• 0 AL - 0511 11111 bi 0 6 5 B. C. A. (Part - III) (Old Course) Software Engineering Paper - XV P Pages : 3 Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 100 Note : 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 3. Assume suitable data wherever necessary. 4. Illustrate your answer with the help of neat sketches wherever necessary. 1. a) Explain waterfall model. 10 b) What are the elements of software process ? Explain. 10 OR 2. 3. a) What is an Incremental model ? Explain. 10 b) What is software ? What are its types ? Explain its characteristics. 10 a) What is COCOMO ? Explain. 10 AL - 0511 1 P.T.O. b) What is software requirement analysis ? Explain. 8. 10 OR 4. 5. a) Explain : i) Function point metrics. ii) Structured Analysis. a) What is mixed language programming ? Explain. 10 b) What is coding ? State and explain different approches for coding. 10 a) What is Quality of a software ? How it is measured ? Explain. 10 10 9. b) What is SRS ? State and explain its standards. 10 a) What is problem partitioning ? Explain. 10 10 b) Explain : i) Complexity. ii) Reliability. OR b) What is an ER Diagram ? Explain with example. 10 b) What are the elements of ISO 9001 : 2000 standard ? Explain. OR 6. 10 10. a) What is Integration test ? Explain. 10 10 a) Explain : i) Abstraction. ii) Modularity. * 111** ** ** b) What is an object oriented Design ? Explain. 10 7. a) What are the factors which affects the choice 10 of programming language ? Explain. b) What are coding standards ? Explain. 10 OR AL - 051 1 2 AL - 0511 3 213/325
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