Diwali (23 rd October) From Darkness to light … Diwali, a.k.a Deepavali is a major Indian festival spread over 5 days that is very significant in Hinduism known as the "Festival of Lights," it symbolizes the victory of good over evil, and lamps (diyas) are lit as a sign of celebration and hope for humankind. "Regardless of the explanations one prefers, what the festival of lights really stands for today is a reaffirmation of hope, a renewed commitment to friendship and goodwill, and a religiously sanctioned celebration of the simple — and some not so simple — joys of life." Before we continue with this most humble rendition of Deepavali by the mercy of our most loving and merciful Mother Sarasvati we yet again read in the papers and we have received so many calls and emails on “When are we supposed to celebrate Diwali this year”. I am sure you have heard of this and we in this article are going to explain it in a rather simple yet dignified manner. Please note as you have read from the many articles that we send out we are totally against segregation we are fully for congregation regardless of one's color, creed, dialect, race and whatever else that is distasteful. OK to cut a rather long and tedious story short let’s get to the bottom of the Diwali issue. Please hold on to your seats because the information that you are going to read is going to be rather shocking to say the least. Firstly there is no such word as Hindu (Hinduism). In the Vedic sastras there is no mention of the word Hinduism. The proper term is Sanathan Dharma (the Eternal way of life). Note I didn’t say religion because Sanathan Dharma not a religion it’s an exact science. There where two different cultures approximately 1500 years ago that was residing on the opposite sides of the INDUS River. Indus River if you don’t know cuts right through the middle of “modern” Pakistan. How the word Hindu came about is that the Muslim people from the west side of the INDUS River could not pronounce the word “indus” they said “hindus”. What I mean is that when they called the people that stayed across of the Indus River they called them Hindus and thus the name stuck. Hence from about 1500 years ago you would notice the word Hindu being mentioned rather often. (Stay with me I am getting to the point ). We Sanathanists have adapted a lot of things the Muslims do which is not really Sanathan. So Sanathan Dharma encompasses those of who speak Tamil, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Telegu etc. Now what really upset me is when the so called “elders” of the societies started using the term Tamil, Hindi, Gujarati for their own propagation. These are just dialects that’s all and these days it has become a platform to promote one’s ego. And mind you a really megaginomous ego. Oh “I am Tamil or Hindi”… where did “aham brahmaasmi (from the Brhad – aranyaka Upanishad 1.4.10) –“ I am not this body I am spirit soul ” – (The Soul b.t.w has no creed, caste, dialect, race etc attached to it) go to? It’s so frustrating to see people fight amongst themselves when they should be promoting peace, harmony and congregation amongst fellow Sanathanists rather than confusion, instability and segregation. So you see there is no Tamil Diwali or Hindi Diwali. Diwali is celebrated over 5 days but especially on Amavasya (new moon) night which falls on the 23rd October. I am sure you are shocked now aren’t you. Well we shall further discuss this below… To avoid confusion for now we shall for the time being call ourselves Hindus. When is Diwali this year: Deepavali is celebrated over a period of 5 days beginning from the 21st to 25th October. Amavasya (New Moon) starts on Wednesday the 22nd October @ 23h04 and ends on 23 rd October @ 23h55. Hence the darkest night of Kartik (Amavasya New/No Moon) falls on both the 22 nd and 23rd albeit on the 23rd October the dark moon ends at 23h55. Officially though Amavasya falls on the 23rd as when the sunrises on the 23rd Amavasya tithi (Vedic day) is transiting hence this day becomes Amavasya (New Moon) day. The puja and havan etc should be performed within the times provided in this paragraph. A Vedic day starts at any time in a Gregorian day, and a Gregorian day starts and ends at midnight. Because Diwali falls over 5 days, one can conclude that that one is free to observe Diwali on any of the 5 days depending on which of the significance one attaches to it, or one may observe all five days. The more the better I say. Diwali is one of the most popular and eagerly awaited Hindus festivals around the world. Hindus regard it as a celebration of life and use the occasion to strengthen family and social relationships. For Hindus it is one of the most important festivals, and beginning of the year in some Hindu calendars. The Deepavali lights represent the time when Shree Raam