Exploring the Frontiers of Macromonomer Chemistry PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr.ir. C.J. van Duijn, voor een commissie aangewezen door het College voor Promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op maandag 15 oktober 2012 om 16.00 uur door Gemma Claire Sanders geboren te Colchester, Groot-Brittannië Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotor: prof.dr. A.M. Van Herk Copromotoren: dr.ir. J.P.A. Heuts en dr. R. Duchateau Sanders, G. C. A catalogue record is available from Eindhoven University of Technology Library ISBN: 978-90-386-3223-0 Copyright © 2012 by Gemma C. Sanders The results described in this thesis formed part of the research programme of the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI), DPI project # 651 Cover Design: Gemma C. Sanders & Proefschriftmaken.nl || Uitgeverij BOXPress Printed by: Proefschriftmaken.nl || Uitgeverij BOXPress CONTENTS GLOSSARY 5 SUMMARY 7 SAMENVATTING 9 1 INTRODUCTION 11 Aim Catalytic Chain Transfer Polymerisation 12 12 Mechanical Aspects Kinetic Aspects and Determination of CT 13 15 Copolymerisation with Methacrylic Monomers Copolymerisation with Acrylates/Styrene 16 17 Radical Chemistry with Macromonomers Post-polymerisation Functionalisation of Macromonomers Thiol-ene Chemistry Hydroformylation 16 19 19 20 Outline of Thesis References 21 23 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION 27 Abstract Introduction Experimental Section Results and Discussion 28 29 32 36 Conclusion References 54 55 Synthesis of Macromonomers Synthesis of Macroinitiator (Model Studies) Block Copolymer Synthesis 3 STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Abstract Introduction Experimental Section Results and Discussion 36 36 39 57 58 59 61 64 Synthesis of ASMA and SMA Copolymers End Group Determination Determination of Chain Transfer Constant of COBF for SMA Copolymers Post-Polymerisation Reactions of pSMA Copolymerisation Behaviour Conclusion References 64 66 69 72 76 77 79 3 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Abstract Introduction Experimental Section Results and Discussion 81 82 83 84 88 Synthesis of e-MMA2 Attempted Cationic Ring Opening Homopolymerisation of e-MMA2 Polymerisation of THF in the Presence of e-MMA2 Coupling Reactions of e-MMA2 Conclusion References 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Abstract Introduction Experimental Section Results and Discussion 88 89 95 103 107 108 109 110 111 113 116 Coupling of Macromonomers to Polyurethanes using Thiol-ene Chemistry Thiol-ene Reactions of CCT-derived Macromonomers with ThiolFunctionalised Polyethylene Thiol-functionalised Polyethylene as a Chain Transfer Agent in Free Radical Polymerisations Conclusion References 116 120 125 130 131 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTIFOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Abstract Introduction Experimental Section Results and Discussion 133 134 135 137 139 Synthesis of p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)) Quarternisation of p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)) Testing of Coating Properties Conclusion References 139 142 143 152 153 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 155 CURRICULUM VITAE 157 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 158 4 GLOSSARY AFCT AIBN AMS BA BzMA BzOH CCG CCTP CT CTA CHMA CLD CM COBF DBTDL DD DMAEA DMF DMPP DMSO DPn DPw DRI DSC FHI FRP gHMQC GPEC HDI HFIP kt ktr MA MALDI-ToF-MS mCPBA MMA Mn Mp Mw NMR PC PDI PE PEG Addition-fragmentation chain transfer 2,2’-Azobisisobutyronitrile α-Methyl styrene Butyl acrylate Benzyl methacrylate Benzyl alcohol Catalysed chain growth Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation Chain transfer constant Chain transfer agent Cyclohexyl methacrylate Chain length distribution Chain transfer to monomer constant Bis(difluoroboryl)dimethyl-glyoximato cobalt (II) Dibutyl tin dilaurate Danishefsky’s diene 2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl acrylate N,N-Dimethylformamide Dimethylphenyl phosphine Dimethyl sulfoxide Number-average degree of polymerisation Weight-average degree of polymerisation Differential refractive index Differential scanning calorimetry Perfluorohexyl iodide Free radical polymerisation Gradient-heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence Gradient polymer elution chromatography Hexamethylene diisocyanate 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoroisopropanol Chain length-averaged termination coefficient Chain transfer rate coefficient Maleic anhydride Matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight spectroscopy 3-Chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid Methyl methacrylate Number-average molecular weight Peak mass Weight-average molecular weight Nuclear magnetic resonance Polycarbonate Polydispersity index Poly(ethylene) Poly(ethylene glycol) 5 PE-SH PPG ppm RAFT ROP S SEC t1/2 TCE Tg THF UV VOC VAZO-88 λ Thiol-terminated polyethylene Poly(propylene glycol) toluene 2,4-diisocyanate Parts per million Reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation Ring opening polymerisation Styrene Size exclusion chromatography Static decay half life Tetrachloroethylene Glass transition temperature Tetrahydrofuran Ultraviolet Volatile organic compounds 1,1′-Azobis(cyclohexanecarbonitrile) Fraction of radicals undergoing termination by disproportionation 6 SUMMARY Since the discovery of catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP) in the 1970s, the reactive low molecular weight macromonomers characteristic of this technique have proven to be chemically versatile and easily industrially-scalable. However, despite detailed investigations into the mechanism and properties of these CCTP-derived macromonomers, little attention has been paid to the combination of CCTP with other polymerisation techniques in either industry or academia. Indeed, although CCTP has been effectively used in combination with radical techniques such as reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerisation and atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP) and to a certain extent conventional free radical polymerisation (FRP), non-radical techniques have not been explored. The use of multiple polymerisation mechanisms in a single polymer eliminates the restrictions of monomer-technique compatibility, and increases the possible monomer combinations thus polymer properties obtainable. In this thesis, a toolbox of radical and non-radical polymerisation techniques as well as post-polymerisation modifications in combination with CCTP have been explored and developed. Macromonomers synthesised via CCTP contain a reactive double bond, which can undergo a Michael addition with lithium ester enolates, resulting in the formation of a macroinitiator capable of polymerising methacrylic monomers anionically. The resultant block copolymers contain a predominantly atactic block (derived from the radical CCTP) and an isotacticoid or syndiotactoid block (derived from the anionic polymerisation). The nature of the second block depends heavily on the conditions of the polymerisation. Functional macromonomers based on styrene and maleic anhydride (pSMA) and styrene, maleic anhydride and α-methyl styrene (pASMA) have been synthesised using CCTP. Chain transfer constants for these polymerisations have been determined and detailed 2D NMR analysis was used to reveal that the end group of pSMA is maleic anhydride-based with a vinylic moiety, and for pASMA the end group is predominantly αmethyl styrene, also with a vinylic moiety. Further post-polymerisation functionalisation of pSMA via Diels-Alder and thiol-ene reactions has also been explored. Thiol chemistry has been exploited to synthesise block copolymers. Thiol-ene reactions have also been used to modify methacrylic macromonomers for use in polyurethane chemistry to generate triblock copolymers. Synthesis of block copolymers of poly(ethylene-b-methyl methacrylates) have been attempted using two routes. The coupling of methyl methacrylate-based macromonomers to thiol-terminated polyt(ethylene) proved futile under the reaction conditions restrictions set by the properties of poly(ethylene). The same block copolymers could, however, be realised using the thiol-terminated poly(ethylene) as a macro-chain transfer agent in a radical polymerisation of not only methyl methacrylate but also butyl acrylate and styrene. The vinylic functionality of dimers of methyl methacrylate (MMA) can be epoxidised using m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid. Model studies of the epoxidised dimer of MMA (e-MMA2) showed that homopolymerisation of the epoxide results in back-biting of the epoxide, even under cationic ring opening polymerisation conditions. Polymerisation of THF in the presence of e-MMA2 (using BF3.OEt2 as the initiator) gave surprising 7 results. e-MMA2 does not copolymerise with THF, but rather catalyses the reaction, then once the THF maximum conversion has been reached, e-MMA2 end-caps the polymer. eMMA2 has also been used in coupling reactions to amines and (macro)alcohols. CCTP-derived co-macromonomers of cyclohexyl methacrylate and MMA have also been synthesised. These co-macromonomers have then been copolymerised radically with 2-dimethylaminoethyl acrylate (DMAEA) to form graft copolymers to form a range of polymers containing different grafting densities and graft lengths. The properties of these polymers were investigated with respect to the suitability of these polymers for use as anti-static and anti-fogging additive for polycarbonate substrate. As coatings for polycarbonate, the graft copolymers showed promising results, for both anti-static and anti-fogging applications. A toolbox of different chemistries has been developed for use in combination with CCTP, significantly contributing to both the fields of CCTP and complex architectures. The potential of these chemistries is large owing to the versatility and range of different techniques used, providing many options in terms of monomer choice and polymeric architecture. Although at present there are no direct applications for the majority of the chemistries developed as part of this thesis, the scope and the variability of the techniques and monomeric starting materials are redolent with possibilities. 8 SAMENVATTING Sinds de ontdekking van katalytische ketenoverdracht polymerisatie (Catalytical Chain Transfer Polymerisation Eng., CCTP) in de jaren 70, heeft deze techniek, met reactieve macromonomeer karakteristieken, zich bewezen als chemisch veelzijdig en makkelijk industrieel opschaalbaar. Ondanks het gedetailleerde onderzoek naar het mechanisme en de eigenschappen van deze CCTP-macromonomeren is er weinig aandacht besteed aan de combinatie met andere polymerisatietechnieken door industrie en de academische wereld. Hoewel CCTP succesvol is gecombineerd met radicaal polymerisatietechnieken, zoals RAFT (Eng., reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer) polymerisatie, ATRP (Eng., atom transfer radical polymerisation) en normale vrije radicaal polymerisatie, zijn niet-radikaal polymerisatiemechanismes niet onderzocht. Het gebruik van verschillende polymerisatietechnieken voor één polymeerketen elimineert de restricties van monomeertechniek compatibiliteit en opent de mogelijkheden voor monomeercombinaties en daarmee de mogelijke eigenschappen van het polymeer. In dit proefschrift is een tool-box van radicale en niet-radicale polymerisatietechnieken en post-polymerisatie modificatie in combinatie met CCTP onderzocht en ontwikkeld. Macromonomeren gesynthetiseerd via CCTP hebben een reactieve dubbele koolstofverbinding, die een Michael-additie kan ondergaan met een lithium ester enolaat, resulterend in de formatie van een macroinitiator. De macroinitiator heeft de mogelijkheid om methacrylaat monomeren anionisch te polymeriseren. Het resulterend blokcopolymeer heeft voornamelijk een atactisch blok (door de radicale CCTP) en een isotactisch of syndiotactisch blok (door de anionische polymerisatie). De eigenschappen van het tweede blok hangen sterk af van de condities van de polymerisatie. Functionele macromonomeren gebaseerd op styreen en maleïnezuuranhydride (pSMA) en styreen, maleïnezuuranhydride en α-methylstyreen (pASMA) zijn gesynthetiseerd door gebruik van CCTP. De ketenoverdracht-constanten voor deze polymerisaties zijn vastgesteld. Gedetailleerde 2D NMR analyse is gebruikt om te onthullen dat de eindgroep van pSMA voornamelijk maleïnezuuranhydride met een vinyl binding is. Voor pASMA is de eindgroep van de keten voornamelijk α-methylstyreen met een vinyl binding. Verder zijn post-polymerisatie functionalisaties van pSMA door DielsAlder en thiol-ene reacties onderzocht. Thiol-ene chemie was gebruikt voor de synthese van blokcopolymeren. Methacrylaat macromonomeren waren modificeerd door thiol-ene reacties voor gebruik in polyurethaan chemie voor de synthese van triblokpolymerisaties. Twee routes zijn onderzocht voor het synthetiseren van poly(ethyleen-b-methyl methacrylaat) blokcopolymeren. Het koppelen van methylmethacrylaat macromonomeren met thiolgetermineerde polyethyleen bleek onmogelijk onder de reactiecondities die door de eigenschappen van polyethyleen worden beperkt. De blokcopolymeren konden gerealiseerd worden door het gebruik van het thiol-keteneinde als een macromonomeer ketenoverdrachtsgroep tijdens de polymerisatie van zowel methylmethacrylaat als butylacrylaat en styreen. 9 De vinylfunctionaliteit van dimeren van methylmethacrylaat kan geëpoxideerd worden door m-chloroperoxybenzoëzuur. Modelstudies van het geëpoxideerde dimeer van MMA (e-MMA2) lieten zien dat de homopolymerisatie van het epoxide resulteerde in back-bitting van het epoxide, zelfs onder kationische ring-opening polymerisatie condities. De polymerisatie van THF in de aanwezigheid van e-MMA2 (BF3.OET2 als initiator) gaf een verrassend resultaat: de e-MMA2 copolymeriseert niet met THF, maar katalyseert de reactie en end-caps de polyTHF bij maximale conversie. e-MMA2 is ook gebruikt in combinatie met koppelingreacties met amines en (macro)alcoholen. CCTP-gebasseerde co-macromonomeren van cyclohexylmethacrylaat en MMA zijn ook gesynthetiseerd. Deze co-macromonomeren zijn copolymeriseerd met 2dimetylaminoethylacrylaat (DMAEA), resulterend in graftcopolymeren met verschillende hoeveelheden macromonomeren van verschillende moleculaire gewichten. De antistatische en anti-condens eigenschappen van deze polymeren waren onderzocht voor een polycarbonaatsubstraat. Een coating van de graftcopolymeren op polycarbonaat liet veelbelovende antistatische en anti-condens eigenschappen zien. Een gereedschapskist van verschillende chemische reacties is ontwikkeld voor het gebruik in combinatie met CCTP. Dit is een significante bijdrage voor zowel het veld van CCTP als voor complexe polymeerarchitecturen. Het potentieel van deze chemische strategieën komt voornamelijk door de veelzijdigheid en de grote mogelijkheden op het gebied van monomeerkeuze en polymeerarchitectuur. Hoewel momenteel nog geen directe applicaties voor de chemische combinaties bekend zijn, geven de variaties van technieken en monomeren veel mogelijkheden. 10 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 AIM There is a desire, both in academia and in industry, to synthesise polymers with complex architectures. By using different polymerisation mechanisms, polymer segments that are not normally found together (i.e. cannot be made via the same polymerisation technique, or only via very difficult routes) can be combined.1 This is of interest as a route to developing new materials with novel properties, and can be employed, for example, to modify the surface of engineering plastics. A common method to achieve this is by using copolymers with complex polymer architectures, in which one part of the polymer interacts with substrate providing adhesion, and the other part contains some form of functionality, such as the reduction of the build-up of static charge or to prevent fogging of polycarbonate substrates. Complex polymer architectures, such as block, graft and star copolymers, can be synthesised via a variety of routes.2 Often, controlled or living polymerisation mechanisms are used to control the topology of the polymer structure such as atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP),3, 4 reversible addition fragmentation (RAFT) polymerisation,5, 6 nitroxide-mediated radical polymerisation (NMRP),7 anionic8 or cationic9 polymerisation and coordination polymerisation including chain shuttling chemistry. 10 Using pre-formed polymers, such as macromonomers, as building blocks allows for the synthesis of polymers with well-defined segments. The inclusion of macromonomeric building blocks can be carried out via the same polymerisation mechanism used to synthesise the macromonomer or via an alternative polymerisation mechanism, removing the restrictions placed by only using a single polymerisation route for polymer synthesis. 11-13 In recent literature, living radical polymerisation techniques have been combined with catalytic olefin polymerisation,1 ring opening polymerisations14 and click chemistry.15 In this thesis, the use of macromonomers derived from catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP) will be used as building blocks for the synthesis of block and graft copolymers. CCTP has been combined with a variety of other polymerisation techniques and post-polymerisation functionalisation reactions in order to introduce different monomers and properties into the copolymers. CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP) was first discovered by Smirnov et al. in the 1980s.16-18 The addition of small quantities of certain low spin Co(II) compounds, e.g. cobalt porphyrins, were found to dramatically decrease the molecular weight of polymers made via conventional free radical polymerisation (FRP). Furthermore, polymer chains with ω-unsaturated end groups were found to be the predominant, if not the exclusive, product of these polymerisation reactions. Since then, CCTP found applications in a range of fields such as mould and pavement manufacturing19, 20 and as low VOC, high solids coatings for the automotive industry. 21, 22 The mechanism of CCTP can be summarised as the abstraction of a hydrogen radical from a growing polymer chain, and transfer of this radical to a monomer unit. The resulting species are a terminated polymeric species with an ω-unsaturated end group (a ‘macromonomer’) and a new propagating centre in the form of a monomeric radical (Scheme 1).16-18 12 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Scheme 1. Catalytic chain transfer in the free radical polymerisation of methyl methacrylate. The success of these Co(II) species can be attributed to both their catalytic activity towards chain transfer reactions, as well as their high chain transfer constants (CT) compared to conventional chain transfer reactions, such as thiols and CBr 4 (Table 1). Knowledge of CT values enables the prediction of the degree of polymerisation (DPn) based on the amount of chain transfer agent used. Table 1. Typical chain transfer constants for the bulk polymerisation of methyl methacrylate at 60 ºC. Chain Transfer Agent n-dodecane thiol CBr4 COBF CT Reference 1.2 0.3 (24-40) ×103 23 24 17, 18 A variety of catalytic chain transfer agents based on Co(II) and other transition metals have been discovered, although the most widely used branch of catalysts are based on cobaloximes.25 One of the most common chain transfer agents in CCTP, and in fact the one used in this thesis, is bis[(difluoroboryl)dimethylglyoximato]cobalt(II) (COBF, Figure 1).26 Only ppm amounts of this catalyst are required to significantly decrease the molecular weight of the resultant polymers. Note that it is in fact the bis(methanol) adduct of COBF that is often used in practice. Figure 1. General structure of COBF Mechanistic Aspects The most accepted mechanism for CCTP is via a two-step radical reaction: firstly a hydrogen radical is abstracted by the Co(II) complex from a growing polymer chain, resulting in a highly reactive Co(III)H intermediate and a macromonomer. 16-18, 27-38 The 13 INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 subsequent reduction of Co(III)H back to Co(II) yields a monomeric radical, capable of propagation (Scheme 2). Co(III)-Rn Rn• Pn(=) [Co Rn•] Co(II) Co(III)H R1• M Scheme 2. Catalytic cycle for COBF-mediated CCTP. Although CCTP is a highly effective method for producing low molecular weight polymers based on methacrylic monomers, acrylic monomers and styrene pose a greater problem. The major difference between the catalytic activity of catalysts, such as COBF, with methacrylates and acrylates is the degree of formation of Co III-Rn, which is not part of the catalytic cycle, merely an unwanted side reaction (Scheme 2). The hydrogentransfer is thought to arise via a direct reaction of the cobalt centre with the propagating radical through a CoHC transition state.16-18, 29 During the radical polymerisation of methacrylates, most of the cobalt is in the Co(II) state, whereas for acrylates the Co(III) state is predominant.38, 39 The implication of the increased Co-C interaction is that catalyst is essentially removed from the catalytic cycle, decreasing the concentration of catalyst available for chain transfer reactions.16-18, 29 An additional divergence is that CCTP of acrylates and styrene result in polymers with internal double bonds as the end group (Scheme 3). Acrylates with an external unsaturation can be synthesised under radical conditions, but only at high temperatures.40, 41 Scheme 3. Catalytic chain transfer in the free radical polymerisation of styrene. 14 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Kinetic Aspects and Determination of CT The (instantaneous) number average degree of polymerisation (DPn) for a CCTP reaction can be described by the Mayo equation (Equation 1), where λ is the fraction of radicals undergoing termination by disproportionation, 〈 〉 the chain length-averaged termination rate coefficient, [ ] the overall radical concentration, [ ] the monomer concentration, the chain transfer to monomer constant, [ ] the active catalyst concentration and the chain transfer constant (defined as ktr/kp, where ktr is the chain transfer rate coefficient and kp the propagation rate coefficient).42 ( ) 〈 〉[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] This equation is often simplified to Equation 2, where polymerisation in the absence of a chain transfer agent. [ ] [ ] ( ) is the degree of ( ) Therefore, it can clearly be seen that the higher the [Co] and the greater the CT, the lower the molecular weight of polymer produced. For very short chains, however, a modified version of the Mayo equation should be applied (Equation 3). 43 ( [ ] ) [ ] ( ) The easiest and most widely used method of calculating CT is via the Mayo method. By determining the Mn or Mw from SEC data, the degree of polymerisation can be calculated, which is then plotted as 1/DPn or 2/DPw against the ratio of chain transfer agent concentration to monomer concentration. The slope of this line is the CT, in accordance with Equation 1. Although using Mn to determine the degree of polymerisation is theoretically the most accurate way, Mw is often used (as Mw/2×m0) as it is a more robust experimental parameter, particularly for low molecular weight polymers. 23, 44, 45 It should also be noted that a polydispersity index of 2 is assumed as this is the theoretical value found for chain transfer-dominated polymerisations. However, the Mayo method has one major disadvantage. When dealing with low molecular weight polymers, it is often difficult to separate the polymer from the solvent peak in SEC. This means that obtaining an accurate baseline is not always possible, and thus the determined average molecular weights, particularly Mn, are less reliable giving an unrealistic CT values. This issue has previously been discussed in detail and a comparison made between CT values determined using the Mayo method (Mn and Mw from SEC measurements) and the chain length distribution (CLD) method.23, 46 The CLD method uses the slope, Λ, of the chain length distribution P(M), plotted as ln(P(M)), vs. M to determine the chain transfer constant.47, 48 Λ taken in the higher molecular weight region, ΛH is theoretically the most appropriate, in accordance with Equation 4. 15 INTRODUCTION ( ( )) ( 〈 〉[ ] [ ] [ ] ) [ ] Chapter 1 ( ) More reliable results are often obtained, however, when the slope of the distribution is taken at the molecular weight of the peak of the original chromatogram, ΛP.49 In this manner a section of the slope can be selected that is free from “contamination” originating from solvent peaks or anomalies in the baseline providing a more robust parameter. Furthermore as Λ is essentially equivalent to 1/DPn, it can be plotted against [Co]/[M] for a range of [Co] to [M] ratios to determine the chain transfer constant. RADICAL CHEMISTRY WITH MACROMONOMERS CCTP has been combined with a range of radical techniques in order to synthesise block, graft and star copolymers. Copolymerisation with Methacrylic Monomers Block copolymers The copolymerisation of methacrylic macromonomers in the presence of a methacrylic monomer under radical conditions has been found to result in block copolymers, or more accurately block macromonomers.49-55 The mechanism by which this takes place is known as addition fragmentation chain transfer (AFCT, Scheme 4) and is in fact a precursor to, the more well-known, reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation (RAFT) using dithioester compounds. On addition of a methacrylic radical to a macromonomer, a relatively unreactive intermediate radical is formed. This intermediate radical can then undergo β-scission resulting in a new macromonomeric species and a propagating radical. Propagation can ensue and upon reaction once more with a macromonomer, the unsaturated ω-end group of the macromonomer is again transferred terminating the growing polymer chain. In essence, the unsaturated ω-end group of the original macromonomer is transferred from one chain to another as the macromonomer act as chain transfer agent. The CT of CCTP-derived macromonomers, however, is low (around 0.04) especially when compared to the thio-ester ‘RAFT agents’ used in RAFT. However by using low concentrations of monomer compared to macromonomer, block macromonomers with low PDIs and a ‘living’ character can be synthesised.50 16 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Scheme 4. Addition fragmentation chain transfer (AFCT) leading to telechelic (n = 1) or block (n > 1) copolymers in the free radical polymerisation of a methacrylic monomer with a methacrylic macromonomer. Telechelic Polymers The use of dimeric macromonomers (or dimers) of methacrylic monomers in AFCT reactions results in telechelic macromonomers (Figure 2), i.e. the constituent monomer units of the dimer are placed at either end of the resulting polymer. 49, 51, 52, 56, 57 Figure 2. Telechelic macromonomer. As mentioned earlier, CCTP of acrylic monomers and styrene is inefficient and results in an internal double bond. However, when these monomers are copolymerised with small amounts (< 10%) of an AMS dimer (AMS 2), polymers with predominantly AMS-based end groups are observed.57 Copolymerisation with Acrylic Monomers/Styrene Graft Copolymers Macromonomers copolymerised in the presence of acrylic monomers or styrene result in graft copolymers, although the mechanism is not as straight-forward as originally thought.58-60 The initial presumption was that macromonomers were simply copolymerised with acrylates to form grafts comprising of the macromonomers. Yamada and co-workers have since discovered that a certain degree of AFCT occurs before grafting can occur.54, 55 Regardless of whether a methacrylic or an acrylic monomer attacks a macromonomer, AFCT is the dominant reaction. However, attack by an acrylic monomer results in a macromonomer which now contains an acrylic monomer unit in the penultimate position and the copolymerisation behaviour of macromonomers has been 17 INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 found to be dependent on the nature of the penultimate unit (Table 2). A methacrylic penultimate unit results in a labile bond between the penultimate unit and the unsaturated end group leading to β-scission of the bond, and therefore AFCT. A less labile bond is formed, on the other hand, when an acrylic monomer, such as methyl acrylate (MA) is situated in the penultimate position of the macromonomer. Thus, on copolymerisation of macromonomers with MA or S, AFCT initially occurs, resulting in new macromonomers which contain MA or S units in positions penultimate to the ω-unsaturated end group. These new macromonomers, which consist of both the original macromonomer as well as additional MA or S units form the side chains of the graft copolymers (Scheme 5). Table 2. Summary of the polymerisation behaviour of macromonomers with different comonomers at 60ºC.55 Xa Comonomer AFCT/(AFCT + COPOLY)b MMA MMA >90% MMA MA >90% MMA S >40% S or acrylate S or MA ~0% X is the penultimate unit in the macromonomer; b AFCT = addition-fragmentation chain transfer, COPOLY = graft copolymerisation. a Scheme 5. Proposed general mechanism for the graft copolymerisation of methacrylic macromonomers with acrylic monomers. Star Copolymers Stars copolymer have also been synthesised via the copolymerisation of pMMA macromonomers with 1,4-butanediol diacrylate.61 18 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Combination of CCTP with Controlled Radical Polymerisation Techniques Macromonomers with all the advantages of controlled radical polymerisation techniques, such as a low PDI and well-controlled molecular weights, have been synthesised by combining CCTP with ATRP62 or RAFT.63 Polymerisations via ATRP or RAFT were carried out as normal, however after completion of the reaction, a small amount of COBF (and if necessary 1 equivalent of monomer and a radical initiator) was added in order to replace the halogen or RAFT agent end groups, and replace them with the quintessential CCTP ω-unsaturated end group (Scheme 6). Scheme 6. Synthesis of polymers via RAFT and ATRP followed by the interchange of end groups for ω-unsaturated ‘macromonomer’ end groups. POST-POLYMERISATION FUNCTIONALISATION OF MACROMONOMERS Thiol-ene Chemistry The most recent trend in macromonomer chemistry is the post-polymerisation functionalisation of macromonomers via thiol-ene chemistry.64, 65 The ω-unsaturated end group CCTP-derived macromonomers is, in general, very reactive towards thiol-ene chemistry. Although most thiol-ene chemistry is carried out via radical routes,66-68 methacrylic macromonomers can undergo a thia-Michael addition catalysed by phosphinebased catalysts.69, 70 This prevents possible radical-induced fragmentation of the macromonomers. The proposed mechanistic route for this reaction is shown in Scheme 7, and is considered to be a nucleophile-mediated hydrothiolation over the terminal double bond. 19 INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 Scheme 7. Proposed mechanism for the nucleophile-mediated hydrothiolation of an acrylic carboncarbon bond under phosphine catalysis. Haddleton and coworkers have used thiol-ene chemistry to attach proteins, such as salmon calcitonin, to macromonomers by first reducing the disulphide bridge of the peptide followed an in situ thia-Michael addition.71 Further, thermoresponsive poly(oligo(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate)s have been synthesised and the ωunsaturated end groups modified via thiol-ene chemistry to tune the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of the polymers.72 CCTP has also been used to synthesise hyper-branched polymers by using di- and trimethacrylates. These networks can then be decorated with a wide variety of thiols to tailor the properties of the polymers. 73 Hydroformylation Smeets et al.74 have successfully converted the ω-unsaturated end groups of macromonomers into pendant aldehyde moieties (Scheme 8). A ruthenium-based catalyst was used to carry out a hydroformylation reaction in super-critical carbon dioxide. A high degree of conversion from the terminal double bond to an aldehyde group was achieved with high chemoselectivity for methyl methacrylate, styrene and styrene/α-methyl styrene macromonomers. This opens a pathway to further potential post-polymerisation modification reactions by conversion of the aldehyde end groups into acids, alcohols or imines. 