AOJO ' R . /12,QJO; . ·. . . FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REP , FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2009 • . I. Puson Reporting (last name, fir;t, middle initial) ©1ortRequiredbythe£thics Government Act of I 9 78 • !/ \J 5 u.s.c. opp.§§ 101-11 JJ 3. Date of Report 06128/2010 U.S. District Court, SONY (Article lII judges indicate active or senior status; magistratejudges indicate full- or part-time) U.S. Magistrate Judge Full Time Sa. Report Type (check appropriate 0 0 Sb. 7. Chambers or OffKc Address U.S. Courthouse 40 Centre Street New York. New York D\ l ' 2. Court or Oq;anlz•tion Fox, Kevin N. 4. Title f-') :. ( 0 Dt 01/01/2009 ae Nomination, 0 Initial 6. Reporting Period type) Annual 0 to Final 12131/2009 Amended Report 8. On the basis of the information contained in tlii• Report and any modifications pertaining thereto, it b, in with applicable laws and regulations. 10007 my opinion, in compliance t Da e Reviewing Officer IMPORTANT NOTES: The instructions accompanying this farm must be followed. Complete all parts, checking the NONE box for each part where you have no reportable information. Sign on last page. I. POSITIONS. D (Rl!porfing itulividuaf only; ... pp. 9-IJ offiling instructions.) NONE (No reportable positions.) POSITION NAME OF ORGANIZATION/ENTITY I. 2. Trustee Trust #1 CJ '= 3. , .. 4. c:..: 5. ··· a:.:.-F 'l CJ fTl II. AGREEMENTS. [Z] rn J (J-'. ill )> -9 < rn 0 ..0 {Rtportlng indfriJuaf only;'" pp. U-16 tf > fiting instruc.lions.) NONE (No reportable agreements.) PARTIES AND TERMS I. 2. 3. Fox, Kevin N. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 2of8 Name of Person Fox, IIJ. NQN-INVESTMENT JNCOME. ReportinfF> Kevin N. Date of Report 0612812010 (Reporting indfridual and 5pouS<; see pp. 17-U of filing in•lruction. ) A. Filer's Non-Investment Income [{] NONE (No reportable non-investment income.) INCOME SOURCE AND TYPE (yours, not spouse's) I. 2. 3. 4. B. Spouse's Non-Investment Income - lfyo11 were m11rrid during any portU>n o/1herq10rting year, complete this section. (Dollar amount not requiredexcept for honoraria.) [{] NONE (No reportable non-investment income.) SOURCE AND TYPE I. 2. 3. 4. IV. REIMBURSEMENTS -tran5porlation, llldging,food, en/ertainmmL (lncluda tho$c to spouS< and dependent childrr:n; supp. 15-27 offiling [{] NONE (No reportable reimbursements.) SOURCE I. 2. 3. 4. 5. imtruc1io11s.) LOCATION PURPOSE ITEMS PAID OR PROVIDED FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 3 of 8 · N1me of Penon Reporting Fox, Kevin N. rr :? Date of Report 06/2812010 V. GIFTS. (Includes those to spoMSe and dependmt cJU!Jren; supp. 18-31 offiling instructions.) [ZJ NONE (No reportable gifts.) SOURCE DESCRIPTION VALUE I. 2. J. 4. 5. VI. LIABILITIES. (lncl ..d<S [Z] 2. 3. 4. 5. ofspouse and drpendenl c!tiltlren; supp. Jl-JJ offiling instructions.) NONE (No reportable liabilities.) CREDITOR I. those DESCRIPTION VALUE CODE Date of Report Name of Penoa Reporting FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 4of8 Kc•in N. Fox, 0612812010 VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS -income, value, transactions (Includes those ofspouse and dependent children; see PP· 34-60 offiling instructinns.) D NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) A. B. c. D. Description of Assets Income during Gross value at end of reporting period Transactions during reporting period (including trust assets) n:porting period (I) (2) (I) (2) Place "(X)" after each asset /Amount Typc(e.g., Value Value exempt from prior disclosure I (A-11) I Code 2 (J-P) Method buy, sell, Code3 redemption) . Code I div.9 rent, or int) A Dividend J T New York Tax Free Income Fund A Dividend 1 T A Dividend K T D Interest L T B Interest K T B Interest K T B Interest L T Eaton 2. Franklin Class A .