Greenlawn Baptist Church Columbia, South Carolina October 2014 Newsletter

Greenlawn Baptist Church
Columbia, South Carolina
October 2014
Traditions are a wonderful part of any congregation. Our annual
Homecoming at Greenlawn Baptist Church is always a special time for worship,
fellowship, and a delicious covered dish meal. Make plans to join us
at 11:00 on Sunday, October 12th, and celebrate with us!
This year, our guest speaker will be Chad Holbrook,
head baseball coach at the University of South Carolina.
We hope you will join us on this exciting day for worship and fellowship!
A new member of our church, Carol Elliott, has offered to do a seminar
for us concerning legal matters that virtually all of us will face at some point
in life. The seminar will focus mostly upon legal documents such as
Wills, Durable Power of Attorney, Health Care Directives, etc.
Carol has been an attorney for twenty-four years and her primary practice
includes family law, estates, and probate. Please consider how these topics
impact you and your family. Carol will be happy to answer your questions and
address your concerns. Her seminar is scheduled for Wednesday evening,
October 15th, at 6:30 in the South Wing. Please plan to attend.
Greenlawn’s 2nd Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser
to Benefit Children and Youth Ministries
Thank You to the Following Sponsors and Donors
Leigh Leventis – Sponsor 2 Holes
Eastside Printing – Hole Sponsor
McDougall & Self – Hole Sponsor
Re/Max Advantage – Hole Sponsor
Open Forum Sunday School Class – Hole Sponsor
Pizzeria Opa – Hole Sponsor
Lizard’s Thicket - Gift Certificates
Open Arms Sunday School Class – Monetary Donation
Tom & Peggy Gainey - Monetary and Prize Donations
Pizza Palace – Monetary Donation
Anonymous – Monetary Donation
Woodley’s Garden Center – Gift Certificate
The Backpacker and Tommy Brown – Gift Certificate and Prize Donation
GIO Turns and Jason Giovannone – Prize Donations
Electric Motor & Repair and Cade Love – Prize Donations
Jessica O’Shesky – Prize Donation
We would also like to say a special thank you to Steve’s Deli for donating the sandwiches
for the event, Eastside Printing for making the signs, and to the Fort Jackson Golf Course.
Thank you to the church members who reached out to the community to ask for sponsorships,
who donated prizes and money, who sponsored teams or individual players, who baked prizes
for the tournament, and for those who worked the event. It was an incredible success and
will help us to minister to our growing number of children and youth this year.
Together we raised
Photos By:
Bridget Kokolis
Phillip Jones
As the turtle says, “I can walk faster than these
Ft. Jackson golfers.” A great day for golf.
By: Phillip Jones
Seats Available on the M&M Trip to Charlotte
On Tuesday, October 28th, the M&M’s are going to Charlotte, NC. They will
visit the Charlotte Motor Speedway where they will participate in a “Feel the
Thrill Speedway Tour.” Then, it is on to the Billy Graham Library where they
will have a self-guided tour to learn about the life and times of Billy
Graham. Lunch will be enjoyed at the Billy Graham Library Dairy Bar.
There are still seats available if you would like to join them. Please contact
Ann at 788-3936 ASAP to make your reservations. They will leave the
church at 8:00 and travel by Capitol Tours Motorcoach. The cost of the trip
is $40.00 plus lunch.
Greenlawn’s Spooky Trail 2014
October 31st from 6:30-8:00
Please make plans to join us on Halloween night, October 31 st, in the Fellowship Hall for our
Spooky Trail. Downstairs, we will have games and food and the trail will be through the
classrooms upstairs. The trail will consist of a farm scene, pirates, monsters, a mad scientist
with a Frankenstein dummy, ghosts and skeletons, a graveyard, and fairies. Even though some
of the rooms seem a bit on the scary side, this event will be as kid friendly as possible. It
should be a great experience for all ages, so invite your friends and family to come along!
If you are interested in helping with our Spooky Trail, we still need volunteers to help us
make this event a success. An informational meeting will be held for all volunteers on
October 26th at 9:15 in the Fellowship Hall.
We also need plenty of individually wrapped candy to pass out to all of
the children. Please give your candy to Bridget or leave it in the church office.
