OPEN DAYS 2014 – LOCAL EVENTS COUNTRY LEAFLET THE NETHERLANDS INDEX I. Regional Partnerships – Official Partners of the OPEN DAYS 2014 Drenthe – no local event organised Province of Fryslan Gelderland/Overijssel City of Leeuwarden Province of Limburg City of Maastricht Midden-Noord-Brabant Noord-Brabant Northern Netherlands Provinces South East of Brabant Twente Region Zeeland 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 II. Independent partner – other organisation/association organising a local event Mons 2015 Foundation 16 2 I. Regional Partnerships – Official Partners of the OPEN DAYS 2014 Province of Fryslan (Regions for Smart Cooperation) "Wetsus Annual Congress 2014: From Knowledge to Business" Leeuwarden 6-7 October 2014 Connecting regional strategies Type: Congress Organisers: Wetsus, centre of excellence for sustainable water technology Chair: Morning: Introduction and opening, drs. Ed Nijpels, Chairman Supervisory Board Wetsus Afternoon: Chair: Guido Landheer MSc, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Director of Top sectors & Industry Policy Speakers: Cees Buisman, Member Executive Board Wetsus Hans Corstjens, Director Platform Betatechniek Rob Hamer, Vice President R&D Discover Foods / Director Unilever R&D John Coburn, Managing Director XPV Capital Corporation Durk Krol, Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WssTP) Martien den Blanken, Director PWN Luc Kohsiek, Dijkgraaf Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier, chairman STOWA Remi Gruet, European Ocean Energy Association Prof. dr. Alexander Friedrich, Chair of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention at the University of Groningen dr Derek Lovley, Distinguished Professor, Microbiology, University of Massachusetts. Description: The title and focus of our annual Wetsus Congress on October 6 and 7, 2014 will be: From Knowledge to Business. Program Monday, October 6, 2014 09.30 - 10.00 Welcome and registration 10.00 – 12.00 Plenary session • Introduction and opening, drs. Ed Nijpels, Chairman Supervisory Board Wetsus • Speaker to be announced • Wetsus Developments, Cees Buisman, Member Executive Board Wetsus • Hans Corstjens, Director Platform Betatechniek • Rob Hamer, Vice President R&D Discover Foods / Director Unilever R&D Vlaardingen • Marcel Mulder Award Ceremony 12.00-13.30 Lunch and visit exhibition floor 3 13.30 -14.45 Plenary session I: Green technologies for circular economy Chair: Guido Landheer MSc, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Director of Top sectors & Industry Policy 1. Lessons Learned in Water Technology Investing, John Coburn, Managing Director XPV Capital Corporation 2. Gerben Jan Gerbrandy, Member European Parliament 3. Durk Krol, Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WssTP) 4. General Discussion 14.45 – 15.15 Break 15.15 – 16.30 Plenary session II: Business perspective of knowledge strategy Chair: to be announced 1. Martien den Blanken, Director PWN 2. Luc Kohsiek, Dijkgraaf Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier, chairman STOWA, member TKI water technology 3. Remi Gruet, European Ocean Energy Assocation 4. Paul Buijs , Berson 5. General Discussion. Target groups of participants: Researchers, Entrepreneurs, PhDs and policy officers in the field of water technology. More information: 4 Gelderland/Overijssel (Health Cluster Europe) "Medica 2014" Düsseldorf (DE) 12-15 November 2014 Territorial cooperation Type: Fair Organisers: Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Chair: NA Speakers: NA Description: The MEDICA is the world’s largest medical marketplace annually organised in November in Dusseldorf. The main product categories are: Electromedicine/Medical Technology Laboratory Equipment Diagnostics Physiotherapy/Orthopaedic Technology Commodities and Consumer Goods Information and Communication Technology Medical Services and Publications MEDICA consists of 115.000 m² of floor space, 4,600 exhibitors from 70 countries, 17 exhibitor halls, 5 exhibition areas and numerous forums and congresses. In addition to the professional trade fair the MEDICA CONGRESS - the largest interdisciplinary forum of Germany - and the German Hospital Conference - the leading communication platform for decision-makers in German hospitals - have become an integral part of the trade fair. Target groups of participants: The main target groups are: general practitioners, hospital doctors, hospital managers, hospital nursing staff, hospital technical managers, laboratory managers, medical trade, medical industry, medical assistants, and cost units. More information: 5 City of Leeuwarden (European Capitals of Culture Network) "Smart City - Green growth" Leeuwarden November 2014 Connecting regional strategies Type: Conference Organisers: North Sea Commission/Province of Fryslân Chair: Speakers: Description: The conference of the NSC will focus on how we can achieve synergy by working together in the North Sea area. Innovation is about building capacity. This two-day event