Cognition, 51 (1994) OOlO-0277/94/$07.00 91 91-103 @ 1994 - Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. The influence of orthographic consistency on reading development: word recognition in English and German children Heinz Wimmer*‘“, Usha Goswamib “Institut fiir Psychologie, Hellbrunnerstrasse 34, A 5020 Salzburg, Austria bDepartment of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge Received August 27, 1992, final version accepted August CB2 3EB, UK 30, 1993 Abstract Groups of 7, 8, and 9-year-old children who were learning to read in English and German were given three different continuous reading tasks: a numeral reading task, a number word reading task, and a nonsense word reading task. The nonsense words could be read by analogy to the number words. Whereas reading time and error rates in numeral and number word reading were very similar across the two orthographies, the German children showed a big advantage in reading the nonsense words. This pattern of results is interpreted as evidence for the initial adoption of different strategies for word recognition in the two orthographies. German children appear to rely on assembling pronunciations via graphemephoneme conversion, and English children appear to rely more on some kind of direct recognition strategy. A model of reading development that takes account of orthographic consistency is proposed. Introduction Models of reading development have made the implicit assumption that stages of reading development are more or less uniform across different alphabetic We would like to thank the teachers and children of St. Laurence’s Primary School, Cambridge, England, and the Volkschule Bischofshofen, Austria. We also thank Michaela Juritsch, Sarah Pressley, and Barbara Klampfer for help in collecting and analysing the data. This research was partially supported by grants from the University of Salzburg, Austria, and St. John’s College, Cambridge. *Corresponding author. SSDZ 0010-0277(93)00581-W 92 H. Wimmer. orthographies. U. Goswami A plausible I Cognition 51 (lY94) 91-103 alternative, however, is that the transparency orthography will affect the development of reading. This direct and indirect. If an orthography is highly transparent, of the effect could be both with very consistent mappings from spelling to sound, then grapheme-phoneme should be easier to detect and use: a direct effect. In correspondences a less transparent orthography, the underlying rules will be less consistent, and may be more complex in terms of being context-sensitive and operating at different phonological levels. With such orthographies, it may be more adaptive initially to learn spelling patterns for individual words, and then to use various strategies such as analogy to try and read new words. One can also speculate that the consistency of the orthography could have an indirect effect on reading development via teaching methods. For a highly regular orthography grapheme-phoneme correspondences are obviously easy to teach, and the regularity of the orthography guarantees that grapheme-phoneme conversion and blending quite reliably results in correct word recognition. So a “phonics” approach is a quite convenient method to introduce children to reading. These advantages of a phonics approach are obviously reduced for a less regular orthography. If orthographic transparency affects reading development in the indirect and direct ways that we have described, then the assumption that stages of reading development are uniform across different alphabetic orthographies can be questioned. For example, two recent influential models of reading development have assumed that beginning readers will adopt a strategy of logographic reading, in which access to the lexicon is direct and visually based (Frith, 1985; Marsh, Friedman, Welch, & D&berg, 1981). In both models, this foundational logographic stage is followed by an alphabetic stage of decoding, in which graphemephoneme correspondences are used to assemble pronunciations. Frith has further proposed that the final stage in development is a return to direct access, with orthographic word recognition replacing or supplementing alphabetic reading. Orthographic reading is characterized by the use of spelling units that represent morphemes. However, while it is possible to argue that this sequence of stages may be characteristic of learning to read English, which has a relatively opaque orthography, this sequence may not apply to learning to read a highly transparent orthography such as German. In German, the mapping from graphemes to phonemes is largely consistent, especially for vowel graphemes. An adaptive strategy for young German readers would thus be to use grapheme-phoneme translation from the beginning of reading, omitting an initial stage of logographic access. In English, however, mappings at the grapheme-phoneme level are quite inconsistent, with vowel graphemes being particularly ambiguous. For young readers of English, it would be initially more adaptive to use varieties of direct access strategies, memorizing spelling patterns in order to build up a lexicon of H. Wimmer, U. Goswami orthographic recognition units from which analogies I Cognition 51 (1994) 91-103 93 to new words could be made, and context-sensitive grapheme-phoneme mappings could be derived. There is already indirect evidence that German children may not pass through an initial stage of logographic reading. Wimmer and Hummer (1990) found that the majority of errors made by children learning to read German were nonsense words, in marked contrast to children learning to read English, whose errors were