319.385.3101 October 2014 NEWSLINE THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES STEM: The Foundation for Greatness IN THIS ISSUE... By Melissa Flowers 2 4 5 6 The CHAMBER NEWS MAIN STREET NEWS ADC NEWS CHAMBER NEWS HyVee Foods 1700 E. Washington St. Mount Pleasant, Iowa Wednesday, Oct. 1st 5:00-7:00 p.m. FEATURED INVESTOR Governor’s Southeast Region STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Advisory Board held its monthly meeting at the Mount Pleasant Middle School on Thursday, September 11. The Middle School Principal, Jason Martinez and community representatives from the AEA, extension office, school board, and Chamber office, welcomed the advisory board. The Southeast Region STEM Advisory Board is made up of 15 members from businesses and schools all over southeast Iowa, including Rockwell Collins, and Grant Wood AEA, The University of Iowa College of Engineering, and University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. The visitors started their meeting with a tour of the Middle School and spent time with the 8th grade students in Mrs. Laura Fernandez’s new science classroom. In 2013, Mount Pleasant Middle School was one of four schools in the state of Iowa to receive a STEM grant, to assist with the creation of a TILE (Transformation, Interaction, Learning, and Engagement) classroom. The TILE classroom has amenities that assist students with interactive learning, including: circular tables topped with dry erase boards, iPads and computers at each work center, color-coordinated chairs that shelve books on the bottom and swivel to allow for easy movement among group members, TV monitors at each work center, and one large 3D monitor. Mr. Link Davis mentioned he enjoyed a recent teacher externship at Lomont Molding. The Middle School hopes to have more externships and form partnerships within the business community. The purpose of externships is to give teachers the opportunity to go out in the community and get real world experiences they can take back and share in the classroom. This partnership is a win-win for both sides involved. Jason Bender, President of Lomont Molding quoted, “The community and its businesses can benefit by getting involved with the STEM program in our local schools. This type of program can prepare students more effectively for both post-secondary education and direct workforce experience. As a community we are fortunate to have many businesses that are in these fields, along with IWC that can aid in the development by working together with local schools and bridge the gap of skilled labor, thus helping to provide a path for all students.” I have had the privilege of visiting this TILE classroom multiple times in the past few weeks. Pictured above: Students use the technology in Mrs. Fernandez's TILE classroom. Photo credit to Amy Becker Photography See FLOWERS page 2 CHAMBER NEWS FLOWERS Continued from page 1 On September 10 when I visited Mrs. Fernandez’s students were participating in a research day. I witnessed the TV monitors go from blank Excel spreadsheets to full, as each group added their research data. Multiple groups are able to make changes to the spreadsheet at the same time. This data is visible to everyone in the room, which allows the teacher the opportunity to monitor what is going on in multiple groups without having to walk around. The MPCSD is looking for local businesses interested in sharing their expertise in the area of Robotics, Game Design, App. Design or Multimedia with the school district. The new TILE classrooms are the key differentiator for Mount Pleasant employers seeking to recruit talent in the workforce. The Chamber office is here to serve as a liaison between business and education. Please contact our office if your business could benefit from a partnership with the school district. CONNECTING BUSINESS WITH EDUCATION B st berfe o t k ar Pictured are members of the Governor's STEM Advisory Board visiting the Middle School's new TILE classrom Project Dogway Show Begins at 2:00 pm FREE Registration from 1:00-2:00 PM Prizes for top 3 in each category: Best Dog Costume * Look Alike Contest * Pet’s Got Talent 2014 Sunday, October 19 1:00-5:00 PM East Lake Park (Softball Diamonds) Vendor Show * Agility Course Henry County Veterinary Hospital PC www.hearthnhome.com PAGE 2 WWW.MOUNTPLEASANTIOWA.ORG 319-385-4600 www.walmart.com CHAMBER NEWS Making it Happen “There’s nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.” That quote by Lt. Col. James Doolittle is very fitting for Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Volunteers have historically been, and continue to be, the heart of our community. Volunteers work tirelessly to make positive things happen. For example, consider Mount Pleasant’s largest event of the year. Old Threshers is a successful tourism attraction that directly benefits our economy. This event’s success is attributed to the Old Threshers staff and the hundreds of volunteers donating thousands of hours. Everyone works together for a common cause. Old Threshers is an annual event, but that same volunteer spirit continues throughout the year. Consider the renovation of the Union Block Building. When the building was damaged by fire, community leaders realized that action had to be taken to save this historic building. A group of volunteers spearheaded that project, and raised the funds needed to revitalize this significant landmark. Not only is Union Block a vital part of our community and nation’s