4262 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 23, 1870. 18th day of September, 1870, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 21st day of September, 1870. MORLEY arid SHIRREFF, Attorneys for the said Claude Linnoeus Daly. The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the London Bankruptcy Court. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by Isaac Leach Stott the younger, of No. 73, Milton-street, in the city of. London, and No. 34, Faubourg St. Martin, Paris, Manchester Warehouseman. OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the Guildhall Tavern, No. 32, Gresham-street, in the city of London, on the 10th day of October, 1870, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely. —Dated this 19th day of September, 1870. EDWD.'J. BATCHELOR, No. 1,' Queen-street, 1 Cheapside, London, Attorney for the said Debtor. N The Bankruptcy Act, 1 869. In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by^Arrangemeut or Composition with Creditors, instituted by John Croi.sl.-y the younger, of No. 24, Market place, m the city of Manchester, Iron Merchant. TVJ OTtCE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting JL^I ol the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to he held at the offices of Messrs. Parttngton and All«n, of Townhall-buildiiigs, King-street, in the city of Manchester, Solicitors, on the 17th day of October, 1870, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely.— Dated this 19th day of September, 1870. PARTINGTON and ALLEN, Townhall-buildings, King-street, Manchester, Attorneys for the said John Crossley. The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by The Bankruptcy Act, 1869, Wright% Higginbottom, of West Gorton and Longsight, In the County Court of Surrey, holden at Croydon. both in the county of Lancaster, Builder and Contractor, In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangelately trading in copartnership with Andrew Learment, ment* or -Composition with Creditors, instituted by at West Gorton and Longsight aforesaid, as Builders and Edward Barnard, of Epsom, in the county of Surrey, Contractors, under the style or firm of Higginbottom and . Gentleman. Learment. "VT OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting _LM of the creditors of the above-named person has been VJ OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting summoned-to-be held at the office of Mr. Henry Arthur ill of the creditors of the above. named person has been Dubois, No. 2, Grestiam-buildings, Basinghall-street, in the summoned to be held at the office of Rowley, Page, and city of London, Public Accountant, on the 12th day of Rowley, No. 2, Clarence-buildings, Booth-street, in the October, 1870, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely.— city of Manchester, on the 6th day of October, 1870, at twelve o'clock at noon precisely.— Dated this 19th day of Dated thi»21st day of September, 1870. WM. MAYNARD, No. 10, Clifford's Inn, London, September, 1870. ROWLEY. PAGE, and ROWLEY, No. 2, Cla. • Attorney for the said Edward Barnard. rence-buildings, Booth-street, Manchester, At'.."',[ •" . .The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. torneys for the said Debtor. In the County Court of Surrey, holden at Croydon. In the .Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by ArrangeThe Bankruptcy Act, 1869. ment ,of- Composition with Creditors, instituted by Patrick Murdoch, of Nittudale Villa, Park-road, Croy- la the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. In the Matter. of Proceedings ior Liquidation by Arrangedon, in the county of Surrey, Engineer, mem or Composition with Creditors, instituted by "VTOTICE is hereby given, that a First;General Meeting Isaac William Gault, of No. 6, Chapel-square, BirchinJ3t of the creditors of the above-named person has been lane, Church-street, Manchester, in the county of Langammoned to be held at the Guildhall Coffee-house, caster. Umbrella Manufacturer. Gresham-streef, in the city of London, on the llth day of OTICE is hereby given, that 'a First General Meeting October, 187,Q,,at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely. of the creditors of the above-named person 'has been —Dated ibis 21st .day of September, 1870. HY. PARRY, No. 9, Bush-lane, E.O., and Croydon- summoned to be held at the offices of Mr. Richard Brown, Solicitor, No. 17, Dickinson-street, Manchester, on the s 'grqye, Croydon, Attorney for the said Patrick 10th day of October, 1670, at three o'clock in the afterj.TVIjirdocn. . ... . . • noon' precisely.