20 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Scheme 8. Synthesis of methyl methacrylate, styrene and styrene/α-methyl styrene macromonomers and the subsequent hydroformylation of the unsaturated end groups into aldehyde moieties.82 It is clear that a wide range of functional macromonomers can be synthesised via CCTP, which can subsequently be used as building blocks for more complex polymeric architectures using both radical and non-radical techniques. In this thesis macromonomers derived from CCTP have been used in conjunction with various radical and non-radical polymerisation and functionalisation reactions. OUTLINE OF THESIS Chapter 2 explores the use of macromonomers as macroinitiators for the anionic polymerisation of methacrylic monomers. The resultant polymers consist of an atactic block (derived from CCTP) and an isotactic or syndiotactic block (derived from the anionic polymerisation). In Chapter 3, poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) (pSMA) macromonomers have been synthesised via CCT in the presence and absence of α-methyl styrene. The polymers were fully characterised and the chain transfer constant of COBF under these conditions has been determined. Diels-Alder post-polymerisation functionalisation reactions were successfully carried out on the maleic anhydride-terminated macromonomers. Chapter 4 investigates the post-polymerisation epoxidation of the unsaturated end group of a macromonomer. Subsequent ring opening polymerisation reactions have been proven to be challenging due to a competing cyclisation reaction. These macromonomeric epoxides, however, have been used in the polymerisation of tetrahydrofuran (THF). It was found that the epoxide end-caps the polymer chains and controls the molecular weight of the polymer. The epoxide is also shown to catalyse the homopolymerisation of THF. The epoxides have also been used as coupling agents with (macro)alcohols and amines. 21 INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 The use of thiols and thiol-ene chemistry is covered in Chapter 5. Thiol-ene chemistry has been used to modify methacrylic macromonomers towards isocyanate reactions with diisocyanate terminated polymers. In addition, the thia-Michael addition reaction between macromonomers and thiol-functionalised polyethylene (PE-SH) was investigated as a route to poly(ethylene-b-(methacrylate) block copolymers but proved to be insurmountable due to concentration limitations and an unfavourable temperature dependence. Poly(ethylene-b-(meth)acrylate) polymers could be synthesised, however, via a conventional free radical polymerisation in which PE-SH acts as a chain transfer agent. Graft copolymers have been synthesised via a radical route in Chapter 6. Macromonomers based on cyclohexyl methacrylate (CHMA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) have been copolymerised with 2-dimethylethylamino acrylate (DMAEA). After variation of the graft length and grafting density, the resultant polymers have been quaternised with various iodine-containing compounds. Coatings of these polymers on polycarbonate have been made and their properties studied to determine their tendency towards anti-static and anti-fogging behaviours. 22 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. R. G. Lopez, F. D'Agosto and C. Boisson, Prog. Polym. Sci., 2007, 32, 419-454. K. Matyjaszewski, Science, 2011, 333, 1104-1105. K. 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Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP) has been used to synthesise vinylterminated polymers, which, after the Michael addition of α-lithioisopropyl isobutyrate, were used as macroinitiators for the anionic polymerisation of methacrylate-type monomers. The resultant polymer consists of a predominantly atactic block (originating from the free radical polymerisation) and a more isotactoid or syndiotactoid block (originating from the anionic polymerisation). 28 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION INTRODUCTION Block copolymers have sparked the interest of academic and industrial chemists alike for many decades because they provide a facile and versatile route to combining the properties of two or more homopolymers whilst obtaining a controlled architecture. 1-6 The resultant polymers often show improved properties compared to their homopolymer counterparts, contributing their greatest assets to the block copolymer. This opens the door to a broad range of applications areas, such as compatablisers, 7-10 self-assembly,11, 12 drug delivery13, 14 and surfactants,15, 16 which can benefit from the combined properties of the copolymer. Unfortunately, the use of a sole polymerisation technique to synthesise the block copolymer frequently restricts the monomers that can be used and the properties that can be obtained. By combining one of more techniques, a vast array of block copolymers can be synthesised. Recently, living radical polymerisation techniques (e.g. ATRP, RAFT and NMRP) have been used in conjunction with catalytic olefin polymerisation1, ring opening polymerisations,2 ring opening metathesis polymerisation3 and extensively with click chemistry.6 Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP),17, 18 on the other hand, has rarely been used in combination with alternative polymerisation mechanisms2, 15, 19-22 and has never been combined with a non-radical technique. Stereoblock copolymers of methacrylates were first synthesised by Doherty et al.23 where blocks of syndiotactic and isotactic poly(methyl methacrylate) (pMMA) were made in the same polymer. This method, which involved the sequential anionic polymerisation of diphenylmethyl methacrylate and trityl methacrylate followed by hydrolysis and methylation, is however rather tedious. In 1994, a more direct route was developed involving the use of trialkyl aluminium species to convert the selectivity of an isotactic pMMA macroinitiator towards syndiotacticity.24 Group IV metallocenes have also been used in combination with boron or aluminium species to create stereoblock copolymers of methacrylates.25 By exchanging a site-controlled polymerisation with a chain-endcontrolled synthesis, the selectivity of the growing polymer chain could be effectively converted from being isotactic-rich to syndiotactic-rich pMMA. Group IV metallocene/Lewis acid hybrid catalysts have also been employed to synthesise isotacticsyndiotactic block copolymers via a diastereotopic ion-pairing polymerisation method.26 Although literature surrounding isotactic-syndiotactic pMMA block copolymers is prevalent, we are not aware of any information regarding stereoblock copolymers of pMMA in the literature, in which one block is atactic. Atactic-isotactic stereoblock copolymers of polyacrylamides, on the other hand, have been reported. 27-29 The first block, made via a RAFT technique, is atactic, the selectivity of which switches to isotacticity upon addition of a Lewis acid. Carpentier and co-workers30 report, what they claim to be, the first example of a block copolymer of polystyrene with syndiotactic and atactic blocks by combining Ziegler-Natta polymerisation with ATRP. The combination of CCTP with other polymerisation mechanisms has, hitherto, been underexploited as a technique. In this chapter we demonstrate a novel route to synthesising block copolymers via the combination of catalytic chain transfer polymerisation and anionic polymerisation, wherein the blocks have differing tacticities (Scheme 1). The inclusion of an anionically-derived element allows the possibility of 29 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 introducing “non-radical” properties to the block copolymer, such as tacticity and potentially crystallinity, via either side- or chain-end control producing iso- or syndiotactic polymers. This is impossible using CCTP alone. Block copolymers with differing tacticities are of interest in fields such as coatings. 31 The atactic component can provide good miscibility with the substrate, whilst the isotactic or syndiotactic blocks tend to form crystalline domains capable of enhancing the scratch and chemical resistance of the coatings, protecting the substrate. 32, 33 Scheme 1. Synthetic approach to block copolymers. (a) Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP); (b) Michael addition of α-lithioisopropylisobutyrate; (c) Anionic polymerisation. The anionic polymerisation of methacrylates enables a degree of stereoregularity to be introduced, which is almost always impossible using radical methods.34-37 The anionic polymerisation of methacrylate monomers with lithium ester enolate-based initiators, such as α-lithioisopropylisobutyrate (1, Scheme 1), proceeds via a Michael addition mechanism. Unfortunately, the use of this type of initiator means that the polymerisation reactions are prone to two major problems.38 Firstly, lithium ester enolates, such as 1, are known to have a tendency to cluster, resulting in inhomogeneous initiation and low initiator efficiency. In addition, due to the mechanism of this polymerisation technique, a carbanion is formed, which can attack the ester carbonyl functionality in the methacrylate-based polymer, resulting in the formation of dead cyclic species. Luckily, there is extensive literature available with a huge selection of preventative methods for both aggregation and back-biting termination.34, 38 Care must be taken, however, as the choice of additives can greatly influence the tacticity of the growing polymer chain. 30 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION In this present study we investigate the use of CCTP-derived macromonomers, modified with 1, as macroinitiators for the anionic polymerisation of methacrylic monomers. By combining these two different polymerisation mechanisms, stereoblock copolymers comprising of an atactic block and a syndio/isotactic block were synthesised. The versatility of this reaction towards macromonomers based on alternative methacrylic monomers and different chain lengths was also investigated. 31 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION General Considerations. All syntheses and manipulations of air- and moisture-sensitive materials were carried out in oven-dried Schlenk-type glassware on a dual manifold Schlenk line, a vacuum line (typically 1 to 100 mbar), or in a nitrogen-filled glovebox (typically < 1.0 ppm of oxygen and moisture). Materials. Methyl methacrylate (MMA, 99%) and benzyl methacrylate (BzMA, 96%) were purchased from Aldrich, and passed over a column of activated basic alumina to remove the inhibitor. For anionic polymerisations, MMA and BzMA were purified further by being dried over CaH2 and distilled, followed by titration against neat trioctyl aluminium and a second distillation. Triisobutylaluminium (TIBA) was purchased from Aldrich and used as received. Lithium chloride (98%) was purchased from Aldrich and dried in a vacuum oven at 100 ºC overnight before introduction to the glovebox. Azobis(isobutryonitrile) (AIBN) was recrystallised twice from methanol. The bis(methanol) complex of COBF, COBF(MeOH)2 (2) was prepared as described previously.39, 40 The chain transfer activity of the complex was determined in methyl methacrylate (MMA) bulk polymerisation at 60 ºC and found to be equal to 30 × 10 3. For all experiments, a single batch of catalyst was used. Toluene and tetrahydrofuran (THF) were purchased from Biosolve and used as received for the CCTP polymerisations. For use in the macroinitiation experiments, the solvents were dried over molecular sieves prior to use. α-Lithioisopropylisobutyrate, 1, and MeAl(BHT)2 (3, BHT = 2,6-(t-Bu)2-4Me-C6H2O) were synthesised according to literature methods.41, 42 Synthesis of Macromonomers via CCTP. Complex 2 (see Table 1) and AIBN (42 mg, 0.25 mmol) were placed in a flask equipped with a stirrer bar and underwent three vacuum-argon cycles. BzMA or MMA (50 mL) and toluene (50 mL) were deoxygenated and added using a syringe. The mixture was heated to 60 ºC and allowed to react for 16 hours, after which it was quenched by cooling in ice and addition of hydroquinone. For macromonomers with an Mn < 8,000 g/mol, the residual monomer and solvent were removed via vacuum evaporation immediately after stopping the reaction. The resulting product was redissolved in THF, passed over a column of basic alumina and dried at 80 ºC in a vacuum oven for at least 48 hours to remove all traces of solvent and water. For macromonomers with an Mn > 8,000 g/mol, the product was further diluted with toluene and precipitated in a large excess of pentane, then dried in a vacuum oven at 80 ºC for at least 48 hours to remove all traces of solvent and water. Synthesis of pMMA2. A 250 mL round-bottom flask was charged with AIBN (213 mg, 1.3 mmol) and 2 (100 mg, 0.26 mmol) inside a glovebox. The flask was closed with a rubber septum and removed from the glovebox. MMA (100 mL, 936 mmol) was injected via the septum and the mixture was stirred at 80 ºC for 6 hrs under a nitrogen atmosphere. The oligomerisation was quenched by addition of hydroquinone and cooling in ice. Residual monomer was removed under reduced pressure at room temperature. The residual yellow oil was vacuum distilled (325 mTorr, 38 ºC) to afford the pure dimer in 42% yield. 1H 32 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION NMR (400 MHz, chloroform-d1, 298 K) δ 6.12 (s, 1H, =CH2), 5.43 (s, 1H, =CH2), 3.64 (s, 3H, OMe), 3.55 (s, 3H, OMe), 2.52 (s, 2H, CH2), 1.07 (s, 6H, Me2) ppm. 13C{1H} NMR (100 MHz, chloroform-d1, 298 K) δ 177.3 (C=Oester), 176.8 (C=Oacryl), 137.3 (C=CH2), 127.8 (=CH2), 51.8 (OMe), 51.6 (OMe), 42.8 (CMe2), 41.0 (CH2), 24.8 (CMe2) ppm. Synthesis of pBzMA2. A 250 mL round-bottom flask was charged with AIBN (100 mg, 0.61 mmol) and 2 (50 mg, 0.126 µmol) inside a glovebox. The flask was closed with a rubber septum and removed from the glovebox. BzMA (50 mL) was injected via the septum and the mixture was stirred at 60 ºC for 16 hrs under a nitrogen atmosphere. The oligomerisation was quenched by addition of hydroquinone and cooling in ice. Residual monomer was removed under reduced pressure at elevated temperatures. The residual yellow oil was vacuum distilled using a Kugelrohr set-up (10-3 mTorr, 200 ºC) to afford the pure dimer in 60% yield. 1H NMR (400 MHz, chloroform-d1, 298 K) δ 7.38 (m, 10H, Ph), 6.29 (s, 1H, =CH2), 5.53 (s, 1H, =CH2), 5.20 (s, 3H, OCH2), 5.10 (s, 3H, OCH2), 2.74 (s, 2H, CH2), 1.25 (s, 6H, Me2) ppm. 13C{1H} NMR (100 MHz, chloroform-d1, 298 K) δ 176.7 (C=Oester), 167.2 (C=Oacryl), 137.2 (C=CH2), 136.0 (=CH2), 28.5 (Caromatic), 66.5 (OCH2), 43.0 (CH2), 40.9 (CMe2), 24.9 (CMe2) ppm. Synthesis of Model ‘Macro’initiator. Compound 1 (10 mg, 72 µmol) was dissolved in 0.4 mL C6D6 and the purity checked via 1H NMR. pMMA2 (14 mg, 72 µmol) was added and allowed to stir for 1 hour. 1H NMR was used to determine that all of the starting enolate 1 was consumed. The reaction mixture was then quenched with 10% HCl solution, and the product again analysed using 1H NMR. 1H NMR (400 MHz, THF-d8/toluene-d8, 298 K) δ 4.89 (septet, 1H, OCH(Me)2), 3.40 (s, 6H, OMe), 3.39 (s, 6H, OMe), 2.55 (m, 1H, CH), 1.99-2.10 (m, 2H, CH2), 1.50-1.59 (m, 2H, CH2), 1.06-1.12 (m, 18H, 3×Me2) ppm. Anionic Polymerisation from Model ‘Macro’initiator. Compound 1 (2.5 mg, 18 µmol) was dissolved in 0.5 mL dry THF, pBzMA2 (12.5 mg, 36 µmol) was then added and the mixture allowed stirring for 15 minutes. MMA (90 mg, 900 µmol) was then added and stirred at 20 ºC for 2 hours. The reaction product was quenched with acidified ethanol and dried overnight in a vacuum oven. Mn = 31,000 g/mol, PDI = 1.7; Conversion = 90 %. Reaction of 1 with 2 equivalents of pMMA2. Compound 1 (340 mg, 2.5 mmol) was suspended in toluene (20 mL) then pMMA2 (1.0 g, 5.0 mmol) was added dropwise. The clear solution was stirred at room temperature for 18 hrs. Toluene was evaporated under reduced pressure and the residue was taken up in methanol (20 mL). All volatiles were evaporated under reduced pressure and the resulting foam was taken up in Et 2O (50 mL). The organic layer was washed with hydrochloric acid (10%, 30 mL), then separated and the aqueous layer extracted with Et2O (30 mL). The combined organic fractions were dried over Na2SO4 and volatiles removed under reduced pressure to give an oil. A small amount of the monoaddition product Me2C(CO2Me)CH2CH(CO2Me)CH2CMe2CO2iPr was removed of the oil by vacuum distillation (80 °C, 400 mTorr). 33 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 Typical Procedure for the Isotactic Anionic Polymerisation of MMA. In a glove box, 1 (14 mg, 100 μmol) and LiCl (4 mg, 100 μmol) were dissolved in 0.99 g dry toluene. Outside the glovebox, 0.01 mL THF was added. The vials were cooled to -78 ºC. MMA (0.80 g, 8 mmol) was then added under an argon atmosphere and the mixture was stirred for 30 minutes at -78 ºC. The reaction was quenched with acidified ethanol and precipitated in pentane. The residual solvent was removed using a vacuum oven at 60 ºC overnight. In some experiments, as indicated in text, LiCl was omitted and only toluene used as solvent. Typical Procedure for the Isotactic Anionic Polymerisation of MMA from a BzMA Macroinitiator. In a glove box, 1 (14 mg, 100 μmol) and LiCl (4 mg, 100 μmol) were dissolved in 1 g dry toluene. In a separate vial, the macromonomer (100 μmol) was dissolved in 0.99 g dry toluene. After dissolution, the two crimp cap vials were removed from the glove box. To the vial containing 1 and LiCl, 0.01 mL THF was added. Both vials were cooled to the appropriate temperature. The two solutions where then combined under an argon atmosphere and allowed to mix for 5 minutes. Cold MMA (0.45 mL, 4.2 mmol) was then added and the mixture was stirred for 4 hours at the desired temperature. The reaction was quenched with water. The residual solvent was removed using a vacuum oven at 60 ºC overnight. Typical Procedure for the Syndiotactic Anionic Polymerisation of MMA from a BzMA Macroinitiator. Complex 3 (45 mg, 93.4 µmol) and macromonomer (47 µmol) were dissolved in toluene for 45 minutes. A solution of 1 (47 µmol) in toluene was added and allowed to stir for 60 minutes. MMA (0.22 g, 2.2 mmol) was added and the reaction mixture was stirred for 1 hour at room temperature. For longer macromonomers, the polymerisation time was increased to 2 hours and a solution of TIBA (typically 0.5 wt% of the macromonomer) was added to the macromonomer 2 hours prior to the addition of 3 in order to remove any trace of water. Reaction mixtures were quenched with acidified ethanol and the solvent removed under vacuum. Polymers with an Mn > 8,000 g/mol were precipitated twice from pentane. Syndiotactic Anionic Polymerisation of pBzMA. Complex 3 (12 mg, 24 μmol) and a solution of 1 in toluene (1.6 mg, 12 μmol) were dissolved in 1.5 g toluene to cleanly generate an initiator/catalyst pair. BzMA (0.21 g, 1.2 mmol) was then added and the mixture stirred for 2 hours at 20 ºC. The reaction mixture was quenched with acidified ethanol and precipitated in pentane. 81% conversion; Mn = 15,200 g/mol, PDI = 1.5 (determined against PS standards in THF using SEC). Syndiotactic Anionic Polymerisation of pMMA. Complex 3 (12 mg, 24 μmol) and a solution of 1 in toluene (1.6 mg, 12 μmol) were dissolved in 1.5 g toluene to cleanly generate an initiator/catalyst pair. MMA (0.12 g, 1.2 mmol) was then added and the mixture stirred for 2 hours at 20 ºC. The reaction mixture was quenched with acidified 34 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION ethanol and precipitated in pentane. 98% conversion; Mn = 9,900 g/mol, PDI = 1.4 (determined against PS standards in THF using SEC). Measurements. Gel permeation chromatography was carried out using a WATERS 2695 separations module, Model 2487 UV detector (254 nm), and Model 2414 differential refractive index detector (40 ºC). Injection volume used was 50 µL. Tetrahydrofuran (Biosolve, stabilised with BHT) was the eluent, flow rate 1.0 ml/min. The column set used was a PLgel guard (5 m particles) 50 × 7.5 mm precolumn, followed by 2 PLgel columns in series of 500 Å (5 m particles) and 100 Å (5 m particles), respectively. Calibration was performed using polystyrene standards (Polymer Laboratories, Mn = 370 up to Mn = 40,000 g/mol). Data acquisition and processing were performed using WATERS Empower 2 software. 1H NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian Mercury Vx (400 MHz) spectrometer at 400 MHz chloroform-d1, THF-d8, benzene-d6, toluene-d8 and tetramethylsilane were used as solvent and internal standard, respectively. MALDI-ToFMS was carried out using a voyager DE-STR spectrometer from Applied Biosystems in reflector mode. Trans-2-(3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-methyl-2-propenylidene)-malononitrile doped with potassium trifluoroacetate was used as the matrix. It was deposited from THF solution onto a stainless steel sample substrate and the solvent allowed to evaporate. The polymer was then deposited as a dilute (~1 mg/ml) solution in THF. This resulted in each polymeric species being observed as its K+ adduct with molecular mass M+31. The spectrometer was calibrated using poly(ethylene oxide) standards for the lower mass range and polystyrene standards for the higher mass range. Gradient polymer elution chromatography (GPEC) was carried out using a Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C8 column, 4.6 x 150 mm, 5 μm on an Agilent 1100 series setup. Initially, the eluent was a 4:1 mix of methanol/THF for 2 minutes, then gradually changed to pure THF over 25 minutes. The flow rate was 1 mL/min. The temperature of the column was 50 ºC. Detection was carried out using a Polymer Laboratories evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD). Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed on a TA Q100 DSC. Approximately 5 mg of dried polymer was weighed in aluminium hermetic pans. Temperature profiles from 0 to 200 ºC with a heating and cooling rate of 1, 10 and 20 ºC/min were applied. TA Universal Analysis software was used for data acquisition. Glass transition temperatures were determined from the second heating run. 35 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Model studies, based on dimers prepared by CCTP, were carried out to establish the reactivity of these species towards 1, as well as to probe their ability as initiators to polymerise methacrylic monomers anionically. Once established, macromonomers were used as macroinitiators. BzMA macromonomers were initially selected as the starting blocks for the block copolymer due to its UV activity; pBzMA is UV active at 254 nm, whereas MMA shows no absorption at this wavelength, allowing the simple detection of pBzMA-containing (block) copolymers via SEC with UV detection. Synthesis of Macromonomers Poly(benzyl methacrylate) (pBzMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (pMMA) macromonomers were synthesised by CCTP in toluene at 60 ºC using AIBN as the initiator. The final properties of these macromonomers are collected in Table 1. The macromonomers were analysed using 1H NMR to confirm that all had a terminal vinylic group. For the lower molecular weight macromonomers, this was also confirmed using MALDI-ToF-MS. The polydisperisty indices of polymers made via CCTP are consistent with that of chain transfer dominated polymerisation reactions, and are usually around 2. This can, however, be significantly reduced when CCTP is used in combination with ATRP43 or RAFT44 but is not applied in this work. Table 1. The properties of the synthesised pBzMA and pMMA. SECc a b -1 2 (ppm) x Mn/g mol PDI pBzMA2 392 pBzMA6 94 0.88 1,150 1.6 pBzMA76 5.5 0.78 13,500 2.2 pMMA2 191 4.3 0.68 1,700 1.6 pMMA15 pMMA40 3.3 0.40 3,800 1.8 pMMA120 2.1 0.84 13,000 2.6 H NMRd Mn/g mol-1 352 1,050 14,000 200 1,500 4,000 12,000 1 The amount of 2 is defined as moles of 2 per 106 moles of monomer; b Monomer conversions determined gravimetrically; c Values reported against polystyrene standards; d Calculated based on the ratio of vinylic protons (5.4 and 6.2 ppm) to ester protons (BzMA: 5.0 ppm, MMA: 3.6 ppm). a Synthesis of Macroinitiator (Model Studies) To investigate the conversion of the macromonomer into a macroinitiator, model studies were carried out. As a model for the macromonomer, an MMA dimer, pMMA2, was synthesised using CCTP, followed by purification via vacuum distillation. Equimolar quantities of the stable enolate Me2C=C(OiPr)OLi (1) and pMMA2 were reacted in benzene-d6 (Scheme 2). 36 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Scheme 2. Reaction scheme for the synthesis of a macroinitiator and its hydrolysis. The 1H NMR spectrum of the initially formed product enolate features one broad signal for all methylene protons, while all other groups give their individual resonances with resolved coupling patterns. Hydrolysis using 10% aqueous HCl converts the spectrum into that of the product ester, displaying diastereotopic methylene protons as well as diastereotopic CMe2 groups and a quintet at 2.55 ppm which corresponds to the newly formed proton adjacent to the ester functionality, confirming the formation of a “macro”initiator (Figure 1). b f a 5.0 c 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 d e 2.0 1.5 1.0 ppm Figure 1. and 1. 1H NMR (400 MHz, THF-d8/toluene-d8) of the “macro”initiator derived from pMMA 2 In a separate experiment to confirm that the resulting coupling product of the methacrylic dimer with 1 is indeed capable of inducing initiation, the UV-active BzMA dimer, pBzMA2, was reacted with lithium ester enolate, 1, followed by the addition of MMA. Polymerisation ensued and the resultant product analysed using SEC equipped with dual UV/DRI detectors. The molecular weight distribution (Figure 2) shows that a polymeric material has been synthesised with an Mn of 31,000 g/mol and that the UV and DRI signals overlay. Since pBzMA2 is UV-active at 254 nm, whereas MMA is inactive, this result is indicative that pBzMA2 has indeed acted as a macroinitiator and has been incorporated into the polymer. 37 Chapter 2 w(log M) METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 log M Figure 2. Molecular weight distribution (relative to PS, measured in THF) illustrating that pBzMA2 is capable of initiating the anionic polymerisation of MMA (- - -) DRI signal, (_____) UV signal. The addition of two equivalents of pMMA2 to 1, however, resulted in a back-bitten species (6, Scheme 3). The presence of this species was confirmed via MALDI-ToF-MS (Figure 3). Back-biting of 4 does not occur as this would result in the formation of an unstable 4-membered ring. The observed predominance of back-biting in this reaction, which is in fact a model reaction for propagation of pMMA 2, precludes the lithium enolate initiated anionic (homo) polymerisation of CCTP-derived macromonomers. 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 m/z Figure 3. MALDI-ToF-MS of the cyclic back-bitten product of two pMMA2 with 1. Transesterification of the ester groups is also observed. 38 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Scheme 3. Mechanistic reaction scheme of the back-biting reaction of macrointiators. We can, nevertheless, conclude that (the models for) macromonomers can act as macroinitiators for the anionic polymerisation of MMA, allowing the synthesis of block copolymers. Block Copolymer Synthesis Atactic-Isotactic Block Copolymers One of the most common methods to synthesise isotactic pMMA from lithium ester enolates, such as 1, is by carrying out the polymerisation in toluene. 38 Under these conditions and at room temperature, isotactic pMMA with an [mm] = 74% can be synthesised.45 However, as illustrated by the model reactions, the polymerisation of MMA from a macroinitiator suffers significantly from back-biting reactions, more so than the simple polymerisation of pMMA from 1; in other words, the (macro)initiator efficiency is lower than that of 1. The addition of 1% THF and the lowering of the temperature to -78 ºC assists in minimising backbiting termination reactions, 38 although the addition of THF also affects the tacticity, decreasing the degree of isotacticity (Figure 4). Further addition of THF (i.e. >1%) results in a significant loss in stereocontrol, 46 justifying the choice of a 99:1 ratio of toluene to THF as a suitable solvent mixture to perform the polymerisations. 39 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION [mm] Chapter 2 [rr] [mr] (a) (b) (c) 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 ppm Figure 4. 1H NMR (chloroform-d1, 400 MHz) of pMMA made anionically from 1 in (a) toluene at 20 ºC, [mm] = 74%; (b) toluene/THF (99:1) at -78 ºC, [mm] = 65%; and (c) toluene/THF (99:1) at -78ºC in the presence of LiCl, [mm] = 61%. Table 2. Conditions and results for the anionic polymerisation macroinitiator. pBzMA6 / 1 / MMA = 1:1:10. Temperature/ºC Eq. LiCl a Mnb/g mol-1 1 20 0 2,100 2 0 0 2,400 3 -78 0 1,920 4 20 1 2,020 5 0 1 2,500 6 -78 1 1,800 of MMA using pBzMA6 as the PDIb 15d 33e 1.9 1.7 1.9 1.6 MMA Conversionc 0.94 1.00 0.26 0.82 1.00 0.50 Molar equivelents of LiCl with respect to 1; b Determined using SEC, measured against PS standards in THF using DRI detector; c Conversion of monomer determined gravimetrically after 4 hours reaction time; d Bimodal Mp = 2,600 and 83,900 g mol-1; e Bimodal Mp = 2,700 and 122,500 g mol-1. a The in-situ formation of a macroinitiator was carried out by reaction of pBzMA6 macromonomer and 1, followed by the addition of MMA at a range of 40 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION temperatures and in the absence and presence of LiCl (Table 2). Temperature choice is paramount in anionic polymerisations, especially when there is an opportunity for backbiting, as well as other side reactions, to occur. In general, anionic polymerisations of this type are carried out at -78 ºC.38 The reactions shown in Table 2 also show a strong dependence on temperature. As can be seen in entries 1 -3 and 46, decreasing the temperature decreases the PDI of the resulting polymer. In comparing entries 1 and 3, this difference is most obvious as the molecular weight distribution of resultant polymer transforms from bimodal to monomodal. This suggests a significant reduction in the amount of side reactions that have occurred. The use of lower temperatures also suppresses the rate of polymerisation, decrea sing the degree of conversion obtainable after 4 hours. The use of salts, such as lithium chloride, has been reported to assist in the deaggregation of lithium ester enolate clusters, allowing homogeneous initiation to occur.47, 48 From Table 2 it is evident that the presence of lithium chloride does have a profound effect on the polydispersity of the polymers synthesised. At all temperatures, a decrease in PDI is observed when the reaction is carried out in the presence of lithium chloride. The most noticeable being the decrease from a bimodal distribution with PDI of >15 to a monomodal distribution with PDI of <1.9 when the reaction is carried out in the presence of LiCl at 0 ºC or even at room temperature. Although the PDI of the polymer decreases when the temperature is decreased from 0 ºC to -78 ºC when lithium chloride is used, the difference is not great. It should also be noted here that the observed PDIs are larger than one would normally expect from an anionic polymerisation, but one must recall that the starting macroinitiator already has a PDI 1.6. In addition, the rate of reaction is compromised. Lithium chlor ide does not have a pronounced effect on the tacticity of the polymer formed (Figure 4). A more in depth analysis was carried out on the polymer formed in entry 5 (Table 2). A UV detector was used in tandem with a DRI detector for SEC measurements. The DRI signal produced using SEC for the polymer made in entry 5 clearly shows a shift towards a higher molecular weight after the reaction has taken place (Figure 5). A shift in the UV signal is also observed, although the UV and DRI chromatograms of the block copolymer do not overlap perfectly. This illustrates that while the UV-active macromonomer does form part of the block copolymer, it may not have been distributed evenly, suggesting that some pMMA homopolymer has also been produced; pMMA can be formed as a result of initiation from unreacted 1. The perfect overlap of DRI and UV signals observed in Figure 2 is not observed here in Figure 5 as a balance exists between the conversion of macromonomer (n>1) to macroinitiator and backbiting, which does not exist for the dimers (n=1), as detailed in Scheme 3. 41 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 pBzMA6 p(BzMA6-b-MMAx) UV w(log M) DRI 2.5 DRI 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 logM Figure 5. Molecular weight distribution (relative to PS, measured in THF) of pBzMA6 and p(BzMA6-b-MMAx) (entry 5, Table 2) normalised to the amount of polymer. Gradient polymer elution chromatography (GPEC) was carried out to further confirm the presence of a block copolymer (Figure 6). By using an analytical technique which separates based on chemical composition as opposed to hydrodynamic volume, it was possible to distinguish between the two homopolymers (pBzMA 6 and pMMA) and the block copolymer p(BzMA6-b-MMAx). The observed oligomeric distribution of the macromonomer has been reported before in literature.49 It is obvious that the resultant product contains both unreacted pBzMA6 macromonomer and pMMA homopolymer (1328 minutes and 37-38 minutes, respectively), but a broad third peak corresponding to a copolymer can also be seen, spanning between the two homopolymers. The broadness is as expected because the polymer consists of a variety of block sizes originating mainly from the macroinitiator pBzMA6 and also somewhat from the second block. 