came back from the forest, and all in Ayodyhya lit lamps to welcome their most beloved Lord back home after fourteen years of exile. Many do believe that when the lamps are lit this helps Mother Lakshmi find her way into people's homes. Celebrations focus on lights and lamps, particularly traditional dipa or deeya (earthen lamp). Diwali is a colloquial name used in North India, while the festival is formally called Deepavali in South India. The Sanskrit word Deepavali means an array of lights that stands for victory of brightness over darkness. As the knowledge of Sanskrit diminished, the name was popularly modified to Diwali, especially in northern India. In South India, Diwali does not coincide with the beginning of a new year as South Indians Hindus follow a different calendar, the Shalivahana calender while in North India Hindus follow the Vikrama calendar, where it falls on the night of the new moon in the month of Kartik (this year this day falls on the 23rd October). Hindus find cause to celebrate this festival for different reasons: It commemorates the killing of Narakasura, an evil demon who created havoc and was killed by Lord Krishna Himself. Before Narakasura's death, he requested a boon from his mother (Mother Earth), that everyone should celebrate his death with colorful light. According to the Skanda Purana, Mother Parvati observed 21 days of austerity starting from ashtami of shukla paksha (eighth day of the waxing period of moon) to get half of the body of her dear husband Lord Shiva. This vrat (austerity) is known as Kedhara Vrata. Deepavali is the completion day of this austerity. This is the day Lord Shiva accepted Mother Parvati into the left half of his form and appeared as Ardharishvara. Diwali also celebrates the return of Shree Ramachandra, King of Ayodhya, with His wife Sita and brother Shree Lakshmanji to Ayodhya from a war in which He killed the demon king Ravana. People lit oil lamps along the way to light Their path in the darkness. In Bhavishyottara and Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Diwali is associated with Bali Maharaja, who is allowed to return to earth once a year. The Five days of Diwali Diwali is celebrated over five days in most of India. All the days except Diwali are named using the designation in the Indian calendar. A lunar halfmonth is 15 days. Diwali as a newmoon day marks the last day of a 15day period. Diwali being festival of lights, across India people celebrate it via symbolic diyas or kandils (colorful paper lanterns) as an integral part of Diwali decorations. st 1) Dhantrayodashi or dhan teras (21 October ): Dhan means "wealth" and Trayodashi means "13th day". Thus, as the name implies, this day falls on the 13th day of the second half of the dark lunar month. Akash Deepa Dhan is performed on this day. AKASH DEEP DHAN PUJA PROPER: This puja/prayer is dedicated to the Supreme couple Shree LakshmiNarayana/Vishnu. It is performed in the evening (after sunset). (Credit: Some of the info on Akash Deep Dhan provided by S. Mewa) Requirements for this special Puja are as follows: 8 small clay lamps (diya) with oil or ghee & wicks for Mother Lakshmi Devi. 1 large Clay lamp (diya) with oil or ghee & a wick for Lord Narayan/Vishnu. One small lota Milk, 9 betel leaves, 3 whole flowers, Sweets (like Jalebi, Laddo, Channa Magaj, etc), Chandan (Sandalwood paste). PROCEDURE / PREPARATION : In a large rectangular tray, arrange the 9 betel leaves and lamps like the picture on the next page. EAST WEST Now dot the outside of each diya with chandan. Place the small clay lamps on the betel leaves, in a circle in 8 directions and the large clay lamp in the centre of the tray. Place the flower petals, sweets and a small lota milk on the tray. Next light the diyas inside the house or outside. Next take the tray outside one's home and in the open area and place in a clean area under the skies. Now recite the following mantra a few times or if you have a favored LakshmiNarayan mantra you can chant that mantra. Om Shree Hreem Kleem LakshmeeNaaraayanaaye Namah While chanting the above mantra offer the milk on a clean place. Leave the tray outside, overnight the following morning pick up the tray and keep the puja items under a tree. The 8 Diyas that are offered are to the 8 forms of the Supreme Goddess Lakshmi devi. The eight types kinds of wealth are associated with Mother Lakshmi and they are: 1. Adi Lakshmi: The Main Goddess 2. Dhanya Lakshmi: Granary Wealth 3. Dhairya Lakshmi: Wealth of Patience 4. Gaja Lakshmi: Elephants, symbols of wealth 5. Santhana Lakshmi: Wealth of Progeny 6. Vijaya Lakshmi: Wealth of Victory 7. Vidya Lakshmi: Wealth of Knowledge 8. Dhana Lakshmi: Monetary Wealth THE DHANWANTARI PUJA (Dhan Teras) Dhan Trayodashi is also performed today. Dhanteras or Dhantrayodashi is observed two days before