LONDON, Oct. !!. LOY.I1L JJ.DDRESSES. Tbe Gazette of Tuestlay IlIght contalDs loyal Addresses to tbe Pnnce Itege:lt Irom the Mayor, AldermeD. Burgesses. (Jommon· alty, 01 Great Yarmoutb, aDd from the 10' habitants of the HUDdreds of B1a('kbeath,Sr.c. 10 both of which tbe most marked d"tc·.ta· lion I. expressed tif" the \\ icked and dtro CIOUS at:empts of seditiOUS and disaffected subjects ID ,arlOUS parts of hiS l\1aJesty" do. minIOns, now openly and '" oIVedly medlta. tmgthe sub\erslon of our laws and !;averu· ment,and the aanlbllation at once of all dl.· tlDctJOns of rank and the sacred IIgbts of property." The'y also a~ow the mdlgnalJOD and abborreDce with" hieh tbey v:ew .. the glarlag abuses of tbose dls'1ffeeted p"~O(l. \, bo, 01 1.lte, uncer the pretext of !!"CrchlOg an in\aluable prlvlle.;e, I.a\e convened meet· IDgs by IDfiamatory placards .lDd ad",rltse' ments, where tbev ha\e marched under thl! banners of sealtJO'i., and adtlre"sl'd tbelr fol. lal'lel"a m langua""e manifestly JO(ended to produce tumult and IDSII" eellon. By me~ns suc.h as tbese, by other more PrJ' ate aod m· ~ldJOus measures, and under the sl)eclous aifectatlon of Reform, I!octrines ha,e been prop Igated amongst th., and un\\ ry, dIrectly calculated to conlollnd the db' tmctlOns of CIVil hf.., and de"tlo) the" Icred Institutions of our anccstt'r~, tbl ough the In strumectallty of treason ~nd I ,,!lelhon, for WhICh, as It appears. lar.;!! p.lrtles 01 the de,uded populace ha,e actualhbeell tramed by mllttary drilllD!!S in·s" Alld fin •• ay. D , • IJ tll'lY pie d gl: themselves' .n enforce, to t e utmust oftb~" po\\"r, th~ due execullvn of tbe laws agalDst all nho, by th"" wrJtmgs, or otherWise, shall end<lDg~r the public tranquility by tbClr cadea'ours to IOclte the Ig norant and the poor to acts uf SC(litlOn .lOd \ iolenee. a-I '\Iegany mounums. '1 he amount of pol·tical .n!luenc" and consIderatIOn:, ID the old .Ial••• partIcularly m the mIddle and the eas'ern states, w III herc~lter depend upon the gradual JOcre:!Se of populltlon ::.nd the "e"llh III the comnlumt), and the IDtes-Clt> and talents 01 lhe men employ. edlD public hie The IIIcrease of populatIOn WIll probably be small,ooD,parcd "Itll the west. em st"te.; though we tbmk there IS at lealot a partlalo;hec!; g,ven to the tIde of em lgr4tlon lrom the .,.... t to tne west Tbe experiments and ImpIO\emen!- tliat are makmg JO agrlcul. ture. to,;elber "llh the numerous and solId "d· v~nlul;cs wblch tbe old settle I,enl. beyond" qs:aeS\lun possess o~er the new as It the .late at socletv and thecomlor1.:md enjoyments ofhle,areundnubteulv producmg theIr lIalllr&1 and proper eflecls Yet, It IS to be e:tpected, tbat lhe lalge IInp~rlatlons of foreIgners, and many adventurous SpirIts at bome, WIll find theIr way to the new countries •.md carry tbe settlements to a stIli greater :md greater ""tenl Thus sItuated, the mIddle and ea.tern .tates posse.. a greatc()mmon abJ,'ct wblch IS "orthy 01 their mo.t serIous atteJltlOO-one whIch WIll have an Impollant miluence- upon the .. I"tllre politic II slandlllS' m the national confedel'ac)lit!! memt u alrzcl regard to the talents CluJ clwracIff oj lb. mOIl 'WI...hlll at at lIme' "presfmt t/,etJI .'. lhe "a',or-al k!Jl8lature 1 he old hnes of par. ty dlS'h1Ctloo are e.sent,ally broken down and dest,o,,,d \\'e scarcdy near the subJecls, whIch once d" Ided the lIa1l0n IOto W"II.1 and an,mated secll~n., mentIoned Jo:ven the n~mes under whIch the) formerly '" Ie arrayet! are laId :..,de-the pomts ofpollr.y Ivr" hlCh, under It ese names, doe) so manlully contenlied, II \\e been l"lt:l~r silell1l) adopted, ''', by mutua.1 COIIsent ,.bantioned-,be general PO,ltICS of tile na· tl.ou are p;accable, and to a 1:00<1 degree barmo. naou......... r[ I} mamt:lIn our ground, and support OUI standtllg, wbat "e "ant m num!>ers should be m .de lip til characler-our mfluence wIn ne,'cI be iost. If \.c a' ul ourselves of tbe se~VI ces of onr "blest IIld most VU luaUS men In tblb pomt 01 VIe", Ihe subj~ct IS Wlthlll our own control. We hav~ men III all our stales of the hlgbest respectablht) for II\tegrlty and ablhtyIf we do Got appomt them to office. the lalllt ;s our 0\\ II. It IS the Dilly :node 11\ \\ Illch \\ e shall be lIble to counterbalance the Immense weIght of numbers wllb WblCh, beloJe many ) ears arc: passed. we sh 111 be oblIged to conte Id. 01 tnat mode We cannot be deprived, provld"d we are careh 1 to :1~a,l oursehes 01 Jl m the \Vol" above.mcntloned • Account5 from !.