— Dated -this 21st day of September, 1870. - i M ' ) . > The Bankruptcy-Acr, 1869. RICHARD BROWN, No. 17, Dickinson-street, In the County Conrt of Kent, bolden at Canterbury. Manchester, Attorney for the 'said Isaac William In ibe Matteriof Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement . or* Composition with Creditors, instituted by . John. Sutherland, of No. 25, Granville-terrace. in the '' ! : f : ' ( Th'e Bankruptcy* AcVi869.,. , . . town tof Folkestone, in the county of Kent, Plumber, In the County Conrt of Lancashire, bolden at Manchester. PalnterjlBttdiGlazier. • ' • • > . OTICE is •hereby given, that a First General Meeting In the Matter of Proceedings for . Liquidation by Arrangement 'or 'Composition with Creditors, instituted by of the creditors of the above-named person has been Thomas 'Henry Guilfo'rd. late of Bee Hive' Mills, Jerseysummonedttotbe held at the Guildhall Tavern, in the city street/in j the city of 'Manchester, Cotton Doubler, but of London, on the 5th day of October, 1870," at one o'clock now residing at No. '33, Grafton-street, Oxford -street, in in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 20th day of Septemthe same city, 'Manager. ' . '. , ber, 1870. ' . OTICE is hereby given, that a Second General Meeting JOHN- MINTER, Folkestone, Kent, Attorney for of the creditors of the above-named person has been the; said -Debtor. summoned to be • held' at thei offices of Messrs. Sale, " .:: "'iWBankruptcy Act, 1869. . Sbipman, Seddon, and Sale, Solicitors, No. 29, Booth-street, In the'County,Court of Essex, holden at Chelmsford. in the city of Manchester, on the' '£9th day of September, In the Matter of'Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- 1870, at three o'clock in 'the afternoon precisely. —Dated ment or. Composition with Creditors, instituted by this 22ud day of September, 1870. Alfred BrbVn, trading under the name of Alfred Browne, SALE, SHIPMAN, SEDDON, and SALE, No. 29, of N6s."67.and69, High-street, Braintree, in the county . Booth-street, Manchester, Attorneys for the .said of EssexV Watchmaker, Jeweller, and Milliner. Thomas Henry Guilford. ' ' ' OTIO^V,Hereby given, that a First General Meeting : of the creditors of the above-named person has been The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. • • summoned ,tp be held at the offices of Messrs. Duffield and In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Oldham. Brnty, Solicitor's,'High-street, Chelmsford, on the 11th day of October, 1870, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon pre- In the Matter of .Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or. Composition . with Creditors, instituted by cisely.—Dated this 19th day of September, 1870. John Crossley, of Ash worth Houses, Bagstate, in the ALFRED BROWN, Debtor. township of Spotland, and the New Market, in the townThe Bankruptcy Act, 1869. ship of Ward eworth, both in the parish of Rochdale, in In the County Court of Berkshire, holden at Windsor. the county of Lancaster, Butcher, and lately of No. 49, In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by ArrangeBurv-rbad, in the said township of Spotland, and parish ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by of Rochdale, and there lately carrying on business as a Hugh/ Deane* of the Royal Oak Brewery, Uzbridge, in Grocer and Butcher. the county of Middlesex, Brewer. OTICE is. hereby given, that a First General Meeting OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the creditors of the above-named person has been of the creditors of the above-named person has been summoned to be held at the offices of Mr. John Holland, summoned to be held at my office, No. 14, Walbrook, in the Solicitor, No. 19, Baillie-street, Rochdale, in the county of city of Londoo, on the 6th day of October, 1870, at.two Lancaster, on the 6th day of October, 1870, at three o'clock o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 10th day of in the afternoon precisely.— Dated this 19th day of SepSeptember; 1870. tember, 1B70. HENRY DEANE. No. 14, Walbrook, E.G., AttorJ. HQLLAND, No. 19, Baillie-street, Rochdale, ncy for the said Debtor. , Attorney for the said Debtor. N N N N N N
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