Update me: Differentiation

Update me: Differentiation
London, Monday 2 March 2015
Lack of attention to pedagogy, skills and current changes in geographical
education can have a huge impact on the quality of geography teaching.
Through ‘Update Me’ sessions, we will provide insight into the latest
geographical thinking, link directly to governmental initiatives and changes
and focus on raising the skills and knowledge base of geography teachers at
every stage in their career.
Course details
Monday 2 March 2015, 5.00pm – 7.00pm
(Refreshments will be provided)
RGS-IBG, 1 Kensington Gore, London, SW7 2AR
Lecture style
Members (School Members / Fellows / ECT Members
/ Young Geographers) £35 inc VAT. Non Members £45
inc VAT. (Payment must be received in advance or your
place may be withdrawn)
To book
Complete the booking form overleaf and email, fax or
post it to us with your payment.
No refunds will be given for cancellations less than
three weeks before the event. Payment will still be
required from delegates who do not attend without
Chartered Geographers who attend this course can
claim two CPD points towards maintaining their status
in 2015
About the course leader
David Rendle has had twenty-three years experience
of geography teaching and spent eleven years as Head
of Geography at Pangbourne College, subsequent
to which he tutored the PGCE secondary geography
course at Durham University. He is now working as a
personal tutor, provider of teachers’ CPD training and a
leader of geography fieldwork. From September 2014,
David will also be tutoring the University of Chichester
PGCE programme.
Course programme
This differentiation ‘Update me’ session will cover:
• What is differentiation and why do we do it?
• Evaluating your department’s differentiation
• Different pupil needs and strategies to address
• Teaching strategies for mixed ability lessons, EAL
and gifted students
• Obstacles and opportunities
This two hour session aims to provide teachers
with a whistlestop tour of the highs and lows of
differentiation, including the obstacles to good
differentiation in the classroom and some strategies
and ideas to introduce successful differentiation into
your teaching.
It will cover working with EAL and gifted students, as
well as general mixed ability teaching. Whilst the
subject is fairly generic, where possible David will
use geographical examples to illustrate good
differentiation techniques.
This course is ideal for teachers who would like a
refresher about methods of differentiation and why it is
so important to get right, and also for those new to
teaching or moving to a school where differentiation
challenges are varied or complex.
Claire Brown, Education Department
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
1 Kensington Gore
London SW7 2AR
T +44 (0)20 7591 3053
F +44 (0)20 7591 3001
E [email protected]
W www.rgs.org/teachercpd
The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) supports teachers by sharing the very best geographical teaching and learning resources, providing high quality
professional development opportunities and recognising individual success through grants and awards. www.rgs.org/schools
Update me: Differentiation
London, Monday 2 March 2015
About you
School address
Email (our preferred method)
Telephone (day and mobile)
Your details may be used to contact you about future CPD events at the Society unless you request otherwise.
Booking options
Please tick appropriate selection
Have you any special requirements or other needs we
should be aware of?
□ School Member £35 □ Fellow £35
□ ECT Member £35 □ Other Member £35
□ Non-member £45
Membership number
Payment method
Please tick as appropriate
□ Invoice
How did you find out about the course?
Purchase order number
□ Cheque (made payable to RGS-IBG)
□ Credit / debit card
Card number
Start date
Expiry date
Issue number
Card type
Note Invoices must be settled in full before the date of the course or
your place may be withdrawn. Final confirmation of your booking will
be sent out on receipt of payment. All prices include VAT at 20%. No
refunds on bookings cancelled less than 3 weeks before the course.
Payment must still be made if you do not attend the course without
Return to:
Claire Brown, Education Department
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
1 Kensington Gore
London SW7 2AR
T +44 (0)20 7591 3053
F +44 (0)20 7591 3001
E [email protected]
W www.rgs.org/teachercpd
The information given on this form will be held by the RGS-IBG on a computer in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 1998 and will be used for administrative purposes in relationship to this event and future relevant professional development opportunities. We will not disclose your details to any third parties.