\l.idritl mention, that the En,;hsh Goveroment bDS r<,n,,\~ cd its propo· ~:ll to the COllrt of Spam, to ubtam, upon ceruun cObd,ttOns, the ccs~ioo of tbe Islnnd If Cuba. Tbe eorrespondeace betweeD London and l'iladrld i~ extlemely aell.e at this momeat, "hich seems to mdlcatc tbat hIghly Important aegociatlons ar.. on foot, Ext! act of a letter from a genlleman of the first hut they are Imolvl:d in mystery, and we respectablhty, dated ]o'ort Montgomelj, ne" Blakeley. (Alabama) 17tb October must wait" Ith patience till tlW" shall diS.. The Sundus!;,' and sloop DaVId, are bolh co~t:~ the z,ecret. dIscharging at Bbkdey. Mv frIend came dl' rect tn that place WIth hIS goods, owmg to the Th" following anecdote i... ery honordhlt! to the generous fpelmg5 of Manager Elliston: contrnuance of the y~llow fever at ;\foblle As 'rhe veteraa W eWltze~ "alted OD blm, a few I am not a behever ID cOllt~glon, 1 went IIlto Mob Ie last Thursdav, and found It certamly days smce, for the purpose of .0heltIng aa one oftbe most dIStressed lookmg towns [e'er engagement. He was mfurmed tbat b,s re- beheld Bllt three slnres \\ere then open, VIZ que~t could not be compli~d with, as h,s lie- !\I'Cusker 8; Cu SmIth' 'and 'Vlmehead, and un;; days had goae by. ., But," .ald Mr. Hallett's. A few e\enmgs ago, a S"~ng ot fel· Elliston, ., dec:lare OD the fund, to "hlcb you lows broke open Juw.on'. and some other stores. have contributed for 40 years, and, in ad· and took on wbat specIe bad been caltected for •htloa to tbe IDcome you Will derhe f~om the Bank. J WOUld stlil adVISe your friends not It,cansider me your debtor for £ol per to land ,,! Mob Ie tllI late In December,2s Dr. long as you lire." Tbe propOSition wasjoy· Ludlo\, IS of opmlon that the fevet' WIll opem" on strangers tIll late. I $uppose from 300 to.;oO fllUy acceded to. ~.ave dIed at MobIle. Among tbeSI"; sIDce my Saturday night, ,l m,m who was actJve in last. are D-. KlTb), Dr uwton and WIfe, old dll t:ctmg sume blll·sllckers to paste up noo- ~lr. Hemmg, Capr Artbur Post. Mrs OgiIen, conslimptlOn placards, to IDducl! indiViduals Mrs. Sack, Mrs LeWIS, Gad T. 'Vllhs, J\lr San. derson, edItor of the MobIle Gazette. and others, n'lt to dnDk malt or spirituuus liquors, was 100 :<:dIO"" to mentIon. Col Hopkms dlschar. followed by a tradesman mto a public·bouse ged 4S laborers in MobIle In J Illy or Augu. t, iD lo,ver \Yestmmster_ 'l'hls wortby friend onh tbree of whom were alIve last Thursdayto .. bstmence called for a pot of porter, Blakely has been "llllte heallhy. owm):', as 1 sup. which he soaD fiDlshed, and a fterwards had pose, to the pre' alence 01 northerly wlOds.'· two I;lasses of spirits aDd '''''ater. after which be- d~, to' po to I 6' oaa"'~--'''"''y.. wortk'!J Committee of abstillencc. D~TlUIC:rl'i!:E:_Jm~E;; _ E'XTRA.CT OF A LETTFoR \VILMr!<GTON, N CarolIna, Nov .. It 's w,th tbe-deepest regret th It we have to ... form you ef a dreadful conH:tgr:ttlon that b.." taken place In tbls unfortWlateu>wn 'I ,me Will not admit of a particular desCriptIon. we shall, brIefly, therefore stab". tbat a fire brooke out about half past two (hiS mornlllg, 111 ]),'ck streel near the riVet', extended up both SIdes of tbe street to Second.street. extended flom thence to Orange·street, from thence along north Side of Orange.street. \vest to the river, from thence up the river nortb to south ~Ide of Mar. ket street wharf, thence east on soutb sl\le of ~1arket street to front street, across Front st.-eet east to Second strect, and thence on west SIde of street. to the nortb SIde of Dock street laytng in :!Shes every bou.<e and warebouse i~ those fou. squares e:tcept that warehouse occu. pied by A. Tavlor, &: the lo"'er brIck warebouse belonglOgto H KelIy,J.::.q & thIS was done 10 the space of5bours,the flames "pread so rapIdly ow. 109 to the extreme and long perIod of dlj ",eatherwe have had, wbleh renderedthe shin. gled roof,. like tmder, that though conslderablc exertions were made, and sever:Jbollses blown up, It was ImpOSSible to stop Its progress. TIle wmd was at first allt,ut S. \V. but pro. I<lcntmUy vcered to N W. wblch arrested the fire, bad It crosse.! to tbe west SIde of M,,-ket street, we do not see what could ba'e saved the tow" W'e are sorry to sa)'. that the Presbytena" Cburch, lately bUIlt bv the inhabitants. a ,crv handsome and ornamental edIfice, \\;13 burnt to tbe ground. fa/mhes were d.nell JOIO tbe streets wnh barely their clothes. and tbe distress omong tbe p()orer s ..rt IS dreadful, and It IS to be hoped WIll e:.cite the commlser~tJon and Itberahty ot the bene, olent and the char. itable Tbe ~mount")f loss It is ImpOSSible to ascer. tain or even to conjecture, co"tslderable good•• ,V. I produce and furniture Is burnt and des. Iroyed, our SitUatIon bemg remote we pro, I. dentla,ly. escaped, 'ery few >essels m harbor. nOne IOJUred. BOlb the Bsnks, Episcopal Churcb,, To"'ll hall and Steam. mIll escaped The number af houses hurnL "ere about 200 You WIll probably have more det.tlled accounts IU a few days" In a particular manufactary in Manches· ter, in wbich much heat is employed, It is the custom to give the men a certain quan· tity of beer, ID addition to their weekly \\"ages. A few days ago, wben the hquor was dlstributea, the master, witb great good hu· mour, ordcred the foreman to gi'l'e it as usual to all tbe men, excep~ one, wbom he nam· o'd, and wbo was preseDt,' for you see." says be, "he is a Hunt's man. by his hat. and they have forswortl all liquor but water. I WIsh you all wore wbite hats, it ,,,ould be a great sa\ing to me."