Oct-Nov 2014 UPCOMING EVENTS Oct. 3 MNHS Blood Drive Parent ads for Seniors in Yearbook due Oct. 9 Mock Interviews Oct. 13 7:00pm AfterProm Orientation/Informational Mtg. Oct. 14 End of 1st Quarter Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8:00 pm Oct. 15 NO SCHOOL – PSAT/Staff Development Oct. 16 NO SCHOOL – Teacher/Nurse Work Day Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8:00 pm Oct. 17 NO SCHOOL – Teacher/Nurse Comp Day Oct. 21 9:00am Senior Meeting with Jostens Oct. 25 ACT at MNHS Oct. 26 6:00pm 7th Annual Metro Cheer & Dance Showcase Oct. 31 4:00 pm Senior Pictures due Oct. 29-31 Senior Josten’s Orders due during lunch Nov. 3 6:30pm Swim & Dive Informational Mtg. Nov. 6 7:15am & 3:25pm Girls Track & Field Informational Mtg. Nov. 27-28 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break Millard North High School MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Millard North is to guarantee that each student masters the academic skills and develops character traits and intercultural understanding through challenging, diverse, personalized opportunities that prepare, engage, and motivate students to pursue career pathways and contribute nationally and internationally. Page INDEX 2 MNHS Mustang Page Assessment Schedule ...... 3 Blood Drive .................... 4 AfterProm ....................... 4 Conferences .................... 4 IC App ............................ 4 Metro Dance/Cheer ........ 5 FCCLA ........................... 5 Girls Track/Field ............ 5 Swimming/Diving ........... 5 Senior Pictures ............... 6 Senior Parent Ads........... 7 AfterProm Volunteer ...... 8 Environmental Protection Agency ......................... 9 Counselor’s Corner ...... 10 Domestic Violence Awareness Month ....... 11 IB Diploma Program .... 12 MN Advanced Placement Scholars 2013-14 ....... 13 MNHS Paybac Partners 16 Graduation Info ............ 17 School Calendar ........... 19 ATTENDANCE: 402-715-1223 (Use this number to report absences, call students in late, appointments, or phone messages) SPORTS SCHEDULES: www.mhsaaconference.org LUNCH MONEY: www.mylunchmoney.com PARENT ACCESS: www.mpsomaha.org MNHS: www.mps.mnhs.schoolfusion.us/ BAND: http://www.mnband.net/ ORCHESTRA: http://mnhsorch.com/ SHOW CHOIRS: http://www.millardnorthshowchoirs.org/ GUIDANCE: http://mps.mnhs.schoolfushion.us/ Click on Guidance FORENSICS: http://mps.mnhsforensics.net/ COUNSELING DEPARTMENT 402-715-1379 A - Br............................... Laurie Stackhouse Bu-Fen ............................. Paul Gabel Feo-Hud .......................... Carmen Hippen Hue-Mac ......................... Loel Schettler Mad-Peterson .................. Jillian Depue Peth-Stac ........................ Jodi Therkelsen Stad-Z ............................ Andy Hahn Millard Board of Education Millard North Administration Mr. Dave Anderson Mr. Mike Kennedy Mr. Paul Meyer Mr. Mike Pate Ms. Linda Poole Mr. Pat Ricketts Dr. Jim Sutfin, Superintendent Mr. Brian Begley, Principal Ms. Mary Bayne, Assistant Principal Mr. Aaron Bearinger, Assistant Principal Mr . Casey Lundgren, Assistant Principal Ms. Susan Marlatt, Assistant Principal Mr. Chad Zimmerman, Activities Director Page 3 MNHS Mustang MILLARD NORTH HIGH SCHOOL 2014-15 Assessment Schedule PPT=Paper/Pencil Test CBA=Computer Based Assessment Test Type Gr Test Name Test Date(s) Test Time(s) PPT 9 Friday, September 26, 2014 8:00 am – 12:30 pm PPT 10 Friday, September 26, 2014 8:00 am – 12:30 pm PPT 10 ACT ASPIRE 9 ACT ASPIRE 10 AWA CBA 11 Wednesday, January 21, 2015 and Thursday, January 22, 2015 Wed., January 21, 2015 (A-K) Thursday, January 22, 2015 (LZ) 8:00-9:45 AM 8:00-9:45 AM 8:00 am - 9:45 am 8:00 am - 9:45 am CBA 11 Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Students will be pulled from Science classes CBA 11 Tuesday, March 31, 2015 Wednesday, April 1, 2015 Students will be pulled from English classes CBA 11 Tuesday, April 7, 2015 Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Students will be pulled from Math classes PPT 11 Tuesday, April 28, 2015 8:00- Noon PPT 11 Tuesday, May 12, 2015 8:00-Noon NeSA-W (State Writing Assessment) NeSA-S (State Science Assessment) NeSA-R (State Reading Assessment) NeSA-M (State Math Assessment) ACT Assessment ACT Makeup