Fundementals of Machining Dr. Oğuzhan YILMAZ (Assoc.Prof.) Room: 319 [email protected] Introduction • Machining is a general term describing a group of processes that consists of removal of material and modification of the surfaces of a workpiece after it has been produced by various methods. Thus, machining involves secondary and finishing operations. • In spite of their advantages, material-removal processes have the following disadvantages; – – – – Waste material (although the amount may be relatively small) Process generally takes longer than other processes Generally require more energy than do forming and shaping operations Have adverse effects on the surface quality an properties of the product Introduction • Machining consists of several major types of materials removal processes: – Cutting: typically involving single-point or multi-point cutting tools, each with a clearly defined shape – Abrasive processes: grinding and related process – Advanced machining processes: utilizing electrical, chemical, laser, thermal, and hydrodynamic methods to accomplish this task. • The machines on which these operations are performed are called machine tools. Introduction: • Common cutting processes: • Turning (wp rotating, tool moves to the left) • Cutting off (wp rotating, tool moves radially) • Slab milling (tool rotating, wp moves) • End milling (tool rotating, wp moves) Figure 1 Examples of cutting processes. Introduction In turning process, Cutting tool is set a certain depth of cut (mm) and travels to the left with a certain velocity as the workpiece rotates. - The feed or feed rate ( f ) (the distance the tool travels horizontally per unit revolution of the workpiece (mm/rev)) Figure 2 Basic principle of the turning operations. Introduction • A cutting tool moves to the left along the workpiece at a constant velocity, V, and a depth of cut, to. • A chip is produced ahead of the tool by plastically deforming and shearing the material continuously along the shear plane. • This phenomenon can be demonstrated by slowly scraping the surface of a stick of butter lengthwise with a sharp knife and observing the formation of the chip. Figure 3. Schematic illustration of a two-dimensional cutting processes, also called orthogonal cutting: (a) Orthogonal cutting with a well-defined shear plane, also known as ME Merchant model. Not that the tool shape, the depth of cut, to, and the cutting speed, V, are all independent variables. (b) Orthogonal cutting without a welldefined shear-plane. Mechanics of Cutting • Major independent variables in cutting: (a) tool material and coating (b) tool shape, surface finish and sharpness (c) workpiece material and condition (d) cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut (e) cutting fluids (f) characteristics of the machine tool (g) work holding and fixturing Mechanics of Cutting • Dependent variables in cutting (influenced by changes in the independent variables): (a) Type of chip produced (b) Force and energy dissipated during cutting (c) Temperature rise in the workpiece, the tool, and the chip (d) Tool wear and failure (e) Surface finish and surface integrity of the workpiece • Chips are produced by shearing, taking place in a shear zone (shear plane) at an angle (shear angle). • Below shear plane, the workpiece remains undeformed; above it, the chip that is already formed moves up the rake face of the tool. Cutting ratio: • Chip thickness, tc, can be determined from; – the depth of cut, to, – the rake angle, . • Cutting ratio (chip thickness ratio), to/tc ; r cos tan 1 r sin and to sin r tc cos() r < 1 since chip thickness is always greater than the depth of cut. Figure 3. Schematic illustration of a two-dimensional cutting processes, also called orthogonal cutting: (a) Orthogonal cutting with a welldefined shear plane, also known as ME Merchant model. Not that the tool shape, the depth of cut, to, and the cutting speed, V, are all independent variables. (b) Orthogonal cutting without a well-defined shear-plane. Cutting ratio: • Reciprocal of ‘ r ’is known as chipcompression ratio or chip-compression factor. • It is a measure of how thick the chip has become compared with depth of cut. • Cutting ratio can be used for evaluating cutting conditions. to is a machine setting and a known factor. • Cutting ratio can be calculated easily by measuring the chip thickness with a micrometer Figure 3. Schematic illustration of a two-dimensional cutting processes, also called orthogonal cutting: (a) Orthogonal cutting with a welldefined shear plane, also known as ME Merchant model. Not that the tool shape, the depth of cut, to, and the cutting speed, V, are all independent variables. (b) Orthogonal cutting without a well-defined shear-plane. Shear Strain • Shear strain, , that the material undergoes can be expressed as; AB AO OB or OC OC OC cot(tan() Figure 4 (a) Schematic illustration of the basic mechanism of chip formation in metal cutting. (b) Velocity diagram in the cutting zone. Shear Strain • • • • • Large shear strains are associated with low shear angles or with low or negative rake angles. Shear strains of 5 or higher have been observed in actual cutting operations. Deformation in cutting generally takes place in a vey narrow zone, d=OC is very small. Thus the rate is very high. Shear angle influences force and power requirements, chip thickness, and temperature. To minimize the cutting force or the shear plane is plane of maximum shear stress; 45 2 2 : friction angle (related to µ at the tool-chip interface (µ = tan ), α is the rake-angle (a) General useful formula for shear angle: 0.5 < µ < 2 = 45⁰+ α - in metal cutting. µ varies considerably along the tool-chip interface. Due to P and T Shear Strain • Since the chip thickness is greater than the depth of cut, the velocity of the chip, Vc, has to be lower than the cutting speed, V. Vt o Vc t c or Vc Vr Hence V sin Vc cos() • A velocity diagram also can be constructed as; V V V s c cos() cos sin • Vs is the velocity at which shearing takes place in the shear plane. Cutting ratio then; to Vc r tc V Types of chips produced in metal cutting The four main types of chips are: (1) Continuous (2) Built-up edge (3) Serrated or segmented (4) Dis-continious Chip has two surfaces: (1) One is contact with the rake of the tool and has a shiny and burnished appearance caused by rubbing as the chip moves up the tool face. (2) The other is the original surface of the workpiece. It has jagged, rough appearance, caused by the shearing mechanism. Types of chips produced in metal cutting Figure 5 Basic types of chips produced in orthogonal metal cutting, their schematic representation, and photomicrographs of the cutting zone: (a) continuous chip with narrow, straight, and primary shear zone; (b) continuous chip with secondary shear zone at the chip-tool interface; (c) built-up edge; (d) segmented or non-homogeneous chip; and (e) discontinuous chip Types of chips produced in metal cutting CONTINIOUS CHIPS: • Formed with ductile materials machined at high cutting speed and/or high rake angles • Deformations takes place along a narrow shear zone (primary shear zone) Fig 5 (a) • May also develop a secondary shear zone due to high friction at the tool-chip interface. Fig 5(b) • Produce good surface finish • Continuous chips are not desirable (esp. for CNC) since they tend to become tangled around the tool holder, the fixturing and the workpiece. The operation must be stopped for clear away. • Chip breakers can be used by changing parameters (cutting speed, feed, and doc or cutting fluid) Types of chips produced in metal cutting BUILT-UP EDGE CHIPS: • Built-up Edge (BUE) consists of layers of material from the workpiece that gradually are deposited on the tool tip. • As it grows larger, the BUE becomes unstable and eventually breaks apart. • The cycles of BUE formation and destruction is repeated continuously during the cutting operation until corrective measures are taken. • BUE commonly observed in practice and changes the geometry of the cutting edge. • BUE affects the surface finish. Fig. 5(c) and Fig.6 (b and c) • Stable BUE is desirable since it reduces tool wear by protecting its rake face. • As the cutting speed increases, the size of the BUE decreases. Types of chips produced in metal cutting BUILT-UP EDGE CHIPS: • The tendency for BUE formation can be reduced by one or more of the following means: – Increase the cutting speed – Decrease the depth of cut – Increase the rake angle – Use a sharp tool – Use an effective cutting fluid – Use a cutting tool that has lower chemical affinity for the workpiece material. Types of chips produced in metal cutting BUILT-UP EDGE (a) (b) (c) Cold-worked metals generally have less of a tendency to form BUE than when their annealed condition. Due to work hardening and deposition of materials, the BUE hardness increases significantly Figure 6 (a) Hardness distribution in the cutting zone for 3115 steel. Note that some regions in the built-up edge are as much as three times harder than the bulk metal. (b) Surface finish in turning 5130 steel with a built-up edge. (c) surface finish on 1018 steel in face milling. Magnifications: 15X. Types of chips produced in metal cutting SERRATED CHIPS: • Serrated chips (segmented or non-homogeneous chips) are semi-continuous chips with large zones of low shear strain and small zones of high shear strain, hence later zone is called shear localization. • The chips have a saw tooth-like appearance. DIS-CONTINIOUS CHIPS: • They