-" By --," instantly replIed tbe Radical," if thO:! is to be the case, I'll take my bat to be ayed directly, for I'll DOt lose my driDk." Afler dcspatchtngslxt>.tw') thousand dona=-s by bnd, Capt. Smllh fulIo""d With eIghty tbou· s:l.nd more. and wht:11 on tbt: roa.d neal Guer .. mez, he "as :lltacked hy a bod v of 50 armed men. under the comm Ind "i Lord Cochrane, who plundered DIm 01 tilt: whOle .. mount. m;ille hIm a prisoner, anc. conveyed hIm on hoa:d hIS Irl' gate. P,evJOus to "IIICh, on beIng questioned who tbe specIe belonged to, Capt. S:Ultb dl!Clo.r. ed, In wrltIog and on oatb, tbat It was Amertc:u. propel ty. and belonged wholly to the own.:rs of the i'rlacedoman's carl5o, cltlzcns 01 the UnIted Stat~s, Willie under confinement on board Lord C.'b ves~el, Capt. Smltb was com)Jl!lIt.d to sIgn" contrary declaratIOn, and (0 "") tIIat the prnper· ty W~ on Span!ih accounl HI::'> reasons tor so domg, wtre In ordtr"to regam I". liberty, m the hopes 01 savmg tbe 62,000 dollars the" on Ih" road. and to gct possessIon ot Ius vessel. (as Lord Cocnrane "ho "as gc\tmg- under way, tbreatened to takl: 111m to Mallllla, where hc <aId he bound) and under the convlct",1l lhat a document thus obtaIned, could be of 110 .. V.ful In a court o~ Justice. Capt. S "as U e t Ilb~rated. and lound Ihat willie he ha 1 beel' de' aIDed a pra.oner, IllS VelIsc! bad becn searched by Lord C.-hIS wra· tIDg desk been brokO:1I epen. anJ Ills pravate pa. pers 610len • aud that 11 e 62,OOf) dollal shan been put on bO:Jrd the Frencb bClg Gazela, WI:1. a \ Ie" to laud the same III .ome place of safety on the coa.t, uut Lord C (who had hIS sp,es on shore) g-e.tmg Inform ...tlon 01 tillS c,"cumst "'ce, captmed the GazllI" and took the specIe outand on the French capt"m'. retuslng to -<lecbre lhat It \\ .. Spanish properl}, he "as taken a prJsonel CO"" n lhe coast to 1':lIta, w hel e Joe was liberated on slgnmg sucb " certificate as Lord Cochr:me .hought proper to dlclate. Ih. Lordsbip, shortly .-.fter, :>ITIVed at Valpa. ralSO, "here hiS b'IOty Was d"ided betw.-eo loe Government 01 Ctllll, hlmselr, officers and cre" >. WIthout e'l'en thejorm of a trIal. Documents substantllltmg tbe abnve facts, were tlOllsmltted bv Copt. SmIth to Mr HIli, the Amencan VIce Corosul at ValparaISO. "as Pallud.uOl. NODTHAY.l'TOY., Nl)vember 9 "TlmtmIJza&e1 OIl! M4e Bomc IJthermclt. u" DIed, at I". house III Northampton. lmddenlJ. on the evenmg of Ibe 7th mst. the Hon. £XUB STRO"O, \:J.te Go,ernor of the C".nmonl>e"ltb of MassacllOselts, kg-cd scvent)-fi'e )esrs Dur'ng the Ssbbath pcecedmg 'he e' enn'g of Ius de.,n, he attended publIc worsh,p, apra. rently III h,s ubual health; but re:urmng home ,t Ihe closeofthe afternoon servIce. felt ashgbt spasmodIC paID 111 bls sbou Ider and breast. He thought httle oftbat howe- er, and took tea. "Ith bis famIly as usual_ About SIX .,'clock, feehn~ " recurrence of the ram, be retired to his bt:d nnd desIred that .. physlc,an mIght be called. I'resently hO\'evc-, t:le pam agam a!>ated, a<1d be conversed With h.s cb,ldren who \\ CI e pres. ellt, wllh IllS accustomed.c:heerfulness, remark. IIlg among otner thlOg'li, upon the mfirmltIes ot hodv to" hlch men ot' hiS ."lvanced age were sll"Ject - \bout se_en o'clock, be ag:lIn becam .. somewh.t dIstressed, and tbe phYSICIan, "bo "as then present, h"vlOg gIven hIm a few dro;>~ ot laudanum, he arose from bls bed WIth 1.he lIlti!nllon ot preparmg to retire for tbe night; walked WIthout asSIstance. whlcb he dechned. to the fire stde, spoke of a feehng of coldness, And almost lOst lOth, "Ithout tbe perceptible mo"on of a muscle, expired Thus tbe pubhc have to lament the death of annther PatT.oNf the r~.btt.un. another truly g-reut and good mull, \\ ho hdd ft:w superiors m tl.e age ot great men til wh,ch he ltved, and who has left few, If any, behmd hIm ' SPltI~(lFInD, Xo,ember 10 DIED in tbls town, on Monday last JO"J.TnA:; Sl'J.RUJ.WJ<. M. fro .lEt.3ll, " .. No wammg given !-uncer~tlious rat'! t A sudden rusb lrom life's mer,rljan joys I A wl.., from all h" lov'd ' from all be "as t A restless bed of pam '" Dr S. vlsIle<l a patient on Saturihymo"ung. and was a pallent h,miClf m the afternoon_ Tbe qll:lhtles wblch rendered hIm dear and valuable ID the dOnY_stlc relatIons ot busliand.rid iallter are too sacred for the columns of a newspape·. Our socIety, of whIch be but recently Sec:lme a memher, Will bear testimony that he was a dllr. gent student-a skilful phYSICian-an hOliest mal' and a pract,cal chClstlan. HIS mIld and courteous manners-hIS ~nerou. and bene.o. lent GlspD.;ltlon, and bL~ exemplary liie, had ",. -en us pleasing hopes of h,s future usefuloe~s and emmence. and It,d secured the friendship ol:lU lit the Circle of Ius acquamtance. Long sball \\e remember 111m and lament the early arrival of the messenget who- summoned him bence. H To Dry Goods Dealers. oms. 