Homework 4 CDA 3101: Fall 2014 Due Date: 10/23/2014 11:30 PM Primary TA: Sebo Kim You are not allowed to take or give help in completing this assignment. Submit the PDF version of the submission in e-Learning (Sakai) before the deadline. Please do not submit your handwritten solution (no scanned PDF). Prepare your solution in Microsoft Word and convert it to PDF (File Save As PDF). Please include the following sentence on top of your submission: “I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this assignment”. Total Points: 33 pts 1. Assume that logic blocks needed to implement a processor’s datapath have the following latencies: I-Mem Add Mux ALU Regs D-Mem SignExtend ShiftLeft-2 200ps 70ps 20ps 90ps 90ps 250ps 15ps 10ps a) [3 points] What would be the cycle time if you are designing a processor that only fetches consecutive instructions (see Figure 1)? Show major steps in your computation. Figure 1: Fetching instructions and incrementing the program counter (same as Figure 4.6 in the textbook) b) [3 points] Consider a datapath in Figure 2, but for a processor that only has one type of instruction: unconditional PC-relative branch. What would be the cycle time be for this datapath? Show major steps in your computation. Figure 2: MIPS architecture that supports different instruction classes (same as Figure 4.11 in the textbook) c) [3 points] Now, we need to support only conditional PC-relative branches (see Figure 3). Assume that the latency for AND gate is 0. What would be the cycle time be for this datapath? Show major steps in your computation. Figure 3: MIPS architecture that supports conditional branch (same as Figure 4.21 in the textbook) 2. Assume that the following breakdown shows the total time used by different executed instructions. For example, the first column indicates that 20% of the total execution time is used by all ‘add’ instructions in a program. add addi not beq lw sw 20% 20% 0% 25% 25% 10% a) [3 points] What percentage of time the data memory is used? b) [3 points] What percentage of time the output of the sign-extend circuit is needed? 3. 10101100011000100000000000010100 is an instruction word given. Assume that data memory is all zeros and that the processor’s registers have the following values at the beginning of the cycle in which the above instruction word is fetched: r0 0 r1 -1 r2 2 r3 -3 r4 -4 r5 10 r6 6 r8 8 r12 2 r31 -16 Figure 4: Modified control and datapath handles jump instruction (same as Figure 4.24 in the textbook) a) [3 points] What are the outputs of the sign-extend and the jump “Shift left 2” unit (near the top of Figure 3) for this instruction word? b) [3 points] What are the values of the ALU control unit’s inputs for this instruction? c) [3 points] What is the new PC address after this instruction is executed? d) [3 points] For each Mux, show the values of its data output during the execution of this instruction with above register values. List the ones that are applicable (can be determined based on the instruction) in this case. Please keep an entry blank if output of a mux will not be used by this instruction. RegDst Mux ALUSrc Mux MemtoReg Mux Branch Mux Jump Mux e) [3 points] For the ALU and the two add units, what are their data input values? List the ones that are applicable (can be determined based on the instruction) in this case. ALU Add (PC +4) Add (Branch) f) [3 points] What are the values of all inputs for the “Registers” unit? List the ones that are applicable in this case (can be determined based on the instruction). You can keep it blank if output of a mux will not be used. RegWrite Read register 1 Read register 2 Write register Write data
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