consists of segments that may be attached firmly or loosely to each other. Discontinues chips usually form under the following conditions: – – – – – – – Brittle workpiece materials (due to less capacity to undergo high shear strain) Workpiece materials with faults or graphite flakes structured materials, gray cast iron. Very low or very high cutting speed Large depth of cut Low rake angles Lack of effective cutting fluid Vibration or chatter due low stiffness of tool holder and machine tool. Types of chips produced in metal cutting CHIP CURL • Chips develop a curvature as they leave the workpiece surface in all cutting operations of metallic and non-metallic materials. • Factors affecting the chip curl are as follows: – Distribution of stresses in the primary and secondary shear zones – Thermal effects – Work-hardening characteristics of the workpiece material – The geometry of the cutting tool – Cutting fluids As the depth of cut decreases, the radius of curvature decreases and chip becomes curlier. Cutting fluids can make chips become more curly, thus reducing the tool-chip contact area and concentrating the heat closer to the tip of the tool. So, tool wear increases. Types of chips produced in metal cutting • Continuous and long chips are undesirable. Since they tend to become entangled, severely interfere and hazardous. • Usual procedure is to break the chip intermittently with cutting tools that have a chip-breaker features. • Most modern cutting tools and inserts now have built-in chip-breaker features of various design. • Chips also can be broken by changing the tool geometry to control chip flow, as in Fig.8. • Ideal chip size to be broken is in the shape of either the letter C or the number 9 and fits within a 25-mm square space. • In milling chip breakers are not necessary since chips are in finite size. Figure 7 (a) Schematic illustration of the action of a chip breaker. Note that the chip breaker decreases the radius of curvature of the chip. (b) Chip breaker clamped on the rake face of a cutting tool. (c) Grooves in cutting tools acting as chip breakers Types of chips produced in metal cutting Controlled Contact on Tools • If the tool-chip contact length is reduced by recessing the rake face of the tool; – It reduces the cutting forces, energy and temperature – Optimum length should be calculated, otherwise heat is concentrated on the tool tip and thus increasing wear. Figure 8 Various chips produced in turning: (a) tightly curled chip; (b) chip hits workpiece and breaks; (c) continuous chip moving away from workpiece; and (d) chip hits tool shank and breaks off. PART-2 Oblique Cutting Machining operations are in three dimensional, the cutting is oblique. In orthogonal cutting the chip slides directly up the face of the tool. In oblique cutting the chip is helical and at an angle i (the inclination angle) In oblique cutting, a helical chip moves sideways and away from the cutting zone and does not obstruct it as in orthogonal cutting. Figure 9 (a) Schematic illustration of cutting with an oblique tool. (b) Top view showing the inclination angle, i. (c) Types of chips produced with different inclination. Oblique Cutting c Chip flow angle, the chip flows up the rake face of the tool. Measured in the plane of the tool face. i e Normal rake angle (basic geometric property of the tool). The angle between line oz normal to the workpiece surface and line oa on the tool face. Effective rake angle is calculated in the plane of cutting speed and chip speed planes. c is equal to the inclination angle (i). Then the effective rake angle is; 1 e sin (sin i cos i sin n ) i and n 2 2 can be measured directly. As i increases, the effective rake angle increases, the chip becomes thinner and longer and then cutting forces decreases. See Figure 9(c). Oblique Cutting All the angles should be selected properly for efficient cutting. These angles are produced by grinding. Inserts now commonly used. Figure 10 (a) Schematic illustration of a right-hand cutting tool. Although these tools have traditionally been produced from solid tool-steel bars, they have been largely replaced by carbide or other inserts of various shapes and sizes, as shown in (b). Cutting Forces and Power Cutting forces are important since: • (1) Machine tool selection (power), maintain dimensional accuracy, appropriate tool holders and work-holding devices • (2) Workpiece should resist these forces without excessive distortion Cutting Forces and Power Fc, cutting force, acts in the direction of the cutting speed, V, supplies the energy required for cutting. The ratio of the cutting force to the cross-sectional area being cut is referred to as the specific cutting force. Ft, thrust force, acts in a direction normal to the