'Jf East-Windsor, ga'l'e the rIght ha:ld of fel1owsll1p. Rev MrF.'rdll.d,ot E",l Hartfurd, m:ule' he concludmg prayer. Tile day WaS oJer, favor:lble, and a numerous concourse ot peopl~ attended the solemn.tlcs With 6I'C:J.t decency aau propriety of conduct. .I"ltrror EXPLOSION -E~rly cn Saturday mornIng. the GIn tnst the exte"s"e Powder Manuiactory, belor.,.lIIg to Jared :\I.lIs,]r 11 Caotod.tooldire, .oS It IS supposed, from the frIctIon of (he m3chlDery. Beiore Ihe fire Was dlsco,ered. It com· ruumcated to the powder, "hlch '" the Imll. and In "II adjolmnS'. amounled to about 400 barrels fhe explOSIOn was of CnUl'Se Ire· Int:udo\ls, ;.Ina \Vas dlstlocth telt and heard In thl' Cltl On" of the "urk:nen haJjust enter.d the th-e>~olu of the door at the moment 01 tbe ex plos Ion, anD "as su s,,,erely wounded thai he has .1I1ce dIed A slm lar explo>lon took place at tloe ",me mallulactory. a bule more lhan a) eal sInce Ib II~ DIED-In tbls CIty, ilIlss Ehzabetb L.ffing. well, aged 28. ~!rs.-- Barrell, "Ifeol Jame. 3al ret~. DlJo~D-At Wmchesler, on the 29tb ult :Jame., SOn ot Mr. Janu" Bragg. on the 1st fnst. of • cancer. Mr Rn~er noot, aged 83; formerlv III South\Hck, (M. )-At :'>ew.ltaven, (Illmols,) ~lr.l"rc<lerIck W. Buell. aged 25, only slIn 01 Mr. PItt Buell, 01 Goshen, ID thIS State -At Mount.Vernnn. (Indlan3,) on the 28 h Sept. Ur Nathan J. BeTlI'e\!,lormerl) of Westnn. on tl'I5 Slate -~t !'\I'ontville, 'Vllham W Haughton. Esq ag,d 46 -!l.t HlImpton. 1\1", Mehl'abel Phelps, age.1 61 -At Beaufort, (S C) Henry \V ltogers.I~M} .agtd SI, late of Norwach, to thIS State.-A Sorwlcb. Mrs Mary L. Huntmg. ton,aged 46, "'Ife of Gen Ebenezer HuntlOg. ton. '\lr Ehphalet BaldWin, aged 32, MISS Sal· Iy 'VlIIsbIP. agerl 18, MISS PrISCIlla BlllIHP. .'ged 13 ..... r.llenry n.... bv. ~ged 18, son of Mr. Rufll5 D orby -At l\llddlc:town, :!II,ss Rosetta De,mmg, d.ughter O[ !llr Wm Dennmg. 01 Ha.erslra\\ -'\t Gleenfidd, (Ms) Mr Calvin L ~'1unn. a~o 51-At S'lmers, on the 5th Inst"""ph Abbett. "G'ed 46 He was mter· red wllb :n"'-"CIC honors. Ills fr",nds "'ere all hJS acqtr.l.llltauce, for he died \lIth-out an enemy. lie WlIS ~ moll strlcdy moral =d I\unesl, and "hat Is.smgular, he was born wlthm a few mIl"" 01 the place or hIS deatb, where he bas ll\ed twentv.three vears, and h.d not a relat 00 to at· tcnd lilm III Ii", SIckness, or to pav tbe liSt trlb. ute to hIS remalO. -At Nor-",:alk, l\lrs. M!Jry Be'ledlct, "l."ed 38, WIle of Mr. Ravmond Bene· dlct. Mrs Kezl.b Patnck. aged 42, wlf.. of Mr. Stephen PatClck, Callt. D3111<:1 'Butler,a. jred 51.-A. n:,ddm~. Mr;-- Barnum, wlCe of Mr D,md BaMIUm -rl.t _Stamford, ;\1rs. L\'wa Sberwood. Mr Davia ",mOlot -In Geor. g;a, Mr Pbllo'K D,bble. aged 26, ofNe'\'town. ID_thl,. .sta:te:-A~e.~-..e!4.. Mr,_ Gi:rs!iom Brown,aged 60 -In H"ncoc~ counth{GeOrgta.) HIS ~ceJlency GOV', Rabun.-In I·enn>.)llvan"" Hon SImon Snyder. aged 60-, I:ue: go,e:nor ot tbat state - - On board a sloop, on hIS p:lSS"ge up tue Nortb river. 10lb lost. Hon Robert Jenk.nlS,m:l_' or oftlteclty of Hudson • - - In England, Mr~. Weeks. aged 82, the mother of 22 chIldren I Sbe bad attended tbe d .. hvery of 11,000 IOfant:; _~R d \ OJrlt'ty oj 6<:asouabh: ....'"1.. ~awt;, gOW"" O(WblCh are vi eJlr..U'4 thick- for -airing hard timber. G~rlD"o ~DtI en,toteel crosscut Saw•• • d cre,iJt. Woodcutters Saws ready framed. O'l11:\ZET RattInelt. & Pdh-e c1otll' .\ corople e a.sortm~ct of other SalVs, .3.lId :11: !ted, greco, y e,lolV and white t .annel.s. krnd. of J omers' Tool •• v, ..t:u BaIZeS, Ito~t BJuo!.ebi. A quaolit, of fine Eookbrnders Twi!l.,. F,oe and supt:rfiDe blue, black.l.: bro ....n Broad· Ca..t ,teel n, okb,nden; Krnves. cJ ,UI". 'Valkden·. ,:enUl!te Bntlsh Inkpo"der. Ca-.llllereS, slllgie and double wlll'd, as'orteu. I n;:h-h ~ Dut<b QUIlls, Slates &. slate PenCll!, SattlUct~, COlumbm nnd FOrrc,.l Cloth... !~(lolo; f'aper ot do ~anely of different quahhe:; 9·:; aud 6·4 Can.lmc, Lello &. Iud. uook 1I-luslin. LeU" ond \\ rappm!; Paper, :Ole,e Bottom •• L<I, ach'd and ilro",,, lush, JOen'. Bras" AnGlro" •• hr",. bead :>bonl and Tan;&, D'J. ])". GerW!:Ill'latJlIa.:;. .tll'l a l:tnt!ral a!"E-orUneot of IIouse FLlroJturc S,lk alld Cotton r;",brelJas. 1II tbe H lre hoe. Calacoe-, lmh PoplinS, Carhsle GlIIguaw·. E .. tri./. \b:n J ron Pfat~.., tD, for 5to'l: e P1t'e5 ( "--Iwer." ImItation alld ChUlti Sbawls. A ",,-ortmeut of .plated Hames. Fur. WIllie .. nd culor'd Bed Lace. nIture :Uld Saddlery, at reduced pnces. )ltus' .B~a.H:r Ghl1~CC;, aJ:~orted. A great 'l'anely of Table KDlves,Pen aDd Pock. Ladl.' GIO'CS, kid, .llk and ucaver. et EnHt:c:: at very loW' p"'ccs .. 