2015 AD APPLICATION FORM COMPANY DATE / / AD INDEX PREFERENCE AUTHORIZED BY (please print) CONTACT ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE PAYMENT INFORMATION Enclosed is my check for $ EMAIL made payable to Tournament MG. Please Charge $ to my: Card Number MC Visa Expiration Date Billing Address AMEX Discover CVC Code City State Signature Date BASE DISCOUNT RATE RATE $ 4000.00 $ 3200.00 AD SIZE AND PLACEMENT BACK COVER PREFERRED INSIDE PLACEMENT FOUR-COLOR ADS Inside front or back cover (with bleeds) $ 3500.00 $ 2800.00 Full page player profile (without bleeds) $ 3000.00 $ 2400.00 Full page facing table of contents (with bleeds) $ 3250.00 $ 2600.00 Full page facing inside back cover (with bleeds) $ 3250.00 $ 2600.00 Full page facing draw sheets (with bleeds) $ 3000.00 $ 2400.00 Full page facing President’s message (with bleeds) $ 3250.00 $ 2600.00 Full page facing Chairman’s message (with bleeds) $ 3100.00 $ 2480.00 Full page facing Former Champions (with bleeds) $ 3250.00 $ 2600.00 1⁄2 page River Oaks International Former $ 2150.00 $ 1720.00 Champions BILLING RIVER OAKS COUNTRY CLUB IS PROUD TO OFFER SPOTLIGHT CREATIVE TO OUR ADVERTISERS FOR THEIR DESIGN NEEDS 20% DISCOUNT ON BASE PRICE available to agency or advertiser if invoice paid upon receipt of contract. DUE December 1, 2014. Make checks payable to Tournament MG. Enclosed payment with 20% discount Please bill me Please bill my agency FOUR-COLOR ADS Advertising rates are based on camera ready art. Full page (with bleeds) $ 2875.00 $ 2300.00 Full page $ 2875.00 $ 2300.00 1⁄2 page horizontal $ 1725.00 $ 1380.00 1⁄4 page vertical $ 1050.00 $ 840.00 All stipulations must be embodied herein, no verbal agreements. 1⁄2 page horizontal $ 850.00 $ 680.00 Publisher reserves the right to print the name and address of the advertiser if the copy is not in by copy deadline. 1⁄4 page vertical $ 525.00 $ 420.00 BLACK AND WHITE ADS Any changes made by the advertiser to copy as submitted will be charged to the advertiser. (see below) The Club reserves the right to reject any copy deemed unsuitable for publishing. All material becomes the property of ROCC and WILL NOT BE RETURNED. QUESTIONS CONCERNING AD COPY: 713.874.6294 CONTRACT DEADLINE IS JANUARY 9, 2015 ART DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS JANUARY 20, 2015 AD PLACEMENT SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY AND CHANGE. PLEASE CAREFULLY REVIEW ATTACHED PRODUCTION SPECS DOCUMENT BEFORE SUBMITTING AD. 2015 AD APPLICATION FORM FILE FORMATS ACCEPTED Press Quality, CMYK or Grayscale, 300 dpi TIFF, PhotoShop EPS or in a press-ready PDF format (preferred). WE WILL NOT ACCEPT PAGE MAKER, QUARK, PUBLISHER, POWER POINT OR ADS DESIGNED IN WORD. ART SENT IN THESE FORMATS WILL BE REJECTED. NAME YOUR FILE Specify the name of the advertiser it is for, the ad size and orientation. For example: BUSINESSNAME_1/2_horz.tif COLORS All final art must be set to CMYK or Grayscale. We will NOT accept RGB, SPOT, or INDEX colors. PROOF All color ads must be accompanied by a color proof. Inkjet proofs for 4-color ads are not acceptable. All proofs should be output at 100% size, showing color bars and crop marks. No corrections marked on the final proof. For black-and-white ads, a laser print is acceptable. LAYOUT PAGE SIZE ORIENTATION DIMENSIONS (HxW) Full w/bleeds Vertical 11.25 x 8.75 Full Vertical 10 x 7 1/2 Horizontal 4.875 x 7 1/4 Vertical 4.875 x 3.375 Advertisers will incur additional charges for recalled or revoked ads that do not meet the specifications. 1/2 Page Orientation FTP:**Please Follow “Name Your File” Instructions.** You can connect to us through FTP software such as Fetch or FileZilla. Refer to the Common FTP Problems page for more info: ftp.spotlightcreative.com User ID: [email protected] Password: RiverOaks Place advertisements into the folder named “ROCC_Ads”. 1/4 Page Orientation V H Horizontal HOW TO SEND US YOUR ART PLEASE NOTE: Acceptable submissions are Press-Ready PDF with bleeds and NO trim or registration marks and text converted to outline (preferred), TIFF, or PhotoShop EPS formats. All other formats will be rejected. We prefer files to be sent to us through our FTP server. You may email your file or send a CD. All art sent electronically must be compressed using ZipIt or StuffIt to reduce file corruption. Live Area Contract and Confirmation: [email protected] If you send your materials, be sure to ship via trackable carrier. CD discs will not be returned. Trim Size Bleed Size (safe for text) 1/4 Pg Vertical 1/4 Pg Vertical Full Page with bleeds 1/2 Pg Horizontal MOST COMMON REASONS ART IS REJECTED SEND YOUR PACKAGE TO River Oaks International | Attn: Bronwyn Greer 1600 River Oaks Boulevard | Houston, Texas 77019 PAGE SPECS Live Area 10 x 7.5 Bleed Size 11.25 x 8.75 Trim Size 11 x 8.5 Vertical PRODUCTION Full Page (no bleeds) 2015 AD APPLICATION FORM PROGRAM AD DESIGN ORDER FORM COMPANY DATE AUTHORIZED BY (please print) CONTACT DESIGN SERVICES PROVIDED BY: / / ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL AD AGENCY (if applicable) CONTACT ADDRESS PHONE EMAIL ADVERTISING GRAPHIC CHARGES & INSTRUCTIONS Art charges do not include one-on-one design meeting consultations. Create new ad 1/4 pg ad. . . . . . . . . . $ 300 Simple copy change . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 75 SCANNING Create new ad 1/2 pg ad. . . . . . . . . . $ 400 Additional Text Change (per round) . . . . $ 50 Print/Photo/Line Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25 Create new ad Full pg ad. . . . . . . . . . $ 550 Image Retouch (per image) . . . . . . . . . . $ 65 Member Ad* (text/photo, 1/4&1/2 pg). . . . . $ 175 Change color ad to black/white. . . . . $ 150 Ad Reformatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 200 *MEMBER ADS TO BE DESIGNED AS 1/2 PAGE AND 1/4 PAGE Text may be sent in a Word document. Photos must be 300 dpi and sent as a separate TIFF or EPS file, not contained in a Word document. ALL GRAPHIC SERVICES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BEFORE ANY WORK MAY BEGIN. Company name to be indexed in program as follows: PAYMENT INFORMATION Enclosed is my check for $ made payable to Spotlight Creative LLC. Please Charge $ to my: Card Number Expiration Date CVC Code Signature Date MasterCard Visa AMEX 2015 AD APPLICATION FORM Below is a list of the most common connection problems to an FTP Site. Information must be input exactly as specified. Make sure there are no extra spaces or characters. User ID and Password are Case Sensitive “Passive FTP Mode” is usually needed: multiple computers to the Internet using one ISP connection. from a company or ISP network that uses a firewall. • Which FTP program should I use? We reccomend using FileZilla for transfering files through FTP. • FileZilla (Freeware) | FileZilla is a powerful FTP-client for Windows that has been designed for ease-of-use and with support for as many features as possible, while still being fast and reliable. Note: Be sure to download the Filezilla “Client” and not the “Server”. Download FileZilla Here Instructions for using FileZilla to upload files to the Spotlight FTP server The first thing to do is connecting to a server. We will use the quickconnect bar for establishing the connection: Uploading your files to the FTP server. First - in the local pane - bring the directory into view which contains the advertisment to be uploaded. Now, navigate to the desired target directory on the server (using the server pane's file listings). To upload the ad, select the respective files/directories and drag them from the local to the remote pane. You will notice that the files will be added to the transfer queue at the bottom of the window and soon thereafter get removed again - since they were (hopefully, if nothing went wrong) just uploaded to the server. The uploaded files and directories should now be displayed in the server content listing at the right side of the window. Host: ftp.spotlightcreative.com User ID: [email protected] Password: RiverOaks Note: use capital R and O FileZilla will now try to connect to the server. If all works well, you will notice that the right "column" switched from Not connected to any server to displaying the folder “ROCC_Ads”. The next step is to get familiar with FileZilla's window layout. (reference the screen capture at the top of the next column) Here is a quick introduction: Below the toolbar (1) and quick connect bar (2), the message log (3) displays transfer and connection related messages. Below, you can find the file listings. The left column (local pane, 4) displays the local files and directories, i.e. the stuff on the PC you're using FileZilla on. The right column (server pane, 5) displays the files and directories on the server you are connected to. Both columns have a directory tree at the top and a detailed listing of the currently selected directory's contents at the bottom. You can easily navigate either of the trees and lists by clicking around like in any other file manager. At the bottom of the window, the transfer queue (6) lists the to-be-transferred and already transferred files. Note: If you don't like using drag-and-drop, you can also right click on files/directories (in the lower local pane) and select Upload to upload them or simply double-click a file entry (this does not work for directories).
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