The DIY (Do It Yourself) Party scheduled for Saturday, October 11th, has been cancelled.
If you have volunteered to help make items for our Spooky Trail,
please return them to the church by October 12th.
Need a Wreath?
In order to help fund our Spooky Trails,
we are selling 18 inch deco mesh wreaths.
They are $30 for a ribbon only wreath or
$35 with add-ons. We can make seasonal wreaths,
team colors, and everyday wreaths.
Please see Jessica O’Shesky, Bridget Kokolis, or the church office for order forms.
Thank you for your support of this project!
Chili Cook-Off & Pumpkin Carving
Please plan to join us on Wednesday, October 29th, at 5:45 in the Fellowship Hall.
We will be enjoying chili and carving pumpkins. The pumpkins will be used on the
Spooky Trail. Please bring your own tools for carving the pumpkins. We
would love to have everyone participate and help make this a fun event for all
ages! The cost to eat is a canned good for the Food Bank and the cost to judge
the contest is 5 cans. We will also do our grand reveal of Greenlawn’s Spooky
Trail for the adults to see! There will be no regular Wednesday Night Activities.
Calling All Ladies….
Are you looking for a way to serve our church and community? Do you enjoy getting together
with other ladies and going out to lunch? Do you enjoy crafts or sewing? Do you like to bake?
Or maybe you would be interested in helping with the Spouse House. If so, the WMU
needs you! We would love to have you join one of these groups:
ALICE THOMPSON MISSION GROUP: One reason you might like this group is that we
do not actually meet every month. We do our talking via email or phone. Every year, we have
taken on some kind of project to make money to help pay the
shipping cost for Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes and other needs that
come up. These projects included a vendor sponsored craft show,
yard sale, spaghetti luncheon, and cookbook sales.
One of our service projects has been making pillowcase dresses for Zimbabwe
and Haiti. We meet at least once a year at the church to work together on these,
but you can ask for a kit and work on them at home. Another project has been
crocheting and knitting. We made scarves for the Special Olympics one year and
fleece scarves for Transport for Christ, a Truckers’ Ministry. We have also been
crocheting or knitting hats and prayer shawls for cancer patients. Recently, we
have been meeting once a month at the church or in someone’s home to work on
these. This has been a fun and rewarding experience. The fellowship makes it
special, but you can make them at home if you choose. You can choose your own
pattern and get started or we will help you find one. Finished hats or shawls are left
in the office with a note attached saying we have prayed over this item for the
person who will receive it.
The group is responsible for organizing activities for Home Missions in March and supervising
activities for the months of February, March, April, and May. If this sounds like something you
would enjoy, please contact Barbara Lucas.
EDNA COTTON COOKIE MINISTRY: This is another group that does not have regular
meetings. We provide baked goods for a variety of groups and organizations within the church
and in the community. On several occasions, we have provided goodies for the local police and
fire departments, particularly during the holiday season. We have also provided treats for
Transport for Christ, the Truckers’ Ministry, the International Student Luncheon at USC, the
Women’s Prison Picnic, and State Fair workers. We have provided goodies for many church
activities through the year, such as Vacation Bible School. On occasion, we take cookies to
homebound members. We have 20 members now and would love more. All
members are never asked to provide baked goods at one time. Only 4 or 5
members are called for each event. If you enjoy baking and are interested in
being part of this ministry, please contact Jennifer Lundy.
third Tuesday of each month at various restaurants, where we conduct our
business and fellowship over lunch. We support the Women’s Shelter and
Transport for Christ, the Truckers’ Ministry, with monthly contributions and
donate supplies to Sistercare. In November, we attend the annual Women’s
Shelter Souper at Eastminster Presbyterian Church and take needed supplies
for the Women’s Shelter. We sponsor a child in Haiti by providing quarterly donations. Also,
we have adopted a veteran at the Dorn VA Hospital. We visit him, send cards regularly, and
take gifts on his birthday and for various holidays during the year.
In addition, we are very active in collecting, organizing, and packing items for the Prisoner
Packets and Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes. At Christmas, we are responsible for the Adopt-AVet program. We contact the VA to get a list of men that do not receive many, if any, visitors.