largely (the wrong) real words (e.g., Seymour & Elder, 1986; Stuart & Coltheart, 1988). The preponderance of nonsense word errors in German implies that the children were reading words indirectly, by assembling pronunciations from The English children were apparently grapheme-phoneme correspondences. attempting to use direct access strategies to read words, resulting in real word rather than nonsense word errors. The present study attempts to provide a more direct test of our assumptions about the effects of orthographic consistency on reading development. In order to see whether English and German children in the early phases of learning to read differ in their reliance on direct access and assembled pronunciation, we chose to compare reading of simple number words with reading of nonwords derived from the number words. The number words chosen are very similar in the two orthographies (e.g., three, drei; seven, sieben). They are also familiar to young children, and may well be over-learned, making it likely that direct recognition units for these words are established quite early. The children were also asked to read aloud the corresponding numerals, for which pronunciation must be directly accessed. Finally, the children were asked to read nonsense words, which were derived from the number words by exchanging the initial consonantal graphemes, so that the spelling patterns corresponding to the sub-syllabic units of onsets and rimes remained undisturbed. For example, se12 was created from seven and ten, and zwehn was created from zwei and zehn. This method necessitated the omission of the numbers “one”, “eight” and “eleven”; otherwise all the numbers from two to twelve were used. Such nonsense words must be read indirectly, by assembling pronunciations. A full list of the nonsense words used is given in the Appendix. If our assumption about the initial difference in reading strategy between the two orthographies is correct, then English children, who may be more dependent on direct access strategies, should have difficulty in reading the nonsense words. The number words should present few problems. The German children, on the other hand, should have little difficulty with the nonsense word reading task, as they are used to assembling pronunciations. Number words should also be read by assembling pronunciations, although German children might already have direct recognition units for these typically over-learned words. It follows, therefore, that there should be an advantage for the German children compared to the English children in reading the nonsense words. No such difference would be expected for the number words. It is even possible that the English children might show an 94 H. Wimmer, early advantage pronunciations children U. Goswami I Cognition 51 (1994) 91-103 in number word reading if the German children for these words. For the numerals, the English were expected to perform need to assemble and the German comparably. Method Subjects Seventy-two English children (28 boys, 44 girls) and 81 Austrian children (41 boys, 40 girls) took part in the study (as the Austrian children were learning to read in German, they are referred to as “German” children throughout this paper for ease of exposition). There were three different age groups: 7-year-olds (23 English, 30 German), &year-olds (24 English, 30 German), and 9-year-olds (25 English, 21 German). The children of each country were chosen to be at about the same point in their school career. This meant in practice that the German children were somewhat older than the English children. The youngest group were in the middle of their second year of schooling (English children: mean age 7 years 0 months, range 6 years 3 months to 7 years 6 months; German children: mean age 7 years 10 months, range 7 years 4 months to 8 years 5 months), the middle group were in their third year of schooling (English children: mean age 8 years 0 months, range 7 years 7 months to 8 years 6 months; German children: 8 years 10 months, range 8 years 4 months to 9 years 10 months), and the oldest group were in their fourth year of schooling (English children: 9 years 0 months, range 8 years 7 months to 9 years 5 months; German children: 9 years 11 months, range 9 years 2 months to 10 years 10 months). The method of teaching reading was somewhat different for the German and the English children. The school attended by the German children used a rather systematic phonics approach. The main characteristics are that all graphemes including the multi-letter graphemes are slowly introduced and immediately used for word recognition via grapheme-phoneme conversion and blending. The first graphemes are for vowels and continuants to make phoneme blending easier. In the beginning children are induced to utter the assembled pronunciations as “word preforms”, which are then followed by the correct pronunciations. There are also attempts to make children aware of correspondences between larger parts of word spellings and word pronunciations by presenting lists of rhyming words with identical spelling patterns. The school attended by the English children introduced reading by using a combination of a phonics and a whole word reading scheme. The whole word scheme used “look-and-say”, and the phonics scheme placed emphasis on individual grapheme-phoneme correspondences for single letters and blends. “Word patterns” were also taught to the children in terms of “families” with the H. Wimmer, II. Goswami I Cognition 51 (1994) 91-103 same rhyming or beginning to be used throughout sounds. This mixture of teaching methods 95 continued the first few