Page 4 MNHS Mustang BLOOD DRIVE The annual Millard North Blood Drive is again upon us, and will be held on Friday, Oct. 3 from 8 AM to 1:30 PM. If you are at least 16 years old and would like to donate, please see Mr. Ott in Room 1615 or talk to one of Mr. Ott’s students to sign up for an appointment. Teenage blood donors are reminded that they need a permission slip in order to donate, a picture ID or Red Cross Donor card, and should eat a hardy breakfast the day of the drive. Permission slips can be obtained from Mr. Ott in room 1615. AFTERPROM Please plan on attending an After Prom Orientation/Informational Meeting on Monday, October 13th at 7:00 in the Mustang Center. You will learn more about After Prom, why it was started, this year’s theme and volunteer opportunities. If you have already signed up for a committee, this is the perfect time to meet your committee chair. If you are interested in learning more about the event, but not sure where you’d like to get involved, please come and we will answer any questions you may have. We had over 900 students attend our last event, a night filled with entertainment, prizes and unlimited food. Volunteers are needed before, during and after the event. This is open to parents of all grade levels. Please come and see how you can help provide our students with a fun, safe night! CONFERENCES Parents or Guardians of each student are encouraged to come to conferences on October 14th or October 16th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. You will first be given a copy of your student's report card. You can then enter the gyms and take a few minutes to speak with any teacher regarding your student's progress. If you wish to speak at length, please request a personal conference at another time with that teacher . If the teacher is already conferencing with another parent you are asked to stand at a respectable distance to await your turn. We look forward to visiting with you. Infinite Campus - There's an App for That! Parents and students can now have access to attendance, schedule, assignments and grades on their iPhone, iPad or Android devices utilizing the Infinite Campus Mobile Portal App. You will log into the app using the same username and password that you currently use for the Campus Portal on the web. Instructions for downloading the app can be found by logging into your Campus Portal account on the web and clicking on the App Store icon. Page 5 MNHS Mustang 7th Annual Metro Dance and Cheer Showcase The Millard North Dance Team will be hosting the 7th Annual Metro Cheer and Dance Showcase at 6:00pm on October 26, 2014 in the Millard North gymnasium. Area High School and College Dance and Cheer teams will perform. The event is open to the public $5 for Adults and $3 for students. The Dance team will also host a dance clinic for boys and girls ages 3 years-8th grade the day of the showcase; see the Millard Activity Express for registration. FCCLA FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) is a national organization with a chapter of students at Millard North whose mission is service. Every month the FCCLA members do a service project for the community or the school. The Month of October FCCLA members along with the members of the History Club will be making greeting cards and patriotic cupcakes to hand out to the men and women veterans including the spouses of veterans at the nearby retirement homes. The FCCLA members benefit from the joint experience and the veterans are very willing to tell stories about their military service. The treats and cards are handed out on Veterans Day after school. Students who want to become members of FCCLA need to pick up an application form from Room 2633. Turn the completed form with dues money attached to any FCS teacher by Wednesday, October 8, 2014. 