October 2014 HPC KOINONIA NEWSLETTER A Publication of Hillsboro Presbyterian Church HPC Craft Fair Informal Gathering Sunday, Oct. 5 (After church) Saturday October 25 To answer any questions you may have Inside this issue: What’s Happening: > All-Church Gatherings Oct 5,12,19 Welcome, Sermons, Greeters 2 The Pastor’s Pen 3 Youth News 4 > World Communion Sunday, Pictures Deacons Oct 5 > Pinochle Oct 10 Education, Service 5 > Blood Pressure, Co-Mission Mtgs Oct 12 Fellowship, Property 6 > Ladies Night Out Oct 17 Stewardship 7 > Book Club Oct 19 Events, Craft Fair 8 > Bunko Oct 21 Worship 9 > Craft Fair Oct 25 Missions 10 > Groups Brunch Oct 26 Groups 11 Birthday, Anniversaries, Prayer Shawl 12 Calendar 13 > Session Oct 28 www.hillsboropres.com Welcome Visitors and Newcomers If If you do not have a Church Home, consider being a part of what God is doing here at HPC. There are 5 steps: 1) Know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior; 2) Know HPC is where Jesus wants you to belong; 3) Attend an HPC 101 Class; 4) Meet with Session; & 5) Profess your faith before the congregation. Visitors and Newcomers are invited to everything in this newsletter. We welcome YOU in the Name of Jesus who welcomes us! The Vision of HPC is for all to EXPERIENCE that GOD is able to do MORE by His Spirit at work within us. Therefore: Our Mission is to continue to build A CARING, CHRIST-CENTERED COMMUNITY that is excited to KNOW Jesus GROW Spiritually & SHOW God’s love ...all for His glory and purpose. SERMONS 10/5 THEY’S US! 10/12 A TERRIBLE PARABLE ABOUT A PROPITIOUS PARTY 10/19 UNTANGLING OUR SPOONERISMS 10/26 BY FAITH, REFORMED Greeters 10/5 Keith & Jackie Upton 10/12 Lori Olson-Farmer & Larry Farmer 10/19 John & Sandy McFerran 10/26 Joanie Loepp SCRIPTURE MATTHEW 21:33-46 MATTHEW 22:1-14 MATTHEW 22:15-22 LUKE 18:9-14 Flowers Jeanie Morgan Jeanie Morgan Thank You to…Lanora Kuest. Lori Wisdom, Judith Lamp, Sue Dever & Janine Wikoff for helping in the office and Worship. Page 2 Pastor’s Pen Greetings! October 5th is World Communion Sunday. It is also the day our denomination celebrates Peacemaking. That tradition began in 1980 when the 192nd General Assembly of The United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. adopted, Peacemaking: The Believers’ Calling. Given the turmoil the HPC congregation has experienced of late, perhaps it’s appropriate to be reminded of our calling to be peacemakers. In the Call issued to the congregations we find the following citations: Twenty centuries ago, “in the fullness of time,” God sent Jesus the Christ. Now there is a special time in history - a season (kairos) - summoning the faith and obedience of God’s people. For Christ has gathered and deployed his people around the earth, across political and economic lines, in place of powerfully protected affluence, and among the poorest of the poor. The body of Christ responds to the world’s pain with empathy and anguish, one part for another, in our time. In these days we know that Jesus was sent by God into all the world. As we break bread together, our eyes are opened and we recognize his living presence among us - Christ crucified by the tragic inequities on the earth - calling us together. We are Christ’s people, compelled by the Sprit and guided by our creeds to listen to a gospel that is addressed to the whole world. We are gathered around the Lord’s Table with people from North and South and East and West. A new integrity is required of us: integrity in worship, integrity in secular life, integrity in relationship with Christ and Christians everywhere. As God’s people, we will not cry “Peace, peace” without the fullness of God’s shalom. As God’s people, we will seek the security of the whole human family - all for whom Christ died. As God’s people, we will celebrate the dignity of each of God’s children. Page 3 Peace is the intended order of the world with life abundant for all God’s children. Peacemaking is the calling of the Christian church, for Christ is our peace who has made us one through his body on the cross. How will peace be achieved? …Basically, at the heart, it is a matter of the way we see the world through the eyes of Christ. It is a matter of praying and yearning. It is an inner response to God, who loves the whole world and whose Spirit calls for the making of peace. The church is faithful to Christ when it is engaged in peacemaking. God wills shalom justice and peace on earth. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God,” said our Lord, the Prince of Peace. Those who follow our Lord have a special calling as peacemakers. In our confessions of faith the church has recognized this vocation, yet in our life we have been unfaithful to our Lord. We must repent. Our insensitivity to today’s patterns of injustice, inequality, and oppression - indeed, our participation in them denies the gospel. Christ alone is our peace. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. - Mt . 5:9 This year it seems particularly appropriate and timely that the HPC congregation gather around Christ’s Table with a yearning for and dedication to the proposition of peacemaking as our calling. I look forward to our celebration of World Communion and Peacemaking on Sunday, October 5th and hope your will be able to be with us on that occasion. In Christ’s peace, Dave Page 4 Youth News Corn Maze Junior High October 22 Senior High October 26 Both are free for you and your friends! Leave HPC at 6:30pm, we will be back to HPC as close to 8pm as possible. CPYACPYA- Be November 2121-23 Who are you? What is your identity? Who does God call you to be? Cascade Presbyterian Youth Assembly Senior High Retreat Brochures are currently in the fellowship hall. Deadline to sign up is November 1. 1 This year Carly will be the speaker, so come and represent! Senior High is now meeting at Carly’s house on Sunday nights for bonfire, smores, and Bible Study! 6:30-8. Bring your Bible and a flashlight John 13:34-35New International Version (NIV) 34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Ladies Night Out Ladies Night Out will be hosted by Pat Ehresmann on Friday, October 17, 5:30pm. Stay tuned for more details to come! Page 5 Service Education It’s been a busy summer for HPC, and many of us personally and individually. We began the summer with a new Interim Pastor, and ended it by hiring a new Choir Director. Along the way, we have been challenged to look at and learn about our selves, our beliefs, our church and our relation to Presbytery. From an Operations perspective, we are learning about our roles, and discovering gaps in our written policies and procedures. This has been highlighted by Pastor Dave’s questions in acclimating to HPC, the hiring of our new choir director, and the many adjustments after Pastor Michael’s departure. Our Sunday School program is running well. We are looking for people to teach a class. The materials are provided for teaching and are very easy to use. A person teaches for one month at a time or more if they would like. There are three classes. They are preschool level, grades kindergarten to second, and grades three to five. Please talk to Jennifer McLin if you would like to teach. She might ask you as well. Some specific and immediate needs include an employee manual, an annual planning calendar of HPC activities, and other basic procedures. If you are interested in learning more about the workings of HPC and helping build this support for HPC and our next Pastor, please let me know. I could really use your effort and support! In His Service, Gary Jones The children sing in church about once a month. On September 21, Jake Jones read the scripture followed by the children singing “For I Know the Plans I Have For You.” Many of the songs are from the Bible. It is truly wonderful to hear their voices. Our church also has the children participate in a Christmas program. Please think of having your child take part in this event. We often practice during our Sunday School time. This program enhances our church, the children, and families. Check it out for yourself. In Christ, Susie Carlstrand Page 6 Fellowship Property What a warm September. We are still serving lemonade for the children, waiting for fall to kick in and we will start serving hot chocolate. Status of Grounds care planning. I am in the process of receiving Bids from grounds care contractors. I have one bid in hand and will have met with a second contractor by the time you read this. Costs are much higher than I expected. Fellowship helped events with the church Potluck. Had a nice group of people and lots of time to enjoy each others company. The freezer took a dive to a warmer climate, but Steve Dever, our Property Elder, sent out a request to see if anyone had a freezer to donate. Praise the Lord as someone did have a donation which arrived the week of September 21st. Thank you Steve and thank you to the HPC family that donated. September 21st some lovely red velvet cake was here for all to enjoy and it disappeared quicker than peanut butter