years. Procedure Each continuous child was seen for a single experimental reading tasks were administered. session, These in which three were respectively different a numeral reading task, a number word reading task, and a nonsense word reading task. Each task consisted of two lists of 18 items, created by including each of the nine items selected for the study twice in each list. The presentation of the lists was intended to mimic “real” reading, and so the items appeared in sequence printed left-to-right on a single page in separate lines of text. The numerals were positioned to correspond with the positions of the first letter in each number word or nonsense word. The two lists for each task were given in immediate succession. However, although the order of the items in each pair of lists was varied, the order of the items in the lists for each task was the same. Thus if one numeral list began “2, 10, 7 . .“) the corresponding number word list would begin “two, ten, seven. . .“, and the nonsense word list would begin “thro, sen, feven . .“. An additional ordering constraint was that the numbers never appeared in ordinal sequence in any list. There were six different orders of the pairs of lists. The child was asked to read each list as quickly and as accurately as possible. If a child paused for too long on a particular item, he or she was encouraged to miss that item out and continue reading. The children were timed on their reading of each of the six lists, and any errors were noted. Prior to receiving the experimental tasks, the children were given a practice session in which examples of all three tasks were presented. In the practice session, lists of six items were used, and the child was encouraged to read through the items as quickly as possible. The aim was to familiarize the children both with the need to read fast, and with the characteristics of the different tasks. Results Performance was analysed in two ways: in terms of reading speed per item, and the overall number of errors per task. Reading speed was averaged across the two lists used for each task.’ Very few children made errors in reading the numerals or ‘These measures were highly reliable across lists, although there were so few errors on numeral and number word reading that reliabilities could only be computed for reading time. The partial correlations (with age partialled out) between the reading time for the two lists of numerals were 0.79 (English) and 0.83 (German). The corresponding correlations for the number words were 0.86 and 0.93, respectively. For the nonsense words, the correlations were 0.87 (English) and 0.85 (German). 96 H. Wimmer, the number U. Goswami words aloud. I Cognition Four 51 (1994) 91-103 German children made a single error in reading numerals, and one child made two errors. Six German children made a single error in reading the number words, and one made two errors. No English children made errors in reading the numerals, but seven children made errors in reading the number words, the number of errors ranging from 2 to 16. Although the number of children erring with the number words was the same in the two orthographies, some of the English children who erred made many more errors. The most striking difference in the number of errors across the two orthographies occurred for the nonsense words, despite the fact that a very lenient scoring criterion was used. Nonsense word pronunciations were scored as correct whenever a real word analogue for the chosen pronunciation existed. Thus for the nonsense word nour, pronunciations that rhymed with our and tour as well as with four were counted as correct. The number of errors made by the different age groups is shown in Table 1. For the German children, the number of errors was low even for the youngest children, whereas for the English children the number of errors was much higher, and remained much higher. It is remarkable that the oldest English children were making more errors in reading the nonsense despite their greater reading exwords than the youngest German children, perience. The raw error scores were subjected to a 2 X 3 (orthography, English, German) x Age (7, 8 and 9 years) analysis of variance. The analysis showed only a significant main effect of orthography, F(1,147) = 42.9, p < ,001, confirming that the German children made significantly fewer errors at every age level. This implies that the German children found it easy to assemble pronunciations, whereas the English children did not. The high number of errors made by the English children in nonsense word reading cannot be explained by a tendency to trade accuracy for speed. In fact, there was a positive correlation between the number of errors and reading time in both orthography groups, but this correlation was much higher for the English children (r = .74) than for the German children (r = .22). As well as the difference in the central tendency of the error scores across orthography, there was a large difference in the dispersion of the errors as well. Table 1 shows that the standard deviations of the English children were between Table 1. Means (medians) words and standard deviations of errors for the nonsense M W4 SD Y-year-olds 8-year-olds 7-year-olds English German English German English German 12.3 (12) 9.9 4.8 (3.5) 4.4 13.4 (12) 11.6 2.6 (2) 2.0 8.8 (4) 9.7 3.4 (3) 2.5 H. Wimmer, U. Goswami two and five times larger than those of the German I Cognition 51 (1994) 91-103 children. This reflects 97 the fact that the range of errors was much greater for the former group. Inspection of individual error scores showed that 22 English children read