34 and 4 4 oteall1 loom SbntlO!5s. ALSO, _ \VoC5ted HU'lerr, a ..ort.d. GOO J ards superfinp Kiddcrmm:;ter Carpeting ot 3~, 4, 4~ aDd 5 l' 4tk Pins and .;real l'ln<. sapenor <{oalil}. 4-4 aod 6·4 Dlmltl"'. 400 yard- of the ~rdlnary quality, fur .ale- at Black and c' I abbv VeI"'t •• rf:lluced: nnrt;s Cottoo. !lag and hlue hiliI'd BaDdaDDa.;. Hartford: (Conn.) S()\'. 15. 4t 60 Pocket H:lDdi,.'~. 111 breat yartet'.... Iuul ..uon Sb&!tlDg>_ JltJIHOG..UJ!' at J1.UC170X. II bIte and black '1 hule Lace. On Thwsaay, 13!h. in.U al 10 o'clo<k, tzI Brook. ilill. ,",raId. and GalJoon!. 1!J'1I, on Ludi,u;'s W[wif. Quahly and Coat Bllldmg. ~.39 logs Nisao Mahogany, her Ine and superfine Tape•• lD.!; the en1Jre car;;o ofth~ bn; Charles BobblDs, Bulton-, Silks aDd T'Hs! lately from ::-1. DomJOS'O ThIS Wood was fe. Dutch OJlduth., Su·pender., lected 00 the 'pot, b, a person oftbe trade,wbo WIIIl<, and colored CU(tOD Balls. eat from hence on purpo.e. It .. <aid bJ "ood LU1E~D Caulunc Lind Nuuti i hre..,dc:: .. Jud~ts to ],e one of tIle handsomest """,,rlments (;ountm~-h(Jute BOXt:E, kc. &c. of T"ble Wood, Mottle VeDie!'!', and Crutcbes, On CO"SIGl'i~JENT. th~t ",er carne to thIS m ..u'!<et. Terms at .ale. :'io. 1,2 and 3 Writing l' 'per. New-York, Nov 12. 1" .bm;lt and double Cro,,-n \VrappU1~. Bible, !;pe,l ug Eou!.: DUO MtulUw j'apt:r. Id'Dou;ell's Bible Questions, luG .b-. <trolllO 3cord jJlJ.X TWJQC J u.t rrc<'lvet! and for ""Ie by .s00 p.\lrs la,h~. p ..lent lined ,~loroceo Bo )t-, G. GOOD~VIN & SONS. ALSO, em ber 16. hv60 \ A regol" supply Gf FOK SAL!': • \Valer locID, brow!> allll toleach'u Smrtlng- a.~d By the sub,crlber at his .tere near the MeeliDg. Shet:tlD;". Hou·e ID tb.. North Soc...t} in Ea:.t.Wint!so~' 3-4 and 4 4 Apron CI.eck<. HilJ whole Stock in TTade, , GIC~haru:o.. Bt:"clllCX,"", Chambra~ R Weavlll':; Yarn fr~DI No. 6. to 16 COIl".tmg of card \Vare, Groceries, Dry :Oat~'n~tt, blUe, hleach'd and kClttlU;Yam" Good., Olc. A ],0, the S.""" Hou'e adJolcln~ Manufactured by .nd Land eon',-hng of about twenty-five ac~ The fIartf"rrl :Vlanutattunn.; Comphoy. ur :J!I~ p.. rt of th .., nccommodahono according No,. i5 60 to tbe WI hes of tbe parcba 'cr. • ISRAEL ALLE.~. NEW GOOD::,: East W IIlrl'~r, N"v 15 6(1 0,,"5 rs. B 'Jr. ~attn£ l!.1~1.. rt:centlJ fl.cel\ ~ «Co. JII am Street, _ H ... e ,..,.-.;entl]' rec~i\'ed and offer for 6Dle, ... QualltIty of ca.t cte~1 & German stecl MIll- arUrle:" l ur<.:h~J. ... cd wIth -':;.l~t, ~I.t Au(tion, whIch \\llh fd~ prtlJvuS block ore VlfC:ft:'d tin the W(lct fa,. ora.:".e it:rms Jo" c::c:;h or apptt.'\:" M \IUUEO-!\t MIddletown, Mr Henry S. Ward to MIS' HaJrlet S 'Vetmore. Mr Caleb C.,wles,ol Bc::-hn, til ~lJss Anna Ellon • ~Ir Am. ... Allen. of Sprmgfield, to MISS Mary SlzerA." L)me, Mr. James ~lt1eket. of Haddam, to M"s !\nn :l-lan",arren-At Durham, Mr Ehas "hiler, ofColeb-nok, to ~h.. Ruth A Stron~. lir Jolin Swathel.jr. to M,ss SophromCo'l RobInson -At Nc:w.Y..r!;:. \1r. Wllbam Michael. to MIS. Jane H •• t!, of Nc.rwalk.-At RIdgefield, Mr 'VIlli 1m 1..c1erto !l11's Sarah Abbott Sanford C,!uch to Mrs. Rebecca BI~hop • Mr Dav,d Edmonds, 10 M'as Luc) SmIth -At Sche. nectadJ. Ht:nr) E P)I'chp.on. Esq of New·H. ,en. to \lors ~1a.J Murdoel;; -At New.York, George Ho ,d:y, E,q Pres dellt of the Eagle Bank, N'e-A:-B:u;en, to MIS. !\1ary Ann Scarbo. :-ougb,daugbterof W W Woolse), E.&q.-At Nortb-!.\jJ!fi r<l, Mr Chas. W> Ihs Ailen. 01 New_ H1vcn. to i\lIss Lucy B. And;:"'ws -At Hamder.. !VIr. Alfrc:d Blissett. to M,ss CbloeG,lbe.t.-A' Llttle·Compton. (R I) Pardon Bro .. n. E.q ~t Gla.tenbury. to !,-lr. Ellzabetb Church. ~~a CHARLES SIGOURl\"EY ROBERi' WATK1Nl:50N, I "0' WALTER D. SMITH, OPi'OSlTE THl!: puST OFFICE. AS Ju<t receIVed a new 'u!,ply or DItY GOO])S, eOIlSJ·thlg of alm".t e'ery artlde ,ullable for the pre..,ot and appro ..cblll~ ea;' n, "llIcb he uffers unusually low far ca.lJ The arlrcle of Bombazct., It '" I clle'ed, low. er oy the pl~e or yard UI:U, ever ba'l'e beCli vf. fen-ti lD tiu~ marKet. Hartford, Nov. 15. 60 H SOAP and CAN D L E~ . 50 Box~s White Soap, su," fo. Clvlh Notice to Manufacturers. • ,t. T a i\Ieettug ut .he CJIIZt.":l9 OrBarff~d,-m_ ."1: tere.t~d In tloe Cllcoura;;ement of Domcr.tie .lauufacturI:!'. It "'as .. Rr:;(}l~fdJ ': hat the Cammlttee Dotify a ~eo eral m..a.... .!' of Ibt' delegates trom the "".erat tOWDS'lU thls.. !tare, and 5Qcb o(tbe De1gbbGT1D&: countlel'l of ..."a~s~cha!elt.5, as f~e: Inte""ested ill manufactllres." {or tbe parpo..e of urulmg- WIth lbuse In other "tates, {htl Vlog UJe ~ame View",) in is pelJb.oa (0 Congress lor rehef from th",r pres....t embarra.