42 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION (a) (b) (c) Block Copolymer 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Elution Time/Minutes Figure 6. Gradient polymer elution chromatogram showing (a) pBzMA6; (b) pMMA and (c) the presence of a p(BzMA6-b-MMAx) (entry 5, Table 2) as well as some residual macromonomer and pMMA. The existence of a copolymer was further confirmed using MALDI-ToF-MS (Figure 7 (a)) in which multiple distributions were observed. As depicted in the spectrum, a distribution with a repeat unit of 176 Da, corresponding to pBzMA homopolymer is seen. The end group of this pBzMA has been identified as the result of backbiting (i.e. after reaction of the macromonomer with 1, the chain end has bitten back onto itself to form a six-membered ring, as shown in Scheme 3, preventing the initiation of MMA polymerisation from this polymer chain). Although MALDI-ToF-MS is not quantitative, minimal unreacted macromonomer is observed in the spectrum, indicating that the first step of the reaction with the lithium enolate gives almost 100% conversion. A distribution with a repeat unit of 100 Da is also seen establishing the presence of pMMA, but the end group could not as yet be determined. Enolates are known to have limited thermal stability and thus decompose to a wide variety of species. It is assumed that one of these species is responsible for initiating the polymerisation of MMA, or that this decomposition reaction has occurred after completion of the reaction. Underlying these two distributions, which show a much higher intensity, is a third distribution with a difference of 24 Da between the peaks. This is consistent with the difference between two 43 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 MMA units and one BzMA unit, verifying the presence of a copolymer of MMA and BzMA. Again, the end group could not be elucidated but it appears to be different to the end group of pMMA. (a) 2 2 2 2 2 1a 1a 1a 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 (b)4000 42002 4100 4300 3 3 3 4100 3 3 3 4400 3 3 4200 3 3 4300 4500 2 2 m/z 4000 3 3 3 3 3 4400 3 3 3 4500 m/z Figure 7. MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of p(BzMA6-b-MMAx) (entry 5, Table 2) (a) unfractionated and (b) fractionated; showing multiple distributions, where 1a = pBzMA; 2 = pMMA; 3 = p(BzMA6-b-MMAx). To unequivocally prove the existence of the block copolymer, isolation of the copolymer was attempted using GPEC fractionation. Several fractions were taken between 25 and 35 minutes. This procedure was repeated 15 times in order to obtain sufficient material to acquire a MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum; the fractions were run a second time to check the purity. In each case, some residual homopolymer remained in the spectra. Fortunately, one fraction eliminated all traces of pBzMA giving a much clearer spectrum containing only pMMA and p(BzMA 6-b-MMAx) (Figure 8). The MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of the fractionated species shows two distributions (Figure 7 (b)). One corresponds to pMMA and the other to p(BzMA-b-MMA), the end groups of which are consistent with those in the unfractionated spectrum (Figure 7 44 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION (a)). Note that the intensities observed in MALDI-ToF-MS are not representive of the actual amounts of polymer present as the measurement is not quantitative. Block Copolymer pMMA 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Elution Time/Minutes Figure 8. GPEC chromatogram showing the results of fractionation of p(BzMA 6-b-MMAx) (entry 5, Table 2). Free-radical polymerisations are generally highly random and as such produce atactic chains. However, from literature 45 and model studies we know that 1 is capable of producing isotactic pMMA, characterised by a high degree of [mm] triads. Under the conditions used here, pMMA with an isotactoidal tendency is formed, although the degree of [mm] triads is lower than if only toluene is used as the solvent (F igure 4). 1H NMR was used to determine the extent of the tacticity of p(BzMA 6-b-MMAx) (entry 5, Table 2) as shown in Figure 9. The CH 3 protons of the pMMA, between 0.6 and 1.2 ppm can be used to indicate the tacticity of the pMMA component of the polymer. At 1.2 ppm a quinessential [mm] triad can be seen, however both [mr] and [rr] triads, at 1.0 and 0.8 ppm, respectively, are also present. This suggests that the polymer is partially isotactic in nature, although there is an element of atacticity derived from the macromonomer (acting either as the first block or as unreacted material). It was also difficult to determine the exact degree o f isotacticity due to the underlying atacticity of the macromonomer. 45 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 (a) (b) [mr] [rr] [mm] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppm Figure 9. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) of (a) pBzMA6 and (b) block copolymer p(BzMA6-b-MMAx) (entry 5, Table 2). It is clear from the evidence presented above that block copolymers of atactic benzyl methacrylate and isotactic-rich methyl methacrylate can be made via the combination of CCTP and anionic polymerisation. However, this route proved to be rather inefficient due to backbiting termination of the macroinitiator as well as the formation of pMMA from unreacted 1. Atactic-Syndiotactic Block Copolymers. Aluminium compounds have been used previously to control the tacticity of methacrylic monomers during anionic polymerisations.45, 50 Rodriguez-Delgado et al.45 reported the use of MeAl(BHT)2 (3) in combination with 1 as an effective route to preventing both clustering of lithium ester enolates and back-biting termination. Furthermore, the polymerisation of MMA under these conditions can be carried out in toluene at room temperature to produce syndiotactic pMMA (71.3% [rr], 24.7% [mr], 4.0% [mm]). Further reduction in the temperature to 0 and -40 ºC increases the stereoselectivity towards higher syndiotacticity, but only by around 8%. 46 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Table 3. Conditions and results for the anionic polymerisation of MMA or BzMA using a methacrylic macromonomer as the macroinitiator in the presence of 3. Block Copolymera Theoretical Final Mnb/gmol-1 Mnc/gmol-1 PDIc Block 1: Block 2d Monomer Conversione 1 p(BzMA6-b-MMA47) 4,500 5,300 2.6 6:30 0.75 2 p(BzMA6-b-MMA95) 10,600 17,400 1.6 6:142 0.94 3 p(BzMA76-b-MMA77) 22,000 19,500 1.9 76:114 0.73 4 p(BzMA76-b-BzMA18) 18,000 16,200 2.2 - 0.24f 5 p(MMA15-b-BzMA43) 9,500 6,000 2.2 15:29 0.97 6 p(MMA40-b-BzMA29) 9,900 10,100 1.7 40:12 0.57 7 p(MMA40-b-MMA50) 8,800 8,000 1.7 - 1.00 8 p(MMA120-b-BzMA26) 22,000 17,600 1.7 120:31 0.50 9 p(MMA120-b-MMA110) 21,300 24,000 1.5 - 0.83 Ratio of monomers determined via SEC; b Corrected for conversion; c Determined using SEC, measured against PS standards in THF; d Determined using 1H NMR based on CO2CH2Ph (BzMA, 4.8 ppm) and CO2CH3 (MMA, 3.6 ppm) integrals; e Determined gravimetrically after 2 hours reaction time; f 4.5 hours reaction time a To first determine whether this route is feasible, a short BzMA-based macromonomer (pBzMA6) was used as a macroinitiator. After mixing with 2 equivalents of 3, 1 equivalent of 1 was added to form a macroinitiator in-situ, followed by 47 or 100 equivalents of MMA (entries 1 and 2 in Table 3, respectively). Figure 10 shows the molecular weight distributions of the starting macromonomer and the final polymer synthesised in entry 2 (Table 3). A clear increase in the molecular weight from the macromonomer to the block copolymer can be observed from 1,150 g/mol to 24,000 g/mol. In addition, the signals recorded from the UV and DRI detectors of the SEC instrument correlate well with each other, indicating the inclusion of the pBzMA 6 macromonomer in the final polymer. A small amount of unreacted macromonomer remains, which is more obvious in the UV trace of the product mixture. 47 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 DRI w(log M) Block Copolymer UV Macromonomer 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 log M Figure 10. Molecular weight distribution of p(BzMA6-b-MMA95) normalised based on amount of polymer. The molecular weight of the block copolymer obtained in entry 2 is too high for analysis via MALDI-ToF-MS, however the block copolymer made in entry 1 (Table 3) has a molecular weight that can be easily analysed using this technique (Figure 11). Three distinct distributions can be seen. Distribution 3 indicates that a copolymer has been synthesised; the difference between the peaks is 24 Da (consistent with the difference between two MMA units and one BzMA unit) and an end group corresponding to two protons and a connecting group originating from the lithium ester enolate (see overall scheme, Scheme 1). The most intense distribution (1) corresponds to unreacted macromonomer, but quantitative conclusions are difficult to draw from the intensity of the peaks due to the intrinsic nature of the MALDI-ToF-MS technique and the fact that at lower mass the block copolymer is less prevalent. In addition, a third distribution is seen, 1b, which corresponds to the hydrolysed macroinitiator. This suggests that 3 is highly efficient at preventing backbiting as the back-bitten product is not observed in this spectra (contrary to the case where 1% THF in toluene is used to prevent back-biting, vide supra). The most important result, however, is that no pMMA is observed, which considering the high propensity and ease of pMMA to ‘fly’ in MALDI-ToF-MS strongly suggests that reaction of 1 with the macromonomer is more efficient in the presence of 3. 48 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION 1 1 1 1b 3 1800 3 1850 3 3 1900 3 1b 3 3 1950 2000 3 3 2050 3 3 2100 3 2150 m/z Figure 11. MALDI-ToF-MS of p(BzMA6-b-MMA47) where 1 = unreacted pBzMA6, 1b = hydrolysed pBzMA macroinitiator, 3 = p(BzMA-b-MMA) Based on the SEC and MALDI-ToF-MS data presented above, it can be concluded that the use of 3 in the polymerisation of MMA from a pBzMA macromonomer is a successful route to synthesising (stereo) block copolymers. The limits of the polymerisation technique have also been investigated by using longer macromonomers as macroinitiators. In entries 3 and 4 (Table 3), a benzyl methacrylate macromonomer with an Mn = 13,500 g/mol was used to prepare the macroinitiator for the polymerisation of both MMA and BzMA. Note that here the use of a 1:1:2 molar ratio of macromonomer/1/3 (as per entries 1,2 and 5, Table 3) resulted in the incomplete conversion of the macromonomer into the macroinitiator (as evidenced by the residual vinylic protons attributed to the macromonomer seen by 1H NMR). It was thought that this may arise from residual water trapped within the macromonomer due to the increased viscosity of higher molecular weight macromonomers. Indeed, the addition of a small amount of TIBA (typically 0.5 wt% compared to the macromonomer) to the macromonomer solution prior to the reactions alleviated this issue to a certain extent as TIBA acts as a scavenger for water. Although 3 can also act as a scavenger, the reactivity is much lower than that of TIBA. Further, TIBA is known to give no adverse effect in terms of the polymerisation mechanism or tacticity.45 In both cases, where MMA and BzMA were used as monomers for the second block, an increase in molecular weight is observed, accompanied by a slight decrease in polydispersity index. To investigate the versatility of this reaction towards macromonomers based on different methacrylic monomers, a short MMA-based macromonomer (pMMA15), which has a similar molecular weight to pBzMA6 of around 1,000 g/mol, was used as the macroinitiator. A second block of BzMA was polymerised anionically from pMMA 15 as shown in entry 5 (Table 3). Again an increase in molecular weight was seen (from 1,700 g/mol to 6,000 g/mol, Figure 12) and the DRI and UV detector signals of the block copolymer overlap well. MALDI-ToF-MS (Figure 13) also confirms the presence of a 49 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 block copolymer. Longer pMMA macromonomers (pMMA40 and pMMA120) can also be used to produce macroinitiators for both MMA and BzMA polymerisation (entries 6-9, Table 3). pMMA15 w(log M) p(MMA15-b-BzMA43) UV DRI 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 log M Figure 12. Molecular weight distribution of pMMA15 and p(MMA15-b-BzMA43), normalised based on amount of polymer. 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1650 1700 1750 3 3 3 1800 3 1850 m/z Figure 13. MALDI-ToF-MS of p(MMA15-b-BzMA43) where 2 = unreacted pMMA15 and 3 = p(MMA-b-BzMA). 50 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION The use of 3 in the anionic polymerisation of methacrylates using CCTP-derived macromonomers as macroinitiators proves to be a highly effective route to synthesising block copolymers, and has proven its versatility towards different methacrylic monomers as well as varying chain lengths. As reported by Rodriguez-Delgado et al.,45 the use of 3 in toluene for the polymerisation of methacrylic monomers results in syndiotactic polymers. The tacticity of syndiotactic methacrylic polymers is characterised by an [rr] triad, which can be observed easily in 1H NMR. At room temperature, pMMA with a tacticity of 71.3% [rr], 24.7% [mr] and 4.0% [mm] was obtained.45 The polymerisation of BzMA under these same conditions has not been investigated in the aforementioned article. However for completeness, pBzMA has been synthesised under the same conditions for the purposes of this article and using 1H NMR the tacticity determined to be 77.5% [rr], 20.9% [mr] and 1.6% [mm]. Compared to the tacticity of pBzMA made via CCTP (60.6% [rr], 34.5% [mr] and 4.8% [mm], Figure 14), it is clear that a more syndiotactic pBzMA can be made under the anionic polymerisation conditions described by Rodriguez-Delgado et al. [rr] (a) [mr] [mm] [rr] (b) [mr] [mm] 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 ppm Figure 14. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) of (a) atactic pBzMA macromonomer made via CCTP and (b) syndiotactic pBzMA made via anionic polymerisation. Figure 15 shows both the 1H NMR spectra of p(a-BzMA)6 (a) and p(a-BzMA)6-b-(sMMA)95 (b). The block copolymer made in entry 2 (Table 3) was chosen due to its high degree of polymerisation of MMA compared to BzMA. In this way, the tacticity of the pMMA block made via anionic polymerisation can be probed more accurately, with minimal interference of the atactic pBzMA macromonomer. As anticipated, pBzMA 6 is clearly atactic demonstrated by the methyl protons around 1 ppm (e) in Figure 15 (a). On the other hand the methyl protons around 1 ppm of p(a-BzMA)6-b-(s-MMA)95 (Figure 15 (b)) show a high concentration of racemic [rr] triads which is indicative of a highly 51 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 syndiotactic material (71% [rr], 27% [mr] and 2% [mm]), which is comparable to the values obtained for the homopolymer of pMMA under these conditions. 45 The determination of the tacticity of the remaining polymers synthesised in Table 3 was investigated using 13C NMR. This was necessary particularly for the BzMA-MMA copolymers, where the characteristic triads for pMMA and pBzMA were indistinguishable due to overlapping peaks. In fact, only the C=O region (175 – 179 ppm) in 13C NMR allowed the adequate separation of the peaks and thus accurate determination of the tacticity of the copolymers. For the longer macroinitiators, the syndiotacticity calculated for the second block, regardless of the nature of the starting macromonomer or the monomer added for the second block, was 79-81% (Figure 16).51 Although the starting macromonomers synthesised via CCTP (Table 1) generally have a slight tendency towards syndiotacticity ([rr] = 60-65 %),52 the second blocks show an increase in syndiotactoid character. The lower molecular weight macroinitiators show a slightly broader degree of syndiotacticity from [rr] = 74% to [rr] = 82% (Figure 17).53 It is assumed that even higher syndiotacticities can be achieved when polymerising at lower temperatures,45 however this is beyond the scope of this chapter. a 6 e d c b b f e+e' [rr] 6 95 d+d' [mr] a 8 [mm] c 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppm Figure 15. 1H NMR (400 MHz, chloroform-d6) of (a) p(BzMA)6 macromonomer and (b) p(aBzMA)6b-(sMMA)95. 52 Chapter 2 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION (a) (a) [rr] = 64% [rr] = 64% [mr] = 34% [mr] = 23% [mm] = 2% [mm] = 2% 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 180 179 (b) (b) 178 177 176 175 174 [rr] = 82% (+ [mr]pMMA) [rr] = 79% [mr] = 21% (+ [rr]pBzMA) [mr]pBzMA 180 179 178 177 176 175 [mr] = 18% [rr]pMMA [mm] 0% 180 174 ppm 179 [mm] 0% 178 177 176 175 174 ppm Figure 17. 13C NMR (100 MHz, chloroformd6) showing the tacticity of (a) pBzMA76 and (b) p(BzMA76-b-MMA77). Figure 16. 13C NMR (100 MHz, chloroformd6) showing the tacticity of (a) pMMA15 and (b) p(MMA15-b-BzMA43). Further examination of the tacticity of the two blocks was attempted using DSC. Unfortunately, only a marginal difference in Tg between the syndiotactic and atactic homopolymers was found, spanning the range in which an accurate Tg can be determined (Figure 17). The relatively short chain lengths as well as the respective degrees of syndioand atacticity are thought to play a role. Applying the Fox-Flory equation, a Tg of 103 ºC and 117 ºC for atactic and syndiotactic pMMA was found for the homopolymers made via CCTP and anionic polymerisation, respectively (with similar molecular weights to that of the block copolymers). In addition, a Tm could not be identified even using a range of heating rates (1 ºC/minute – 20 ºC/minute), due to the difficulties in achieving thermal crystallisation of syndiotactic pMMA.54, 55 Regardless, given that the homopolymers of pMMA and pBzMA made under these anionic conditions give rise to syndiotactic polymers and the NMR evidence presented in Figures 15-17, it is feasible to assume that the second blocks made via this route do indeed consist of methacrylic polymers with a syndiotactoid character. 53 METHACRYLIC STEREOBLOCK COPOLYMERS VIA THE COMBINATION OF CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER AND ANIONIC POLYMERISATION Chapter 2 Figure 18. Comparison of DSC of pMMA made anionically ([rr] = 71%) and pMMA made via CCTP ([rr] = 63%) at 10 ºC/min heating rate. The molecular weights of the polymers are comparable, Mn ~ 12,000 g/mol. CONCLUSION The results of this work show a proof of principle that (stereo) block copolymers can be synthesised via a combination of catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP) and anionic polymerisation techniques. This provides a novel route to synthesising block copolymers containing blocks of different tacticities. CCTP has been used to synthesise an atactic block; the second block was then made via anionic polymerisation. The anionic polymerisation was carried out either in the presence of lithium chloride and a toluene/THF solvent mixture to give an isotactoid block, or in the presence of MeAl(BHT)2 (3) to give rise to a second block syndiotactoid in nature. Although block copolymers could be made using both methods, the use of MeAl(BHT) 2 was much more efficient, particularly with respect to the conversion of the macromonomer into a macroinitiator as no evidence of homopolymerisation of the second monomer was observed. 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Windle, Polymer, 1981, 22, 175-184. 56 Chapter 3 [Type text] END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION This chapter has been published as: G.C. Sanders, R. Duchateau, C.Y. Lin, M.L. Coote, J.P.A. Heuts, Macromolecules, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/ma301161u END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 ABSTRACT Styrene-maleic anhydride copolymers have been successfully synthesised using catalytic chain transfer polymerisation employing the low spin bis(difluoroboryl)dimethylglyoximato cobalt (II) (COBF) complex. By partially replacing styrene with α-methyl styrene (while maintaining the amount of maleic anhydride at 50 mol%) over a range of ratios, it was shown that the rate of reaction and molecular weight decreases with increasing α-methyl styrene content. The polymers were characterised using MALDIToF-MS and 1H-13C gHMQC NMR to determine the end groups, which in the presence of α-methyl styrene was an α-methyl styrene unit with a vinylic functionality. For styrenemaleic anhydride copolymers, the end group was determined to be predominantly maleic anhydride with a vinylic functionality. Considering the fact that in a styrene-maleic anhydride copolymerisation the propagating radicals are predominantly of a styrenic nature, this was a very surprising result, suggesting that the maleic anhydride radicals undergo a chain transfer reaction which is orders of magnitude faster than that of styrenic radicals. The chain transfer constant of COBF was determined for the different ratios of styrene and α-methyl styrene. It was found to increase two orders of magnitude from a purely styrene-maleic anhydride to a purely α-methyl styrene-maleic anhydride copolymer. Diels-Alder and thiol-ene reactions were performed on the vinylic end groups as post-polymerisation modification reactions, as well as graft copolymerisation reactions of the macromonomers with styrene and butyl acrylate. 58 Chapter 3 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION INTRODUCTION Styrene-maleic anhydride copolymers (pSMA) are used extensively in applications such as engineering plastics, surfactants in the paper-making industry and as polymer-protein conjugates for drug delivery systems.1 The versatility of these polymers lies within their properties which include transparency, a high heat resistance, high dimensional stability and the specific reactivity of the anhydride groups. To fulfil these varying roles, pSMA copolymers come in a range of molar masses and compositions. The kinetics of the polymerisation has also been studied at length.2 Maleic anhydride does not homopolymerise, however in the presence of styrene, a highly reactive system is created, resulting in an almost perfectly alternating polymer. 3-7 Although most work relating to pSMA copolymers has been performed via the conventional free radical route, efforts have been made recently to investigate and evaluate the possibility of polymerising pSMA using controlled radical routes. Atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP) is incompatible with SMA copolymerisation due to interactions between maleic anhydride and the catalysts used to mediate these reactions. 2 Nitroxide mediated polymerisation (NMP) has also been used to copolymerise S and MA but a temperature of over 80 ºC is required.8-10 This is the upper temperature limit to generate perfectly alternating copolymers and thus control over the sequence is more difficult. Reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerisation (RAFT) was more successful at synthesising pSMA copolymers at lower (and thus optimal) temperatures. 11-15 The obvious advantage of using a controlled radical polymerisation method over conventional free radical polymerisation is the ability to control the molecular weight as well as synthesising highly monodisperse polymers, all with a specific end group. Although these methods are extremely effective, the experimental requirements and set-up are far from being industrially applied. Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP),16-19on the other hand, is already used widely in the coating industry as a route to reducing the volatile organic compound (VOC) content of coatings.20 CCTP is a very effective route to synthesising polymers with vinyl functionalities.17-19 The addition of very small quantities of certain low-spin Co(II) catalysts, such as bis(difluoroboryl)dimethylglyoximato cobalt (II) (COBF), to a conventional free radical polymerisation results in two major effects. Firstly, the molecular weight of the polymer chains is controlled via a chain transfer mechanism, and secondly, due to the mechanism of the chain transfer process, vinylic end groups can be obtained. The cobalt catalyst abstracts a hydrogen radical from the growing polymer chain, transferring it to a monomer molecule, thus starting a new chain and reducing the cobalt back to Co(II). Although this process is highly efficient for methacrylate monomers, it is approximately two orders of magnitude slower for styrene. Firstly, styrene interacts with COBF to form strong Co-C bonds, reducing the efficiency of the catalyst and secondly styrene has no methyl group in the β-position, and thus the proton residing in this β-position is abstracted preferentially. This results in an “internal” double bond, which is less reactive in any possible further post-polymerisation reactions. The drawbacks of an inefficient chain transfer process and the absence of “external” double bonds in styrene polymerisation can be overcome by the addition of small amounts of α59 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 methyl styrene (AMS) as discussed in detail previously.18, 21, 22 Since in a SMA copolymerisation the propagating radical population is dominated by S radicals, 2 it can be anticipated that addition of AMS to this copolymerisation will improve the chain transfer efficiency and lead to the introduction of AMS end groups. In this chapter, we investigate whether vinyl end-functional pSMA can be synthesised efficiently using CCTP and whether the addition of AMS indeed makes the process more efficient. In what follows the chain transfer kinetics using varying amounts of AMS is discussed and the polymer structures are fully characterised. Finally the scope of post-polymerisation reactions is discussed. 60 Chapter 3 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION EXPERIMENTAL SECTION General Considerations. All syntheses and manipulations of air- and moisture-sensitive materials were carried out in oven-dried Schlenk-type glassware on a dual manifold Schlenk line. Materials. Styrene (S, 99%), α-methyl styrene (AMS, 99%) and tert-butyl acrylate (BA, 98%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, and passed over a column of activated basic alumina to remove the inhibitor. Maleic anhydride (MA, 99%) was purchased from SigmaAldrich and used as received. Azobis(isobutryonitrile) (AIBN) and VAZO-88 were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and recrystallised twice from methanol. The bis(methanol) complex of COBF, 1, was prepared as described previously.23, 24 The chain transfer activity of the complex was determined in methyl methacrylate (MMA) bulk polymerisation and found to be equal to 46 × 103. For all experiments, a single batch of catalyst was used. 1,4Dioxane (AR, Biosolve) was used as received for conversion measurements but distilled and stored in the fridge for chain transfer determination experiments. Danishefsky’s diene was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and stored under argon. All other materials were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received. Typical Procedure for the Copolymerisation of Styrene, Maleic Anhydride and αMethyl Styrene in the Presence of COBF. COBF (2.7 mg, 6.8 μmol), AIBN (42 mg, 0.25 mmol) and MA (25 g, 0.26 mol) were placed in a flask equipped with a stirrer bar and underwent three vacuum-argon cycles. S (26 mL, 0.23 mol), AMS (3.3 mL, 0.03 mol) and 1,4-dioxane (50 mL) were degassed and added using a syringe. The mixture was heated to 60ºC and allowed to react for 7 hours. The reaction mixture was quenched by cooling in ice and addition of hydroquinone. The residual (liquid) monomers and solvent were removed via vacuum evaporation immediately after stopping the reaction. The resulting polymer was redissolved in THF and precipitated in a large excess of diethyl ether, then dried in a vacuum oven at 80 ºC for at least 48 hours. Chain Transfer Constant Determination. Two stock solutions were made. COBF (30 mg, 75 μmol) was dissolved in 30 mL distilled dioxane. AIBN (20 mg, 122 μmol), AMS (if applicable) and MA (13.5 g, 1.38 mol) dissolved in 18 mL distilled dioxane. To each finger Schlenk, the appropriate amount of COBF solution (made up to 1 mL with distilled dioxane), 3 mL of the AIBN/AMS/MA solution is added and finally the relevant amount of S is added (S kept separate from AIBN solution, as some evidence of conventional FRP is seen when they are combined). The finger Schlenks underwent 3 freeze-pump-thaw cycles and were then placed in an oil bath pre-heated to 60 ºC. After 15 minutes, the reaction mixture was cooled in ice and hydroquinone added to quench the reaction. For reactions with AMS, a ratio of 10:9:1 or 10:9.5:0.5 molar ratio of maleic anhydride, styrene and AMS was used. 61 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 Diels-Alder Coupling of pSMA with Danishefsky’s Diene. A 2,000 Da pSMA copolymer (0.1 g, 75 μmol) and Danishefsky’s diene (trans-1-Methoxy-3-trimethylsiloxy1,3-butadiene, 375 μmol) were dissolved in 3 mL xylene in a crimp cap vial. The vial was then placed in an oil bath and the temperature increased to 180 ºC. The reaction was stirred at this temperature for 6 days. Diels-Alder Coupling of pSMA with Cyclopentadiene. A 2,000 Da pSMA copolymer (0.1g, 75 μmol) and freshly distilled cyclopentadiene (3.75 mmol) were dissolved in 1 mL acetone. Lithium triflate (LiOTf) or bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt (LiNTf 2) was added and reaction stirred at the desired temperature for 2-144 hours. Thiol-ene Reaction of Citraconic Anhydride with Dodecanethiol. Citraconic anhydride (0.1 g, 0.9 mmol) and dodecanthiol (0.18 g, 0.9 mmol) were dissolved in 0.5 mL CDCl3 in an NMR tube equipped with a screw cap. N2 was bubbled through for 10 minutes prior to the reaction. DMPP (10 μL, 0.07 μmol) was then added via syringe and the reaction allowed to stir at room temperature overnight. Thiol-ene Reaction of pSMA with Octanethiol. A 2,000 Da pSMA copolymer (0.1 g, 75 μmol) and octanethiol (0.02 g, 150 μmol) were dissolved in 2 mL acetone. N2 was bubbled through for 10 minutes prior to the reaction. DMPP (10 μL, 75 μmol) was then added via syringe and the reaction allowed to stir at room temperature overnight. Graft Copolymerisation of pSMA. A 4,000 Da pSMA copolymer (0.5 g, 125 μmol), S or BA (4.4 mmol), VAZO-88 (0.05 wt% of monomer and macromonomer) and dioxane (2.7 g) were weighed into a crimp cap vial and sealed. The solution was stirred until a clear solution was obtained then argon was bubbled through for 15 minutes. The vial was then placed in an oil bath at 60ºC for 4 days. The resulting polymer solution was then quenched by cooling in ice and addition of hydroquinone. Residual monomer and solvent were removed under vacuum at elevated temperatures. Graft Copolymerisation of pASMA. A 1,200 Da pASMA copolymer (0.5 g, 417 μmol), S or BA (9.6 mmol), VAZO-88 (0.05 wt% of monomer and macromonomer) and dioxane (6 g) were weighed into a crimp cap vial and sealed. The solution was stirred until a clear solution was obtained then argon was bubbled through for 15 minutes. The vial was then placed in an oil bath at 60ºC for 4 days. The resulting polymer solution was then quenched by cooling in ice and addition of hydroquinone. Residual monomer and solvent were removed under vacuum at elevated temperatures. Measurements. Size exclusion chromatography was carried out using a WATERS 2695 separations module, Model 2487 UV detector (254 nm), and Model 2414 differential refractive index detector (40°C). The injection volume used was 50 µL. Tetrahydrofuran (Biosolve, stabilised with BHT) was used as the eluent with a flow rate 1.0 mL/min. The 62 Chapter 3 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION column set used was a PLgel guard (5 m particles) 50 × 7.5 mm precolumn, followed by 2 PLgel columns in series of 500 Å (5 m particles) and 100 Å (5 m particles) respectively. Calibration was performed using polystyrene standards (Polymer Laboratories, Mn = 370 up to Mn = 40,000 g/mol). Reported molecular weight data have been corrected using the following Mark-Houwink-Kuhn-Sakurada constants: KpS = 1.28·10-4 dL·g-1, apS = 0.712, KpSMA = 5.07·10-5 dL·g-1, apSMA = 0.81. Data acquisition and processing were performed using WATERS Empower 2 software. 1H, 13C and gHMQC NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian Mercury Vx (400 MHz) spectrometer at 400 MHz. Acetone-d6 or chloroform-d3 and tetramethylsilane were used as solvents and internal standard, respectively. MALDI-ToF-MS was carried out using a voyager DESTR spectrometer from Applied Biosystems in reflector mode. Trans-2-(3-(4-tertbutylphenyl)-methyl-2-propenylidene)-malononitrile doped with potassium trifluoroacetate was used as the matrix. The mixture was deposited from a THF solution onto a stainless steel sample substrate and the solvent allowed to evaporate. The polymer was then deposited as a dilute (~1 mg/mL) solution in THF. This resulted in each polymeric species being observed as its K+ adduct with molecular mass M+31. The spectrometer was calibrated using poly(ethylene oxide) standards for the lower mass range and polystyrene standards for the higher mass range. 