on toast. September 28th Don Hogan brought a cake for all of us to celebrate Donna Hogan's birthday. How much fun is that. I would like to thank all that offered and those that agreed to help in the kitchen and with Starbucks pickups on September 28th and October 5th. In God's Hands, Marie Chambers Fellowship Elder A member of HPC has made a proposal to assume the grounds care IF he has volunteers to help. Please contact Steve Dever if you are interested in volunteering to help. This is a brief list of things related to HPCs Grounds keeping job: Mowing, trimming, watering and related watering system maintainence. Proper timing, mixtures, and application of lawn, shrub, and tree care chemicals. Equipment maintenance and repairs. If any of you are interested in helping with any part of the grounds keeping, let me know. In Gods Service Steve Dever HPC Property Elder Page 7 Stewardship Revenue: Actual revenue for August is $23,195 including $2,266 of pass through receipts that are pending distribution. Budget revenue for August is $21,161. The temporary actual to budget revenue gain is $2,034 that will diminish with the distribution of the pass through receipts.. Actual year-to-date revenue through August totals $40,566 compared to comparable budget year-to date revenue of $42,322. The year-to-date comparative balance of ($1,756) reflects a gain from the prior month balance of ($3,790). Expenditures: Actual expenditures for August are $23,591 compared to budget expenditures of $23,707. The reduction in expenditure is $116. Actual year-to-date expenditures through August total $47,991 compared to comparable budget expenditures of $47,414. The year-to-date comparative balance for budgeted expenditures reflects a decrease resulting in a negative balance of $577. (prior month ($693) Net Revenue and Expenditures: Net actual revenue and expenditures for August reflect a monthly decrease of $395. Net actual Year-to-date revenue and expenditure through August reflect a decrease of $7,425. (prior month year-to-date total ($7,029). Thank you for your continuing prayer and support that will accelerate our ministry this fall. In His Service William Hill Stewardship Elder Page 8 Events Our event’s group has had a very nice school supply contribution for our September pot-luck on Sept. 7. Not only great food but an outstanding amount of papers, pencils, pens, back-packs and other necessary school supplies for the needy in our Hillsboro School District. Thank you all for your contributions. Our coming event in October is the Craft Fair on October 25th. This event has brought many community members together in our Fellowship Hall and Narthex (entryway) and has been successful in contributing additional funds to our church. The November event, date to be determined will be another pot-luck with games including Bingo, the Professional Version and some card games as well. Date and times to be determined. HPC Craft Fair "The HPC Events Committee is getting ready for this year's Open-to-the-Public HPC Craft Fair which is on the calendar for Saturday, October 25, 9:00AM-4:00PM. It will be held in the Fellowship Hall and Narthex. Set-up will be on Friday, October 24, starting at 1 PM. We are wondering if you would like to join us. Although it's only a few weeks away, as crafters, we know it takes time to create our products for sale. Space is open at this time and we encourage you to let us know if you are able to participate. Tables will be filled first-come, first-served. Registration forms are available in the Church Office. There will be rental fees for space ($15) and/ or tables ($5/ea) which will benefit HPC ministries. Products must be handmade, not commercially produced. Power outlets are available. The sale will be held in our large Fellowship Hall and the Narthex. If you would like to join the fun in organizing our event’s check in with Tom Jacquemin or committee members. We have several vendors from last year, from outside HPC, who have requested an invitation to return. We will fill remaining sales tables with outside vendors. Respectfully, Tom Jacquemin If you are interested, please contact Sue Dever. Page 9 Worship Greetings Fellow HPC’ers: We are happy to announce Lindsey Pounders has accepted our offer as Choir Director at Hillsboro Presbyterian. Here’s a quick bio on Lindsey. Lindsey is originally from Arkansas, and has been living in the northwest for 11 years pursuing her lifelong love of choral music. She received her Choral Music Education degree in 2002 with a minor