They are asked to give us a list of several items they would like for Christmas. We
put these requests on the Christmas tree and members of the congregation pick one
and buy the gift. Then, we collect the presents, sort, and deliver them to the men at
Christmas. This is a very moving and rewarding experience. The men enjoy the
visit as much as the presents.
We are responsible for organizing activities for International Missions in December and
supervising activities for the months of October, November, December, and January. If you are
interested in being a part of this ministry, contact Frances Grant or Linda Griffin.
EMILY LEE MISSION GROUP: This group sponsors the Greenlawn Spouse House,
coordinating with the Social Workers at the Dorn VA Hospital. The Spouse
House first opened in 1985 when Mrs. Emily was working at Dorn. She saw
firsthand, spouses and family members sleeping on chairs, floors, or wherever
they could find a place to rest. She realized that our church could provide
Christian ministry for these family members who were enduring stress and
grief, by providing an apartment. We started with one apartment, but there
was such a demand that a second one was added later. Family members are referred by the
hospital. Guest register books are in each apartment and most occupants leave a note about
what a great ministry the Spouse House is and how grateful they are to be able to stay.
Some members of the mission group are on call for the weekend or late night
check-ins if an emergency patient is admitted and the spouse needs a place to
stay. This group furnishes the apartments with linens, paper products, and
furnishings that are provided through donations from Veteran Groups,
Veterans Ladies Auxiliary Groups, former occupants, and church members.
They also coordinate the cleaning and the laundry.
This group meets every other month, excluding July and August. At the present time, we are
meeting at Mrs. Lee’s home so she can attend our meetings. We are also responsible for
organizing activities for State Missions in September and supervising activities for the months
of June, July, August, and September. If you would like to help with the Spouse House, contact
Sharon Davis.
All Mission Groups participate in church-wide activities such as Campbell Soup Labels, Food
Pantry, Women’s Prison Picnic, Pre-Fair Ministry, Prisoner Packets, Samaritans Purse
Shoeboxes, Adopt-A-Vet, and the International Student Luncheon. Each group also has a
Caring and Sharing List with names of four or five members that are homebound. The groups
are responsible for sending cards to these members. This is our way of letting them know that
we are thinking about them, even though they are not able to join us at church.
Please prayerfully consider joining one of these groups. It is a great way to get to
know other church members, while doing a wonderful Christian ministry.
A special thank you to those who helped provide food for the Women’s Prisoner
Picnic. Our church provided fried chicken, sandwiches, chips, and baked goods.
Prisoner’s Packets: Many of you have been bringing items for these packets, but we are still
short on some items. If you have not been able to go shopping, you can help by giving a small
donation. We will be asking for $5.00 donations later this month.
Postage Stamps: A postcard has been received from ‘Stamps for the Wounded’, which is part
of the Lions Club.
“We gratefully acknowledge your kind support of our program. Your contribution of
stamps will help cheer a hospitalized or out-patient veteran. We thank you on behalf
of those who will benefit from your generosity. We also thank you for your support
of our veterans.”
John M. Hotchner, Falls Church, VA.
We are still collecting postage stamps, first class, not prepaid. Please trim them to 1/4” around
the stamp and do not include the back of the envelope. You may leave them in the Church
Office or hand them to Mary Revels. Thank you!
Ramen Noodles/Soup
State Fair Ministry
Baptist Women’s Day of Prayer
Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes
Kellie Howle spent some time at National Health Care for therapy,
but she is better and has returned home. She still has some back
issues, so please continue to pray for her.
During September, Clyde Waters had open heart surgery. He is now home recuperating. Please
continue to remember him in your prayers.
Please pray for Maude Jordan’s neighbor, Loretta. She is back in the hospital.
Please remember the family of Marian Allen in your prayers. She passed away September 25 th.
Albert and Ruby Spears have recently moved to an assisted living center. Please pray that their
transition is smooth. Cards and visits are welcome. Their new address is:
Sterling House in Harbison
51 Woodcross Drive-Room 109
Columbia, SC 29212
After their move, Ruby fell and broke her hip. She had successful surgery at Richland
Memorial Hospital on September 29th. After she is released from the hospital, Ruby will need
therapy. Please keep Ruby in your prayers as she recovers from this surgery.