Diwali in many parts of North India. The day is dedicated to Lord Dhanvantari, the physician of the Celestials. There is no straight forward answer to what to do on Dhan Teras or how to observe Dhanteras, as the rituals and celebrations vary from region to region in India. But Dipika is providing a general idea of what Hindu's do on Dhanteras. Dhanteras is considered a highly auspicious day to commence with new purchases and investments. Most complete their Diwali shopping on the day. The first lamps of Diwali are lit on the day as this day as well. Some Hindus hang up paper lanterns with festoons and send out the messages of the arrival of Diwali. Dhanteras is not all about material wealth it is also a time to develop spiritual wealth and family bonding. All family members arrive at ancestral home on this day. Grandparents and parents wait for the day as sons, daughters and grand children arrive from distant places. Dhanteras Puja constitutes the worshipping of Lord Dhanvantari on Dhanteras to ensure good health and freedom from of illness and the like, since the Lord is the physician of the Celestials. For the Puja proper: After having a bath proceed to your prayer place and then sit facing east wards. Have all the requirements for the Puja arranged beforehand on a tray. On your tray you should have the following: 1 large tray (to place all your puja items on that tray), another large rectangular tray, 1 banana leaf the size of your rectangular tray, 1 small Ganesh murti/picture, the laminated picture of Lord Dhanvantari (given above), a small bowl of sweet rice, a small lota/chumbu/cup add water with a small spoon, 3 incense sticks, one incense holder, 1 block of camphor, 1 box matches, a small clay lamp which should be placed on a saucer, 5 yellow flowers, a clay lamp on saucer lamp, 100g uncooked raw rice, 5 betel leaves, 3 turmeric sticks, 1 yellow flower garland. Next pour a little water into your hand from your small lota and sip it three times chanting "Om Vishnu" (Wash your hands after each Om Vishnu chant). Now wipe your hands. Anoint your third eye (the place between your eyebrows) with a chandan dot. Now offer Lord Ganesha 4 drops of water, chandan dot, sprinkle rice and then flower petals, offer one stick of incense (turn the incense around the murti/picture 7 times in a clockwise direction, and place in the incense holder, next offer the clay lamp on a saucer (which has a small piece of camphor in it, light it) and turn the lamp around the murti/picture 7 times in a clockwise direction, offer a spoon of sweet rice on a betel leaf and then finally offer the clay lamp (7 times around the picture) to end. Next pray to Lord Dhanvantari on this day of Dhanteras that being the Presiding Deity of health, that may He grant you (and your family) good health and freedom from of illness and the like. Now garland the picture of Lord Dhanvantari and then offer the Lord 4 drops of water, chandan dot, sprinkle rice and then flower petals, offer one stick of incense (turn the incense around the picture 7 times in a clockwise direction, and place in the incense holder, next offer the clay lamp on a saucer (which has a small piece of camphor in it, light it), then offer the 3 whole hurdi sticks and turn the lamp around the picture 7 times in a clockwise direction, offer a spoon of sweet rice on a betel leaf and then finally offer the clay lamp (7 times around the picture) to end. 2) Naraka Chaturdasi (22 nd October ): Chaturdasi is the fourteenth day on which demon Narakasura was killed. (The katha is given below). It signifies the victory of good over evil and light over darkness. In South India, this is the actual day of festivities. Also the Yamdeepa Daan is also performed on this night. Yamadeepadaan: Yamadeepadaan lamps are kept burning through the night in reverential adoration to Lord Yamaraj (the Lord Of Death) and prayers offered to him to keep away death and despair. A very interesting Katha about this day is attached to the sixteen year old son of King Hima. As per his janmakundali (birth horoscope) he was doomed to die by a snakebite on the fourth day of his marriage. On that fateful fourth day of his marriage his young wife did not allow him to sleep. She laid all the ornaments and lots of gold and silver coins in a big heap at the entrance of her husband's palatial room and lighted infinite numbers of lamps all over the place. After all these, she went on telling stories and singing songs so that her husband is not able to sleep. When Shree Yamaraj, arrived there appearing in form of a Serpent his eyes got blinded by the dazzle of those brilliant lights and he could not enter the Prince's chamber. So he climbed on top of the heap of the ornaments and coins and sat there whole night listening to the melodious songs. In the morning he quietly