focusses on: 1) Connecting regional strategies; 2) Building capacity; 3) Territorial cooperation Target groups of participants: More information: 6 Province of Limburg (Connecting regional strategies across borders) Joint event with the Province of Limburg (BE) "Limburg² - aligning the investment strategies of Belgian and Dutch Limburg" Hasselt October 2014 Connecting regional strategies Type: Presentations & workshops Organisers: Province of Belgian Limburg (BE) and Province of Dutch Limburg (NL) Chair: Speakers: Description: The local event will focus on the alignment of the Belgian Limburg investment strategy ‘Strategisch Actieplan Limburg² (SALK)’ and the Dutch Limburg strategy ‘Kennis-as Limburg’. This way, the local event endorses the theme of the Open Days consortium ‘connecting regional strategies across borders’, in which both provinces participate. First, both strategies will be presented to the audience during a plenary session. The main focus will be on the following themes : 1. Health cure innovation/med tech/bio tech, 2. creative economy and 3. tourism & leisure economy. The reason for the selection of these themes is that both provinces have taken important initiatives in these domains during the past years. During the plenary session, actions and overlapse in both strategies should be revealed. Also a best-practice example of cross-border collaboration between the two regions will be presented to the audience. After the plenary part, the participants will be divided in three workshops. Each of the workshops will broach one of the three themes mentioned above. The aim of the workshops is to brainstorm on the cross-border collaboration and project opportunities the strategies can offer. At best, some concrete cross-border project opportunities might come out of the workshops and then be guided to relevant European programmes. Target groups of participants: Representatives of public administrations, knowledge institutes and intermediate organisations. More information: 7 City of Maastricht (European challenges - local solutions) "European challenges, local solutions: European support for the period 2014-2020" Maastricht 13 November 2014 Connecting regional strategies Type: Workshop Organisers: City of Maastricht (Coordination: Mr Henrik Fokke, [email protected]) Chair: Speakers: Description: Maastricht’s local event will focus on how the city and the region are engaged with the European Union and the European 2020 goals and how we can benefit from the new European programmes 2014-2020 in order to contribute to these European goals. The workshop will showcase the various new European programmes like the structural funds ERDF, ESF and Interreg, but also the new thematic programmes like Creative Europe, Horizon2020 and the Connecting Europe Facility will be highlighted. This afternoon event will bring the Brussels Open Days back to the region, partly building on the theme debated in our Brussels event. We will look at potential projects and opportunities to learn from partners from other European countries. We will raise awareness about how Maastricht and the region are represented in Brussels and the advice and support that can be given to local organisations by the Maastricht regional office in Brussels. The event will be aimed at elected local politicians, officers and practitioners from local authorities, the regional development agency, social partners, universities, companies and non-governmental organisations. The content of the event will be designed to engage the audience including people who have little or no previous experience of European work and funding, in order to raise their awareness of the opportunities available. Target groups of participants: Representatives from the region’s universities, companies, social partners, local authorities and local government. More information: 8 Midden-Noord-Brabant (Health Cluster Europe) "Meet the members of LifetecZONe, Health Valley and Slimmer Leven 2020 at TU/ Eindhoven" Eindhoven 30 September 2014 Territorial cooperation Type: Networking event Organisers: LifetecZONe, Health Valley and Slimmer Leven 2020 at TU/ Eindhoven Chair: LifetecZONe, Ria Hein Speakers: 1. Tours: Preseyes het ooglab en medische robotica lab Het Biomechanica lab; Robotica lab. 2. Presentations: Healthvalley LifetecZONe Xendo 3. Table presentations (max. 35 companies Description: Lifeteczone is a network organisation for SMEs in Life sciences and Medtech. The September meeting will be a joint initiative with Health valley, a network organisation for health care organisations and SMEs, and the University of Technology in Eindhoven. Target groups of participants: SMEs, knowledge institutes and healthcare organisations. More information: 9 Noord-Brabant (Advanced co-operation in Demographic Change) "New funding period 2014-2020 in South-Netherlands – Smart Specialisation Strategy, accelerator for new industries" Maastricht 29 October 2014 Connecting regional strategies Type: Kick-off conference, debate Organisers: Provinces