the majority (19 or more) of the nonsense words incorrectly, whereas 16 English children made either no errors, or only one error. age of these two groups. words incorrectly. Interestingly, No German child there read was no difference the majority in the mean of the nonsense The remarkable differences in the nonsense word reading skills of the English children could be taken as evidence for two distinct reading styles: an indirect style of word recognition relying on letter-sound conversion, and a direct style based on whole-word recognition. If this were the case then one might expect that the good nonsense word readers (who rely on indirect strategies) ,should be slow in reading the number words, whereas the poor nonsense word readers (direct strategies) should exhibit fast and accurate reading of these frequent number words. Closer inspection of the data, however, revealed that this was not the case. The poor nonsense word readers were also much slower at reading the number words, and made errors on them. They took on average 1.26 s per number word versus 0.5 s for the good nonsense word readers, and some of the poor nonsense word readers made a large number of errors (four of the children made 10 or more errors, while 14 made no errors). Therefore, the poor non-word readers are better characterized as being generally poorer readers than as readers who rely on wholistic word recognition. The kind of errors made by readers of the two orthographies provided further evidence for a difference in reading strategy. The German children never refused to attempt to read a nonsense word, whereas there were 37 refusals from the English children, 28 of these from the youngest group. For the youngest German group, the majority of errors were other nonsense words (e.g., “zweir” for zwier, “sum” for stint, “breun” for dreun). This supports the view that these children were reading the nonsense words by assembling pronunciations. Furthermore, an extremely high correlation between number word reading speed and nonsense word reading speed (r = .93) was found for this group, suggesting that the same strategy was being adopted in reading the number words. For the young English children, the majority of the errors were real words. Many of these were plausible real word guesses based on orthographic similarity. The most frequent error was to read sen as “seen”. Other examples of errors include “thing” for thrine, and “twix” (the name of a popular chocolate snack) for tix. The two older German groups made very few errors overall. The errors that were made were largely real word errors, many of these being number words (e.g., “sieben” for zieben). The older English groups continued to produce real word errors, and very few of these errors were number words. Finally, for the English children, the correlations between number word reading time and nonsense word reading time increased with age, r = .58, r = .57 and r = .71, respectively. For the German children, 98 H. Wimmer, ZJ. Goswami Table 2. I Cognition 51 (1994) 91-103 Means (medians) and standard deviations of the reading time per item for numerals, number words and nonsense words 7-year-olds 8-year-olds 9-year-olds Tasks English German English German English German Numerals M (Md) SD 0.56 (0.53) 0.12 0.68 (0.68) 0.19 0.59 (0.58) 0.13 0.59 (0.58) 0.13 0.52 (0.50) 0.13 0.53 (0.50) 0.12 Number words M (Md) 0.82 (0.61) SD 0.57 1.39 (1.07) 0.89 0.83 (0.64) 0.66 0.71 (0.64) 0.25 0.62 (0.56) 0.26 0.60 (0.50) 0.22 Nonwords M (Md) SD 2.14 (1.88) 1.14 2.90 (2.50) 1.95 1.53 (1.42) 0.61 2.03 (1.39) 1.35 1.30 (1.22) 0.48 3.30 (2.31) 2.83 these correlations decreased with age (r = .93, r = .72 and r = .65, respectively). Differences in reading time largely reflected the pattern of differences found for the errors. Mean reading times per item for the three tasks are shown in Table the largest differences 2, separated by orthography and age. As expected, occurred for the nonsense words, which the German children read consistently more quickly than the English children. For the number words and the numerals, there was an apparent difference in reading time for the the youngest groups only, the German children being slightly slower. A 2 x 3 x 3 (orthography, German, English) x Age (7, 8 and 9 years) X Task (numerals, number words, nonsense words) analysis of variance taking mean reading time per item as the dependent variable showed the predicted interaction between orthography and task, F(2,294) = 24.3, p < .OOl. Exactly the same interaction was found when the mean reading time per item measure was log-transformed to reduce the effect of outliers, F(2,294) = 27.5, p < .OOl. Post hoc inspection (Newman-Keuls) of the former interaction confirmed that it arose from a difference in reading time for the nonsense words only. The German children read these words significantly faster than the English children (p < .Ol). No other interactions with orthography were significant. As was the case for errors, the variance in speed was much greater for the English children than for the German children. The effects of orthography are thus highly consistent across both measures. Discussion The results of this study are very straightforward. The only difference, was a remarkable one, between the English and the German children and it was in H. Wimmer, reading the nonsense words. A substantial U. Goswami number I Cognition of English 51 (1994) 91-103 children 99 at each age group had enormous difficulty in deriving acceptable pronunciations for these words, while for German children - even for the youngest ones - nonsense word reading posed little difficulty. In