• (Q-W) Vance Dividend Builder Fund Class A I. (I) TYPC(e.i: I (2) (3) (4) (5) Date Value Gain Identity of ,mmldd/yy Code2 Code I buyer/seller (J-P) (A-H) I (if private transaction) ! 3. Accounts (Y) 4. Chase Bank 5. New York Stock Exchange Employee Savings Plan 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Rochester Fund Municipal Class A 11. 12. NYS Urban Dev. Corp. Sub. Lien Corp. Purpose Bonds 13. 14. 15. TBTA Gen. Purpose Bonds 16. Counuy Bank Accounts 17. I. lncomc Gain Codes: (Sec Columns B1 and 04) 2. Value Codes (See Column• Cl aod Dl) A -=S1,000 or lesc B •Sl,001 f •$50,001. SI00,000 G =SI00.001 hod Codes (S<c Column Cl) H.:\00 • Sl .000,000 C =S2,501 - SS,000 D -Sl,001 HI =Sl,000.001 H2 =More than $5,000,000 • S5,000,000 J •S 15.000 ode,. K •SIS,001 - $50,000 L •$50,001 N -S2SO,OOI 0 •$500.001 Pl •St,000,001 -S5,000,000 • SS00.000 Pl •Sll,000,001 3. Value M • • • Sl,000,000 $50,000,000 • $100,000 - SIS ,000 M -$100,001- 5250,000 P2 =SS,000,001 - $25,000,000 P4 •More th•n Sl0,000,000 Q•App<aisal R "'°"''(Real Em•• Only) S-Asscssmcnt U •Book Value V ...other w =Estim11tcd T=CuhMade! E =S 15.00 I • $50,000 l'iamt FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 5of8 Fox, Kevin N. VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS D NONE of Persoa R•porting rF D•t• of Report 06/2812010 B - income, vat•u. transactions <tnc1udts thou ofspouse (l1IJ/ dependent children;,,. PP. 34-oo offiling instruc:nons.J (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) A. B. C. D. Description of Assets Income during Gross value at end Transacrions during rcponing period reporting period of rcponing period (including trust assets) Code 1 (2) Type (e.g., div., rent. (A-H) or int.) (I) Place "(X)" after each asset exempt from prior disclosure Amount (I) Value Code2 (J-P) (2) Value Method (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) Type (e.g., Date Value Gain ldentity of Code I buycr/se lier Code3 redemption) buy, sell, mm/dd/yy Code2 (J-P) (Q-W) 18. Trust #I 19; - CNA Life lns. Policy 20. - Reassure Am. Life Ins. Policy 21. - United Healthcare Group Term Life Ins. None Pl T (A·ll) I (ifprivale lransaction) Policy 22. 23. Time Warner Common Stock A Dividend J T 24. JP Morgan Chase Common Stock A Dividend J T 25. Procter & Gamble Common Stock A Dividend J T 26. American Express Common Stock A Dividend J T Country Bank (IRA) (CD) A Interest J T Municipal Credit Union Accounts B Interest J T 33. Merrill Lynch CMA Bank Account A Interest J T 34. Time Warner Cable Common Stock A Dividend J T 27. 28. 29. 30. 3l. 32. Spino IT 03/30/09 J (from line 23) I. Income Gain Code': (SceColumrisBI andO.) 2. Value Codes (See Column• Cl and DJ) A -S 1,000 or leu B •Sl.001 F •SS0,001 G •SI00,001 - $1,000.000 • SI00.000 (See Colwnn C2) S2.500 SS0,000 J •S",000 odas K •SIS.001 N •$250,00t o-ssoo.001 • SS00,000 rJ 3. Value Method Codes • Q•Appn;sal U -=Dook Value • sso,000.000 - c =$2.501 • D S.001-SIS,OOO Ht :St,000.001-ss.000, 000 Hl •More than SS,000.000 L •$50,001 M -$100,001 • SI00.000 Pl •Sl.000,001 -SS,000,000 • $250,000 P2 =SS,000,001 • P4 =Mon: than $50.000,000 R ..Cost (Real Estate Only) S =As.iroessmcnt v -other W -Estimated T-C..SbMand $25,000.000 E=SIS,001 ·SS0.000 Page 6of8 06n&12010 Fox, Kevin N. VII. INVESTMENTS