of Noord-Brabant, Zeeland, Limburg, Stimulus- Programme Management South Netherlands Chair: King’s commissioner of Limburg, Mr. Theo Bovens Speakers: Sharon Dijksma, Secretary of State (tbc) Bernard Wientjes, president VON-NCW (tbc) Wim van der Leegte, entrepreneur VDL (tbc) Ben Knapen, EIB (tbc) Theo Bovens, king’s commissioner and president supervisory committee OP South Netherlands Description: New funding period 2014-2020 in South Netherlands – S3 accelerator for new industries? The conference will be the kick-off for the new funding period in South-Netherlands. The provinces of Zeeland, Limburg and Noord-Brabant, together with their stakeholders, have completed the preparatory work. Although they have to face considerable reductions of ERDF, all parties are very ambitious. The conference will focus on the important issue of smart specialization and what this means for our industries. South Netherlands will continue to develop as a technology region. What does this mean for the manufacturing industry? The participants on the panel will discuss how South Netherlands and their cities, knowledge institutes and industries, can achieve these goals through better cooperation. Target groups of participants: Local and regional representatives, representatives of ministries, businesses and educational institutions. More information: 10 Northern Netherlands Provinces (Advanced co-operation Demographic Change) "ScanBalt Forum 2014: Active and Healthy Ageing" Groningen 8-10 October 2014 Connecting regional strategies Type: Forum Organisers: The 2014 ScanBalt Forum is organized by the Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands (HANNN) and the University Medical Center Groningen in close collaboration with the three Northern provinces: Groningen, Fryslân and Drenthe. Chair: Speakers: Description: The Northern Netherlands and the Baltic Sea Region are dealing with the same demographic changes: an elderly population, growing cities and low populated rural regions. The 2014 ScanBalt Forum will be focused on scientific and business development aspects of active and healthy ageing. About seventy speakers from the Northern- Netherlands and the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) will present results of fundamental and applied research, as well as on education and entrepreneurship during this three days event. This all in the stimulating environment of the University Medical Center Groningen and the historic Academia Building of the Groningen University. This year the Groningen University celebrates its 400th anniversary, while at the same time the Netherlands celebrate their 400 years of diplomatic connections with Sweden. Reason enough to come to Groningen. In 2013 the Northern Netherlands have been acknowledged by the European Commission as a Healthy Ageing reference region, an example for Europe how universities, industry and politics cooperate in finding solutions for the demographic change, for the ageing society, for prevention of chronic illnesses, for stimulating business development to find new diagnostic tools and devices that allow elderly maintain independent and to stay at home. Most of these issues will be highlighted at the ScanBalt Forum 2014 or can be initiated during the EDR matchmaking event that facilitates finding partners that are interested in cross border collaboration. Furthermore the ScanBalt Forum 2014 will house the second Annual Scientific Lifelines symposium that will be held on 8 October in the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. The topic of the Lifelines symposium is: From bench to biobank: biomarker development and challenges of biobank research, a rapidly increasing field. 11 in Target groups of participants: Representatives of industry and research institutions from the Northern Netherlands and the Baltic Sea Region will be brought together in a stimulating environment to exchange ideas, to make new contacts and to initiate international collaboration. More information: efintief.pdf 12 South East of Brabant (Health Cluster Europe) "Reshaping the future of health care for the next generation in a consumer driven world" Eindhoven 22-23 October 2014 Territorial cooperation Type: World Health & Design Forum Organisers: Cooperative Smart Living, Midpoint Brabant, Province of North-Brabant Chair: Speakers: Description: The international society is aging at a rapid pace. Nevertheless, living longer does not automatically entail one can stay healthy, active and independent. Following initiatives such as the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and Horizon 2020, Cooperative Smart Living, Midpoint Brabant and the province of North-Brabant have joined forces in organising the World Health & Design Forum. The aim is to inspire people to jointly initiate projects that contribute to: more healthy and active lives of elderly improvement of understanding of health, diseases and the process of aging prevention, detection and treatment of diseases development of new devices, methods and