cutting force. Fc and Ft produce the resultant force, R. R can be resolved into F (friction force) along the chip interface and a normal force , N, perpendicular to it. Figure 11 Forces acting on a cutting tool in twodimensional cutting. Note that the resultant force, R, must be colinear to balance the forces. Cutting Forces and Power F = R sin and N = R cos The resultant force is balanced by an equal and opposite force along the shear plane is resolved into a shear force, Fs, and normal force, Fn. Fs = Fc cos - Ft sin and Fn = Fc sin + Ft cos µ, coefficient of friction at the tool-chip interface. , friction angle. Then; F Ft Fc tan N Fc Ft tan Figure 11 Forces acting on a cutting tool in twodimensional cutting. Note that the resultant force, R, must be colinear to balance the forces. Cutting Forces and Power Magnitude of the forces in actual cutting operations is generally on the order of a few hundred Newton's, the local stresses in the cutting zone and the pressures on the tool are very high because the contact areas are very small. The tool-chip contact length is typically on the order of 1mm. Thus the tool tip is subjected to very high stresses, which lead to wear, chipping and fracture of the tool. Cutting Forces and Power Thrust force in cutting is important because the toolholder, the work-holding devices, and the machine tool must be sufficiently stiff to support that force with minimal deflections. For example; If the thrust force is too high or if the machine is not sufficiently stiff, the tool will be pushed away from the workpiece surface being machined. Thus, this reduces the depth of cut, resulting in less dimensional accuracy in the machined part. Ft R sin ( ) Ft Fc tan ( ) Cutting Forces and Power Magnitude of the cutting force Fc is always positive. Since this force supplies the work required in cutting. The sign of thrust force, Ft, can either be (+) or (-) depending on relative magnitudes of and α. When > α, the sign Ft is positive (downward) Ft R sin ( ) When < α, the sign Ft is negative (upward) Ft Fc tan ( ) Upward thrust force can be obtained by the following conditions: (1) High rake angle (2) Low friction at the tool-chip interface (3) both Cutting Forces and Power • The power input in cutting: Power = Fc V • This power is dissipated mainly in the shear zone (to shear the material) and on the rake face of the tool. • Power dissipated in the shear plane: Power for shearing = Fs Vs • Specific energy for shearing,us: • FsVs us wtoV w: width of cut • The power dissipated in the friction: Power for friction = F Vc • Specific energy for friction, uf, FVc uf wtoV TABLE 2 Approximate Energy Requirements in Cutting Operations (at drive motor, corrected for 80% efficiency; multiply by 1.25 for dull tools). Total specific energy, ut , ut us u f Measuring Cutting Forces and Power Because of the many factors involved, reliable predictions of cutting forces and power still is based largely on experimental data. Cutting forces can be measured using; Force transducer (typically with quartz piezoelectric sensor) Dynamometer Load cell (resistance wire strain gages) mounted on cutting tool holder. Transducers have higher frequency and stiffness than dynamometer. The specific energy in cutting also can be used to calculate cutting forces. Solve Example 21.1 and Prob. 21.45 Temperatures in cutting • In metal working processes, the energy dissipated in cutting is converted into heat , in turn, raises temperatures in cutting zone. Temperature rise have the following effects: Excessive temperature lowers the strength, hardness, stiffness, and wear resistance of the cutting tool; tools also may soften and undergo plastic deformation; thus tool shape is altered. Increased heat causes uneven dimensional changes, alter dimensional accuracy and tolerances. Excessive temperature rise induce thermal damage and metallurgical changes. Figure 12 Typical temperature distribution the cutting zone. Note the steep temperature gradients within the tool and the chip. Temperatures in cutting The main source of heat in machining area: (a) The work done in shearing in the primary shear zone (b) Energy dissipated as friction at the tool-chip interface (c) Heat generated as the tool rubs against the machined surface, especially dull or worn tools. Mean temperture (in Kelvin), Tmean, in orthogonal cutting: 0.000665 Y f T c 3 V to K Yf c K Tmean V a f b V f Flow stress in Mpa Volumetric specific heat in kJ/m³.K Thermal diffusivity (conductivity) in m²/s. Cutting speed feed a=0.2 & b=0.125 for carbide tools a= 0.5 & b=0.375 for high-speed steel Figure 12 Typical temperature distribution the cutting zone. Note the steep temperature gradients within the tool and the chip. Temperatures Distribution • Main