ST. ANNE’S CHURCH PILLORY STREET NANTWICH. CW5 5SS Tel: 01270-625494 M hhh Email [email protected] Website www. Mass Times for this Saturday 3 Parish Priest: Rev. John P Daly Permanent Deacon: Rev. P Mascarenhas 19th October 2014 - 29th Sunday of the Year – A Mass Times for the Week Saturday 18th 6.30pm (Vigil) Donald Ross th Sunday 19 10.30am Parish & Shelagh March Monday 20th 10.00am Funeral Service – Mary Teresa O’Dougherty Tuesday 21st 8.45am Morning Prayer 9.00am Mr Charlie Russel Wednesday 22nd 9.00am William & Evelyn Davenport Thursday 23rd 8.45am Rosary 9.00am Pat & Teresa Monaghan Friday 24th 9.00am Celia & Jim Benoy Saturday 25th 6.30pm (Vigil) Ken & Dave Wilcox Sunday 26th 10.30am Parish & Lynn & Rob Sacrament of Reconciliation – Saturday 6.00pm or on request. TODAY IS MISSION SUNDAY Heavenly Father. On Mission Sunday may we rejoice in the opportunity to be missionaries of your love to our brothers and sisters acccross the world, in our prayers and kind offerings to mission, forever mindful of the words of your beloved Son, Jesus, who desires us to share His message with the world. Amen. DEATH Please pray for the repose of the soul of mary Teresa O’Dougherty who died this week. May she rest in peace. CLERGY EDUCATION & TRAINING FUND – SPECIAL COLLECTION next weekend the annual Collection for the Clergy Education and Training Fund will be held. On the training and formation of Priests, the future of the Diocese much depends. Special Envelopes are available for you to use. A leaflet about the fund is also available which explains how to make a regular donation to the Fund bt Standing Order, or how you can make your donation by cheque. It also explains how to take advantage of Gift Aid for your donations to the Fund. I ask that you give your support in whatever way is possible for the provision of the best formation for a new generation of priests. It is in every sense an investment for the future of the life and mission of the Diocese. With every good wish, Yours sincerely in Christ. + Mark. Bishop of Shrewsbury NANTWICH FOODBANK CHRISTMAS APPEAL TO CHURCHES Over the Christmas period Nantwich Foodbank supports clients identified by agencies with additional foods and fayre in the form of a Christmas parcel. To achieve this we need to gather extra provisions. Every Christmas Tesco supermarkets invite Foodbanks to have a presence in their stores to receive provisions given on the day by their customers. This December 4th, 5th & 6th Tesco Crewe have invited Nantwich Foodbank to collect food from their customers from 09.00 – 18.00. We appeal to anyone who would be willing to volunteer a couple of hours to help man this opportunity.During Christmas 2013, 52 clients received additional Christmas Fayre. We anticipate the demand in 2014 being greater than this and encourage anyone to offer time over these three days. If you can help please contact Jane Emery Nantwich Foodbank Project Manager: [email protected] or telephone: 07896 652209. THANK YOU Shirley Ecob would like to thank everybody who supported her recent Cancer Research Fayre. Thanks to you generosity £300 was raised. TRAINING DAY The Liturgy Commission invites all lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in Central Cheshire to a Training Day at St. Nicholas’ Catholic High School, Hartford, Northwiich CW8 1JW on 22nd November 10.30am-3.30pm. All Lectors and Extraordianry Ministers will be commissioned upon the completion of the training day within the Diocese. Please bring a packed lunch tea and coffee will be provided. For further information please contact Canon Jonathan Mitchell email [email protected] CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME continues on Thursday at 7.00 p.m. Please remember our young people in your prayers. CHILDREN SOCIETY BOXES are due to be emptied please bring them in as soon as possible. REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 9th NOVEMBER I would like a few people to come to help with the organisation of Mass on that day in remembrance of the Centenary of the start of World War 1. If anyone would like to help with the decorating of the church with any displays of family memorabilia, please contact me. DEPARTMENT FOR NEW EVANGELISATION (Shrewsbury Diocese) Third diocesan symposium, November 1st, Ellesmere Port High School, CH65 7AQ 10am-4pm. Concluding with Mass of Reconcilliation. Lunch will be provided. Introduction Welcome to our time together in prayer and worship. Today we come together to celebrate Mission Sunday. In his letter for this day, Pope Francis writes with his usual simplicity and directness: ‘Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ …. All the members of the Church are called to participate in this mission, for the Church is missionary by her very nature: she was born “to go forth”.’ As we know only too well, this proclamation, this handing on of the faith faces particular challenges today. Perhaps we have to begin again and it may be the best place to begin is with ourselves: how well do I know Jesus myself? HEADING FOR READINGS First Reading (Isa 45:1:4-6). The great exile in Babylon – 597 to 539 BC – was catastrophic for the Israelites. When eventually it did come to an end and it was possible once more to return to Judea and Jerusalem, the ruler who made all this happen was a foreigner, Cyrus, king of Persia. Not surprisingly, he was remembered with deepest gratitude. In our reading, God appoints Cyrus as the historical agent of his will. Second Reading. (1 Thess 1:1-5). We begin reading today form the earliest surviving Christian writing, the First Letter to the Thessalonians. At the time of writing, the Thessalonians were undergoing harassment and persecutuion. In his opening prayer, Paul reflects on their fabulous reception of his proclaiming of the Gospel. Gospel (Mt 22:15-21). Some supposed admirers try to trip up jesus and he very neatly turns the table on them. However, there is more to the scene than clever verbal battles, as we hear. Responsorial Psalm Give the Lord glory and power. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, Alleluia! Your word is truth, O Lord, concecrate us in the truth, Alleluia! ROTAS FOR NEXT WEEK Mass Reader Communion Ministers Altar Servers 6.30pm L Bullock AB & JK Elizabeth S, Matthew S, Niamh B 10.30am M Kay JP & MK Peter Ross S, Roisin S, Sam R Linen Rota From 12th October - Mrs C McKay Rosary Intention for the Coming Week The Luminous Mysteries Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Peace The Christian Community The Sick & Suffering Vocations Families Last Week’s Collection £969.87 Thank You THIS WEEK Tuesday – St. Vincent De Paul Society Meeting 6.30pm in the Parish Meeting Room. Tuesday – Pray the Rosary with the Rosa Mystica Prayer Group 11.45am in Church. MASSES Envelopes are available in the rack at the back of the church. Please print clearly. WELCOME If you are a visitor to St. Anne’s we invite you to sign our Visitor’s Book at the back of the church. NEW PARISHIONER? You are very welcome. Please complete a New Parishioner Form from the rack in our meeting room. Completed forms should be handed to an apparator or placed on the collection plate. Please ensure bags and valuables are not left unattended. Warning has come to us from the Nantwich Churches of thefts that have taken place. RC DIOCESE OF SHREWSBURY IS A REGISTERED CHARITY NO.23402
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