2015 GIRLS TRACK & FIELD TEAM All girls planning on being a member of the 2015 Girls Track and Field team need to attend one of the two informational meetings being held on Thursday, November 6 in the PE classroom, Room 1508. Meeting times are 7:15 a.m. and 3:25 p.m. If you are unable to attend, see Coach Reed. SWIMMING & DIVING Parent and athlete meeting in room 1508 (PE Classroom) November 3rd at 6:30 PM. Please check millardnorthswimming.com for the updated and current information. Suit orders and t-shirt orders available October 1st and early orders will be placed Oct. 15th. Pre-season Conditioning: Every Monday (7:00 AM) Tuesday (6:30), and Thursday (6:30) through November 6th. We will be doing a variety of activities - Weight Lifting, Running, and cross training. Athletes need to be prepared for all activities. Athletic Physical: Athletes who participating in preseason or swimming/diving need to have a physical on file for 2014-2015. Please contact Sande Linbo if you have questions on your eligibility. Start of the season is November 17th. The first week schedule will be posted on the team website. Questions: Please contact Head Coach Andy Cunningham at 402-715-1403 or [email protected] Page 6 MNHS Mustang Page 7 MNHS Mustang Page 8 MNHS Mustang Page 9 MNHS Mustang Page 10 MNHS Mustang Counselor’s Corner Counselors for 9-12th Graders: A - Bt Mrs. Stackhouse Bu - Fen Mr. Gabel Feo - Hud Mrs. Hippen Hue - Mac Mr. Schettler Mad – Pe Mrs. DePue Peth - Stac Mrs. Therkelsen Stad - Z Mr. Hahn Youth Services Coordinator: Peggy Breard Psychologists: Terrin Dorathy and Kelley O’Toole Pre-College Testing Schedule The PSAT/NMSQT, a shortened version of the SAT, is scheduled for Wednesday October 15 from 8 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. at MNHS. This is the only date the test will be given at MNHS. The PSAT is optional. A letter was mailed to all homes of 11th grade stduents and to 9th and 10th grade students recommended to take the PSAT. The ASPIRE test will be given to ALL Freshmen and Sophomores on the morning of Friday, September 26. Once the test concludes, students will have class in the afternoon. ASPIRE is a shortened version of the ACT college admission test that most MNHS students take during their junior and senior year. The ASPIRE test is free to students (Millard pays) and there is no registration for students to complete at home. ACT and SAT NATIONAL TEST DATES Future Test Dates for ACT: Test Date Registration Date October 25, 2014 December 13, 2014 February 7, 2015 April 18, 2015 June 13, 2015 September 19, 2014 November 7, 2014 January 9, 2015 March 13, 2015 May 8, 2015 Future Test Dates for SAT: The SAT is not given at MNHS – Check registration for location. Test Date Registration Date October 11, 2014 November 8, 2014 December 6, 2014 January 24, 2015 March 14, 2015 May 2, 2015 June 6, 2015 September 12, 2014 October 9, 2014 November 6, 2014 December 29, 2014 February 13, 2015 April 6, 2015 May 8, 2015 Students must register with Collegeboard on-line @ www.collegeboard.com There are a variety of review classes for both the ACT and SAT. See the MNHS website, under Guidance, Test Prep for further details. Scholarships Beginning this year, the “Guidance News” (senior newsletter) will be posted on Family Connection and via school e-mail to students. The “Guidance News” can also be found on the Millard North website under the Guidance section at: www.mps.mnhs.schoolfusion.us Viewing the “Guidance News” online gives the reader access to LIVE websites for scholarships and colleges. SAVE THE DATE Junior & Senior College and Career Readiness Day (Step Out Day) is Friday, September 26. What a great opportunity for our juniors and seniors to “step out” and participate in a College Visit, Career Shadow or Service activity. This day is designated for our juniors and seniors. Students Striving for Excellence Parents can influence their children in the direction of achieving excellence by following some of the tips from the Keeper Page: The Newsletter of the National Runaway Switchboard. Encourage academic goals. Help teens make the connection between what they’re doing in school now and the kind of work they’ll be able to do when they’re adults. Set high expectations for performance. Reinforce to your teen that hard work pays off in better grades and more choice in selecting colleges or jobs. Students must register with ACT on-line, @ www.act.org Set clear, firm expectations for homework. Never communicate the message that you think your teen is incapable or stupid. Page 11 MNHS Mustang Financial Aid Meeting for Seniors A financial aid meeting for seniors and parents will be Tuesday, January 13 at 6:00 P.M. at Millard South High