in Theater Arts. She sings with the Oregon Choral, conducts the Prelude Choir for Hillsboro Community Youth Choirs, and enjoys performing locally. Lindsey was able to be a stay-at-home-mom for 8 years, has had the opportunity to work as a school music teacher with grades ranging from pre-k through 12, and now works for Quiet Waters Outreach as a Guest Service Specialist for their Discovery Day Program. She lives in Aloha with her three children: Lily (9), Jordyn (7), and Logan (4). We want to thank all those involved with the search committee to find our choir director, PTL. We’ll be seeing Lindsey with the choir on Sunday, September 28, when the choir sings, “Blessed Assurance.” Welcome Lindsey. October 5th is World Communion Sunday. We would love to have 5 to 7 people sign up to contribute their cultural/ethnic baked bread to be used for Communion. Please contact John Stroeve as soon as possible to sign up. The Ushers are looking for additional people (including youth) to volunteer to help usher on Sundays. Please see John McFerran or Elroy Schindler. We still have some spaces left to provide flowers on Sunday service. Please see the sign-up sheet on the doors to the left of the coffee service and sign up. We would love to have additional church members to join the Worship Co-mission to shape the future of our Worship Service. Please contact John Stroeve if you are interested. Blessings, John Stroeve Page 10 Missions On September 7th we began collecting the Peacemaking Offering and it will be dedicated on World Communion Sunday, October 5th. The offering distribution is: 25% to congregational peacemaking ministries; 25% to presbytery & synod peacemaking efforts; and 50% to the Presbyterian Peacemaking Ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Missions will also be sending out our designated Quarterly Mission Payments at the end of September. Those missions are: ARMS $300 Presbyterian Mission Giving $525 Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship $225 Domestic Violence Resource Center $200 Family Promises of WA County $300 Family Justice Initiative $150 Doctors Without Borders $312.50 Medical Teams International $450 Open Arms International $150 Pioneer Bible Translators $150 Quiet Waters Outreach $500 Salvation Army $375 SIM-USA (Zoolkoski) $300 Synod of the Pacific $600 Upward Bound $250 Willamette West Habitat for Humanity $250 Wycliffe Bible Translators $600 ECHO $175 Mercy Corps $312.50 The Mission Co-Mission is working on lining up different organizations to come to HPC and give talks about their programs. Early next year, Dr. Christopher and Nancy Zoolkoski from SIM-USA (Niger Project) will be one of our guests. Thank You to all those who contribute and support what HPC Missions is doing throughout the world! The youth have organized a drive to help welcome soldiers home from deployment. They are asking for donations of: Shower Curtains: 1 per Room, Razor, Shaving Cream, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Soap, and Welcome home/Thank you cards to the soldiers for keeping us safe and fighting for our freedom. Please bring your donations to the orange bin in the FSH by October 1st! In closing…God Loves You And So Do We…God Bless You All Mission Elder Mike D. Kilgore Sr Page 11 Connect/Groups Men of HPC: Would you like to get to know some other Men in the church while working on a worthwhile and noble project, and at the same time deepen your faith in Jesus? I hope you can make the first monthly Men’s Bible study and service project which will meet Saturday October 4th at 9am in the HPC fellowship hall. The purpose will be threefold: Get to know some other men. Discuss a short Bible passage and its application for our life. Work on a meaningful service project. We will start with some projects in and around HPC, but might expand the idea to lend a helping hand to those in our church or community. The first project for October will be cleaning the windows at HPC. So bring your favorite window cleaning accessories and let’s brighten the interior of HPC. Book Club – Will meet 3rd Sunday (October 19) after church in the Quiet Room. Questions? Contact Pat Ehresmann Bunko – 3rd Tuesday in October (October 21). Women’s Bible Study – Meets Wednesday mornings, 10am in the Youth Room. Contact Betty Grissett for more information. Sunday Brunch—last Sunday of the month (October 26) at Sunset Grill. Sign up sheet will be available mid-month in the FSH. “The Group” meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 