potential partner. The analysis can work both ways and particularly also
address the status of the “candidate” and therefore optimize the matchmaking process.
This can be applied in situations when people are meeting face to face, but can also support
interactions via telephone or social media. Therefore, this GVC application makes the use of
social media more truly “social”.
The operating conditions in sports environments can be very demanding and highly
competitive. These circumstances generally demand extensive preparation and repetitive
training. Circumstances just prior to a key event at the sports track can be enhanced by
establishing the right state of mind.
More and more athletes achieve good vibrations by looking for a quiet spot and listening to
music to establish the right focus and fully concentrate on the upcoming event. This moment
of supreme preparation and concentration can be enhanced by quickly analysing the
personal state based on answering a few questions and assessing a brief speech sample,
resulting in feedback via music and images that are optimized to bring the individual in the
ideal state of mind for his or her performance at the sports event. The GVC Feedback
Concept enables you to tune your vibes to optimize your physical and mental performance.
In a game, GVC algorithms can assess the emotional state and stress level of the participants.
This knowledge can be applied, for instance, to yielding favours to a participant who is in a
relaxed state, thereby promoting a relaxed attitude rather than the aggressive behavior
promoted by most games. This is especially important for games designed for children.
The operating conditions in gaming environments can be very demanding and highly
competitive. These circumstances generally demand extensive preparation and repetitive
training. Circumstances just prior to joining a game can be enhanced by establishing the right
state of mind.
© Copyright Good Vibrations Company B.V. 2011 - 2014
Non-confidential Information
Good Vibrations Company B.V.
GVC organisation
Good Vibrations Company B.V. was established in 2011. The GVC team includes experts in
complimentary fields regarding personal development, scientific evaluation of human sound
and other biological signals, linguistics, clinical development, web-based and smartphone
applications, supplemented with technical and legal support.
The team includes:
Han Brakké,
Prof. Dr. Paul Boersma,
Peter van de Vossenberg, MA
Luc Sterkman, MD
Toni Gojani
Johnny Ip
founder & CEO
partner & CSO
partner & CFO
Behavioural Influence Processes
Speech/Phonetic Sciences
Clinical Development
Technical Diagnostics/Analysis
Web & Mobile Development
GVC B.V. has developed a broad Concept, has gathered extensive know-how and has built an
attractive proprietary position. The company is currently looking for partners to jointly
further develop or license one or more of the aforementioned applications.
Good Vibrations - Tune your vibes
For more information
Please take a look at our website:
Contact information
Good Vibrations Company B.V.
Primary contact:
Peter van de Vossenberg, MA
+31 (0)6 518 34 253
Utrechtsestraatweg 41
3911 TR Rhenen
The Netherlands
© Copyright Good Vibrations Company B.V. 2011 - 2014