63 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Synthesis of ASMA and SMA Copolymers Copolymers of α-methyl styrene (AMS), styrene (S) and maleic anhydride (MA) have been synthesised in the presence of varying amounts of COBF at a reaction temperature of 60 ºC. In a series of reactions 10% S was replaced with AMS, maintaining equimolar ratios of styrenic monomers (S + AMS) to maleic anhydride. The molecular weight evolutions and polymerisation kinetics of these reactions with respect to the concentration of COBF were investigated and as seen in Figure 1, there was a clear influence of COBF concentration on the molecular weight of the polymer. As expected, with increasing [COBF], the molecular weight of the polymers decreased. In addition, the molecular weight of the polymers remained fairly constant throughout the reaction, which seems to be a generally observed (but still not understood) phenomenon in CCTP.18, 19, 25 (b) 30,000 0.6 25,000 0.5 20,000 0.4 15,000 0.3 x Mw/g mol-1 (a) 10,000 0.2 5,000 0.1 0.0 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time/Hours Figure 1. The effect of catalyst loading on (a) molecular weight evolutions and (b) conversion vs. time plots for the COBF-mediated free-radical polymerisation of S/AMS/MA (45/5/50) at 60C in undistilled dioxane. [COBF] = 456 ppm (■), 91456ppm (●), 32 ppm (▲), 23 ppm (▼), 9 ppm (♦), 6 ppm 91 ppm ppm (◄). 32 ppm 23 ppm 9 ppm From Figure 1b it is also clear that6 ppm COBF has a negligible effect on the rate of polymerisation; only at high COBF concentrations is the rate considerably reduced in accordance with what is generally observed in CCTP.18, 19 It was also observed that at lower COBF loadings Mw increases (with a corresponding broadening of the distribution) at higher conversions. This is thought to be a result of the presence of the impurities in dioxane. Dioxane contains a very small percentage of peroxides (due to decomposition of dioxane) and these peroxides have a marked effect on the catalytic activity of COBF and will obviously have a greater effect when using lower amounts of COBF. 17-19 To confirm this conclusion we measured the chain transfer constants of COBF in an MMA polymerisation in distilled and undistilled dioxane and found CT values in the region of 44·103 and 9·103 respectively (Figure 2). We therefore decided to measure more exact values for CT in distilled dioxane (vide infra). 64 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 0.08 CT = 44,000 0.07 0.06 2/DPw 0.05 0.04 CT = 46,000 0.03 CT = 9,400 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 6 10 [COBF]/[M] Figure 2. CT values of COBF in bulk MMA (■), MMA in undistilled dioxane (●) and MMA in distilled dioxane (▲). We also investigated the effect of replacing some S by AMS on the kinetics and molecular weight evolution as it is known that AMS affects the rate of reaction and molecular weight when copolymerised with S in the presence of COBF. 21, 22, 26 By replacing S with AMS (from 0-10%) in a SMA copolymerisation, whilst maintaining a constant molar ratio between MA and the styrenic monomers (S+AMS), a similar trend in behaviour is seen. An increase in the amount of AMS added decreases the molecular weight (which remains virtually constant with conversion) and decreases the polymerisation rate (see Figure 3). (a) (b) 14,000 0.7 12,000 0.6 10,000 0.5 0.4 6,000 x Mw/g mol-1 8,000 0.3 4,000 0.2 2,000 0.1 0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time/Hours Figure 3. The effect of AMS/S ratio on (a) molecular weight evolutions and (b) conversion vs. time plots for the COBF-mediated free-radical polymerisation of S/AMS/MA (S+AMS : MA = 50:50) at 60C in undistilled dioxane. [COBF] = 23 ppm. S:AMS = 0:50 (■), 45:5 (●), 48:2 (▲), 50:0 (▼). 65 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 In conclusion, it is clear from these results that CCTP leads to efficient molecular weight control in the copolymerisation of SMA and that, in line with previous results, 21, 22 replacing some of S by AMS leads to a more efficient CCTP process. End Group Determination In the previous section we showed that CCTP indeed leads to efficient molecular weight control, but the polymer microstructure and end groups in these polymerisations still need to be established. Since an almost perfectly alternating copolymer can be easily synthesised under conventional free radical conditions by using a 50:50 ratio of styrenic monomers to maleic anhydride, we expected the polymerisation of S and MA under CCTP conditions to also result in an (almost perfectly) alternating copolymer. From the MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum in Figure 4a, which shows a repeat unit of 202 Da (SMA), it is clear that this is indeed the case. Distributions corresponding to p(SMA)n with 1, 2, 3 and 4 extra S units, p(SMA)n(S)1-4, can also be observed. Besides the potential occurrence of preferential initiation and transfer reactions, these additional S units originate from the fact that although MA cannot homopolymerise, S can and thus it is possible that within the polymer chain there are two S units next to one another. This trend is shown further in Figure 4b, which shows an alternating topology in the fingerprint of the MALDI-ToFMS contour plot. A slight deviation from a perfectly alternating topology is also evident, with a higher amount, on average, of S units versus MA units in the polymer chain. (a) (b) 18 16 + p(SMA)9(S)2 K + + p(SMA)8(S)3 K p(SMA)9(S) K + p(SMA)8(S)4 K Maleic Anhydride 14 12 10 8 6 4 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2 2100 2 m/z 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Styrene Figure 4. MALDI-ToF-MS (THF, K+ salt) (a) spectrum and (b) contour plot of pSMA. Although there are more styrene units than maleic anhydride units in the copolymer, close inspection of a 1H-13C gHMQC NMR spectrum (Figure 5) indicates that maleic anhydride predominantly forms the end group. Figure 5 shows the cross-peak corresponding to the =CH of an unsaturated MA moiety at 6.5 (1H) and 135 (13C) ppm. For an internal styrenic double bond, a cross peak at around 5.5 ( 1H) and 114 (13C) ppm would be expected, which is not observed here. 66 Chapter 3 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 ppm 150 140 130 120 110 100 ppm Figure 5. Partial 1H-13C gHMQC NMR (acetone-d6) spectrum of pSMA. The result that the polymers formed have predominantly an unsaturated MA end group is very interesting and was, at first, very surprising for two reasons. First of all, under the used reaction conditions, the fraction of propagating MA radicals is less than about 10% of the overall propagating radical population, 2 implying that CT,MA-radicals >> 10 CT,S-radicals. Secondly, at first glance, the MA-radical seems to be similar to an acrylate radical, for which CT is low. Where this radical differs from an acrylate radical, however, is the nature of the β-hydrogen atom that is abstracted. Whereas in an acrylate it is abstracted from a secondary carbon atom, in MA it is abstracted from a tertiary carbon; in fact, it is a similar carbon as those which lead to the so-called mid-chain radicals in acrylate polymerisation originating from chain transfer to polymer.27 Hence, in retrospect, the abstracted hydrogen atom may actually be rather labile. This conclusion is supported by high-level quantum chemical calculations which show a 40 kJ·mol-1 preference towards hydrogen transfer from a MA radical over a S radical.33 The addition of AMS to the copolymerisation of S and MA was thought to not only improve the control over the molecular weight but also produce polymers with an AMS end group with an “external” double bond. MALDI-ToF-MS data again indicates that an almost perfectly alternating copolymer of SMA has been synthesised, as evidenced by the repeating unit of 202 Da, p(SMA) (Figure 6a). Several distributions can be observed. As with S and MA polymerised without AMS, polymers with a range of units of MA and S 67 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 are observed, p(SMA)n(S)x (the labels for distributions where x > 2 have been omitted from Figure 6a for clarity). In addition to these distributions, a range of AMS units per p(SMA)n(S)x chain can also be seen, p(SMA)n(S)x(AMS)0-6. Clearly, in these cases, more than one AMS has been copolymerised with S and MA into the polymer chain. This is further confirmed by the MALDI-ToF-MS contour plot (Figure 6b), which shows a distribution of AMS units for a range of SMA units. For simplicity sake we denote all SMA polymers containing AMS as pASMA in the remainder of this chapter. (a) (b) 12 10 + p(SMA)6(S)(AMS) K p(SMA)6(AMS)2 K + + p(SMA)6(AMS)3 K + p(SMA)7(S)(AMS)2 K p(SMA)6(AMS)4 K p(SMA)6(AMS)5 K p(SMA)6 K + + + + -Methyl Styrene p(SMA)6(AMS) K 8 6 4 + p(SMA)6(AMS)5 K + p(SMA)6(S)2 K 2 1350 1400 1450 1500 2 m/z 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Styrene-Maleic Anhydride Figure 6. MALDI-ToF-MS (THF, K+ salt) (a) spectrum and (b) contour plot of pASMA of p(ASMA). In order to establish whether at least one of the AMS units was situated at the end of the polymer forming the end group, 1H-13C gHMQC NMR was again used. The cross-peak at 5.5 (1H) and 116 (13C) ppm (Figure 7) indicates the presence of a =CH 2 corresponding to an external double bond of an AMS unit. According to 1H NMR, the ratio of =CH2 (AMS) to aromatic protons was found to be 1:5, which assuming an almost equal ratio of S and MA per chain and only one AMS unit gives a number-average molecular weight of 1,100 g/mol. This is comparable to the value obtained using SEC of 900 g/mol (adjusted using Mark-Houwink parameters), indicating that most chains contain an AMS end group with an unsaturated “external” double bond. 68 Chapter 3 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 ppm 120.0 115.0 110.0 ppm Figure 7. Partial 1H-13C gHMQC NMR (acetone-d6) spectrum of pASMA. In conclusion, CCTP can be used to synthesise both PSMA and PASMA copolymers, in which the end groups have been determined to be an MA and an unsaturated AMS moiety, respectively (Scheme 1). Scheme 1. Structures of pSMA and pASMA. Determination of Chain Transfer Constant of COBF for SMA Copolymers In order to determine the chain transfer constant (CT) of COBF in S-AMS-MA copolymersations, polymerisations to low conversion (< 5%) were carried out in freshly distilled 1,4-dioxane (to minimise deactivation of the catalysts due to the presence of peroxides) at various COBF concentrations and for four different S:AMS ratios. 69 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 The easiest and most widely used method of determining the chain transfer constant (CT) of COBF is the Mayo method. By determining the Mn or Mw from SEC data, the degree of polymerisation can be calculated, which is then plotted as 1/DPn or 2/DPw against the ratio of chain transfer agent concentration to monomer concentration. The slope of this line is the CT, in accordance with Equation 1. ( ) 〈 〉[ ] ⌈ ⌉ [ ] [ ] ( ) In this equation, λ is the fraction of radicals undergoing termination by disproportionation, 〈 〉 the chain length averaged termination rate coefficient, [R•] the overall radical concentration, [M] the monomer concentration, CM the chain transfer to monomer constant, [Co] the active catalyst concentration and CT the chain transfer ⁄ , where constant (defined as is the chain transfer rate coefficient and the propagation rate coefficient). Although using Mn to determine the degree of polymerisation is theoretically the most accurate way, Mw is often used (as Mw/2·m0) as it is a more robust experimental parameter, particularly for low molecular weight polymers. It should also be noted that a polydispersity index of 2 is assumed, a value which is commonly found in chain transfer-dominated polymerisations.28-30 The Mayo method has one major disadvantage. When dealing with low molecular weight polymers, it is often difficult to separate the polymer from the solvent peak in SEC. This means that obtaining an accurate baseline is not always possible, and thus the molecular weights, particularly Mn, are less reliable giving an unrealistic CT values. This issue has previously been discussed in detail and a comparison made between CT values determined using the Mayo method (Mn and Mw from SEC measurements) and the chain length distribution (CLD) method.28, 31 The CLD method uses the slope, Λ, of the chain length distribution P(M), plotted as ln(P(M)), vs. M to determine the chain transfer constant.32, 33 Λ taken in the higher molecular weight region, ΛH is theoretically the most accurate, in accordance with equation 2. ( ( )) ( 〈 〉[ ] [ ] [ ] ) [ ] ( ) However, more reliable results are often obtained when the slope of the distribution is taken at the molecular weight of the peak of the original chromatogram, ΛP.28, 31 Now plotting ΛP·m0 against [COBF]/[M] gives a plot similar to the conventional Mayo plot with a slope equal to CT. In this chapter we used both the Mayo method based on Mw and the CLD method for determining the chain transfer constants. The obtained Mayo and CLD plots for the four different S:AMS ratios are shown in Figure 8. An example of the corresponding molecular weight distributions and lnP(M) plots can be found in Figure 9. The results for the chain transfer constants are summarised in Table 1. 70 Chapter 3 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION (a) (b) 107 x [COBF]/[M] 0 1 2 3 107 x [COBF]/[M] 4 5 0.06 6 0 0.009 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.06 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.05 0.05 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.04 0.006 0.02 2/DPw 0.004 0.005 m0 2/DPw 0.005 0.03 0.03 0.004 m0 0.04 0.003 0.02 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.000 4.0 0.00 0.001 0.00 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 5 10 x [COBF]/[M] 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.000 4.5 4.0 107 x [COBF]/[M] Figure 9. (a) Mayo plots and (b) CLD plots for the determination of the chain transfer constant of COBF in S, MA and AMS in dioxane at 60 ºC. Molar ratios of S to AMS = 45:5 (black), 48:2 (red), 50:0 (blue) and 0:50 (magenta). Ratio of S/AMS to MA = 1:1. Closed symbols = repeat 1, open symbols = repeat 2. (a) (b) -10 -12 -14 ln P(M) -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 -26 6.0 0.0 Log(M) 3 5.0x10 4 1.0x10 4 1.5x10 4 2.0x10 4 2.5x10 Figure 9. (a) Molecular weight distributions and (b) ln P(M) vs. M plot used for CT calculations. 71 4 3.0x10 M END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 Table 2. Chain transfer constants (CT) in the COBF-mediated free radical polymerisation of S, MA and AMS at 60C in freshly distilled dioxane. S:AMSa Mayo methodb,c CLD methodc,d 50:0 48:2 45:5 0:50 (0.4 ± 0.1)·103 (1.4 ± 0.3)·103 (1.8 ± 0.3)·103 (11.0 ± 0.9)·103 (0.5 ± 0.1)·103 (1.4 ± 0.4)·103 (1.6 ± 0.4)·103 (11.9 ± 0.7)·103 Molar ratios. Ratio of AMS and S to MA = 1:1; b Mayo method based on Equation 1 using DPn = Mw/(2·m0); c Average value determined by plotting all points in a single graph and determining the slope of a best fit line; CLD method based on Equation 2 using ΛP instead of ΛH. a First of all it can be seen that there is a good agreement between the two methods and that with increasing AMS content the chain transfer constant increases (as expected). What is interesting to note is that, by CCTP standards, the chain transfer constants are moderately low. Especially when comparing the value obtained for the 50% AMS / 50% MA system (~ 104) with that for pure AMS (~ 105) then it is an order of magnitude lower. It is, however, not surprising when one considers the fact that these chain transfer constants are ratios of the average ktr and the average kp, and in the case of (A)SMA polymerisation, the average kp is quite high2 (and much higher than the kp for pure AMS!)22 For a monomer feed fraction fMA = 0.5 in a SMA copolymerisation kp > 2000 dm3·mol-1·s-1,2 which implies that ktr > 106 dm3·mol-1·s-1 in the 50% S / 50% MA copolymerisation system and ktr > 107 dm3·mol-1·s-1 in the 50% AMS / 50% MA copolymerisation system (assuming that kp is of the same order of magnitude as that in SMA). Both values are about an order of magnitude larger than what is observed in an ordinary CCTP of styrene and in AMS, respectively. This observation suggests that there may be a strong penultimate unit effect on the transfer reaction in this system, but there are too many uncertainties in the rate parameters used to draw any firm conclusions. What seems to be a clear conclusion, however, is that the ktr of MA-radical to COBF is very high; in fact we expect it be larger 10 7 dm3·mol-1·s-1 (we used here the experimental result that only MA end groups are observed and the kinetic estimate that only about 10% of the propagating radical population contains a MA terminal unit). This is in line with the results from quantum calculations.34 Post-Polymerisation Reactions of pSMA The CCTP-derived pSMA macromonomers have a predominantly maleic anhydride end group, which contains a vinylic functionality, making the polymer ripe for a variety of post-polymerisation modifications. CCTP has been combined with postpolymerisation reactions, such as thiol-ene chemistry, frequently in the last few years.35-42 However, to our knowledge CCTP has never been combined with a Diels-Alder cycloaddition. In the following section, we describe proof of principle reactions to modify 72 Chapter 3 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION pSMA polymers (obtained using CCTP) via both thiol-ene and Diels-Alder cycloaddition reactions (Scheme 2). Scheme 2. Attempted post-polymerisation functionalisations of pSMA. Diels-Alder Reactions Diels-Alder reactions require a diene and a dieneophile, usually a single double bond.43 Although maleic anhydride reacts readily with a range of dienes, the substitution of a proton with an electron donating group such as the methyl in citraconic anhydride or in fact the polymer chain in pSMA, significantly decreases the reactivity of the dienophile.44 Danishefsky’s diene (DD) is known to be one of the most electron-rich dienes and therefore one of the most effective for electron-deficient dieneophiles.45 Addition of this diene (in excess) to pSMA at elevated temperatures resulted in a successful DielsAlder reaction (pSMADD), as illustrated by the MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum (Figure 10), which shows the successful addition of DD to pSMA. The use of 1H NMR as an analytical tool is problematic due to the broad signals observed. 73 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION pS11MA10 Chapter 3 pS12MA10 pS12MA9 pS14MA7 pS12MA93 pS15MA7 pS20 pS19 2150 2200 2250 2300 2350 m/z pS18MA-MADD pS10MA9-MADD pS11MA9-MADD pS18MA-MADD pS9MA10-MADD 2150 2200 2250 2300 2350 m/z Figure 10. MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of (a) pSMA and (b) pSMA after reaction with DD. The Diels-Alder reaction of pSMA with cyclopentadiene (CP) was also attempted. CP is less reactive compared to DD and so LiOTf or LiNTf2 were employed to catalyse the reactions.46, 47 However, even though reactions of citraconic anhydride and pSMA ran to 100% conversion within a few hours (entries 1 and 2, Table 2), no evidence (MALDIToF-MS) of the addition of CP was observed when pSMA was used as the dieneophile, even at higher catalyst loadings and higher temperatures (entries 3-8, Table 2). It must be mentioned that the LiOTf and LiNTf2 catalysts are by no means the only catalysts employed for Diels-Alder reactions44, 48-50 and therefore this reaction may well still be feasible, simply not using the conditions explored here. 74 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 Table 2. Experimental conditions and results for the Diels-Alder coupling between pSMA (or model compound) and cyclopentadiene. Reaction Catalyst pSMA:CP:catalyst Temperature/ºC Conversion Time/Hours b 1 LiOTf 1 :2:0.7 2 20 1.0e 2 LiNTf2 1b:2:3.3 2 20 1.0e 3 LiOTf 1c:16:30 16.5 20 0f 4 LiNTf2 1c:16:20 16.5 20 0f 5 LiOTf 1d:50:30 144 20 0f 6 LiNTf2 1d:50:30 144 20 0f 7 LiOTf 1d:50:30 96 40 0f 8 LiNTf2 1d:50:30 96 40 0f Molar equivalents; b Citraconic anhydride used as model for pSMA; c Mn = 4000 g/mol; 2000 g/mol; e Determined using 1H NMR; f No product observed in MALDI-ToF-MS a d Mn = Thiol-ene Reactions The addition of a simple alkyl thiol to pSMA in the presence of dimethylphenyl phosphine (DMPP) as a catalyst should result in the Michael addition of these two species. Thiol-ene chemistry can be carried out on the vinylic functionality of MA-type end groups, as evidenced by model reactions using citraconic anhydride and dodecanthiol which indicated that the thiol had reacted exclusively with the double bond and not with the anhydride ring (Figure 11). Although it appears that the thiol predominantly attacks the more hindered side of the double bond, the complexity of the peak at 2.6 ppm (corresponding the CH2 adjacent to the S) indicates that some reaction also occurs at the least hindered position of the vinylic group. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppm Figure 11. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) of the reaction product of citraconic anhydride and dodecanthiol. 75 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 An excess of octanethiol was reacted with pSMA in the presence of DMPP to produce the Michael addition product, as confirmed via MALDI-ToF-MS (Figure 12). Due to the sheer number of peaks it was difficult to identify whether certain peaks corresponded to unreacted starting material or the reaction product. In addition the degree of conversion could not be quantified due to the intrinsic nature of MALDI-ToFMS and the fact that it is the only suitable analytical method. However, the spectrum is significantly different compared to the starting macromonomer demonstrating that a successful coupling reaction has taken place. (a) pS9MA8 pS9MA7 pS10MA6 pS10MA7 pS11MA6 pS12MA5 pS16 pS12MA4 (b) pS6MA9OT pS7MA8OT pS7MA8OT pS10MA5OT pS11MA4OT pS7MA7OT 1660 1680 1700 1720 1740 1760 1780 1800 1820 1840 m/z Figure 12. MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of (a) pSMA and (b) pSMA after reaction with octane thiol. The end groups of maleic-anhydride-terminated polymers have been modified using both a Diels-Alder cycloaddition and using thiol-ene chemistry. Copolymerisation Behaviour Macromonomers made via CCTP have been shown to undergo two different reactions when in the presence of an additional (methacrylic, acrylic or styrenic) monomer under free-radical conditions: addition-fragmentation chain transfer (AFCT) and graft copolymerisation.18, 19 The tendency of a macromonomer to undergo either AFCT of graft copolymerisation is dependent on the nature of the penultimate monomer unit of the macromonomer (i.e. the monomer unit next to the unsaturated monomer end group) and the nature of the secondary monomer.51 Accordingly, we expect pSMA, where the penultimate unit is most likely to be a styrene unit, and pASMA, where the penultimate unit is most likely a MA or S unit, both to undergo predominantly graft copolymerisation with either styrene or an acrylate. 76 Chapter 3 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION The copolymerisation of pSMA with 35 equivalents of styrene results in a clear increase in molecular weight (Figure 13a), and no residual macromonomer is observed. This indicates that a graft copolymer of p(S-g-SMA) has been obtained. A slightly low molecular weight shoulder can be observed in the molecular weight distribution, which could be due to the formation of poly(styrene). The copolymerisation of pSMA with butyl acrylate (BA) exhibits similar behaviour, and p(BA-g-SMA) is clearly formed (Figure 13a). PASMA, on the other hand, does not react so readily with styrene and butyl acrylate and a large amount of macromonomer remains unreacted after completion of the reaction (Figure 13b). This may simply be due to a slower copolymerisation as the radical that is formed upon addition to the macromonomer can be stabilized by delocalization of the electron in the phenyl ring,51 but more extensive copolymerisation studies, beyond the scope of the current work, would be required to establish this. (a) (b) p(S-g-SMA) p(BA-co-ASMA) pSMA wLog(M) wLog(M) p(BA-g-SMA) p(S-co-ASMA) pASMA 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 LogM LogM Figure 13. Molecular weight distribution of (a) pSMA p(S-g-SMA) and p(BA-b-SMA) and (b) pASMA p(S-g-ASMA) and p(BA-b-ASMA). Measured against PS standards in THF. Corrected for conversion. Although the reason behind the lower reactivity of the pASMA system has not been completely clarified, it is interesting to note the obvious difference in reactivity between pSMA and pASMA and that the system with the most efficient CCTP yields the least reactive macromonomer for further polymerisation. CONCLUSIONS In this work, we have demonstrated that low molecular weight, end-functional polymers of styrene and maleic anhydride can be efficiently synthesised via CCTP and that replacing part of the styrene with α-methyl styrene makes the process even more efficient. The polymers prepared without α-methyl styrene are characterised by a reactive unsaturated maleic anhydride end group that can be post-functionalised by Diels-Alder and thiol-ene reactions. These polymers are also efficient comonomers in 77 END-FUNCTIONAL STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS VIA CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 3 copolymerisations with styrene and butyl acrylate. The polymers prepared with α-methyl styrene are characterized by an unsaturated α-methyl styrene end group which showed a much lower reactivity in further copolymerisation reactions. Hence, if only low-molecular weight SMA copolymers are required, it is worthwhile considering the addition of a small amount of α-methyl styrene, which makes the CCTP process more efficient and necessitates a lower amount of catalyst. 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Heuts, Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 3, 2200-2208 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 ABSTRACT In our attempts to combine catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP) with ring-opening polymerisation (ROP), we investigated the homopolymerisation and copolymerisation behaviour of epoxidised CCTP-derived (macro)monomers. Although the homopolymerisation of these species proved futile, the copolymerisation behaviour of the epoxides exhibited unexpected behaviour. The cationic ROP of epoxidised CCTP-derived (macro)monomers was unsuccessful due to the formation of stable 5-membered rings, incapable of propagation. In a copolymerisation of these epoxides with tetrahydrofuran (THF), however, we observed that the epoxides did not act as a comonomer but rather as an end-capper, providing a functional end group. Most surprising, was the observation that the epoxidised CCTP-derived (macro)monomers significantly catalyse the homopolymerisation of THF. 82 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION INTRODUCTION Complex polymer architectures, such as block, graft and star copolymers, can be synthesised via a variety of routes. 1 Using pre-formed polymers, for example macromonomers, as building blocks allows for the synthesis of polymers with well-defined segments. The (co)polymerisation of macromonomeric building blocks can be carried out via the same polymerisation mechanism used to synthesise the macromonomer or via an alternative polymerisation mechanism, removing the restrictions placed by only using a single polymerisation route for polymer synthesis.2-4 In recent literature, living radical polymerisation techniques have been combined with catalytic olefin polymerisation,5 ringopening polymerisations6 and click chemistry.7 Although the literature is rife with new routes to combining various polymerisation mechanisms as a method of synthesising new and complex architectures, there is relatively little mentioned in relation to catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP).8-13 In line with previous work carried out in this thesis to combine different polymerisation mechanisms, we initially set out to combine CCTP with ring-opening polymerisation (ROP). We considered that as the macromonomers contained a terminal double bond, this bond could be easily converted into an epoxide, 14, 15 and therefore that the subsequent ROP of these modified macromonomers would result in a new class of polymers, with a flexible polyether backbone and functional methacrylic side chains (Scheme 1). In this chapter these efforts will be described and although our initial aim of ring-opening of epoxidised methacrylic macromonomers proved futile, some unexpected and intriguing results in the copolymerisation behaviour of these modified (macro)monomers have been observed. Scheme 1. Intended reaction pathway to a new class of polymers. 83 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION General Considerations. All syntheses and manipulations of air- and moisture-sensitive materials were carried out in oven-dried Schlenk-type glassware on a dual manifold Schlenk line, a vacuum line (typically 1 to 100 mbar), or in a nitrogen-filled glovebox (typically < 1.0 ppm of oxygen and moisture). Materials. Methyl methacrylate (MMA, 99%) and α-methyl styrene (AMS, 99%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, and passed over a column of activated basic alumina to remove the inhibitor. Azobis(isobutyronitrile) (AIBN) was recrystallised twice from methanol. The bis(methanol) complex of bis(boron difluorodimethylglyoximate) cobalt (II), COBF·(MeOH)2 (1), was prepared as described previously.16, 17 metaChloroperbenzoic acid (mCPBA) (77% pure, Acros), was used without further purification. Tris(perfluorophenyl)boron (BF15) was synthesized according to literature procedures.18 Solvents (Biosolve) were dried over magnesium sulphate (Sigma-Aldrich) and distilled before use or taken from the dry solvent system, except for methanol and ethanol, which were used as received. Benzyl alcohol (BzOH) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and distilled before use. Methyl 2-methylglycidate (e-MMA, 99%) was purchased from SigmaAldrich and stored under an argon atmosphere prior to use. All other chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used as received. Synthesis of MMA dimer via CCTP. COBF (34 mg, 8.8·10-5 mol) was premixed in N2purged MMA (200 mL, 1.88 mol) for 1 hour in a degassed flask. AIBN (1.5 g, 9·10-3 mol) was dissolved in 200 mL N2-purged MMA in a degassed flask while cooling in an ice bath. The resulting solutions were transferred to the reaction flask (also degassed) with a cannula. The reaction mixture was heated at 60 °C and stirred for 24 hours, after which it was cooled in ice and quenched with hydroquinone. The MMA dimer (MMA 2, see Scheme 2) was isolated by a vacuum distillation (bp. 80 °C at 2.9 Torr). Yield = 30%. 1H NMR δ 1.08 (s, 6H, CH3), 2.53 (s, 2H, CH2), 3.56 (s, 3H, OCH3), 3.65 (s, 3H, OCH3), 5.44 (s, 1H, C=CH2), 6.13 (s, 1H, C=CH2). Synthesis of AMS2 via CCTP.1 COBF (59 mg, 1.5·10-4 mol) and AIBN (0.837 g, 5·10-3 mol) were introduced to a round bottom flask equipped with a stirrer bar. After evacuating and re-filling with nitrogen 3 times, 200 mL N2-purged AMS (1.54 mol) was added. The resulting mixture was heated to 70 °C and stirred. After approximately 20 hours a second shot of COBF (19 mg, 5·10-5 mol) and AIBN (0.334 g, 2·10-3 mol) dissolved in 10 mL AMS (7.7·10-2 mol) was added. After a further 12 hours the reaction was cooled in ice and quenched with hydroquinone. The AMS dimer was isolated by a vacuum distillation (bp. 100 °C at 2.0 Torr). Yield = 31%. 1H NMR δ 1.29 (s, 6H, CH3)), 2.90 (s, 2H, CH2), 4.85 (s, 1H, C=CH2), 5.21 (s, 1H, C=CH2), 7.16-7.37 (m, 10H, Ph). Epoxidation of MMA2. MMA2 (10 g, 4.6·10-2 mol) was mixed with mCPBA (55g, 0.23 mol) and 55 mL dichloromethane (DCM) and allowed to stir at 20 °C. After 5 days, full 84 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION conversion was confirmed using GC. Purification of the MMA 2 epoxide was as follows: first the solid present in the reaction mixture was removed by vacuum filtration. The solid was washed with cold DCM. The filtrate was placed in the freezer to enhance precipitation, after which the solid was again removed by vacuum filtration (again washing with cold DCM). This procedure was repeated until no precipitation was observed. If necessary some of the DCM was removed under reduced pressure to prevent the build-up of large volumes of DCM. After the last vacuum filtration most of the DCM was removed and a base extraction with a 1:1 mixture of demineralised water and saturated sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was carried out to remove any remaining acidic degradation product of mCPBA. The DCM phase was then washed 3 – 5 times. DCM was removed under reduced pressure before performing a vacuum distillation to obtain pure MMA epoxide (e-MMA2, see Scheme 2) (bp. 110 °C at 500 mTorr). The obtained yields were between 50 – 60%. 