sources of heat generation in machining are concentrated in the primary shear zone and the toolchip interface. • Presence of severe gradients and that the maximum temperature is about halfway up to the tool-chip interface. Figure 12 Typical temperature distribution the cutting zone. Note the steep temperature gradients within the tool and the chip. Temperatures Distribution The temperatures increases with the cutting speed and that the highest temperature is almost 1100⁰C. The chips turn to dark-bluish color at such high temperatures. Tmean is directly related to cutting speed, thus as speed increases, temperature increases Figure 13 Temperatures developed n turning 52100 steel: (a) flank temperature distribution; and (b) tool-chip interface temperature distribution. Temperatures Distribution The chip carries away most of the heat generated. See Fig.14. 90% of the energy is removed by the chip during a typical machining operation, with the rest by the tool and the workpiece. As the cutting speed increases, a larger proportion of the total heat generated is carried away by the chip, and less heat goes into the workpiece and tool. ( i.e HSM) Techniques for measuring temperatures: (1) Thermocouples embedded in the tool or the workpiece (2) Thermal emf (electromotive force) at the toolchip interface, which acts as a hot junction between two different materials. (3) Infrared radiation from cutting zone by a radiation pyrometer. Figure 14 Percentage of the heat generated in cutting going into the workpiece, tool, and chip, as a function of cutting speed. Note that the chip carries away most of the heat. PART-III Tool Life: Wear and Failure Tool Life: Wear and Failure In cutting operations, cutting tools are subject to: (a) high localized stresses at the tip of the tool (b) high temperatures, especially along the rake face (c) sliding of the chip along the rake face (d) sliding of the tool along the newly cut workpiece surface Tool Wear Tool wear adversely affects tool life, the quality of the machined surface and its dimensional accuracy, and economics of cutting operations. Wear is a gradual process (like wear on a pencil tip) The rate of the tool wear depends on: (1) tool and workpiece materials (2) tool geometry (3) process parameters (4) cutting fluids (5) characteristic of the machine tool Tool Wear Tool wear can be classified as: - Flank wear - Notching - Gross fracture -Crater wear - Plastic deformation of the tool tip - Nose wear - Chipping (a) (d) (b) (e) (c) Figure 15 (a) Flank and crater wear in a cutting tool. Tool moves to the left. (b) View of the rake face of a turning tool, showing nose radius R and crater wear pattern on the rake face of the tool. (c) View of the flank face of a turning tool, showing the average flank wear land VB and the depth-ofcut line (wear notch). See also Fig. 18. (d) Crater and (e) flank wear on a carbide tool. Flank Wear Flank wear occurs on the relief (flank) face of the tool. Flank wear is generally attributed to; (a) Rubbing of the tool along the machined surface causing adhesive and abrasive wear (b) High temperatures, which adversely affect the toolmaterials properties. Taylor tool life equation is established: n V T C V is the cutting speed T is the time (minutes) n is the exponent that depends on tool and workpiece materials and cutting conditions C is a constant Each combination of workpiece and tool materials and each cutting condition have their own n and C values, determined experimentally. Ranges of n Values for the Taylor Equation for Various Tool Materials High-Speed steel 0.08-0.2 Cast Alloys 0.1-0.15 Carbides 0.2-0.5 Coated carbides 0.4-0.6 Ceramics 0.5-0.7 Table 3. n values for tool materials Flank Wear Cutting speed is the most important process variable associated with tool life, followed by depth of cut and feed, f. For turning, Taylor Equation can be modified to: V T n d x f y C Where, d: the depth of cut f: feed in mm/rev x and y must be determined experimentally for each cutting condition. Taking n=0.15, x = 0.15 and y = 0.6 as typical values encountered in machining practice. T C1/ nV 1/ n d x / n f y / n Using typical values; T C 7V 7 d 1 f 4 Tool life curves Tool-life curves are plots of experimental data obtained by performing cutting tests on various under different cutting conditions, such as cutting speed, feed, depth of cut, tool material and geometry, and cutting fluids. Figure 16 Effect of workpiece microstructure and hardness on tool life in turning ductile cast iron. Note the rapid decrease in tool life as the cutting speed increases. Tool materials have been developed that resist high temperatures such as carbides, ceramics, and cubic boron nitride. Figure 17 Tool-life curves for a variety of cutting-tool materials. The