history, it also plays an important role in the future of downtown Mount Pleasant. Whether you volunteer for special projects like Union Block, or the many other worthy causes and organizations in our county, volunteers truly are the heart of our community and make positive things happen. Elizabeth Andrew gave a perfect description of volunteers when she stated, “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” This is true across all organizations, but I’d like to specifically focus on the Mount Pleasant Chamber Alliance. The staff at the Chamber is second to none, but they are a staff small in number. This is why volunteers are essential to fulfilling the mission of the Chamber Alliance. The individuals who volunteer have busy lives; however, they still make time to create a positive impact on our community. The boards of the Chamber of Commerce, Area Economic Development, Main Street and Tourism each consist of members who volunteer their time and talents to move our community forward. They work toward the Chamber Alliance mission to enhance the quality of life through economic growth. I have personally experienced this quality of life. I grew up in Mount Pleasant and I feel fortunate to live, work and raise my family here. There are many in our community who feel this same way. Whether you grew Shelley Doak up in Mount Pleasant or moved Chamber Board here later in life, we all take great President pride in this community and want to see it grow and thrive. Volunteering with the Chamber is one way to have an impact on the future of our community. By working together through the Chamber, we positively affect the quality of life for residents through economic growth. To have a successful Chamber Alliance, we need volunteers to grow the influence and reach of Chamber programs. So I encourage you to contact the Chamber and ask how you can get involved to make a positive impact in our community. The importance of volunteerism was summed up by Anthropologist Margaret Mead who said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” We are fortunate that Mount Pleasant has a long history of thoughtful, committed citizens whose volunteer efforts have made a difference. Let’s continue that tradition of volunteerism and make positive things happen for our community. New Members Weight Loss Center of Southeast Iowa 407 South White Street, Ste. 26 Mount Pleasant, IA 52641 319.385.6500 [email protected] Make an investment in your health by reaching your ideal weight. We can help. The Ideal Protein program works! We are located in the Henry County Health Center Medical Center Office Building. Call us today to learn how this program can work for you. Your diet coach, Marsha Laux, has lived with weight issues and can show you how the Ideal Protein program provides weight loss success. We will be there in your personal transformation-partners in your personal weight loss journey. Chuck & Linda Albright Chuck & Linda Albright Associate Members Chuck and Linda Albright are citizens of Mount Pleasant and our newest associate Chamber members. Chuck recently retired from nearly 20 years of education, as Agriculture Program Coordinator/Instructor at Southeastern Community College (SCC). Linda is the past Director of Community Health from Henry County Health Center (HCHC) and helped with the formation of Healthy Henry County Communities. ALLIANCE NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 MAIN STREET NEWS Union Block Ribbon Cutting August 28, 2014 October 23, 2014 Main Street, Mount Pleasant 5:00-7:00 Games, Bouncy House, Hayrack rides PAGE 4 October 16, 2014 Central Park 5:30 to 7:00 Pick up entry forms at the Chamber Alliance Office WWW.MOUNTPLEASANTIOWA.ORG ADC NEWS SAVE THE DATE! Henry County Supervisors Debate Candidates Marc Lindeen and Mary Hoyer Saturday, October 25th 9:00-10:00 A.M. Iowa Wesleyan College Chadwick Library International Room The statue of U.S. Senator James Harlan is home in Mount Pleasant, after more than a century in the United States Capitol Building. Photos of the statue unveiling ceremony at Iowa Wesleyan College were taken on Thursday, August 28, 2014. Special guests included Governor Branstad, Lt. Governor Reynolds and representatives from the the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs. Mount Pleasant's Got Talent Sunday, November 16, 2014 Stay tuned for details! ALLIANCE NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 5 PAGE CHAMBER NEWS LUNCH & LEARN Customer Service Get Ready for the Holiday’s! Wednesday, October 15 11:30 am-12:30 pm Guest Speakers: Tim Egli Access Energy Cooperative Conference Room 1800 West Washington Street, Mount Pleasant Karl Schaefer RSVP by Oct. 8 for lunch ($5 charge) at 319.385.3101 AMP met at Garrels Elk Ranch on Thursday, September 11. Over 15 in attendance enjoyed talking with guest presenters, Mayor Steve Brimhall and City Administrator, Brent Schleisman. Liz & Rich Garrels were great hosts and provided a campfire so all could enjoy s'mores and hot dogs over the fire. 319-385-2261 www.shottenkirktruckstop.com PAGE 6 WWW.MOUNTPLEASANTIOWA.ORG All the comforts of home ... without the worry! CHAMBER NEWS Cheers to 36 Years! By Ambassador, Alicia Yocum of Two Rivers Bank & Trust A sign reading “Grand Closing” hangs above the front doors of one of Mount Pleasant’s main street businesses. After 36 years, the Mount Pleasant community must say goodbye to a service oriented sales business known as Bezoni’s True Value. Buzz taught science for 13 years