1H NMR δ 1.21-1.22 (d, 6H, CH3), 1.98 + 2.01 / 2.48 + 2.52 (AB, d /d, 2H, CH2), 1.72 + 2.74 (d, 1H, OCH2), 2.94 + 2.96 (d, 1H, OCH2), 3.63 (s, 3H, OCH3), 3.71 (s, 3H, OCH3). Epoxidation of AMS2. mCPBA (10 g, 5·10-2 mol) was dissolved in 60 mL DCM. The mixture was cooled in an ice bath and AMS2 (10 g, 5·10-2 mol) was added slowly. After 2 hours of reaction in ice, full conversion was confirmed by GC. The AMS 2 epoxide (eAMS2) was isolated via the same purification method as described above (bp. 130 °C at 50 mTorr). Yield = 80%. 1H NMR δ 1.19(s, 3H, CH3), 1.33 (s, 3H, CH3), 2.23 + 2.26 / 2.46 + 2.49 (d, 2H, CH2), 2.59 + 2.60 / 2.65 + 2.66 (AB, d /d, 2H, OCH2), 7.0-7.3 (m, 10H, Ph). Typical procedure for the attempted cationic ROP of e-MMA2. 2 mL of a BzOH stock solution (0.3 mL in 100 mL dry DCM) and e-MMA2 (0.5 mL, 2·10-3 mol) were introduced into the reaction flask followed by the addition of BF 3·OEt2 (20 μL, 1.3·10-4 mol). The reaction was performed at 20 °C under a nitrogen atmosphere. After the desired reaction time the reaction mixture was quenched by adding an excess of methanol. When carrying out the reaction under starved feed conditions, a BzOH stock solution (0.3 mL, 2.8·10-3 mol in 50 mL dry DCM) and a BF3·OEt2 stock solution (1 mL, 0.8 mol in 50 mL dry DCM) were first prepared. From both stock solutions 2 mL were introduced to a degassed reaction flask. 1 mL of e-MMA2 was added via a syringe in portions of approx. 0.1 mL (4·10-4 mol) over 3 hours. The reaction was carried out at 20 °C under N 2 for 24 h. Sequential feed e-MMA2. A flask containing a stirrer bar was evacuated and refilled 3 times with N2 before use; the reaction flask was closed with a SubaSeal. e-MMA2 (0.35 mL, 1.4·10-3 mol) and BzOH (0.14 mL, 1.4·10-3 mol) were added followed by BF3·OEt2 (0.17 mL, 1.4·10-3 mol). Upon addition of BF3·OEt2 the solution turned orange. After 1 hour (at 20 °C under N2 atmosphere) an NMR sample was prepared by taking 0.1 mL of the reaction mixture and quenching it with 10 μL of MeOH (BF3·OEt2 : MeOH ≈ 1:1). This procedure was repeated until 3 more equivalents of e-MMA2 had been added. 85 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 Typical procedure for the polymerisations of THF in the presence of e-MMA2. A flask equipped with a stirrer bar was evacuated and refilled with N 2 three times before use; the reaction flask was closed with a SubaSeal. e-MMA2 (0.5 mL, 2·10-3 mol) and dry tetrahydrofuran (THF, 3.25 mL, 5·10-2 mol) were added followed by BF3·OEt2 (50 μL, 4·10-4 mol). Samples were taken throughout the reaction. SEC samples were quenched by the addition of a large excess of methanol or ethanol. 1H NMR samples were not quenched but were measured directly. The reference reactions (homopolymerisations of THF) were performed under identical conditions with reaction times of 24 hours. NMR tube copolymerisation with THF-d8. THF-d8 (1 mL, 0.0125 mol) and e-MMA2 (0.4 mL, 2∙10-3 mol) were injected in an oven dried NMR tube and closed with a screw cap with a septum in a glovebox. BF3·OEt2 (15 μL, 1.5∙10-4 mol) was injected via the septum just prior to the NMR measurements. 1H NMR spectra are recorded every 15 minutes for 4 hours. After 3 hours 1 mL deuterated chloroform was injected to lower the viscosity of the mixture. Transesterfication with BzOH. A THF/e-MMA2 polymer (1.5 mL) was dissolved in 3 mL toluene. BzOH (0.43 g, 4∙10-3 mol) was added. Triazobicyclodecene (TBD, 8 mg, 60 μmol) was added as a catalyst and the reaction was allowed to run for 24 hours at 20 °C. The product was dried in a vacuum oven at 60 °C. Typical procedure for the investigation of catalytic species. Solid catalytic species were introduced before degassing and evacuating the reaction flask, liquid catalytic species were added after 3 degassing/evacuation cycles. e-MMA2 (0.5 mL, 2·10-3 mol) and dry THF (3.25 mL, 5·10-2 mol) were then added to the flask. The polymerisations were initiated by the injection of BF3·OEt2 (50 μL, 4·10-4 mol). Samples were taken throughout the reaction. SEC samples were quenched by the addition of a large excess of methanol. 1H NMR samples were not quenched but were measured directly. Measurements. Gel permeation chromatography was carried out using a WATERS 2695 separation module, Model 2487 UV detector (254 nm), and Model 2414 differential refractive index detector (40 °C). Injection volume used was 50 µL. Tetrahydrofuran (Biosolve, stabilised with BHT) was the eluent, flow rate 1.0 ml/min. The column set used was a PLgel guard (5 m particles) 50 × 7.5 mm precolumn, followed by 2 PLgel columns in series of 500 Å (5 m particles) and 100 Å (5 m particles), respectively. Calibration was performed using polystyrene standards (Polymer Laboratories, Mn = 370 up to Mn = 40,000 g/mol). Data acquisition and processing were performed using WATERS Empower 2 software. 1H NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian Mercury Vx (400 MHz) spectrometer at 400 MHz or Varian Mercury (200 MHz) at 200 MHz. Chloroform-d1 or THF-d8 and tetramethylsilane were used as solvent and internal standard, respectively. MALDI-ToF-MS was carried out using a voyager DE-STR spectrometer from Applied Biosystems in reflector mode. Trans-2-(3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-methyl-2-propenylidene)86 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION malononitrile doped with potassium trifluoroacetate was used as the matrix. It was deposited from THF solution onto a stainless steel sample substrate and the solvent was allowed to evaporate. The polymer was then deposited as a dilute (~1 mg/ml) solution in THF. This resulted in each polymeric species being observed as its K + adduct with molecular mass M+31. The spectrometer was calibrated using poly(ethylene oxide) standards for the lower mass range and polystyrene standards for the higher mass range. GC analysis was carried out on a Varian 450-GC Gas Chromatograph equipped with a Varian CP-8400 Auto-Sampler. A temperature profile of 85 – 250 °C with a rate of 5 °C/min was used. The solvent used was toluene or THF with a flow rate of 2.0 mL/min. 87 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To investigate the potential of the system, with regard to both the epoxidation of the (macro)monomer as well as the ring-opening polymerisation of the thus obtained epoxidised (macro)monomers, the dimer of methyl methacrylate, MMA 2, was used as a model compound in place of a MMA-based macromonomer. Synthesis of e-MMA2 A dimer of methyl methacrylate, MMA 2, was made under CCTP conditions by oligomerising MMA in the presence of COBF·(MeOH)2 and employing AIBN as the radical source (Scheme 2a). The dimer was then isolated in high purity via vacuum distillation from unreacted monomer and higher oligomers. The dimer contains a terminal double bond, which is characteristic of CCTP-derived oligomers. Epoxidation of the double bond was realised by mixing MMA2 with an excess of m-chloroperoxybenzoic acid (mCPBA) at room temperature (Scheme 2b). Quantitative conversion of MMA2 to the epoxide of MMA2 (e-MMA2) was achieved after 5 days. After removal of m-chlorobenzoic acid (the side product of the reaction) and further purification by distillation, a 60% yield of e-MMA2 was obtained. Figure 1 clearly shows the disappearance of the vinylic protons of MMA2 and the appearance of a quintessential epoxy AB splitting pattern at 2.7 and 2.9 ppm. Scheme 2. Synthesis of 2.e-MMA Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation Scheme 2 Synthesis of e-MMA (a) Catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP); (b) Electrophilic (CCTP); epoxidation (b) of 2. (a) MMA2. Electrophilic epoxidation of MMA2. b' d' c' e d b c a 7 6 5 4 3 ppm 1 Figure 1 H NMR spectra of e-MMA2 and MMA2. Figure 1 1H NMR spectrum of e-MMA2 and MMA2. 88 2 1 0 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Attempted Cationic Ring Opening Homopolymerisation of e-MMA2 A cationic ring-opening polymerisation method was chosen over an anionic method for use with monomers containing ester functionalities. In general, cationic ring-opening polymerisation routes have an increased tolerance towards electrophilic functional groups reducing the risk of back-biting as the chain end is neutral.19 The addition of an alcohol as initiator to a cationic ROP has been shown to aid the prevention of small cyclic species forming by switching the predominant mechanism from an activated chain end mechanism (ACEM) to an activated monomer mechanism (AMM).20, 21 Indeed, glycidyl methacrylate has been homopolymerised using poly(ethylene glycol) as an initiator and BF 3·OEt2 as the catalyst.22 Ring-opening homopolymerisations of e-MMA2 were carried out using either BF3∙OEt2 or BF15 as the catalyst in combination with benzyl alcohol (BzOH) as the initiator. Polymerisations were originally carried out under batch conditions, however, a starved-feed approach was also used in order to minimise back-biting reactions. The results of the reactions are summarised in Table 1. Table 1. Overview of cationic ring-opening polymerisation of the e-MMA2. Reaction time = 4 - 8h. Initiator = benzyl alcohol. Entry Catalyst Solvent 1 2 3 4 BF3∙OEt2 BF15 BF3∙OEt2 BF3∙OEt2 5 BF3∙OEt2 6 7 8 9 10 BF3∙OEt2 BF3∙OEt2 BF3∙OEt2 BF3∙OEt2 BF3∙OEt2 DCM DCM DCM None n-Butyl acetate MEK DMF Toluene DMSO None BzOH:Catalyst:eMMA2a 1 : 16 : 45 1 : 16 : 45 1 : 16 : 45 1 : 16 : 45 Feed Conditionsb Batch Batch Starved Sequential Full RO, no pol. Full RO, no pol. Full RO, no pol. Full RO, no pol. 1 : 16 : 45 Starved Full RO, no pol. 1 : 16 : 45 1 : 16 : 45 1 : 16 : 45 1 : 16 : 45 1:4:1 Starved Starved Starved Starved Starved Full RO, no pol. No RO Full RO, no pol. No RO Full RO, no pol. Observation Molar ratio; b Starved-feed conditions: monomer added in portions, where catalyst:monomer = 1:1.5 (molar ratio), excess monomer conditions: all monomer added in one batch at start of reaction. a 1H NMR results of the polymerisations show that both BF 3∙OEt2 and B(C6F5)3 (entries 1 and 2, Table 1) are capable of ring-opening e-MMA2. The BF3∙OEt2 / benzyl alcohol system was investigated further (entry 4, Table 1), and the ring-opening of eMMA2 monitored using 1H NMR. e-MMA2 was added sequentially over a period of 4 hours, adding 1 equivalent of e-MMA2 after taking a sample every hour. The complete disappearance of the epoxide ring protons combined with the appearance of new signals in the polyether region of the spectrum (after every sequential addition of e-MMA2) indicates that complete ring-opening of e-MMA2 has occurred and suggests that polymerisation of the epoxide had taken place (Figure 2). SEC analyses of the reaction products, however, revealed that no high molecular weight products had formed and that 89 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 the major product had only a slightly higher molecular weight compared to e-MMA2 (Figure 3). Although a minor amount of higher molecular weight oligomers can also be seen, this does not correspond to the molecular weights expected. Thus, the 1H NMR and SEC results appeared to contradict one another, requiring further investigation using 2D NMR in order to probe the active mechanism. Increase in signal at 3.4 ppm Increasing equivalents of e-MMA2 added Ring-opening of epoxide e-MMA2 3.5 3.4 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 ppm wLog(M) Figure 2. Partial 1H NMRs (200 MHz, CDCl3) showing the increase in intensity of signal at 3.4 ppm and the opening of epoxide rings. 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 Log(M) Figure 3 Molecular weight distribution of ( ) and the reaction product entry 4,the Table 1 reaction (-----). Figure 3. Molecular weight distribution ofe-MMA e-MMA ) ofand product of entry 4, 2 (______ Table 1 (-----). 2 ______ 90 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION According to the conditions used, ring-opening and polymerisation should occur via the activated monomer mechanism (AMM), in which the alcohol initiates the polymer chain resulting in a neutral chain end which cannot undergo back-biting reactions. This is clearly not the case in this situation. To probe the nature of the active mechanism, 1H NMR was used to monitor the ring-opening reaction over time. To a 1:1 molar mixture of BF3OEt2 and BzOH, e-MMA2 was added sequentially in equimolar batches. After each addition, 1H NMR was used to confirm complete ring-opening (Figure 2) and SEC to confirm that propagation was not the major ring-opening mechanism (Figure 4). It should be noted, however, that an increase in the complexity and number of signals in the spectrum suggests the possibility of oligomerisation if not polymerisation. It was noticed that a signal at 3.4 ppm in the 1H NMR (which was previously attributed to splitting of the methoxy protons) increased as more equivalents of e-MMA2 were added (Figure 2). 1 eq. e-MMA2 2 eq. e-MMA2 3 eq. e-MMA2 4 eq. e-MMA2 5 eq. e-MMA2 RI Signal 6 eq. e-MMA2 17 18 19 20 21 22 Elution Time/Minutes Figure 4. SEC chromatogram of multiple additions of e-MMA2 (1-5, dashed) to benzyl alcohol in the presence of BF3.OEt2 compared to e-MMA2 (solid). 1H-13C gHMBC was used to identify the peak at 3.4 ppm observed in the 1H NMR spectrum. Strikingly, it seems that only one of the methoxy groups of e-MMA2 is coupled to a carbonyl (Figure 5a). This indicates that a methoxy group has been eliminated. Ringopening of e-MMA2 with an alcohol (in this case BzOH), results in a species that contains a hydroxyl group. In a normal cationic ring-opening mechanism, this hydroxyl group opens the next monomer and propagation continues. However, it is thought that the alcohol end group may also back-bite onto the ester functionality, forming a ring and liberating methanol (Scheme 3). The epoxide ring can be opened on both sides (1,2 and 2,1) which results in a 5 or 6 membered ring (2 and 3), respectively. However, the signals characteristic to a six-membered ring (doublet around 5.4 ppm) are not present, implying 91 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 that only 5-memebered rings are formed. The instability of the 6-membered ring compared to the 5-membered ring is supported by literature on cyclic esters. 45, 46 The methanol liberated upon cyclisation of e-MMA2 into 2 plays a further role as it can also act as an initiator, ring-opening e-MMA2. The ring-opened epoxide can then also backbite to form a 5-memebered ring, again liberating methanol. This hypothesis is supported by the 1H-13C gHMBC results, which shows cross-peaks at 2.9/3.3 (1H) and 60 (13C) ppm and 3.0 (1H) and 75 (13C) ppm corresponding to methanol-initiated e-MMA2 (Figure 5b). (a) (b) Figure 5. Partial 1H-13C gHMBC NMR spectra of entry 10, Table 1. 92 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION 2 Scheme 3. Cyclic back-biting of e-MMA2 to 2. Using the information provided by 1H-13C gHMBC in combination with the SEC results, a mechanism for the reactions has been proposed (Scheme 4). At the start of the reaction, benzyl alcohol can ring-open e-MMA2 either via a 1,2 or a 2,1 mechanism. Opening on the 2,1 side results in a positioning of the hydroxyl end group in which backbiting can occur to form a 6-membered ring (3). Compound 3 is not observed in 1H and 13C NMR, however, suggesting that the species is less stable and possibly even formed reversibly. Ring-opening via a 1,2 mechanism, however, gives rise instead to the more stable 5-membered ring (2), and is therefore considered a dead chain end. In both cases methanol is liberated, which can initiate further ring-opening. Consecutive ring-opening via a 2,1 mechanism may result in propagation and thus some oligomers can be formed (as observed in SEC), however, as soon as the epoxide is ring-opened via the 1,2 route further propagation is prevented. It is hypothesised that the major mechanistic pathway is the ring-opening of e-MMA2 with methanol followed by cyclisation to 2 with further liberation of methanol. This is consistent with the information provided in Figures 2 and 3. 93 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 Scheme 3 Proposed mechanism for the formation of 5-membered rings Scheme 4. Proposed mechanism for the formation of 5-memebered rings. Efforts were made to minimise cyclisation by investigating a range of solvents from non-coordinating to strongly coordinating solvents and in bulk, varying the catalyst concentration as well as the rate of e-MMA2 addition (Table 1). Similar results were found for all experiments (excluding reactions carried out in highly coordinating solvents, which showed no ring-opening at all), with the major product being that of 2. The ring-opening polymerisation of glycidyl methacrylate, which also contains both epoxide and ester moieties, under similar conditions does not show any inclination towards back-biting but instead homopolymerises.22 It is clear that the back-biting cyclisation reaction which occurs when e-MMA2 is in the presence of an alcohol and a Lewis acid is the predominant mechanism occurring and also proceeds at a higher rate than propagation. As such, homopolymerisation of eMMA2 to higher molecular weights appears to be difficult. 94 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Polymerisation of THF in the Presence of e-MMA2 It has been made apparent that the homopolymerisation of e-MMA2 poses several problems. However, when unquenched samples of the homopolymerisation of e-MMA2 were prepared in THF for SEC analysis, a polymer peak, unattributable to p(e-MMA2) was observed. It was hypothesised that the introduction of a comonomer, such as THF, may allow the incorporation of e-MMA2 and minimise the chance of back-biting side reactions. The homopolymerisation of THF in the presence of a Lewis acid (such as BF3) is a very slow reaction, reaching a very low conversion even after 24 hours (entry 1, Table 2) regardless of whether a protic initiator, such as methanol, is used. 20 Surprisingly, when the polymerisation of THF is carried out in the presence of e-MMA2 a dramatic increase in the rate of reaction is observed, with the maximum conversion of 75% (for a bulk THF polymerisation) reached within only 6 hours (entries 2-4, Table 2). Compared to the 2% conversion achievable after 24 hours in the absence of e-MMA2, the rate enhancement effect of e-MMA2 is impressive. Indeed, increasing the concentration of e-MMA2 in the THF polymerisations continues to increase the rate of reaction, attaining maximum conversion in under 90 minutes (Figure 6a). This is also illustrated by the slopes of firstorder kinetic plots (Figure 6b), however, whether this increase originates from an increase in propagation rate coefficient, kp, or from an increase in the number of active species, [P*], cannot be elucidated from these values alone. Note that as the reaction is carried out in bulk, the maximum achievable conversion is 75 % due to the temperature-dependent nature of equilibrium polymerisations.19 Table 2. Overview of cationic ring-opening polymerisations of THF and e-MMA2. Entry 1 2 3 4 BF3 : THF : eMMA2a 1 : 100 : 0 1 : 100 : 10 1 : 100 : 4 1 : 100 : 1 Mn b/gmol-1 PDI 28,000 950 1,900 6,000 1.9 1.6 2.4 3.2 Reaction time/hrs 24 6 6 6 THF Conversionc < 0.02 0.75 0.75 0.75 Calculated Mnd/gmol-1 760 1,570 5,600 Molar ratio; b Measured by GPC against polystyrene standards; c Conversion of THF determined using NMR based on the relative integrals of CH2 – CH2 in THF (1.85 ppm) and CH2 – CH2 in poly(THF) (1.51 ppm) ; d Molecular weight based on the assumption that there is one e-MMA2 per chain, adjusted for conversion of THF. a 95 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION (a) Chapter 4 (b) kp[P*] = 0.0173 100 kp[P*] = 0.0121 1.4 90 80 1.2 1.0 60 -ln(1-XTHF) % ConversionTHF 70 50 40 0.8 kp[P*] = 0.0063 0.6 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 0 0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time /Minutes Time/Minutes Figure 6. (a) Conversion of THF versus time and (b) Semilogarithmic kinetic plots for the copolymerisation of e-MMA2 and THF. Ratio of e-MMA2:THF = 10:100 (■), 4:100 (●) and 1:100 (▲). Figure 4 Conversion of THF versus time for the copolymerisation of e-MMA2 and THF. Ratio of e-MMA2:THF = 10:100 (■), 4:100 (●) and 1:100 (▲). A rate increase in a THF polymerisation is not without precedent, 23, 24 but in those cases the epoxide initiates the chains and copolymerises with THF. However, e-MMA2 does not appear to be consumed until the end of the reaction when THF has reached maximum conversion (discussed later), indicating that an alternative mechanism is at play here. To investigate the origin of this rate enhancement, a THF homopolymerisation in the absence of e-MMA2 was carried out and after 24 hours a sample was taken for SEC analysis. The analysed sample showed a high Mn of 28,000 Da, but as expected a low degree of conversion (2 %), showing that propagation is not the limiting factor. The initiator efficiency at this stage was calculated to be less than 1 %, implying that initiation is the problematic step. To the same low-conversion THF homopolymerisation, e-MMA2 was added and samples taken at regular intervals over 30 minutes, and again analysed using SEC (Figure 7). A new, lower molecular weight distribution began to appear after 15 minutes, and continued to increase with time (and conversion). The original higher molecular weight distribution remained almost unchanged over the course of the reaction, clearly showing that e-MMA2 enhanced the initiation step of the polymerisation, rather than increasing the rate of propagation. 96 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 wLog(M) 0 min (THF homopol.) 15 min 20 min 30 min 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Log(M) Figure 7. Molecular weight distributions of homopolymerisation THF and afterareaddition of the Figure 5 Molecular weight distributions of homopolymerisation of THF and after addition of theof MMA -epoxide. Distributions corrected for THF conversion. Measured in THF against PS standards. MMA2-epoxide. Distributions are corrected for THF conversion. Measured in THF against PS standards. 2 (a) d’’ g f Increasing THF Conversion g b’ d’ b’ c’ e d’ e pTHF THF f h h (b) d’’ MeO- c’ b’ Figure 8. 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 2.00 0.5 1.75 1.50 ppm Figure 6 1H NMR (200 MHz, THF-d8) of the polymerisation of (a) THF in the presence of e-MMA2 (entry 2, Table 2) and (b) THF-d8 in the 1presence of e-MMA2. H NMR (200 MHz, THF-d8) of the polymerisation of (a) THF in the presence of e- MMA2 (entry 2, Table 2) and (b) THF-d8 in the presence of e-MMA2. In order to determine the behaviour of e-MMA2 throughout the course of the reaction, 1H NMR was used to monitor the polymerisation of THF in the presence of eMMA2 with increasing conversion. Firstly, a polymerisation using non-deuterated THF 97 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 and e-MMA2 was performed to determine the conversion of THF into polyTHF over 3 hours (Figure 8b). It was observed that although THF polymerised rapidly, the signals corresponding to e-MMA2 did not appear to change until the maximum conversion of THF had been reached. To probe the behaviour of e-MMA2 during the polymerisation more closely, deuterated THF (THF-d8) was used as the monomer (Figure 8a). In absence of the broad THF signals it became apparent that not only did the epoxide signals not alter until maximum conversion of THF had been reached, but also that the final form of e-MMA2 is that of the 5-membered ring observed in the homopolymerisation of e-MMA2, 2. This suggests that the rate enhancement is not due to the copolymerisation of e-MMA2, but that e-MMA2 first catalyses the initiation of the THF polymerisation and then subsequently undergoes a reaction of its own. From the 1H NMR data presented in Figure 8, it is abundantly clear that e-MMA2 is in the 5-membered ring form, however, to determine whether 2 is attached to the polyTHF chain, MALDI-ToF-MS was used. Poly(THF-d8) was analysed in order to distinguish 2 from poly(THF), as 2 with a methoxy initiating group has the same molecular mass as 3 non-deuterated THF units. Figure 9 shows three distributions, corresponding to polyTHF with end groups of two 2 units, one 2 and one methoxy, and two methoxy units. 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 2120 2140 m/z Figure 9. MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of the copolymerisation product of THF-d8 and e-MMA2 (entry 5, Table 2). Figure 7 MALDI-ToF-MS spectrum of the copolymerisation product of THF-d8 and e-MMA2 (entry 5, Table 2). The end groups observed when THF is polymerised in the presence of e-MMA2 are shown in Figure 10. We believe that the methoxy end groups originate as a result of chain scission. The scission of chains via the in-situ formation of BF4- H+, cleaves the ether bonds, which can then react further with methanol (produced as a result of the formation 98 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION of the cyclic structure, 2) resulting in methoxy-based end groups. As chain scission can occur at any point in the chain and multiple times within the same chain, polymers with two methoxy end groups can also be formed. Figure 10. MALDI-ToF-MS of entry 3 (Table 2), quenched with (a) ethanol and (b) methanol. To further confirm the presence of 2 as the end group, a transesterification reaction with benzyl alcohol in the presence of triaxobicyclodecene (TBD) was carried out. Benzyl alcohol is UV active at 254 nm, whereas polyTHF and e-MMA2 are UV inactive. Transesterification replaces the methyl groups of the esters in e-MMA2 with benzyl groups. Measurement of the transesterified polymer using a SEC coupled to a UV detector, reveals a successful transesterifiaction reaction and also that there are ester groups present in the polymers proving that 2 is attached to the polymer chains (Figure 11). Although the UV signal does not show the same shape as that of the RI signal, it is possible that complete transesterification has not occurred, and MALDI-ToF-MS has already shown that not all chains contain a unit of 2. To quantify the amount of 2 units attached to the polymer chain, the reaction products (without being worked up) were heated under vacuum to remove any back-bitten e-MMA2 (similar to end group 2). The back-bitten e-MMA2 can be distilled at 180 ºC (200 mTorr), however, the reaction product released no material under the same conditions. Even at higher temperatures, no volatiles could be removed until 300 ºC (200 mTorr) when a small amount of low molecular weight polyTHF was removed. This means that all e-MMA2 has been 99 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 consumed corresponding to a theoretical average of one 2 group per chain (entries 2-5, Table 2), indicating that addition (and cyclisation of e-MMA2) is the main method of end-capping. w(Log(M)) UV DRI 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 Log(M) Figure 11. Molecular weight distribution of transesterified THF – e-MMA2 copolymer. Measured in THF against standards. FigurePS 8 Molecular weight distribution of transesterified THF- e-MMA2 copolymer. Measured in THF against PS standards. Over the course of these experiments it was observed that the evolution of molecular weight of the polymerisation of THF in the presence of e-MMA2 showed an unexpected trend. Upon increasing conversion of THF, the molecular weight increases, however, once conversion starts to reach the maximum obtainable for a bulk THF polymerisation, and e-MMA2 begins to react, the number-average molecular weight starts to decrease (Figure 12). We speculate that this could be due to chain scission. The exact nature and mechanism by which this occurs is outside the scope of this work, however, we suspect that the presence of trace amounts of water in the system could react with BF 3 to generate HF. The acidic H+ is capable of cutting chains, reducing the molecular weight. 25 We suspect that this is on-going throughout the reaction, but at the beginning the rate of chain growth dominates, and as full conversion is reached, chain scission produces a greater effect on the molecular weight. 100 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION 16000 2.8 14000 2.6 2.4 2.2 10000 2.0 PDI Mw/gmol-1 12000 1.8 8000 1.6 6000 1.4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 % Conversion Figure 12. Evolution of molecular weight of entry 3 (Table 2) with increasing conversion. To ensure that e-MMA2 is indeed the active catalyst and that the rate enhancement is not caused by any impurities, mCPBA (and its degradation product) and NaHCO 3 (both of which were used in the synthesis of e-MMA2 and thus may be present in trace amounts in the purified e-MMA2) were added to a THF polymerisation. In both cases, no catalytic effect was observed (Table 3, entry 2 and 3). e-MMA2 has three functional groups (two esters and an epoxide) to which the observed catalytic effect could be attributed. MMA 2 and dimethyl glutarate both contain two ester groups, which are 3 carbons apart, with and without the restriction of a double bond, respectively. These two compounds (Table 3, entries 4 and 5) were added to a THF homopolymerisation but again only a low conversion was reached, indicating that the epoxide moiety is necessary. Entry 6 (Table 3), however, shows that solely an epoxide is not sufficient, as e-AMS2 also showed no catalytic effect. Interestingly, e-MMA (entry 7, Table 3) does catalyse the reaction, albeit more slowly than e-MMA2. This indicates that both epoxide and carbonyl moieties are required for efficient catalysis of the homopolymerisation of THF. 101 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 Table 3. Potential catalysts for the polymerisation of THF. Reaction time = 8 hours. 1 2 3 (Potential) Catalyst None mCPBA NaHCO3 4 MMA2 Entry 5 6 7 8 Chemical Structurea - ‘Catalyst’ : BF3: THF : 0 : 1 : 100 0.25 : 1 : 100 0.25 : 1 : 100 4 : 1 : 100 Dimethyl glutarate AMS2-epoxidee e-MMA e-MMA2 % THF Conversionb < 2c < 1c <1c < 1c 4 : 1 : 100 < 1c 4 : 1 : 100 < 1c 4 : 1 : 100 76c/20d 4 : 1 : 100 75d Functional group in red; b Conversion of THF determined using 1H NMR; c After 24 hours; d After 2 hours. a To place the catalytic effect of e-MMA2 on the polymerisation of THF in perspective, a comparison can be made between the polymerisation rates for the two most common THF polymerisation methods and the rate observed upon addition of e-MMA2. Diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate is often used to perform photo-induced living THF polymerisations. Mah et al.24, 26 investigated the bulk polymerisation of THF in the presence and absence of an epoxide (epichlorohydrin; ECH) using diphenyliodonium hexafluorophosphate as the intiator. It should be noted that in this case, the acceleration of the THF polymerisation is attributed to an increased concentration of 5-membered oxonium ions, which is clearly not the case for our system as analysis of 1H NMR spectra measured throughout the reaction reveals that the epoxide is barely consumed in the beginning stages of the reaction. Mah et al. also found that at high concentrations of 102 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION epoxide (equimolar to THF), the polymerisation of THF was found to be significantly retarded by incomplete consumption of the epoxide at the start of the reaction. This is in contrast to our system, which shows a higher rate of polymerisation upon increasing the e-MMA2 concentration (within the range of e-MMA2 concentrations described here). In addition, consumption of e-MMA2 only takes place towards the end of the THF polymerisation. In the presence of ECH in low concentrations (2.2 mol% compared to THF) 70% conversion was achieved after around 10 hours. In the absence of ECH, a THF conversion of around 70% was obtained only after 20 – 30 hours (depending on the temperature). The molecular weights of the polyTHF are much higher (approx.150,000 g∙mol-1) compared to those synthesised using the THF/e-MMA2 system as the initiator concentration was three times lower than used in the presented experiments. Pchlorophenyldiazonium hexafluorophosphate has also been used as an initiator for cationic THF polymerisation.27, 28 The conversion of THF reached only 13.8% after 1.5 h (at 20 °C). It must be noted that the obtained molecular weights were again much higher than reported for the THF/e-MMA2 system, approximately 10,000 g∙mol-1 at a catalyst concentration of 1.75∙10-2 M (8 times lower than the concentration of e-MMA2 used). Although these results cannot be directly compared to the polymerisation of THF in the presence of e-MMA2, it appears that e-MMA2 is a very effective catalyst for the polymerisation of THF, giving the maximum 70% conversion after 1.5-3 h (depending on the concentration of e-MMA2 added). In addition, e-MMA2 has the added advantage that the polymers produced contain a functional end group, which could be potentially used for further reactions. Coupling Reactions of e-MMA2 Epoxides are commonly exploited due to the ease at which they undergo nucleophilic addition reactions. In addition to polymerisation reactions, single reactions between epoxides and nucleophiles can also be exploited in polymer chemistry, for example cross-linking and coupling reactions with nucleophiles like amines and alcohols. Using e-MMA2 as a model for longer epoxidised macromonomers, coupling of the epoxide to a (macro)alcohol and a diamine were investigated (Scheme 5). Scheme 5. Coupling reactions of e-MMA2. 