7pm. Questions? Contact Jeanie Morgan. Men’s Bible Study continues to meet Monday evenings at 7pm in the Library. Questions? Contact Chuck Staley. Ladies Night Out meets the 3rd Friday (October 17). Pat Ehresmann will be the hostess. Pinochle meets on the 2nd Friday of the month (October 10). Questions? Contact Sonya Baker. Thursday Night Care Group meets Thursday evenings, 6:30pm at Steve & Sue Devers. In His Service, -Dennis Deacons As we participate in worship and fellowship during this time of transition for our church, it is our hope that you are experiencing God’s love and peace. We are praying with you and for you. Your deacon is available for confidential prayer also, if you have a special need. Blessings to all of you, in Christ, Your Deacons Page 12 Birthdays Ella DePouli Jackie Upton Stephanie McVean Kevin Caswell Sandra Fulk Crystal Jones Sue Caswell Benjamin Hurley Colin Cartwright Charlotte Ewing Reneé Friberg Jack Baker Barbara Christian Shellie Smith Phil Kidby Janine Wikoff Becky Wilson Helen Kuhn Anniversaries 3 3 4 5 9 9 10 10 11 12 15 17 17 17 19 23 27 29 Dave & Carole Orr Gary & Dana Gale Ron & Gayle Powne Michael & Nataly Nazarov Ed & Becky Wilson Jim & Gladys Kauppila 5 8 12 17 17 20 Prayer Shawl Ministry As we enter into the Fall I would like to ask all you wonderful folks who knit and crochet to pray over your involvement in this vital Ministry. I wish I could convey the joy and smiles I have received in delivering these special Prayer Shawls. The Shawls are donated to Tuality Hospital and EmpRes Health and Rehabilitation Center (formerly Evergreen). Several of our own Church Family have received these beautiful Shawls. There has been some discussion on doing this as a group in addition to working on them at home. I am open to all suggestions from anyone interested in helping with this. God bless you for your kind support. Sheri Badzik Email: [email protected] or telephone (503)941-9751 Page 13 HPC Calendar—2014 Sun 5 10am Worship Mon 6 Tue 7 Wed Thu 1 2 8:30am Happy Children Applesauce Day 6:30pm JH YG 645pm Choir 6:30pm Kid’s Turn 6:30pm Thursday Care Group 8pm AA 8 9 Fri 3 Sat 4 9am Men’s Group Work Party 10 11 w/Communion 7pm Men’s Bible Stdy 6:30pm Praise Team/ 12:30pm QWO B-ball 6:30pm Kid’s Turn 7pm “The Group” Band 6:30pm JH YG 6:30pm Thursday (child’s SS) HPC Group 6:45pm Choir Care Group 11am Questions 8pm AA 8pm AA Answered 11:15am Fellowship 11:15am Pictures 11:30am Deacons 2pm All-church Gathering 6:30pm SH YG 7pm Pinochle 10am Session Records Review 12 10am Worship 13 18 16 17 (child’s SS) 7pm Men’s Bible Stdy 1pm Mission Co-Miss 6:30pm JH YG 6:30pm Praise Team/ 6:45pm Choir 11:15am Fellowship 8pm AA 11:15am Blood Band Pressure 7pm Tuesday’s 11:30am Co-Mission Treasures Meetings 2pm All-church Gathering 6:30pm SH YG 6:30pm Thursday Care Group 8pm AA 5:30pm Ladies Night Out 19 20 14 23 24 10am Worship 7pm Men’s Bible Stdy 6:30pm Praise Team/ 6:30pm JH YG (child’s SS) 7pm “The Group” Band Corn Maze 11:15am Fellowship HPC Group 7pm Bunko 6:45pm Choir 11:30am Book Club 8pm AA 2pm All-church Gathering 6:30pm SH YG 6:30pm Thursday Care Group 8pm AA 8:15am-2pm Happy 8am-5pm Craft Fair Children Conferences 1-6pm Craft Fair Set Up 26 30 31 27 21 15 28 22 29 10am Worship 7pm Men’s Bible Stdy 6:30pm Praise Team/ 6:30pm JH YG (child’s SS) 8pm AA Band 6:45pm Choir 11:15am Fellowship 7pm Session 11:30am Groups Brunch 6:30pm SH YG Corn Maze 6:30pm Thursday Care Group 8pm AA 25 HILLSBORO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Phone: 503-648-5660 Website: www.hillsboropres.com Interim Pastor Youth Pastor Children’s Ministry Director Parish Nurse Church Secretary FAX: 503-648-7623 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Tues.-Fri.; 9:30am-1pm Rev. David C. Lee Carly Powne Jennifer McLin NJ Smith Debbi Like Session: Property Elder Worship Elder Missions Elder Education Elder Stewardship Elder Service (Operations) Elder Events Elder Groups Elder Fellowship Elder Steve Dever John Stroeve Mike Kilgore Susie Carlstrand Bill Hill Gary Jones Tom Jacquemin Dennis Baker Marie Chambers Worship: Sunday, 10am Deacons: NE (a-l) NE (m-z) SE (a-l) SE (m-z) Other West Rhonda Baggarley Joanie Loepp Liz Williams Bonnie Jacquemin Norma VanValkenburg Bert Schroder Hillsboro Presbyterian Church 172 NE 32nd Ave Hillsboro, OR 97124 (if you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please call the Church Office, 503-648-5660) Ministers: The Members “God is able..” Ephesians 3:20
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