ZMANIM Earliest Time for Tzizit & Tefilin: 6:18 am Best time for Shema before: 9:54 am Earliest time for Mincha: 1:08 pm Earliest time for Arvit with Minyan: 5:02 pm Sunset (Shkia): 6:12 pm * * ZMANIM TIMES REFER TO SUNDAY Prayer Times & Events of The United Mashadi Jewish Community of America FRIDAY 23 TISHREI SIMCHAT TORAH Shaare Shalom 8:30 am 9:30 am Baruch Sh’Amar Early Minyan Mincha Oct 17 to 24 Ohr Esther 9:00 am OCT 17 Shaare Rachamim 9:30 am Sunny 70 55 Main & Middle Sanc 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Candle Lighting Before: 5:52 pm 6:00 pm * On Simcha Torah – No sitting in the Sukkah night & day. SIMCHAT TORAH BRACHA FOR YOUR CHILDREN Bring your children to Shaare Shalom, Ohr Esther or Shaare Rachamim so that they can receive a blessing (Mishaberach) under the large Tzitzit on Simchat Torah (Friday Oct 17th). Everyone who participates will receive a fantastic GOODY BAG (prepared by Mrs. Nili Aminoff & family) and sponsored by the Kordvani family. AUCTIONING OF BASKETS and HAKAFOT The annual ceremony of auctioning baskets & other Jewish articles will be held after reading the Torah. Sandwiches, drinks & fruits will be served. “Hakafot”, the singing & dancing with the Torah” will be after Musaf & Kiddush at Shaare Shalom,Ohr Esther and Shaare Rachamim. Special Services at the Home of Mr. & Mrs. Danny Zar Mr Danial Zar and Family will be hosting Rabbi Mordechay Kohanim for a special Simchat Torah celebration Friday October 17 at their home at 6 blue sea lane. Refreshments and drinks will be served .Mincha services will begin at 5:00 pm followed by Hakafot Kabalat Shabbat and Arvit Shel Shabbat. Sat Oct 18th, Baruch Sh’Amar will begin at 9:30 am. Everyone is invited to attend Third annual UMJCA Torah Raffle Smart Cars- Tickets to Israel – Fontainebleau Hilton and More Prizes Each ticket gets you six chances to win. For more information or purchase tickets please contact: Mika Hakimi (516) 225-1761, Kourosh Namdar (516) 263-9480 or any Gabbayim at our Synagogues 24 TISHREI SHABBAT OCT 18 BARUCH SH’AMAR Mashadi Jewish Center Ohr Esther Shaare Rahamim Early Minyan: 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am Main & Middle Minyan: 9:30 am Single’s Minyan: 9:30 am Youth Minyan: 9:30 am MINCHA Parashat Bereshit Late Arvit: 7:30 pm Stone Edition (Blue Cover) Living Torah (Purple Cover) Vagshal Publ (Red Cover) Sinai Publ. (Brown Cover) F. Hakim Edition (Persian Tr) Persian Tran (Ghermezian) SHABBAT ENDS: 6:59 pm Mostly Sunny 68/48 Mashadi Jewish Center Early Mincha: TBA MINCHA 5:30 pm Ohr Esther Shaare Rahamim Early Mincha: TBA Early Mincha: TBA 5:30 pm 5:30 pm ALL MINCHA SRVICES ARE FOLLOWED BY SEUDAH SHLISHIT Torah 2 2 1 3 1 11 Haftarah 1207 1262 660 297 486 21 25 TISHREI SUNDAY Shaare Shalom MYC Office Main Sanc: 8:30 am, Middle Sanc. 8:00 am, 8:30 am Main Sanc: 5:00 pm, Middle Sanctuary: 5:50 pm Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit OCT 19 Shaare Rahamim 9:00 am Partly Cloudy 54/41 Father and Son Minyan: 9:30 am at Shaare Shalom ■ Kohanim Minyan: 5:00 pm – Mincha + Arvit (only) ■ 98 Cuttermill Road, Room 284 N. (Namdar) at 5:45 pm (Mincha + Arvit ) - Room 444 S. at 1:45 pm (Mincha only) ■ 747 Middle Neck Rd, Room 206, 6:00 pm Mincha + Arvit ■ Mr. Zar’s Minyan, 1375 Broadway, 12th Floor: 4:00 pm. Mincha only ■ B.H Multi Minyan, 15 W. 46St, Floor 4, Mincha: 1:40 pm ■ Station Plaza: 7:00 pm Mincha + Arvit ADDITIONAL SHACHARIT MINCHA - ARVIT LOCATIONS 26 TISHREI MONDAY Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:25 am, Middle Sanc. 6:40 am, 8:05 am 5:50 pm (Mincha + Arvit) Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am 5:50 pm (Mincha + Arvit) Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:30 am, Middle Sanc. 7:00 am, 8:05 am, 5:50 pm (Mincha + Arvit) MYC Office 7:30 am --- OCT 21 Shaare Rahamim ----- Showers 57/45 OCT 22 MYC Office 7:30 am --- Shaare Rahamim ----- Partly Cloudy 55/41 29 TISHREI THURSDAY Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit Mostly Sunny 57/46 28 TISHREI WEDNESDAY Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit OCT 20 Shaare Rahamim 7:15 am -- 27 TISHREI TUESDAY Baruch Sh’Amar Mincha & Arvit MYC Office 7:15 am --- Shaare Shalom Main Sanc: 7:25 am, Middle Sanc. 6:40 am, 8:05 am, 5:50 pm (Mincha + Arvit) FRIDAY OCT 23 MYC Office 7:15 am --- Shaare Rahamim ----- Partly Cloudy 58/43 30 TISHREI OCT 24 ■ Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Shaare Shalom MYC Office Ohr Esther Baruch S h’Amar Main Sanc: 7:20 am, Middle Sanc. 6:40 am, 8:05 am 7:15 am ---Mincha + Arvit Main Sanc: 5:50 pm , Middle Sanc. 5:50 pm 5:50 pm 5:50 pm Candle Lighting: 5:42 pm Shaare Rahamim ---5:50 pm Partly Cloudy 62/58 The “Shabbat Project” comes to Great Neck Inspired by the Shabbat Project Global Initiative, twenty-one synagogues in Great Neck have united with more than 340 communities around the world to participate in the “Shabbat Project.” The “Shabbat Project” is a unique, international movement that aims to unite all Jews around the world by keeping one Shabbat together. The INTERNATIONAL SHABBAT PROJECT will take place on October 24-25, 2014, Parashat Noach. All synagogues of the UMJCA will participate in this historic, world-wide show of Jewish unity. The community’s Shabbat Project liaisons are planning a magical Shabbat for community members of all ages. For the Schedule, Programs, Events and Contacts of the “Shabbat Project” please refer to the flyers distributed at our Synagogues or go to Gym Minyan Shabbat Project Luncheon Join the Gym Minyan on Saturday, October 25th for our first ever Shabbat Project Luncheon! Lunch will be served in the gym at 2:00 PM for just $10 a person. For more information or to sign up please contact Adam Livi (516) 423-3787, Cody Hakimian (516) 244-4852, or David Hadjibay (516) 507-9232 The Shabbat Project - Dinner at Shiraz Date: Friday night October 24th - 7:00 (after Kanissa services) - Location: Shiraz Restaurant Price: $50 per adult, $28 per children under 10 (alcohol not included) Contact: Nancy Hakimian (516) 236-2522 [email protected]. Deadline to reserve: Tuesday October 21st. Limited to the first 150 people to sign up. Let us celebrate the Shabbat Project by having Friday night dinner together! Join us in a night of celebration, dinner and singing
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