Please pray for the missionaries and for the people in northern Iraq as ISIS advances.
Donna Roberts requests prayer for her sister, Cynthia Luck, and her family. Her grandson,
Christian Luck, committed suicide on Saturday, September 27 th.
He was 16 years old. She and her family are devastated over the
loss. Please remember this family in your prayers.
Jim and Pat Hamilton joined Greenlawn on July 6th. They came from Spring Valley Baptist
Church. Both are retired and enjoying time with their grandchildren and great grandchildren.
They have lived in South Carolina for most of their lives and moved from Lexington to
Columbia. Please make them feel welcome.
Dr. Chris Andrews, son of Laurens and Sara Andrews, will be inducted into
the American College of Dentists on Thursday, October 8, 2014, in San
Antonio, Texas during the American Dental Association National meeting.
Members are nominated and selected on excellence, ethics, professionalism,
and leadership in the advancement of Dentistry. His practice is located at 6100
Garners Ferry Road, just a few blocks from Cedar Terrace where he grew up. Chris, Sheryl,
and their children, Matt and Emily, were once active members at Greenlawn. Congratulations
to Dr. Andrews!
Rick Wilson
Albert Spears
Sharon Davis
Lois Peake
Jean Cooper
Jeanette Mims
Joe Karr
Chris Cagle
Joshua Asbill
Jackie Hearn
Peggy Teague
David Ladele
Sandra Teague
Rothel San
Angela Teague
Lib Rentz
please let the Public
Relations Committee
know of any special events
that you want advertised.
Thank you!
Oops! Look what popped up in front of me!!
He got the donuts....
By: Phillip Jones
Joyce Wagster will be
presenting a concert on
October 19th at 6:00.
Please plan to join us
and bring a friend.
We acknowledge with appreciation your thoughtful gift in
support of the children. Your continuing love makes
possible this important ministry of Christian
Connie Maxwell Children’s Home
To Greenlawn Baptist Church,
Thank you for the beautiful potted plant that was sent
as remembrance at the passing of our father P.J. Jamison.
Kathryn Ison and Cindy Burns
Thank you so much for the delicious food that the Caring Committee provided after my dad’s
funeral. It was a tremendous help and fed us for several meals. I am sorry that my dad wasn’t
able to attend Greenlawn Baptist as he had planned, due to his decline in health.
Thank you for the love you’ve shown and your prayers during this time.
God Bless,
Cynthia Burns and the Family of P.J. Jamison
To the Congregation and Staff of Greenlawn Baptist Church,
On behalf of the outpatient case management team at Palmetto Health, I want to extend our
thanks for your recent donation of a toilet to a patient in desperate need of a bathroom
renovation! The donation was the start of something tremendous for an individual need. Thank
you for your generous spirit and caring congregation!
Jennifer Porth
Thanks to all who sent cards, made phone calls, visits, and brought meals after my heart
surgery. I am doing well in my recovery, although it is going too slow for me. I look forward to
being back in Bible Study and church in a few weeks. Your prayers and support have meant so
much to me and Carol.
Clyde Waters
Dear Dr. Cagle and the Greenlawn Baptist Church Community,
This is to happily inform you that we have received the two care package boxes that you sent
on 19 September. Our Troopers do appreciate the support and goodies that you sent to us.
Above all, we do cherish your prayers and kindest of thoughts to us. On behalf of the Task
Force Talon, 82nd Division, Combat Aviation Brigade from Fort Bragg, NC now here at
Baghram, Afghanistan, may God bless all of you.
Very respectfully in Christ,
Chaplain Paul John Camiring
Task Force Talon Chaplain, Bagram Air Field
Received to Date
$ 250,583.83
Spent to Date
$ 268,096.02
Transferred from Reserve
$ 17,512.19
We are nearing the end of 2014. If you would
like to review your Contribution Statement
before the end of the year, please contact
the Church Office. We will be happy to
send you a copy.
“So then each of us will give an account of
himself to God.” Romans 14:12
The Open Arms
Sunday School Class
is still collecting magazines
(not over 6 months old)
for the VA Hospital.
There is a box marked “VA”
for this purpose in Room 108
of the South Wing.
