November 10, 2014 Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands

21st IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology
(IEEE SCVT 2014)
November 10, 2014
Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands
Established in 1993, the IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology
(IEEE SCVT 2014) is an annual event organized by the IEEE Benelux Joint Chapter on
Communications and Vehicular Technology.
IEEE SCVT 2014 solicits papers addressing scientific and technical advances in
communication systems and vehicular communication technology. Submissions should be
in IEEE two-column style and not exceed 6 pages. The accepted and actually presented
papers of the conference will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore (No-Show Policy).
Topics include, but are not limited to:
Physical Layer Topics:
• Advanced receiver design
• Broadband access techniques
• Channel modelling
• Coding and modulation
• Cognitive and green radio
• Communication theory
• Energy harvesting for wireless sensor networks
• Machine-to-machine communications
• Multiple antenna and MIMO systems
• Multi-user detection
• Short-range wireless technologies
• Software-defined radio
• Ultra low power transceivers
• Ultra Wide Band radio
Networking Topics:
• Ad-hoc and sensor networks
• Cellular and wireless networks
• Cyber security and network robustness
• Energy efficient networking
• Internet of Things
• Multimedia and information-centric networking
• Network science
• Online social networks
• Optical networks
• Personal and body area networks
• Quality of Service and Quality of Experience
• Self-organizing networks
• Smart grid communications and control
• Software-defined networking
September 5, 2014:
October 14, 2014:
October 28, 2014:
November 10, 2014:
Paper submission deadline
Notification of acceptance
Camera-ready paper submission deadline
General chair
Fernando Kuipers
Delft University of Technology
TPC chair
Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad
Delft University of Technology
Local organization
Wendy Murtinu-van Schagen
Delft University of Technology