103 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 Coupling to hydroxy-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) Studies into the homopolymerisation of e-MMA2 have shown that the epoxide ring of e-MMA2 is readily ring-opened by an alcohol. Model reactions using e-MMA2 were investigated to determine whether a selective reaction between a macro-alcohol and an epoxidised macromonomer was possible, giving rise to a block copolymer (Scheme 5). Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) can be purchased with hydroxyl end groups, although on closer inspection via MALDI-ToF-MS actually contains a mixture of hydroxyl and methoxy end groups (Figure 13a). Reaction of the hydroxyl end groups with e-MMA2 is expected to follow a similar pathway to that shown in Scheme 3, therefore back-biting to form end group 2, liberating methanol. Reaction of PEG with e-MMA2, at 20 ºC in DCM using BF3.OEt2 as the catalyst, did not result in the formation of a block copolymer, presumably due to the faster reaction of the liberated methanol compared to PEG with eMMA2. However, when the same reaction is carried out in the melt (at 60 ºC) under vacuum to remove the liberated methanol, the reaction does occur. MALDI-ToF-MS shows five distributions; three of which correspond to unreacted PEG (Figure 13b). The remaining two distributions correspond PEG with one end group of 2 attached (the other end group is either a hydroxyl or methoxy group originating from the starting PEG). As expected, the PEG with two methoxy end groups does not react and shows a higher intensity compared to the other unreacted PEG distributions (and in comparison to the MALDI-ToF-MS of PEG, Figure 13a). The PEG with two hydroxyl units only appears to react with one e-MMA2 unit, leaving one hydroxyl group unreacted. The reason for this is unclear, however, it may simply be a result of the relative stoichiometries as the quantity of hydroxyl groups is unknown and some e-MMA2 may be ring-opened by any methanol not successfully removed from the system. However, a proof of principle has been shown for the coupling of e-MMA2 with hydroxyl-terminated PEG. The application of this proof of principle to longer macromonomers is likely to require further optimisation in order to achieve good contact between the polymers in the melt and the removal of methanol. 104 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION (a) (b) 1420 1440 1460 1480 1500 m/z Figure 13. MALDI-ToF-MS of (a) hydroxyl-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) and (b) product of the reaction between poly(ethylene glycol) and e-MMA2. Coupling to 1,6-hexanediamine The reaction of epoxides and amines is well-known and particularly important for crosslinking reactions of resins and coatings. Primary amines react with two epoxides, therefore primary diamines can react with up to four epoxides (Scheme 5). When a macroepoxide is used this would result in a 4-armed star polymer. As a proof of principle reaction, 1,6-hexandiamine was reacted with 4 equivalents of e-MMA2 at 60 ºC in the absence of any catalyst. After less than 2 hours, the e-MMA2 has begun the react with the diamine, illustrated by the reduction of the epoxide signals (2.75 and 3 ppm) and appearance of new signals corresponding to the monoaddition product at 2.8 and 3.2 ppm. After reaction at 60 ºC for a week, two equivalents of e-MMA2 had reacted, but reaction of the thus formed secondary amines with e-MMA2 did not appear to have commenced. Raising of the reaction temperature to 90 ºC for a further 5 days did result in the consumption of further equivalents of e-MMA2 with a final conversion of 75%. This corresponds to an average of 3 epoxides per diamine. Unfortunately, even in the absence of a Lewis acidic catalyst, some e-MMA2 appears to have ring-opened to form the backbitten 5-membered ring structure, as indictaed by the splitting of the methoxy signals at 3.6 - 3.8 ppm and the appearance of a new signal at 2.3 ppm. Presumably this is due to the presence of trace amounts of water in combination with elevated temperatures. 105 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 Epoxide ring After 2 hours After 6 hours Monoaddition product After 2 weeks Diaddition product 4 3 2 1 ppm Figure 14. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) spectra of the coupling of e-MMA2 and 1,6-hexyldiamine. RI signal The reaction was also monitored using SEC. The chromatogram obtained at the end of the reaction shows 4 distinct peaks or shoulders, corresponding to the 4 additions of e-MMA2 to the diamine, however, the largest peak corresponds to 3 additions, confirming the values obtained from 1H NMR. Figure 28: GPC chromatogram of coupling reaction between 1,6-hexanediamine and ME. Measured against polystyrene___ Normalised to ME. Figure 15. GPC chromatogram of e-MMA2 ( standards. ), reaction product of e-MMA with 1,6___ ___ hexyldiamine after 6 hours ( ) and 2 weeks ( ). This model reaction shows that it is possible to couple epoxidised (macro)monomers to diamines with around 75% efficiency. Further optimisation of conditions, and potentially the use of a suitable catalyst, is required before application to longer epoxidised macromonomers. 106 Chapter 4 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION CONCLUSIONS Our attempts to synthesise a new class of polymers containing a polyether backbone and methacrylic side chains via the combination of catalytic chain transfer polymerisation and ring-opening polymerisation were unsuccessful. However, whilst investigating the homopolymerisation behaviour of a CCTP-derived epoxide, e-MMA2, it was discovered that after ring-opening the epoxide forms a stable 5-membered ring incapable of propagation, expelling methanol. Furthermore, attempts to copolymerise the epoxide with THF suggest that e-MMA2 is not copolymerised but instead acts as an endcapping agent, again forming the same 5-membered ring observed in the homopolymerisation of the monomer. In addition, a surprising catalytic effect of e-MMA2 on the polymerisation of THF was seen, significantly increasing the rate of initiation. Model studies using e-MMA2 have shown that coupling reactions between the (macro) epoxide and either hydroxy-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) or 1,6-hexyldiamine are successful opening up new possibilities to synthesise block or star polymers based on longer epoxidised macromonomers. 107 THE POLYMERISATION BEHAVIOUR OF EPOXIDISED MACROMONOMERS DERIVED FROM CATALYTIC CHAIN TRANSFER POLYMERISATION Chapter 4 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. K. Matyjaszewski, Science, 2011, 333, 1104-1105. K. Ito and S. Kawaguchi, Branched Polymers I, 1999, 142, 129-178. B. Boutevin, G. David and C. Boyer, Telechelic Oligomers and Macromonomers by Radical Techniques, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, 2007. H.-C. Kim, S.-M. Park and W. D. Hinsberg, Chem. Rev., 2009, 110, 146-177. R. G. 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Choi and J.-H. Shin, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1998, 69, 611-618. M. P. Dreyfuss and P. Dreyfuss, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem., 1966, 4, 2179-2200. T. G. Croucher and R. E. Wetton, Polymer, 1976, 17, 205-211. 108 - Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS This chapter has been published in part as: J. Mazzolini, O. Boyron, V. Monteil, F. D’Agosto, C. Boisson, G.C. Sanders, J.P.A. Heuts, R. Duchateau, D. Gigmes and D. Bertin, Polymer Chemistry, 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C2PY20199B STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 ABSTRACT In this chapter, three different routes to synthesising block copolymers using thiol chemistry have been investigated. Nucleophile-mediated thiol-ene chemistry has been employed to modify CCTP-derived macromonomers which have subsequently been used to make triblock copolymers with diisocyanates. Thiol-ene chemistry has also been investigated to be a tool towards coupling thiol-terminated polyethylene and methyl methacrylate-based macromonomers to form block copolymers. Unfortunately the conditions required to facilitate this reaction were found to be incompatible with poorlysoluble polymers such as polyethylene. The same block copolymers could however be made when using the thiol-terminated polyethylene as a chain transfer agent in a radical polymerisation. 110 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS INTRODUCTION As discussed in more detail in Chapter 1, the synthesis of polymers with complex architectures are of great interest to both academics and industrial chemists alike due to their unique properties.1 In order to include well-defined segments into these copolymers, pre-formed polymeric building blocks can be used, and by combining these building blocks via different chemistries or polymerisation techniques, a range of properties can be obtained that are not possible using a single polymerisation technique. Thiols and their chemistry have been used extensively in polymer synthesis in order to promote the combination of multiple methodologies.2 The most predominant reactions, however, involve either the use of thiols as chain transfer agents (CTA) or in thiol-ene reactions. Thiol-ene reactions involve the reaction of a thiol over a double bond, and can proceed via a radical route or a nucleophilic addition. 3-5 Whereas radical thiol-ene chemistry is applicable to almost any unsaturated group or thiol (although reactivity strongly depends on the degree of activation of the unsaturation and thiol), the nucleophilic addition of thiols over a double bond can only occur when the thiol is conjugated to a carbonyl bond. Conversely, the use of radical thiol-ene chemistry with CCTP-derived macromonomers runs the risk of fragmentation of the polymer chain due to the presence of radicals. As discussed in more detail in Chapter 1, the phosphinemediated nucleophilic addition (also known as a thia-Michael addition) of thiols has been revitalised in recent years, predominantly due to the work of Haddleton and co-workers applying the technique to CCTP-derived macromonomers.6-9 A range of different thiols, from alkyl thiols to more functional thiols with hydroxyl, benzyl or even α-keratin groups have been added to the ω-unsaturated group of a CCTP-derived macromonomer.10-12 Alternatively, the addition of thiol-containing compounds to a radical polymerisation can result in a decrease in molecular weight due to an increases rate of chain transfer (to thiol). The resulting polymers contain the CTA as end groups, providing a route to introducing new functionalities to the ends of the polymer chains. Further, use of a macro-CTA is a route to synthesising block copolymers based on the CTA and the polymerised monomer.13 Recently, an interesting macro-thiol has been synthesised by Mazzolini, et al. consisting of a polyethylene chain terminated with a thiol. This thiol-terminated polyethylene (PE-SH) gives rise to the possibility of synthesising block copolymers via a range of routes, and in fact has already been used as a macroinitiator for the ring-opening polymerisation of D, L-lactide.14 PE-SH has been made via a range of methods but in all cases well-defined linear polyethylene is first made via a catalysed chain growth (CCG) route (Scheme 1) using a neodymium-based catalyst in conjunction with n-butyl n-octyl magnesium.15-18 The resultant polymer chains are attached to a magnesium centre which can be used to introduce a range of functionalities and end groups to the chain end. 14, 19-22 111 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 Scheme 1. General mechanism for the catalysed chain growth (CCG) of polyethylene, where M is a transition metal species and M’ is a main group organometallic species. Modification of a carbon-magnesium bond to a carbon-thiol bond can be affected via a variety of routes as described by Mazzolini, et al.21 The most efficient route however, employs the use of a difulfiram to form PE-dithiocarbonate followed by reduction using LiAlH4 to PE-SH. Functionalities of around 90% are achievable. The following chapter is split into several sections. Firstly, small thiols will be used to modify macromonomers via a thia-Michael addition for use in isocyanate reactions to form triblock copolymers. Secondly, an investigation into the behaviour of the abovementioned thiol-terminated polyethylene in thiol-ene reactions with CCTP-derived macromonomers and as a chain transfer agent will be discussed as a route to synthesising block copolymers of ethylene and (meth)acrylates. 112 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Materials. Tributyl phosphine (PBu3, Sigma-Aldrich, 97%) and dimethylphenyl phosphine (DMPP, 99%, Sigma-Aldrich) were purchased and used as received. Methyl methacrylate (MMA, 99%), tert-butyl acrylate (BA, 99%) and styrene (S, 99%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, and passed over a column of activated basic alumina to remove the inhibitor. The bis(methanol) complex of bis[(difluoroboryl)dimethylglyoximato]cobalt(II)bis(methanol), COBF, was prepared as described previously. 23, 24 Azobis(isobutryonitrile) (AIBN, Aldrich) and VAZO-88 (Wacker) were recrystallised twice from methanol. PE-SH was synthesised by Mazzolini, et al according to conditions described in the literature using the reduction of in situ generated dithiocarbamate to end functionalise the PE (Mn= 1440 g.mol-1, PDI = 1.3, functionality = 87%).21 Toluene (Biosolve) and acetone (Merck, ultra-dry) were used as received. Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI), poly(propylene glycol) toluene 2,4-diisocyanate (PPG, Mn = 2,300 g/mol, ~3.6% isocyanate) and dibutyl tin dilaurate (DBTDL) were purchased from SigmaAldrich and stored under an argon atmosphere. All other reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and used without further purification. Synthesis of MMA Dimer (pMMA2). A 250 mL round-bottom flask was charged with AIBN (213 mg, 1.3 mmol) and COBF (100 mg, 0.26 mmol) inside a glovebox. The flask was closed with a rubber septum and removed from the glovebox. MMA (100 mL, 936 mmol) was injected via the septum and the mixture was stirred at 80 ºC for 6 hrs under a nitrogen atmosphere. The oligomerisation was quenched by addition of hydroquinone and cooling in ice. Residual monomer was removed under reduced pressure at room temperature. The residual yellow oil was vacuum distilled (325 mTorr, 38 ºC) to afford the pure dimer in 42% yield. 1H NMR (400 MHz, chloroform-d1, 298 K) δ 6.12 (s, 1H, =CH2), 5.43 (s, 1H, =CH2), 3.64 (s, 3H, OMe), 3.55 (s, 3H, OMe), 2.52 (s, 2H, CH 2), 1.07 (s, 6H, Me2) ppm. 13C NMR (100 MHz, chloroform-d1, 298 K) δ 177.3 (C=Oester), 176.8 (C=Oacryl), 137.3 (C=CH2), 127.8 (=CH2), 51.8 (OMe), 51.6 (OMe), 42.8 (CMe2), 41.0 (CH2), 24.8 (CMe2) ppm. Typical Procedure for the Synthesis of pMMA Macromonomers. COBF (0.83 mg, 2.1 μmol) and AIBN (42 mg, 256 μmol) were placed in a flask equipped with a stirrer bar and underwent three vacuum-argon cycles. MMA (50 mL) and toluene (50 mL) were deoxygenated and added using a syringe. The mixture was heated to 60 ºC and allowed to react for 16 hours, after which it was quenched by cooling in ice and the addition of hydroquinone. Residual monomer and solvent were removed via vacuum evaporation immediately after stopping the reaction. The resulting product was redissolved in THF, passed over a column of basic alumina and dried at 80 ºC in a vacuum oven for at least 48 hours to remove all traces of solvent. Base-Catalysed Reaction Between pMMA2 and 2-Mercaptoethanol. pMMA2 (0.25 g, 1.25 mmol) and 2-mercaptoethanol (0.09 mL, 1.25 mmol) were charged in a vessel. DMPP 113 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 (0.18 mL, 1.25 mmol) was added under a N 2 atmosphere. The reaction was allowed to stir under N2 for 19 hours at RT. Synthesis of Hydroxyl-Functionalised Macromonomer. MMA macromonomer (1 g, 1500 g/mol, 0.67 mmol) was dissolved in 15 mL chloroform. 2-mercaptoethanol (0.10 mL, 1.3 mmol) and DMPP (0.20 mL, 1.4 mmol) were added under a N 2 atmosphere. The reaction was allowed to stir under N2 at RT overnight. Solvent was allowed to evaporate, and residual solvent and unreacted 2-mercaptoethanol were removed using a vacuum oven. Coupling of Hydroxyl-Functionalised Macromonomer to HDI. Dry hydroxyfunctionalised macromonomer (0.127 g, ~1500 g/mol, 85 μmol) weighed into a round bottom flask, and under N2 dissolved in 3 mL dry acetone. Hexamethylene diisocyanate (10 μL, 60 μmol) and dibutyl tin dilaurate (~2 drops) were added and the reaction mixture stirred gently at 30 ºC for 2 days. Samples were taken throughout and quenched with ethanol. Coupling of Hydroxyl-Functionalised Macromonomer to a PPG. Dry hydroxyfunctionalised macromonomer (0.12 g, ~1550 g/mol, 80 μmol) was weighed into a round bottom flask, and under N2 dissolved in 0.3 mL dry acetone. Poly(propylene glycol), toluene 2,4-diisocyanate terminated (0.05 mL, 20 μmol) and dibutyl tin dilaurate (~2 drops) were added and the reaction mixture stirred gently at 40 C for 5 hours. Samples were taken throughout and quenched with ethanol. General Procedure for Phosphine Mediated Thia-Michael Addition to pMMA Macromonomers. A solution of PE-SH (1 eq), pMMA10 (5 eq) in 8 mL of solvent in a septum-capped vial was first deoxygenated with argon for 15 minutes. Then, PBu 3 was added through the septum using a syringe and the vial was heated up. Once the reaction finished, the resulting mixture was cooled down slowly to room temperature, precipitated in methanol, filtered and the product washed with methanol and dried under vacuum. Temperature Dependence of Coupling of PMMA2 with Butanethiol. Thiol (0.75 mmol) and PMMA2 (0.25 mmol) were weighed into screw-top vial. DMSO-d6 (1mL) was added and the vial closed. Argon was bubbled through for 15 minutes. The phosphine catalyst (PBu3 or DMPP, 0.0125 mmol) was added via a syringe. The vial was placed in a heated carousel at the desired temperature or on a stirrer plate at room temperature (20 ºC) and stirred for 1 hour. After completion of the reaction, the vial was removed from the carousel and exposed to air. The solution was placed directly in an NMR tube and analysed. Typical Procedure for Polymerisation of BA in the Presence of PE-SH as a Chain Transfer Agent. PE-SH (15 mg, 11 µmol), BA (0.32 g, 2.5 mmol), VAZO-88 (0.3 wt%, 114 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS from a stock solution of 30 mg VAZO-88 in 40 g toluene) and toluene (1.66 g) were weighed into a screw-cap vial. Argon was bubbled through the mixture for 15 minutes then placed in a heated carousel at 80 ºC for 48 hours. The reaction mixture was then quenched by cooling in ice, followed by the addition of hydroquinone. Typical Procedure for the Determination of the CT of PE-SH in BA. PE-SH (15 mg, 11 µmol), BA (0.32 g, 2.5 mmol), VAZO-88 (0.3 wt%, from a stock solution of 30 mg VAZO-88 in 40 g toluene) and toluene (1.66 g) were weighed into a screw-cap vial. Argon was bubbled through the mixture for 15 minutes then placed in a heated carousel at 80 ºC for 10 minutes. The reaction mixture was then quenched by cooling in ice, followed by the addition of hydroquinone. Unreacted PE-SH was removed by drying the sample followed by redissolution in THF. The solution was then filtered and the filtrate dried in a vacuum oven for at least 24 hours at 60 ºC to obtain the final polymer used for analysis. Measurements. 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy was carried out on either a Bruker DRX 400 spectrometer operating at 400 MHz or a Varian Mercury Vx (400 MHz) spectrometer at 400 MHz. A mixture of tetrachloroethylene (TCE) and perdeuterobenzene (C6D6) (2/1 v/v) was used as solvent for the analyses of PE based materials, chloroform-d1, DMSO-d6 were also used as deuterated solvents. Chemical shifts () are given in ppm in reference to tetramethylsilane (TMS). High-temperature size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was performed on a Polymer Laboratories PLXT-20 Rapid GPC Polymer Analysis System (including pump, refractive index detector, and viscosity detector) at 160 ºC with three PLgel Olexis (300 × 7.5 mm, Polymer Laboratories) columns in series. 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene was used as eluent at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The molecular weights were calculated with respect to polystyrene standards (Polymer Laboratories). A Polymer Laboratories PL XT-220 robotic sample handling system was used as autosampler. Size exclusion chromatography has carried out using a SEC set-up consisting of a WATERS 2695 separations module, Model 2487 UV detector (254 nm), and Model 2414 differential refractive index detector (40 ºC). The injection volume used was 50 µL. Tetrahydrofuran (Biosolve, stabilised with BHT) was used as eluent with a flow rate 1.0 ml/min. The column set used was a PLgel guard (5 m particles) 50 × 7.5 mm precolumn, followed by 2 PLgel columns in series of 500 Å (5 m particles) and 100 Å (5 m particles), respectively. Calibration was performed using polystyrene standards (Polymer Laboratories, Mn = 370 g·mol-1 up to Mn = 40,000 g·mol1). Data acquisition and processing were performed using WATERS Empower 2 software. 115 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Coupling of Macromonomers to Polyurethanes using Thiol-ene Chemistry In this section the modification of CCTP-derived macromonomers via a thiaMichael addition reaction to hydroxyl-functionalised macromonomers and subsequent reaction of these modified macromonomers with isocyanates to synthesise triblock copolymers is described (Scheme 2). Model studies, based on dimers prepared by CCTP, were carried out to establish the reactivity of these species towards 2-mercaptoethanol, as well as to probe the ability of these mono-ω-hydroxy-end functionalised macromonomers to participate in a urethane reaction with an isocyanate. Once established, macromonomers were employed in the reaction. Scheme 2. Synthetic procedure for the synthesis of triblock copolymers, (a) Catalytic chain transfer polymerisations (CCTP), (b) thia-Michael addition and (c) urethane reaction. 116 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Synthesis of mono-ω-hydroxy-end functionalised macromonomers Poly(methyl methacrylate) (pMMAn) macromonomers were synthesised by CCTP in toluene at 60 ºC using AIBN as the initiator (Scheme 2a). The final properties of these macromonomers are collected in Table 1. The macromonomers were analysed using 1H NMR to confirm that all contained a terminal vinylic group. For the lower molecular weight macromonomers, this was also confirmed using MALDI-ToF-MS. Table 1. The properties of the synthesised mono-ω-hydroxy-end functionalised pMMAn. % OH1 (ppm)a xb Mnc/g mol-1 PDIc Mnd/g mol-1 functionalitye pMMA2 191 200 100 pMMA15 15.5 0.64 1,300 1.2 1,500 94 pMMA10 7.4 0.39 1,300 1.9 1,000 100 pMMA48 3.3 0.40 5,400 1.8 4,800 100 The amount of 1 is defined as moles of 1 per 106 moles of monomer; b Monomer conversions determined gravimetrically; c Values reported against polystyrene standards; d Calculated based on the ratio of vinylic protons (5.4 and 6.2 ppm) to ester protons (3.6 ppm); e Calculated based on the ratio of remaining vinylic protons (5.4 and 6.2 ppm) to ester protons (3.6 ppm). a To investigate the conversion of the vinylic moiety of the macromonomer into a hydroxyl-functionality, model studies were carried out. As a model for the macromonomer, an MMA dimer, pMMA2, was synthesised using CCTP, followed by purification via vacuum distillation. An equimolar ratio of pMMA 2, 2-mercaptoethanol (ME) and DMPP were taken and reacted under an argon atmosphere at room temperature overnight (Scheme 2b, where n=1; entry 1, Table 1). 1H NMR of the reaction product revealed that the reaction proceeded to full conversion illustrated by the disappearance of the vinylic protons at 5.4 and 6.2 ppm. In addition, 13C NMR of the same reaction product demonstrates that it is exclusively the thiol of ME which reacts over the double bond, given by the presence of a peak at 35.4 ppm (Figure 1). The addition of the hydroxyl functionality of over the ω-unsaturated end group of the macromonomer would be expected to give a signal at around 75 ppm, which in Figure 1 is clearly absent. 117 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 f a+a' d+d' b+e Chloroform c+c' i g+h 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 ppm Figure 1. 13C NMR (400MHz, CDCl3, RT) of the addition product of pMMA2 and 2mercaptoethanol (Entry 1, Table 1). Model studies have determined that pMMA2 could be modified to convert the ωunsaturated end group into a hydroxyl-functionality via a thia-Michael addition with mercaptoethanol. The same methodology was then applied to a range of longer macromonomers as displayed in Table 1. One equivalent of macromonomer and 2 equivalents of ME were dissolved in chloroform and once purged with argon, 2 equivalents of the catalyst, DMPP, were added and allowed to react overnight at room temperature. The residual ME was removed via evaporation and the hydroxylfunctionalised polymers analysed with 1H NMR. In all cases almost full conversion was reached ranging from smaller macromonomers of 1,000 Da to longer macromonomers of 4,800 Da. Coupling of mono-ω-hydroxy-end functionalised macromonomers to isocyanates Scheme 2c shows the reaction of a mono-ω-hydroxy-end functionalised macromonomer with a diisocyanate. The most facile method to determining whether the reaction between these two compounds (in a ratio of 1:2 macromonomer to diisocyanate) has occurred is to observe an increase in molecular weight. The resulting polymer consists of three blocks (ABA) in which the A corresponds to pMMA and B to the connecting diisocyanate. Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI), was first used as a model for larger diisocyanates (entry 1, Table 2). HDI was reacted with 2 equivalents of a small 118 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS macromonomer of 1,500 Da (pMMA15) in the presence of a DBTDL. The growth in molecular weight was monitored via SEC analysis (Figure 2). There is clearly an increase in molecular weight, as well as the disappearance of the starting material over time, indicating that the reaction was successful. Due to the interaction behaviour of different polymers with a SEC column, the Mn and Mw can be significantly different for polymers of the same molecular weight but different compositions. Mp, however, is less affected by interaction effects making it a more robust parameter for determining whether coupling of the macromonomers to the diisocyanate has occurred. The Mp of entry 1 (Table 2) increased from 1,500 Da to 2,900 Da, which corresponds well to the calculated Mp of 2,600 Da based on 2 macromonomers and the diol. A small shoulder representing the starting macromonomer can still be seen after 24 hours, but this may be due to stoichiometric irregularities resulting in the formation of diblocks or a result of trace amounts of water present in the system, reacting with the isocyanate moieties. Table 2. Molecular weights of starting macromonomer and starting diisocyanate compared to the molecular weight of the final polymer (calculated and experimental). Entry 1 2 3 Macromonomer Mpa/gmol-1 1,500 1,500 8,500 Diisocyanate Mpa/g mol-1 ~168c 2,300d 2,300d Calculatedb Mp/ gmol-1 2,600 6,700 19,300 Final Mpa/g mol-1 2,900 6,900 17,000 Reaction Time/hrs 54 72 48 Determined using SEC in THF based on polystyrene standards; b Based on the sum of the Mp of 2 macromonomer and 1 diisocyanate; c Hexamethylene diisocyante (HDI); d Poly(propylene glycol), toluene 2,4-diisocyanate. a Increasing Time t = 24 h w(LogM) t=0h t = 0.5 h 1000 10000 LogM Figure 2. Molecular weight distribution of pMMA10 with HDI. Measured in THF against polystyrene standards. Poly(propylene glycol) toluene 2,4-diisocyanate (PPG) is a commercially available isocyanate-terminated polymer with a molecular weight of around 2,300 Da. In entry 2, 119 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 Table 2, PPG is reacted with two equivalents of pMMA15, again using DBTDL as the catalyst. The molecular weight distribution in Figure 3a shows an increase in molecular weight compared to the starting macromonomer and PPG. The final Mp of 6,900 Da agrees closely with the calculated Mp based on the Mp of the PPG (3,600 Da) and two macromonomers (1,550 Da), giving a total of 6,700 Da. Assuming only one macromonomer had reacted with PPG, an Mp of 5,150 Da would be expected. It should be noted that PPG was not purified prior to use and thus contains some impurities, one at a higher and one at a lower molecular weight. Unreacted macromonomer can be observed, even after 24 hours, which again may be due to the reaction of trace amounts of water with PPG. pPG33 pPG33 2.5 p(MMA15-b-PG33-b-MMA15) 3.0 3.5 4.0 w(LogM) w(LogM) pMMA15 4.5 p(MMA48-b-PG33-b-MMA48) pMMA48 3.0 LogM 3.5 4.0 4.5 LogM Figure 3. Molecular weight distribution of (a) pMMA15 with PPG after 24 hours and (b) entry 3, Table 3 after 30 hours reaction time. Measured in THF against polystyrene standards. The coupling of mono-ω-hydroxy-end functionalised macromonomers to isocyanates can also be applied to longer macromonomers (entry 3, Table 2). An increase in molecular weight accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of free macromonomer and diisocyanate is observed (Figure 3b). The increase in Mp agrees well with the calculated Mp with values of 17,000 and 19,300 Da, respectively. Thiol-ene Reactions of CCT-derived Macromonomers with Thiol-Functionalised Polyethylene As discussed in the introduction, thia-Michael additions of a variety of different thiol-containing molecules with the vinylic end group of CCTP-derived macromonomers can be carried out. 9, 25 Amongst those compounds were alkyl thiols, such as 1-dodecane thiol. It should be noted that, in general, it has been observed that alkyl thiols are less reactive than other thiols towards thia-Michael addition reactions.10, 11 However, on reacting a model for a MMA-based macromonomer, pMMA2, with dodecane thiol, almost complete conversion was achieved within 2 hours when the reaction was carried out in DMSO (a polar solvent) using DMPP as the catalyst.8 In line with these results, the following section details our attempts to couple a longer methacrylic macromonomer with 120 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS a thiol-terminated polyethylene via a thia-Michael addition in order to synthesise p(E-bMMA) block copolymers (Scheme 3). Scheme 3. Expected thia-Michael addition reaction between a pMMA macromonomer and PE-SH. A methyl methacrylate macromonomer (pMMA10) with an Mn of 1050 g/mol was synthesised via CCTP. The thiol-terminated polyethylene (PE-SH) was synthesised via CCG and functionalised via reduction of a dithiocarbamate group (by Mazzolini, et al)21 and shown to have an Mn of 1,440 g/mol and a functionality of 87%. Table 3. Summary of the reaction conditions of thia-Michael addition reactions between pMMA10 macromonomer and PE-SH and using PBu3 as catalyst. a Ene Solvent 85 Reaction Time/hrs Hours 5 pMMA10 Toluene 1:5:0.5 85 20 pMMA10 Toluene 3 1:5:0.5 100 20 pMMA10 Toluene 4 1:5:0.5 100 20 pMMA10 Toluene/DMSOb 5 1:5:1 150 22 pMMA10 DMSO 6 1:5:1 150 22 pMMA10 DMF 7 1:5:1 85 3 MMA Toluene 8 1:5:1 85 21 MMA Toluene 9 1:5:1 85 18 MMA Toluene 10 1:5:1 85 5 MMA DMF 11 1:5:0.5 85 20 PEG-MA Toluene 12 1:5:0.5 85 20 PEG-MA Toluene Entry PE-SH:Ene:PBu3a Temperature/ºC 1 1:5:0.5 2 Molar ratio; b Toluene/DMSO = 3:1 (v/v) Table 3 gives an overview of the experiments carried out in this study. The success of the reactions was assessed by precipitation of the reaction product upon cooling, which after removal of residual solvent was analysed using 1H NMR at 363K in a mixture of tetrachloroethylene and deuterated benzene (TCE/C 6D6). Initial experiments (entries 1 and 2, Table 3) were carried out in toluene at 85 ºC as polyethylene is insoluble below 80 ºC. PBu3 was employed as the catalyst and the reactions were carried out for 5 and 20 hours respectively. The 1H NMR spectrum of the precipitated polymer indicates that the 121 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 peak corresponding to the methylene adjacent to the thiol is still present, with an integral comparable to the starting material. The absence of a peak at 3.5 ppm (methoxy groups of the pMMA), indicates that no pMMA is present. Further, the mass of the precipitated polymeric fraction was the same as the starting amount of PE-SH. Even after 20 hours under the same conditions (Entry 2, Table 3) no pMMA is observed in NMR. Subsequently, the temperature was increased to 100 ºC in order to aid the reaction (entry 3, Table 3). In addition, as Michael additions are reported to proceed faster in more polar solvents,8 a mixture of toluene and DMSO (3:1) as reaction solvent was also investigated (entry 4, Table 3). Again, regardless of the conditions used, the weight of the recovered polymer after precipitation and analysis of the corresponding 1H NMR spectra showed no indication that the coupling reaction had worked. Reactions were then performed in more polar reaction solvents such as pure DMSO or DMF. Under these conditions, it was necessary to work above the melting temperature of PE-SH (125 ºC) to facilitate the reaction (entries 5 and 6, Table 3). While no reaction occurred in DMSO, the analysis of the precipitated polymer obtained in entry 6 (performed in pure DMF) showed the presence of pMMA (Figure 4). Figure 4. 