The Finance Committee has
recommended changes to the
Wedding and Facilities
Rental Policies. Due to the
current financial situation,
fees will be necessary for private use of
the facilities. These recommendations were
discussed at the Church Conference on
September 21st. To receive a copy for your
review, please contact Michelle in the Church
Office by calling 776-4074 or email her at
[email protected]. These items
will be discussed again at the next conference.
Thank you.
Be sure to make your reservation with
the church office by noon on Monday.
October 8th — Fried Chicken,
Macaroni & Cheese, Crowder Peas,
Cornbread, Chocolate Cake
October 15th — Bar-B-Que, BBQ Beans,
Cole Slaw, Rolls, Banana Pudding
October 22nd — Country Fried Steak,
Rice with Gravy, Squash Casserole,
Rolls, Peach Cobbler
October 29th — Chili Cook-Off
The cost to eat is a canned good for the
Food Bank and five cans to judge.
The Prayer Room
will be open on
Wednesday October 15th
from 11:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Come by to pray and praise!
Greenlawn Baptist Church Calendar
October 2014
Building Codes
FH=Fellowship Hall
MB=Meade Building
PR=Prayer Room
CB=Children’s Building
SW=South Wing
C=Choir Room
CR=Conference Room
11:00–1:00 Prayer Room
Open, SW
5:45 Supper
6:00-7:20 Awana Clubs
6:30 Pastor’s Bible Study
7:20 Sanctuary Choir
9:00 Public Relations
Committee Meeting, CR
9:15 Spooky Trail Meeting,
9:30 Prayer Committee
Meeting, PR
9:30 Early Choir Tune-Up
9:45 Sunday Morning Bible
11:00 Worship
3:00 Handbell Practice
4:00 Japanese Worship
Service, SW
6:00 Finance Committee 11:00–1:00 Prayer Room
Meeting, CR
Open, SW
5:45 Supper
6:00-7:20 Awana Clubs—
Weird Hair Night
6:30 Carol Elliott Seminar,
7:20 Sanctuary Choir
9:00 Children’s Committee
Meeting, P
9:30 Early Bird Choir
9:45 Sunday Morning Bible
11:00 Worship
3:00 Handbell Practice
6:00 Joyce Wagster Concert
5:45 Supper
6:00-7:20 Awana Clubs—
Missions Night
6:30 Pastor’s Bible Study
7:20 Sanctuary Choir
9:00 Church Council, CR
9:30 Early Bird Choir
9:45 Sunday Morning Bible
11:00 Worship with Chad
Holbrook, USC Baseball
3:00 Handbell Practice
Women’s Retreat
8:30 Deacons Meeting,
Room 108, SW
9:30 Early Bird Choir
9:45 Sunday Morning Bible
11:00 Worship
3:00 Handbell Practice
6:30-10:00 Youth
Clinton Sease Farm
7:30 Men’s Breakfast
5:45 Supper
Lizards Thicket, Garners 6:00-7:20 Awana Clubs—
Ferry Road
Black Out Night
6:30 Pastor’s Bible Study
11:00 Connie Hammond 7:20 Sanctuary Choir
-Florrie Rentz Mission
8:00 M&M Trip to
Charlotte, NC
5:45 Chili Cook-Off and
Pumpkin Carving
Greenlawn Spooky
No Regular Wednesday
Night Activities
Fellowship Hall
Greenlawn Baptist Church
6612 Garners Ferry Road
Columbia, SC 29209
Newsletter entries deadline is
the 23rd of every month.
GBC Children & Youth
Awana Clubs are going great! Don’t forget to invite your friends, wear your uniforms,
and learn your verses. Our Wednesday nights have been very exciting here at Greenlawn.
Thanks for being such a big part of that.
October 8th
October 15th
October 22nd
October 29th
Special Event Nights
Missions Night. Please bring 3 items for the Operation Christmas Child
Weird Hair Night
Blackout Night, so bring your flashlight.
No Awana, but come be a part of our chili cook-off and carve pumpkins!
GBC Children’s Event
Spooky Trails on Friday, October 31st. See page 4 of the newsletter for more details.
Clinton Sease Farm trip on October 17 from 6:30-10:00 p.m.
Eat dinner before you come. The cost is $5 for this event. Bring a flashlight!