before deciding to fulfill a lifelong dream of owning a hardware store. So in 1978 Buzz and Barb Bezoni purchased Coast to Coast, sight unseen, to start their new adventure. From the beginning, Buzz’s goal was that his hardware store would have something for everyone. He definitely reached that goal because True Value always had something for everyone. From paint to plumbing to small engine repairs to vacuums Buzz could fix you up. Buzz built his business by knowing how to use his product and how to teach people how to use it. Everyone who walked into True Value could trust Buzz to get them the right product and to teach them how to use it. Buzz’s business plan was rather simple; he thought a businessperson needs to know two things—they must know what they have and how to use it. If they do that, word of mouth will bring people in. He thought that word of mouth was the key ingredient to being successful. Word of mouth always brought Buzz good customers that he built relationships with and networked with. As a former employee of Buzz’s, I can tell you Buzz holds teaching and learning dear to his heart. He must have taught by example because he was always one of the crew. From unloading the truck in 100 degree weather to shoveling the sidewalks when it was ten below, you could always find him right there. Many times there was at least one of his family members there as well. I remember working with Barb, his children, and grandchildren many times. Everyone lent a hand when it was needed. After 36 years of business, I’m sure Buzz will be happy to finally be able to relax because Buzz didn’t ever really take a day “off.” I will always appreciate Buzz and the opportunity to work for him. Buzz gave me my first “real” job and taught me about hard work and dedication by being a good example. I will be sad when he locks the doors for the last time. Bezoni’s True Value is a place that has helped Mount Pleasant through the years and it will truly be missed by the local contractors, the do-it yourselfers and the regular customers. It was a place you could go for the odd pieces or the unique items no one else had. I just want to say, “Thank you, Buzz for everything! Enjoy your time with your family! Here’s to the end of an era and a great Grand Closing!” NEWSLINE CHAMBER BOARD President Treasurer VP Business Dev. VP Community Dev. VP Organizational Dev. Shelley Doak Carla McNamee Jason Bender Paul Dennison Shelley Doak Mike Anderson Diane Barton Matthew Donnolly Mallory Henderson Chad Hudson Jeff Fedler Kat Niemann Jean Spiesz Regan Stoops Chris Van De Berg Ronda Whitney AREA DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION President David File Vice President Dan McCabe Mike Anderson Steve Brimhall Teri Bockting Robert Meyer Michelle Rosell JD Schimmelpfennig Brent Schleisman Gary See Robert Swindell Tom Wenstrand MAIN STREET BOARD President Schleisman Josh Maher Diane Barton Roger Beckman Ryan Duffie Elizabeth Garrels Morgan Hoenig Brian Jones Holly Jones Paula Kinney Brent STAFF MEMBERS Lisa Oetken, CMSM Main Street Director Pictured above is Buzz Bezoni, of Bezoni's TrueValue Melissa Flowers, CMA Membership & Small Business Growth Coordinator 319-385-3196 www.goodyearep.com ALLIANCE NEWSLETTER PAGE 7 Mount Pleasant Area Chamber Alliance 124 South Main Street Mount Pleasant, IA 52641 office: (319)385-3101 www.mountpleasantiowa.org PRST STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MOUNT PLEASANT IA PERMIT NO. 25 Health & Small Business Expo Wednesday, November 12 2-7pm at the Union Block Registration forms will be in the mail soon! Entry is $25 for members and $50 for non-memers. ALLIANCE CALENDAR October 2014 Wednesday, October 1 Alive After Five at Hy-Vee Foods, 5pm Wednesday, October 8 Ambassadors, 8am Look Local, 9am Wednesday, October 15 Lunch & Learn on "Customer Service" at Access Energy Cooperative, 12:00-1:00 pm Wednesday, October 15 Main Street Board Meeting, 5pm Thursday, October 16 Chamber Board Meeting, 7:30am Thursday, October 16 Main Street Chili Challenge, Central Park, 5:30-7:00 pm Sunday October 19 Barktoberfest & Healthy Henry County Communities 15th Anniversary Healthy Halloween Walk, East Lake Park, 1:00-5:00 pm Tuesday, October 21 Area Development Commission Board Meeting, 11:30am Thursday, October 23 Trick-or-Treat on Main, 5:00-7:00pm Wednesday, November 5 Alive After Five at the Union Block, hosted by Evening Rotary & Iris Dental, 5:00pm Wednesday, November 12 Healthy & Small Business Expo at the Union Block, 2:00-7:00pm Citizen of the Year The Mount Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce will recognize the 42nd Citizen of the Year for Mount Pleasant at its annual banquet on January 22, 2015. Now is the time to nominate deserving individuals for this prestigious distinction. Nominees should be citizens living and or working in the Mount Pleasant area who have contributed selfless service to the community and whose service and charitable activities bring distinction and quality to everyday life. If you wish to nominate a potential Citizen of the Year, submit an application via our website www.mountpleasantiowa.org, click on Mount Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce (under About Us Links) and then click Citizen of the Year to connect with the list of past nominees and current nomination form. You may also simply stop by at the Chamber office to pick up an application. Nominations are due by November 30th.
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