number word and numeral reading, however, children learning to read in the two orthographies performed at very similar levels. The youngest English children were even slightly faster at these tasks, ruling out the possibility that differences in age or in amount of schooling accounted for the nonsense word differences that were found. The difficulties that the English children experienced in reading the nonsense words are even more surprising when the nature of these words and the set-up of our task are taken into account. The nonsense words shared the same onset and rime grapheme clusters as the number words, and were repeated four times over the two lists. Furthermore, the children received a practice trial with number words before beginning the experiment, which may have encouraged them to think of using number word analogies when they saw the nonsense words. So the nonsense word reading task should have been an easy one, especially given the lenient scoring system that was used, in which every plausible pronunciation for the nonsense words was counted as correct. The fact that even the youngest German children experienced very little difficulty with nonsense word reading suggests that their preferred reading strategy is an indirect one. This interpretation is also supported by the close-toperfect correlation between number word reading time and nonsense word reading time, the tendency to produce nonsense word errors, and the lack of reading refusals shown by these children. In contrast, the difficulty in reading nonsense words, the lower correlation between number word reading time and nonsense word reading time, the preponderance of word errors, and the reading refusals shown by the young English children suggest that a substantial number of them may have been relying on some kind of direct recognition strategy in reading with little ability to assemble pronunciations for nonsense words. This difficulty in nonsense word reading was still observed for some of the oldest English children. On the other hand the older German children might be expected to show a corresponding impairment in the acquisition of fast direct word recognition. However, there was little evidence for this. The 9-year-old German children tended to read the number words as fast as the corresponding digits. This suggests that in the case of frequent words they relied on direct access to pronunciation. In summary, the German children appeared to move into reading by relying heavily on word recognition via assembled pronunciation, and from there move on to direct word recognition for frequently encountered words. The English children, in contrast, tended to move into reading by relying on direct word recognition. These differing approaches may plausibly be interpreted as a combined effect of the difference in orthographic consistency between German and English and the instructional regimes in the two countries. As mentioned, the 100 H. Wimmer, CJ. Goswami I Cognition 51 (1994) 91-103 German children had been exposed to a systematic phonics based approach, while the English children had been exposed to a combination of whole-word and phonics methods. However, it is unlikely that the present findings can be explained difference certainly solely in terms of the differences in instructional in teaching could itself arise from orthographic easier to teach grapheme-phoneme correspondences English. Secondly, the finding that the oldest more errors in reading nonsense words than approach. Firstly, this consistency, as it is in German than in group of English children made the youngest group of German children goes directly against such an explanation. The oldest English children would have received more instruction in phonics than their younger German counterparts even though this instruction was combined with other methods. The pattern shown by the young English children - successful performance with the number words, and difficulty with the nonsense words-can be interpreted in two ways. The traditional dual-route assumption has been that nonsense word reading depends on assembled phonology (grapheme-phoneme conversion), which in some well-known developmental models of reading is represented by a stage of alphabetic reading that supplements the initial direct (logographic) stage (Frith, 1985; Marsh et al., 1981). According to these models, the English difficulty in nonsense word reading would be explained by some children relying largely on a logographic reading strategy, and having a rather under-developed alphabetic strategy. More recently, an alternative conceptualization of the logographic stage has been proposed. According to this reformulation, even the earliest recognition units are not purely visual, but are linked to phonology (e.g., Ehri, 1992; Perfetti, 1992; Stuart & Coltheart, 1988). The proposal is that the recognition units are composed of some letters which are linked. to phonemic segments of the corresponding entries in the mental lexicon. For example, the recognition unit for a word like “bat” might be b. t. As this recognition unit is only partial, it would be instantiated not only by bat, but also by words like bet and boat. While we agree that successful young readers of English use a direct access strategy that has phonological underpinning, in our view this phonological underpinning would initially be predominantly at the onset-rime level. There are several pieces of evidence for this idea. Firstly, it has been shown that an important predictor of early reading in English is a pre-school sensitivity to onset and rime (e.g., Bradley & Bryant, 1985; Maclean, Bryant, & Bradley, 