School. A representative from the EducationQuest Foundation will talk about College Financial Aid and answer questions about completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). The FAFSA in essence is the application for state, federal and college specific aid. Colleges use the results of the FAFSA to determine your family’s “expected family contribution” (EFC) or in other words what they are expecting you to pay towards the total cost of education at your college. Even if you predict that your EFC will be high, it is still important to complete and submit the FAFSA because you never really know what you might qualify for. By not completing the FAFSA you will never know. By not completing the FAFSA you will not qualify for most, if not all, the aid a college can offer. Response Counselor: The Counseling Department is continuing with a "Response Counselor" model. We are hoping that this will help students (and parents) get information, questions answered, forms signed, etc. in a timely manner. A student may still make an appointment to see his/her assigned Counselor to follow up on personal issues, work on college planning, etc. There is a Response Counselor on duty every day. Many schools use a Response Counselor and find it an efficient way of using all counselors’ time in a more effective manner. The idea is to have one counselor (called the Response Counselor) take all walk-in students and phone calls for the entire day. This allows the other counselors to visit with students they need to see, write letters of recommendation, write curriculum, do classroom presentations, etc. The Response Counselor duty is rotated daily using all of the counselors. There are also benefits for teachers and students. For example, students do not have to sit and wait and miss class time. Often a student can get his/her issue resolved by the Response Counselor and get back to class in just a few minutes. There is a calendar posted on the Counseling Center door that tells students who the Response Counselor for each day will be for the entire month. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month With all the media attention surrounding Ray Rice, domestic violence has been brought to the forefront. Domestic violence is defined by the U.S. Department of Justice as “a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner”. Teen dating violence falls under this category. According to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), “Every year, approximately 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical abuse from a dating partner. It is also known that 3 in 4 parents have never talked to their children about domestic violence.” (For more information, please consult the website: www.nrcdv.org). Please take a moment to talk to your children about how domestic violence is NEVER acceptable. A relationship may be considered abusive if someone is: Intimidating a partner with guns, knives or other weapons, Pressuring a partner to have sex when they don’t want to or do things sexually they are not comfortable with Pressuring a partner to use drugs or alcohol Looking at a partner or acting in ways that scare them Controlling who a partner sees, where the partner goes, or what the partner does or Preventing a partner from making their own decisions Both girls and boys can be victims of teen dating violence. If you are concerned that your child may be involved in a violent relationship, talk to them or seek assistance from your religious leaders, a counselor or from one of the hotlines listed below. Teens can seek assistance through www.loveisrespect.org or text “loveis” to 22522 and get assistance via text. We all need to work together to keep our kids safe. Boys Town National Helpline 1-800-448-3000 Nebraska Family Helpline 1-888-866-8660 National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 Page 12 MNHS Mustang MNHS IB Diploma Program News · MNHS students of the Class of 2014 in the IB Diploma Program learned their end of course results in July. The highest number of total points scored for the Class of 2014 was 39. (The minimum total points required to earn the IB Diploma is 24 and the maximum is 45.) 