went away. Thus the young wife saved her husband from the clutches of death. Since then this day has been came to be known as the day of "Yamadeepadaan" and lamps are kept burning throughout the night in remembering Lord Yamaraj, the presiding deity of Death. Thirteen lamps made of wheat flour or clay lamps and lit with oil are placed outside the house, facing southwards (the direction of Lord Yamaraja’s abode), in the evening. A lamp is never kept facing southwards except on this day. Then, reciting the following mantra one should offer obeisance: "I offer these thirteen lamps to the son (Lord Yama) of the Sun deity (Surya), so that He liberates me from the clutches of death and bestows His blessings upon me." rd 3) DiwaliAmavasya (23 October ): The actual day of Diwali, is celebrated on the third day of the festival, when the moon completely wanes and total darkness sets in the night sky. *** There always seem to be some conflicting festival dates when the Hindu calendars are published esp. with regards to Diwali... Let me explain. Vedic times are totally different from the Gregorian times, which are followed by the westerners. Fortunately in 2014 Diwali's date is rather straightforward as compared to other years. The Vedic day starts at sunrise and ends sunrise the next morning. But the Gregorian day starts at midnight and ends the following midnight. Now Diwali is celebrated on the 15th day (Amavasya) of the dark moon in October/November. This year the 15th day (Amavasya) starts at 23h04 on the 22nd and ends at 23h55 on the 23rd. So the dark moon night will be on the 23rd October.Officially though Amavasya falls on the 23 rd as when the sunrises on the 23rd Amavasya tithi (Vedic day) is transiting hence this day becomes Amavasya (New Moon) day. Hindus wake up way before dawn as early as 04h00 in the morning, have a fragrant oil bath and wear new clothes. They light small lamps all around the house and draw elaborate rangolis (patterns) outside their homes. They perform pujas with offerings to Shree SitaRaam/RadhaKrishna/LakshmiNarayana, as He liberated the world from the demon Narakasura on this day. Taking a bath before sunrise, when the stars are still visible in the sky is equivalent to taking a bath in the Ganga River. Hence, when people greet each other in the morning, they ask "Have you performed your Ganga Snaanam?” (Well most of us are not in India so what you can do in this case purchase Ganga Water from your nearest puja shop and in a bucket pour a cap of Ganga water from the bottle and fill the bucket with normal water and have a bath… it’s the same thing as bathing in Mother Ganga herself). As this is a day of rejoicement, many will have very elaborate breakfasts and lunches and meet family and friends. In the evening, lamps are again lit and Mother Lakshmi is worshipped and offered special dishes. This being a no moon day (New moon/Amavasya), many will offer tarpana (offerings of water and sesame seeds) to their ancestors. This is from the Garuda Purana. Like Christmas in the West, Diwali is very much a time for buying and exchanging gifts. th 4) Govardhan Puja or also called Annakut (24 October), is celebrated as the day Shree Krishna defeated Lord Indradev. For Annakut a mountain of food (normally halva) is decorated symbolizing Govardhan Mountain lifted by Lord Krishna. On this day husbands present gifts to their wives. (A detailed artilce on Govardhan Puja is provided on www.dipika.org.za) th 5) Bhayiduj (25 October), on this day, brothers and sisters meet to express their love and affection for each other. Most Indian festivals bring together families; Bhaiduj brings together sisters and brothers, and is a significant festive day for them. This festival is ancient, and predates 'Raksha Bandhan' another brother sister festival being celebrated today. The celebrations vary in different regions: • • In South India, Naraka Chaturdashi is the main day. The main festival in North India is on Amavasya evening with Lakshmi Puja which is followed by lighting of oil lamps around the house. Three Diwali Kathas … Three of the Kathas of Diwali show the triumph of Good over Evil, and tell of the destruction of two monsters that preyed on humanity. The killing of Narakaasura: Narakasura was the evil king of Pragjyotishpur, near Nepal. He ruled with a reign of terror, abducted 16,000 daughters of the deva, and stole the earrings of Aditi, mother of the devas. The devas asked Lord Krishna for help, and after a mighty battle He killed the demon, freed the girls, and recovered the earrings. The rescue of the 16,000 girls is the origin of the story that Shree Krishna had 16,000 wives. After His victory Lord Krishna returned very early in the morning and was bathed and massaged with scented oils. Taking an early morning bath with oil is still a Diwali tradition. To