negative inverse of the slope of these curves is the exponent n in the Taylor tool-life equations and C is the cutting speed at T = 1 min. NOTEs: -tool life decreases rapidly as the cutting speed increases - the condition of the workpiece material has a strong influence on tool life - differences in tool life for different workpiece-material microstructures. Temperature increases, flank wear rapidly increases. Allowable Wear Land Cutting tools need to be replaced (or re-sharpened) when, (1) The surface finish of the machined workpiece begins to deteriorate (2) Cutting forces increases significantly (3) Temperature rises significantly For improved dimensional accuracy, tolerances, and surface finish, the allowable wear land may be smaller than the values given in the below table. Allowable Average Wear Land for cutting tools various machining operations Allowable wear land (mm) Operation High-speed steel tools Carbide tools Turning 1.5 0.4 Face milling 1.5 0.4 End milling 0.3 0.3 Drilling 0.4 0.4 Reaming 0.15 0.15 Crater Wear Crater wear occurs on the rake face of the tool Crater wear changes the tool-chip interface contact geometry. The most significant factors influencing crater wear are: (a) The temperature at the tool-chip interface (b) The chemical affinity between the tool and workpiece materials Additionally, the factors influencing flank wear may affect crater wear. Crater Wear Figure 19 Relationship between crater wear rate and average tool-chip interface temperature: (a) High-speed steel; (b) C-1 carbide; and (c) C-5 carbide. Note how rapidly crater-wear rate increases as the temperature increases Figure 18 (a) Schematic illustrations of types of wear observed on various types of cutting tools. (b) Schematic illustrations of catastrophic tool failures. A study of the types and mechanisms of tool wear and failure is essential to the development of better tool materials. Crater wear • Crater wear generally attributed to a diffusion mechanism, which is the movement of atoms across the tool-chip interface. • Diffusion rate increases with increasing temperature, crater wear increases as temperature increases. • Applying protective coatings to tools in an effective means of slowing the diffusion process and thus reducing crater wear. • Typical coatings are titanium nitride, titanium carbide, titanium carbonitride, and aluminum oxide. Rake face Crater wear Flank face chip Figure 20.20 Cutting tool (right) and chip (left) interface in cutting plain-carbon steel. The discoloration of the tool indicates the presence of high temperatures. Compare this figure with Fig.20.12. Other types of wear, chipping and Fracture Following describe the factors involved in other types of cutting tool wear and fracture: (1) Nose Wear: is the rounding of a sharp tool due to mechanical and thermal effects. It dulls the tool, affects chip formation, and causes rubbing of the tool over the workpiece, raising its temperature and possibly inducing residual stresses on the machined surface. (2) Notches: observed on cutting tools. The region that they occupy is the boundary where chip is no longer in contact with the tool. Scale and oxide layers on a workpiece surface also contribute to notch wear. Other types of wear, chipping and Fracture (3) Chipping: a small fragment from the cutting edge of the tool breaks away. Unlike wear, chipping is a sudden loss of tool material and a corresponding change in its shape. Chipping has a major detrimental effect on surface finish, surface integrity and the dimensional accuracy of the workpiece. - Mechanical shock: impact due to interrupted cutting - Thermal fatigue: cyclic variations in the temperature of the tool in interrupted cutting. (4) Thermal cracks: usually perpendicular to the cutting edge of the tool. It may cause chipping. Chipping can be reduced by selecting tool materials with high-impact and thermal shock resistance. High positive rake angle can contribute to chipping because of the small included angle of the tool tip. Crater wear region can progress toward to tool tip, thus weakening the tip because of reduced materials volume and causing chipping. Surface finish and integrity Figure 20.21 Surfaces produced on steel by cutting, as observed with a scanning electron microscope: (a) turned surface and (b) surface produced by shaping. Surface finish and integrity Figure 22 Schematic illustration of a dull tool in orthogonal cutting (exaggerated). Note that at small depths of cut, the positive rake angle can effectively become negative, and the tool may simply ride over and burnish the workpiece surface. Figure 23 Schematic illustration of feed marks in turning (highly exaggerated). See also Fig. 20.2.
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