·.ments." said meetio~ will be bolden at toe City Hotel, In UJ1l; City. on W"does~a) the &th dAy of Dec. rrext, at 10 o'clock, ler's an-i PaP':r-:\laker':I us~ .. 20 boxes Scent.d Wblte Saar, for fam,ly use. • :.JrCQoon, at wluc.h a J:'enera.l 3tb~Dd~nce..1S zoe:'0 bo:xes Sha nog Soap. quc.led. WAIID \Voon:&R1DGE, ~ 100 bOlles Yellow Bar Soap HENRY 'EYJIIOrR, Com.. :'1ould and DIpped CANDLES 'VA.LT:E& ~IlTcn:eLL }o'or S .. le by Hartfor". N, 1'2 '60 NICHOLS I>: HUMPHREi, Wbo continue to pay Ca.<hfor Tried aDd R.oo,;h T,\LLOW on debvery. Family A,bes and Grease, ""d LarJ "anted,as lI'Ual. Har1f. rd :'<0'. 15. lw . ~ LU Li K, &{:. . . Rbls. superfine Richmonu and New·Yvrlc FLOUR. .I1lsa, Iln addilitmaL StLppl!J oj GROCERIES, J lI,t recC1reci and for sale by Hartford, Nov,mber 15. ~O C. ~ICHOLS. 60 LUMP 8UGAR. Boxes, 10 Casks Lump Suo ,;ar,Just rece" ed, for -ale by EDWARD WATKINSON. 6w60 ~ POltT OF HARTFORD. ~ lo.\TA:l~allzJ(:rl"'tely, :r; ;rount;:MiUJ·to " teach a dl.:ru:t Scb~ol. Ooe :who can c ,me v.ell recommeeded ior a !;Ood moi'aJ'Cha. mcter and competent to teach r"adieg', "ritJn)!, antillllt.iic. Ecghslt srammar and seograplo;r. WIll J'CC(:Jve gellerous .. ages. Apply t., JESSE S rANLY. CerIso, (~ew BrltaHJ"()("I":~) X .v. Ii.. ~w lX mODtll .. lruw \Ll:' ddt~art: ...J,l"nVt"d 'Y the b'm. court of I'r~bat -, for tbe dlStr,ct of r..a!'t-WJIld.or. f"r the ""ttlemeot of til" estate of El':Jalr. Elmer, late of I:.ast. WlDci'<lr, dece~_ ed: <\11 perso"" havID:: claim. "-I;aInst eatate are noUfied to e:thiblt them, prt)pe1'ly at. tested, w1thlll the Umo liDlltep, or Iher -.viii be debarred a recoveoy. A tl penop. IDdebted to saId estate are re<;oested to make _edillte payment to S~L EL:I!ER, Jr. Admicl.t'r. East-'VIDd'or, i'i(Jv. 2, 1819. 60 o IICB I· herehy ;;1\ cO to tbe creditor. of ~ tbe ,,<late of JO!iATH.4!!l HERRIcx, late of CO\cotry, deceaJ!ed, repreoented IDsolveet, that .. " months from tile dale bereo~i. bmited by tbe Hon. Court 01 Probate fol' the t!rstri....t of Hebron, for ""it:: credltor~ to exhib,t thetr claim" ~"'lI1~.t said estate to the sub.cnber.;, nppoIoted commlS<tvner< to receive and adJUst the same. We Will attend to the buCIDe.s of our appolut_ R1en~ lit tbe house of Johr. Clark, 00 the first Tue!Oday m December aDd May next, at 9 0" clock '\. If "n cach of'a1d days. Co/ ~a1 B .-.gluur., '2 • J arne> W71l1e, S CommlsSlOIlers. Co, entry, No\" 9, ;<l19. EO 1tH.. tio.. c.;ourt 01 Probate lor the WHnct of Waterbury hath allowed SIX moetbs from thi· date for tl:e creditors to the ""bte of ELAM ATW~TER,.llIte of PIJ11Ioatb, dcceal!ed, to exhlhlt thcIr (',a I!tis aga.-ust s:ud estate. AI' pe ... ons lI,debted ta s:m! estate are requested to make Immedlatt' pal meot. .WYLLYS ATWATER, Admin'r. Ply mouth, No .... 8. 1819. 60 S Nov. G -AlUl1n:D, sloops JuIJa.Ann. Crosb. FLOUH. Illmstable;; Hercul~, Par' kel", do, j,'lrleha, "lureer, New.York. Geol'!:e. superfine Alexandria Bbls. - - , Bamstable; scbl'S Hope, Balter, Yar. Flour. moutb. LllJe\, Huck, New.York. FrIendshIp. 10 half do do. • __• New.H:t\en • • Ioops None,. Fnrmer, Pro. JUbt received aed for .ale by CHESTElt SEPT £1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iv,dence. Volan~ Ste'er., New·York, schrs ~ORTO~ '" STOCKING. THE lU1DIC.I1L REFORMERS. CONNECTICUT COUR.I1NT. Hero, - - , Barnstable, Durcas Hawes, Cbose. Nn'l'. 16. 2w60 Tbe nlans of the Re\"oluMnists are in full do. operationtbroughout tbe couatry. One of For Alexandna Georgetou;n, HARTFORD, NOVEMBER 16 &i.kd, sloop D., 111, l'",,,e, New.Ha'l'en. 7 -Sailed, sloop ElIza.Ann, Snow.l.)artmou:h tbe meaDS adopted by tbe discontented, for The ~hooner ELIZA &: NA:>I(JY, tbe spread of sedition is, the employing the Legislature of New·Jr:rsey, NtnJ 2.-'l'be 8.-Saikd, sebrs. Ansoo, Treat. Charleston. T. WhIte, Jr. waster, ,VII. "",I the Rebecca.and.EIrzabetb. Wardwell, - - , sloop bawkers, aad flying stationers, to sing aDd 25tb Illstant, h3.s half her frel;;bt ea· House took up the resolutioD offered yesVolant. Sle'l'en$. Glas·e."tbury. ~ell sangs, ID honouroftbcir idol, Hunt.-a ...~n; fur, or pauagf', terday by Mr. Taylor, rdati> e to the prlDt· 9.~.I1rn'DI:d. sloops Su"port, Sno\V, Rocbe.· ,• .I1fuU, true, and correct List of the Names h ..vlU'; good accommodatIOn', apply on board, iug of the public bIlls during the sesston or ler. Excbange, - - - . do. syren, Grl." old., or to rif the Palriots butchered a.t Manchester, price NOR.TON $;; ::TOCKING. New.York, Paragun, !If' Cleave. do Mor""n.street, Nn,ember 15. !:!w60 only one penny," i, publickly crlcd in the the ICgJslature, and .he ~cas aDd n~s being StUled, sloops Industry, Ashley, New·London; streets; as IS also a large sbeet ofpaper con: For WIL.'IlI .....G: /J';ve, C. required therean, it \V.'S decided in the ar. RI.lng Star. LewIS. narnstable. taiaJOI; thc aames of the Manchester Yeo· 10 -.!lrr::ved, schr RIchmond, Waterman, Bl'ig SYDNEY~ C. p. firmatlve as follows. [Herefallows a list t1 manry. A new song has just made Its ap· RlchfD1)nd SmIth, .1 ...