38 of 46 candidates were awarded the IB Diploma. Best of all, the average end of course score earned by the Class of 2014 was 5.20 on the IB 7-point scale – the highest of the eleven MNHS classes of IB Diploma graduates since the first in 2004. CONGRATULATIONS to the Class of 2014, their families, and their teachers for a job well done! · IB Diploma juniors and seniors met individually with the IB Diploma Coordinator in August and September to confirm their registration information for the May 2015 IB Diploma exams. · For school year 2014-15, the fee of $110 for each IB Diploma subject exam will be paid by a grant through the Millard Public Schools Foundation. To earn the IB Diploma, each candidate takes exams in six subjects, the fees for which total $660 this year. Families of IB Diploma Juniors will still be asked to pay the Registration fee, which is $160 this year, covering both years of the two-year program. · Plans are currently being made for this year’s Group 4 Project: all IB DP Science students research a relevant real world problem (set for them by their IB DP Science teachers). Past Group 4 Projects have investigated lead contamination in connection with the Omaha Lead Superfund site administered by the US EPA, the effects of the Missouri River flood of 2011, and the scientific pros and cons of the proposed Keystone Pipeline. Students work together collaboratively in small groups. Individual students in each team act as the team’s “experts”, researching the problem from the perspectives of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. · Some IB DP students have already begun work on Internal Assessment (IA) tasks and others will begin their IAs throughout the fall depending on the class. The IAs assigned for each class are unique - as specified by IB for each IB Diploma subject. The IAs typically require roughly 3 months of work outside of class and count 20-50% (depending on the subject) of the end-of-course IB Diploma score. Page 13 MNHS Mustang Page 14 MNHS Mustang Page 15 MNHS Mustang Page 16 MNHS Mustang Millard North High School’s Project PAYBAC Partners 2014 – 2015 Our PAYBAC Partners are awesome! Our partners are very supportive of MNHS’s curriculum and students. Our partnership with our business partners is successful because of the strong relationships we have with them through collaboration and involvement at our school. They volunteer to participate in our Mock Interviews, provide job shadowing experiences and publicity for events at MNHS, supply incentives for our staff members, come into our classrooms as guest speakers, fundraise to offer The Careerbuilders Scholarship for our students, and a lot more. MNHS has adopted the policy not to ask for monetary donations from our PAYBAC Partners. Below is a list of our wonderful PAYBAC Partners. Please support them by visiting and/or contacting them for their services. If you know of a business that is interested in becoming a partner with MNHS, please have them contact Tina GradelTingwald, MNHS’s Project PAYBAC Liaison, at [email protected]. Airborne Academy 11234 John Galt Blvd. Omaha, NE 68137 Amplified Image Marketing 6775 S. 118th Street, Ste. 101 Omaha, NE 68137 Barnes & Noble 3333 Oakview Drive Omaha, NE 68144 First National Bank 2605 S. 133 Plaza Omaha, NE 68144 Gallup Organization 10802 Farnam, Ste. 200 Omaha, NE 68154 Hy-Vee @ 132nd & Dodge 747 N. 132nd St. Omaha, NE 68154 Huntington Learning Center 545 N. 155 St. Omaha, NE 68154 John Klopp Insurance Agency 2201 N. 90th St. #124 Omaha, NE 68134 Mama’s Pizza West 15615 Pacific Street Omaha, NE 68118 Methodist Hospital 8303 Dodge St. Omaha, NE 68114 Millard Wellness 2871 S. 168th Street Omaha, NE 68130 Mutual of Omaha Bank 17041 Lakeside Hills Plaza Omaha, NE 68130 Noodles & Company 12414 L Street Omaha, NE 68137 Project Wee Care 705 S. 153rd Circle Omaha, NE 68154 Rivera’s Mexican Restaurant 12047 Blondo Street Omaha, NE 68164 Schlotzsky’s 2782 S. 129th Ave. Omaha, NE 68144 SportClips 575 N. 155th St. Omaha, NE 68154 Texas Roadhouse 520 S. 155th Ave. Omaha, NE 68154 Tri-V Tool and Die 13435 Centech Road Omaha, NE 68138 Vintage Financial Group 14217 Dayton Cir. Ste. 3 Omaha, NE 68137 Woodmen of the World Woodmen Tower 1700 Farnam St. Omaha, NE 68102 Page 17 MNHS Mustang Page 18 MNHS Mustang Page 19 MNHS Mustang
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