ABA SPONSORS About the ABA of Pa & NJ PA & NJ

About the ABA of Pa & NJ
Fish GREAT waters at “prime
time”: The ABA is the longest
standing team tournament trail in the
northeast. At some venues, we get
priority over other trails when booking
our tournament dates.
One Tournament Per Month: You do
not have to choose between the
federation or your local club to
fish the ABA. Many of our members
fish both their local clubs or the
Federation, as well as the ABA circuit.
Good Competition: If you’re looking
for top flight competition to measure
yourself against – you have found it
here. Get to know some of our teams
and you will find them to be open and
welcoming. Heck, some of them are
downright hilarious!
Sunday November 2nd 2014
Where: Delaware River
(Neshaminy State Park)
Check in: 5:30am – 6:30 am
Good Sportsmanship: You won’t
find members “muscling in” right
where you are fishing. There is a
common respect among all ABA
Talk to our members during the
Fred Huch Memorial Open!
We’ll see you there!
Times: 7:00am – 2:00pm
Open to ALL anglers
100% Payout on Lunker
Fred Eurick – President - 908-237-2482
Mark Dilatush – Vice President - 609-433-0649
Marc Shoenfelt- Tournament Dir. - 717-808-0937
Jerry Madden – Sec. / Treasurer – 610-656-6475
Mailing Address
American Bass Association PA & NJ
421 Font Road
Downingtown Pa 19335
ENORMUS Payout as a result of
$2500 added by the Huch Family
20 entries pays $5200 to 5 places
30 entries pays $6550 to 6 places
40 entries pays $7900 to 7 places
50 entries pays $9250 to 8 places
Tournament Application
State:____ Zip Code:________
Boat Length: _________ft
Engine Size: _______hp
Insurance Co:________________
Policy Number:_______________
Entry Fee $150.00 "Lunker Pot"
$10.00 Total $160.00
3 ways to enter:
Mail: must be received by 10/23/2014
Online: by 8/26/2014 at
Day of the Tournament: $170.00
Cash Only
Method of Payment: Check/Money
Order** Payable to: American Bass
Association PA & NJ
By entering an American Bass Association PA &
NJ tournament, I hereby waive all liability claims
against tournament sponsors, hosts, tournament
officials and all parties associated with said
tournament. I agree to all tournament rules and
agree to submit to a polygraph test if required.
All applicants must show the following at the
ramp: a valid boat insurance card and a valid
fishing license.
Boater - ___________________
Rider - ____________________
Mailing Address
American Bass Association PA & NJ
421 Font Road
Downingtown Pa 19335
the unique benefits of our fishing
If there was a member in need,
whether it was confusion over an
application or an on the water
emergency - Fred was the first one in
line to help.
This open tournament is devoted to
the many, many wonderful memories
of Mr. Fred Huch.
We lost our dear friend and fellow
angler in September 2010. Fred was
our tournament director for years.
But to simply connect him with the
title of tournament director, doesn’t
come close to his true impact on all
of us. Fred Huch ALWAYS had a
warm greeting, a hand shake, and a
smile on his face.
Fred gave and gave and gave. He
gave happily and endlessly of his own
time and his own money in support
of the ABA of PA & NJ. He was the
type of gentleman that actually
enjoyed the hours and hours of work
involved with being not only our
tournament director, but one of the
leaders of our Board of Directors.
Fred reached out to the fishing
community to spread the word about
In short, there wasn’t anything Fred
Huch wouldn’t do for his family or the
ABA of PA & NJ. We were honored to
be a part of Fred’s extended family.
The ABA of PA & NJ will be holding
one open tournament each year in
Fred Huch’s honor.
This event will be a tournament open
to everyone. Can’t find a Partner…
No problem Fish by yourself.. Our
Goal is to introduce the ABA of PA &
NJ to fishermen who aren’t familiar
with our circuit come one come all.
Just as Fred would have wanted.
It will be well supported by our
sponsors. Fred loved it when those
who finished just out of the money
had another chance to take
something home.
Join us. You’ll have a great time.