treatments in health care. This does not only relate to creating knowledge, but even more so to accelerating the implementation thereof. On October 22 and 23, 2014, the World Health & Design Forum will take place in Eindhoven during the Dutch Design Week (DDW). The programme will consist of plenary sessions; breakout sessions and side visits. Target groups of participants: Policy makers, health care organisations, patient organisations, universities and knowledge institutes, research institutes, hospitals, insurance companies, companies in the field of health and life sciences, press, end-users. More information: 13 Twente Region (European challenges - local solutions) "Connecting regional strategies: why, how and with whom?" Hengelo 30 October 2014 Connecting regional strategies Type: Conference and debate Organisers: Networkingcafé Twente in Europe in Twente EU office Twente EUREGIO Chair: Conference session 13 :00-16 :00 : chair of international affairs in Twente Discussion session 16 :00-18 :30 : Moderator Mr. Diele Biemold Speakers: Director of Foundation Pioneering (platform for innovative builders in the region) Knowledge park Twente (for innovating, starting and growing entrepreneurs) Advisor Public Affairs Region Twente/ City of Enschede, Almelo or Hengelo Description: Exploration of the different roles that play a part in connecting regional strategies. How can regional strategies better be linked by the parties involved? We discuss by using a concrete example which are innovative living labs from our region. The implementation of living labs connects all the triple helix parties. We will ask the questions: what are living labs and why are they of importance, how can they be effective, and who can be involved in setting them up. Central players are being invited to make durable connections and to discuss what roles they play in getting innovation implemented in local societies. Target groups of participants: Entrepreneurs mainly innovative entrepreneurs, local government, representatives from the region’s universities, local media, SME’s. More information: 14 Zeeland (Health Cluster Europe) "Innovations for health: how can Europe help us?" Middelburg 31 October 2014 Territorial cooperation Type: Seminar Organisers: NV Economische Impuls Zeeland Provincie Zeeland Chair: Arend Roos, Programme Manager Innovative Health Zeeland, Economische Impuls Zeeland Speakers: Arnoud Guikema, Provincie Zeeland Martijn Warmerdam, Reeleaf Prof. Olaf Timmermans, Universiteit van Antwerpen en Hogeschool Zeeland Description: Each day, more Zeelandic organisations are joining their forces in trying to find answer to the challenges in the field of health and welfare. Demographic change and budget cuts put pressure upon the public sector. This process can also be perceived as a challenge for innovators. Lots of projects and other initiatives aim at enabling the power of innovation and entrepreneurship in tackling these challenges. Zeeland is not the only region struggling with these topics. Cross border cooperation and exchange of experiences and best-practices would be very useful for organisations in this region. Besides, it would open new opportunities to find funding for Zeeland initiatives. This seminar focusses on European initiatives for ‘Innovation and healthy ageing’ and will: • Inform the audience about the EU policy on active and healthy ageing • Communicate the learning from the Brussels Open Days-session • Explain what EU-funding programs are applicable for these topics • End with exchange of project ideas and a matchmaking session Target groups of participants: Healthcare providers, Home care and elderly care, Municipalities, SMEs, Welfare organisations and the third sector representatives. More information: 15 II. Independent partner – other organisation/association organising a local event Mons 2015 Foundation "Mons 2015 on tour" Amsterdam 21 October 2014 Territorial cooperation Type: European Roadshow (presentation of Mons 2015 programme) Organisers: Wallonie Bruxelles Tourisme (WBT), general delegation Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (FWB) Wallonie Bruxelles international (WBI), Centre Wallonie Bruxelles international (CWBI) Chair: Speakers: Description: Mons 2015 will be European capital of Culture in 2015. The aim of this title is to spotlight a small our middle city size on the European map thanks to the Culture. It will encourage tourism and economy in the region. In 2015, Mons will present plenty of cultural activities such as exhibitions, artistic projects built with inhabitants, shows, concerts, family activities, digital projects, … The entire programme will be presented during a big and exceptional press conference in October 2014 in Mons and after that in different cities in Europe (Paris, Amsterdam, Cologne, London). Target groups of participants: Professional of culture and tourism: journalists, tour operator representatives, … More information: Website: Press: Video: 16
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