1 H NMR (C6D6/TCE 1/2 v/v, 400 MHz, 512 scans, 363 K) of PE-SHc (A), pMMA1o, (B) and product obtained after entry 6 Table 3 (C). In addition to the resonances corresponding to unreacted PE-SH, an additional peak at 3.4 ppm can be observed, corresponding to the methoxy protons of pMMA. The 122 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS absence of vinylic protons at 5.5 and 6.2 ppm indicates the pMMA present is not the starting material. Furthermore, the quadruplet at 2.3 ppm (corresponding to the methylene adjacent to the thiol in PE-SH) has lost its definition. This suggests the presence of a second underlying triplet, corresponding to the methylene adjacent to the expected thioether link in p(E-b-MMA). Considering the harsh conditions required to obtain this result, further improvement and optimisation of the conditions may prove difficult. Additional experiments were also performed with other methacrylate containing molecules. MMA monomer (entries 7 to 10, Table 3) was used as a model molecule and PEG-methacrylate (entries 11 and 12, Table 3) as an alternative macromonomer to pMMA10. In all the cases, the reactions were unsuccessful, emphasising the difficulty in reacting methacrylate-type functionalities with PE-SH. In order to better comprehend the low degree of reactivity of pMMA 10 with PESH, it was hypothesised that reaction of the trialkyl phosphine catalyst with the double bond of the methacrylate, generating a phosphonium ion and the pMMA-based anion (Chapter 1, Scheme 7), may be a reversible reaction, and thus the kinetics may be influenced by the reaction temperature. In order to test this hypothesis a model system, similar to the PE-SH/pMMA system in terms of chemical reactivity, but without solubility problems at lower temperatures, was studied. A methyl methacrylate dimer (pMMA2) was chosen as a model for the macromonomer and butanethiol as a model for PE-SH. The experiments were carried out in closed vessels at three different temperatures: 20 oC, 60 ºC and 85 ºC, using reaction conditions from a recent publication by Haddleton et al.8, who observed full conversion after one hour with a similar catalyst (DMPP) and thiol (propane thiol). Figure 5 clearly shows the difference in the peak height of the vinylic protons (at 5.5 and 6.1 ppm) at the different temperatures. For a more quantitative result, the conversion of the reactions was calculated based on the (remaining) integral of the vinylic protons to the (total) methoxy protons (between 3.5 and 3.7 ppm). The methoxy protons at 3.7 ppm shift to 3.5 ppm as the reaction proceeds. The reaction at room temperature shows 85% conversion after one hour, which is comparable to the results obtained by Haddleton et al.,8 who obtained 100% conversion after one hour with a shorter thiol. On raising the temperature to 60 ºC, an increase in the conversion to 95% is seen. However, on further increasing the temperature to 85 ºC, the conversion drops to 0%. Although not as drastic, a similar trend was found when using PBu3 (i.e., the catalyst used in our previous attempts to couple the two polymers) (Figure 6). To our knowledge, such a dependency of the efficiency of thia-Michael addition upon increasing temperature has not been reported to date. For polymers soluble only at high temperatures, this effect can indeed be problematic. 123 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS =CH2 Chapter 5 OCH3 (a) * (b) * (c) * 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 ppm Figure 5. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) spectra of the coupling product of butanethiol and PMMA2 using DMPP as the catalyst at (a) 20 ºC, (b) 60 ºC and (c) 85 ºC (starred peak is water). (a) =CH2 OCH3 * (b) * (c) * 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 ppm Figure 6. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) spectra of the coupling product of butane thiol and PMMA2 using PBu3 as the catalyst at (a) 20 ºC, (b) 50 ºC and (c) 150 ºC. Despite this unexpected unreactivity between PE-SH and methacrylate-type groups, a series of selective reactions to acrylaye-methacrylate-type molecules could be 124 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS carried out, as the reactivity of PE-SH towards acrylates is much higher than towards methacrylates.8 Using this route, macromonomers of PE can be synthesised with a methacrylate-type end group via a thia-Michal addition route, which has been used previously to synthesise macromonomers based on alternative polymers.26, 27 PE-SH was reacted with the commercially available 3-(acryloyloxy)-2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate (AHPMA) and acryloyloxy ethyl methacrylate (AEMA), both of which contain an acrylate and methacrylate moiety. As an alternative coupling reaction, 2-isocyanatoethyl methacrylate (ICEM) was reacted with PE-SH via a thiol-isocyanate reaction to again yield a methacryate-functional polyethylene. Block copolymers could also be made directly by the thia-Michael addition reaction of a commercially available PEG functionalised with an acrylate end group (PEG-A) with PE-SH. More details of these reactions can be found in reference 28. It has been shown that the thia-Michael addition of alkyl thiols with methacrylatetype groups is efficient only under very specific conditions (solvent, catalyst, temperature) and that the use of PE-SH as a polymeric alkyl thiol requires solubility conditions that can hardly meet the narrow window of reaction conditions to be truly practical. Although it is clear from this study that the addition of PE-SH to methacrylate functionalities is problematic, this low reactivity has been used advantageously to prepare methacrylatetype macromonomers from PE-SH. Thiol-functionalised Polyethylene as a Chain Transfer Agent in Free Radical Polymerisations It is not trivial to synthesise block copolymers of ethylene and methyl methacrylate via the thiol-ene coupling of a thiol-terminated polyethylene and an MMAbased macromonomer. These same polymers can, in principle, be made by using the thiolterminated polyethylene as a chain transfer agent in a radical polymerisation of monomers such as MMA. The same PE-SH of Mn = 1,440 g/mol and with a functionality of 87% was employed in a series of radical polymerisations as a chain transfer agent. The reactions, detailed in Table 4, were carried out at 80 ºC in toluene, using VAZO-88 as the radical source. 125 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 Table 4. Synthesis of polymers using PE-SH as a chain transfer agent. Entry 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Monomer (M) BA BA BA MMA MMA MMA S S S PE:Ma xb 1:100 1:50 No PE 1:100 1:50 No PE 1:100 1:50 No PE 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.69 0.65 0.78 0.63 0.69 0.69 Mwc,d/ g mol-1 9,500f 7,800f 15,600f 6,800 7,000 11,400 16,900g 14,100g 54,900g PDId 2.6f 2.6f 3.8f 1.6 1.5 6.8 2.1g 1.3g 1.9g Mwd,e/ g mol-1 -h -h -h 8,590 7,110 13,540 18,760 8,670 55,750 PDI PE:Mf Mn MMAe -h -h -h 1.9 1.8 2.9 2.9 2.3 1.9 1:72 1:34 1:103 1:32 1:56 1:33 - 9,200 4,400 10,300 3,200 5,800 3,400 - Molar ratio; b Conversion of monomer, determined gravimetrically; c Crude polymer; d Measured using hightemperature SEC in trichlorobenzene based on polystyrene standards; e Polymer filtered from THF; e Determined using 1H NMR; f Measured in THF based on polystyrene standards; g Polystyrene has refractive index greater than SEC solvent whereas polyethylene has a refractive index lower than the solvent; h Polymer soluble in toluene. a PE-SH was added in different concentrations to the polymerisation of butyl acrylate (BA) and compared to a polymerisation of BA in the absence of the chain transfer agent (entries 1-3, Table 4). Surprisingly, the resulting polymers were soluble in toluene at room temperature, contrary to PE-SH alone which is insoluble. This indicates that all PE-SH chains are attached to enough BA to render the copolymers soluble in the reaction medium at room temperature. Due to this evidential solubility, the polymers could be measured using SEC in THF. A distinctly lower molecular weight was observed for the polymers synthesised in the presence of PE-SH (entries 1 and 2, Table 4) compared to entry 3 (Table 4) where no PE-SH was present. This trend coupled to the presence of a monomodal distribution and a PDI close to 2 proves that chain transfer is the dominant polymerisation mechanism; PE-SH acts as a chain transfer agent in the polymerisation of BA. The presence of BA in the block copolymer was confirmed using 1H NMR and the appearance of a strong signal at 1.4 ppm corresponding to the tert-butyl group of BA (Figure 7c). The ratio of PE-SH to monomer was also determined using 1H NMR and found to be comparable to theoretical targets, although some discrepancies presumably due to evaporation of monomer during experiment preparation do arise. 126 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS (d) (c) (b) (a) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ppm Figure 7. 1H NMR (400 MHz, TCE/C6D6, 353 K) spectra of (a) PE-SH, (b) p(E-b-MMA), (c) p(E-bBA) and (d) p(E-b-S). MMA was also polymerised using PE-SH as a chain transfer agent (entries 4-6, Table 4), and again a lower molecular weight polymer was obtained when PE-SH was present (Figure 8a). Unlike the p(E-b-BA) copolymers, some unreacted insoluble PE-SH was observed and could be detected using high-temperature SEC measurements. Isolation of p(E-b-MMA) was achieved by filtering the polymer solution from THF, whereby the insoluble PE-SH fraction was removed, illustrated by SEC measurements (Table 4). Confirmation of the presence of pMMA in the block copolymer was shown by the presence if a signal at 3.5 ppm corresponding to the methoxy protons of MMA (Figure 7b). The polymerisation of styrene in the presence of PE-SH (entries 7-9) showed similar results (Figure 8b) and the appearance of aromatic signals around 6.5-7 ppm indicates the presence of a PS block (Figure 7d). 127 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS (a) Chapter 5 (b) PE-SH 100eq S 50eq S PS (no CTA) w(Log(M)) w(Log(M)) PE-SH 100eq MMA 50eq MMA PMMA (no CTA) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Log(M) 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Log(M) Figure 8. Molecular weight distributions of (a) entries 1-3 (Table 4) and (b) entries 4-6 (Table 4) compared to PE-SH. Measured in trichlorobenzene at 160 ºC using polystyrene standards. The difference in behaviour of BA compared to S and MMA could be explained using the relative chain transfer constants (CT) as in general acrylates have a higher CT than methacrylates and styrene when thiols are used as CTAs.2 In order to characterise the activity of PE-SH as a chain transfer agent, the chain transfer constant (CT) was determined. Firstly, a series of polymerisations with varying concentrations of PE-SH compared to BA were carried out and stopped at low conversions. After filtering from THF to remove unreacted PE-SH, the residual polymers were analysed using SEC and 1H NMR. From SEC the Mw was determined and plotted as 2/DPw in a Mayo plot (Figure 9a); the DPw was based on the pBA block only. The chain transfer constant was determined to be 1.9. The CT was also determined using an Mn based on the relative integrals of BA and PE-SH in 1H NMR; this time plotted as a 1/DPn in a Mayo plot (Figure 9), giving a CT of 6.3. In principle, NMR should give a more accurate and absolute Mn, although certain assumptions are made, for example, that the length of the PE block is the same as the starting PE-SH. Determination of an absolute molecular weight cannot be measured using the SEC set-up used in this work. Firstly, the calibration standards used are based on polystyrene which has a different hydrodynamic volume to pBA. Secondly, even using pBA standards or conversion using Mark-Houwink parameters, an absolute molecular weight cannot be determined as the PE block will affect the hydrodynamic volume. Regardless of this slight difference in CT and the respective shortcomings of the different methods, the values are of the same order of magnitude as reported values for alkyl thiols in BA polymerisations (Table 5)2, 29 and consolidated by Tung et al who found that the CT of macrothiols based on butadiene is comparable to their smaller counterparts.30 The influence of reaction solvent should not be disregarded when comparing the values to the literature. 128 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 (a) (b) 0.09 0.028 0.12 0.030 0.026 0.07 0.025 0.022 0.10 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.015 0.04 0.016 1/DPn 0.018 1/DPn 0.09 2/DPw 0.020 0.020 2/DPw 0.08 0.11 0.024 0.03 0.07 0.010 0.014 0.02 0.06 0.012 0.005 0.010 0.01 0.05 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.004 0.010 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 [PE-SH]/[MMA] [PE-SH]/[BA] Figure 9. Mayo plots based on Mw obtained using SEC measured in THF against PS standards (■) and Mn obtained using 1H NMR (□) for (a) BA and (b) MMA The chain transfer constant for PE-SH in MMA was also determined using both Mw from SEC and Mn from 1H NMR (Figure 9b) and the chain transfer constants were calculated to be 2.4 and 6.3, respectively (Table 5), again in the same order of magnitude as those found in literature.2, 29 Again, the degree of polymerisation was based solely on the pMMA block length. Table 5. Chain transfer constants (CT) for BA and MMA using PE-SH as a CTA compared to literature results using dodecane thiol.29 PE-SH (this work)a BA MMA a SEC 1.9 2.4 NMR 6.3 6.3 Dodecane thiol (Reference 29)b 1.5 0.7 Conditions: VAZO-88, toluene, 80 ºC; b AIBN, benzene, 60 ºC. It is surprising to note, however, that a higher chain transfer constant is obtained (based on SEC results) for pMMA compared to pBA, against the general observation that acrylates tend to have a higher CT than methacrylates with thiol-based CTAs. However, this could be due to differences in hydrodynamic volume compared to the polystyrene standards used for SEC. Application of Mark-Houwink parameters to convert the molecular weights does not significantly affect the CT value. The closeness of the values obtained using NMR may be more representative. Block copolymers of p(E-b-MMA), p(E-b-S) and p(E-b-BA) have been synthesised by using PE-SH as a chain transfer agent in a radical polymerisation. The chain transfer constants of these systems have been determined and although these do not fully agree with literature values they are in the same order of magnitude. Although this is by no means the first time polymers with a similar composition have been synthesised,31-35 this 129 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS Chapter 5 method does provide a facile and versatile route towards block copolymers of olefins and (meth)acrylic and styrenic monomers. CONCLUSIONS Three different routes to synthesising block copolymers using thiol chemistry have been investigated. Nucleophilic thiol-ene reactions have been used to modify CCTPderived macromonomers into hydroxyl-functionalised polymers that can be reacted with diisocyanate-terminated polymers to make triblock copolymers. This technique has the potential to be applicable for coupling macromonomers to almost any isocyanateterminated polymer. Thiol-ene chemistry was also investigated as a method to couple macromonomers to thiol-terminated polyethylene. However, a strong dependence on the rate of reaction on the reaction temperature was found to severely hinder the reaction restricting the use of poorly-soluble polymers like PE in these types of thiol-ene reactions. Similar block copolymers could, however, be synthesised by using PE-SH as a chain transfer agent in a radical polymerisation of methyl methacrylate, styrene and butyl acrylate. Taken as a whole, simple chemistry has been exploited to synthesise block copolymers which cannot be made using a sole polymerisation technique. Furthermore, these techniques promise to be versatile and applicable to a wide range of monomers. 130 Chapter 5 STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY THIOL CHEMISTRY IN THE SYNTHESIS OF BLOCK COPOLYMERS REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. K. Matyjaszewski, Science, 2011, 333, 1104-1105. G. Moad and D. H. Solomon, The Chemistry of Radical Polymerization, 2nd edn., Elsevier B.V., 2006. C. E. Hoyle, T. Y. 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Rapid Commun., 2011, 32, 1447-1453. 132 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Anti-Static/Anti-Dust Anti-Fog GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 ABSTRACT A range of graft copolymers of cyclohexyl methacrylate, methyl methacrylate and 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl acrylate have been synthesised via catalytic chain transfer polymerisation and subsequently been used as macromonomers in a conventional free radical polymerisation. After quarternisation of the amine-containing backbone, these graft copolymers were solution cast onto polycarbonate substrates and the surface properties investigated. The coatings were tested for their viability as anti-static and antifogging additives, providing promising results. 134 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES INTRODUCTION Industrially, there is a desire to improve certain properties of engineering plastics, either in order to improve the existing properties or to introduce novel characteristics to the plastic. Engineering plastics have excellent bulk properties, but often have inferior surface properties.1 For example aromatic polycarbonates (PC) have excellent bulk properties, such as their thermal stability, excellent impact resistance and optical clarity making them suitable for a wide range of applications. 2, 3 However, PC suffers from a build-up of static charge, making their usage hazardous in certain application areas.4 Similarly, PC also has a tendency to fog, reducing the transparency of the material which is undesirable in applications such as greenhouses, 5 sports equipment such as diving goggles and ski masks,6 analytical equipment, for example microscopes,7 spectacle lenses, and supermarket freezer doors. In order to improve the properties of PC, additives such as anti-static and antifogging additives, can be added. Anti-static and anti-fogging additives work via similar mechanisms (Figure 1). The additives are added to the polycarbonate during the extrusion process after which, due to their amphiphilic nature, the additives migrate to the surface of the polymer. The hydrophobicity of the polycarbonate ensures the organisation of the additives on the polymer surface, increasing the polarity of the surface. For anti-static applications this newly hydrophilic surface attracts water, allowing any build-up of charge to be dissipated via the water molecules. For anti-fogging applications, the newly hydrophilic surface means that there is better spreading of water across the surface. On exposure to water, the contact angle of the water droplet on the surface now tends to 0º, spreading out over the surface to form a continuous layer rather than discreet droplets which reflect the light, giving the appearance of fog.8, 9 (a) (b) (c) air H2O H2O air H2O H2O Figure 1. Simple representation of anti-fog/anti-static mechanism. (a) Additive is randomly distributed in the polymer matrix following extrusion processing, (b) additive migrates to polymerair interface and (c) presence of additive at surface attracts water molecules from the air, allowing charge to be dissipated through the water molecules. 135 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 There are several requirements that need to be fulfilled by anti-static and antifogging agents to be effective. Firstly, the additive must increase the hydrophilicity of the surface of a substrate. In order for this to be achievable, the additive must be suitably composed to migrate to the surface (as they are conventionally introduced during the compounding process). Secondly, once they reach the surface they must provide good coverage ensuring a homogeneous layer of the additive. Currently, most anti-static and anti-fog additives for polycarbonate are based on small molecules consisting of ammonium or phosphonium salts.10-13 However these additives have a limited lifetime as they are easily removed from the polymer surface. Therefore there is a drive in industry to develop new additives, which are less susceptible to removal from the surface of the polycarbonate. One of the most obvious avenues to explore is the use of polymeric anti-static and anti-fog additives. For example, Howarter, et al have grafted fluorinated oligomers to silica surfaces using isocyanate chemistry.9, 14 These modified surfaces showed promise in antifogging tests. Alternatively, Tajitsu has used highly conductive butadiene rubber particles doped with Li+ or K+ dispersed in a poly(methyl methacrylate) matrix as anti-static polymer films.15, 16 In order for a polymeric additive to be successful, it must be both compatible with the substrate as well as carrying out its function as an anti-static or anti-fogging agent. Copolymers with complex polymer architectures, in which one part of the polymer interacts with substrate providing adhesion and the other part containing the functionality, fulfil these requirements. In this chapter, PC-compatible macromonomers derived from catalytic chain transfer polymerisation (CCTP) are copolymerised with a quarternisable acrylate to form graft copolymers (discussed in more detail in Chapter 1). 1720 Although graft copolymers made via this method do not have as well-defined grafts as expected due to a concomitant addition-fragmentation chain transfer (AFCT) reaction, they are anticipated to have a comb-like structure merely the structure of the grafts will have a more complex architecture. These polymers have then been tested with respect to their anti-static and anti-fogging properties as coatings for PC. Testing was carried out using the polymers as coatings to determine the potential of the system with the view to use these polymers in the future as additives for PC. 136 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES EXPERIMENTAL SECTION General considerations. All syntheses and manipulations of air- and moisture-sensitive materials were carried out in oven-dried Schlenk-type glassware on a dual manifold Schlenk line. Materials. Methyl metharylate (MMA, 99%, Sigma-Aldrich), cyclohexyl methacryate (CHMA, 97%, Alfa Aesar) and 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl acrylate (DMAEA, 98%, Alfa Aesar) were passed over a column of activated basic alumina to remove the inhibitor. Azobis(isobutryonitrile) (AIBN) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and recrystallised twice from methanol. The bis(methanol) complex of bis[(difluoroboryl)dimethylglyoximate]cobalt II (COBF), was prepared as described previously.21, 22 The chain transfer activity of the complex was determined in methyl methacrylate (MMA) bulk polymerisation at 60 ºC and found to be equal to 30 × 103. For all experiments, a single batch of catalyst was used. Toluene, pentane, tetrahydrofuran (THF), Hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP) and ethanol (AR, Biosolve) were used as received. Lexan GLX143 polycarbonate (PC) was provided by Sabic IP. Synthesis of p(CHMA-co-MMA) via CCTP. COBF (1.0 mg, 2.5 µmol) and AIBN (42 mg, 254 μmol) were weighed into a round bottom flask equipped with a magnetic stirrer bar. The flask was then evacuated and re-filled 3 times. Argon was bubbled through toluene and a stock solution of cyclohexyl methacrylate (CHMA, 25 mol%) and methyl methacrylate (MMA, 75 mol%) for 30 minutes prior to use. Toluene (50 mL) and MMA/CHMA stock solution (50 mL) were added to the flask. The reaction was carried out at 60 ºC for 18 hours with continuous stirring, after which it was quenched by cooling in ice and the addition of hydroquinone. The residual solvent and MMA was removed via rotary evaporation. The polymer was then redissolved in toluene and precipitated in pentane to remove residual catalyst and monomer and dried under vacuum for 24 hours. Synthesis of p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)) via free radical polymerisation. Macromonomer (35g, 16 mmol), AIBN (0.5 wt % based on DMAEA and macromonomer), DMAEA (23 g, 0.16 mol) and 100 g toluene were placed in a vial. N 2 was bubbled through for 30 minutes and then the reaction mixture heated to 60 ºC and stirred for 72 hours. Additional shots of AIBN (0.5 wt %) were added after each 24 hours. Quenching of the reaction was achieved by cooling in ice followed by the addition of hydroquinone. The polymer mixture was then precipitated into pentane, re-dissolved in THF and then reprecipitated into pentane and dried overnight in a vacuum oven. Quarternisation of polymers with methyl iodide. p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)) (20 g, 67 wt% DMAEA) was dissolved in 3 L THF. Methyl iodide (MeI, 11 mL, 0.18mol) was then added and the reaction mixture stirred at room temperature. After a few minutes the polymer began to precipitate out of solution however the reaction was left to stir 137 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 overnight in order to reach completion. Residual MeI and THF were evaporated from the precipitated polymer. The polymer was then dried in a vacuum oven at 40 ºC overnight. Quarternisation of polymers with perfluorohexyl iodide. p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-coMMA)) (6.4 g, 67% DMAEA) was dissolved in 150 mL DMF and heated to 85 ºC. Perfluorohexyl iodide (FHI, 6.5 mL, 30 mmol) was then added and the reaction mixture stirred at 85 ºC for 7 days. The polymer was then dialysed (1000 Da) against water to remove residual FHI and DMF. The polymer was then isolated by removing the water using a freeze-drier. Coatings. The quarternised polymers were dissolved in water/ethanol mixtures and applied to a polycarbonate substrate using a coil applicator. Coating thicknesses were varied by using different applicators and different solution concentrations. Once applied, the coatings were left to dry then placed in a vacuum oven at 20 ºC overnight. Measurements. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) was measured on a system equipped with a Waters 1515 Isocratic HPLC pump, a Waters 2414 refractive index detector (40 ºC), a Waters 2707 autosampler and a PSS PFG guard column followed by 2 PFG-linear-XL (7 µm, 8 × 300 mm) columns in series at 40 ºC. HFIP with potassium trifluoroacetate (3 g/L) was used as eluent at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. The molecular weights were calculated against poly(methyl methacrylate) standards (Polymer Laboratories, Mp = 580 Da up to Mp = 7.1 × 106 Da). Data acquisition and processing were performed using WATERS Empower 2 software. 1H, 13C and gHMQC NMR spectra were recorded on a Varian Mercury Vx (400 MHz) spectrometer at 400 MHz. D 2O, DMSO-d6 or chloroform-d3 and tetramethylsilane were used as solvents and internal standard, respectively. Surface resistivity measurements were carried out on a Keithley 8009 Resistivity Test Fixture and measured using a 6517A electrometer/high resistance meter. The measuring time was 600 seconds with an alternative voltage of 500 V. The measurements were carried out according to the 6517 HiR Test. Static decay measurements were carried out on a Static Honestmeter Type S-5109 (Shishido Electrostatic Ltd.) using a voltage of 10 kV. Measurements carried out at 23ºC and 50% relative humidity. Static contact angles were measured using a Kruss Drop Shape Analysis System DSA 10 MK2 instrument at room temperature. 1 µL deionized water was used and contact angles recorded for up to 160 seconds. Dynamic advancing and receding contact angles were recorded using a Dataphysics OCA30 instrument at room temperature. A drop of deionized water was swollen with a further 2 µL at 0.1 µL/s and then retracting the same amount at the same speed. There was a 1s delay period between injection and retraction. All data given in this chapter is the average of at least 3 measurements. 138 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Synthesis of p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)) Graft copolymers have been synthesised using a two-step procedure. Firstly, CCTP was used to synthesise well-defined macromonomers of cyclohexyl methacrylate (CHMA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA), then these macromonomers were copolymerised with 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl acrylate (DMAEA) via a conventional freeradical technique (FRP) (Scheme 1). Scheme 1. Synthesis of quarternised p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)). Copolymers of cyclohexyl methacrylate (CHMA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) containing 15-25 wt% CHMA have been found to be miscible with polycarbonate (PC) 23 and therefore have been deemed a suitable monomer combination for use as the macromonomer-derived grafts of the copolymer. Macromonomers of CHMA and MMA were synthesised via CCTP (Table 1) using ppm amounts of COBF as the chain transfer catalyst and AIBN as the radical source. The reactions were carried out at 60ºC in toluene and the resultant polymers purified by precipitation in pentane. Macromonomers of two different lengths were synthesised and found to have a CHMA content of 17-20 wt%, determined using via 1H NMR (Figure 2b). 139 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 Table 1. Properties of p(CHMA-co-MMA) copolymers made via CCTP. Entry MM1 MM2 COBF/ppm 6.1 2.6 Conversion 0.53 0.67 Mna/g mol-1 1,580 2,900 DPnb PDIa 1.4 1.7 FMMAb 83 80 20 41 Determined using SEC based on polystyrene standards in THF; b Determined using 1H NMR based on the integral of the vinylic protons (6.2 and 5.5 ppm), CH (CHMA, 4.7 ppm) and OCH 3 (MMA, 3.6 ppm). a OCH3 (MMA) CH2/CH3 // CH (CHMA) CH2N (DMAEA) (a) (b) CH (CHMA) =CH2 6 OCH3 (MMA) 5 CH2/CH3 4 3 2 1 0 ppm Figure 2. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) spectra of (a) p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)) and (b) p(CHMA-co-MMA). The CHMA-MMA macromonomers were then copolymerised with 2(dimethylamino)ethyl acrylate (DMAEA) in the presence of AIBN as the radical initiator, again using toluene as the solvent and a reaction temperature of 60 ºC (Scheme 1). The consumption of the vinylic bonds of both the monomer and macromonomer was followed using 1H NMR, and additional initiator was added until full conversion of both the monomer and macromonomer had been reached. The resultant graft copolymers have been analysed using 1H NMR and SEC (Table 2). The ratio of macromonomer to monomer (DMAEA) was shown to be similar when determined experimentally from NMR (Figure 2a) and when calculated based on monomer feed and DMAEA conversion. A clear shift in the molecular weight from the macromonomer to the graft copolymers can also be seen, for example in Figure 3, for all four graft copolymers. The four graft 140 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES copolymers consist of two different starting macromonomers (MM 1 and MM2) and two different grafting densities for each macromonomer. Table 2. Properties of p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)). G1a and G1b are synthesised using MM1, and G2a and G2b from MM2. Entry Target ratio of MM:Ma Ratio MM:Ma,b Mnc/gmol-1 PDIc Grafts per chaind G1a G1b G2a G2b 1a:35 1a:10 1b:35 1b:15 1:33 1:10 1:32 1:16 19,200 8,900 13,200 10,700 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 3 2.5 1.5 1.5 a Molar ratio; b Determined using 1H NMR based on the ratio of integrals of CH (CHMA, 4.7 ppm), OCH3 (MMA, 3.6 ppm) and CH2N (DMAEA, 4.1 pm); c Determined via SEC, measured against poly(methyl methacrylate) standards in HFIP; d Approximate, calculated based on: grafts per chain = Mn, graft copolymer (SEC)/Mn, macromonomer (NMR) + (DMAEA units per MM × molar mass of DMAEA). (b) w(LogM) w(LogM) (a) 1000 10000 1000 100000 10000 100000 M (g/mol) M (g/mol) Figure 3. Molecular weight distributions of (a) GP1 and (b) GP3 ( _____) compared to respective starting macromonomers (……). Measured in HFIP against poly(methyl methacrylate) standards. GPEC measurements confirm the presence of a copolymer (Figure 4). MM 1 has an elution time of 20 – 28 minutes (Figure 4c), which is not observed for G1b (Figure 4b) indicating that all of the macromonomer has been consumed during the copolymerisation process. pDMAEA elutes at 2 – 5 minutes (Figure 4a), which can also be observed in the copolymer chromatogram (Figure 4b), overlapping with the graft copolymer peak. 141 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 (a) (b) Graft copolymer (c) 0 10 20 30 40 Elution Time/Minutes Figure 4. Gradient polymer elution chromatograms of (a) pDMAEA, (b) G 1b and (c) MM1 Hence it can be concluded that graft copolymers consisting of a DMAEA backbone and CHMA-MMA-based macromonomer-derived grafts can be synthesised via CCTP and FRP. In order to ensure that the copolymer consists of a highly hydrophilic section, the backbone must then be quarternised. Quarternisation of p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)) Increasing the hydrophilicity of the polymer backbone by quarternising the amine groups of the DMAEA serves two purposes. Due to the larger differences in polarity between the backbone and grafts, not only does the presence of a hydrophilic backbone encourage migration of the polymer to the surface (if compounded into the PC) but also instigates organisation of the polymer on the surface thus increasing the hydrophilicity of the surface. The amine groups of the graft copolymers were quarternised using two different quarternising agents: methyl iodide (MeI) and perfluorohexyl iodide (FHI) as shown in Table 3. The quarternisations using MeI were carried out in THF and as the reaction proceeded, the quarternised polymer precipitated out of solution. Quarternisation with FHI was carried out in DMF and allowed to react for 1 week at 85 ºC before purification using dialysis and freeze-drying. FHI was chosen for its fluorinated groups which, it was 142 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES hoped, would improve the migrational behaviour of the polymer (when extruded), while maintaining similar surface modification properties. It is also important to note that complete removal of any free amines is required as these can have undesired effects on the PC especially at higher temperatures. It was immediately clear from 1H NMR data that the quarternisation of these polymers was a success due to the presence of a large peak corresponding to water, drawn in from the atmosphere (or work-up procedure) due to the hygroscopic nature of the quarternised amines. The degree of quarternisation was determined by comparing the relative integrals of the protons of the quarternised and unquarternised amines.19, 24-26 Table 3. Overview of synthesised polymers Macromonomer Graft Copolymer Quarternised Graft Copolymer MM1 G1a G1a-m97 G1a-m60 G1a-m40 G1a-f10 G1a-f100 G1b G1b-m99 G1b-f26 MM2 G2a G2a-m94 G2a-f42 G2b G2b-m100 G2b-f21 Descriptiona Fhydrophilic monomerb p[(DMAEA33-g-(MMA18-co-CHMA2))]3 quarternised with MeI (97%) p[(DMAEA33-g-(MMA18-co-CHMA2))]3 quarternised with MeI (60%) p[(DMAEA33-g-(MMA18-co-CHMA2))]3 quarternised with MeI (40%) p[(DMAEA33-g-(MMA18-co-CHMA2))]3 quarternised with HFI (10%) p[(DMAEA33-g-(MMA18-co-CHMA2))]3 quarternised with HFI (100%) p[(DMAEA10-g-(MMA18-co-CHMA2))]2.5 quarternised with MeI (99%) p[(DMAEA10-g-(MMA18-co-CHMA2))]2.5 quarternised with HFI (26%) p[(DMAEA32-g-(MMA35-co-CHMA6))]1.5 quarternised with MeI (94%) p[(DMAEA32-g-(MMA35-co-CHMA6))]1.5 quarternised with HFI (42%) p[(DMAEA16-g-(MMA35-co-CHMA6))]1.5 quarternised with MeI (100%) p[(DMAEA16-g-(MMA35-co-CHMA6))]1.5 quarternised with HFI (21%) 0.68 0.39 0.26 0.07 0.68 0.39 0.10 0.52 0.23 0.38 0.08 Degree of quarternisation determined from the ratio of unquarternised (2.65 ppm) and quarternised (3.40 ppm) α-amino methyl proton integrals (MeI) in D2O19, 26 or integral of unquarternised (2.13 ppm) and quarternised (3.04 ppm) α-amino methyl proton integrals (FHI) in DMSO-d6;24, 25 b Based on mole fraction of DMAEA in graft copolymer and degree of quarternisation. a As can be seen in Table 3, a range of graft copolymers of CHMA, MMA and DMAEA have been quarternised to varying degrees using both MeI and FHI. These polymers were subsequently tested for their anti-static and anti-fogging properties. Testing of Coating Properties Ultimately, the polymers made in the previous section need to be extruded into a PC matrix and various factors investigated, however in order to establish the viability of 143 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 using these polymers as anti-static and anti-fogging agents, coatings of these polymers were applied directly to PC substrates. The polymers synthesised in Table 3 were applied using a bar applicator to a standard PC substrate at a range of different thicknesses from a water/ethanol solvent mixture. These coatings were then dried overnight at 20 ºC in a vacuum oven. The properties of these coatings were investigated in terms of their anti-static and antifogging properties. Anti-static and Anti-dust Properties. In order for a material to be deemed ‘anti-static’ or ‘anti-dust’, it must be able to dissipate charge. This can be measured using surface resistivity or static decay measurements; these two techniques show a roughly linear correlation with one another. The surface resistivity of a material is defined as the resistance to the flow of electrical current across the surface of the material. Insulators, such as PC, have surface resistivities in the realm of 10 16-1018 Ohms/sq, whereas a conducting material has a lower resistivity of 104-106 Ohmssq2. Materials with anti-static or anti-dust properties tend to have surface resistivities between 10 9-1012 and 1012-1014 Ohms/sq respectively. The surface resistivity of a range of coated PCs (Table 4) were tested for selected coatings as a technique to determine the viability of these coatings to act as anti-static or anti-dust agents. As a reference point, uncoated PC has a surface resistivity of 10 18 Ohms/sq. The measured coatings all have a much lower surface resistivity than that of uncoated PC (Table 4), suggesting an improvement of the anti-static and anti-dust properties. The suitability of the coatings for use as anti-static and anti-dust additives can also be measured by determining the static decay half-life of the material, i.e. the time it takes for half an applied static charge to be dissipated over the surface of the material. PC is an insulator, and therefore untreated PC has a very long static decay half-life (t1/2). Measurement of t1/2 after application of a coating from a polymer synthesised in Table 3, clearly shows that the surface of the PC has been modified (Table 4). For a surface of a material to be considered an ‘anti-dust’, a t1/2 < 60 seconds is suggested. Almost all of the coatings fall in a region considered suitable for anti-dust applications, which is in agreement with surface resistivity measurements. 144 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Table 4. Anti-static properties of quarternised polymers. PC G1a-m97b G1a-m60b G1a-m40b G1b-m99b G2a-m94c G2b-m100c G1a-f10d G1a-f100d G1b-f26d G2a-f42e G2b-f21e Dry film thickness/nma 10 100 680 2000 7000 10000 100 100 100 2000 7000f 10000f 100 2000 7000 10000 100 2000 7000 10000 1800 6300g 9000g 100 1800f 6300f 9000f 1800 6300 9000 1800h 6300h 9000h Surface Resistivity/Ωm-2/sq 1.83x1018 1.60x1011 9.72x109 8.79x1010 5.24x1010 5.80x1010 5.47x1010 1.60x1011 4.26x1011 1.43x1010 9.89x1010 1.42x1010 1.29x1011 1.61x1010 3.11x1011 8.01x1012 1.30x1013 6.64x1012 6.79x1013 8.23x1013 3.80x1013 2.03x1014 3.63x1015 - Static Decay (t1/2)/sec ∞ 11 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 3.0 2.0 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1.6 2.0 11.5 9.1 9.8 18 35.2 28 20 19 24 22 117 2893 1419 AntiStatic AntiDust Theoretical film thickness based on applicator size and solid content; b1 g polymer dissolved in 6 g water and 3 g ethanol; c 1 g polymer dissolved in 3 g ethanol and 6 g water; d 1g polymer dissolved in 5 g water and 5 g ethanol; e 1 g polymer dissolved in 2.5 g water and 7.5 g ethanol; f Minor cracking of film; g patchy coverage of coating; h hazy film a Firstly, the effect of the coating thickness was studied and it was observed that there is very little influence of dry film thickness on the surface resistivity, indicating that a homogeneous layer of the polymers has been applied to the PC substrate (Figure 5), even at film thicknesses of 10 nm. This indicates that only a very thin layer is required for total coverage of the surface. Total coverage is required for efficient transfer of charge over the substrate surface. A lower surface resistivity is observed for film thickness of 100 nm compared to thicker films. This is seen consistently for all coatings measured and may 145 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 be related to the fact that the age of the plaques was different, giving rise to the possibility of polymeric rearrangement. Further, the measurements were carried out on a different day to the other film thicknesses. Static decay measurements also confirm that film thickness does not play a large role in the properties of the coatings (Table 4). All values fall below 1 second, bar the 10 nm film which was found to have a slightly longer half-life, but still well within the range considered acceptable for anti-static applications. Surface Resistivity/sq 1012 1011 1010 109 1 10 100 1000 10000 Dry Film Thickness/nm Figure 5. The effect of the film thickness of G1a-m97 on the surface resistivity. Open symbol = coating aged longer and measured on different day. The degree and type of quarternisation was also investigated. In order for a material to be considered suitable for anti-dust applications, a surface resistivity of 10 12 – 1014 Ohms/sq is required. The polymers (partially) quarternised with FHI all fall within this range, barring G2b-f21. The polymers (fully) quarternised with MeI, on the other hand, show even lower surface resistivities (1010 - 1011 Ohms/sq) which classifies them as antistatic materials. Again these results are confirmed by static decay measurement which show that in fact the polymers quarternised with MeI all show very short t 1/2, with many dissipating the charge in less than a second. On the other hand, polymers quarternised with FHI show longer decay half-lives (> 9 seconds) but are still considered acceptable for anti-dust applications. Higher degrees of quarternisation with FHI (G1a-f100) show a slight improvement in the surface resistivity behaviour with values reaching 6.79 × 10 13 Ohms/sq, however it does not approach the low values obtained using MeI as a quarternising agent with similar degrees of quarternisation (Table 4). There is a distinct trend in surface resistivity depending on the degree of quarternisation. Based on quarternisation of G 1a with MeI, 146 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Figure 6 shows the expected trend that with higher degrees of quarternisation lower surface resistivities are measured. Surface Resistivity//sq 1012 1011 1010 109 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Quarternisation Figure 6. The effect of the degree of quarternisation of G1a on the surface resistivity at a film thickness of 100 nm. In this section, highly promising results have been obtained from surface resistivity and static decay measurements for coated PC compared to untreated PC. Graft copolymers quarternised with MeI show much better anti-static and anti-fogging properties than polymers quarternised with FHI, and dry film thicknesses of only 100 nm are sufficient to give good coverage of the PC substrate successfully modifying the properties of the surface. Anti-fogging Properties. The coated plaques, described in the previous section, were tested for their anti-fogging properties using a simple test. By breathing on the coated plaques and comparing to untreated PC it was very clear that the coated substrates show antifogging properties; the coated PC remained transparent whereas uncoated PC showed signs of ‘fog’, turning opaque. In order to provide quantitative evidence of the anti-fog properties, the contact angle of water on the substrate surface was measured. Firstly, the contact angle was measured over time using a sessile drop method. An initial contact angle of < 40º is desired for anti-fogging applications, although a contact angle of < 20º is preferred. A list of the contact angles for many of the coatings is shown in Table 5; the contact angle at the start of the measurement (t=0), as well as the time until the contact angle reaches 40º and 20º are also displayed in the table. For reference, PC is decidedly hydrophobic with an initial contact angle of 88º which does not fall below 147 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 40º even in excess of 160 seconds (at which point evaporation can start to influence the measurement). Table 5. Anti-fogging properties of quarternised polymers. PC G1a-m97a G1a-m60a G1a-m40a G1b-m99a G2a-m94b G2b-m100b G1a-f10c G1a-f100c G1b-f26c G2a-f42d G2b-f21d Dry Film Thickness/ nm 10 100 680 2000 10000 100 100 100 2000 100 2000 7000 10000 100 2000 7000 10000 1800 6300f 100 1800e 1800 1800g Contact angle at t=0/º 88 34 52 63 48 58 81 78 46 57 44 52 51 45 43 45 42 53 114 117 95 83 85 93 Time until Contact angle <40º/sec >160 1 0.3 1 9 76 0.5 0.5 0.1 5 0.1 7 6 7 0.1 2 1 1 >160 >160 >160 49 32 >160 Time until Contact angle <20º/sec >160 10 5 21 80 >160 5 5 11 67 2.5 66 90 79 2 40 70 145 >160 >160 >160 90 >160 >160 Dynamic Contact angle (Adv./Rec.)/º 84/70 45/28 <20/<20 52/28 100/58 85/53 71/52 98/66 33/23 49/34 <20/<20 60/32 67/30 63/33 24/19 45/25 42/24 51/28 137/120 115/97 88/72 91/56 109/75 90/58 1 g polymer dissolved in 6 g water and 3 g ethanol; b 1 g polymer dissolved in 3 g ethanol and 6 g water; c 1g polymer dissolved in 5 g water and 5 g ethanol; d 1 g polymer dissolved in 2.5 g water and 7.5 g ethanol; e Minor cracking of film; f patchy coverage of coating; g hazy film a Initially, thicker coatings (20 – 100 µm) were made and tested. Figure 7a shows the influence of film thickness on the contact angle for G 1a-m97 (Table 3). At all film thicknesses, a contact angle of > 40º is observed directly after the droplet has been placed on the coated substrate, although in all cases the contact angle is less than that of uncoated PC. However, unlike PC which remains at 88º over time (disregarding the effects of evaporation), the contact angle of water on the coated substrates decreases over time as the droplet spreads out over the substrate surface. In fact, at a dry film thickness of 20 µm, the contact angle of PC coated in G 1a-m97 decreases rapidly from 48º to 40º in 9 seconds, then falls further to 20º within 80 seconds (Figure 7a). It appears that with 148 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES increasing film thickness, the contact angle (over time) is higher as the rate of decrease of contact angle is lower at higher film thicknesses. As the coatings are slightly soluble in water, it is thought that the variation of increasing film thickness with higher contact angles may be related to a change in surface tension of the water as the polymer is solubilised by the water droplet. This is further confirmed by the measured contact angles of a water droplet over time on PC coated with each of the polymers quarternised with MeI (Figure 7b). Again, a decrease in contact angle over time is observed with all coatings reaching a contact angle of < 40º within 20 seconds, and < 20º within 80 seconds. However with increasing hydrophilic monomer content, the contact angle appears to increase. This is surprising as with more DMAEA there would be more quarternised amine groups, increasing the hydrophilicity of the surface, and thus decreasing the contact angle. It is thought that again the solubility of the coating in water may play a role, changing the surface tension of the water droplet. It should be noted here that although the hydrophilic monomer content will play a large role in the properties of the polymers, the structure of the graft copolymer (which in this case is determined by the hydrophilic monomer content) can also influence the behaviour of the coating. (a) (b) 20 m 70 m 100 m 70 60 G1b-m99 60 G2a-m94 50 50 Increasing film thickness 40 30 20 Contact Angle/ o Contact Angle/ o G1a-m97 G2b-m100 40 Increasing DMAEA content 30 20 10 10 0 0 50 100 0 150 20 40 60 80 100 Time/Seconds Time/Seconds Figure 7. Contact angle over time for films (a) of G1a-m97 of varying thicknesses and (b) with different hydrophilic monomer contents (film thickness = 20 µm). Dynamic contact angle measurements were then used to measure the advancing and receding contact angles of a water droplet on the coatings using a sessile drop (needle in) method. It was thought that more information on the behaviour of the water droplet on the substrate could be determined. For anti-fogging materials, an advancing contact angle < 40º and a receding contact angle <12º are quoted to be acceptable. 9 Again, polymers G1a-m97, G1b-m94, G2a-m94 and G2b-m100, which have similar degrees of quarternisation but different DMAEA amounts, were used. For dry film thicknesses of 20 µm, a similar trend to that observed in Figure 7 is seen (Figure 8, black). However, on decreasing the film thickness to 100 nm, a clearer trend is observed (Figure 8, red). Here, 149 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 a decrease in the advancing angle is observed, so much so that at > 0.5 mol fraction of hydrophilic monomer the contact angle is too low (< 20º) to be accurately measured. 100 Advancing Receding 90 Contact Angle/º 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Hydrophilic Monomer/Mol Fraction Figure 8. Dependence of advancing and receding contact angles on [hydrophilic monomer]. Dry film thickness = 20 µm (black) and 100 nm (red). Clearly, there is an influence of film thickness and this is illustrated by Figure 9a. A distinct minimum contact angle can be seen when film thicknesses of 100 nm are used, giving an advancing contact angle < 20º (which was too low to be measured). Increasing film thickness does not improve the properties, in fact an increase in the contact angle is observed presumably attributable to changes in the surface tension of the water droplet as a result of dissolution. A film thickness of 10 nm, however, appears to be insufficient to provide homogeneous coverage of the PC substrate resulting in a larger contact angle. G1a-m97 has been quarternised with MeI in varying degrees, and this has a marked effect on the advancing and receding contact angles (Figure 9b). At 40% quarternisation contact angles comparable to uncoated PC are observed. However with increasing quarternisation an almost linear trend towards lower contact angles is seen, in which at 100% quarternisation the contact angle is too low to be measured. This confirms that a high degree of quarternisation is required to obtain the best anti-fogging properties from the coating. 150 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES (a) (b) Advancing Receding 100 100 80 Contact Angle/º 80 Contact Angle/º Advancing Receding 90 90 70 60 50 70 60 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 40 10000 50 60 70 80 90 100 % Quartenisation 100% quartenisation was too Dry Film Thickness/nm 100 nm = Contact angle too low to be measured low to be measured (< 20º) Figure 9. Influence of the (a) film thickness of G1a-m97 and (b) degree of quarternisation of G1a with MeI on the advancing and receding contact angle. The coatings made from graft copolymers quarternised with FHI show much poorer anti-fogging behaviour as illustrated by the evolution of the contact angle over time compared to untreated PC (Figure 10a). G1b-f26 and G2a-f42 have higher hydrophilic monomer contents and correspondingly a larger decrease in contact angle is observed, both falling below 40º within 50 seconds. G2a-f21 and G1a-f10 have very low hydrophilic monomer contents and in fact G1a-f10 actually demonstrates superhydrophobic behaviour with contact angles above 100º possibly due to free FHI which is highly hydrophobic in nature. The trends observed in Figure 10a are confirmed by measurement of the advancing and receding contact angles shown in Figure 10b. (a) (b) 140 G1a-f10 120 G1b-f26 G2a-f42 100 80 G2b-f21 120 Contact Angle PC 110 60 Contact Angle/º Contact Angle/ o Advancing Receding 130 40 100 90 80 70 60 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 50 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 Hydrophilic Monomer/Mol Fraction Time/Seconds Figure 10. (a) Contact angle over time (film thickness = 20 um) and (b) advancing and receding contact angles for films of polymers quarternised with FHI with varying hydrophilic monomer contents. 151 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 Direct comparisons between the anti-fogging properties of MeI and FHIquarternised polymers are unfair due to the differences in degrees of quarternisation. However, even at 100% quarternisation with FHI (G1a-f100), contact angles closer to untreated PC are observed (Table 5). This observation may be explained by the combined and conflicting effects of the hydrophobic fluorinated tail and the quarternary ammonium moiety. The hydrophobic group assists in increasing the advancing contact angle, whereas the hydrophilic group helps to decrease the advancing contact angle. 27 Therefore, in systems containing these two groups these two effects can cancel out one another. 28 The use of MeI as a quarternising agent appears to be the most suitable choice in order to obtain anti-fogging properties, in terms of contact angle measurements and excluding the conflicting effects discussed above which influence the results based on FHI. The reason for the poor behaviour of FHI compared to MeI as a quarternising agent may be a result of slower rearrangement of the fluorinated tails on the surface. Alternatively, the ammonium ion may well be more shielded when quarternised with FHI compared to MeI. It should however be noted that the choice of FHI as a quarternisation agent was based on its incompatibility with PC which may be important to self-segregation of the polymeric additives after an extrusion process. Despite difficulties resolving contact angle effects from changes in the surface tension of water due to dissolution of the coatings, the anti-fogging properties of the coatings look promising. Admittedly, the water solubility of the polymer is an issue, but it is hoped that with future extrusion studies better contact and interaction between the p(CHMA-co-MMA) grafts and PC will be achievable. As it stands, quarternisation with MeI appears to be a much more effective route to synthesising anti-fogging materials both in terms of reaction time and coating properties. CONCLUSION CCTP has been used to synthesise range of CHMA and MMA well-defined macromonomers, which have then been copolymerised with DMAEA to form a series of graft copolymers. These quarternised p(DMAEA-g-(CHMA-co-MMA)) graft copolymers have shown promising results as both anti-static and anti-fogging agents, with the use of MeI as a quarternising agent giving markedly improved properties compared to both FHI-quarternised polymers and untreated PC. Naturally, further studies are required to optimise the system for practical use. Addition of these additives to PC during an extrusion process introduces additional parameters which must be explored. Here, migrational factors will need to be considered. For example, the ratio of hydrophobic (CHMA, MMA) content to hydrophilic units as well as the polymer length will play a huge role in the tendency of the polymer to migrate to the surface. Conversely, the chain length will also affect the ease at which the additive is irreversibly removed from the material surface, and the hydrophilicity (as has been seen in this work) directly affects the properties of the surface. A balance of these conflicting properties and requirements is essential to achieving a successful anti-static or antifogging additive. 152 Chapter 6 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES However, it has been shown in these studies that polymers of this nature are extremely viable alternatives to small molecule anti-static and anti-fogging additives, and further investigation into a more industrial setting would be greatly beneficial. 153 GRAFT COPOLYMERS AS ANTI-STATIC AND ANTI-FOGGING ADDITIVES FOR POLYCARBONATE SUBSTRATES Chapter 6 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. J. M. Margolis, Engineering Plastics Handbook, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005. D. J. Brunelle, in Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology, 7, 397, On-line. D. Freitag, G. Fengler and L. Morbitzer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 1991, 30, 1598. K. Fukunaga and T. T. Maeno, Elec. Eng. 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You started out as both being my promoters, and you have both helped and supported me throughout these four years. Hans and Rob, thank you for being my co-promoters and having faith in me and the project from beginning to end. It started out a little rocky, but between us we managed to turn the project around and into something that I hope you are as proud of as I am. Thank you for all the time and effort you put in; I know how busy you both were, particularly in the final months. The Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI) is greatly acknowledged for the funding of this project and for providing a platform in which to interact with other academic and industrial members. My committee members: Prof. Dave Haddleton, Dr Franck D’Agosto and Dr Theo Hoeks, thank you for doing me the honour of being part of my committee and for taking the time to read my thesis. I would also like to thank my paranymphs, Timo Sciarone and Bas van Ravensteijn, not only for their support during my defence but also for their help during my PhD. I would not have had the thesis I have without you two. Timo, you were there from the beginning and were always available for a brainstorming session or just some good old fashioned advice on chemistry, life, music, etc. As the post-doc on my project, you were termed a ‘mine-sweeper’, and thank goodness you were there because there were a lot of mines! Bas, thank you for all your hard work for nine months (or so!) on the epoxides chapter, your dedication and work ethic is an inspiration to us all and I wish you all the best in your PhD and the rest of your career. During my PhD I also had the opportunity to work with some great people and groups which has not only enhanced my PhD work but has also been an excellent experience and I’m grateful to be able to work with people from different fields. Franck, Christophe and Jérôme, thank you for allowing me to spend two very interesting weeks in your lab in Lyon. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even if none of the reactions worked! Theo, thank you for all the fruitful discussions over the past few years and for showing an interest in my project during DPI cluster meetings. Jan and Jan Henk, thanks for taking the time for carrying out a lot of the anti-static and anti-fogging tests in lab at Sabic IP and teaching me about the ins-and-outs these tests. Further, I would like to thank Michelle Coote in Queensland, Australia for doing some quantum calculations for the pSMA work. I would also like to thank my students: Kenny, Toon and Vicente. 156 Of course I cannot forget the analytic staff of SPC, who helped me no end over the last four years and without whom I would have had a much tougher time. Martin, thank you for all your help with SEC measurements and always make time for me and my questions. Hanneke and Carin, thanks for teaching me how to use the MALDI and for carrying out many many GPEC measurements for me. Pleunie and Caroline, thank you so much for all your help over the last 4 years, particularly with helping me sort out all forms and admin I needed for my defence after I had already moved away. I would also like to thank my office mates: Yingyuan and Dogan. We started together and will end (more or less) together. I think we had the most peaceful and quiet office in the whole corridor and all appreciated that the heating should be turned up full all the time. I wish you all the best for the final stages of your PhDs. Cacticians, past and present, even though I was never really an ‘organometallic chemist’, I’m glad you accepted me and finally let me be your “Labor-Mama”! The Cactus meetings were always educational (even if I never want to hear anything about MAO ever again) and the Cactus evenings always fun and enlightening (even if the next day I never wanted to drink beer ever again)! There are a few people who made it worth me going to the lab, even on the darkest of experimental days. Raf, thank you for all kindness, generosity and help in the lab and in chemistry in general – you are truly a fountain of knowledge! T-meister, I’ve already mentioned you, but watch out, I’ll get my ice revenge one day… Camille, my dear, the Cactus lab wouldn’t have been the same without you; thank you for continually inviting me to things even when I was being incredibly boring and stressed, sometimes I really needed it! Fabi, rule well and enjoy being “Labor-Papa”. Shan the Man, I very much appreciate that you have successfully completed your PhD without blowing me up! Pepels, one Cactus evening I asked Rob for a drinking, nonsmoking labmate and a few months later I got one! It’s been too short, but I hope you enjoy our old apartment as much as we did! There are a few other friends I made while in Eindhoven that I’d like to thank: Bahar (DPD-roomie and culinary extraordinaire), Jérôme (gossip-buddy), MC (who’d a thought we’d meet again), Inge and Martin O (the SPC helpdesk), Erik (long live the PandA project), Judith (my fair-weather friend), Mark (HFL), Niels (CCT-addict), and Shona, Vanessa and Nsem (with whom I tried to regain my ability to speak English). Thank you to all my other friends, in the UK and further afield who helped me get this far and always encouraged me. Finally I’d like to thank Mum, Dad, Lu and the rest of my family, for supporting me though all the long years of education which finally led me to this point. And Gijs, thanks for motivating me when I needed it and for everything else. Gemma 157 CURRICULUM VITAE Gemma Claire Sanders was born on 30th July 1986 in Colchester, UK. After completing her school education at King Edward VI School in Bury St Edmunds in 2004, she studied Chemistry at Durham University. In 2007 she carried out a one year industrial placement as part of her Master’s degree at ICI Paints in Slough, UK. Her research project was entitled: ‘Novel Polymer Synthesis and Evaluation for Use in Waterborne Coatings’ and was carried out under the supervision of Dr Manish Sakar and Dr Ezat Khosravi. In 2008 she graduated from Durham University with Master in Chemistry (Industrial Route) awarded with a second class honours, upper division (2:1) degree. In September 2008, Gemma commenced her PhD under the supervision of prof.dr. Cor Koning, prof.dr. Alex van Herk, dr.ir Hans Heuts and dr. Rob Duchateau, the results of which are presented in this thesis. Since June 2012, Gemma has been employed at BASF SE in Ludwigshafen, Germany. 158 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Gemma C. Sanders, Timo J.J. Sciarone, Hanneke M.L. Lambermont-Thijs, Robbert Duchateau, Johan P.A. Heuts; Methacrylic Stereoblock Copolymers via the Combination of Catalytic Chain Transfer and Anionic Polymerization, Macromolecules, 2011, 44, 9517. Gemma C. Sanders, Bas G.P. van Ravensteijn, Johan P.A. Heuts, Robbert Duchateau; The Copolymerisation Behaviour of Epoxidised Catalytic Chain Transfer Polymerisationderived Macromonomers, Polymer Chemistry, 2012, 3, 2200. Jérôme Mazzolini, Gemma C. Sanders, Vincent Monteil, Johan P. A. Heuts, Robbert Duchateau, Didier Gigmes, Denis Bertin, Franck D’Agosto, Christophe Boisson; Polyethylene End-Functionalization Using Polyethylenes Containing Thiol EndFunctionalities, Polymer Chemistry, 2012, DOI: 10.1039/c2py20199b. Gemma C. Sanders, Robbert Duchateau, Ching Yeh Lin, Michelle L. Coote, Johan P.A. Heuts, Styrene-Maleic Anhydride Copolymers via Catalytic Chain Transfer Polymerisation; Macromolecules, 2012, DOI: 10.1021/ma301161u. Gemma C. Sanders, Jérôme Mazzolini, Franck D’Agosto, Christophe Boisson, Johan P. A. Heuts, Robert Duchateau, Block Copolymers using Thiol-terminated Polyethylenes as Chain Transfer Agents, In preparation. 159
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