·ter, WIll -all about the yeas and na.ys] Yeas 2, NaY5 18. pearance, being 3 sort of Radical Fashion Sailed. sloop LIlley. lIuck,l\ew-York. the 25th of tbe present month: List m rhyme. The men are recommend· 12 -Satled, sloops Support, Snow,---; The proposals as explal',ed to the house For Ir I~bt or I"',,<age apply to ed in it to "ear "hite bats, WIth a green Darca.·JIawes, Chase, N.:w·Port. Faro, Haker, J OSrA.B SAGE, ~. Iddletowu tJ p. before thl: takmg the question were, I. I. band; and green rlhbands and gowns are reFalmouth per Hoases, c.r to BROvr.i aoa Wilson oifer.. d to pnnt the bIlls for eight .ilrn-ved, sloop Burdett, Games, New.York. ('ommeDded to the woml'n, as a proper SAVA.GE. Hartrord. hadge of their reformatioa I The son,; has dollars the sheet, and G,·or.;e Sherman of· Novemh(-r 15. just .been put IOta my bands; It IS cntatled fered to do tbew for sil\: dollal'$, OD typ" of J. It WOODBtUDGE and Co. PlautIJ of Peterloo, and tbe follolVlOg are a the same size; but the ClajoClty 'oted iD fa. fe,v of tbe ver~es_ EQUEST all persolls mdcolcd to t.!Jem to VO'lr of eight dollars ! make Immediate payment. The 10th day of Augus(, eighteen hundred and Hartinrd, :-Iov. 15. 60 OTICE " hereby grven, That I Rbooa Tbe abo\'e rare instance of economy ,,,e nineteen, 1 \V IlIlaJJtS, Guanhan tOe Marv ""illialllS J wt Puhh,/wf, and fer sale bg Tbere many a tbousand people m ever) road extracted from a New·Jersey paper. ID Cle:l.r.-Lorenzu L. \\ Illiams and Ralph 1". Williams: was seen, PETEl~ B. GI,E.ol.SON It CO. these hard times we- were qUIte at a 10.5 to mID Jr chIldren of 'Willes W,lhams, late of We_ Smoley From Stockport. OJdhsm, and Ashton, and oth. REPLY to tbe statemeDt of Mr. Darllel Ihersfield, d~cea.ed, have !hi> day filed my Pe~ er places too, account for thiS cODd uct ID the legIslature of Slnoky-.-Parker, In a lale pubhca'loo, entlll~'1 llUSTON, Nov 12 Utlon before the h~n. coart of probate {or the It was tbe largest Meetmg Reformers ever knelv. ., ProscnptJOn deheeated" By Jo.eph Har. that republican state. Can I~ be that tbi s -o.;;;~ Cate of 11ll: Bn!{ ,iJ.£acedo, dl<tnct of Hartford, ;:::>;;"'g for hbertv to ~ll Cborus -Now here'a to Hunl and Johnston. \ey, a Mlnls!er or the North AS'oclation of two certatn tract. of land, one of wh,ch pieces • The circumstances 'J.lendmg the late robbery elght-dallar geDtlI:maa was preferred be· --Clear. And all tnat takes Ibelr port, L,tchfield Cauetl.Pnce 25 ceots. 60 commItted by Lord Cochrane havmgexclted lylQg m SaId Wethersfield, the other in Glasten_ C"I';';ca~r-.-Aod tor our Rlgbts and LIbertIes, conSIderable soo...t,on. The foUowm'g statement cause he hdaags to a particular denommabury; bolh ID saId county of llartford, owlled We'll jam bot!l band and heart. 01 facts, from an autbentJc soqrce, may not be tion in religion or pohtJes-or because he is uy ':ud mlDoes as tenants 10 ~ommoo, both PICBrave Hunt h~ was appointed tbat day to take unacceptable to tbe publIC JAM.t:S R. WOODBRIDGE, CASH patd for RYE, dehvered at HolIl!ter'< ces contamInI; al»ut "'ght acres; 'Whicb peti1 seDato~ m the ~enate of the U. States' Is tbe chaIr, Tbe brig Macedonlan, Captatn Eliphalet mIl,s m Glastenbury, or at S~ymoar,' tJOn by o.<ler of >ald court IS "'~l;ned to be be:ird At one o'clock he d,d arrhe, our shouts did Smltll, sailed from Boston 10 Feb. 1818, bound It so that laws \~iIl be north £5 perceDt. 0ffers/oT Sale, (al Ihe Store latel!! ~rcup,ed by .ilJ.esSTS Woodbnclge 8; Talrot',) mil,s, Hartford. at the probale office In Hartford, On the sccolld rend tbe aIr , Ii .. the PaCIfic Ocean and Canton, WIth a cargo more wheD prlDted by a senator than wben 1 bale best I!;n~lish Feltings, BROWN and Sin' \GE. ~ronday of January lIellt, at:2 o'clock in the Some tIamsel8 f"lr, m white :md green, near the of dry goods, amountlllg to 120 000 dollars. ~ N ,vember 15. aiternoon, at "web time and place all penoD:; puhlished by a mere 'prmter , or that because hustmgs 8tood, After touch 109 at ValparaISO ana Coqmmbo, 1 " Flannel-, nssorted colors, 'WA!'o"TED al-o, a quantity of T ,\LLO'V el' aU:re.ted lI1"y appear aod ~ I:eard thereon. And httle dId we all expect to see such scenes (where some trIflIng sales were made) that f:entlemaa caD earn eIght dollars a daJ' 1 ca.."C supenor Sntholett., ther 'n the rou~h or reude ....d RHODA. WILLIAMS, Guardian ofbloo:l. Smith proceeded to Calla", tbe seaport ot Ltma. 1\ ben In hi' seat, tbat tberefore e\ ery sheet 1 " Amerlcao GJDgh:tm<, v.;e th rl 0 Now here's, &:c. ~ "Stnpes, ersficl. C;~;;;;~8'9". 6(1 _ where be sold hIS e"rgo to the agents of tbe he pnnts IS worth that mODey ? We would Scarcely had Hunt beg:J.n to .;:eak, tbree cheers Phllippme Company for 145,000 dollars. 