1987). Secondly, it has been shown that children can read new words by analogy from the beginning of learning to read, and that these analogies are based on onsetrime units. If children are taught to read a word like beak, then they can use this word as a basis for reading a new word like peak (rime analogy), and if they are taught to read a word like trim, then they can use it as a basis for reading trot (onset analogy; Goswami, 1986, 1988, 1991). Finally, phonologically able children make more such analogies (Goswami, 1990; Goswami & Mead, 1992). These H. Wimmer, that children with U. Goswami good I Cognition phonological 51 (1994) 91-103 awareness skills 101 findings suggest establish in terms recognition units for beak and trim that are phonologically underpinned of the grapheme clusters that correspond to the onset and the rime (see will also Goswami, 1993). Children with poorer phonological awareness skills may develop recognition units with erratic or weak underpinning at the onset-rime level. The idea that some children establish phonologically underpinned recognition units from the beginning of learning to read while others do not concurs with the tremendous variation in English nonsense word reading found in the present study. Some English children, even in the youngest group, had no difficulty in reading the nonsense words correctly, suggesting that they were making analogies to known words, or had already developed some context-sensitive graphemephoneme rules. Others, however, made many mistakes in reading the nonsense words, despite reading all of the number words correctly. For these children, the direct recognition units underlying number word reading may have had inadequate phonological underpinning, and so could not easily be used as a basis for analogies to the nonsense words. Such inadequate phonological underpinning could be a consequence of poor phonological skills. Although the phonological skills of individual children were not measured in this study, the link between phonological ability and nonsense word reading is well-established (e.g., Baddeley, Ellis, Miles, & Lewis, 1982; Frith & Snowling, 1983; Olson, Davidson, Kliegl, & Foltz, 1985). Our proposal that it is phonological underpinning at the onset-rime level that is important in establishing direct recognition units may apply to German, too, but such graphemic units may only emerge later in reading development. There is no reason to assume that German children are not aware of onsets and rimes from the beginning of reading, but they initially rely on grapheme-phoneme correspondences when decoding the orthography. However, a continued reliance on assembled pronunciations would not allow German children to become fast readers and accurate spellers, whereas the establishment of recognition units for written words would. Take the example of reading the word Strand (beach). The first time that a German child sees this word, he or she may assemble the pronunciation for the initial consonant cluster “str-” by a laborious process of grapheme-phoneme conversion. The phonologically able child, however, may code the graphemic cluster Str- as the onset, setting up a direct recognition unit for Strand that includes this coding. This recognition unit would then allow the fast decoding of other words that begin with the same onset by analogy to Strand, like StruJ3e, Strafe, Stroh, or Strung. There is evidence for this part of our developmental model too. Wimmer, Landerl, and Schneider (in press) investigated the relationship between onset and rime sensitivity and reading development in German, using the oddity task developed by Bradley and Bryant (1985). The onset-rime measures, which were 102 H. Wimmer, lJ. Goswami taken before the German I Cognition 51 (1994) 91-103 children went to school, early reading development in German. German depends on grapheme-phoneme were only weakly predictive of This is not surprising, as early reading in translation. However, the onset-rime measures did become predictive later in the reading process. Both reading speed and spelling accuracy were highly correlated with these measures at around 9-10 years of age. This suggests that word recognition units that are underpinned at the onset-rime of learning level are indeed to read. established for German children, but at a later phase In summary, our model proposes that phonological skills at the onset-rime level play a crucial role in structuring the recognition units underlying direct access in any orthography. The timing of direct access will depend on orthographic consistency and instructional bias. As our results show, English and German children differ in the point at which they begin using direct access strategies in reading. In the early phases of learning to read German, the highly transparent orthography encourages word recognition via grapheme-phoneme conversion. This strategy confers the obvious advantage of allowing a child to read almost any new word that is encountered. Less transparent orthographies such as English make the use of grapheme-phoneme translation to recognize words less reliable, and encourage a reliance on direct access. In the later phases of reading, where the goal is fast reading for meaning, these early differences in reading strategies will diminish. In order to achieve fast reading for meaning, children learning to read in any alpahabetic orthography need to develop direct word recognition strategies and stop assembling pronunciations via graphemephoneme translation. The use of direct recognition ensures automaticity. 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