read the full katha of the killing of Narakaasura please do visit www.dipika.org.za and the entire Katha is provided. The killing of the demon Ravana: Ravana, who had ten arms and ten heads, was the wicked king of the island of Shree Lanka, who kidnapped the wife of Shree Raam. Shree Raam had been in exile for 14 years because of a disagreement as to whether He or His brother should be the next king in Ayodhya. After a great battle Shree Raam killed Ravana demon and recovered Mother Sita. Shree Raam's return with Mother Sita to Ayodhya and His subsequent coronation as king is celebrated at Diwali. When Shree Raam and Mother Sita first returned to Ayodhya it was a dark moonless night and they couldn't see where they were going. Their people put little lamps outside their houses so that the new king and queen could find Their way, thus beginning the tradition of the festival of lights. The Katha of Bali Maharaj: In the Srimad Bhagavatam 8th canto chapters 1523 narrates the katha of Bali Maharaj and Lord Vamanadeva… You can view/read the entire katha on www.dipika.org.za in detail. But FYI we shall briefly narrate the katha… Bali Maharaj was born in a demon family and due to his penance he ruled over material creation including Mother Lakshmi. In the absence of Lakshmi Mata the world was deprived of their basic needs and suffered immensely. The devas approached Lord Vishnu who didn’t need much coaxing to incarnate to save the world… The Lord incarnated as the son of Aditidevi and the great sage Kashyapa Muni. Then the Lord known as Vamana (dwarf) deva approached Bali maharaja for three steps of land which Bali Maharaja immediately agreed despite being asked not to do so by his Guru. The Lord first step covered the entire surface of the world, and by extending His body He covered the entire sky. With His hands He covered all directions, and with His second footstep He covered the entire upper planetary system. Therefore there was no vacant place where He could take His third footstep. The Lord accepted Bali Maharaja’s defeat because he couldn’t deliver on his promise and was sent to planet Sutala. When this happened Mother Lakshmi and all the Devi’s and Deva’s were released and order restored. This happened on Diwali day. How to observe this extremely auspicious day: After you have taken a bath early in the morning and wearing clean clothes go to your prayer place and offer incense, lamp and flowers (all seven times in a clockwise around the picture of Shree SitaRaam. After that all the food that has been prepared should be offered first to Shree SitaRaam. Leave the unoffered food before Their Lordships to bless and after about 10 minutes remove from the prayer place and then that prashad (blessed food) is for all to eat. But most importantly enjoy these 5 days. These five days one should not consume any meat. A bit of controversy to end. Many will email us asking but we cannot take 5 days off from work. Yes we are aware of that. I cannot understand why this is such a big issue. You can choose any of the 5 days. Yes many will choose the 3rd but we got to look at the bigger picture and that this is a time for joy and celebrations. We should be proud other religions have one main day we have 5 main days to celebrate Diwali. Wow its makes you feel great to be a Hindu now. J DISCLAIMER: Do note that Dipika is not affiliated to any Hindu group or organization. We at Dipika choose to remain an independent repository of spiritual advice. We appreciate that there are variances between organisations and humbly request that if our views differ from yours that you respect our decision not to conform to the prescripts of your particular organisation. We remain committed to spiritual advice which is based on scripture. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article. We pray that this article will assist you in some way and we also pray that it helps you to appreciate the beauty and remarkable foresight of our ancient Hindu culture. We wish to educate all readers and demystify the path of Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma). Please feel free to share these articles with friends and family who do not have direct access to our website or articles. If you use the articles in any form including blogs and/or as part of other articles kindly credit our website as a source. We hope that the articles serve as a reference to you and your family when you need clarification of certain topics. Jai Hind... Jai Shree Radha Krsna. Please do visit our Website to receive more free information about our beautiful culture www.dipika.org.za Compiled for the upliftment of Sanathan Dharma Narottam das & Arjun Nandlal (Credit: Some of the info on Akash Deep Dhan provided by S. Mewa) Email [email protected]
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