and TRUSTS 0 D•t• ofHeport Name of Person Reporting FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT -incom<, wzlue, /NJnsacliolU (lrrdudn thou ofspous and JqHnJent children; see PP· 34-60 offiling instructions.) NONE (No reportable income, assets, or transactions.) D. A. B. c. Description of Assets Incomeduring Gross. value at end reporting period of reporting period (including trust assets) Place "(X)" after each asset exempt from prior disclosure Tran (!) (2) (!) (2) (1) (2) (3) Amount Type(e.g., Value Value Type (e.g., Date Value Code l div., rent, buy,sdl, mm/dd/yy Code2 or int.) Code2 Method (A-11) (J-P) Code3 redemption) (Q-W) 135. Citibank (IRA) (CD) 1. Income Gain Codes: (Sec Column5 Bl ind 04) 2. Value Codes (Sec Columns C l and DJ) 3. Value Method Codes (Sec Column C2) tions during reporting period A Interest K L I (5) Identity of Code I buyer/seller I - B c$1,00t - $2,lOO c -S2,501 G cSI00,001 111 • ss.000.000 1 ___ ____ D •SS,001 • SIS,000 H2 ·M than Sl.000.000 J cS I l,000 or les5 K-SIS.OOl -SS0,000 l =$50,001 - $100.000 M <$100,001. $250,000 N •Hl0,001 0 <$500,00I Pl =Sl,000,001 ·SS.OOO,OOO P2 =<Sl,000,001 - $25.000,000 S =Assessment T=CuhMarlcct • $500.000 PJ <Sll,000,001. sso.000.000 • Sl,000,000 Q •Appr>lsal R -Cost (Real E.sutc Only) U •Rook Value V=<Jtha (if private (A-H) transaction) .. T A -$1,000orl<S.I Sl,000,000 I : _____ F =sso.001 -s100,ooo • (J-P) (4) Gain ! P4 -More than SS0.000,000 W =-Estimated E =SI l,001 • SS'1.000 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT Page 7of8 Date of Report Name of Person Reporting 06/28/2010 Fox, Kevin N. VIII. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR EXPLANATIONS. (lndicattparlofReporL) In Section VII, at line 4, the accounts at Chase Bank did not satisfy the reporting thresholds; therefore, a"(Y)" was noted at the line 4 entry. In Section VII, at line 22, the UBS Cash Fund account was deleted, as the account was closed, in September 2009. The funds in that account were transferred, immediately, to a new Merrill Lynch account, as reflected at line 33. In Section VII, at line 32, the Municipal Credit Union IRA CD account was deleted, because the CD matured, in August 2009. The funds were placed, immediately, in a Citibank IRA CD account, as noted at line 35. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE REPORT l'"ame of Ptrson Reporting Page 8of8 Fox, Kevin N. Dat< or R•port 06128/2010 IX. CERTIFICATION. I certify that all information given abon (Including information pertaining to my spouse and minor or dependent children , if any) accurate, true, and complete to the best ofrny know ledge and belief, provisions p ermitting non-disclosure. Is and that any information not reported was withheld because it met applicable statutory I further certify that earned income from outside employment and honoraria and the acceptance of gifts which have been reported are in compliance with the provisions of 5 US.C. app. § 501 et. seq., 5 U.S.C. § 7353, and Judicial Conference regulations. Signature NOTE: ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO KNOWINGLY AND WILFULLY FALSIFIES OR FAILS TO FILE THIS REPORT MAY BE SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL SANCTIONS (5 U.S.C. app. § I04) FILING INSTRUCTIONS Mail signed original and 3 additional copies to: Committee on Financial Disclosure Administrative Office of the United States Courts Suite 2-301 One Columbus Circle, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20544
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