1" " Check!', "'" Ju.t puhlisbed and for.rue by W·lck.Yarn, HE propnetors of the teoth Ma5sachu..oettJr 4 " was :111 the cry The exportatIon of specIe bemg prohibited I" helle. e any thing of this sort rather than TICkIDg', Peh'<e WaddlDg", Cotton Batts, GEORG~ GOODWIN & SONS, Turnpike Corpora:iOD, 'are berebjrllotllied that IVI"" 10 .hOIlt for 'We l,ttle kne-w, but st,ll .",e d.d neutral vessels at that time, Oile condItIon of the suppase that the legislature of New-Jel'llev comply. sale was, that the amount should be paId on ShIrting<, S!JeetJD~" alld Sewmg SIlks. THE F'.n.AR LrJ, ~'fERS' AL;!.-T AN; C their annual ruc,,\.lQZ wIll be h<JldeD at the dwel. bad become the hUtDble imitators of th;t .11 LSD, l lr.l.L:l..1.:A. , hog·hou"" of Asa Baud, E.a.. 10 Becket, CIII lIe SaW the enemIes surround, be firm, saId he, board the Macedonlan m Callao, at the risk of my friends, AD assoltment of cheap' I u<,day the 210t day of December ne,,!., at ten the purcbases, m other words tbe rIsk of con. ingeDlous legislature 1'1 hose Toleration was a Bllt Ilttl'!stlIl we dId el:pect the':- base and cru- III .hlpplDg the specIe was to be taken Silver and Gilt Watches, --'i", O'CIOC" In the for~Mo", for the followm; jlurpomade known to all1llen, by dr1'l'lag from their , I 'es, \Ix. 1. To choo.;e a Presideot, ViTec:tors, el (;nds. by them Nov 15. 60 O,-namrnt"! telth Il /uz.ndsorn':., cttlfor each mrmlh.. and otbe. ollicers or Ihe corooratroll fortlie year Now bere's,o.c. Pre, 10US to tbese condlfions bem&',' comphed doors the Constables o("tbe town, to make _:....::..:..:...:.::=---=W=-AN==='I""E='D=,--....,--...;.::...·I [Pn!,e I_b_ o'nts '1n~le-~7 perhundre<!.) eo.ulOg. Z fo exam,De and allow nc:cormtsThen to tbelr hateful work they went, and \\'Itb. tbe port of GaU"o \'1":15 blo"",,.aed by tbe room for faVOrite.> "no should do the same TAt:'iING Ihe uoual matter of an Almn wblch may be .exillbrted at ""Id meel.:Dg So Cluitan squadron, u~der Lord Cochrane, and all slang-bter dealt arounel. ~erHce under the more .:ourtly title of 1\resB I I 0 oac, and a ..el<:ctloo of u.eful expenmt:nts 1'0 ••.., If the corporat..,,, WIll a.•..,"" a tax ol1'Xl ~o tIme for flIght was gtVen us. 710 .I1ct at all the neutrals ordered out, wltb perm ..s on to go US lC S ats, In busblJldry, wltb h.nts, ob5ervatIous and '~I' tbe ,bol..". h>r tI.e pucpo"" o( pa,mg the debts to tbe port of Guermez, about 70 leagues nortb sengers of the House. 'Was read. 200 Bushels Potatoe', c'Jura;ement .to farmers, IIpon ti,e nature 01 DOW e" ..lm~ a,,,,mst them, and for the l'Uf?OSo But heaps on heaps was trampled do~n. some ofLlma. ~cr do. Chesuut ~od.,z, compo~ .. ~Dd manure!,- and the mo. . t utle- of rtpatnn,.: tht' road, 'W:.. .tf. Co tl"i!tlsact any On ~he nrrtval of the Macedonran at thiS port, INSTALLA.TION -On Wednesday the 3d "ounded and some dead !:!O do. \VnlcuM, ful and profitable crops. Also, ""!'SlOns the ollier 1,U>II.e.S which 1ZOlIJ be ~~ " • Copt SmIth had no otber means lett to get big lOstant, tile Rev Bela "ollogg Was msi.,lled tbe 8;c &.C &c ~O Barrers good :tpple', court,., mformatioll respedio<: probate bu<ioe.... < ud day. -1 roper 00: funds, except t:lkmg them b) land from LI:TIa to '[,"Isler of the rJlIrd Church and SOC1et~ In For wh,ch t!;e hllthe<t pnce ID CASH WIll b ... rcry USefUL to those enlrust,tlwuh the s;;[Jlcm/!'u P r ",der, Jos rr~ll:lm; Pro. Clerk. Mr HaIlock,ofCarnon From the JIi"e-",.1"ort; DQ,Iu.!ld G"ermez, to effect which WIth • ,fe.y. lIe ob. l-'~rmmgton. The oj ."fa,,,,; r:,tes of pO·I ....~e, "celpts and r~· L«nc,x. Nev. 8. lBH; p ;:;,,~O verl'"...ser tamed::t reg1l!ar pass m hiS own n tmt:, and a m.d,. the mlrOOIJ~torv prayer. Rev. Mr Po..,,,,; gIven, Ifotl'ered' Immedmtely. Apply to S LEDLn:, mark< \-~Iuable fur domestIc purpose-, .l.:c. ~c. I"J-'P. 4 __ ( ' X. ~ • The cstabllshmentof the new St:tte ofMame, perm ISS on f~om the Vlee limg, and haVing' 01 Farming'onJpreAeh~t'd the sermon,from , Cf. .... .11 ISO, U-J OJ .OO1)WL'V.," ~ONS will nav fimsbes the the expecbbOlls, and I:loses tI e settled b,s aecollnts, and received IllS I 3: Rev. D- Pcrkans of West.Hartford, m I it" or 00 bo~rd 'chooDcr Carohne, Capt. PallOer, U v " 'J l'ro~ect, of any future SimIlar ~ent on thIS suie (rom tbe Phlhppme Companv, all responMbult) (lie lIlstalbn~ pr3~"". Rev. Mr-. St:!bb,' 5.01 IJlll,t;at Lyman'. Wharl. Beers' and Allen's Almaoal", I.'asr. for C:' c!! ~ates.. a.."ld oilier;si"; .:of t ,e Poto:n:r.c, and I'~rhaps on tllls SIde the, on tbelr D:ttt ",as,of course, :In cr.d. ·Nes:.n.,en, gM'C the charS"'; 3co; i'tlr. Rob. iii a,' _ 1 ~ <;(1 JIl la'1;e and- .mall ,,'lItnbti'l'" :l;ing. 87 N w 4& "Y. A 1 R N A RYE. Asrricultu.ral Almanac. T· F 01 18(i)O C0::S t 500 *' Q, I .,f nev. I at === Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
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